Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 31, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant" Chapter 42

The doctors appointment took longer that Max had hoped. Max had to chuckle to himself at how patient Carl was. "Baby this is your health. I don't care if it takes all day." Carl kept whispering. The doctor ran a couple of tests of his own and then did the physical exam. The x rays showed that the stress fractures were healing nicely. The doctor asked that he not walk around without the braces for another two weeks. Then for a couple of weeks he still wanted Max to wear them if he would be walking a long distance or on uneven ground. All the snow had melted and the ground thawed so there was no chance of slipping on patches of ice. "As for resuming your normal sex life I would like for you to wait until the end of the week. Your exam was good but I am putting you on an antibiotic because you have a mild infection in one kidney. That is to be expected since they are back to full function so its nothing to be alarmed about. This antibiotic will keep the remaining poisons from causing problems while your kidneys are able to completely flush. " the doctor said. "Don't worry Doc. None of that will happen until we come back and you say its alright." Carl said. "No need in that. I feel the tissue is strong enough and pliable enough once again to resume. I just would like for you to be on this antibiotic for three days or so before you resume. " the doctor said. Max let out a groin of disappointment. "Don' t pay attention to him Doc. We will both survive." Carl laughed.

Back at the ranch Carl kissed Max before changing into his work clothes. One of Mary's boys was there cutting the grass. "I could do that baby. Besides the damn lawnmower is air conditioned." Max laughed. "Don't look at me. I didn't ask them to do it." Carl laughed. "What's on the menu for today ?" Max asked. "You my love are going to seriously look at house plans. I told Chris we would call him this week. I am headed over to the neighbors to see how far a long they are with the new fencing. The new herd will be here next week as long as we are prepared." Carl said. "I can do fence work. " Max said. "I am sure you can babe but you are not going to Not today anyway ." Carl laughed. "I am not an invalid." Max said. "Baby I never said you were. Brian is moving next week. We need to do something about the housing situation. I also need you to make a small drawing showing how you want the office remodeled in the barn. These things are just as important to this ranch and to us as that fence." Carl said as he walked up and put his arms around Max. "Well you win. Today anyway." Max said wrapping his arms around Carl and looking up at him. "The doctor said three days right ?" Max whispered. "Ah so that is what is bothering you so much. Baby we have all the time in the world for that." Carl said and leaned down for a quick kiss. "Well I am setting the alarm clock cowboy and you had better be ready to rock my world. No excuses this time." Max said. "Well you make sure that you let me know at least an hour before that alarm goes off. My baby wants his world rocked so this cowboy will be on time and prepared." Carl whispered.

Max sat down with the magazine that Carl had given him for Christmas. "Just a simple house with a few extra conveniences." Max thought. Removing his braces to get comfortable he had flipped through the magazine and almost fallen asleep when the phone rang. "Rexlan Ranch." Max said. "Umm.. Hey Uncle Max. I was calling Uncle Carl to see what the doctor said today." Brian said. Max gasp for breath as his chest tightened and the pain hit him. "Hey....Brian.... Are you .. and the boys ......alright ?" Max strained to speak. "We are fine. How are you ? You don't sound like you feel well." Brian said. "I'm fine... The .... doctor said....all looked good far." Max tried to say. "Are you alright ? Is Uncle Carl at the house ?" Brian asked. "He's putting up fence." Max finally got out. "I am sorry for the way I treated you Uncle Max. I love you so much." Brian said. "Its not.....your fault baby........ It will be....alright." Max finally got out. His chest at this point was hurting so bad he had to moan. "Well you relax Uncle Max. I will call Uncle Carl back later and talk to him too. I love you Uncle Max." Brian said. "I love you......too....buddy. Kiss...the boys....for me and....Carl." Max said. "I will Uncle Max. You get some rest." Brian said ending the call. Max had to get out. He had to get away. Without putting his braces on or his shoes he was out the back door and headed to the barn.

Max didn't hear Carl's diesel truck race up the driveway. The truck was still running and the driver's door open when Carl jumped from the truck. As soon as Brian hung up he had called Carl and told him that Max had answered the phone and he sounded like he was in pain. Max had also not heard the four wheeler pull out. Mary's boys had been there doing yard work and they saw Max run to the barn. One stayed to keep and eye on him while the other took a four wheeler to go get Carl. By the time Carl came running out of the house Joe and Daryl had pulled up. A sharp whistle came from the edge of the barn. Bo was setting at the door barking also. Carl's other nephew was waving his arms and pointing inside the barn. Carl ran to the barn as Joe and Daryl got out of the truck. Daryl walked over and turned Carl's truck off and shut the door.

Carl was out of breath when he got to the barn. He didn't see Max but he could hear him heaving from the other side of the trailer. Carl ran up behind Max and turned him and pulled him to this chest. Max's body was shaking and his body was still dry heaving. "I got you baby." Carl said. "Please don't be mad at Brian. He called looking for you." Max cried. "I am not mad at him baby. I am not mad at you either." Carl whispered. "I am so sorry Carl." Max cried. Carl reached down and pulled Max's head so that he was looking up at him. "Look baby. I knew this would have to happen. I just hoped I would be there when it did. " Carl said. "Everything alright guys ?" Joe asked as he walked into the barn. "Yeah its fine." Carl said. "Baby do you mind if I talk to Joe for a minute ?" Max asked. "Are you sure ?" Carl said. "Yeah babe. I have to do this." Max said. Both Carl and Joe had a concerned look on their faces. "I have to set down though my legs are killing me." Max said Carl quickly picked Max up and started towards the house. "You guys can talk inside once you are comfortable." Carl said.

Joe could tell that Carl was nervous about leaving the two of them. "It will be fine Bro. You will be right outside." Joe said. Carl reluctantly went out the back door and stood on the patio with Daryl. "Whats up Max ?" Joe asked as he sat in the chair across from Max. "You have been honest with me Joe and I appreciate that. I know by now that you have heard a lot of my story. I feel like a fool for having these panic attacks and feeling the way I do. I feel like everyone is looking at me as some gay drama queen." Max said. "You want honesty right ?" Joe asked. "As honest as you can be." Max said. " The boys told me about your conversation with them. I had never thought I was being bullied but the more I reflect on it I see just how much I was. That situation with my ex almost drove me insane. I can not imagine having to deal with that and even worse and being able to wake up in the morning. I will tell you this too. Most of the people around here know part of your story. They don't pity you as much as respect you. Most have said they could not have lived through what you did and keep their sanity." Joe said. "Well you know Carl would not be honest with me about this. He would sugar coat it or something." Max said. "I will just say that for the most part the whole community stands behind you. I am sure there are a few that may have something to say. There always are but they are just miserable themselves." Joe said. "I only have two questions really. First thing I would like to know is your family just being nice to me after all this for Carl's sake ?" Max asked. "Nope. Like it or not you are stuck with us. Any of us would do anything within our power to help you as we know you would do for us. You are a Rexlan and you can't get out of it that easy." Joe laughed. "Well I will have to take your word. The other question is Carl." Max said.

Joe sat back in the chair for a moment. "Know this. Carl loves you with all his being. Anyone can see that." Joe said. "I believe that but am I destroying him." Max said. "Quite the opposite. Let me tell you a little about my brother. When things got really tough especially with Brent, Carl would pretend nothing was wrong. He would sort of hide in a shell I guess you would say and come out when things calmed down. His life came together too good and too fast when you came along. With you, Brian, the twins, and the money it all fell together and he didn't have to deal with his own demons. You were his shell that he could hide in. When you left he had no shell to hide in. He had to stand up and make a stand. His stand was that he was going to find you no matter what it took. He had to face the fact that when life gets tough you can't hide in a corner and wait for it to pass. He had to stand his ground and make things right. Not just let them work themselves out. I know he is a little over protective right now but don't hold that against him." Joe said. "I don't. I understand why he does it to a certain degree. I just hope that I have not left a scar that won't heal." Max said. "Oh little Bro wears this scar with pride. He didn't hide. He knows now that he has to sometimes fight for what he wants and he has to fight for his family. One thing that brought him out of that was that he had always said you were so strong you didn't need him to protect you. That was a big deal for him. When the time came for him to stand up for you he didn't. He realized too late that backing into his corner caused him to loose what he treasured the most. I hate that you went through all you did and was pushed to that point but all in all it was good for Carl. He has grown as a man and a husband in my opinion." Joe said. "Thank you for being honest." Max said. "Well one more thing. My sister is pretty pushy. Carl, Daryl and I have warned her about pushing for details about what happened while you were gone but she normally doesn't listen." Joe laughed. "Honestly a lot of it I just went through the motions. I distanced myself from it so I didn't have to live it so she may not get many details." Max said. "Promise me one thing. Anytime you feel like you need to run or hide or whatever come talk to me first. This family loves you and we are standing behind you." Joe said.

Daryl and Carl had started unloading the trailer that they had pulled back from Georgia. Carl did not have the heart to touch it when Max left. The trailer had sat in the barn covered for months. Joe came out to the barn. "Is everything alright ?" Carl asked. "Its fine little Bro. Max just needs a little time is all." Joe said. "Him asking to talk to you was sort of a shock." Daryl said. "Not to me. He told me the other night that Joe was the only one treating him normal. He was being honest with him." Carl said. "Don't get upset Carl. He couldn't talk to you about what this has done to you. I assured him that everything was alright." Joe said. Joe told them most of what was discussed and even him telling Max that though it was a bad situation that it was a good thing for Carl. "I just want my old Max back." Carl said. "You can't have that. There needs to be a new Carl and a new Max. Carl you are going to have to trust Max enough to lean on him when you need it. Drop the macho cowboy shit and just be human. Max already knows he can lean on you but it will take him a little time to realize that the next sentence he hears is not going to be a dig at him for just being alive. " Daryl said. "But I am suppose to protect him and I failed." Carl said. "Damn daddy use to say he wondered how they got cow shit to stack so high and still move." Joe said. "What are you talking about ?" Carl said. "Just that. Drop the alpha macho shit and just enjoy. Max wants a partnership. That means share and share a like. That includes not only joy but pain. If you try to build a fence around him you will never get the old Max back." Joe said. "I guess you are right." Carl said. "SHIT" Daryl said as he accidently dropped a box and the contents fell out. Carl leaned down to help pick up the magazines that fell out. There were two house plan books. Carl could see that pages were folded. Setting on the edge of the trailer he thumbed through the two books. In one book there was a house plan folded that said "dream 1" and another said "dream 2". Carl showed the house plans to Daryl with the notes about changes on it. "You think you can build this ?" Carl asked. "Shit thats beautiful. That would be breath taking over there with the mountain back drop. Hell yeah I can build it. I know a man that can do all the ornate wood work. I have seen his work." Daryl said. "Not a word to Max for now." Carl said as he took the book and put it under the seat of his truck.

Ty arrived at the house just as Carl was coming in for the evening. Walking in the back door they found Max setting on the couch looking at the magazine with Bo wrapped around his feet. "Look at that. Bo normally goes straight to his bed when he is inside but since Max came back he rarely gets over six feet away from him." Carl laughed. "Hey you two." Max said putting the magazine down and trying to stand. "You just sit. Don't try to get up." Ty said. "I may be old but I am not an invalid." Max laughed as he stood. Ty had tears in his eyes by the time he reached Max to hug him. "It is so good to see you. " Ty said. "Its good to see you too." Max said as he hugged Ty. "When did you get back ?" Carl asked. "Just after lunch. I took care of the laundry and everything so that is done." Ty said. "How is Brian and the boys ?" Max asked. "The boys are great and Brian is getting there." Ty said. Max dropped his head as if he were ashamed. "Oh no you don't. Brian needed to grow up. No one has been mean to him but I have pointed out many times where he turned everything around to make it about him. I told him that life was not just about him and that he couldn't blame everything in his life on someone else. He is doing really good with it though." Ty said. Max's body began to shake a little. "Uncle Max. You nor Uncle Carl can fix this. Brian has to fix this on his own. For his sake, for the boys and for me." Ty said. "I know your right but I still see that little boy in the mud puddle." Max said. "That little muddy boy grew up. He has his own two that play in the mud puddles now. Believe me. I had to hose them off outside the other day" Ty said.

They convinced Ty to stay for supper. Max was not back up to par and his legs really hurt from earlier but he had managed to put together a meal. "Are you getting excited ?" Carl asked. "I can't wait Uncle Carl. I need to do a lot of work around the house getting ready to move them in but I can't wait." Ty said smiling. "Sorry that we didn't have things ready for you guys to move in here." Max said. "Don't you worry about that. There will be plenty of room for now at my house." Ty said. "Are you ready to be instant dad ?" Carl asked. "Past ready. I wanted to bring the boys back with me. My Mom is even excited about meeting her new grand children." Ty said. "I am glad to hear that." Max said. "Hell my step father is already looking for someone to come and build one of those swing and play areas in the back yard but I told him to hold off. We would be moving." Ty said. "Well I was going to build them one." Carl said. "I appreciate that but I think my step dad would tear yours down and build his own." Ty laughed. "Well its only a couple of weeks. How is Brian doing with the rental houses ?" Max asked. "He was stressed out to begin with but he has settled down. He even went and met all the tenants. He said he needed to do that before he moved." Ty said. "Well that's good. What is he going to do with his grandparents house ?" Max asked looking down at his plate. "He said the twins could decide what to do with it when it was theirs. He said we all needed somewhere to stay when we went back to visit family." Ty said. "Good. We need to make that trip soon ourselves." Carl said. "There is too much going on here. Its planting season." Max said. "That will be taken care of. Once we know Brian and the boys are settled we need to go and meet with Chris anyway." Carl said. "I know... I know... I am looking." Max laughed.

After Ty left Carl and Max went to Mary and Daryl's house for coffee. The boys were thrilled to see their Uncle Max. He almost wanted to smack the two because they wouldn't even let him walk unattended. "Boys I am not going to break." Max laughed. "Not on our watch Uncle Max." they laughed. Max sat on the couch and looked at the fireplace mantle. Seeing a small figurine on the corner he stood and made his way to the mantle. Picking the figurine up he stared at it and then pulled it to his chest before lifting it back to the mantle. "You alright ?" Mary asked. "My Mom had one exactly like that. It was her favorite. " Max said. "That was your Mom's. Take it home with you." Mary said. "This was Mom's ?" Max asked. Mary and Daryl told Max about Brian carrying them to Max's parents house. Brian insisted that Mary take the figurine "I think she would be very pleased that you have it now Mary." Max said as he ran his fingers over it. "I had rather you have it." Mary said. "Oh no Mary. If I had wanted it I would have gotten it a long time ago. Its found its new rightful place." Max whispered.

Finally back home Carl helped Max remove the leg braces. Both men finally naked in the bed Carl pulled Max tight to his chest. "You have a good talk with Joe ?" Carl asked. "Baby I am sorry that I couldn't talk to you. I was afraid you would sugar coat things and I needed the truth." Max said. Carl leaned his head over and kissed Max on the neck. "I am not upset baby. I am just glad that you feel like you can talk to my family about anything." Carl said. "Well I felt bad for you at the moment but baby I needed someone that would be blunt with me." Max said. "Well Joe is the one for that." Carl laughed. "I promise if I ever need to again I will talk to you." Max said. "Baby I am not mad. I understand. I am not going to ask what you talked about either. Joe and Daryl had a long talk with me too in the barn and I appreciate it. I just hope Joe helped." Carl said. "He did. I promise." Max said as he reached behind him and nestled Carl's hard cock in between his ass cheeks. "Ugh baby. Not tonight. But soon I promise." Carl whispered. "Better be." Max laughed.

The next couple of days were busy. Carl and Joe had gotten the trailer unloaded. The fence around the neighbor's property was finished. They would built the calf and birthing stalls in the fall before calving season. Living at the foot of the mountains they always had to be prepared for mountain lions, wolves and even small bears. The trailer was hooked and Carl and Max headed to a near by town to get some pallets of bagged feed for the current herd. The mountain views were breath taking. The hills and valleys were green but the mountain tops still maintained their white snow caps. For the first time since Max had returned Carl felt comfortable that things would be just fine and would at some point be back to normal.

Returning early afternoon a couple of the seasonal employees were already at the ranch. Backing the trailer into the barn they began unloading the bags. Carl helped Max out of the truck. The braces were still a major discomfort. Walking slowly with Max back to the house Carl talked about flying to Atlanta the next week to meet with Chris about the house plans. Stopping Max at the door Carl turned him around and lightly kissed his lips. "I love you baby." Carl whispered. "I love you too cowboy." Max said as he headed inside. Looking at the clock Max thought to himself. "Three hours. No excuses." he thought.

"Hey babe. What's up ?" Carl said as he answered his cell phone. "Are you still at the bran ?" Max asked. "Headed back. I got the guys started on the new field. What's up ?" Carl asked. "I just needed your help for a few minutes. Its not an emergency." Max said. "Can you give me about ten minutes ?" Carl asked. "That will be fine. I will see you in about ten minutes then." Max said. "Alright. See you then. Love you babe." Carl said. "Love you too." Max said.

Carl sped the truck up headed back to the barn. Pulling up to the house Carl headed in the back door. Looking in the kitchen and then living room Carl began to feel stressed not seeing Max. As he headed down the hall he could smell the fresh shower scent. Rounding the corner he saw Max standing in front of the sink in the master bathroom naked. "Mmmmm... What's up baby ?" Carl said. Max turned to face Carl. "Oh I see what's up." Carl said. "Time for cowboy to perform. It is two hours, eleven minutes and seventeen seconds past the time the doctor said so get naked and get busy." Max laughed. "Are you sure ?" Carl said unbuttoning his shirt. "Well you have about three minutes to get that beautiful cock of yours up my ass or I will find a cowboy replacement." Max said. "Three minutes huh ?" Carl whispered. "Nope. Two minutes and forty five seconds now." Max smiled. Carl stripped quickly and jumped in the shower to at least rinse the feed dust off.

Carl stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Walking into the bedroom he dropped his towel and grinned as he saw Max laying naked on the bed with his legs spread. Carl realized that he had forgotten to lock the door. "Be right back baby." Carl said as he ran down the hall to make sure the doors were locked. Daryl, Joe and the boys had a habit of just walking in the house. Running back down the hall Carl stopped at the end of the bed and just looked at Max. "Alright big boy. You have about three seconds left." Max laughed. "Nope baby. I have a lifetime left. Do you have any idea just how hot and sexy you are ?" Carl said as he slowly crawled up on the bed. "Flattery will get you anything." Max whispered. "I have all I want right here." Carl said as he stopped. Still on his hands and knees he took his right hand and began to rub his hand from Max's hips, up to his chest, around his neck and back down to his leaking cock. "Mmmm.. Fresh peach juice." Carl said as he leaned over and licked the tip of Max's cock. Carl then took the middle finger of his right hand and covered it with the precum leaking from Max. Leaning forward to kiss Max he slipped his slick finger inside Max's ass ring. "Uuuuhhhh." came a deep moan from Max. "Baby are you sure ? You are so fucking tight." Carl whispered. "Baby nothing has breached that ring in many months. TOO many months so Yes I am sure." Max whispered.

The kisses became almost animal with a sense of desperation. Carl had worked Max's ass ring while they kissed so that he was able to get three fingers inside. They started out with Carl laying his body across Max's and rolled on the bed until Max was laying on top of Carl but never broke the intense kiss. The harder they kissed the faster Carl finger fucked Max. Realizing that Max's ass ring had relaxed enough that there was no more resistance Carl broke the kiss and reached up for the bottle of lube on the nightstand. "No baby. I want just you. Dry if I have too." Max whispered. "Not this time baby. I know its hot but not the first time. " Carl whispered. Carl still kissed Max as he opened the tube and applied some lube to his fingers first and forced as much inside Max's ass as he could. Collecting the lube that was leaking back out Carl began to stroke his raging cock applying the access lube to it. In one swift motion Carl rolled again pulling Max on top of him with his three fingers still buried in Max's ass. Max was straddling Carl's waist. "This part is your show baby. Take your time." Carl whispered. Max leaned forward. Reaching behind his ass he aimed Carl's cock at the entrance to his ass ring. Carl moaned at the touch of Max's hand on his cock. Leaning back it took a couple of pushes to get the large mushroom head to pop through his ring. "Uuuuhhhh." Max gasp and froze. His body shook a little from the short burst of pain. "Ffffuuuuccckkk baby you are so fucking tight. Are you alright ?" Carl whispered as he reached up and began to play with and lightly pinch Max's nipples. Max moaned as he pushed his weight down on Carl's cock taking another three inches up his ass. With his eyes still closed and his head leaned back he lifted his body up and lowered it again taking an additional three inches. On his fourth attempt Max let out a deep moan as he felt Carl's cock reach its ultimate depth and the base of his cock stretched his already opened ass ring wider.

Opening his eyes and looking down at his lover, Max leaned forward and kissed Carl. "Home where it belongs baby. Your show now." Max whispered. Carl put one arm around Max's neck and pulled him down for another sensual kiss. Putting his other arm around Max's back just above his ass cheeks Carl began to slowly move his cock in and out of Max's ass. At certain points he would speed up but then realize what he was doing and slow down again. "Baby I am not going to break." Max whispered. Carl smiled and pushed his cock back into Max. Lifting his ass off the bed with his feet he lifted Max into the air which had him fully impaled on Carl's cock. After a couple of minutes Carl placed his hands on Max's hips and pulled him fully down on his raging cock. Max was laying across Carl's chest with his head in the pit of Carl's neck when Carl rolled placing Max on his back with his cock still lodged deep.

Carl looked into Max's eyes and smiled as he slowly began to move his cock in and out of Max's now stretched ass. Max leaned his head up a couple of times and licked his tongue across Carl's lips. Carl never broke his gaze into his lover's eyes beneath him. Max quickly wrapped his arms and his legs around Carl's body. As Carl leaned down and began to suck on Max's neck he began to moan from the pleasure of Carl's mouth and from the motion of Carl's hairy chest teasing his nipples. The harder Carl sucked on Max's neck the harder his cock got inside Max and the faster he pounded in and out of his ass. "Ohhh....Ohhhh..... aaahhhhh.... fffuuuuccccckkkkkkk.. " Max shouted. Carl lifted his head quickly and watched Max's face as his orgasm took over. Max was breathing quickly and his head moved from side to side. The veins on his neck grew bigger as Carl felt the warmth of Max's seed shooting between their two bodies. "Damn baby watching you cum is so hot." Carl whispered. Feeling his own orgasm coming Carl leaned down and kissed Max. As Carl's body began to tense up and the veins popped out on his neck he held his lips close to Max's trying to catch his breath. The rumble that Max loved so much started in Carl's toes and worked its way up his body. As it reached his cock Max took Carl's tongue and began sucking on it while Carl's body froze. Pushing with his toes into the bed trying to get even deeper into Max, Carl's body shook like it was being hit with electrical volts. With each shot of seed forced from his cock deep inside Max's ass, Carl's body would shake as though it was hit with an electric cattle prod.

Carl lay his head on Max's shoulder with his cock still lodged deep inside Max. Rolling again Carl lay on his back with Max straddling his hips. Stretching his now weak legs out Carl lifted his arms up and placed his hands behind his head. Max slowly moved up and down on Carl's three quarters hard cock still inside him and smiled as Carl twitched from the sensation and Max could see the sparkle in Carl's beautiful eyes that he had not seen since he came home. "I am finally home baby and right where I belong." Max whispered. "Yes you are baby and this is where you are staying." Carl whispered as he moved his hands and pulled Max down for another sensual kiss using his weak legs he pushed his semi hard cock back inside Max as deep as possible.

Laying on the deep couch later that evening Carl had his teeth planted in Max's neck as his body shook from the after shock from planting his third load of the evening inside Max's ass. Max tried to catch his breath as his he came down from his orgasm. Carl lay in a spooning position with one arm under Max's neck and the other around his waist pulling him as far back on his cock as possible. Carl had wrapped his hand around Max's cock and squeezed it making it more difficult for Max to shoot. Aiming his cock towards Max's chest instead of towards the floor caused one shot to land in Max's goatee. "Damn baby. I never realized how much i missed this." Carl said. "I realized it every minute of every day." Max whispered. "Thats alright. Cowboy is here and more than ready to make up for lost time." Carl said as he pushed his cock back into Max and kissed his neck.

**Author's Note: Thank You for the email responses to this story. I have received a couple of emails telling me that they have friends that have emailed and I have not responded. PLEASE make sure that you have the correct email. I answer all emails so please do not think I over looked you. The correct email is: * And PLEASE remember to donate to Nifty so they can continue to host author's stories at *

Thank You Lakesinclair

Next: Chapter 43

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