Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Dec 11, 2014


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 8

Sunday morning came and we all congregated in the main room. After breakfast we were sitting there chatting and we started talking about our putting contest later that day. It was fun to sit and watch everyone get so excited about it. We were all the best of friends, yet the competitive juices were heightened for this competition.

Around noon we packed our gear in the cars, cleaned up the cabin, and I took the key back to the office. The same lady was tending the office and said, "Mr. Hardy, correct?"

"Yes Ma'am, thank you for remembering."

"Oh, I'm still chuckling about what your friend said yesterday."

"We do have a lot of fun," I said.

She asked me, "Do you like the cabin you were in?"

"Yes, very much. The access to the lake and being on the end we were able to watch the sunsets. It's beautiful."

She said, "We take reservations, but you have already paid so I will give you that cabin next week if you want it and give the other guests that rented the 2 bedroom the one I was going to put you in if that's okay with you."

"That would be very nice of you. We would like that very much. Thank you very much!"

She took the key and I said goodbye. We went back to post and went straight to the golf course. When we got there, we went out to the same tables that we used last week. They both had 'Reserved' on them. There were about twenty people that were on the patio and one person said, "Those are reserved for you guys. We wanted to make sure that you had a spot to put your drinks when putting. We're all here to watch!"

I said, "Thank you very much. We'll be starting in a minute. What's so special about us?"

"You all seemed to be real," the guy said. "We just connected with you all because you seemed to be genuine. We liked that and we had a lot of fun watching you have fun."

"Thank you," I said. "We are just regular people, but you made us feel special by being so nice to us. We appreciated it and if we brought you some enjoyment, then it's even better!"

Aaron and Parker stayed at the tables and the rest of us went to the bar to get a couple pitchers of beer. The bartender served us and said, "Those are on a tab already."

"No, I said, we can pay for them."

"No, they're already paid for. That big group outside said to put them on their tab. It sounds like I'm going to have a big crowd every Sunday that you guys are going to be here."

We looked at each other and laughed. I gave the bartender a $10 tip and we went out to the patio. I looked over at the crowd and said, "Thank you for the beverages."

One guy waved back, so I figure it must have been him. How cool.

We decided that we would keep the same teams, but we were going to do three matches. Each person on a team was going to play an individual match against a person on the other team. Two out of three wins.

"Who plays against who?" I asked.

"How about shower mates from last night?" Micah suggested just so we heard him.

I thought for a second and that would work. How funny it worked out that way.

So, Micah and Daryl were first off. I told our audience what we were going to do and indicated who the two teams were. Someone asked, "What are you playing for?"

I looked at the others and they all gave the ok to tell the truth. "We play that the winning team can do whatever they want to to the losing team or have the losing team do whatever they want them to do for an hour, as long as it isn't anything illegal. Last week there were no clothes involved and there really weren't any losers!"

A bunch of cheers went up! Is everyone crazy on an Army post? We decided to play 36 hole matches. All three matches would play 2 nine hole rounds clockwise and then we'd turn around and play 18 holes counter clock- wise around the holes on the green.

If Micah was as hot as he putted last week, Daryl would have to be pretty lucky to beat him. Sure enough, Micah got off to a quick start and was 2 under after the first nine holes. Each hole was a par 2, so we kept track off par. Daryl was one over par, so he was three strokes behind. Aaron and Parker were tied at one over after nine and I had matched Micah with a two under score. Sarah was one under, so we had a match going. As we got down to the last few holes, Micah had a five under to three under lead. Aaron had a two under to one under lead and Sarah and I were tied at three under.

I was very impressed with all my friends and their putting. I was hoping that we could enjoy times like this for years to come.

Micah got a scare from Daryl, but beat him five under to four under. We were one match down. Aaron aced one of the last three holes and beat Parker three under to one under. Matches tied coming down to Sarah and me.

I had the honor and putted on the 34th hole of the match and missed. I tapped in. Sarah stepped over her putt and made it! She has a one shot lead with two holes to play. She putted on the next hole and just missed on the left side of the hole and tapped in. I lined up my putt and hit an excellent putt that went dead in the middle! We're back to tied. Last hole and I line up and hit my putt. I hit another great putt and it went in! The crowd went crazy, they had been on their feet and crowded at the edge of the green since the start of the match. Sarah looked a little nervous and she hit her putt. It was one of the best I have ever seen under pressure and it went in the hole! We tied. The crowd of twenty was as loud as a hundred people. It got my adrenaline pumping!

I gave Sarah a hug and kiss and said in her ear, "That was so hot when you made that last putt. I will always love you."

She smiled and went and got the accolades from her team. When things calmed down, we needed to decide a playoff format. We decided that each pairing would play one hole that the crowd would pick for each pair.

I told the crowd what the plan was and the screamed their approval that they were directly involved. They picked a hole for Micah and Daryl and Micah putted and missed, but tapped in. Daryl got up and putted and he made it! The crowd picked the first hole for Parker and Aaron. Parker putted and just missed on the edge. Aaron was trying to win the match with his putt and hit it about three feet by the hole. Then he did the unthinkable and lipped it out on the way back! Now we're all tied up again.

The crowd picked the last hole for Sarah and I, the one we had both just made. I lined up my putt and hit it. It just lost speed and ended just off the low side. A little harder and it was in. Sarah got up and hit her putt and she made it! Holy smokes! We lost again, I couldn't believe it. I felt so bad for Aaron and Daryl, I really felt like I let them down. I was really happy for Micah, Parker, and especially Sarah. She putted absolutely fantastic and gave me a good ol whooping. But sometimes you play well and just get beat by better play.

I hugged all three of them and we all sat down. Everyone that had been watching came over and said it was the most exciting golf that they had watched in a long time, whether it was us or on TV! Wow, what a complement.

We told them that we probably wouldn't be here next week due to the holiday weekend. The bet was going to be paid off the next weekend at the lake.

At formation the next morning, the announcements were made and then Top said that SSG Watkins, Micah, and I needed to be in his office right after formation. Wow, that was fast I thought. The Army never moves this fast on anything.

"SGT Donnelly and SPC Hardy, it's here. You two are in the hot seat. The Army wants to redo their system where the Postal Locator, the Department of the Army Arrival and Departure transactions, along with the Department of Defense records all match. They finally figured out that the local post is much more accurate at knowing where soldiers are located than either DA or DoD. What you are tasked to do is recreate the Postal Locator database so that it can be uploaded to DA and DoD. Each post will control the accuracy of the data going to DA and DoD. Any questions?"

I said, "Top, who has the specs for the DA and DoD databases? I will assume that they are different and after looking at those, I can assess the best database structure and then SGT Donnelly can write the interfaces that we'll need."

Top said, "I heard specs for the databases, after that I got a headache."

I smiled at him, he's so funny.

"SSG Watkins, you have that, correct?"

"Yes Top. They'll have it in thirty minutes."

"Okay," said Top. "When do you guys think you can tell me when you can be done with this? The Army would like it by 1 August."

"Holy shit," I said. "Sorry Top. I can probably give you my estimate around noon."

"I should be able to do the same, Top," Micah said.

"SSG Watkins, I want two desks set up in their room for their convenience.

Anything they need, they get ... yesterday. If they tell you they are going to work at the billets, they get it. If they tell you they want to work naked, upside down in a hammock, you make it happen. Whatever they need or want, you make it happen. Understand?"

"Yes Top," said SSG Watkins.

"Top, what would it take to get high speed internet in the billets?" I asked.

"Done by the end of the day. Right Watkins?"

"Done Top."

"That's it, guys. There is a bukkake party Saturday night, you guys make the call whether you can be there or not. You are not involved in any of the organization of this one. I'll hear from you around noon. SSG Watkins, I need to talk to these two for just a moment. Thank you."

SSG Watkins was so super cool, I liked him a lot.

Top looked at us and said, "I know you guys are going to hit this out of the park. I already have the feeling that you have a good grasp of what you need to do. So, here's the deal. As of today, you are both going to get the same pay as a SFC or E7. We can't make it official, but we have other post funds that we will be pulling from to pay you. Here is a card with my cell and home numbers on it. Call me day or night if you need something if you aren't getting it from SSG Watkins. I don't see a problem there, but just making sure you get everything you need. If you want to work alone away from the unit, we can make that happen. Whatever you feel you need to get this done. One other thing, everything okay in the personal life? If not, please tell me now so that I'm not blindsided later or I can put resources on it to get it taken care of for you."

I looked at Micah like I had this. "Top, thank you for the monetary increase, that is a motivator. And everything is the best it could be in our personal lives. We have the best group of friends and support group. You and the Captain are doing an amazing job running the unit and keeping moral at the highest possible level. We love it here. And obviously the Army sees the type of job you are doing by putting projects like this in your lap."

Top smiled, "Hardy, you are the best ass kisser I know! You make this happen and I'll have a very special surprise for you next month. Now, go get to work!

And Hardy, you are one bullshitters bullshitter!"

"Thank you, Top, that's a complement to a farmer. However, I meant every word of what I just said."

We smiled when we were out of the office and then saw Sarah.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Couldn't be better," Micah said. "But there's a chance the lake is out for us this weekend. We'll keep you posted."

There wasn't anyone in the office and I kissed her and said how she turns me on and gives me a little wet spot down there. She giggled and waved as we left.

When we got to the office, it seemed different. People were quiet and it was almost like no one wanted to talk to us. SSG Watkins came up to us and said that he moved us into an office where we could work in private and quiet.

We then followed Watkins to the office and we were set up, for sure. I said, "Thanks SSG Watkins. We'll try this and see if it works. I had it in my mind that I could just ask someone across the room if I had a question, but I might be off base there. Plus, the initiative is awesome."

"Top didn't have a problem with me, did he?" SSG Watkins asked.

"No, he just wanted to make sure we had his contact numbers in case we couldn't get a hold of you and to give us another pep talk."

He seemed happy with that and left us. I had three folders on my desk that even had my name plate on it. So did Micah. I had looked at the database for the Post Locator and knew it was going to have to be completely rebuilt.

The Post Locator is where you can type in a name and find what unit that soldier is in. It has changed some with the heightened security. This database had a lot of patchwork in it. I hoped DA and DoD weren't the same. Micah said that he couldn't really do much until I tell him what I thought the best course of action was as far as the best database.

I had him come over and look at what I was looking at and we bounced ideas and questions off each other. After about four hours, we figured that it would take me about three weeks to build the database and Micah about two weeks to build the interface between the Locator, DA, and DoD databases.

We got up to go to lunch and told SSG Watkins what we estimated. He said okay and he'd let Top know if we wanted him to. That was fine with us and we went to lunch.

The week flew by as slowly as it could. By that I mean the hours of working on the new database seemed to drag on, but it was Thursday afternoon.

already. Micah and I decided to take our work laptops out to the lake and get some work done over the weekend. We'd make a decision on the bukkake party with the rest of the group Friday.

Micah and I stopped by Tops office Thursday afternoon when we left the office. We had missed the safety brief so we thought we'd let him give that to us when we updated him on our progress.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Top asked standing up and shaking our hands.

Micah started, "Great so far. We're actually ahead of schedule right now.

We will keep our original timeframe we told SSG Watkins just until we get a little deeper into this and get into testing. We could realistically beta test late next week on the Locator database."

"Oh guys, that is good news. Keep up the good work."

"Top," I said, "We'll be at the lake some this weekend. It'll be a working weekend, but a little lake relaxation to keep the batteries charged will make it worth it. Fresh minds work harder and better!"

"Sounds great. Here's your safety brief. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Now, have fun."

"Top, if SPC Ellis is done, is she free to go?"

"Sure Hardy. Oh, if I can ask, who's all in this support group of yours?"

"Us two, Ellis, Mills, Parnell, and Simmons," I said.

"Okay, all my best soldiers. You all going to the lake?"

"Yes Top."

"Sounds like a lot of fun. Have a good time and take Ellis with you out the door. Oh, and thanks again guys for your service to your country. By rebuilding this database and building the interfaces, you're going to ultimately save millions of taxpayer dollars in wasted man hours and incorrect data."

I reached out and shook Tops hand again and said, "It is truly an honor to serve under you and for you, Top."

"I still need a whole company of soldiers like you, Hardy. Oh, here's your pay bump for this week. You've earned it."

"We'll be at cabin 12 in the Tuttle Bay area if you are out and about," I added.

We left and I walked over to Sarah and said, "Log out of your computer, you are on holiday."

"I have another half hour," she said.

"Uh, no. You know us so you are off work now."

I looked over and Top was leaning against the wall in his doorway smiling.

Sarah saw him and I had pulled her up and was pulling her toward the door.

Micah grabbed her purse and we were gone. Before we got out the door, Top was laughing at us like a proud father. What a great unit.

On the way to the lake, Micah and I talked about where we were with our project and where we needed to be. We felt we were ahead of schedule, but we wanted to stay there. One little setback and we would miss our deadline.

Sarah was driving us to the lake and she said that she wished that she could help us with our project. We said she could by making sure that if we were working that we weren't interrupted. She said she would do whatever we needed her to do.

We got to the office and checked in to the cabin. We almost got the feeling as if it were home. Micah and I decided that we could get the bet out of the way before we put in a few hours work. We also thought that maybe we would come out here for a couple days during the week alone and get a ton of work done. It was almost like working with a clone, we were on the same wavelength at all times and just had everything under control.

We were all sitting in the main room after putting our stuff in the bedrooms.

Of course we were all naked and now that felt more normal than having clothes on. Micah, Aaron, and Sarah were deciding their payment for the bet when Micah said that he thought it would be cool if they each took one of us and administered the payoff. Micah said he wanted me as he was going to use it as a fantasy fulfillment. Everyone was okay with the arrangement and the three of them went into the bedroom to strategize. When they came out, they came over and put a blindfold on me. Then they got me up out of the chair and I felt soft ropes being put on my wrists and ankles. These were then pulled and secured to points in the room that I hadn't even noticed.

From what I could tell, I was quartered in the middle of the room. I wondered if Aaron and Daryl were the same. I couldn't figure out what they had in mind, but I was excited and felt my cock standing straight out in front of me. Someone came up to me and pinched the head of my cock. It wasn't painful, but it made my hardon subside.

I then heard Micah say, "Okay, remove his blindfold."

When I could see, there was Micah drawn and quartered the same as me, about five feet in front of me, facing me. I looked at Micah and he knew my look was total bewilderment. But God, did he look good spread eagled!

He looked at Sarah and said, "Let's do this. I will talk you through his and then mine."

That statement scared the crap out of me. What in the world were they doing? Sarah walked over to me, leaned into my ear, and bouncing my dick up and down whispered, "You should practice your putting."

I had to chuckle. I loved how she teased me. But I would get her back on the golf course in due time. She then took an antiseptic wipe and rubbed it all over my cock, even pulling the sides of my head back and getting in the slit.

Micah said, "I'm sure he's a lefty, but double check. Lift his cock and look on each side of the center skin near the head. On one side or the other, you should see a thin purple line."

Sarah did as she was told and said that the line was on the left side of center. Micah then told her to come over to him and do the same thing.

She did and then he instructed her to get the marker out of the bag. She went back over to him and he guided her to where she needed to put the dot. He then told her to do the same thing to me.

She put a dot on the right side of the underside of my penis, next to the centerline. On the left if you are looking down at it like I do every day.

Micah then said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I think so," she replied.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said. "Just what do you THINK you are ready to do?"

"Everything," she said.

It didn't matter, I couldn't do anything about it anyway. Micah looked at me and said, "Trey, I love you so much and I can't wait for this to be done.

We're going to have so much fun."

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was to Micah like Sarah was to us, trust my life with him.

Sarah came over and looked at me and I can read eyes. Her eyes were telling me that she wasn't confident in whatever it was she was going to do.

She knelt down in front of my groin and then reached down and grabbed a decent sized needle out of a pouch. She also had a couple other little tools, but I couldn't tell what they were. She had the needle in one hand and with the other, opened up the slit in the head of my cock. She then took the needle and inserted it gently into my cock. She got the needle positioned to where it looked like it would poke right through the center of the dot on my penis.

I was starting to get a little nervous. Oh hell no, I was past nervous!

Then she put a hollow metal tube on the underside of my cock, right over the black dot. I felt a pinch and then a weird feeling. I can't describe it.

It didn't hurt, it was just a feeling of something new. What happened was Sarah had pierced my cock with the needle and then pushed the metal tube through the hole. Then she took a metal loop and put one end of it in the tube and replaced the tube through the hole in my cock anad my slit with 8 gauge PA, Prince Albert. I now had two holes in my penis. The weird feeling was the insertion of the PA ring. I looked down and I was ... I can't tell you what I felt. Other than the tiny pinch feeling, I had no discomfort, but the change in my appearance was life changing. There was just a tiny bit of blood and she wrapped a tissue around my cock to soak any blood up.

Sarah was in front of Micah. She did the same things to him that she had just performed on me. I had an erection that I would have been proud of at the North Pole. I don't think I had ever been harder in my life. Watching Sarah stick the needle through Micahs dick almost made me cum. I was so turned on. She put his 8 gauge ring in his cock and then Sarah and the other three that had been watching, grabbed a medium duty chain that weighed about 3 pounds and with a couple S hooks, attached the chain to the rings in our cocks. If I could describe the feeling of pain/pleasure I was feeling, I would, but I was oozing precum down the chain and it was amazing.

The group released us, but said we had to stay far enough apart to keep the length of chain between us off the floor for an hour. My cock was still hard, but because of the weight pulling it down and away from my body, it was pointing down at the floor at a point a couple feet in front of me.

The hour passed, which both Micah and I had worked on our laptops, sitting facing each other on the edge of chairs. When the time was up, we were let out of our semi bondage state. I went and hugged Micah and told him that I loved him unconditionally. "Micah, I'm not sure where I'm at with this yet, but I am with you.

That is all that matters. And if I helped you with one of your fantasies, then I would do this a hundred more times."

Micah grabbed me and hugged me tighter than I had ever been hugged in my life. He said that he was afraid I might just take off and leave because of the body modification that he had Sarah do to me. I told him that I had fantasies, too and his time was coming. He smiled and said he couldn't wait!

As I was designing a database for thousands of people to use, I could look down and see a stainless steel ring in my cock. I loved my PA, but I wasn't sure about the hassle of urinating. Sitting down was about the only way I thought I would ever be able to go. Micah told me that once the new hole healed, we would be able to remove the PA and pinch the hole shut to urinate standing up. I concluded that it was just going to take a little training like anything new. It was strange how my PA made me feel. It gave me the sensation of strength and power.

I also had a renewed confidence that was hard to explain where it came from. I loved Micah and I loved how he changed my body. I would probably had said no if he had just asked me and I would have missed out on all the emotions that I got from this experience. It was fantastic!

Aaron, Parker, Daryl, and Sarah put clothes on and headed to town to the same tattoo and piercing parlor that Micah had gotten our hardware. They asked Micah if he would be mad if they got pierced also. He said, "No! That'd be awesome!"

Sarah bought one for herself as she had read on the internet after she pierced us that women can get vaginal piercings. She was going to do the three other guys and then Micah was going to do hers.

While they were gone, Micah and I got into our database work. I was far enough along that I was able to give Micah the specs for the interfaces. He didn't see that he was going to have any major problems with the interfaces. This wasn't a project that was difficult, otherwise the Pentagon would have contracted out the work to a private firm. It was an important project and we were all over it. It was exciting to know that we were designing something that would save the Pentagon so much money.

The others got back and Sarah pierced the three guys with 8 gauge rings the same as Micahs and mine. She patiently waited to get hers as Micah and I wanted to get a little farther along before stopping for the evening. The four of them fixed supper and called us when it was ready. It was perfect timing as we had just gotten to a perfect stop point.

When supper was done, we cleaned up the dishes and then Sarah said she wanted to be tied up like we were to have it done, otherwise she might chicken out.

Seeing Sarah so vulnerable was as erotic to me as seeing Micah tied up. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "I think this is a part of my fantasy right after we do what I want on the golf course with you." She smiled and said that it was creating a lot of emotions and feelings for her. She whispered that she'd tell Micah and me later. We watched as Micah marked where the hole was going to be made.

He prepped the area and in no time was done. Sarah looked down when Micah backed away and said that it was so neat looking. She said it almost felt like a mosquito bite, thinking it was really going to hurt, but it didn't. We all agreed that that was about what it felt like for us, too. Micah said that if anyone had sex in the next month, it should be with a condom to prevent infection.

"I guess that leaves us out of the bukkake party Saturday," Parker said.

"We thought we'd decide tomorrow," I said. "And we can always use a condom. I think it will be a little sore, though." I could tell that it was going to be similar to any other cut or injury and be sore before healing.

Micah said, "And it might bleed some if you aggravate it by having sex.

Or pull on it with a chain. Did you notice we bled a little after we hung the chain off them? If you take it out for very long before the new skin heals over the hole, it'll grow shut."

When we went to bed that night, Sarah told Micah and me that she felt very self conscious when she was tied up in front of us. I asked why and she said that it took all control that she had away from her and gave it to us. She said even though she trusted us, it was a different feeling. I told her that it was a normal feeling, that I have it every time I am tied up.

"You get tied up a lot?" she asked me.

"Every chance I get!" I told her. "I love having someone else have control over me, especially Micah. It's like he knows what will send me into the arousal stratosphere."

"Maybe if I do it more, I'll get used to it," she said coyly.

We all kissed each other goodnight and drifted off to sleep.

Parker, Aaron, and Daryl were admiring their piercings. They were all erect because the feeling and just looking at the hardware was very arousing to them.

Aaron started to stroke himself after removing the condom that was protecting him from any blood loss. The other two decided to do the same and they all shot loads on themselves almost immediately. Each took a finger, scooped up their loads, and hungrily swallowed them. When they completed, they all snuggled up in bed and fell into deep sleep.

The next morning at breakfast, Micah and I decided to skip the bukkake party and the others decided to do the same. I said that we weren't going so we could work, not because of the PAs.

Micah and I beta tested our Locator database the next week and everything went perfect according to plan. Two weeks later we were given permission to test into the DA and DoD databases. Everything went really well, we had a couple minor glitches that only took a total of about four hours to fix.

On July 25th, we went into Tops office and told him the good news that we were all done. He knew from our weekly updates that we were close, but he was all smiles when we told him we were ready to go live.

He got on the phone to someone at DA headquarters in the Pentagon and after a brief conversation, hung up and told us we had the go ahead. We gave Top a disk and said, "Everything they need is right there."

He said the local fighter wing was going to fly it by fighter jet to Washington. We thought that was super cool. He made another call and one of the Sergeants in the unit came and got the disc and was on his way to the post airport. Top asked how the locator worked now and I told him the url to type in. He did and went through it looking for a couple of his old buddies.

It worked flawlessly. We told him that the unit clerk, when they logged in with proper credentials, could do arrivals and departures with the dates and it would immediately load to both DA and DoD when they hit the button to execute the transaction. They could do several transactions and then double check them in a preview before sending them. All specs that the DA and DoD wanted were there.

Top opened his desk drawer and handed us both an envelope. He said, "This is from the CO and myself. We want to thank you for what you have done for us, the Army, and the Country. We know how much time you put in on this and finished just as you said you would. Please enjoy and I am going to put the six of you on leave for two weeks starting Monday. When you get back, I want you to stop by and see me. I have you both slated to go to Basic Non Commissioned Officer Course. Upon completion, you'll both be promoted another grade. I knew I had the right two people for this job!"

We thanked Top and told him we were happy to have done this for him. I told him if for some reason there were any issues, call me day or night immediately. He told us to go have fun and relax. I grabbed another disc out of my pocket and told him this was another copy in case something happened to the first one.

As we were leaving, Sarah smiled at us. I went over to her and told her she was on vacation starting Monday. She said, "Great, because I don't feel very good today."

We told her to stop by the room and we'd go to supper with her. She said she didn't feel like eating, but she would stop by.

We were at the room and called the other guys to tell them they were on leave starting Monday. They were so excited and we said we'd decide what we wanted to do at supper.

We were just relaxing in the room when there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. It was Sarah and she was sobbing uncontrollably. I put my arm around her, got her in the room and sat down next to her on the bed.

Micah sat down on the other side of her and asked, "Sarah, what's wrong?"

She was just looking at her lap and I had given her the tissue box. She said, "Micah, I need to talk to Trey alone." Then she started crying harder. I said, "You can tell him, too. Unless you would feel better it's just us."

"Maybe that's better." She composed herself and then looked at me and started.

"Please, Trey, please don't hate me. Something has happened and I swear to you I didn't do this on purpose."

"Sarah, it's okay. Please tell us so we can help."

She said, "I swear, I didn't want this to happen yet. It wasn't supposed to happen for a few years." She looked down and then looked at me and said, "I'm pregnant." She started crying again and leaned into me when I put my arms around her.

She talked through the crying, "Please don't hate me, please."

"Sarah, I'll never hate you. Now stop crying, we're happy for you."

Micah looked at me and mouthed 'It's yours.' Then it hit me. "Sarah, have you had sex with anyone besides me?"

"No. I have been on the pill since I met you guys and thought that we were going to be having sex. The Doctor told me that I shouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant. But I just checked before I came over here, it's why I haven't been feeling very well."

I sat there stunned. I kept my emotions inside and forced myself to focus. "Sarah, please stop crying," I said softly. "It's okay, we'll work through this.

We wanted this to happen at some point in time, it's just sooner than we had planned."

She looked at me and asked, "You don't hate me? I swear I didn't try to trick you into this. I didn't want to get pregnant yet. I swear."

"Sarah, I don't hate you, I'll never hate you unless you alienate me from your life.

I love you as much as I love Micah. And I know you didn't trick me. You could never do that, you are too good of a person to do something like that."

Micah asked, "Are you still taking the pill?"

"I didn't take one yesterday or today. I couldn't, I felt like I was going to get sick if I took it."

"Don't take any more of them. Monday, we'll go to your Doctor and make sure you're ok physically," Micah said.

"Trey, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do."

"You're not thinking about terminating this baby, are you?" I used the word baby on purpose instead of pregnancy.

"Should I? I mean, I don't know."

"No, not unless your life is in danger would I want you to do something like that,"

I said to her. "It's our baby."

"Sarah and Micah," I said, "I'm happy. I'm excited that you are having our child. I love you and you have made me a very happy man. I have you in my life forever and I love that. Micah and I have you in our lives forever. We have two weeks to get away and work out how we are going to do this. It is all good. Sarah, please do not be upset."

"Trey, how can you be so nice to me? And Micah? Why don't you hate me? I ruined our lives. We can never be a couple for our child. I'm sorry I said that, Micah." She was crying again.

"Sarah, you haven't ruined anyone's life," Micah and I said together. I continued, "You are bringing a life into this world, a life that we created. A life that was created from a wonderful moment and a weekend that we were never going to forget.

From a moment that was so loving, so caring, and so important. That weekend you gave yourself to me for me. It was one of the most wonderful, unselfish things anyone has ever done for me and now from that moment is gift, a gift that we have been given that the three of us can all love and care for years to come."

She hugged me and rested her head on my shoulder. "I don't deserve you. I don't deserve you being so nice to me and so understanding. I love you, Trey. I love you with my heart and my soul." Then she hugged Micah and said the same thing.

"Sarah, please stop beating yourself up. You have given me a wonderful gift, something no one else can ever give me. You are going to make me a father and a Dad for the very first time, and I would think the last time. I'll never be able to repay you for this precious and wonderful gift. The gift of being a father. And someday, you will do the same for Micah. It's incredible how wonderful you are. You are giving life to our children, something that we can never repay you for."

Micah said, "Can I say something?"

I said, "Of course."

Micah then started, "Thank you for telling Trey and me at the same time.

I feel like I should as a part of this. That this is why we decided to be three parents to children some day instead of two. I feel connected and not like a third wheel.

This is where we bond together and stay strong for each other."

She lifted her head and looked at me. "What are we going to do?"

"First, we're going to go eat and feed our baby," I smiled.

She smiled and said, "I'm a mess."

"Sarah, it's Friday and almost no one will be there. Besides, you look beautiful."

We got up and headed out the door. I said, "I can see if the cabin is free this weekend and we can go out there."

"That'd be great," she replied. "We can tell the others out there, then."

Sarah did go freshen up in the girls latrine.

We met Micah and the others down in the dayroom. They could tell that Sarah had been crying when she came in and asked if everything was ok. I told them that it was and on the way over to the chow hall, called the cabin office. The cabin was available and we reserved it. I told her to just charge my credit card as I had left it on file with them.

We ate and then packed up a few things and were getting ready to leave the room when I asked Micah, "Did you look in the envelope that Top gave us? I haven't checked mine yet."

"I don't know, but it was thick. He grabbed the envelope, it was a manila envelope, the kind with the metal clasp on it. He opened it and said, "Holy shit!"

I looked at him and he was holding a huge wad of $100 bills. He started to count them and said, "There must be $10,000 here."

I picked up the envelope Top had given me and the exact same thing was in mine.

I said, "We have to give this back to them. We can't accept this."

"Agreed," Micah said.

I said, "Do you know where Top lives?"

"Yes, I do," said Micah. "We can stop by there on our way to the lake."

"Good idea. The sooner I don't have this the better."

We loaded up and Micah drove his car and Parker drove his. We told them that we had a stop to make and that we'd be out shortly.

I sat with Sarah in the back seat and she leaned against me and I held her. She was exhausted. I was happy that she had eaten something earlier.

We rang the doorbell as Sarah stayed in the car. Top answered the door and said, "Hey Micah, Trey, what's up?"

"We need to talk to you about a couple things, if you have a minute."

"Sure, come in. Is that Sarah in the car?" He waved for her to come in, too.

She got out of the car and came into the house. "What do I have the pleasure, everything's okay, isn't it? Sarah, are you okay?"

She shook her head yes.

"Top, we can't accept this. It's too much for us for just doing our jobs," I said holding both envelopes out to him to take.

"Trey, please. The Captain was adamant that you were to get those envelopes.

He's the boss."

"But Top," Micah started, "We can't accept this. It's not fair to the other people in the unit. We were happy that we were tasked to help and our payment is that you and the Captain get the credit for it."

"Knowing you guys, we expected this conversation. The Captain said that you should take those envelopes and he hoped you'd use it to solidify your futures.

Why do you think you were picked over everyone else and higher ranked people that probably could have done the job, too?"

"We did wonder that," said Micah.

"It's because of this. Because of your honesty, your integrity, your loyalty to your friends, the Army, and your Country. That's why I hand-picked you."

"But Top," I started then he interrupted me.

"Please guys, you did something above and beyond and without fanfare or really asking for anything. Conversation over."

I looked at Sarah and she knew what I wanted to do.

"Top, Thank you and the CO. We are indebted to your generosity and it means a lot to us that you have that much confidence in us. I have one other thing I need to tell you. It's very early and we just found out, but we want you to know. The only people that will know are our group and you."

"What is it?"

"Sarah is expecting."

"What?!?!? Congratulations! He went and hugged Sarah." Then he looked at her and said, "Oh, not planned. I'm sorry, Sarah. If you need anything, I'm right there in the office for you anytime. Anything at all anytime."

"Thank you, Top. We knew we could count on you," I said.

"May I ask who the father is? I don't mean to sound crude, but you two are an item, looking at Micah and me, so I don't have a clue."

"It's Trey, Top," Sarah said. "I know it's complicated, but Trey is the only person I have been with."

"Oh. Okay. Again, if you need anything, let me know. Any of you," looking at Micah.

"Top, we will probably come in and talk to you about what our options are and what your opinion is on the best course of action," I said.

"Sounds good and I will do all I can. It sounds as if you guys are on the right track by looking at options and reaching out to get information. And of course, I will not tell anyone, not even the CO. That's your job."

"Thank you again, Top. You're the best."

"Honey," he said over his shoulder to his wife, "did you hear that?"

We laughed and I shook his hand. "Thank you for your time and the generous compensation. We'll invest it wisely."

We left and got in the car. I told Sarah about the money. She was dumbfounded.

"I'm so proud of both of you for trying to give the money back. That is a lot of money." I told her about the E7 pay and that he put us in the first BNCOC course as soon as we get back off leave. She said she knew about the course as he had her do that, but asked her not to say anything.

We arrived at the cabin. The others were already naked and we went to our bedroom and as we were undressing, I asked Sarah if she wanted me to tell them or if she wanted to. She said she needed to do it.

I went to the kitchen and got Sarah and Micah bottles of water and I grabbed a tea. We sat down and the conversation they were having was about sports and the upcoming college football season.

There was a break in the conversation after about ten minutes and Sarah used the break to change the subject. "Aaron, Daryl, Parker, I have something I need to tell you. I hope that you won't judge me or hate me and I wish I didn't have to tell you this. I never intended for this to happen. I'm pregnant and it happened Fourth of July weekend here."

They all jumped up and hugged Sarah, telling them that they were so happy for her, and then looked at me and congratulated me.

"I swear I didn't mean for it to happen. I was on the pill and the only person I have been with is Trey. I don't know how this happened."

Aaron said, "Sarah and Trey, anything you guys need, let us know. We will help you in any way possible." Then he looked at Micah and said, "You okay?"

Micah said, "I'm actually very excited and very happy. May I tell them?"

he asked.

He looked at me and Sarah and we shook yes. "We were talking one night and we wanted in the future to live next to Sarah and her husband. She wanted to live next to us, but doesn't want a husband. She does want children and indicated a child from both of us would be her desire. We thought it was a great idea, because then Trey and I have children that are related. I know that she didn't do this on purpose, because it was going to happen someday anyway, plus she was also taking precautions. I know that she is beating herself up and she doesn't need to. I know that someday, it'll be my baby that we'll be having."

"That's cool," Daryl said. "You and Micah will have kids related. What an awesome thing."

Sarah got up and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you so much."

"I have an idea what we should do on our two week vacation," I said. "I think that we should rent a vehicle we can all fit in and drive to everybody's hometown and we meet each other's families. I think that Sarah, Micah and I are going to do that, but it'd be fun if all of us did it."

We talked about the trip and Daryl, Aaron, and Parker said that as much as they loved us, adding New York, South Carolina, and Wisconsin to Arizona, Montana, and Nebraska just didn't make sense and would be a big trip. We'd do that trip next leave. There was a discussion that followed about how much were we going to tell people. Micah and I were going to tell our families about our relationship and our relationship with Sarah. We were standing up and taking control of our lives.

We we're not ashamed of who we are and if our families are, then they need to let us out of their lives.

"I don't want to sound weird, but have you and Sarah talked about marriage?"

Aaron asked looking at me. "The reason I ask is that there are a lot of funds that you would be entitled to. You'd get a housing allowance if you lived off post or you get to live in on post housing. You'd both get a food allowance, too.

When the baby is born, you can't live in the billets."

"We haven't had a chance to think about any of that. We were going to go talk to Top when we get back from our trip," I said. "I'm sure it's all things that we need to consider. We will want your input and opinions on things, too. You guys are the best at what you do for the Army and you're our best friends. We value your thoughts and ideas."

Aaron said, "This is very early in the information gathering process, but I believe that one of you two needs to marry Sarah. I say one of you because it sounds as if you both have equal stake in the relationship if both are going to have children.

There are a lot of benefits that go with being married in the Army. After you get out of the Army, if you want to marry each other, than you can either divorce or try and file for an annulment, depending on the circumstances."

"Wow, I didn't think about Micah marrying Sarah, but that sort of makes sense. I don't know, it's a lot to take in. I just want Sarah and you guys to know that I am excited. I am going to be a Dad to a beautiful child that has the best Mom possible."

"Now, let's celebrate Sarah and our Post Locator project being completed!"

We played cards for a while and then Sarah said she was going to bed. It was only 9 pm. I walked her into the bedroom and sat on the bed next to her.

"Why Trey, why did this happen to me?"

"If you are looking at this as a negative thing, then you need to blame me, Sarah.

I'm the one that basically forced you to make love to me. But I don't look at any of this as a negative. We are ready to move to the next step in our lives. I am not ashamed, embarrassed, or sorry for what we did. You took precautions, I didn't even ask you if I should wear protection. But I'm being selfish and saying that I am so happy you are having our child."

"Trey, what do you think about marriage?"

"I'll marry you, Sarah. I want to talk to Micah about it. I see the logic in the two of you getting married. But it is my responsibility and I will do what is right. I'll do what is necessary for your well-being and our child's well-being."

"Trey, thank you. You are such a wonderful man. She kissed me and then hugged me.

You really are a true gentleman and a man's man."

I tucked her into bed, kissing her on the forehead. "I love you, Sarah Ellis. I knew there was something special about you the first second I saw you. You have made my life full and with a cause. You are my precious gift that makes my life on earth have meaning."

"Oh Trey. No one has ever talked to me the way you talk to me. No one has ever treated me the way you five treat me. I love you most, and Micah, but I love all four of our friends and how they treat me."

"Sarah, you are a gift sent to me. My life would have never been full without you. I would have had an empty spot in my heart. Without you, my life would never have the meaning that it does now. We were meant to have this child. A child born out of pure love, pure unselfishness, and pure ..."

She was asleep before I finished speaking. I looked at Sarah and realized the night that I gave my virginity to her was the night that I knew I could love a woman. I lied to myself about it and I do love Micah, but he can't give me the thing that Sarah can. A child and a legacy that lives beyond me. How will this affect our relationships, especially mine with Micah? I do love Micah, but I am feeling pulled in two directions again. I will give of myself to both Sarah and Micah, but right now Sarah comes first. I almost cringed thinking those words, but I have a responsibility to Sarah and this child.

I went out and rejoined the guys. They had moved back over to the couch and I sat in one of the chairs. Micah was on the couch between Daryl and Parker.

Aaron was sitting in the other chair.

"Is she okay?" Aaron asked. "I'm worried about her."

"I think a good night's rest will help a lot. I just wish she wouldn't blame herself.

If it is anyone's fault, if people are looking at it that way, it's my fault. I basically forced her to do what she did. We were going to wait, but with that option gone, we move forward and we do what we think is right."

"One thing about it, she's in great hands with you two," Parker said.

With that, Micah said he wanted to celebrate by giving his best friends a little sex.

I crawled down in front of Micah and took him in my mouth. It had been almost a week since we had pleased each other. I used my trick of a lot of saliva and I tongued the underside of his cock. Parker and Daryl were sitting on each side of him on the couch and grabbed his legs and spread them apart by pulling them up on their laps. Sucking on Micah with his PA was a different feeling. I hadn't taken him down my throat since he had it put in, but that was changing tonight. I worked him and then felt I was ready and pushed down on him. He went down easily, but what a feeling! As hard as an erection is, it's soft compared to steel. I pulled back up and took a huge breath. I buried to the smooth, shaved skin around the base of his cock. He knew how much I loved him hairless as much as possible and he obliged. I grabbed his balls, massaged them for about a minute and then came up for air. I went back down all the way and he was moaning in pleasure. I was working his balls pretty good at this point with one hand and with the saliva that had dripped onto my hand, raked it up and spread it on his pucker hole with the other. I went straight for three fingers in him, figuring I had him worked up pretty good.

Parker had gone around behind and had reached down to work his nipples with his hands. I came up for air and released his cock. I started sucking on the skin around the base of his cock and biting it too. I sucked on the side of his cock, trying to break some blood vessels and give him hickeys. I went back to sucking him all the way down my throat. I felt him start to tense up, so I let his cock go again. I stood up and motioned for the guys to turn him. They did, his head laying on Daryls lap, Parker and Aaron holding his ankles above and about a foot behind his head. I got in and pointed my steel ringed cock at his hole. I entered without much resistance and started immediately stroking the longest strokes I could, buried as far as I could to clear out of him. He was begging for me to shoot deep inside of him. I don't know why, but it was one of those times I had complete control of my orgasm and I just kept pounding him. About a minute later, he started to shoot his load.

The first one shot over his head, just missing Daryl, but catching Parker right in the chest. The second rope landed on Micahs face and trailed down to under his chin. His third and fourth shots hit mid chest and then filled his belly button. Then five or six globs rolled out the end of his cock and ran down his shaft. I kept stroking full strokes in and out of his tight man hole, my man hole. I was in a mood and I owned his body right now. The guys continued to hold him and I motioned for them not to let him out of this position. It was at least ten minutes later and I was still going strong.

Micah had gotten hard again, but was begging for me to cum in him and then stop. I couldn't, I just kept pounding his ass and then I saw Parker shoot his load down on Micahs chest. The weakening shots hit Micah in the face and he had his mouth wide open, getting as much of Parkers load as possible. Daryls cock was pressed up against Micahs cheek and he started shooting straight up in the air. His cum came down and made a splat noise on Micahs face. That was too much for Aaron and he unloaded shot after shot directly into Micahs mouth. Parker had taken over holding both legs while Aaron moved into position to fill Micahs mouth. I was just deciding that maybe Micah had taken enough of my pounding when I saw him shoot again. The first shot here hit upper stomach and then just dribbled spurts out as he milked his muscles. I finally started slamming Micah with as much force as I could get leverage for and I could see tears in his eyes. He wasn't screaming or complaining, but I must have been hurting him after his second orgasm. I told myself to orgasm and I felt the sensation in my balls and then the eruption deep in Micah. The warm liquid surrounded my cock and lubed up his hole. I slowly pumped in and out of him about another twenty times and then slowly slid all the way out. I watched as my cum drained out of Micah. His hole wasn't closing like it should. I watched for a minute and cum was still finding his exit hole.

They released his legs and I leaned down and kissed him. He looked at me and said, "I think you tore me a new one."

I smiled and said, "I just didn't feel like cumming, I don't know why."

Parker said, "You pounded his ass nonstop for 40 minutes. I have never, ever witnessed anything like that. Man, you must be a wreck down there, Micah."

Everyone looked at Micahs hole and it was still open, but not as much. He said he didn't want to sit up for a little while. He said, "What got into you?"

"I don't know, I just didn't feel like cumming."

Micah said, "Sarah may have needled through the nerve ending and lowered your sensitivity in your cock."

"You mean I can possibly do this all the time?"


"Oh, your ass is so owned now," I said smiling.

About an hour later after we talked for a while, Parker, Aaron, and Daryl headed for bed. Micah and I went out on the deck to enjoy the evening and talk.

We put two chairs next to each other and took a hold of each other's member. I gave him a kiss and he kissed me back. "Micah, you're the world to me. You know I love Sarah, but you are my true love. I can't believe how confused I am now."

"Trey, I love you so much. I'm hoping that after the initial shock, we are able to sort through this. You know I love Sarah too. This is just crazy, though. I never would have dreamed that we'd end up like this."

It's all my fault, Micah. I shouldn't have forced anyone to help me with my problems. If I hadn't done that, this never would have happened."

"It still may have happened. What if it was when we fulfilled her fantasy. That might have been the night it happened anyway."

"I guess you're right. What do you think of the marriage thing?"

"Trey, I don't know. I think it would be nice that you guys would be married when the baby is born. But then do you get divorced and I marry her for our child?"

"I don't know, maybe. But maybe you should just marry her now and then we decide something after your child is born. Because I thought that maybe you and I would marry someday."

"My thinking right now is that we should each be married to her when our child is born. I think that Sarah wouldn't have a problem with that. I wonder if we should talk to a lawyer about it?" Micah said.

"I'll ask Mr. Ellis for her hand in marriage. We'll play it by ear from there.

Maybe one of the group has a lawyer in the family that we can ask on the trip."

We were both stroking the other and it felt so good. Micah got out of his chair and knelt down in front of me. He took me in his mouth and sucked on me as only he can. He made me feel as if I was the most important person in the world. I just completely relaxed in the chair and let Micah dominate my feelings. He sucked on me and every once in a while I would hear his teeth clang against my piercing. My mind drifted back to that evening and I jumped a couple excitement levels.

Micah felt me start to tense up and sucked twice as hard on my meat. He knew I was close and was taking full strokes. I lifted up in the chair and started shooting into the back of his throat. He was hungry for my load and sucked it all down. He licked my shaft and caressed my balls for another ten minutes. He can relax me like no other person.

He got up and gave me a kiss. There is something about kissing someone right after they have had their mouth on your cock. "Thank you, Micah. That was nice.

I had so much fun working the Locator project with you. And we kicked some ass!"

"Trey, I enjoyed working with you, too. We make a great team in a lot of ways."

We got, kissed again up and went to bed, sliding in on each side of Sarah.

Thank you for reading. This chapter was more for me, throwing the golf in there.

Next: Chapter 9

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