N'Sync and I

By Mike Canaday

Published on Aug 18, 2000



`N SYNC and I

Hey Everyone! As everyone else always says, I would love to make this a big story like that of the absolutely fabulous JM! Of course, I don't think I can quite compare, anyhoo! If you guys wanna get in touch with me to talk about my story and give me the creative insights to make it really good and/or give some constructive criticism. My email address is canaday_81@hotmail.com. My icq number is 31054493, so drop me a line if you feel like it!

This story contains gay relations between the members of the pop music group N Sync and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of N Sync are gay (but, if they are, I am definitely hoping that they make use of my email add!). If you are under the legal age to read this kind of stuff in your area, maybe this story isn't for you. And, if it is against the law to like read this or something...fuck it! LOLL! Just kitten'. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction. If none of these restrictions apply to you, I hope that you enjoy it! Well, y'all know the rest of my speech, so just read on!~

One might say that in my 18 years, I have lived quite a sheltered life. Since childhood, my parents have tried to control my every move/thought I would make, but in the end, my lust for freedom, and control of my own destiny, prevailed! I live in New York, city that is, where anything is possible. If you want to live in a place where you can be different, and not be totally alone, New York is the place to be.

I came out, to my parents, when I was sixteen. They didn't take it well at all. My Dad is the founder of a successful law firm in upper Manhattan. He knew that if word of my `coming out of the closet' got around to some of his clients, his firm could be literally ruined. The moment I told him, he totally shut me out of his life, speaking to me maybe once a week. And then there is my Mom. My Mom was born into money, bequeathed with a very well known last name . In memory of her family name, she decided that it would be a beneficial idea to give me her families last name. I thought that she, of all people, would be one to accept me (seeing as though she was awarded a G.L.A.D award for her work for fighting to give equal rights to same-sex partners). Unfortunately I was wrong. As soon as she heard this, she went numb. She just couldn't accept it. I knew that, with what I had seen of them so far, they were going to need a lot of time to deal with my change.

Less than a week after my seventeenth birthday, my parents told me that they were going to be sending me on a trip. I thought that was the best thing that could have happened to me! I thought that they might have finally accepted me for who I truly was. I went up to them and gave them the huge hugs. I didn't give them the hugs just for the trip, but also due to the fact that this had been the first time that they had really even talked to me in a while. You know, really talked to me. Plus, I hadn't seen them in a while. You see, ever since I told them, about my being gay, they began to spend less and less time at home, and around me. "Mom...Dad...I can't believe you guys are doing this for me! I don't mind telling you that I am totally surprised, and shocked!" My Mom looked down at her feet and told me, "Mike, we are going to be setting you up with a beautiful loft, with whatever you want in it. But, it is going to take a little while longer to get the loft ready, so you will have to stay in a hotel until it is ready. We are also going to be giving you a private bank account, which will be on an allowance, which will be increased every few weeks."

I was beginning to wonder what was going on, because even though it was sounding like good news to me, I knew there had to be a hitch or something. My parents were firm believers in making somebody earn privileges, and in recent times, I had done nothing spectacular. I looked at the both seriously and said, "I am beginning to notice that you guys aren't too enthusiastic about this, is there something that I should know about?"

My Dad finally spoke up and said, "Mike, son, we love you, and we want what's best for you, but we have to think about ourselves. Your `coming out' could disturb the firms' reputation, and, not to mention your mothers reputation in her social circles, but, we don't want to have to worry about that right now."

At this point, my face was just blank, I still didn't quite know what was going on, and I knew that I was going to regret finding out. "Hun, we just think that it would be best if you just took some time off!" At this point, a tear was coming from my moms eye. "you see, we just want to go down there and have some fun, and get away from the stress of life!" I still didn't get it! I mean, they each had a unique, totally serious look upon their face, but they were making it sound as if it was a vacation! Well, I had learned to not look a gift-horse in the mouth, and took it with all smiles. About an hour later, I was walking by the front doors and I saw some luggage sitting near them. Juanita, our maid, had my bags all packed and sitting by the door. "Well, looks like someone can't wait to see me go!" I said with a smirk on my face. "Sorry sweetie. It was your parents wishes."

The way she said it, it made me feel as though she knew the whole truth. I knew that she said it with remorse, but still, with her British accent, it sounded cold. I took this as a sign that my parents were wanting me out as soon as possible. I helped Juanita load my bags in the back of the limousine. I anxiously awaited my parents to come out and at least as their good-byes, but they didn't. I was hurt by this, but I knew that eventually they would give me a valid excuse.

It took about 45 minutes to get to the airport. The ride there was silent. I tried to talk to our driver a bit, but he was acting very distant. Juanita helped me with my stuff and had a man escort me to the proper terminal. I was offended, but thought nothing of it. It was kind of weird when Juanita gave me a embrace and said, "Sweet-heart, keep a stiff upper lip!" After saying that, he gave me my ticket and began to walk away.

I wish that I could have had a Polaroid of my expression. I went with my escort to the terminal, only to see an all-to perky flight attendant standing at the gate. I gave my ticket to her and began to make me way. "Hi, how are you today! Did you enjoy your stay?" The flight attendant said cheerfully. "Oh, I am from New York, I am only going down to Orlando as a vacation, as a gift from my parents!" I said quickly. "I'm sorry, I just assumed that since it was a one-way ticket, you lived in Florida." She said this with a obvious look of puzzlement on her face. At her saying that, all I could say was, "........one...w..way? I'm sorry, there must be some sort of mistake! I am only going down there for a week or two." "No, I'm afraid not, the ticket has been made out to a Michael DuPont, for a one-way trip to Orlando, Florida."

At this point, I finally knew what was going on. It hit me like a brick wall. My parents were moving me to Orlando, under false pretenses. `Well, they will just send me the return ticket once they want me to come back!' Or so I was thinking. I was just giving myself any reason to excuse their course of action.

The flight was long...and boring. It had an on-board movie, but I just couldn't watch it and actually enjoy it. I mean, my parents just are sending me to live in Orlando, only weeks after my graduation from highschool. Hell, I don't even remember what movie it was. The only good thing, was that the flight attendants could see that I was sad and tried to make me smile as much as possible. One of them was really cute! He had short spiky blond hair with glasses. Every time I saw him, I would think, `Yummy!' In that retrospect, the flight was not nearly long enough! As the flight was coming to an end, I was beginning to feel homesick; and this feeling brought back the pain of what my parents did to me. I tried to not show it I was exiting the plane, but as I got outside the gate, I found a corner, sat down, and began to cry like I had never cried before. After a few minutes, I felt a tap on my shoulder and a voice.

"Hey....are you ok?"

It was softest most perfect voice I had ever heard. I looked up, and it looked as though I was in sight of an angel. "Hey, so are you going to be alright?" He said "Ya......I think so....I just have a lot of stuff to deal with right now." I said with a slight smile. "You know, the only good way to deal with it, is to tell someone about it and then get their advice on it." He had a truly sincere look. "I don't want to trouble you with it" I replied. "Come on...lets just go and get a cup of coffee and we can talk about it....ok?" With him saying that, I don't quite know how I could have said no. And that God that I didn't! He helped me up and took me to the bathroom to clean myself up. "Hey, I totally forgot to introduce myself. My name is Josh, Josh Chasez." He said with such care in his voice. "Its really nice to meet you Josh. And thank you very much for helping me out. You are the first person that I have met here and I am totally nervous." I said all this nervously, because I didn't want him to catch on that I was gay. "Well, that's cool and all, but I still don't know your name!" He laughed as he said this with a smirk on his beautiful face. "Oh crap, sorry again. My name is Mike, Mike Kennedy." I was totally embarrassed that I forgot to tell him that. Josh said, "Well, its nice to meet you Mike." As he began to stretch out his hand.

After I embarrassed myself beyond the point of no return, we made our way to the nearby coffee shop. It was kind of weird, but he kept looking all around, as though he felt as if he was being watched! We ordered our coffee and sat down in a dim corner where we thought we could get could get some privacy. We just sat there for a few minutes...not saying a word.

I broke the silence by saying, "So what were you doing at the airport?"

"Well, I just flew in with my friends from a con....trip...ya, we were on a trip, we went to Vancouver for a break. It was a nice trip, but it was raining like all the time!" "Ya, I know. My parents have a cottage up at Point Grey. We used to go up there all the time when I was younger, but lately we never seem to be able to get up there anymore." "Oh, that sucks! I bet I would have loved my trip a whole lot more if the weather wouldn't have been so bad." JC replied.

I couldn't help but look at his beautiful eyes. They were perfect. As I looked, I knew that I was looking into the eyes of an angel. We talked about all kinds of things. I felt all of my problems slowly slipping away as our conversation deepened. "So..." JC began. "Do you mind if I ask you why you were crying a little while ago?" I didn't think that I could go through with telling him. It felt as though there was a friendship beginning to form, and starting a new life, in a new town, I didn't't want to risk not really knowing anyone. All I managed to say was, "You know...I think that I might feel a little more comfortable telling you later or something. The pain is still kind of fresh in mind and I don't really want to bring it all back up again." "You know that its totally okay with me. You can tell me when you feel that the time is right." JC said, as a smile appeared on his face.

I was beginning to get tired. The jet lag was beginning to catch up with me, and I knew that I had better head to my condo soon. "JC, it was really nice to meet you, but I think that I had better get going, I have to get to my place and unpack all of my stuff." "Mike, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, you still look pretty shook up from what happened to you earlier. Maybe you should stay with people you know." At this point JC questioned me on if I had any relatives in the area, asking if I could stay with them, in a comfortable surrounding. "No, most of my family lives back in New York." I said with my head down. As soon as I said this, JC began to smile and told me he'd be back in a minute. I saw him pull out his cell phone as he walked away.

At this point I was beginning to get nervous. I mean, I was in an airport having a deep conversation with a perfect stranger, in a town foreign to me. I silently watched JC out of the corner of my eye as he was smiling and talking on the phone, pacing back and forth. I took this chance to really look at him. I looked at his posture, size, shape and features. The first thing that I noticed were his soul piercing eyes and awesome smile. His white teeth and pouting lips just accentuated the smile. I just kept watching him, although, I had to take my gaze off of him at times to decrease the risk of being caught. Finally, JC's phone conversation came to an end, as he put his phone into his pocket. "Okay, now Mike, you have a choice. Now, either you can go to your hotel and wait for a while until your condo is ready..." "Or..?" I asked, while motioning my hands around. "Or, you can come and stay at my place. Well, actually, its not really my place. Its my friends place, and he said that he would like to have more people around. In other words, there are more pro's than con's as to why you should come with me!" JC exclaimed. He had the biggest grin on his face. How could I say no?!?

I was being towed through the airport to go and find my luggage, then going to his place to meet some of his friends. `Well, so much for starting slow!' I thought. When we got outside, I tried to hail a cab, but JC stopped me. "What's wrong, there are tones people here, if we don't get a cab soon, we might have to walk!" I said happily! "Well." JC started, "why take a cab when you can take one of these?" As soon as his sentence finished, a beautiful black, Lincoln limousine pulled up along side of us. "Okay, whatever." I said, calmly. I think that JC was expecting me to do backflips or something, because he had a look of surprise on his face, brought on by my response. We stepped into the limousine and made ourselves comfortable while the driver put our bags in the trunk. "So why do I get the feeling that riding in a limousine is not a new thing to you." JC said with a half-laugh. "How did you know?" I asked, seriously. "Well, first, it seemed as though you were actually wanting to take a cab. Second, you didn't go wild when I recommended it." JC said casually. "Ya, in my parents social circles they always arrive in style, so that they can keep their wealth recognizable. I never really liked it, but hey, I wasn't going to complain; it would have been like talking to a wall."

The ride was very actually quite relaxing. I guess when I had traveled by limousine before, it wasn't with the proper company. On the ride over we didn't speak all that much. I still didn't feel that the time was right for me to tell him all about my "problem", so we stayed off of that topic. Mostly we talked about all the things we had in common. Like, we both liked to eat, sleep and watch movies. I know, I know, the typical American hobby, it turned out that we had a lot in common. Within about 40 minutes, or so, we pulled up to a really nice house. "Okay, here we are!" JC said with a huge grin. "Wow, this is a pretty cool place...is it your friends place?" I asked with surprise. "No, actually, it belongs to my friends Mom." JC replied. "But, have no fear, I already called them and cleared it all up and you are more than welcome to stay with us for as long as you need." "Okay." I said with reluctance, "but only if your sure its not a big deal." "Of course not Mike, like I said, you are totally welcome here!"

We walked up to the front door with all of our bags in hand. I had no clue what to expect. I mean, I was walking into a house with a guy that I barely knew. Not to say that I didn't feel safe with him, because I totally did. Its just, well, lets just say the creep-o-meter was going off a bit. The inside of the house was flawlessly decorated. "Wow! This place kicks ass!" JC just nodded as three people began to approach us. I was still very nervous at this point, so I kind of froze in my tracks. "Hi, what up! My names Justin!" the first person said. Next, the lady spoke for herself and the little child by her side. "My name is Lynn, and this little guy down here," As she bent down to pick up the little boy, "is Jonathan." "Well, its really nice to meet all of you." I said with the most sportive smile.

The truth is that I have never been so nervous in a very very long time!!! I was in a house, with Josh, and he was so incredible hot that it wasn't even funny! Plus his friend, Justin, was just gorgeous too!! I felt like saying, "Damn Josh, can you please introduce me to everyone you have ever met, if they all look like y'all!" But of course, due to the fact that I just go pretty much numb when I am talking to someone who is really hot, I refrained from saying that. Not only that, but Justin looked really familiar from somewhere. I thought he might have been a model that I might have met when I went with my Mom to Milan, but I couldn't pin-point it.

I liked this house. It was comfortable. Its like I had been there before or something. It was really hard to explain.

Jonathan ran into the living room and turned on the TV, and put it on MTV. Moby's "Natural Blues" was just ending. I loved that song. Having Christina Ricci in was such a good idea! As expected, a new video came on. It started off pretty catchy, and I recognized it from the radio, but I didn't know the song. All of a sudden Justin bolted up from his seat and changed the channel. I wouldn't have minded if he hadn't changed it to the Golf Channel. JC and Justin just sat on the couch and looked like little kids that were caught with their fingers in the cookie jar.....


Well, everyone, I hope you guys like it so far. So far there hasn't been any bumpin' and grindin' or anything like that, but just be patient. If you guys wanna email me or something, my email addy is canaday_81@hotmail.com. If you guys wanna get in contact over ICq, my number is 31054493. Well, I hope that you all like it and get in touch with me. I'll write more, depending on the responses I get from you guys!



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