Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Apr 1, 2001



Feedback:I love feedback, but who doesn't. Please send to

Disclaimer:I don't know Nsync or any other celebrity mentioned in this story. I don't know their sexual preferences. This is total fiction and a part of my wild imagination.

Ok so here's chapter five. Thank you so much to all of the wonderful people that send such great feedback.

Chapter five ****************** Chris, Lance, and JC turned to the door as Justin and Joey left the bathroom. Lance wondered what was wrong with Justin; he had not been himself since crawling out of bed. Chris could not be bothered worrying about anyone when he was having a crisis over no jelly donuts. JC was hoping that Justin would soon be back to normal again. The Justin of the previous night freaked him out.

"So did you guys save me some food?" Justin asked casually.

Lance smiled at Justin, "Hey Justin, I ordered cereal for you."

Justin made his way to the room service cart, "Thanks Lance."

"No jelly donuts, nothing good to eat. I can't eat fruit. Bagels are like Busta's treats. I'm going to starve until lunch. Who ordered this garbage," Chris ranted.

"Chris don't you think you put enough crap in your system last night with all of that alcohol? Eat something healthy for once, I promise it won't kill you," Lance placated.

Chris grumbled under his breath while making his way back to the room service cart. Justin laughed, seeing Chris smearing about an inch of strawberry cream cheese on a bagel. Lance rolled his eyes in defeat.

"JC, why are you so quiet this morning? Did your little friend fuck your brains out," Chris asked around a mouth full of bagel.

"I do the fucking Chris, I'm always the fucker not the fuckee," JC stated dryly.

Joey glanced at Justin to see that he wasn't too upset by Chris and JC's conversation. Justin gave Joey a sad smile and a nod to let him know he was ok.

Chris snorted. "So, what, it's better to give than receive?"

JC gave Chris a look of contempt. "I wouldn't know, I don't receive."

"Ever," Justin blurted out.

JC looked warily at Justin. "No Justin, I never have."

"So you don't take it like a man?" Chris laughed in glee at his joke.

"Shut up, Chris," Joey warned.

"Why not," Justin questioned JC; totally oblivious of the glares Joey was sending Chris.

"Jesus Joe, what crawled up your ass," Chris retorted.

"If you don't drop it right now, my foot will be crawling up your ass," Joey advised in a steely tone.

"So, what does everybody want to do today," Lance as usual played the part of the pacifist.

"I think I wanna just stay here and chill out, maybe watch some movies. What about you Justin you wanna stay here and hang with me," Joey smiled encouragingly at Justin.

Chris cut in before Justin could answer. "Gee it's nice to feel wanted."

Lance, trying to keep everyone calm, spoke up quietly, "Hey that's cool; JC, Chris and I can hit the mall or something."

JC eyed Joey suspiciously. "Actually, I think I'll stay in too. You know what happens when you two are left alone together. I don't want to be bailing you guys out of jail two weeks in a row." JC dared Joey with his eyes to dispute his plans.

"Josh that's not really fair. We didn't start that fight," Justin defended himself and Joey.

"So you keep saying but, neither of you will tell what really went down," JC said, frowning at Justin.

Joey jumped in to keep JC and Justin from arguing. "That's not really important now is it? We wouldn't lie to you; we didn't start that fight."

"I still don't see how you can say that. The police told me that you threw the first punch," JC looked at Joey with skepticism.

"Come on Josh, Joey really didn't start it. So what if he threw the first punch, that asshole had it coming," Justin shuddered at the memory of that night.

"Even so Justin, Joey got into a fight with someone who has the power to ruin us at a club and dragged you into it. Therefore you two should not be left alone together," JC defended his original plan.

"I'd never do anything to put Justin in danger, and I resent the fact that you think I would." Joey stood angrily from his seat next to Justin on the sofa.

"Why don't we all just stay in and spend the day together?" Lance tried to calm JC and Joey before a fight broke out.

Justin smiled at Lance. "Thanks Lance, but I don't think it's going to work this time." Justin then turned to Joey. "Joey why don't you just tell Josh what happened, so he'll know it was my fault and stop blaming you."

"No Justin, it wasn't your fault. Carson Daly is a fucking asshole that needs to learn to keep his mouth shut and his hands to himself," Joey soothed the visibly upset younger man.

Chris having been quiet up to that point spoke up with a loud laugh. "Carson hit on you Joey?"

"Chris, please stay out of this. It's already bad enough without your asinine comments," Joey groaned pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and finger.

"So tell me what happened. It will all be dropped and never mentioned

again," JC looked between Justin and Joey waiting for an answer.

Justin looked to Joey for approval. "Joey I think we should tell them, they have the right to know why Carson is threatening to have us banned from


"I won't stop you if you want to tell them, I just don't think it's a good idea," Joey warned Justin.

JC with an icy rage in his eyes turned to Joey. "Joey we're all in this group together, we shouldn't have secrets that could potentially cause trouble for one or more of us. Now, if you or Justin are in some kind of trouble you need to tell us so we can help you deal with it."

Justin sat down on the sofa next to Joey again. "We're not in trouble. Carson is being dealt with. No matter how pissed he is, he can't have our videos banned from MTV. He can't even keep us from appearing on TRL. I just hate the fact that because of me your careers were put in jeopardy too."

JC gave an impatient sigh. "Just tell me what happened. You say it's your fault, Joey says it's not. You guys can't go getting in fights just because he insulted our music or any other stupid thing."

Joey jumped from the sofa in a rage; "He didn't insult our fucking music, you ass! He insulted and assaulted Justin."

Chris chimed in jokingly. "Aww, Justin, did Carson call you pretty again?"

"Shut up Chris! That's not even fucking funny. This isn't something to laugh about. If you can't be serious for once get the hell out of here," Joey shouted angrily.

Chris moved to sit on the bed. "I'm sorry man. I've never seen you like this. What did that prick do?"

"Umm, why is it ok for you to beat him up, but we can't even know what happened," Lance asked quietly.

"Because I just wanted to hurt him, not kill him," Joey replied calmly.

JC, losing all patience, stopped in front of the sofa and glared at Joey and Justin. "Who the hell would want to kill him? I want to know what happened and I want to know now. One of you start talking."

Joey slid a protective arm around Justin's shoulders; "You're the reason we didn't want anyone to know. Now just sit down and shut up and listen. Do NOT interrupt, just listen, and keep your ass calm."

Justin decided that since it was his fault he would tell the story. "Joey and I were out in the middle of the crowd dancing and I had to go to the restroom. Joey wanted to walk with me, but I told him I'd be fine. I hadn't got to the restroom yet when someone grabbed my arm. I turned and saw it was Carson. I could tell he was drunk but I figured it would be ok, that he'd just be his usual obnoxious self and then wander off. He didn't though he dragged me down the hallway by my arm. He asked me why I was out all by myself. I told him I was there with Joey. He laughed this really evil sounding laugh and asked why they'd let such a pretty thing run around all alone. I tried to pull my arm away from him, but he wouldn't let go. He started touching me; I tried to stop him. He was like someone possessed. He was so strong. He had this look in his eyes that sent chills through me. He put his hand in my pants and started squeezing really hard. He had the other hand around my neck. God it hurt so bad, I could hardly breathe," Justin stopped talking only to begin taking ragged breaths.

"Justin had been gone longer than it would take to just go to the restroom, so I went looking for him. I found Justin backed up to the wall with this look of excruciating pain and terror in his face. I saw then that Carson had one hand in Justin's pants and the other was wrapped around his neck. I grabbed him and slammed him into the wall. I told him if I ever saw him near Justin again he'd live to regret it. He laughed and said that we should keep Justin on a leash if we didn't want him having any fun because he came on to him. I was pissed, I knew Justin wouldn't do that, I could see it in his eyes that it was a lie. I told him he was a fucking liar and to stay away from Justin. He just sneered and said one day there wouldn't be anyone around to play babysitter and then he'd ride Justin's ass like the whore that he is. I hit him, I couldn't stop myself, I wanted to wipe that smug look off the bastard's face. He kneed me in the balls, that's how he got me down. Justin saw I was down and then he jumped Carson. I'm not sure what happened from there, but someone called the police. Next thing I know we're in jail," Joey finished the story, he knew Justin couldn't.

Chris was speechless for once, and just sat on the bed staring from Joey to Justin and back again. Lance looked horrified. JC kneeled down in front of Justin and placed his hand on Justin's cheek, gently caressing it before standing again. The other four members looked on in dread when JC turned to the door.

"Where are you going Josh?" Justin asked in a weak voice.

JC kept his back to his friends while opening the door, "To find Carson Daly and rip his fucking balls off and feed them to him," he told them with pure rage in his voice.

"Shit, I knew this would happen," Joey jumped from the sofa to stop JC while the other three men looked on in shock.


Next: Chapter 6

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