Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Apr 4, 2001


Feedback:I adore feedback so please send me some. Even those of you who have already sent such great feedback send some more. LOL I promise I won't bite.

Dedication:This one goes to Silla because she just makes me laugh with her great e-mails.

Disclaimer:I don't know Nsync or any other celebrity mentioned in this story. This story is strictly fiction and a figment of my imagination.

chapter six ******************** Joey rushed from the room to stop JC from going after Carson. The three remaining men followed, after the initial shock wore off. They found Joey and JC in the hall near the elevator with Joey restraining JC by holding his arm in a tight grasp. JC looked ready to hit Joey.

"Let me go Joey," JC growled.

"I'm not going to, not until you calm down."

JC jerked on his arm trying to pull away from Joey. "Joey I'm not kidding let go now!"

"Come on JC let it go. It's over now." Joey said softly.

JC sighed softly. "I can't just let it go, maybe you can but I can't."

Justin stepped over to JC and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Josh there's nothing you can do, Joey kicked his ass. Just let it go, please."

"I can't Justin. Joey shouldn't have had to kick his ass and you never should have had to go through that. I'm going to show Daly that nobody fucks with my best friend." JC said with determination.

Justin stroked JC's shoulder attempting to calm him. "Let him go Joey. Josh, do what you want, but it's not going to change anything. Come on why don't we all go make plans for our day off."

"Justin is that what last night was about? Just because someone does that to you doesn't mean you're gay." JC said quietly.

Chris being his usual tactless self could not remain quiet. "Justin's gay? When did that happen? Wait a minute, is that why you've been spending so much time with Joey lately? Do you have a thing for Joey? Oh my god! Are you and Joey doing the horizontal hokey pokey?"

All four men turned to look at Chris, Lance in disbelief, Joey with disgust, Justin with amusement, and JC with barely concealed rage.

"Chris this is not the time for your smart assed comments." JC said, glaring at Chris.

Justin interrupted JC's tirade before it got out of control. "I don't have a thing for Joey and no we aren't sleeping together. Joey's not gay, incase you've forgotten."

"Well we didn't think you were either, so it's not such a long shot." Chris said, defending himself.

"This is fucking stupid. Chris, it's not really any of your business if Justin and Joey are fucking. Now, I'm leaving, don't try to stop me again, it won't work." JC told his friends, leaving no room for compromise.

Justin moved to follow JC. "Well I'm coming with you."

Joey followed Justin. "Me too."

"Fine, Im not waiting, if youre coming let`s go." JC sighed in resignation.

"God why didn't I join the Backstreet Boys? Carson fucking Daly never would have hit on Nick Carter. He's not pretty enough," Lance muttered to himself as he followed the others onto the elevator.

The five members of Nsync made it to the front doors of the hotel, where their bodyguards stopped them. The bigger men refused to let the young men in their care go alone. The singers finally agreed to take the bodyguards, as long as they didn't interfere, unless it was absolutely necessary. They all climbed into the limo and headed for the MTV studios.

"Josh you're not going to confront him at work, are you?" Justin asked fretfully.

"I don't care where he is. He's going to know not to ever mess with any member of Nsync again," JC affirmed.

"What if he's in the middle of a show or something," Justin inquired hesitantly.

"I'll wait until he's finished, but I'm not leaving," JC informed Justin.

Lance placed his head in his hands and moaned. "When did we become Motley Crue? Why can't we just be the nice quiet guys we were in the beginning? Is that too much to ask? What did I ever do to deserve this? I must have really pissed somebody off in a former life. Why didn't they wait and tell JC after we left New York? Why the hell am I talking to myself? Duh, it's because nobody ever listens to me anyway."

"Oh shit the drama queen's back. Hey wait, if Lance is a queen does that mean he's gay too? That'd be fucking cool. Justin and Joey are fucking each other, JC fucks any man that moves and Lance is just fucked. I'd get all the women for sure. YES! I'm finally gonna get laid," Chris squealed, doing a happy dance in his seat.

Lance groaned while banging his head against the window. Justin and Joey laughed while JC shot Chris a dirty look.

"Why is everything a fucking joke with you? I don't fuck everything that moves. I haven't fucked you. You need to get off the trip about Justin and Joey, they already told you it's not true. When or if they ever get together, I'm sure that you'll be the first to know. Don't mess with Lance anymore, the boy's even more messed up than you are." JC told Chris in a tone that was not to be argued with.

Everyone decided it would be best to remain quiet the rest of the way to the MTV studios. The tension had Justin squirming in his seat, which irritated JC, who was seated next to him. Lance continued banging his head lightly on the window and talking to himself under his breath. Joey sat watching Justin, he knew Justin wasn't taking this as well as he let on. Chris chewed on his fingernails, hoping that they'd be done quickly because he was hungry.

The five waited in Carson Daly's office. JC sat in Carson's chair with his feet on the desk. Lance sat perched on the edge of the chair across from JC. Chris sprawled out on the sofa that was along the wall. Justin leaned against the wall near the door. Joey chose to stay close to Justin in case he was needed.

"How long does it take him to finish signing fucking autographs? He doesn't have that many fans," JC said impatiently.

"Well, maybe you should have had them tell him that we're here," Joey replied.

Carson entered the room to find the five young men waiting for him. "Should I assume from this visit that the pretty one went crying to the rest of the babysitters," He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"If you value your life Daly, you'll shut your fucking mouth," JC warned.

Carson walked over to his desk and knocked JC's feet off. "It's nice to see you too. Keep your feet off my desk and get your ass out of my chair."

JC moved around the desk to face his adversary. "We're not here to exchange pleasantries. You sick fuck." JC shoved Carson into the wall.

"Don't push me Chasez, I'll snap your puny neck like a twig." Carson pushed JC back, causing him to stumble into Justin.

"Come on Josh, let's just go," Justin pleaded.

JC pulled away from Justin. "Justin, we're not just leaving. He's not going to get away with what he did to you."

Carson turned to Joey. "Hmm, looks like the pretty little whore's already moved on, or do you all share him?" He sneered.

JC launched his body at Carson, hitting him in the jaw with a closed fist. Carson fell backwards onto his desk. JC followed, forcing his arm into Carson's throat.

"Let's get a few things straight. You will not talk to, touch, or even look at Justin ever again without permission. You won't talk about him. Hell, don 't even think about him. Don't so much as let me catch you within five feet of him. You're not fit to breathe the same air as Justin. Do I make myself clear," JC snarled in Carson's face.

Carson struggled to nod his head yes with JC's arm still pressing his throat. JC slowly removed his arm. Carson moved away, red faced and struggling for air. "You'll pay for this Chasez; I'll ruin you," Carson wheezed.

"You breathe a word of this, and you'll wish you were dead." JC said, stepping threateningly toward Daly.

"He must be one hell of a fuck, because you've just ruined your career for him. There won't be another Nsync video aired on MTV or any TRL appearances. Do you think Nsync will last long without MTV? So now tell me, is Justin that good in the sack," Carson challenged JC.

JC charged Carson once again. Carson was ready, stopping him with a fist in the face and knocking him to the floor. Daly kicked JC twice in the ribs as he was pulling himself up off of the floor. The other members of Nsync rushed to help JC. Justin jumped Carson, hitting him, not caring where the blows landed. Joey attempted to pull Justin off without much luck. Lance knelt next to JC on the floor. Chris rushed from the room to get help.

Joey managed to drag Justin away from Carson. Carson struck Justin in the face as Joey was pulling him off. JC flung himself at Daly, knocking him back down on the desk. He wrapped his hands around Carson's throat, trying to strangle him. Chris returned with their bodyguards in time for them to pull JC off of the gasping man.

"Remember what I said, next time there won't be anyone to stop me from killing you," JC warned Carson.

"JC, we need to go to the hospital. Justin's bleeding and you aren't looking too hot either," Lance said approaching JC cautiously.

JC turned away from Carson, leaving him on the desk holding his throat and gasping for air. "I'm fine Lance. Is Justin all right?"

JC and Lance rushed to the door when they heard shouting in the hallway. They found Justin struggling to stand up off of the floor while Joey was trying to hold him down.

"Joey let me go; I need to make sure Josh is OK." Justin said, pulling his arm that was in Joey's grasp.

Joey continued to hold Justin down. "Justin sit your ass down, your head is bleeding like a stuck pig. JC will be out in a minute; Lance went to get him. You really shouldn't have jumped on Carson like that. Messing up your face isn't going to help your plans to get JC. He's not gonna want some black, blue and bloody mess."

"Justin are you all right," JC asked kneeling beside Justin, ignoring the last of Joey's comments to Justin.

Justin placed his hand lightly on JC's jaw where a bruise was already starting to show. "I'm ok Josh; he caught me in the temple with a ring. I'll probably need a couple stitches, but it looks a lot worse than it is. Are you ok? How are your ribs?"

"They're probably just bruised, but it hurts like hell. Let's get to the hospital, your head needs stitched up," JC said, helping Justin to his feet.

"You better get Lance to watch Chris; we don't want him mistaken for a mental patient again," Justin said with a laugh.

"Shut up Curly, that was one time. I had too much sugar that day, you asshole's didn't help any by saying you didn't know me." Chris stomped away like a petulant child.


Next: Chapter 7

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