Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Apr 8, 2001


Hey everybody, I finally got chapter seven finished. Blame JC he wasn't cooperating with me.LOL.

Feedback:Pretty please, I'll be your friend for life.

Dedication:To Silla because she's so great to chat with at two am. She keeps me thinking.

Recommendations:Thin line between love and hate. By Silla. Go read it's awesome. Especially if you love Lance. Oh yeah ya gotta read Aarons story Curly and Josh even if he does think I'm a grumpy bitch. LOL

Disclaimer: I do not know Nsync or their sexual preferences. This story is total fiction.

************************************************ Justin could not sleep after returning from the hospital. He decided to go to JC's room and see what he was doing. Hoping that JC was alone, he knocked lightly on the door.

The door was flung open as Justin turned to walk away. "Justin did you want something?"

Justin turned to JC, "Umm . . .are you busy?"

JC eyed Justin suspiciously. "Why, what do you want?"

"Nothing forget it, I just couldn't sleep," Justin moved to return to his room.

JC placed his hand on Justin's arm to stop him. "What's wrong, does your head hurt?" He asked lightly touching Justin's face below the bandage.

Justin turned his face slightly into JC's hand. "No, it's not that bad. I'll live. I just can't sleep."

JC moved away from Justin, gently ushering him into the room. "Come on in. I wasn't doing anything important anyway."

Justin stopped in surprise when he saw the man sitting on JC's bed. He turned to JC and said, "I'm sorry, I thought you were alone. I'll just go back to my room."

The man on the bed gave Justin a lascivious look. "Come on Baby, you don't wanna leave. I promise you'll enjoy yourself." He said to Justin with a smirk.

JC glared at the man and said pointedly, "He's not leaving, you are."

"Come on, we haven't even had any fun yet. Sexy boy just got here. We can share him. I bet he's hot enough for both of us." He said, moving toward Justin.

JC intercepted him. "Touch him and you won't even live long enough to regret it. Now get out of here." He said venomously.

"Hey Gorgeous, you ever wanna lose the gorilla, give me a call." The man said, slipping Justin a card.

JC moved towards the man as he quickly exited the room. JC slammed the door loudly. He turned to find Justin sitting on the bed with a wide grin.

JC looked at Justin warily. "What?"

Justin grinned mischievously. "Thanks"

"For what," JC asked as he got a drink out of the mini refrigerator.

Justin walked across the room, stopping directly behind JC. He slowly ran his hand up JC's back. Justin could feel the chills running down JC's spine. He stopped with his hand in the small of JC's back.

"Thank you, for choosing me over him," Justin spoke softly.

JC stepped a safe distance away from Justin. "Don't read more into it than it was. You're my best friend; nobody talks to or about my best friend like that," JC emphatically stated.

Justin moved to the bed where JC was sitting. He sat as close as he could, without actually touching him. Justin brought his hand up slowly and placed it on the older man's cheek. He gently turned JC's face toward him. "It's ok Josh; you don't have to admit that you were jealous."

JC had moved to the bed trying to put distance between himself and Justin. Of course Justin followed him to the bed. Justin sat so close that JC could feel his breath on his face. It was all JC could do not to melt into Justin when he touched his face. He was getting lost in Justin's eyes. Until Justin spoke.

"Jesus, is everything I do going to be seen as jealousy by you now? I can't even do something for you out of friendship without you thinking that I want you," JC said in exasperation as he rose from the bed.

Justin grasped JC's wrist and pulled him back onto the bed beside him. "Well then quit running from me," Justin said lightly into JC's ear.

Chills ran down JC's spine. He knew he was losing a major battle, but at the moment he was finding it hard to care. JC was fighting his own conscience, and it was the hardest thing he'd ever done. He wanted Justin more than he wanted his next breath.

Justin caressed JC's ear with his tongue, blowing gently. He could feel JC's breath quicken. He lightly placed one hand on the back of JC's neck while laying the other high on his thigh. Justin gently traced a path from JC's ear to his mouth with his tongue. Justin slowly inhaled the sweetness of JC' s breath. The older man's heart began to race as the blond sucked his bottom lip into his hot, wet mouth. Justin slid his tongue in just as the phone beside the bed rang.

The ringing phone snapped JC out of the trance caused by Justin's tongue. He pulled away from Justin forcefully, scrambling for the phone. "Hello," JC gasped into the phone.

Justin quietly moved up behind JC, pressing himself into his back. He wrapped one arm around JC's waist, placing the other hand on JC's chest. JC inhaled sharply as Justin began to gently pinch his nipple. Justin began softly biting the back of JC's neck.

JC tried to listen to Chris on the phone and extricate himself from Justin at the same time. "Stop it!" He hissed at Justin.

"Hang up the phone," Justin purred into his ear.

JC groaned as Justin's silky hot tongue found his ear once again.

"JC, what's going on? Oh Christ, don't tell me you're getting a blowjob or something. I'll just call Justin and see if he wants to watch the movie. You can go back to whatever, you're doing." Chris ended in a rush as JC moaned again.

"MMM . . .. WAIT CHRIS, NO!" JC yelled as Justin sucked his ear lobe into his mouth.

"JC, I'm not gonna listen to you screwing one of your little toys. I'll just talk to you later."

"Chris, I'm not screwing anybody. We'll be over in a few minutes," JC managed to say just before Justin attacked his neck.

"No offense C, but I don't think the guys would feel comfortable if you brought your umm . . . friend with you," Chris said nervously.

"No Chris, I don't have any friends here. I was just . . . . MMM. . GOD. . J USTIN . . . .," JC trailed off leaving a dumbfounded Chris staring at the phone.

"Holy shit JC! Did you just say Justin? Our Justin? Oh god Joey's gonna kill you!" Chris screamed into the phone.

"Chris just shut up. Don't tell Lance and Joey. We aren't doing anything. I was just playing with you. Justin and I were just watching TV and we decided to fuck with your head. I mean come on why would I be doing anything with Justin? He's just a kid, get a grip." JC laughed anxiously.

Justin stopped his assault on JC when he heard JC's words. He hurried to the bathroom in hopes that JC wouldn't see the hurt on his face.

JC hung up the phone after finally convincing Chris that it was all a joke. He turned to berate Justin for his actions and noticed that Justin wasn't in the room. Seeing the light on under the bathroom door he began knocking on it.

"Come on Justin. I know you're in there. Get your ass out here now!" JC shouted through the door.

Justin angrily threw the door open. "Don't fucking yell at me for doing something that you wanted and were just too much of a coward to admit!" Justin stated vehemently.

"I didn't fucking ask you to try to rape me!" JC shot back.

"Don't even try to pretend that you didn't want it." Justin scoffed.

"What the hell gives you the idea that I did? How many times did I tell you to stop?" JC retorted.

Justin reached down, and gently caressed the hardness still prominent in JC' s pants. "This told me everything that I needed to know," Justin smiled smugly as he turned, heading for the door.


Next: Chapter 8

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