Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Apr 20, 2001


Hey everybody, sorry it took so long to get this out. I've been having some personal problems and just didn't feel like writing. I'm going now though, I've got chapter nine done as well.

Feedback:I'd love to hear what you think, please let me know.

Thanks:Many thanks to Skye and Ath for editing for me.

Disclaimer:I don't know Nsync or their sexual preferences. This story is all fiction. Meaning I made it all up.

Chapter eight ******************************************** Justin entered Chris and Joey's room laughing, after leaving JC with a major hard on. He knew that with JC's mood at the moment, it was better to leave him like that than to push him too far.

"What's so funny?" Lance inquired of his laughing friend.

Justin abruptly stopped laughing. "You wouldn't get it."

Lance, Chris, and Joey all looked at Justin suspiciously, but decided against questioning him.

"Isn't JC coming?" Lance asked, looking at Chris.

"Umm. . . yeah, he said he'd be over in a little while. I thought you were over there with him," Chris said, throwing a pillow at Justin.

Justin lay down on his stomach, cradling his chin in his hands. "He said he'd be over in a while. He had something he needed to take care of." Justin said, with an innocent smile.

"Justin, what did you do?" Joey whispered.

Justin turned to Joey with an evil grin. "Why Joey, whatever do you mean?"

"Ok, now I know that you're up to something," Joey said, with a laugh.

Justin continued grinning. "I just showed him that I could turn him on."

Joey groaned. "Do I even want to hear this?"

"I won't go into detail, but I can tell you, that he was ready to go when I left," Justin whispered, with a smug smile.

Joey chuckled, "Oh shit, and you just left him?"

"Yep, you should have seen his face." Justin laughed, remembering JC's face as he walked out the door.

"Hey, are you two done whispering sweet nothings over there?" Chris interrupted.

"Shut up stupid, you just wish I was whispering to you," Justin retorted.

"When's JC coming? I wanna order dinner before we start the movie," Lance asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh I'm sure he'll be coming pretty damn soon," Justin said, before he and Joey began laughing uncontrollably.

"What the hell is so funny?" Chris yelled, wanting to know what he'd missed.

Joey, between fits of laughing said, "Nothing, just an inside joke. You wouldn't understand."

JC entered the room, before Chris could question them further. Justin and Joey stopped laughing abruptly seeing JC.

JC noticing Justin and Joey lying on the bed together frowned. He wondered what they were whispering and laughing about as he took his seat on the sofa.

"Hey, what does everybody want to eat? I'm going to call and order now," Lance said, picking up the telephone.

"Joey and I are going to share a pepperoni and extra cheese pizza," Justin replied.

JC and Chris gave Lance their orders. JC glared at Justin and Joey. He wondered why he even cared that they were becoming so close. He knew he should be happy, because then maybe Justin would leave him alone.

Joey, noticing JC, turned to Justin. "Jesus, for somebody that doesn't want you he's sure staring."

"Do you think maybe he's finally coming around?" Justin whispered.

Joey glanced over at JC again. "I don't know, but he sure looks pissed. It could be he's jealous, or he's mad at you for leaving him like that."

"How am I gonna figure out which it is? I can't just go up and ask him," Justin asked in exasperation.

Joey contemplated for a minute before finally answering. "Do something that should make him jealous and see what happens."

"What the hell am I gonna do to make him jealous?" Justin asked, getting more frustrated with the situation.

"I don't know, I gave you the idea. You come up with something." Joey said, laughing at Justin's dilemma.

JC went to the bathroom, in hopes he could get his thoughts under control before going back into the other room. He didn't want to think about why it was bothering him so much to see Justin and Joey together. He didn't know why he was feeling the anger that he was, but he didn't like the implications the feelings were giving him.

"I got it!" Justin whispered, triumphantly.

Joey looked dubiously at Justin. "I'm almost afraid to ask, but go ahead and lay it on me."

"When Josh comes out of the bathroom, I want you to kiss me," Justin said, proud of his plan.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Joey almost shouted.

"Joe, think about it. If something is gonna make him jealous this will do it," Justin justified his plan.

"Please Joey, do just this one thing for me. I'll do anything for you. I'll give you my first born, anything," Justin pleaded.

Joey sighed in irritation. "Justin, I don't wanna kiss you."

"God, you could at least try to act like the thought doesn't make you sick," Justin said, dejectedly.

"It doesn't make me sick. I'd just rather keep my nuts where they are. If your plan works JC will probably remove them with his bare hands," Joey said, trying to placate Justin.

Justin sighed in frustration. "Joey please, I swear I won't let him touch you."

Joey sighed in resignation. "Fine, but don't feel me up or anything."

As Joey finished agreeing, JC appeared in the doorway. Justin threw himself on Joey, locking his mouth on the older man's.

JC glanced at the bed where Joey and Justin were. He froze where he stood. He felt like his stomach was in his throat. He ran back to the bathroom, afraid he was going to be sick.

"Did it work?" Justin asked, afraid to look.

"Umm Just, I'm not sure what this means," Joey said, looking worriedly at the bathroom door.

"Why, what happened?" Justin said, turning to see what Joey was looking at.

Joey spoke quietly. "He just looked over here, and turned around and ran back into the bathroom."

"What does that mean? Oh shit! I blew it didn't I?" Justin asked, visibly upset.

"I don't know Justin, just wait and see what happens when he comes back out," Joey said, trying to soothe his friend.

Justin rose from the bed. "I can't wait Joey, I've got to go talk to him."

Justin turned to go to the bathroom door. He made it a few feet from the door and it opened. Justin found himself face to face with JC.


~Thanks to everyone who sends such wonderful feedback. I've already got chapter nine finished. I promise it will be sent tomorrow. Love Ya, Pen~

Next: Chapter 9

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