Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Jan 6, 2015


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 12

As September arrived, everything was going well. Sarah was really showing as she was seven or so months along and not having any issues. The project for the Pentagon was in several different levels of testing phases and all was really going better than we had hoped for.

The unit was scheduled to go to the rifle range for weapons qualification the last week of September. Since we supported the post, we didn't just close up shop and all go to the range. Top broke the unit into two halves and one half would go to the range and qualify, then spend the night to do night fire also, then the halves would switch.

Top broke our group up into Sarah, Micah, and Parker going to the range in the first wave and Daryl, Aaron, and me in the second. The lady at Tuttle Bay was one of our babysitters when we needed one. Her name is Alicia and she loved Rachel so much. Rachel called her Gamma. Alicia loved it as her children and grandchildren lived in Georgia, so she didn't get to see them a lot. That did change as we gave her six airline tickets to fly to Georgia whenever she wanted. Of course, she wanted to know when we wouldn't need her and she would schedule to go at those times. With Sarah having maternity leave coming up, Alicia was already planning on being in Georgia for Christmas. If felt so good to do this for her and to see her so appreciative. We were lucky to have someone we could trust with Rachel!

The first group got back from the range and I got a text from Sarah saying that all three of them qualified Expert Marksman! The first wave went with the CO and Top was going with our group. The range we went to had about thirty cement foxholes, but with only Top as a Range Officer, we only used fifteen at a time.

That meant that we would have to qualify in three groups. The three of us were all in the second group and were standing back of the range watching. As a Range Officer, Top had a paddle about twice the size of a ping pong paddle that was red on one side and green on the other. If he flashed green to the range tower controller, they would say over the loudspeaker that it was okay to fire.

If he flashed red, they would immediately yell "CEASE FIRE!" because there is some issue that could be dangerous.

When you go to the range, you shoot three rounds at a target, then everyone clears their rifle, you walk twenty-five yards down range to the target and examine your shot pattern. If you need to make adjustments to your sights so that you are right on where you were aiming, you do and then repeat the process.

You have three chances to zero your weapon. After that, if you couldn't get a nice tight shot pattern over your target, you had to just do the best you could when qualification started. The target is a piece of heavy paper that has six black silhouettes on it of different sizes, representing the different distances you are from the target. Each target should have six holes in it when you are done, indicating a perfect score.

The first group finished their zeroing and had started their qualification. I was standing there looking at Top and thinking about the project when a sandbag about three feet from where he was standing blew to bits! He jumped about three feet in the air and before he hit the ground was waving red at the tower.

"CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIRE!" We heard over the loudspeakers. All firing stopped and I was standing there watching the last of the sand coming back down to earth.

Top had been standing just a couple feet in front of the line of foxholes, normally safely in between them. There was a female soldier in the foxhole to Top's right and he went over to her, grabbed her weapon and cleared it. Then he bent over and screamed as loud as I had ever heard anyone scream in my life, "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! YOU JUST MADE ME SHIT MY FUCKING PANTS!"

When I heard that, I knew Top was okay and I burst out laughing at what I was seeing and hearing. Top, bent over at the waist, yelling so loud and hard at the soldier in the foxhole that his whole body was raising up and down with every syllable. I couldn't help it, I laughed until I was crying. He made the soldier get out of the foxhole and yelled at me to come get the weapon. I did and he looked at me. "We're going to have to have a chat later," he almost grinned at me, but said it as mad as he could. I know he had either heard me or saw me laughing.

"Yes, First Sergeant!" I shouted back, letting him know I was motivated.

I took the extra weapon over to under the Range Tower where SSG Haynes (Derek) was at the ammunition station. I double checked that the rifle was cleared and handed it to Derek. "What happened?" he asked. I told him that SGT Calloway had shot a sandbag about three feet from where Top was standing, about eight feet out of her line of fire. We started laughing when we talked about what Top had screamed at her.

"I got to get back, talk to you later, Derek," I said waving.

I got back to Daryl and Aaron and we were talking about what happened. We were laughing about it and then we were called to the range as the first group was done. We marched onto the line from one end and filled in as we went. Top had people skipping the foxhole that Calloway had been in and then waved me to take it. I laid my weapon down next to the foxhole and then stood there.

I looked at Top and he was making sure no one else skipped any foxholes and then he looked at me. "You thought that was pretty damn funny, huh Hardy?"

"Top, I swear I was scared to death until you started yelling at her, then I knew you were okay. That's when what you said hit me so funny. Did you really?"

"Really what? Shit my pants? No, but I saw my life flash in front of my freaking eyes. But don't tell Calloway I didn't shit my pants, I want her to feel as bad as possible until we get back to the unit."

"Top, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh, but you just make me laugh. You could be giving my eulogy ... mine, and I'd come back for one last laugh."

"Hardy, I'm sure there's a compliment in there somewhere."

"Top, you can relax now. I know why you put me here."

He looked at me and said, "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice and I may end up dead!"

Top knew I was the best shot in the unit. So, me being me, just couldn't let it go. "Top, you do know I had eye surgery last week, right?"

"What in the hell are you talking about?" he looked at me and had moved to about two inches from my face.

"You know, Lasik. Throws off my depth perception for about three weeks, but accuracy seems to be okay."

"I need someone else here."

"Top, I'm just kidding. Just a little rifle range humor."

"Jesus Christ Hardy, you're killing me."

"Um Top, I believe that I owed you one from the MIB meeting way back when."

"Shit Hardy, you're one patient son-of-a-bitch."

"Thanks Top. And relax. I got your back."

Top looked at me and smiled. "Thanks Hardy, I knew you were the guy I needed to talk to after that. You help calm me down by just being relaxed and cool with me. You treat me like a human being and not a First Sergeant all the time. It's a big help, trust me."

Top had us turn around and grab our target sheets. The rest of our time at the range went without a hitch and by the time we got back to the unit, everyone knew what had happened. I never did see Calloway after that and never asked. She may have been breaking rocks somewhere for all I knew.

But she was the instigation for one of the scariest, then funniest things I had ever witnessed.

I was at the office a few days later and sent Top an IM telling him if there weren't any newbies coming in, we should have a party. I said that he should have had a chance to take enough showers to get the smell taken care of after the range. His response was very well behaved, considering! He just told me to kiss his azz! I laughed at the spelling! But he was all for the idea of a party.

We decided to have it at the house again. We had been hosting a lot of them since we had found out that they weren't as secret as we thought they were with the MIB guys saying they knew about them.

SSG Nyberg was walking by and I said, "Hey Greg, we're getting a party organized for a week from Saturday at the house. You in?"

"Sure Trey, always! Thanks. Oh, I need to talk to you about something.

Can we do lunch?"


Greg, Micah and I had lunch. Greg a was a little nervous that Micah came along, but I told him that he could trust Micah just as much as me and he may be a help in whatever he needed to talk to me about.

"Ok, you guys know that my marriage has pretty much been over for a while now.

I tried to get her to come back without telling her about the money from the drone project, but she wasn't for it. I know that she would come back in a heartbeat if she knew about the money, but then I'd know she really was just a golddigger. I think she is getting ready to file for a divorce and I don't want her to get half of that money. Do you think I can write you a check so that she doesn't have access to any of that money?"

"I think they will go back three months on bank statements and stuff like that," I said. "But how much are we looking at? I'm assuming you paid the taxes on it."

"Yes, there is about a hundred and fifty there."

"There are two things that you can do. One is get a plane ticket and fly to Vegas, go get a few different players cards and then withdraw the money at one of the casinos. Then go lose a hundred dollars somewhere. Then come home with the cash, and you can come out here and drop an envelope with the money in the yard. I will pick it up and take care of it. That way, when you are under oath and they ask you what happened to the money, you can honestly say that you went to Vegas, withdrew the money and lost. You haven't lied under oath, but you will still have your money. The other thing you can do is gift it out to family, but you'd have to be positive that they would give it back to you.

Neither is completely on the up and up, and I feel a little weird about doing it, but she has indicated that she has no desire to be with you, but she would be with your money. You're too good a person to need to have to go through giving her any more than need be. I'll help all I can." I smiled at him.

"Thanks Trey," Greg said. "I think the Vegas thing sounds good. I'll try and cover my tracks as best I can. What if I get a cashiers check in your name?"

"Well, the government tracks all transactions over ten grand and are even tracking transactions under that if they see a pattern. Your wife would have to have a really good lawyer, but that isn't a chance I'd take. You could take a week and drive there and back, that would keep you from having to go through airport security."

"I like that idea. I'll take Derek with me, he has said he wants to get away for a few days."

"Sounds good, Greg."

"I'll see if we can leave today!"

"Greg, good luck and see you in a week or so. Or should I say bad luck?"

We laughed and finished our lunch and as Micah and I were walking back to the office, he said, "Do you think this is a good idea?"

"No, but I don't think she should get seventy-five thousand dollars and then alimony every month for being a bad person. If she found out about the money, she could realistically come back to him, get it all, then take off. Is that a good deal for a real bad person?"

Micah didn't answer my question. I think he was pondering the situation.

We just kept walking.

When we got home I said, "I need to get laid. Any volunteers? I'll take the first twenty hands in the air."

Everyone looked at me and Daryl said, "I'm here for you. Anything you need, buddy. And it's such a terrible job!"

I smiled. They all knew me well enough that I normally wasn't in a mood like this. Sarah came over and said, "Just a minute guys, we'll be right back."

Sarah led me into the den and closed the door. "Tell me what's wrong."

I told her and she said, "I think that you are admirable for offering to help and I think you are a good friend. I have some doubts that this is a good idea."

"Yeah, me too. But that woman is a bad person and if she knew he had money, she'd go after all of it and then leave him when she had it. I couldn't, in good conscious, let that happen. At least they can't get him for perjury if something goes awry."

She came over to me and kissed me.

"While we have a minute, did you want to marry Micah or have you guys talked about it?"

"We kind of did right after I found out I was pregnant. He didn't seem that excited about it, but he never gave me a reason."

"Will you ask him to come in here? I need to talk to him about it."

Sarah laughed. "I'll send him in. I love you, Trey."

"Sarah, I love you, too. It's funny, I love you just as much if not more now then I did when you were pregnant with Rachel. I thought that I might be a little jealous that you are having Micah's baby, but the only thing I miss is having that wild animal sex that we used to have!"

She hit me in the shoulder and then kissed me and then walked out the door with a smile on her face. I knew exactly what she was thinking and she couldn't wait any more than I could until we could have sex again.

Micah came in and sat down after closing the door. "What's up?"

"I told Sarah about Greg. She thinks the same thing you and I do. So, we'll take this slow and see what happens. If she doesn't file for at least ninety days, this will all be a moot point and Greg is in the clear. I think I'll tell him to ask her to go to counseling so that it builds his case and also maybe it will push things out past the ninety days."

"Hope so," he said.

"I wanted to talk to you about Sarah. I asked her if you guys were thinking about getting married. I kind of stayed out of it the last few months thinking you would let me know what your plans were. I should have probably talked to you before this."

"Trey, I'm scared to get married. You seem to be handling it so well that I thought we could just leave it like this. My thinking is that if you guys get divorced, then Sarah and I get married, then we'd have to divorce if you and I decide to get married. To tell you the truth, I'm happy with the way things are right now."

"Did you tell Sarah that?"

"No, I got chicken about it. I was afraid she would think I didn't love her enough to marry her."

"Well, I'm taking the other three guys upstairs and you and Sarah can talk about it. Tell her how you feel, tell her what you just told me. I'm sure she won't have a problem with it. I'm happy with the way things are, but I will do anything that you guys decide. I know we're a threesome, but this is something that you should decide between the two of you. Unless you want me there as either support or another opinion."

"Thanks Trey. Have fun upstairs. I've been a wimp long enough about this."

He smiled at me and got up. We kissed a long, deep kiss that got my loins to wake up.

We went out into the other room and I looked at Daryl, Parker and Aaron.

"You three need to come upstairs and make love my brains out." Rachel was in the room and I didn't swear in front of her. They had heard me substitute words before and it was almost a game whether they knew what I was trying to say.

They laughed and we headed up stairs and split into pairs, Daryl and I showered in one shower and Parker and Aaron in another shower. I kissed Daryl as the water flowed down over us. We both got hard pretty quickly, making soaping up and cleaning each other just that much more fun. We grabbed the enema hose and split the water between shower and tub. We cleaned out and then toweled each other dry. We had done some talking when we weren't kissing and I told Daryl that I appreciated him so much. I told him I loved making love to him and I loved how he made love to me. I told him that his body was so hot, so perfect, and that his personality and how he carried himself was a huge turn on for me.

As we dried each other off and headed into the bedroom, the other guys were already on the bed. Parker was sucking on Aaron, working him deeper and deeper into his throat. Aaron worked Parker around and was able to grab his nipples.

Aaron grabbed and twisted hard and sent Parker into a moaning frenzy. You could hear the sound of Parker's sucking increase on Aaron's cock. They were both moaning and gyrating, trying to get more out of the other. Their sounds were getting Daryl and me even more excited.

I looked at Daryl's cock and it was as big and reddish purple as I had ever seen it. We laid down next to the guys, immediately going into a sixty-nine position with Daryl getting on top. He wasted no time in shoving his engorged cock all the way down my throat. I smiled about as much as I could with a huge cock filling my mouth and throat, pile-driving my head down into the mattress.

I knew that he was wound up and I guess I could either take credit or blame for that! Daryl was pounding my throat so hard I knew I was going to have a sore throat for a few days. I didn't really care, I was into one of those abuse my body moods and I was happy with how he was beating the crap out of me.

I worked on his cock and massaged his balls. I was in a position where I could work my forefinger in his hole and tickle a ball with my pinky. The other hand held the balls where I could make this happen. It wasn't really working that well with him moving almost a foot up and down at a pretty furious pace.

I felt him tense up, so I took a big breath and then wham! Daryl slammed down into my mouth with a force that I had never felt before, and it hurt! I felt his warm liquid deep down my esophogas, entering my stomach. He pulsed at least ten times before he exited my throat. I gasped in a huge breath, needing the oxygen! He started to moan and I realized that I was squeezing his balls really hard, causing him a lot of pain after his orgasm. I released his balls, moved around and we started kissing. From time to time we would watch Parker and Aaron. I told Parker I wanted his second load in my ass. I told him I wanted him to pound in and out of me for a long time.

They had gotten into a sixty-nine position and as soon as I said that Parker started shooting his load into Aaron's throat, splashing the back of Aaron's mouth. I could see Aaron working hard to swallow it all, plus he had his hands on Parker's hips trying to keep him from driving his cock too deep down his throat. Parker finished his deposit and lifted out of Aaron's mouth.

Aaron and I hadn't cum yet, so I went and took Parker's cock in my mouth and just bathed it in saliva, a warm wetness that I thought would get him recharged pretty quickly. I was right and it wasn't long that Parker pulled me over to the edge of the bed and had me on all fours, hands and knees just a little wider than my hips. He slapped a bunch of lube on his hardening cock. I found that my body had adapted over the last couple of years and was creating its own lube.

I don't know where it was coming from or how, but as soon as someone got me turned on, my ass was wet and ready. Aaron laid down in front of me and I took him into my mouth. Daryl moved in over Aaron and was soon getting his second deep throat of the afternoon. I had learned that when I am about to be entered by Parker, that my reaction has to be to open my mouth and not clench down. The people I'm sucking on appreciate that more than you know! As Parker pushed into me, I just lifted off Aaron and moaned with a little wince along with it.

He knew not to even stop, just push all the way in and get it over with. In seconds, he was stroking those big, long, hard strokes that he knows I love from him. He was exiting me completely and going all the way back in to where he was bottoming out against my ass cheeks. He had nair'd his pubic hair off the night before and the softness of his skin felt incredible against my butt cheeks when he squished them with his thrusts. I was moaning onto Aaron's cock and he started shooting his load into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed as he had gotten pretty worked up with Parker, building up a huge load. I had learned that the vibrations from moaning had the effect of giving him a good deep throating without all the work. Sometimes I do take shortcuts! Parker was working my backside over pretty good. With every stroke pounding my ring, stretching it to the limit of what it wanted to stretch, the pleasure/pain factor was perfect.

Daryl had replaced Aaron, only Daryl slid in under me and we were in a sixty-nine position again. If I've thought it once, I've thought it a million times, I love this kid and his tenacity. I think he loves having sex, but he seems to enjoy it with me a lot more. With that being mutual, we just get after it with each other as much as we can. Parker had me rocking back and forth, even though I was working hard not to move with his motions. I was focused on the magnificent dick in my mouth. I felt Parker start to get a little eratic with his thrusts and knew he was getting close. I gathered up as much saliva as I could and took Daryl down my throat. Up to this point I had been tonguing his beautiful cockhead and shaft, flicking across his slit which made him twitch every time. I found if I sucked the skin from just under the bottom side of his cockhead into my mouth with my lips and then flicked it with my tongue, it was like taking a mind control device and putting it on maximum. I could tell him to jump off a bridge and he'd do it as high with desire and lust I was getting him to. But then I abandoned that and took him down my throat. I was already sore, but I worked him pretty hard and all three of us started climaxing at the same time. My load was the largest since it was my first and I pumped my nectar deep into my sweet Daryl. After I finished his load, I looked at my cock pulsing in Daryl's mouth. His eyes were still glazed from the erotic high I put him through. Parker's warm man juice filled me with just the right amount, putting a smile on my face. He slowly pulled out of me with a pop.

When Daryl was done swallowing all of my load, Parker headed to the shower with Aaron, I turned around and laid down next to Daryl.

"I'm so glad you are in my life. I think I like our lovemaking more than any of the others."

"Oh Trey, I love you more than the others and I love our lovemaking the most, too." He was rubbing my chest with his hand, making me feel so good. "You just know how to send me into that next higher level of want and desire that I never knew existed. How you do it, I don't know. You just know where every erotic button I have is and you press them like crazy."

"You bring it out in me. Let's go get cleaned up for supper."

With that we kissed one nice tongue exchanging kiss and went and showered. In the shower I got behind Daryl and moved in close to him, my front touching his back and my hands rubbing his chest and stomach. I could feel his body heat and his love for me in the way that he leaned against me along with the subtle movements he was making. He laid his head back on my shoulder and I kissed his neck. Daryl was like putty in my hands. I rubbed my soaped up hands over his nipples while kissing his neck by gently pulling skin from his neck in between my lips. I'd then flick that skin with my tongue just like I would do with the skin under the head of his cock and I saw his cock raising straight out in front of him. I moved my lips up and nibbled on his earlobe. I gently bit it with my teeth then sliding it out of my mouth. I felt his nipples get rock hard in my fingers. I looked down at his most amazingly perfect cock. I felt myself getting hard, my erection trying to push up between his legs. Daryl spread his legs to let my cock pop up behind his scrotum. I took one hand and soaped up my cock and then his hole. I guided my cock into his hole and as I got to his ring, he pushed hard back into me, forcing my cock deep into him. He didn't even wince in pain, the lust on his face told me that he really was sent to erotic highs with me that very few people ever get to. Maybe he hadn't come down off the one he experienced on the bed. Just knowing that I make him feel so good makes me love him and want to make love to him even more. I started moving back and forth and we quickly got into a perfect rhythm. I leaned back and looked at Daryl's body. His back was muscled and V-shaped. He worked out as much as any of us and it showed with a body that I lusted after, along with his perfect cock and balls. Just as I thought about how lucky I was to be here with this perfect human specimen, I gasped and slammed into him and held him hard against me, my hands around his waist, pulling. The extra little push my mind got from the visual of Daryl's body sent me over the edge.

"I want your load, Trey! Give it to me now! Deep inside me!"

I lost control of my body during orgasm and pumped my load deep, deep inside him.

I started helping my seed into him by pumping as hard as I could, squeezing my muscles as hard as I had ever. When I regained control. I pumped and pumped even long after there was nothing coming out of me. I just loved the feeling of his ass and my cock swelling in him every time I used my muscles for a pump.

After about thirty seconds, I was soft enough that I slipped out of him and he turned around and looked at me. I could see his love for me in his eyes. He kissed me and probed my mouth with his tongue. I felt his hard cock against my stomach and then a warm liquid spurting on me. Daryl was cumming after our lovemaking without me touching him! I quickly moved down and got the last couple of squirts from his orgasm. I licked and sucked as much out of him as possible. I swallowed and moved up and we kissed again. Daryl finally let me go and looked at me. "Trey, if something ever happens and our group falls apart, I hope that you and I always enjoy being with each other."

"Me too, Daryl. I came so quickly because I was thinking about how lucky I am that we have our lovemaking sessions. Just looking at your back sent me over the edge! I truly lust for you and your body!"

We kissed and hugged and then got out of the shower. When we got down stairs, everyone was finishing supper, but were still sitting at the table. I know I turned seven shades of red as Daryl and I sat down. Even though everyone knew what we were doing, it was still embarrassing!

"We were about to send out a search party," Parker mused.

I smiled, dished up some potatoes, and looked at Parker. "No need to buddy, I think we had everything under control except our libidos."

We all laughed and Micah then told us about the conversation that he and Sarah had while they had made supper.

"I want to tell you all that I don't know why I let my brain talk me into things. I know that we have talked about Trey and Sarah getting a divorce, then Sarah and I getting married. I should have resolved this a long time ago, however I just let it go until it became uncomfortable for me to talk about it.

I was afraid that if I told Sarah how I felt, that she would not want me.

But, I acted like a total imbecile and now look like a fool. I was afraid to tell Sarah that I didn't want to change things between us. I am happy with Trey and Sarah being married and I think that if they divorced, we married, and then if Trey and I wanted to marry, then it would just be a lot of mess. So, I am happy with how things are now. I talked with Sarah and of course, she being so amazing, told me that she was fine with how things were now, too. We talked and neither of us want a bunch of divorces or even marriages that are not really changing anything in our situation. The only reason would be that Sarah and I are married when our child is born, but a marriage for that reason just didn't make sense to us. Trey, Sarah and I are happy how things are now, I was just afraid that they maybe didn't feel that way."

I said after a moment of silence, "Micah, you know I am cool with whatever is decided. I agree totally with everything that you said. We know the truth about how we feel and our families do too. Your Mom isn't concerned about the marital status as we move forward and the children grow up. We are all here for both kids, so that is the most important thing."

Everyone agreed and then Aaron asked, "We're just talking here, but what would the thoughts be if Parker, Daryl or I wanted a child sometime in the future? I mean, we've never talked about it ever."

Sarah said, "I thought about it a couple times, but I wasn't going to ever bring it up. I wanted someone else to bring it up if we were going to discuss it. So, I will tell you my thoughts. I don't want to be looked at as just a baby factory. And I don't think that any of you would ever think that, nor any of our families. With that said, I also don't want to bring anyone into our group just for that reason. I don't know how hard it would be to get a woman to give up her parental rights to a baby that any of you have with her. I will be the mother of your child if any of you want to have one. We are a family of six adults and as a part of that, it is part of my obligation to make sure we maintain our group and the integrity of our group as we continue forward."

"Wow Sarah, that is so awesome of you," Aaron said. "Right now, I don't think I want to be a father. I have Rachel and another one on the way!"

We chuckled and then Daryl said, "I haven't thought about being a father since I had to write a paper about parenthood in high school. I'm not saying no right now, but I'm not ready for that yet."

We all looked at Parker as it seemed the natural thing to do, expecting him to be the next to offer his thoughts on the subject. When he looked around the table and saw us all looking at him and the look on his face changed to as if he was on trial. "What? I didn't bring the subject up!"

We laughed and I said, "Parker, we just want your thoughts on the subject."

"Well, I love you guys with all my heart, but I just don't think that I will ever want to have a child. I feel as if Rachel is my daughter in a way. I know that I have the protective love and all the other feelings I would have if she really were my daughter. I expect the same feelings when Micah and Sarah have their child. I'm happy with how things are now. I never would have thought that I would have ever ended up in a group like this, loving five other adults and living with them as a family. I'm so happy, I just don't think any of us would have ever dreamed that we would be this lucky."

"That's a beautiful thing to say, Parker. And it's obvious that Rachel loves all of you guys, too."

We all shook our heads yes. The rest of the evening was spent with Micah and me working testing some of the parts of the Pentagon Inventory system. We were shooting for a meeting with Top on the twentieth of October. We wanted to be done with the project before the baby got here. The rest did the cleanup after supper and played with Rachel. The four of them told Micah and me that they were more than happy to let us work on the project because they knew that soon we were all going to be very, very rich if this project was successful.

"Micah," I said when we were waiting for a test to finish, "what do you think if we pay all the families mortgages off when we get paid for this? Or maybe ask if they want a different house that we would buy for them?"

"I love that idea. My Mom doesn't need the money, but I could pay for Jen and Rebecca to go to college. Maybe my Mom would like to retire early then."

"I can't wait until we get paid and then we can tell them all what we want to do!"

Just then, that part of the test finished and it was successful. Micah had written a special program that he had copyrighted for interfacing with databases. I had copyrighted my database structure and you had to have both pieces, the database and the interface for either to work. Our process was faster and more stable than anything that we had ever found in all our research. Even with some of the archaic systems that the government was still using, our design worked with them. We were working with a former hacker that now works for the government to see if he could gain access to our data.

He also would let us know where we had some holes in our system. He was invaluable in our work to get the project done.

Six weeks later, we were finished! The Pentagon Inventory project was ready to give to the MIB. Top was beaming when we went into his office after formation to give the database to the government. The CO was also there.

"Trey and Micah, this is a huge day. You are soon going to be millionaires. I am so proud of you and am so proud to call you my friends."

"Top, we feel the same way. If it wasn't for you, none of this would have ever happened," I said.

"I agree, Top," Micah said. "Without you, we're just a couple of First Sergeant Boy Toys."

Just as Micah finished and we were laughing, Sarah beeped Top and told him that three gentlemen from Pentagon were here to see us. The CO went and escorted them into the office. I asked him to have Sarah come in, too. As the greetings were made, it was one MIB guy and two new military from the Pentagon.

One was a three star general and the other was an admiral from the Navy.

Micah and I went to the position of attention when the two officers walked in.

Both smiled and they walked over to us, telling us to relax and introduced themselves. They said that they had heard a lot about us, so much so that they expected us to be seven feet tall! We laughed and I already liked these guys.

You always expect high ranking officers in the military to be stuffy, grouchy old fogies, but these two guys were genuinely excited to meet us and listen to what we had to say. They also couldn't wait to go and tell the executive branch of the government that they have just saved the DoD tens of millions of dollars a year.

"Gentlemen," I started, "we are excited to tell you that the Pentagon Inventory Project as we have named it is completed and all testing went very well.

Of course you know that because you are here today. It is our pleasure to turn this over to you and to implement it so that the Department of Defense can work faster and more efficiently. From what we have seen between the old system and this one, all users will find that this will make their work with the inventory system much faster and much easier. Equipment that moves from one branch to another, done easily with a few keystrokes. Anyone with the proper authority can look at a specific unit, a company, anyone with a UPC (Unit Processing Code), what they have on hand, what they have on order, how they are trending as far as any item.

For example, let's say a UPC has dropped twenty people in strength the past six months, but they are ordering more toilet paper than they did before. A quick call to that UPC and you will know why they are ordering what they are.

Pretty much anything that you want as far as information on what someone has or should have, you will have at your fingertips. There is also a feature where you can make it where any order has to be approved by a higher authority outside the UPC before being filled and sent if there have been problems with that UPC in the past."

"Sounds fantastic!" the Admiral stated.

"One other thing," I added, "and then we'll give you a demonstration.

With a simple checkbox, you can look and see what a UPC is supposed to have on hand compared to what they actually have on hand per their last inventory. You will easily see any discrepancy in the two. You'll be able to see what a UPC is using or their wear and tear rate compared to other similar units and also what the branch standard is for any specific item. It'll also tell you with a percentage number what the probability is that excess use is either theft, poor training and abuse, or that the climate and terrain where that UPC is a factor in them going through a certain item faster than another similar UPC.

Example, a unit in a sandy area will probably not go through tires as fast as a unit in a mountainous or rocky region. But they will go through air filters faster then a unit in a less dusty region. We added this feature and hope that you find it as a valuable tool."

"Normally, we want things exactly to our specifications, but that sounds like a great feature you two added," the General said almost proudly.

Micah had the demo set up on a laptop with a projector and a screen against one wall. He went through some of the features for both the Army and the Navy.

Micah showed them that with different levels of authority, people could just access their UPC and/or UPCs under their supervision. For higher levels, they could look at pretty much any feature in the program. For the highest levels of authority, they could access all the branches of the service. All user profiles could be individually tailored for any situation. A broad change could be pushed out to a variety of profiles. The whole process was easily managed at the highest level.

"Hey Micah, I mean Sergeant First Class Donnelly, please show them the inventory comparison feature," I said. "We did ask if we could add this feature to the program as we thought it was something that could also prove useful in cutting theft, waste, and surplus inventory on hand."

Micah gladly walked them through how you could request the difference in the last two inventories of a unit. It would give you a list of any discrepancies between the two inventories and what they had ordered and discarded. With a couple of clicks, you could see what they had ordered between the two inventories and what they had discarded or salvaged. It also showed any excess over what was considered a normal amount of any item ordered.

"You slipped and called SFC Donnelly by his first name," the General said, standing up as we turned the lights back on.

"We spend a lot of time together working on these projects, Sir. Plus we live together in a house not far off post."

"You mean housemates?" the General asked.

I looked at Top and he nodded his head that I should go ahead and tell him.

"No Sir. We're a couple. We've been together since the moment we met here at the unit a couple years ago."

"Oh." He didn't say anything for a moment and then said, "We really need to take a long look at alternative lifestyles in the military. If you two were not in the Army, look at all that we wouldn't have gotten accomplished with this project so quickly. I'm proud of you two and your bravery in being who you are. How many people know about your lifestyle?"

"Sir, I can't answer that for certain. The entire unit for sure and I would think a lot of the post. Other than that, I can't say. I know that the DA, I looked at the gentleman that came with them in the black suit, know a lot about us. Sir, there are six of us that live in the house, five men and SSG Ellis." I gestured to Sarah. "She's my wife, Sir."

"What?" he looked at me incredulously. "You are expecting any day?"

"Yes Sir," Sarah said smiling.

"Congratulations you two," the General said.

"General, thank you. But she is about to have SFC Donnelly's child. SSG Ellis and I have a daughter that is a year and a half old. Both SFC Donnelly and I wanted to be fathers and we fell in love with SSG Ellis, too. She fell in love with both of us, so we have this arrangement. The other three that make up our group are the highest quality people you would ever want to meet, they're just gay like us."

"Uh, well I think for the first time in my life I'm speechless. I had thought I had heard everything."

"It's a very unique situation Sir, but the six of us found that we all love one another and we just sort of created a very special situation that we all are very happy with. We work hard to do our jobs, to serve our Country, and to tell you the truth Sir, I don't think any of us could be any happier than we are right now. We certainly are not here to push any personal agendas, but we are proud to serve our Country. This unit is a perfect fit for us as the thinking here gives soldiers the opportunity to really exceed and make a difference. The Major and First Sergeant are tremendous leaders, fantastic role models, and the best people in the world. The morale in this unit is sky high and the effort is a hundred and ten percent from every single soldier. I feel very fortunate to be in this unit under their tutelage."

I continued, "We're pretty excited that we can put this product in your hands and that we are helping our Country. The Post Locator and Drone projects provided us a lot of satisfaction, too."

"You two did those, too?" asked the General. "The Drone project is all the talk on the battlefields around the world right now. Estimates are in the last year alone we have saved three to five hundred US and Allied military personnel lives and fifteen to twenty thousand civilians due to the instant up to date information that the commanders are receiving. Sergeants," the General continued, "your lifestyle is completely outside the current guidelines and polices of the United States Army. But the work you have done, the lives you have saved, and the millions of dollars that you have saved the taxpayers of this country, have completely changed my mind on the way the Army looks at this issue. Along with this unit as a whole."

"Back to the Inventory system," he continued, "this looks like a product that will easily save the DoD hundreds of millions of dollars. I see this as a tool where we can really be aggressive with what is needed as assets by the different branches. When we show this to Congress, they should be more confident that we can manage what we are asking for. I want to personally thank you for the citizens of this Country for what you have done. I will be in contact in the next month or so and will be bringing you to DC. I want you to see your project in action. The treason trial for the person that you helped uncover is just getting started and you both will need to testify. One day should cover it, but you may need to fly back for follow up questioning. I didn't put two and two together and realize that was you two that helped there, too. The Country owes you a debt of gratitude for that also."

"Thank you, Sir," Micah and I said at the same time.

The Admiral shook our hands and said, "I can see where you are going to save us millions a year in inventory issues alone. I see so many other uses that we will be able to use the data for in modifying and adapting current policies.

You are going to make a lot of very important people in Washington very happy."

"You shouldn't have any trouble uploading the most current data for the branches all the way down to the UPC (Unit Processing Code)," Micah said.

"Of course, if you have any questions at any time, please call either one of us,"

Micah said handing all three of them a business card.

"I don't see a need for that," the General said, "you guys have covered just about every base. Oh, we'll be depositing your first payment for this within a week." The General handed us his business card, too.

"Thank you, Sir," I said, "it truly is an honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to meet you. You too, Sir," shaking hands with the Admiral.

After they left, the five of us stood there just looking at each other for a minute or so. Then I walked over to Top and hugged him. I hugged the CO, too.

I stepped back and asked, "Top, when you sent in a request to one of those inquiries, who did you really have in mind? I mean it couldn't have been us."

Top started laughing. "Trey, it was you two. Micah was a medic at the time, too. But I saw something at your bukkake party in your eyes and in Micah's. I saw that I had two very special soldiers that had a succeed at all costs attitude. Didn't matter what the task was, I put you two together and it was going to be a success. Now, I never dreamed that we would be here today, but this is all just a result of your work ethic and desire to be successful.

And when you two fell in love with each other, I didn't have to do anything to get you two together. It was all meant to happen."

"Wow Top," I said. "Thank you and that is a tremendous gift that you have to be able to see qualities and potential in people. I, for one, am very happy that you can!"

"I'm the one that is fortunate here," Top said. "The six of you are six of my best soldiers that I hope I have for a long time. But I know from what you said when you got here Trey, that you have the ability to see things in people's eyes, too."

"Oh Top, I've been meaning to talk to you about that," Micah stated.

"I have decided to ETS (End Time in Service) when my contract is up in January. It has been a very difficult decision for me to make. I love the unit and I love working for you. But I have a baby coming in the next few weeks and have the unbelievable opportunity to stay at home, work from there and raise my child while being there all the time."

"Micah, I would make the same decision. In a week when you get your half of twenty million dolla ... oops, I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"What?!?!?!" the three of us screamed!

"Crap," said Top. "Yes, they are depositing ten million to each of you in the next week. Then every year for the next ten years, you'll be getting five to six million each."

"Holy Jesus Mother of God," I muttered. "I mean, I knew it was going to be a lot of money, but it's just now starting to hit me. I never even dreamed of that much money in my life."

"I need to see if you want to get out too," Top said looking at me.

"No Top. I have about twenty months left and I don't quit. When I get closer to my ETS date, I'll make a decision then."

"I wouldn't expect any other answer from you Trey. You are the finest young man I have ever met. My love for you as a person is more than I could ever imagine I could ever have for anyone. My respect for you is also as much as I have ever respected anyone in my life." Top reached into his drawer and pulled out an envelope. He said, "Open this," as he handed me the envelope. I opened it and in Tops handwriting I read it aloud. "That goofy bastard Hardy will tell me he will stay and finish his enlistment even though he is a multi-millionaire because that is the kind of person he is."

We all laughed really hard at that.

"Thank you, Top, But I just do what is right. Or at least what I think is right. And then try and have a little fun along with it."

Top came over and hugged me. "Trey, you'll never know how much you have touched my life, how you have influenced me and the way I try to be as a person. I am a much better person for knowing you and having you as a friend."

I gave him a little extra squeeze and then told him that we needed to get down to the office. Top just looked at me and laughed, shaking his head.

"Most people would want to go home and party," Top said. "But you want to go to work."

"Top, I owe it to you and the Army. Without the opportunities that you and the Army have provided for me, I wouldn't have anything like what I have today."

"Get out of here before I get all mushy," Top said in about as demanding of a voice as he could muster.

"Love you too, Top," I said smiling.

I had moved into an extra bedroom just as Micah had done when Sarah started having some difficulty sleeping. The three guys took turns sleeping with me, but it was the nights with Daryl I found I looked forward to the most.

All three provided their own special fun for me, Aaron because he was the one that really broke me out of my shell, Parker with his huge cock that filled me up at both ends, and Daryl with his perfection in both his body and mind. Daryl and I didn't even have to do anything, all I had to do was just lay there and gaze at his body. One night I pushed all the covers down to our ankles and I was just laying on my side, my arm bent so that my head was propped up. I was just smiling and staring at him. Finally, he looked at me and asked, "Trey, what is it about me that makes you just want to stare at me?"

"I'm sorry Daryl, I don't mean to stare. You are so amazing that I just love looking at you. I think you have the most perfectly proportioned body ever made. I look at you and think about all the time we have had together.

I look at you and remember the wonderful things that you have done for me, the wonderful things you have said to me, and best of all the times you have made love with me. And then I think about when I first met you, how you were a little shy and little uncertain of yourself. But you have grown so much into such a wonderful person. I love your attitude and your desire to accomplish any task in front of you. Your picture is next to the word tenacity in the dictionary. I love that about you."

"Thank you, Trey. When Parker asked if it was alright if I stayed with you guys after your party and you said yes, I felt something in me change.

You are right, I didn't have a lot of confidence and sometimes I still revert to the uncertainty. I am a much better person now and I am growing and maturing everyday into what I hope to be a better person. I have you to thank for a lot of that as I always felt you believed in me. You didn't just love me for my body, you loved me for my mind, too," he said grinning.

I smiled and leaned in and kissed him. He grabbed my cock and I was already oozing precum. We kissed for a long time, exploring each other's mouth, tongue, and teeth. We were both pretty excited and leaking precum. Our cocks and hands were soaked in our juices as we rubbed back and forth and played with each other. I moved my mouth to Daryl's ear and whispered, "I want to lick my load off your chest, your beautiful, muscular, sculpted chest."

Daryl just moaned his pleasure. I moved down and sucked his cock into my mouth, licking and swallowing the slick juice that he was soaked in. I built up some saliva in my mouth and then bathed his cock in the warm fluid. I heard the moans increase in intensity as he knew what was coming.

I took a deep breath and swallowed, taking his cock with the saliva down my throat. I just pushed him down my throat as far as I could and then worked my throat muscles along the sides of his cock. I looked up at him and his eyes were closed. He was moaning and rolling his head from side to side. I came up off his cock, heard him gasp and I took a huge breath and went all the way down on him again, my lips touching the skin at the base of his perfect shaft. I was really working his shaft now, my throat muscles working overtime and in high gear. Daryl was moaning and I knew I had him to the level I wanted him when I heard him emitting high pitched little squeaks for moans! I pushed down on him harder and then squeezed my throat and mouth around his shaft and head. He tried to arch his back and raise up off the bed, but I was pushing down as hard as I could. Then I felt his shaft pulsing and a warmth deep in me, filling my stomach. The load went on for what seemed forever and I was out of air. I pulled up off his cock just before I passed out. I was pretty dizzy just from lack of oxygen, Daryl had a hand on his forehead, I knew he was as dizzy as I was, just for a different reason. I moved up and straddled his stomach. I started stroking my rock hard cock and just looked into his eyes. He never blinked and just stared into my eyes, too. I could see that he wasn't completely focused yet, still coming back after the intense orgasm. But I could also see a desire to please me in his eyes, too. I was working my cock furiously now, my balls sliding rapidly up and down his abdomen. That extra stimulation sent me to the edge. I held off my climax as long as I could, but it finally overtook what control I had. I pointed my cock at Daryl's chin and the first shot hit him right there. The next two also hit him in the chin, but not as hard. Each shot after that slowly lost power and I guided a shot to each of his nipples and then down to his belly button. I worked the last of my load out of my shaft, letting it pool in his belly button. I reached up with both hands and grabbed his wrists, putting them near his sides.

I then started sucking my load out of his belly button. I licked it clean and then licked all the way up his body, working side to side and licking even where I hadn't deposited my man juice. I got to his nipples and I could tell he was really sensitive. I gently licked around his nubs, once in a while licking over them, sending a shock through his body. I worked my way up and was licking his neck and chin. I finished, moved up and took a thumb and pulled his chin down, opening his mouth. I opened my mouth and what part of my load I had saved, dropped down into his mouth. I kissed him and then laid down right next to him, pulling the covers over us.

I turned the light out and we snuggled next to each other, holding each other in our arms. It wasn't comfortable, but I was close to him and that was more important to me at this moment.

"That was a lot of fun," I said.

"Jesus Trey, I can't believe what you do to me. How you can take me so far out of my body that I get so dizzy is just crazy."

I squeezed him a little tighter, letting him know I appreciated him. I didn't mean to fall asleep yet, but the next thing I knew, it was morning. We had moved during the night and I turned and looked at Daryl. It was only a few minutes and he opened his eyes. I smiled.

"Good morning sleepy," I said.

"Morning. How long have you been awake looking, I mean staring at me?"

"A couple hours is all," I said trying to sound genuine.

"Geez Trey, you need a life!"

I laughed and kissed him passionately. "It's Saturday and I could stay in bed all day with you, Daryl. I just freaking love you to pieces!"

Just then Rachel came running into the room. "Dadda!" she squealed. I picked her up and she stood on the covers on me while I steadied her by holding her hands. "Drool!" It was how she said Daryl. I laughed every time she said it, but I promised Daryl I would never call him that. She jumped up and down on me, thinking that it was fun for all if it was fun for her, but she was right on my stomach. I could take the abuse if it made her happy and she was having fun. And as long as I braced my stomach muscles against her jumps, I was fine. Plus, Daryl and I were naked, so there wasn't much else I could do!

Rachel soon tired of jumping on me and sat down on me. "Rachel, if you go get a book, I'll read it to you," I said.

She looked at me and then moved to the edge of the bed. I let her down and she ran out of the room to get a book. I told Daryl to grab his clothes and get in the bathroom quick! He looked at me and said he was happy to lay there for a while and would love to just watch me read the book that Rachel was getting. I smiled at him, knowing that he was just showing his love for me by staying in bed.

Rachel came running back into the room with the Three Little Pigs. I helped her up on the bed and she laid in between us. I started reading and hadn't read through a couple pages when she said, "Drool."

I laughed and then let him take over. He read the rest of the book and when he got done, she gave us both a kiss on the cheek and off she went for her next adventure.

We got up and showered. In the shower I told Daryl he was going to have to have a child so that I'd have someone to read to. We laughed and he playfully grabbed my cock, then kissed me. "You're so funny, Trey. You make me laugh."

We finished up and then went downstairs for breakfast. No one had gotten as far as we had so far this morning, I guess Rachel was just going from bedroom to bedroom getting what she wanted from everyone and they were entertaining her. Daryl and I started breakfast and before long everyone started filtering into the kitchen. They just grabbed plates and were helping themselves right out of the pans and griddle.

Micah and I had felt a bit lost without the Inventory project to work on this past week. You work on something that long and then when it is gone, it is a big adjustment. We went into the study and I logged onto my bank. I looked at my account balance and just sat there stunned.

The deposit arrived and was ten million dollars, just as Top had said.

Micah logged in and his deposit was there, too. We had talked with the branch manager at the bank on post where we banked and told him that the deposits were coming. It was a lot different working with a military branch of a bank than if it had been a civilian branch. This guy didn't beg us to do all kinds of weird stuff with our money or anything. He just said that if we needed anything, to let him know. I went to the bank my Dad banked at once when he had a check for some machinery he had sold and the banker wanted him to buy every product they had to offer. It really turned me off to that bank and if the guy at the bank on post had done that, I'd have moved my accounts.

Micah, Sarah and I hadn't said anything to the others, but they knew that it was going to be a lot of money. They didn't know when we were going to get the money either. Micah and I had done some research and with some help, we found out who held and how much the mortgages were for all our parents. We transferred enough money into a special account that we created for paying the mortgages off. Then we called each of the mortgage companies and paid the six mortgages. We asked that they not give out our names if anyone called about the payoffs, we wanted to tell them when they were with us. We then printed out six slips of paper that said how much we loved them and that this was a small token of our appreciation of their love and support. We knew all the families were going to be here in the next week or two for the birth and then we were going to have Thanksgiving. We decided we would tell Aaron, Parker, and Daryl. This was so much fun!

We went into the family room and I gave a whistle. It was a signal that we came up with that if any one of us wanted all of us together, that we'd whistle and meet in the family room. When everyone was there, Micah and I stood in front of everyone. I was nominated by Micah to talk.

"As you all know, Micah and I worked for eighteen months on the project for the Pentagon. We met with a three star and an admiral a week ago yesterday in Top's office and handed the project over to them. We received our first payment this morning. There will be ten more payments made yearly at about half of what this one was. But the best part of the entire meeting for me was the information they gave us about the Drone project we worked on. They have estimated that it has saved three to five hundred military personnel from the US and our Allies, along with an unbelievable fifteen to twenty thousand civilians!"

They all clapped and even Rachel clapped. She had no clue why, she just was copying everyone else. But it was fun to watch.

"That's awesome, guys," Aaron said. "Just freaking awesome."

I continued, "Micah and I did some research and soon your families may be calling you. We just paid the mortgages off for all your families, but asked the mortgage companies not to release our names. We felt that it was the least that we could do. You guys are everything to us. You supported us, you took care of everything around here while we worked, and it is a way that we wanted to say thank you to you guys and also your families for supporting and believing in us."

"Holy smokes," Aaron said dropping to his knees in front of the chair he had been sitting in. He was weeping uncontrollably, his body heaving up and down. I went to him and knelt next to him. Rachel came over and I smiled at her. I could tell she was confused, but I told her Uncle Aaron was just really happy. "Arrow?" was how she said Aarons name. He looked up and reached out for Rachel to give him a hug. She jumped into his arms and he hugged her. She had wrapped her arms around his neck and was hugging him back. I figured that it would hit him the hardest since he'd had the hardest life growing up, but I didn't think it would knock him out of his chair.

After a few minutes, Rachel was ready to move on, Uncle Aaron should be cured by her hug by now. She squirmed away from him and I helped him up.

He grabbed me and hugged me so tight he literally squeezed the air out of me. I finally was able to get him to relax enough that I caught my breath.

"I can't believe it," Aaron said. "You guys never stop giving. Sometimes I can't believe that you love me, all of you. I don't know how I got so lucky that I met all of you. I'm going to call Mom and let her know. I have to or she may have a heart attack if she gets something in the mail with a zero balance on it."

"Oh, Micah and I have one last thing. If your family wants to move and needs help with the new house, we'll cover that cost, too."

All three of them hugged us all around and I hugged Sarah and Micah, too.

"Now, we have a party in about 7 hours. I'll head to the grocery store and get what's on the list. We need the tables and the lighting from the unit."

"I'll call and see if Derek and Greg are back from Vegas yet so we can get into supply," Micah said.

"I'll go to the store and help you unless I can be of better use somewhere else," Parker said.

Aaron and Daryl said they would start moving things in the house. We had done this a lot of times, but we had a couple extra features for this party.

Everything was ready for the party about an hour before everyone arrived.

We added a buffet table with finger foods and hot hors d'oeuvres. The pop, beer, and liquor bar was set up and of course the tables on the platform. I had installed some eye bolts in the ceiling and suspended a sling chair from them.

It was a little touch I thought would be fun for a little variety.

Tonight's party wasn't going to be a bukkake party in the true sense, but more of a smorgasbord of sex options. Daryl and I were going to be giving Squeal Like A Pig blowjobs, and Parker wanted one of the tables. Aaron would float between a table or the chair, depending on what someone wanted. we were also going to see if anyone else wanted any of the spots servicing the unit. We wanted it to be a fun party where maybe some people could let loose and live out a fantasy or two. We offered people a chance to spend the night. We also got a list from the soldiers in the billets that didn't want to stay but wanted to ride in a limo we offered to pick them up at the billets and return. We rented eight limos! We had it so that they would head back on the half hour starting three hours after the party started. I stood on the platform, looking around to see if there was anything we missed. I couldn't see anything.

I hadn't had a drink since the Fourth of July. I grabbed a beer and stood at the bar in just a pair of jogging shorts. Daryl came over and said how much he enjoyed the night before and no matter who he was sucking on, would be thinking about me. I smiled and gave him a little kiss. "We can stroke each other while we suck people off," I said smiling.

I heard the doorbell and it was Top and the CO. I invited them in and they loved the additions to the party. We went back to the bar and I served them both what they wanted. The CO (Gary) said he and Top Jim) wanted to talk to me. I said sure. Daryl was standing there and they looked at him. He said, "I need to go check on the oven, I think I may have left it on."

I smiled as he walked away as I knew he hadn't been near the oven all day.

"What's up?"

Top started, "My wife almost had a heart attack this morning when she looked at our bank account."

"What a coincidence, I did too," I said. "But why her?" I was so bad at lying.

"Trey, you are so bad at lying. What did you do?"

"Top, you read minds, too! I was just thinking the same thing about how I can't lie. But really, I have no idea what you're talking about." A brief pause and knowing that they weren't buying a syllable of that, I asked, "How much was it?"

They looked at each other and smiled. I smiled too.

"I made a phone call," I said.

"A million each," Gary said.

"Holy crap! That's awesome!" I exclaimed. "I talked with the General and told him that without the two of you, none of this would have ever happened. I just asked if there was a way to send a token of appreciation your way, too."

"I told my wife that the porn movie check just came in that I starred in."

When she didn't buy that, I told her it was probably you that did it. I just don't know why she didn't buy the porn movie answer."

We all laughed and the CO said, "Trey, you really are an inspiration to all of the unit. I think we have two people on leave, otherwise everyone else will be here tonight."

That's awesome," I said. "That means I'll just have two checks left to hand out when they get back."

"Dammit Trey," Top said, "What did you do now?"

"I wrote everyone in the unit a thousand dollar check."

"Jesus, that's eight hundred and twenty thousand dollars," The CO said.

"Gary, Jim," I almost never use their first names, "it's just a little something to give back to these guys for picking up some of the slack for us when we are working on other projects. And for this house, the cars, and everything else."

"Well, I'm sure they'll all be very appreciative. And, we can talk about this next week, but the unit project we got hit a snag and now that you and Micah are done with the Pentagon project, we'll bring you in on this and get you up to speed on it. Not so much as just to have you there to get things done and get us fixed and back on track. When that project is done, DA is giving everyone fifty thousand. So you'll have that coming in, too."

More people were starting to arrive and I was still tending bar. Greg showed up, came behind the bar, and whispered in my ear. "Everything went great in Vegas. I lost sixty four dollars plus trip expenses, but I have the cash."

"Great," I replied, "let's take care of that as soon as we can."

"It's in the car."

"Okay, that tells me you are probably staying the night?"


"We'll do it in the morning then," I said. "And since you are behind the bar, it's your job for a while!"

He grabbed my cock through my shorts and said, "Not a problem as long as I get some of this tonight!"

I smiled and said, "My pleasure!"

It looked like nearly everyone was hear, so Micah and I got up on the platform and I got there attention. Micah had all the envelopes with the checks and hand written thank you notes that either he or I had written.

"First, welcome everyone! Micah and I just wanted to take a minute to say a couple things before the festivities begin. Thank you all. Thank you for picking up any slack that you had to while we were working on the project for the Pentagon. But with your dedication and your help, we all have saved the taxpayers of this great Country hundreds of millions of dollars and we all have saved thousands of lives through the Drone program a couple years ago. We also helped find a spy in the government with the Locator program. It was with your help that all this has been accomplished right here in our unit!"

Loud cheers along with whooping and hollering!

"We wanted to give you a little something to say thank you. So we'll call your name and you can come up and get your envelope. The only thank you we need in return is that you have a great time tonight!"

More cheers!

The CO and Top stepped up on the platform.

"Top and I want to say one quick thing before we start. Micah and Trey are being way too modest here. All the things they said are true, the programs that they have worked on have done everything they said. But the Army and Department of Defense are also taking a look at gays and lesbians in the military and exactly where the problems are coming from. These two have so impressed Washington and the Pentagon with the work that people with alternative private lifestyles are doing, that it may eventually change policy." (Cheers! Very loud cheers!) "These two young men are an inspiration to me, to Top, and should be to all of you. They care about you, they care about us. And they are doing great things for our Country! Thank you for everything, Trey. Thank you for everything, Micah."

More cheers and clapping, louder than I could imagine! The support in this unit was absolutely phenomenal.

"Thank you Sir," I said shaking his hand. Then I said quickly, "I know you all are like me and want to get started here, but we wanted to shake everyone's hand and give a small token of our appreciation."

Micah and I called all the names out and we did have just two envelopes left. Every person that was available to come to the party did. As I handed the last envelope out, I said, "We have two envelopes left and two people are on leave. I can't tell you all what it means to me that you would all show up. Thank you so much and I promise just one more thing. Tonight's party has a slightly different theme. It's pretty much an anything goes party. Daryl and I will be over on the pillows there, giving what has been termed Squeal Like a Pig blowjobs. You'll know why as soon as the first person bravely comes over! Sir, would you kindly be my first this evening?"

"Sure Trey! You won't get me to squeal like a pig, though!"

I laughed. "If any of you have something that you want to do or want to try and are a little embarrassed about it, just write it on a piece of paper over at the end of the bar and bring it to me. We'll work it into the evening."

"Everybody strip naked!" The CO yelled at the top of his lungs. "That's an order!"

We all laughed as we stripped. As soon as the CO had his pants down, I pulled him over to the pillows. I was on his cock, sucking it in to the back of my throat. In all the parties we have had, this is the first blowjob I had given the CO. He was in for a treat!

"This feels good Trey, but I'm not squealing!"

I pulled off his cock for a minute and whispered to Daryl. He got up and I started on the CO again. I built up some saliva and bathed his cock in the warmth of my saliva. He was very hard and he was starting to really get into it. I worked back and forth and then took him all the way down my throat.

It I started working his shaft with my throat muscles and I heard the CO start to really moan. I started moving back and forth on his shaft, taking him from the base to the tip. Then I took a deep breath and took him down my throat, bottoming out and working his shaft with my throat as hard as I could. I did this for about a minute, then came up for air and went back down hard.

The CO started to climb in pitch in his moans. His eyes were closed and he was really starting to move up in arousal. I came up for another breath and then grabbed his cheeks and pulled him hard down my throat. I tightened every muscle I could find that touched his cock and worked it as hard as I could. That was it and the CO started moaning in the high pitched squeal sound! I felt him start to shake and his cock swell up. Then I felt the warmth of his load deep in me.

He pumped his load down my throat and then I moved up off his cock, sucking on it pretty hard and making a big popping sound when it left my mouth. Just then, two soldiers that I had told Daryl to have ready caught the CO as he lost the strength in his legs. They helped him to a chair and handed him a bottle of water. I looked over and got a thumbs up from the video person that they got every second of the audio and video. I smiled.

Daryl and I had a lineup after the CO, and we started working our magic.

My first soldier cock after the CO was one of the black guys with a cock almost the size of Parker's. He had a grin on his face and I stood up as he was a good friend of mine. "Terrance, Il have a chair ready for you next to the CO."

He laughed and said, "I hope so, but I doubt it Trey."

I grinned and said, "Big T, prepare to squeal!"

We hugged and then I knelt down and I took him in my mouth. I did the same with him I did the CO. When Terrance felt the head of his cock slide deep down inside me and the throat muscles kick in, he gasped and grabbed my head.

He wasn't putting any pressure on my head, but I think it was adding to his experience. In all the parties we had hosted, I had taken most everyone down my throat, but I never gave them the throat muscle treatment, except Micah at my bukkake party. So Big T knew I could get him down my throat, he had been there before, but when I started working him with my throat muscles, he jumped a couple arousal levels. I pulled back off him, huge breath, then pulled his ass toward me as far as I could. It pushed his cock as far down my throat as possible. I worked his cock hard and soon he was doing the same squeal moan that everyone else has done when I work their manhood like I do.

Then I felt him tense up and heard him squeal a couple octaves higher!

Then the warmth of his load down in my stomach. I slid him up out of my throat out of necessity for oxygen deprivation and took his last few shots in my mouth, swallowing them, too.

I reached over and stroked Daryl's cock, making him moan on the cock he was deep throating. He had already got a couple guys to deposit deep in his stomach. As I took another cock, I was thinking about how lucky we were that the Army tested for STDs and HIV periodically. Our unit personnel took everyone's sexual safety seriously.

Parker was strapped to the table on his back, his face was covered in cum and his ass was full with a cock that was depositing a load in him. Micah was testing out the chair, his wrists and ankles strapped to the support chains.

He had one of the black guys in his ass and he was sucking on a cock, too.

I looked up at my next cock and it was Top. I smiled, stood up and asked if he was going to squeal for me. "I don't think I have a choice!" I smiled and whispered in his ear, "I love you so much for all you have done for me."

I got on my knees and took him into my mouth. I worked up a nice mouthful of saliva, bathing his cock in the warm liquid. He was enjoying it already and then I took a deep breath and swallowed the saliva and his cock. He moaned a pleasurable moan and then I hit him with my throat muscles. Top just about jumped out of his skin! He was a moaner! After about thirty more seconds, I worked him full strokes for what had to be two minutes. I then took a huge breath and when he went deep down my throat this time, I pulled him into me. I worked my throat muscles hard against his shaft and he started shrieking in a high-pitched sound I had never heard before. I knew I was going to have to get a copy of this party on dvd! I did have to come up for one more breath and then I worked his shaft one more time.

I felt Top's cock swell to as big as I had ever felt it and he squealed as he started pumping his load into my stomach. I really did love cum, drinking it, absorbing it through my intestines, I didn't care. I just wanted the sweet, white liquid in me.

I released Top's cock and two soldiers helped him to a chair. Every soldier that both Daryl and I took care of needed help to a chair. I had thought about servicing them sitting down, but decided this was a lot more fun. At least for Daryl and me!

It had been over two hours of constant deep throating and I finally stood up with some help and said that we needed a break. We had about ten more soldiers a piece that wanted our services and we promised them that we'd be back shortly.

Daryl and I went to the buffet table and just ate a couple small bites.

We were pretty full of cum and our throats were burning. "Last time I volunteer for this duty," I said. "I'm hurting."

"Me too, but I'm doing it next to you, so I'm in for the long haul,"

Daryl replied. I smiled at him.

We went to the bar and Greg was pounding Parker's ass. I mixed us a couple drinks and I gulped mine down. Daryl looked at me funny.

"I'm going to go get this over with," I said just so he could hear me.

"Then we can enjoy the rest of the evening. This is work!"

He slammed his drink and we started back over to the pillows. The CO stopped me and said, "Trey, that was the most intense orgasm I have ever had. And everyone keeps telling me that you had me squealing just like you said you would, but I don't remember doing it."

"It's on the video, Gary, it's on the video," I repeated patting his shoulder.

Daryl and I took about another hour and finished up all the blowjobs.

I was stuffed full of cum, almost like my party. Parker had moved to the chair and Micah was strapped face down at one of the tables. I went over and saw that no lube was needed for Micah's ass, cum was oozing out of his ass and dripping off his scrotum. I slid into him and started making nice long strokes.

"That feels like the love of my life," he said.

"It is, Sexy!" I replied.

I stroked the long strokes, leaving his ass and then re-entering all the way in. I was horny from three hours of giving blowjobs and no relief for myself. I loved slamming into someone when they were on these tables. because they didn't give and you could really push deep into their ass. I was slamming into Micah so hard that I heard him grunting every time I was buried to the hilt, coming to a halt feeling the hardness of his pelvis. I tensed and gave out a yell and slammed into him one last time. It wasn't the biggest load of my life since Daryl and I came last night, but it made me happy! When I was done, I moved around and kissed Micah.

"Damn, you had some pent up sexual frustration, didn't you?"

"I was ready," I said smiling!

I had four people give me notes throughout the night. All were from females in the unit. Two wanted me to orally get them off like I did the girls they heard about at my party and two wanted Parker to fuck them. I told Parker and who they were. He said he would be discreet about it and fulfill their wants. One of the females that wanted me was at the bar. I walked up to the bar next to her and had Greg make me a drink. I said hi to her and that I wanted to try something with her. She is about five and a half feet tall, maybe a hundred and ten pounds, brunette, hazel eyes, medium breasts and a pretty nice body.

She smiled and I led her over to one of the tables. On her back and her legs strapped nice and wide, I kissed her and was rubbing my hand lightly up and down her chest and stomach. I whispered in her ear, "I don't know if I can make you squeal like the boys, but I'll give it a try."

I heard her just moan as the bondage, rubbing, and thoughts I just put in her head had her getting wound up. I moved down between her legs and kissed around her nicely trimmed slit. I kissed and flicked into her slit and moved up to where her nub of a clit was. I pinched it between my lips and flicked it back and forth with my tongue.

Within two minutes, she was writhing on the table and then with a shriek, bounced, writhed, and shook for thirty seconds or longer.

Everyone that was still at the party had their eyes focussed on her.

As she came down from her orgasm, I released her ankles and helped her up. She fell into me and I was prepared, so I picked her up and took her over to the chairs we had used earlier. She was just regaining her composure when she pulled me to her and she said, "Trey, I love you and want to have your baby."

I looked at her and said, "That's very flattering, but we can talk about it some other time. Thank you for letting me be a part of your evening. I hope it has been fun!" No one else heard our conversation.

I smiled at her and then headed back over to the bar. I think, and not coincidentally, the other girl that wanted the same thing from me was standing there.

I said hello to her. I had thought I knew everyone in the unit, but I had never met this young lady. She was pretty cute, short blond hair, about five feet seven inches tall, a body a lot like Sarah's. She had a nice chest and she had shaved her pussy smooth. I found out her name was Danielle and she said that she got to the unit yesterday.

"I'm Trey, if you didn't know already. We'll have to have a party like this in your honor soon then," I said. She looked at me with a little fear in her eyes.

"There's no way I could do what you did tonight."

"Oh, that was nothing," I said. "After my party, I couldn't walk, I needed two people to help me move."

"Jesus, why would you do that?"

"To make sure everyone else had a great time. Plus, when I got here, I was kind of sex deprived. I wanted all I could get at first. But enough about me, would you like the same thing that you just saw?"

"I would, but I've never had an orgasm, so I doubt that it will be very exciting."

I grabbed her hand and led her up on the platform. She kind of gave a little wave as everyone cheered and clapped. I led her to a table and strapped her ankles as she lay on her back. She looked familiar in a way, but I couldn't place her. I kissed her on the lips and then whispered in her ear, "You are an amazingly beautiful young lady.

I'll bet you didn't think you'd be naked on your second day in the unit in front of everyone, did you?"

"No, but I'm okay with it. I like being naked."

I smiled at her and moved down between her legs. I was rubbing her breasts and my cock was hard as I found this girl kind of cute. I rested my cock on her slit as I rubbed down her body. I could tell that this was starting to get her excited by the movements that she was making. I moved down and started kissing her all around her inner thighs. She started to respond with bigger movements and as long as they weren't fake, I knew I could get her to orgasm. I kissed and licked her slit, feeling her get wetter as I knew she was getting turned on. I licked up to her nub and it took longer to find on her than any of the other girls. But when I did, she jumped! I gently sucked it into my mouth as far as I could and started flicking it with my tongue. She was moaning and I felt her hands push down on the back of my head. I sucked a little harder, pulling her clit into my mouth for full onslaught from my tongue. This had the desired effect and within a minute, she was bouncing, twisting, and screaming.

She started shaking uncontrollably, screaming my name! I lightened up on her, and she pushed my head into her harder. I took my teeth and lightly bit her clit, flicking my tongue harder than I had with any other girl and she went into orbit. I could have sworn that she was completely off the table at one time. As she shuddered and started to come back down after her climax, I let go of her and gave her a little kiss on her now steaming hot pussy lips. I released her ankles and Micah and I helped her up. We got her to the chair and gave her a water. She looked at me and said, "Wow Trey. Now I see what Micah sees in you besides your good looks."

Micah looked at her, blinked his eyes and then looked at her again.

"Jenny, is that you? Please God tell me that isn't you!"

I looked at Micah and said, "I think I'm going to be sick."

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 12. Thank you all for reading! Reggie

Next: Chapter 13

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