Now or Never

By Robin

Published on Jun 6, 2000


Now or Never

Disclaimer: If you are underage or are committing any crimes by reading this piece of fiction, please go somewhere else. I do not know 'N Sync or anything about their personal lives except that Justin likes AppleJacks and JC is the "serious one". If you are offended by homosexual content, please go somewhere else.

Okay, here it is Chapter 9. I hope that once you read it, it will more than make up for the lack of Justin/Lance action in the previous chapters. ;) I'm really sorry that this one took me longer than all the others, but it's a bit longer, so hopefully that will make up for it. I just wanted to make a big shout-out to Cele, 'cause she's awesome!!! And she's a gift sent from heaven above. I gotta say hey to 'N Sync Boy and wish him good luck! I also gotta say hey to Aphrodite. Go check out her story "A Tale of Two Boybands." It's cool. Okay, enough of this stuff. On with the story...

Let me know what y'all think about this one, okay? I hope to get lots of emails!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Previously on Now or Never:

"I'm not sure I know you guys any more! First Chris does this to Joe, then you go all kamikaze management on us, and Justin is sitting back letting everyone else make the decisions. I feel like I'm in the freakin' Twilight Zone! Hopefully I'll just wake up from this damn dream!" JC shouted vehemently before stalking to the door, throwing it opened and exiting, leaving behind three dumbstruck young men. Lance shook his head in confusion.

"He's right, this is the Twilight Zone," the blond muttered before rubbing his face roughly with the palms of his hands. He slowly turned to face Justin and Chris. "I'm going home, I'll meet y'all back here tomorrow morning," he said before following JC's footsteps. The two remaining men looked at each other in bewilderment.

"They were our rides," Justin pointed out after a moment of silence.

"Oh, yeah," Chris replied, not sure what to do.

"Come on, man. I'll call us a cab," Justin said as he got to his feet and exited the room, Chris following closely behind the younger man.

Now or Never Chapter 9

The glow from a nearby street lamp provided just enough light for Justin to decipher that it was nearing midnight as he glanced at his gold watch. His long, lanky legs carried him up Lance's driveway and to the front door. The air was warm and muggy, a typical summer night in Florida. A whip-o-will's plaintive cry echoed throughout the night, adding to the cacophony of noise created by croaking frogs and chirping crickets.

Justin entered the house silently. He didn't want to wake Lance up if he was asleep. He sighed the moment the cool-air conditioned air hit his warm flesh. The lights were out all over the house, but Justin was drawn to the living room where occasional flashes of light indicated that the television was on. There was no sound, however, and it quickly became apparent that Lance had muted the T.V. so he could go to sleep. Justin found the older man on the couch and he took a moment to study his newfound love.

Lance was stretched out on his back. His right arm was slung up above his head and his left arm lay curled up on his flat stomach. The dark leather of the couch provided a stark contrast to Lance's pale skin and blonde-tipped spikes. Justin's eyes traveled down Lance's body, taking in every detail. Lance's prominent Adam's apple. The way his tight T-shirt outlined his defined torso. Lance's denim clad waist and thighs and his bare calves, which were dusted with light brown hair. His eyes even traveled down to Lance's wide, bare feet.

Justin pulled his thoughts away from Lance's assets in order to reflect on the past day and a half. It had been absolutely crazy and this was the first chance Justin had to reflect on just how wild it had been. He lowered himself to the glossy wood floor beneath him while keeping his gaze focused on Lance's face. His thoughts were a million miles away from that point and time.

First of all, Lance totally shocked him by confessing to be gay. Not only was he rendered speechless at that little piece of information, but he also found out that the deep voiced bass singer had a "thang" for him. He felt an incredible amount of elation at the thought. Not only did Lance have a crush on him, but he had also confessed to feelings that ran much deeper than a simple infatuation. Love. Lance loved him. Justin Timberlake. It made him feel giddy; knowing that one of his best friends loved him as more than just a friend. Whatever had he done to deserve Lance's love? 'It must have been something damn good!' he thought happily. Maybe what was even more startling was the fact that Justin came to the realization that he returned Lance's love whole-heartedly.

His pleasant thoughts disappeared quickly once he recalled the latter half of the past 36 hours. The whole Chris/Joey thing was almost more than he could handle. He felt guilty about not contributing more, but sometimes it was just easier to let everyone else deal with it.

Lance opened his tired green eyes to find Justin's gaze glued to his face. He could tell that Justin was off in Never-Never-Land, so he took the offered moment to take in Justin's features. Since Lance had last seen Justin, the younger man had managed to grab a do-rag to hide his mop of curls. The only thing Lance could see of Justin's hair was at the back, where the dark curls peaked out of the back of the rag, resting at the nape of his neck. Justin's cerulean blue eyes stared at Lance unwaveringly without noticing the older man's perusal. Lance took in everything, including the fact that Justin's fingers were tapping out a regular rhythm on the wood floor.

"Hey," Lance said lowly, startling Justin out of his earlier thoughts. "Look, Justin, I'm sorry about leaving you and Chris at the hospital, but I..."

"It's okay, Scoop," Justin replied quickly, not giving Lance the chance to explain himself.

"No...I just really had to get out of there. JC was right, it was starting to feel like the twilight zone." Justin offered Lance a small smile, letting him know that the explanation hadn't been necessary. Lance smiled in return.

"Really, it's okay. I called Chris and me a cab and took him back to his apartment. Got him settled in," Justin said. "I've never seen him like this, Lance. I never thought he would do something like this, I guess there's a first time for everything, huh?"

"Yeah, a first time for everything," Lance repeated, while staring at Justin's face. A small silence fell between the two men as they thought about what was just said. They both knew that Lance hadn't been talking about Chris or Joey. He was talking about them.

Justin reached up and pulled the deep maroon rag off his head. His usually resilient curls lay flat against his head, so he ran his slender fingers through the curls, returning them to their previous state. A long sigh escaped his lips as he avoided Lance's stare.


"You..." Both men uttered the words at the same time only to pause to allow the other to continue. Justin glanced at the floor before looking up at Lance and starting over again.

"Look, I know that I should have helped earlier today..." he started before being interrupted by Lance.

"Justin, can we not talk about Chris or Joey or what should have been done today, please?" Lance pleaded quietly. He really didn't want to talk about it. Justin gave his approval in the simple form of a nod.

"So...what do you want to talk about?"

"Us," Lance whispered, his gaze focused on Justin's angelic face. The flickering light from the television provided Lance with enough illumination to make out Justin's features. Justin could feel his face warming up under Lance's intense scrutiny. He wasn't sure what Lance meant exactly, so he kept his mouth shut. "Well, maybe talking isn't what I want to do exactly," Lance continued, a slight grin turning up the corners of his mouth, his green eyes sparkling in the light provided by the TV. Justin was caught off guard by Lance's admission and he started slightly when Lance sat up and moved to get off the couch. Justin pushed his right hand out in front of him and placed his palm on Lance's chest, which was right in front of him. Lance looked at Justin in confusion, but relaxed once he saw the glint in Justin's eyes. The younger man's sensuous mouth curled up into a smile. Justin obviously knew what he wanted without Lance having to explain too much.

"No talking?" Justin questioned softly, slowly moving closer and closer to Lance by sliding across the wooden floor on his jean-clad knees. Lance shook his head negatively and waited silently as Justin neared him.

Justin fitted himself between Lance's splayed knees, their chests close to touching. Justin's nose bumped Lance's slightly as he scooted even closer to his lover. He pressed their foreheads together and breathed in deeply. Lance's cologne filled his nostrils and he made a mental note to ask Lance what he uses in the future. Justin shifted his body slightly to the right and lowered his lips to the vulnerable flesh that covered Lance's neck. Lance closed his eyes and sighed as a tremor of pleasure coursed through his body at the feel of Justin's warm lips at his neck. Justin knew that Lance's neck was sensitive and he purposefully paid a great deal of attention to the area. He smiled in delight as he felt the tremors racing throughout Lance's body and Lance could feel Justin's lips curling against his flesh, causing him to grin in response. Justin continued to nibble on the left side of Lance's neck. He could hear the little gasps of breath escaping Lance's lips just above his left ear and he was getting hard. 'And I have barely even touched him,' he thought in amazement.

With the girls that he had slept with before, it had taken quite a bit of effort on his part, not to mention the girl's, to get him hard. Not with Lance though. All it took was Lance groaning in his ear to get him an erection. And Lance was definitely groaning now. Justin had graduated from nibbling to sucking and Lance was having a hard time controlling his vocalizations. He wanted to touch run his hands up Justin's strong run his fingers through Justin's curls, but more importantly, to grasp his lover's head and bring their lips together. Justin wouldn't allow it though. He had both of Lance's arms pinned to his sides while Justin continued to minister to his lover's throat.

Needless to say, Lance was rock hard. Justin could feel Lance's cock rubbing against his stomach as he moved against the older man. He was incredibly pleased to find that he had such an obvious effect on Lance. Justin wanted to please Lance even more and he managed to do so when he moved from the side of Lance's neck to his hypersensitive Adam's apple. Lance's groan increased tenfold and Justin almost laughed out loud in amusement. He pulled back slightly to find Lance's eyes closed and his lips parted, little gasps of air escaping at irregular intervals. Justin couldn't believe Lance's reaction to his simple foreplay. Never had he felt this incredible about making love to someone and he knew in his mind what the difference was this time. He loved Lance. He loved the man in front of him and it made all the difference. He knew that tonight would be something very special for the both of them.

Once Lance realized that Justin had pulled away from him, he opened his eyes wide in confusion. He found Justin staring intently at his face.

"Is something wrong?" he murmured, worry evident in his voice. Justin was pulled back to reality at Lance's question and he hurried to ease Lance's mind.

"No, nuthin's wrong, nuthin' at all," he said, drawing it out in a slow southern way he knew Lance would appreciate. Lance smiled that bright smile of his and leaned forward, meeting Justin's lips with his own. Their breaths mingled as they shared their first kiss of the night. Justin wanted to touch Lance, so he let go of the older man's arms, allowing Lance to touch Justin in return. As Justin's fingers caressed Lance's ribs through his T-shirt, Lance moved his hands up Justin's back, slowly sliding over the cotton covered muscles. Lance wanted to touch Justin's bare flesh. He wanted to feel every inch of the man kneeling in front of him. Never had he imagined he would be doing this with Justin, in real life anyway. He couldn't believe it was actually happening. He let loose a deep sigh as he pulled Justin's T-shirt above his head and settled his hands on Justin's slim waist. They broke the kiss only momentarily then and didn't part again until later when Justin was filled with an overwhelming need to caress Lance's chest.

Both men were panting as they parted and Justin fumbled to yank Lance's T- shirt off. Lance only made things more difficult by trying to help. His frantic hands just got in Justin's way. The young man paused for a moment to gather his wits and he watched with no small amount of amusement as Lance continued to fumble with his T-shirt. He had it half way off, the lower half of the shirt covering his head. Lance's elbows were sticking out at odd angles and Justin had to duck slightly to dodge the flying elbows. He grabbed them to catch Lance's attention.

"Lance, slow down, it's alright," Justin managed to say before he giggled. Lance stopped squirming and Justin managed to pull the offending T-shirt over the older man's head. Lance grinned at Justin sheepishly and Justin returned the smile.

"Sorry," Lance muttered before Justin managed to capture his lips again. With Lance being shirtless, Justin wasted no time in feeling his lover's chest. He caressed the firm flesh and made his way towards Lance's dime sized nipples. Lance pulled his lips from Justin's and threw his head back as Justin pinched the sensitive buds. He managed to utter a strangled "Oh God!" as he fell backward to rest on the couch, Justin following him in a fluid movement. The young man now laid between Lance's splayed knees, his chest in direct contact with Lance's hard cock. Lance couldn't hold in the animalistic groan that escaped his lips as Justin latched onto his left nipple and started sucking. "J...Justin, baby...I'm not...not gonna be able to l...last if you don't stop teasing me," Lance pleaded in a breathless whisper above Justin's head. Justin raised his head from Lance's chest and grinned at his lover.

"You're right, let's go into the bedroom," Justin said suggestively, wagging his eyebrows at Lance. Lance couldn't help but grin and he quickly nodded his head in reply.

"Okay." Justin placed his hands either side of Lance's thighs and pushed himself up off the floor. He reached down with his right hand and offered to help Lance up.

They made it to Lance's bedroom in no time flat with Justin pulling Lance down the hallway. They stumbled into the dark room, lips locked. A little bit of light from the outside street lamp showed through the blinds, adding just enough illumination to the room. Frantic hands explored heaving chests as the two figures made their way towards the bed. Just before they reached the bed, Justin moved his hands down Lance's back and cupped his firm ass. Lance's moan escaped into Justin's mouth as Justin thrust his tongue into the older man's mouth. With a light push, Justin caused them to tumble onto the wrought iron bed. They sank into the soft feather mattress with Justin on top and Lance's hands buried in Justin's hair.

Justin straddled Lance and pulled away from Lance's mouth. Lance uttered a small protest before he felt Justin's slender fingers fumbling with the snap and zipper on his shorts. Justin was so intent on taking off Lance's shorts that he didn't notice Lance staring at him. Lance noticed that Justin's brow was wrinkled in concentration, his teeth nibbling at his lower lip. Lance had noticed that that particular trait was one of Justin's idiosyncrasies when they first met. Whenever the younger man was concentrating heavily on something, he chewed on his bottom lip. Lance loved it. It was one of the many things that had turned Lance's adolescent crush into something more. Lance's attention was drawn away from his thoughts when he felt Justin's warm hands caress his cotton covered erection through the open flap of his shorts. He arched his back and let loose a deep groan as Justin moved his hands up and down the length. Lance caught the look of amazement and curiosity that stole over the young man's face as he touched Lance.

"Wow," Justin muttered, too caught up in his passion to be embarrassed. Lance, on the other hand, was quick to blush and his cheekbones flooded with color.

"W...what?" Lance managed to croak out as he felt Justin's grip tighten.

"Well, I've never touched another guy this way and..."

"Neither have I, Justin," Lance reminded his lover.

"Yeah, but I've never seen a...a dick this big. Well, I mean I can't see it,'s covered, but still..." Justin rambled on in awe. Lance's blush deepened and squirmed under Justin's touch.

"It's not that..." Lance started before being interrupted.

"Oh yes it is. Don't argue Lance. It's not polite," Justin said with a devilish grin before lowering his lips to Lance's. Lance was more than a little amazed at Justin's behavior. One minute he was inexperienced and in awe of Lance, the next minute he was bold and confident. Lance wasn't complaining though. He leaned up on his elbows to provide better leverage and kissed Justin back whole-heartedly. Justin raised his hands and palmed Lance's face, gently tilting it up to provide him with better access to every crevice of Lance's mouth. After thoroughly exploring Lance's mouth with his tongue, he wanted more. He wanted to explore Lance's body.

He pulled away from Lance once again, ignoring the moan of disappointment that echoed above his head. He slowly moved down Lance's bare chest. Justin paid attention to every inch of exposed flesh, licking and sucking Lance's pale skin. Lance squirmed uncontrollably under Justin's assault. Justin's tongue flicked Lance's left nipple before taking the small nub into his mouth and sucking hard. His hands roved over Lance's tight stomach, caressing every rigid muscle. Lance writhed at the pleasure he was receiving. He placed both of his hands at the back of Justin's head, sighing in pleasure as his fingers sank into Justin's silky curls. He tugged on Justin's hair gently, silently pleading with Justin to continue his journey.

Justin pulled away from Lance's chest and scooted down the length of Lance's body. Lance lifted his hips high enough for Justin to slip his shorts off, leaving him clad in only his gray, cotton boxer-briefs. Goosebumps arose on Lance's flesh as Justin stared at his near nude body. Slowly, Justin reached up and hooked his thumbs into the elastic on Lance's underwear. Their eyes met momentarily as Justin uncovered Lance's hard cock. Both sets of eyes were filled with undeniable passion and complete love. Justin moved his attention to Lance's erection after the emotion-filled glance. Lance could hear Justin's quick intake of breath as he took in every detail of Lance's penis.

To Justin it was perfect. Very different from his own, but perfect nonetheless. Whereas his was long and thin, Lance's was very thick and long. Lance watched in anticipation as Justin lowered his head. He didn't even realize that he had been holding his breath until the moment Justin's beautiful lips closed around the head of his cock. It was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced, watching Justin pleasure him in this way. He felt the heavenly warmth of his lover's mouth and a deep groan escaped his mouth when he felt Justin's tongue caress the underside of his cock. He couldn't stop his eyes from fluttering shut and his head from rolling back onto the bed as sheer pleasure coursed through his body.

Although this was an entirely new experience for Justin, he felt comfortable pleasing Lance in this way. He knew what he would like have done to him, so he simply followed his own desires. He loved the taste and feel of Lance. He inhaled deeply, taking in the musky scent of Lance's skin. The skin covering his cock was satiny soft, belying the hardness of the erection that it covered. A faint salty taste filled Justin's mouth as his tongue moved over Lance's cock. Justin heard every groan and whimper that escaped Lance's lips and he wanted to hear more. While he couldn't suck Lance all the way into his mouth (he could barely even get in the first two inches) he made sure to pay attention to every inch. He would suck on the tip, then pull off and lick up and down the length. Justin made sure to keep his teeth away from the skin as he ran his lips up and down the rod.

"Uh, Justin, yes!" Lance groaned when he felt Justin cup his hairy balls. Justin continued sucking on the mushroom shaped head of Lance's cock while he rolled the large balls in the palm of his hand. He wondered what they would taste like, so he left Lance's erection and moved down to satisfy his curiosity. Lance's strangled gasp told Justin that his lover was enjoying the attention his balls were receiving. He licked the sac before taking one nut gently into his mouth, rolling it on his tongue.

"J...Justin, yes...suck, Oh God," Lance muttered brokenly, his fists grabbing a hold of the feather comforter to keep himself from flying away. He felt an immense pressure building up inside of him and it all centered on the youth that straddled him on the bed. Justin's warm mouth returned to Lance's engorged cock, taking as much as possible into his willing orifice. Lance's hips bucked uncontrollably as he felt his balls tighten, signaling his release. Lance's body tensed beneath Justin and he knew that Lance was close. Justin latched onto the swollen head and increased the suction. He wrapped one of his hands around the base of Lance's swollen cock and used his other hand to massage Lance's balls. Lance shouted a hoarse yell and arched his back, as his mind seemed to explode in pleasure. Justin heard Lance's yell just before the first volley of hot cum hit his mouth. His first reaction was to pull off; he wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to swallow. The choice was taken away from him however, when he felt Lance's hands at the back of his head, holding him in place. He haltingly swallowed the cum, but once he registered the pleasing flavor, he began to swallow greedily. Three more shots entered his mouth and he sucked the salty liquid down.

Lance's groans had diminished above him, but he continued to work Lance's cock. His hand moved up and down the shaft, squeezing every single drop out of Lance's spent cock. Justin pulled away once he heard Lance give a whimper in protest as Justin worked his now sensitive cock. Justin raised his head to look at his lover. He found Lance staring back at him tiredly, his eyes glazed over from his orgasm. 'I did that to him,' Justin thought proudly.

Lance felt as though he was floating, he couldn't feel the texture of the bed beneath him. His limbs felt weightless, but the one thing that kept him grounded was the sight of Justin as the young man lifted his head to stare at him. Justin's beautiful lips were full and wet from the heavenly workout. The passion was obvious in Justin's eyes and the deep blue orbs captured Lance's love all over again. He watched closely as Justin moved back up his body. Their lips met in a soul- searing kiss and Lance could taste himself on Justin's tongue. He sighed in pleasure before trying to roll Justin over. He wanted to please Justin the way Justin had just pleased him, but Justin wouldn't allow it.

"No, Lance. It's late and we have to get up early tomorrow. I can wait. I know you're tired," Justin said to placate Lance.

"But Justin..."

"No. I'm cool, Lance." Lance frowned for a moment before settling himself back on the bed. They laid there for a moment in silence. Justin was snuggled up against Lance's side; his head resting on Lance's chest. The sweat that had accumulated on their bodies began to evaporate in the cool air.

It took Justin a second to realize that Lance had fallen asleep; his chest moved up and down in a regular rhythm. Justin pulled away slightly to look at Lance. He had never seen such a peaceful look on the older man's face before. He felt an incredible amount of pleasure and happiness rush over him as he watched Lance sleep. He had worn Lance out. Gently, so as not to wake Lance, Justin pulled himself off the bed and stripped himself down, stepping out of his jeans and briefs. His cock had lost its erection, but he couldn't have cared less. He managed to get the covers out from underneath Lance and he slid into the bed as silently as possible, covering them both. He snuggled up to Lance's side once again and drifted off to sleep. The last thought on his mind was that he could really get use to this.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alright, there it is. Let me know what y'all think about it, okay? It was my first time writing a love scene so I'm kind of nervous about the response. Talk to y'all later! Robin :)

Next: Chapter 10

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