Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Dec 4, 2014


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 6

Aaron was the first to speak, "I can't believe how that felt. It hurt so bad and then was the most euphoric feeling I've had in my life. The intense rush of you pounding away in me was just incredible, Parker. And thanks for helping out with the distraction, Daryl."

Parker said, "Aaron, that was the hardest I have ever cum in my life. You took me to places that I didn't think emotionally existed. I am pretty wound up after that."

Daryl said, "I don't know how big around my eyes got when I saw your hand completely disappear, but I'll never get that image out of my head. And why did you call me bitch?"

"Oh, sorry about that. It was almost like I was possessed or something. I felt like Parker had grabbed me by the soul and I had no control of anything I was saying or doing. It just came out," Aaron explained.

"I'm just kidding, I knew something like that was happening, I actually thought it was funny. And when Parker asked what do we do now was so hilarious!"

They all laughed again. All three were thinking when the next time they could do something like that again.

Micah opened his eyes and smiled at me. This time I was awake and watching him sleep. "Hi," he said softly.

"Hi," I replied. "You are so beautiful and so sexy."

"Oh Trey, I'm so in love with you."

They kissed and explored each other with their hands. They each had a hand on the other's cock, bringing each other to life.

"Trey, I never thought I would ever want to make love to someone continually like I want to make love to you. I hope that we never tire of each other."

"Micah, I will never get tired of making love to you, looking at you, talking to you, sharing my thoughts with you, hearing your voice, ever. All those times when I was alone in my room and made love to you in my mind, wondering if you really existed, if you were really out there, and now here I am with you, I feel as if I am the luckiest man in the world."

Micah, just hearing these things from his lover, made him leak clear juice out of his rock hard cock. He kissed Trey and kissed with a passion that was grerater than the passion from earlier that he thought couldn't be exceeded. He moved around into a 69 position and lowered his cock down to Treys waiting mouth as he took Trey into his. Trey instantly had a finger working Micahs hole and Micah spread his legs as far as he could giving Trey as much access as he could without choking him. Trey responded by taking his legs and wrapping them around Micah, locking his ankles right between his shoulder blades.

Trey had two fingers in Micah, moving them back and forth while also trying to spread them apart, opening Micah up. He knew that his love was enjoying the feeling by the moans and the way he was moving his ass around in circles.

Trey unlocked his legs and got on top of Micah in a missionary position. They kissed and gyrated together, grinding their bodies against one another and spreading the precum they were both excreting between them. Trey moved down and started on Micahs nipples, alternating between them and working them both into hard, erect orbs. Micah moaned his pleasure and when Trey would use his teeth to lightly bite, Micah would pull Treys head down and push his breast up into his face, letting him know he wanted Trey to be more aggressive. Trey read the signals and started sucking and biting harder. Micah gasped, "Oh Trey, bite them off! You're driving me crazy!"

As much as Trey wanted to please Micah, he of course wasn't going to bite off Micahs nipples and he didn't want Micah to orgasm yet. He released the nipple he was last working over and moved down between Micahs legs. He took Micah in his mouth and sucked as much precum out of Micah as he could, then lifted his legs and started licked his hole, lubing it up with the juices in his mouth.

He moved up and let the last of the precum mix in his mouth drop out and land on his own cock. He took his hand and lubed his entire cock and slid in to where he was touching Micahs opening. They locked eyes and Trey eased into Micah and never stopped. Micah never blinked or winced if he felt a surge of pain as Trey popped in past his ring. As Trey started sliding in and out of his lover, they interlocked their fingers on their hands and continued to stare into each other's eyes. As one would hit the next level of arousal and his eyes would flutter, the other would see that and it would bump him up to the next level. The next few minutes of lovemaking pushed them both up to climax.

As Trey gave one last push to bury his seed deep inside Micah, Micah started to shoot his load, first hitting himself in the face, then chest, then stomach, and a few little globs that he pushed out that ran down his shaft. Trey shot deep in Micah, and he worked his muscles that pump his load long after there was anything left to pump.

Trey bent down and started licking Micahs body, starting with his now half hard cock and then up his torso. He got to Micahs mouth and kissed him while letting what he had collected flow into Micahs mouth. He then licked Micahs first shot off his face and smiled at Micah as he swallowed, keeping it for himself. He laid down next to Micah and said, "I wanted you so badly, I'm not sure I could have stopped if you had said no. It was a little scary feeling so much lust and desire for you that I was out of control."

"I could never say no to you, Trey. You are everything to me."

With that they both fell back asleep and dreamed wonderful dreams.

Sunday morning at breakfast, the six of them ate together and Daryl said he wanted to go down to the office with Parker. They all said they wanted to go just in case Daryl needed the support. Parker said that was ok and that they would just have to sign in at the security desk. "I'll text Top just to let him know, he won't have a problem with us going down there, I just want him to be aware that we went to the office," Parker stated.

Parker opened the safe and went through the folders until he found the PCS report. The tension was so thick that no one could speak. Parker paged through the report and got to the their unit. He looked at it and then looked at Daryl. "Um, Daryl is on here .... "Oh no!" screamed Daryl.

"Daryl Stensen. I didn't know SPC Stensens first name was Daryl,"

finished Parker.

"Not me?" asked Daryl. "You shit, why'd you say it that way?"

"To be a shit," replied Parker smiling.

"I'm going to pile drive your bottom later!" Daryl declared to his friends. "But I'm pretty happy!"

The day was pretty slow and Micah suggested we grab our putters and go down to the golf course and have a putting contest. The putting green was just off the outside patio so we bought a couple pitchers of beer and took a table near the putting green on the edge of the patio. None of us had talked about how good we were at golf, but we had all played at least some from a conversation at the lake the day before. Your skill level at golf and how well you putt are not necessarily related at all. Putting can be a great equalizer because it doesn't take much power, just practice to develop consistency.

"What are we going to play for?" I asked. I didn't know how good anyone else was, but I'm a single digit handicap player, so my short game and putting are pretty good. I was looking forward to this! "Well," said Parker, "we could play teams or individual."

No one volunteered anything, so Parker said, "I have an idea. What if we have two three person teams with Trey and Micah as captains. They pick the rest of us and the losing team has to do whatever the winning team wants for an hour, void of anything illegal."

Everyone was shaking their heads yes, so we flipped a coin and Micah won the toss. He picked Sarah first. Then I got two picks. I always hated picking teams because someone was always last. I was last the first few times at every game growing up, but it motivated me to practice and soon I was the first one that was always picked. But being the last one picked sucks.

I said, "I don't know how anyone plays, so I'm just going to pick Aaron and Daryl.

Sorry Parker." But my thought was if we happened to lose, I might get a chance to let Parker get after my, what did they call it, cock garage! So, the contest began. We picked an order and would each putt 18 putts, making it a 54 hole tournament. There were nine holes cut on the green, so we decided to go from 1 to 9 and back and repeat three times with each player starting a round so that everyone putted each hole once.

After the first 18, we were ahead by 2 shots. After the second round, we lost a shot to them and were only up 1. I had worked it so this last round I would play holes 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18, with 18 being the last hole of our little contest.

Sarah was the last for their team and Micah must have known that she was a pretty good player, at least putter, when he picked her first. Halfway through the last 18, we were 3 up and it looked like we were going to be 'having our way with the other team'.

But I hadn't even finished thinking that when Micah made an ace on 10 and we made a 2.

2 up.

We tied the next two holes and then Micah makes another ace! Now we're only one up. I gave him an evil look and he just shrugged. I had to smile as I was having a blast in a tight competition that I didn't see where anyone was going to lose! Parker and Aaron tied 14, then Sarah putted and just missed an ace on 15.

I putted and it looked like my putt was in the middle of the hole and it was, except it didn't get to the hole and stopped about an inch short. We are 1 up with 3 to play. All these putts are in the 8' to 15' range and 16 is a short putt and straight. I had made this putt earlier. I said, "Micah, this putt is straight and you thankfully are not." He looked at me and we all were laughing so hard. He stepped up and knocked the putt right in the back of the hole! I walked over and gave him a high five as he was able to play through my gamesmanship. Daryl hit his putt and it hit a pebble and bounced off line. Even with 2 to play! I noticed that we had drawn a crowd of about 20 people that were watching our contest. They seemed to gravitate toward us because of all the fun we were having and they wanted to see want was going on.

Parker hit the next putt and it missed on the high side and tapped in for his 2.

Aaron hit his putt and he didn't play enough break and missed on the low side, but had a tap in for his 2. Even going to the last hole. 18 was about a 12' putt that broke a little left to right. Sarah hit her putt and it rolled up to the edge of the hole and stopped. As she started to walk toward it, it fell in! They were 4 under the last 9 holes. I had to make my putt to tie. I hit the putt and it was rolling right at the hole, but I didn't want to leave it short and hit the putt a little harder than I should have. It caught the top edge of the hole and spun out. We lost after it looked like we had a nice lead.

We all sat down at the table and were replaying the round. Some of the people watching came up and asked if we were going to play again as they would stay and watch. We told them we thought we were done, but we'd be back next Sunday at the same time. A rematch was demanded by my team! We all agreed that we all are decent putters and how much fun that was and a full round of golf was in our near future. We finished up, took our empty pitchers and glasses inside to the bartender and went back to the billets. We decided the bet would be paid off next Friday night.

The alarm went off and we jumped up and went for a quick shower to not stink too bad while doing PT. As we got to the formation Micah asked me, "How do you feel?"

"Micah, I feel great! It's going to be a great, green, Army day!"

We went through our exercises and then Micah and I decided to go for a run. We stretched and took off at a good jogging pace. We ran around the parade field where we didn't need reflector gear or anything that you'd need if you were to run out near the traffic. We ran for about twenty minutes and I could feel that my body was telling me that that was enough for the day, so we walked a bit to cool down and then headed up to the room. Micah said that he was so amazed at how well I was doing after Friday night. So much seemed to have happened since then, it was almost a blur. We showered, changed, and went to chow.

"ATTENTION!" Top called the formation of four platoons to attention. The Captain marched out and Top saluted. The Captain returned his salute and Top said, "Sir, All Present and Accounted For."

Top moved to behind the Captain where there was a small table with papers on it.

"AT EASE!" the Captain shouted. The company went to the position of At Ease, which is with feet shoulder width apart and hands touching on your buttocks. It's more comfortable than Attention which is with your feet together and hands at your sides.

"I want to thank everyone for the great week of work last week and the company party Friday night. If you missed the party, you missed a good one. Our newest soldier to the unit is PFC Hardy. He's a database administrator and of course will be working in the computer section. Welcome PFC Hardy!"

There was clapping and a few cheers and I was embarrassed again.

The CO continued, "There isn't anything special that we need to do this week, but next week each section will have to do the safety brief before the July Fourth holiday. With that, COMPANY!"

The Platoon Leaders came to attention, looked over their right shoulders, and said, "Platoon." That was the signal for everyone to go to the position of parade rest. All you do is move your hands up to the middle of your back.

"ATTENTION!" the CO shouted. The company came to the position of attention.

Then Top moved up next to the CO and said, "I need the following personnel to come forward when called. "SPC Donnelly, front and center!"

Micah had been standing next to me and gave me a look like, what now. He went up front and saluted the CO. Then Top started reading orders ... PROMOTION ORDERS! Micah was getting promoted to Sergeant! Oh man, I was so excited for him.

The look he gave me when he went up there, he must not have had an idea he was getting promoted. He leaned over to Top and said something. "PFC Hardy, front and center!"

What do they want with me? I hustled up to the front of the formation and didn't know why I was there or what to do. Top smiled when he saw the terror look in my eyes and pointed to stand next to him in front of Micah. He handed me an E5 rank and said to remove the SPC rank and replace it with the SGT rank. He was talking just loud enough for the three of us to hear and said, "Usually it's a family member that helps during promotions, but it's a special event in a soldiers career and we want it to be memorable. If Donnelly wants you to pin his rank on, then we do our best to accommodate. I'm guessing you two are like family already."

I about fainted right there. Top has his stuff together and knows what is going on in the unit.

When we finished, SGT Donnelly saluted the CO and we headed back to our places in our platoon. "Not so fast Hardy, get back here!"

Oh crap, what'd I do wrong now, I thought.

"SGT Donnelly, I'm guessing we'll need you up here, too."

My mind is racing. Did the couple report us as indecent at the lake? Did someone hear us in the barracks having sex and report us? Oh, this can't be good.

Then Top started, "The United States Army has ... PFC Hardy promoted to Specialist, E4, effective this day, June 23rd ..."

What? I'm getting promoted? That's not possible, they must have made a mistake.

Micah whispered for me to salute the CO. I moved over in front of the CO and saluted him. He said, "Hardy, you look surprised."

"Sir, please don't knock me over with a feather."

He burst out laughing. "Hardy, this is a serious matter!"

"Sorry Sir. Needless to say, I am speechless."

"I'm just joking with you, Hardy. I like you and your attitude. You have a very self-conscious aura about you and really care about the people around you. We need leaders like you. This is an accelerated promotion, no doubt.

However, I'm given the discretion to early promote soldiers that show potential above and beyond the average soldier. The promotion is to help that soldier achieve those goals and performance levels above the average soldier. This will help you get to SGT much faster, too."

The CO and Micah pinned my Specialist ranks on my collar. I was near tears and saluted the CO.

"Thank you, Sir. I won't let you down."

"That's what I want to hear, Specialist. Back in formation, now."

Micah and I headed back to our platoon. The rest of the formation was a blur.

There were four more promotions and then we were dismissed to go to work.

I just stood there and a bunch of people came over and congratulated both of us. Sarah, Aaron, Daryl, and Parker came over and congratulated us. Sarah gave me a big hug and a quick kiss and then did the exact same to Micah.

Top and the CO came over and congratulated us after they had congratulated the other promotees. I was so happy! I remembered just as they were turning to leave, "Top, can I ask you something real quick?"

I went to Parade Rest and he said, "Relax. What can I do for you, Specialist?"

"Top, would you have a couple minutes to see me sometime today? I have a request to ask you."

"Sure, come over as soon as you get your things for work."

"Thanks, Top. It isn't anything bad, just a situational request."

"Big words for a Specialist!"

"Wait until I make Sergeant!" I said. Top laughed.

I looked at Micah and shook his hand and then we hugged. I whispered in his ear, "I thought we were so in trouble. But it was all good.

Congratulations, Micah."

"Trey, I can't believe it. I'm so happy for you! No one makes the CO laugh like you do, he likes you a lot. No one has ever been promoted before their first day of work that I know of. And for me, I knew the list was out, but I didn't think I had made the cut."

We went up to my room and then to Micahs room to get work supplies. I just took a notebook and pen thinking I would be taking notes most of the day.

I told Micah I would be down to work shortly. He said he would tell Staff Sergeant Watkins for me. SSG Watkins was my new boss. I went to the HQ office and Sarah was there. I smiled and said hi to her and she smiled and came over and told me again how excited she was for me and that she was so proud of me.

She went back to her desk, got on her phone and a few seconds later she waved me into Tops office. I walked in and started to go to Parade Rest and Top just told me to sit down.

"What can I do for you. SPC Hardy?"

"Top, a few of us in the billets were wondering what it would take to switch roommates? There aren't any problems, we just would like to make a few changes that would make things easier for a some of us. Of course, we'd get the okay from everyone involved first."

"I see. So you and SGT Donnelly want to room together. Who else?"

"Wow Top. That was .... oh, you knew that because of formation this morning."

"I knew before that, I saw how you looked at each other Friday night.

True love is easy to see no matter who it is between. Congratulations."

"Wow, thank you Top. You really have your stuff together," I said.

"Hardy, no worries, I think we have about four openings coming up this week with people PCSing and we'll move around next weekend. I will let you tell me what room you and Donnelly want, you two are going to be my horses soon.

No one but the CO, SSG Watkins, and I know this, but there are some major computer changes coming down the pipe and you two sharing a room will help facilitate those changes as I'm guessing that it'll be easier to talk about work after work if you're in the same room. When you two make this a successful conversion, there'll be a lot of liberties that I'll be able to give you as you'll make us the premier unit in the Army, not just here on post. When you and Donnelly are successful, the entire Army will use your template to make their conversions to the new system. Notice I said when, not if. I do not see failure as an option. I know you two can do it. It's one reason you were both promoted this morning. Motivation and a vote of confidence for you two from the Captain and myself."

"Thank you, Top. I'll get the changes to you midweek about the billeting.

And you have my word that you and the Captain will be the heroes of the entire Army."

"That's perfect. And if we have people leaving, that means there will be people coming in to replace them and that means parties."

I stood up and said, "I'll take care of that for you too, Top. Top, can I tell SGT Donnelly about the project?"

"Yes, but no one else, it hasn't been announced as official yet, but it is going to happen. I'll let Watkins know I told you. And SPC Hardy, I wish I had a company of you. Now get to work," he said with a smile on his face.

I left Tops office and walked over to Sarah and kissed her on the lips.

She looked at me as startled as anything else and smiled and said, "What was that for?"

I said, "My life couldn't be any better than it is right now. I have the love of my life and four of the best friends anyone could ever dream of having."

I left the HQ as happy as I could ever be.

Micah and I spent most of the morning in shock at what had happened in formation. I was able to tell him there was a project that we were going to be in charge of, but didn't know the details yet. I told him we needed to not say anything about it to anyone yet. I also told him if we were successful, it sounded like we would be in the good graces of Top and the Cpt for the rest of the time we were here and the whole Army was going to use our design for implementation."

During the day, I smiled when I remembered Top calling Micah back to the front of the formation when he assumed that I would want him to help pin my rank on. It made the experience that much more memorable for me. And he was right, I would have asked if he could pin my rank on.

The week went by fast as I was learning how everything is done. My AIT training had given me the basics to do my job, but hadn't prepared me much for all the things that I had to do. I didn't panic as the classes I had taken online in database construction and maintenance were invaluable in giving me a big jump on what I needed to do in my job. Everyone was impressed that I was picking things up really quick and the section all let me know I was going to be a great asset to them. I was already explaining some of the processes to my collegues. And no one cared what you are or what they are, if you were outranked, they listened just as I did when I was outranked.

It made for a great team environment. It was all part of the leadership style from The Captain and the First Sergeant.

I didn't understand why I was part of a two man team to implement protocol for an Army wide conversion, but I knew I wasn't going to fail or let anyone down, no matter how many hours I had to put in to make it successful. And the weird thing about it, my job was easy to me. Databases were just simple for me to work with and understand.

On Wednesday I had turned in the list that I told Top I would get to him.

Micah was going to move in my room, Aaron, Parker, and Daryl took a large corner room that was a three person room. Everyone was happy and even the old roommates were happy with their new roomies. The five of us had agreed to move everyone that wasn't in our group for them, but they all pitched in and helped and in an hour, everyone was moved.

The five of us guys took showers and used Aarons clean out kit. It had been about a week since I had cleaned myself out, so I was ready and it felt so good. I feel lighter and maybe just the thought of being clean inside gives me a little pick me up.

We decided to rent one of the cabins out at the lake for the weekend.

Micah and I said it was our treat because we both got pay increases with our promotions. The supplies we split six ways and everyone was happy.

As soon as we got checked into the cabin and got the supplies put away, Micah said, "I believe there are three of us here that owe a little bet that we had last weekend."

"Yes we do," I said. "When do you want to start?"

"Well, my team had a little discussion on what we wanted to do, and we want to be naked all weekend," Micah said.

"But it's an hour bet," I said. "I am however, not against that stipulation."

We were all in the large main room. If you walked in the front door, the two bedrooms were on the right with a bathroom in between them. To the left is the kitchen and a dining room table was on the left near the back wall. There was a door to a deck out the back that faced the lake.

I started taking my shirt off and everyone else started undressing, too.

Parker, Aaron, Daryl, and Micah started for the first bedroom and I got up to follow them. Sarah came up behind me, took my hand and started leading me to the other bedroom. I looked at her and she was smiling, I looked at the others as they had stopped in the doorway and they were all smiling. "What are you guys up to?" I asked.

Sarah said, "Just come on. you'll see."

Sarah led me to the bed and sat down, leaning back on one elbow. She tapped the bed next to her and then it hit me. I instantly got nervous.

"Sarah, I don't know if I'm ready."

"Trey, if you aren't ready now, when will you ever be ready? Come and sit. I love you like I've never loved anyone else and I want to show you."

I sat next to her and she put her arm around my neck and pulled me down flat on the bed and slid half on top of me. She started to kiss me and I kissed her back. Her lips were soft, her body was warm, and her skin silky soft against mine. I lost all nervousness and passion took over.

Aaron grabbed Parker by his cock with both hands and led him to the bed and sat him down. He took his mouth and engulfed as much of his semi- flaccid meat as he could. He had a theory that he wanted to test and that was to take a huge breath, get Parker down his throat soft and then when Parker got hard, it would help train his throat that he could then blow Parker.

He inhaled and then sucked Parker down his throat. Being soft, the head was small enough and pliable enough that it worked! Parker, never feeling this before, felt a surge of blood rush to his cock and it was instantly hard.

Aarons eyes got really big as he started to gag has his throat didn't want to stretch. For a moment he thought what if his cock got stuck and he suffocated? He started to feel as if he was going to have to breathe soon so he pulled back and Parkers cock slipped up out of his throat. Parker was moaning and saying Aarons name over and over. Aaron forced his face back down on Parker not even slowing down when the head of his cock hit that back of his throat.

Aaron did it! Parker slid down Aarons throat and his lips were at the base of Parkers huge cock. Parker had never felt these feelings ever and after Aaron had taken him completely down his throat only four or five times he let out a scream and started shooting down Aarons throat. Aaron came up and felt Parkers next two shots whitewash the back of his mouth.

Daryl and Micah had gotten into a 69 position and were enjoying each other for the first time. Daryls cock was about 6 1/2 inches, average thickness and cut. Micah wanted to excite Daryl and was fingering his hole. Daryl was moaning and trying to help Micah inside him. Micah worked a finger into Daryl and then a second. Micah hit Daryls prostate and Daryl pushed his face down on Micahs cock and took him down as far as he'd go. Daryl was in another world as Micah played with his hot button. It wasn't long and Daryl started unloading into Micahs mouth. The taste of Daryls love juice and the squeezing of his man ring on his fingers sent Micah over the edge and he started unloading into Daryls mouth. Neither missed a drop and they cleaned each other up spotless.

The four of them were laying on the bed and Micah pondered, "I wonder how things are going next door?"

Aaron said, "I'm sure everything will be fine. The idea was a good one and Trey is one of the smartest people I know. And Sarah is one of the most sensuous girls I've ever met. She'll take good care of him."

"I thought it was a good idea to surprise Trey tonight. To get past this to the next step as soon as possible is the best thing," Parker said.

Parker looked at Aaron and said, "You amaze me with what you can do with your body. I don't know how you did what you did, but it was the greatest feeling I have ever felt. How do you do it?"

Aaron leaned up and kissed Parker and said, "I just want to please you and it is like a challenge to me to do things for you that no one else has or can. It makes me feel good to send you to places you haven't been before."

Parker kissed him back and said, "Aaron, you are the most incredible lover I have ever been with. I can't imagine anyone coming close to doing the things you do. I could make love to you every day."

Daryl and Micah were having their own conversation. "This won't get between you and Trey, will it Micah?" Daryl asked.

"No, we said that anything that we did within our group is cool. The best thing that Trey and I have besides our love for each other is our friendship with the four of you. The trust and bond between the six of us is something that we cherish very much."

"I feel the same way," Daryl said. "I feel a little like a third wheel sometimes, but I know you guys try and minimize that. I appreciate that a lot."

Just then Trey and Sarah came into the room holding hands. The first thing everyone noticed was that Treys cock was limp.

"Micah got up and gave Trey a hug and Trey hugged him back. Micah then went and hugged Sarah. "Can I ask how it went? We want all the details!"

Everyone laughed and I took Sarahs hand and Sarah and I said together, "We'll never tell!"

We went out to the main room and sat down. I served everyone their choice of beverage and sat down with them. They intentionally left a spot for me between Micah and Sarah. I had a feeling that I was going to have to try and explain how I was feeling. As the small talk was going on, I was thinking how crazy it was how we were just sitting around naked together. I guess if you have sex with someone, clothes after that aren't important. I set my drink on the table and grabbed Micahs cock and just held it. No one seemed to notice except Micah. I took my other hand and put it on Sarahs shaved pussy, palm toward her so I could finger her if I wanted to. She adjusted and spread her legs a little to give me better access and to let me know that I was not overstepping my boundaries.

Aaron looked at me and noticed where my hands were and smiled, "Uh Trey, what did you think of our little plan?"

"Oh, you mean ambush, Aaron?" I said jokingly.

We laughed and then I continued, "Seriously, thank you all so much. I took my hands away from both of them and said that I would need a few days to work through my feelings and thoughts."

Sarah turned toward me, putting one hand on my inner thigh and the other hand on my chest. "Trey, may I?"

I shook my head. Sarah started, "My time with Trey tonight was the most loved I have ever felt. He is soft, kind, gentle, and senses his partners wants, needs, and desires. To have the opportunity to love him tonight, be with him and to be his first is something I will cherish forever. I will forever love him for giving me the honor of being his choice. I love you, Trey. I know that you are gay, I could feel it in our lovemaking. I could feel it in you. It's not to say that our lovemaking was worse because of that, in fact just the opposite. I just wanted you to know that and I that I will be your friend for as long as you'll have me." With that she kissed me on the cheek and removed her hands from me when she leaned back.

"Sarah, it means more to me that you feel that way than I could ever express in words to you. We will be friends forever and I will always love you. I gave you a piece of me that I no longer have, that I can never have back. I am not going to lie, making love to you was something that I needed to do, but more importantly, it was something that I wanted to do. I will cherish forever our time together tonight. I know that if I were not gay, that the person that I would have had in my dreams would have been you. Thank you for your friendship and thank you for your love. I love you."

With that I gave her a kiss and a hug. When I looked back at my friends, they were all crying. I looked at Micah and he was crying. "What's wrong?"

"That was the most heartfelt thing I have ever heard, Aaron said. "For you both to share your deep feelings openly with us makes me feel honored and privileged to be your friend."

I hugged Micah and said, "Thank you. Thank you for being all the things that are important to me. I know that I love you more than life itself and my life will never be whole without you in it." I looked at everyone and said, "I am truly blessed to know you and to call you my best friends.

The time we have here together will be the most important, the most influential, and the time that molds me into the person I want to be as I grow older."

I looked at Parker and he had a huge erection.

"Was it something we said Parker or are you just happy to see us?" I said laughing.

"I apologize. I was truly moved by everything that I heard. I guess he was too." Parker said gesturing to his cock.

We laughed and I said, "Well, I'd hate to see a good erection go to waste. How about I volunteer my teammates to one last punishment so that we will try much harder next week?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at Sarah and she went into the bedroom to get something out of her bag. I had told her earlier that I had a little plan for later.

I got on the couch backwards with my hands on the back, my knees on the seat, and my ass out for easy access. Sarah returned with a couple bottles of lube and a surprise, one of the two way dildos that the girls had the other night.

I motioned for Aaron and Daryl to get on the couch in the same position I was in and they complied. Aaron was all up for this as was I, but Daryl was a little apprehensive. I just think it was Parker that he was nervous about. I looked at Parker and he gave me a reassuring nod that he would take it easy on Daryl. I thought he included Aaron in that because I didn't know about Aaron and his mission to make himself Parkers cock pleaser.

Each of the winning team took a spot behind one of us and lubed us up from the top of our cracks, a couple fingers in our holes, and down around coating our balls and shafts. Sarah had gotten wet from the heart to heart talk on the couch and slid half the dildo in, strapped it on then lubed up the exposed half. This thing was about the size of Aaron, about 7 1/2 and decent thickness. A decent primer for Parker, but I knew he was going to hurt like no tomorrow. I was getting excited just thinking about the pounding from him after the pain, the high from the time before can't be matched by any other feeling.

Aaron was on my left and Daryl on my right. Parker was behind Aaron, Micah behind me, and Sarah behind Daryl. I looked at Daryl and said, "Do you know the code phrase if you want them to stop?"

"Code phrase? No, what is it?"

"Give it to me harder!"

He looked at me and said, "That doesn't mak... YOU ASS!" Everybody was laughing by now as no one could contain themselves.

"We're best friends here, just say whatever. Sorry, I couldn't resist as I can see the terror that Parker has instilled in your eyes.

"You got that right!"

"You'll be fine. He's a gentle well hung horse."

"Stop It!" Daryl screamed. We all laughed again and I felt Micahs cockhead hit my hole. He eased in and I relaxed and pushed back into him. He slid in just like he was made for me. It felt so good to have him in me. And the mental image I had of him standing behind me buried as deep as he could get from a view standing next to him just threw me into a state of high sexual arousal.

I had my head on the back of the couch with my hands on each side of my face trying to take in every nerve ending synapse. Arousal overload is something that I will never tire of, especially with Micah. He had settled into a nice full rhythmic domination of my manhole.

Aaron was having a little rougher time of it as Parker was being as gentle as he could be, but it's like stacking glasses with a backhoe. Parker is so large that he really isn't made to be in another man's backside. But we let him do it to us because if we can, we benefit tenfold from the release of endorphins that take us to the summit of all sexual experiences. I believe that there would not be a straight guy on the planet, bi guys, but not totally straight if they had a cock in their ass just once from someone that knew what they were doing.

Parker did get into Aaron and I heard a noise from Aaron. I opened my eyes and Aaron was covered in sweat and I looked back and Parker was all the way in him! I was stunned. Parker just smiled at me and said, "We've been practicing."

"I'll never get him to practice his putting if he has a choice," I muttered. It was loud enough for everyone to hear and they all laughed and agreed with me, even Aaron! Parker had set up a nice full stroke in and out of Aaron that Had Aaron feeling like he was going to split down the middle, but I could tell from the look on his face he was loving every second.

Sarah had loosened Daryls hole with three fingers and had the head of her dildo at his opening. She got to his ring and waited until he gave her a nod and she pressed forward. Daryl gasped has she stretched his ring and it surrendered to her push. He was moaning and Sarah knew from his pressing back toward her that all was well and she started pumping in and out of him just like one of the guys.

Micah had one hand on the back of my neck and the other hooked at my waist to pull me back into him as he pushed forward. The one on my neck would push my back down if I started to arch it to not take the full nerve onslaught from him. I guess they looked at each other and decided it was time to switch. I felt Micah leave me and I heard Parker pop out of Aaron. Sarah had also exited Daryl and they moved one so Sarah was behind Aaron, Parker behind me, and Micah behind Daryl.

Sarah went into Aaron without hardly touching the sides of his hole, but Aaron soon snugged back up and Sarah was moving faster behind Aaron that she had been working Daryl. Micah was in position to enter Daryl and slid in with no trouble.

Daryl remembered what it felt like to have a cock or dildo in him and he was anxious to get filled up again. Micah was working him pretty good and a glance back told me he was trying to work Daryl open by moving up and down and left to right.

He is so caring and giving. I love my man! During my look back at Micah, I gave Parker a nod that said let's do this. He got the message and was pushing at my sphincter with a decent amount of force. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, exhaled and totally relaxed. Slurp! The sound of Parker going in my felt like it took all the lube with it, it was such a tight fit. Oh man, did it feel good. They had set one of the bottles on the couch next to my leg and I handed it to Parker. I felt the cool liquid run down my crack and knew he was lubed up when I felt some of the cool inside me. I heard the bottle hit the couch next to my leg again and then went into a delirious state of total submission. My state of mind was that I wanted this cock to ravage my insides, tear my hole apart, and leave me a crumpled up mess when done. It is tryly amazing what happens when the body releases certain chemicals due to various stimuli. The fight or flight response is a great example of adrenaline and how it affects people different ways. Having my hole pummeled makes me want my body abused and attacked even more by what is inflicting the abuse. I begged Parker to give it to me. My body was covered in sweat and I was slamming back into Parker as hard as I could. Daryl said to me, "You can have my turn."

I looked at him and burst out laughing. The sheer terror look on his face was more than I could contain myself. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips and said, "Daryl, give him a chance, you might surprise yourself. Plus Micahs a doctor and can stitch you up."

Parker had stopped deep in my while this exchange took place. They must have thought it was a good time to switch and Parker left me. He was right behind Micah and when Micah left, he stepped up to Daryl and pressed against his manhole. Daryl instantly knew what was there and started to get up. "Daryl, relax, just try. It will hurt at first, but if he gets in you, you'll beg like a kid for candy for him to never leave. I'm right here. Look at me," I said. "Take a big breath, exhale, now completely relax." parker pushed and without a lot of gyrations from Daryl, was able to get to his ring. "Now," I said, "again. Deep breath, relax, totally relax.

When he pushes, relax some more." I raised my hand for Parker to just hold himself there. Daryl was wincing, but I could tell he was starting to think he could do this. Parker backed up a little, waited a couple of seconds and then started forward.

I agin went through the commands for Daryl and when he exhaled, Parker pushed forward.

Daryl yelled as Parker popped his ring wide open. "STOP! STOP! STOP!"

Daryl yelped.

I had handed the lube to Parker and he used it liberally. He moved back out of Daryl little and more lube. He stopped and then Daryl said, "Do it!" Parker hadn't exited past Daryls ring and he slid all the way in and the base of his cock disappeared between Daryls asscheeks. He started moving back and forth and Daryl was breathing hard and I kept saying, "Relax, you're doing great."

I left Daryl alone so he could process on his own and Sarah leaned down to my ear and said, "This is the second thought that entered my mind when I saw you for the very first time. We did the first earlier."

With that I had a raging hardon and had a pretty large puddle of precum on the couch under me from Parker pile driving my prostate. But Sarah saying she wanted to fuck me was so hot in a way I hadn't thought about. I had a thin strand of precum that looked like a thin cable and you could see liquid running down it to the puddle on the couch.

Sarah entered me and started stroking me with long, deliberate strokes.

It felt different than my dildo or a real cock in that there was a hesitation of movement at both ends of the stroke. I focused on this and I realized that Sarah must have loosened the strap on the dildo so that she was getting more movement inside herself.

Micah and Aaron were stroking at a pace that rabbits couldn't keep up with. Micah slammed into Aaron and started shooting so hard he said it almost hurt coming out because it was moving so fast to get out. He laid over on Aaron and was kissing his back. Sarah had reached down and was stroking me as she pounded me and I started shooting all over the couch below me. Thankfully the couch was a pleather and would clean easily.

Parker was slamming into Daryl pretty hard and I the last stroke he grabbed Daryls hips and pulled him into him as hard as he could and Daryl screamed, "Give it to me! Deeper!"

Parker moved out and pulled Daryl into him so hard the pop of his ass against the front of Parkers legs was as loud as a hard clap of your hands. He shot another four or five shots of his load into Daryl and then slowly moved out of him. Daryl slowly turned around and sat down.

"Holy crap," he said. "I never thought in a million years I could get you in me, Parker. Thank you for doing that to me, it was everything you guys said it would be.

Thanks Trey, for helping me do something that thirty minutes ago I knew was impossible."

"You're welcome, buddy. And Aaron, you beast! I'm proud of you, too!"

I had turned around and Sarah was sitting on my lap. "Sarah, you are one of the guys!"

She said, "That was so much fun. You guys will probably lose on purpose next week!"

I gave her a little slap on part of her ass cheek that was not on my lap.

She jumped and then smiled. I said, "I have this very real picture in my mind of the three of you in that position on the couch in the very near future."

"No, we need to change the punishment for losing," she said. "The losers shouldn't have just as much fun as the winners!"

"I beg to disagree," Aaron said.

"I wouldn't mind losing again," said Daryl with a grin on his face.

We all laughed and I pressed for Sarah to get up. I got up and went to the back door.

It was dark out, but the moon was almost full and you could see outside pretty well.

I said, "Everyone grab a towel. We're going skinny dipping!"

I had grabbed a towel and was out the door off the deck and in the water when the rest of the best friends a guy could ever ask for were just hitting the ground off the deck. There weren't any people within a couple hundred yards of us and we swam and talked for thirty minutes or so. We kept it quiet as we knew we were a giant party magnet from our time at the golf course. We must have just exuded fun and good times.

We decided to go back inside the cabin as it was after ten and I said, "I can either grill hotdogs or make breakfast food."

"Trey, I'll help make breakfast food, that sounds delicious," Sarah said.

The others said they'd pitch in too. Sarah started barking out orders like a Drill Sergeant.

Parker and Aaron were setting the table, Micah was getting the condiments out of the refrigerator, Daryl was getting bowls and the pans out and I started breaking eggs.

It was no time and we ate and had the kitchen all cleaned up again.

We sat down on the couch (after cleaning) and the chairs and the talk was mainly about how much fun the last couple weeks have been. We talked about how much we enjoyed being with each other, whether it was at work, at chow, or like tonight.

We all said how lucky we were and decided to head to bed.

"How are we going to sleep?" Micah asked.

Aaron said, "I think Parker, Daryl and me and you three, if that's okay with you guys."

Everyone just kind of shook their heads okay and we headed to the bedrooms.

Next: Chapter 7

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