Nude Beach Beginnings

By krischrandes

Published on Apr 6, 2022



Nude Beach Beginnings

My other stories are at listed at the end of this file. If you want to contact me email

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I met Jake when we both moved to Winter Park, Florida at the beginning of high school. As the new kids we didn't know anyone so we hung out together. Jake was open, friendly, and accepting from the beginning. Eventually we accumulated some other friends and became part of a close little group. In Junior year he had a car and I didn't but he was nice enough to drive me home from school most days. today he stayed at my house ostensibly to work on a project, but we were mostly shooting the shit.

A few weeks back when the group of us were hanging out and talking about places we'd been, Jake had casually mentioned going to the nude beach out at the coast. I knew about it because I'm apparently a pervert. I don't know why but I'd always wanted to go to a public nude place since I found out there was such a thing -- which was way before I knew what sex was or had developed any interest in it. With my parents the rule was to always be dressed at home. No sitting around in your underwear and no one had seen me naked once I was old enough to take a bath on my own. But for some reason I really wanted to try it. I had been "researching" locations on the Internet for years. Any kind of an official club was right out. For one I didn't want to meet a bunch of old nudists up close. More importantly, I was not 18 yet so I wouldn't be able to get into such a place on my own. That left the notorious Playalinda beach out by Cape Canaveral that Jake had mentioned.

At some point we started talking about what to do with our (Jake's) freedom of having a car.

"Do you think your parents would let you go out of town?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Like go a road trip. Just for the day. Somewhere out of this place."

"Sure," he said. "As long as I'm paying for gas and don't get a ticket they don't care what I do. What did you have in mind?"

"I dunno," I said.

"You want to go to the nudie beach don't you?"

"What?" I said, trying to cover.

"Relax," Jake said. "I could tell how you perked up when I mentioned it. Hoping to see some hot bods there?"

"I was just curious what it's like," I said, still a little defensive.

"I haven't been there for a year or two. We went a lot when I was a kid, but back then I mostly just liked making sandcastles. All I remember is a long white beach and naked old people. Well old to me, anyway. There weren't kids there very often."

"It's just wild your parents took you there."

"Well we lived close by. And my parents have always loved the beach and kind of been nudists. Dad didn't want to move away from the coast but mom had to for work," Jake said.

"So you've all been naked around each other?"

"Yeah, obviously. Dad still walks around the house nude half the time. I could do without that."

"Yeah," I said.

"So you want to go there?" he asked.

"Um," I said.

"That'd be a yes."

"It'd be kind of weird though," I said. "You and I would be, you know, like see each other."

"So what," Jake said. "Haven't you ever been in a locker room?"

"I'm sorry," I said, "did you confuse me with someone good at sports? No, not really my thing. I've never been um, ... around anyone else."

"Is that why you're so interested in it?"

"I dunno," I said. "I guess. Just wild to imagine." I was repeating myself, damnit.

"Then let's do it. I haven't been there in forever and I wouldn't mind going back. Can't this coming weekend, so the one after that if the weather's good. Little road trip. Should we invite..."

"No," I said, before he named any of our other friends.

"Ok," Jake said grinning. "Just us. You can try it out and I won't tell anyone."

I swallowed nervously, "Ok," I said. "It'll be fun."

I was so excited about the weekend trip that I could hardly sleep the days leading up to it. I alternated between excitement and fear. I was excited because I'd get to go to a nude beach and maybe see some eye candy. Scared because I was worried I'd chicken out and not be able to go through with it. Or pop a boner that wouldn't go away. I know, I know. I've read a lot of askreddit and other sites. Supposedly it's not a problem, but for fuck's sake I get boners in math class so why wouldn't it happen on the beach.

Thursday after school Jake was driving me home. He asked if I was looking forward to Saturday. I said yes, but I think he detected my hesitation.


"Yeah, a little," I admitted.

"Nothing to worry about," he said. "What part worries you most?"

"It's just that I've never done anything like this before. And, well actually, I'm kind of nervous to get naked in front of you."

When we pulled up to my house, Jake asked, "Can I come in for a bit?"

"Of course," I said. "Why?"

"You'll see."

When we got to my house I punched in the garage code and we went inside. My parents weren't home as usual. They usually got home very late. Jake led the way up to my room, waited for me to come in, and then closed the door behind him. I looked at the door curiously.

"There's a simple way to get some of your fear out of the way," Jake said. "We just get that part over with now."

"What do you mean?"

Jake pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it on my bed then he started unbuckling his belt.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little shrilly.

"Getting you acclimated."

Jake pushed down his shorts so they puddled at his feet. Then immediately pushed down his underwear to join them. He was standing only a couple feet away from me basically naked. I stared directly at his eyes trying really hard not to look down.

"You should just look and get it over with," Jake said calmly.

"But I'm gay," I blurted.

Jake laughed loudly. "That's not news."

"But I can't look at your...."

"Dude, I'm not interested in having sex with you, but I don't care if you see my junk. We're going to a nude beach."

I finally let my eyes drift down. There'd never been a spark between us but damn did he have a nice body. I moved my eyes slowly downward, drinking in the sight of his bare chest, down to his waist, and followed the treasure trail. His cock was resting innocently on a pair of plump balls among wild and untrimmed dark hair. I'd seen plenty of dick on the Internet but seeing it in person was different.

"There," Jake said. "Now you."

I don't know why that surprised me. It was the obvious next step. I took my shirt off easily enough but then hesitated. I finally worked up the nerve to unzip and unbutton my jeans despite my shaking hands. I pushed them down, bending over to shove them all the way to my ankles. As I stood up I realized this had put my face closer to Jake's cock and I blushed.

I looked down at my package in my boxer briefs. I started to push the waistband down but I hesitated again. I tried but couldn't do it.

"Could we hurry this along a little?" Jake asked. "I need to be home before dark."

I laughed and I finally pushed my underwear off. I pulled my dick away from my balls out of habit. You know how everything gets stuck in the heat. I looked at Jake and saw him staring right at my junk. I knew he wasn't interested so he was just looking to get me used to it. He looked back up and I met his eyes. I realized that the two of us were standing in my room with our clothes at our feet and it... well it wasn't anything.

"There," Jake said. "Got that over with. Now you'll be ready for Saturday. Yeah, I know you're thinking 'what about other people?'. It's a big beach. We'll get away from the crowd so it'll just be us. All good?"

I nodded.

Jake started pulling his underwear and shorts up and got dressed. I did the same. After confirming that he'd pick me up in the morning like usual Jake said goodbye and let himself out.

I sat down on my bed now dressed again. The fear had gone. Now I was just excited. I owed him for that.

My Dad was home for the weekend and Mom was away on a trip. Friday night I reminded my Dad I'd be gone with Jake all day Saturday. He said, "fine," then looked at me over his glasses. "Don't do anything I would do." I sighed loud enough for him to hear. I got good grades so they didn't give me many restrictions, but it never hurt to laugh at his lame jokes too.

I woke up really early Saturday, of course, and rechecked my bag as if it hadn't been packed for days. I'd prepped a backpack with towels, sunscreen, a book, and a few other things. Jake was bringing a cooler and we'd buy drinks and snacks along the way.

Finally I got a text that Jake was here and I tried to go outside without running.

It was a long drive out to Cape Canaveral. We stopped at a gas station, topped off the tank and got drinks and snacks. I paid.

When we crossed the causeway I thought we were almost there. I said, "finally" and Jake laughed. He said, "We've got a long way to go still. I always hated this part as a kid. Feels weird to actually be driving it."

After passing the gate and driving for another seemingly endless length of road up the beach we finally got to the last lot. And it was full. Jake whipped the car around and managed to score a spot on the next closest lot we'd just passed.

Jake put his sunshade on the windshield and a towel over the steering wheel. After we got our stuff and locked up the car we started trudging up the road with a few other people. None of them were our age but a few were cute. I wondered if I'd see them strip down.

At the dune crossover I finally got my first good look at the beach. As Jake had said it was a long straight white sand beach. Not as white as the west coast but nicer sand than what I was used to in South Florida. Looking up the beach I saw people and umbrellas dotted into the distance until they disappeared in the salt spray. I couldn't tell if any of them were nude.

Jake and I took off our shoes and socks and stuffed them into our bags then went down the steps to the beach. We walked north along the water line where the sand was harder and cooler. After only a minute I saw my first naked person. A very tanned, very wrinkly old man sitting on a beach chair with his legs open. Massive balls sat on the chair in front of him. We kept walking and Jake leaned close and said, "Was it everything you hoped for?"

"I'm sorry I looked," I said and Jake laughed.

We kept walking and we did see some younger and nude attractive guys walking along the beach. A few nodded at us. I kept my nose pointed straight ahead and tried to get a good look through my sunglasses without being obvious. I was amazed at the variety of cocks. Watching porn gives you a weird idea of normal. We took turns with the cooler, which had a shoulder strap, but was still uncomfortable to carry.

The crowd finally started to thin out as my feet were getting sore and I said, "I think this is good". Jake just nodded and tromped up the beach to dry sand. He dropped his bag and started pulling out a big beach blanket that had somehow fit in there. He spread it out and then threw himself dramatically on it.

I got my beach towel out and put it alongside. There were no rocks on the beach so I pulled my shoes out of the bag and tried to use them to hold down the towel. I sat down and looked over to see Jake standing on the blanket dropping his underwear. When he had packed away his clothes in his bag he started slathering sunscreen on himself. I took off my shirt and looked at the ocean. There was no one else close by.

"Do my back?" Jake asked.

I stood up and squirted some sunscreen into my hands and rubbed it over Jake's back where he hadn't been able to reach. I wiped the rest on my legs and handed it back to him.

"Thanks," he said. And then glanced at me. "You gonna do it?"

"I'm working my way up to it," I said.

"Let me put sunscreen on your back anyway. You'll burn fast out here."

I handed him my tube and he put sunscreen on my back down to my waistband. I applied it to my face, chest, arms, and legs then sat down. An older fit guy with an all-over tan, walked past us looking intently down at the water.

"Ok," I said. "Here I go." But then I sat there.

"And?" Jake asked.

"I can do this," I said, to both him and myself.

Before I could overthink it any more I pulled my shorts and underwear off while still sitting. I folded them together and stuffed them in my bag.

"Good job," Jake said laying back on his back so his cock flopped over. "I'm proud of you."


"I am a smartass. But seriously, that wasn't easy I know. Now that you've done it, two things: One, put some sunscreen on. A sunburned dick is no fun. And two, relax and enjoy it."

I put some sunscreen on my untanned butt and nether regions, trying to not make it look like I was jacking off with lotion. I was not ready to flop on my back so I sat with my knees up, leaning back on my arms. I could feel the breeze washing over my dick. The feared erection hadn't happened but it felt good.

Men, it was all men on this part of the beach, occasionally walked by down at the waterline, with some of them looking us over appreciatively. I kind of liked that and wasn't embarrassed. Maybe because they were strangers.

Jake sat up and said, "C'mon. The sunscreen has soaked in. Time for a swim."

I followed Jake down to the water, extremely self-conscious of my nudity. The waves were relatively calm but still crashed noisily on the sand. We waded out to about waist height then squatted down. This allowed us to be in the water but still ride over the waves as they came in. Jake had warned me on the way here about the nasty riptide and not to go out too far.

We bobbed in the surf and I was amazed how much different it felt to have the water streaming all around me. I chubbed up a little and was enjoying it until an errant piece of seaweed slapped me in the back. That killed the mood. I flicked it off toward Jake who ducked.

After a while we made our way back to the towels and lay down. The hot sun started drying us immediately. I rubbed my legs to loosen that sticky salt feeling. Jake was brushing the sand off his feet and I was noticing how cute they were.

Jake said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot," I said.

"Is my dick attractive?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I don't know what makes an attractive one."

"I don't know if what I think is attractive is what women think is attractive. So I'm not sure it's helpful unless you are thinking of switching teams."

"I'm just curious," Jake said.

"Well," I said. "Yes, your dick is nice I think. Nice size and shape to me anyway. I would suggest you trim your pubes though."


"I'm pretty sure straight women aren't interested in a wild forest either. Besides, it'll look more impressive."

"Hmm, ok."

Jake lay on his back again and I sat watching the people and the ocean. A youngish guy and his very attractive nude girlfriend walked by. I poked Jake and said, "Heads up" Jake sat up and admired the woman walking by.

Jake thanked me.

"I thought you'd enjoy the nice ass," I said.

"Are you thinking of switching teams?" Jake asked.

"I'm gay not blind," I said.

Jake laid back down and I was finally relaxed enough to lay down on my back also. Men continued to pass by once in a while but I wasn't worried about them and I wasn't feeling as much need to ogle.

I think I might have dozed off when Jake said, "I think I know that guy."

"What?" I said.

"Yeah, he's in my Spanish class."

I sat up and looked. Casually strolling north along the shore was a highschool-aged guy. A little soft, not muscular, but cute and with an all over tan. Not his first time here. I tried to focus on him and I realized it was Diego. I didn't have any classes with him but I knew him from around school. Never managed to talk to him but he was mentally filed under cute guys. I looked at his dick. 'Nice,' I thought.

"Yes," I said. "I've seen him around."

"Is HIS dick nice looking?"

"Um..." I said.

"That'd be a yes."

"Shut up."

Jake waved at him and yelled hello.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"Saying hello."

"He's going to see us."

Jake looked at me like I was an idiot.

"I mean he'll see us here. He'll tell people," I said.

"He's here."

I had no answer to that. Meanwhile Diego saw Jake waving, peered at us and then smiled with recognition and waved back. He started walking toward us.

'Shit, shit, shit' I thought. I tried to casually bring my legs up and together to cover my junk. Diego walked toward us and then stopped in front of the blanket, totally unconcerned with his nakedness.

"Hi!" he said. "Nice to see you, Jake." Then he looked at me. "Austin."

'He knows my name!' I thought. Then, 'stop it.'

"Hi, Diego," I said. Jake gave me a side-eye glance.

"C"mo estás?" Jake said.

"Knock it off," Diego said. "You know I suck at Spanish."

Diego looked at me and answered my unspoken question. "Diego was my uncle's name, and he was Italian. Some people," he said looking back at Jake, "like to make stereotypical assumptions."

Jake grinned unrepentantly.

"Nice to see you guys out here," Diego said. "Never met anyone from our school here before. First time?"

"My family used to come here when I was a kid," Jake said. "I convinced Austin to try it."

I'd have to remember to thank Jake later. I just nodded. The problem with Diego standing in front of us is that I was about eye-level with his dick and I was trying not to stare. Jake invited Diego to sit down. He sat on Jake's blanket so that he was between us we faced the ocean.

We chatted about school, our classes, the social goings-on. I managed to forget I was naked for a few minutes at a time.

At a pause in the conversation Diego looked at me and said, "I hate sitting too much. Want to take a little walk? We'll grab my stuff and bring it back here."

"Ok," I said. I might have agreed a little too fast.

"You guys go do that," Jake said. "I need to take another pee, I mean swim."

"Overshare," Diego said, standing up. He held his hand out and I accepted it. As he pulled me up I felt a little tingle. 'Uh oh,' I thought.

We followed Jake down to the water then turned and started walking north on the beach again, farther from the entrance. We didn't say all that much as we walked. I was still pretty self-conscious being naked but Diego seemed at ease even as we passed people. About five minutes up the beach Diego turned and led the way up to little pop-up beach shelter that covered a small area but didn't go quite all the way to the sand.

"Sit for a minute," he said. "Before we pack and walk back."

"Ok," I said. It felt nice to be out of the wind but we were uncomfortably close together in the shelter. Digeo offered me a water which I gratefully accepted. I drank it as we looked out at the ocean.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah," I said, wondering if this was going to be like Jake's question.

"Are you Jake, uh, together?"

"No," I laughed, "Jake's as straight as a ruler."

Diego swallowed then looked at me. "I think you know I'm gay," he said. "I just wanted to know if you are?"

I paused only for a moment. All my friends knew so I might as well say it. "No," I said and paused. "I didn't know you were, but yeah, I am." Diego's face froze at the first part and it was only after I said it that I'd realized I'd misdirected him.

"Good," Diego said. "Because I kind of find you attractive."

"Oh," I said. Smooth.

We stared into each other's eyes for a long moment. Without planning it somehow we both leaned closer together until our lips met. It was my first kiss and it was more natural and more exciting than I thought it could be. I'd watched a lot of porn but I never thought much about the kissing. I didn't realize it'd be like this. I completely forgot about the outside world. I just gave in to the kiss.

When we broke, I looked away a little flustered. Diego said, "Oh my God, that's hot." I looked back at him and saw he was staring at my dick standing proudly erect. I quickly looked around but there was no one nearby. I was embarrassed but I didn't cover myself. I looked at his crotch and saw he was at least partially hard. I had the sudden vision of taking him in my mouth and that made my own cock twitch.

"I wish...." he started. "But not here."

I looked back at him and somehow his eyes melted me. I realized I was falling for him.

"Um," I said. "I'm going to need a minute before we can walk back."

Diego laughed. "Yeah," he said. "me too. Think about that old guy with the giant balls."

"Dude! You saw him too?"

"He's always there," Diego said.

After a few minutes my hard-on finally went down and I helped Diego pack up. We started walking back. Along the way I told him the story of how I got there, how Jake covered for me, and that it had really been my idea. I don't know why I was already pouring my guts out to him.

When we got back Jake was laying on the blanket facedown and possibly snoring. I poked his leg with my toe and he roused. Diego pulled his blanket back out and put it beside my towel but he didn't set up the shelter.

Jake rolled over and sat up cross-legged. He looked over at me. "You two have a good time?"

"Not yet," Diego said. I felt my face get hot.

"Ah," Jake said, grinning.

The three of us spent the next couple of hours chatting, lounging, re-applying sunscreen, and eating the food we'd brought. I couldn't think of the last time I'd done so little and been relaxed about it. Eventually it was time for us to head back. Diego was staying with grandmother nearby so he didn't have to drive back tonight. He waved goodbye as Jake and I set off.

After the long walk back we arrived at Jake's car. We rolled down all of the windows and let some of the heat escape before we got in. There was already a car waiting for us to leave so they could take the spot.

We stopped for burgers on the way back. As we were eating, my phone buzzed and I scrambled to answer it. I texted back and I was smiling as I put my phone down. Jake was looking at me with one eyebrow up.

"Diego?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, a little embarrassed.

Jake laughed. "You two are cute together."

"Did you have anything to do with us meeting at the beach?"

"Me? No," he said. "that was just fate. Don't look a gift guy in the -- whatever."

My phone buzzed again but I resisted answering it. Jake said, "You should look. Might be a dick pic."

"Well that would be kind of unnecessary wouldn't it?" I said.

Jake gave me the raised eyebrow again.

Diego and I had our first date a week later. I don't remember the movie, but I remember being with Diego. I don't know how I could have fallen for him so fast. I already felt like we'd known each other for years. The following week he offered to drive me home from school. Jake made a show of pretending to be jealous.

When he got to my house I swallowed the lump in my throat and asked, "Do you want to come in for a little bit?"

Diego agreed and I led us into the house, but wasn't really sure what to do next. I mean I know what I wanted to do, but wasn't sure how to say it.

Diego said, "No one else is home?"

"No," I said. "My parents are almost always home late."

We were standing in the living room kind of awkwardly.

Diego said, "I'm not very good at this, but..." I waited quietly. Diego continued, "... I really like you. When we kissed on the beach it was amazing. I want to kiss you again. And, uh..."

I smiled at him and said, "Then we should go upstairs."

I led Diego to my room, closed and locked the door. I looked into Diego's eyes and said, "That was the first time I've ever kissed anyone."

"Really? So have you ever been with anyone?" Diego asked.

I shook my head.

"Me either," Diego said. "Not really."

I stepped up to Diego and put my arms around him as I had wanted to back on the beach, and he embraced me back. I kissed him and it was just as good as the first. I closed my eyes just pressing my lips and my body to him. He rubbed my back with one hand and it felt like we were merged.

I pulled away to look at him again and he gently stroked my face.

"I'm a little nervous," Diego said.

"Me too," I admitted.

I reached up and started unbuttoning Diego's shirt. He was wearing a button down over a t-shirt, which I thought was kind of nerdy but also hot. When I got the shirt off I dropped it to the floor then raised the bottom of his t-shirt. He put his arms up and I removed it. I gently touched his chest and saw goosebumps rise on his arm.

Diego did the same to me, helping me take off my shirt, then we embraced again. The touch of bare skin made the kiss somehow even better, but now we were at a loss of what to do.

Diego said, "This is weird. I mean not us. I go to Playalinda all the time and you've already seen me naked and yet getting undressed here feels really different."

"It is different," I said. I knelt down in front of him and put my hands on the button of his jeans. I looked up at his face to confirm that he was ready. He looked nervous but he nodded to me. I unbuttoned his jeans, undid the zip and pushed them down off his hips. His boxers came part way off and I took a moment to admire the bit of exposed pubic hair and bulge in his boxers. Then I pulled his boxers down. Diego's erection swung up and bounced before my eyes. It was bigger than mine and one of those that swung around horizontally. I just took a moment to admire it before grabbing it in my hand and stroking the length. Digeo groaned. I pushed him back toward my bed and sat him down. Diego kicked off his shoes and I pulled off his pants and socks leaving him fully naked sitting on my bed.

I kicked off my own shoes, slowly unbuttoned my pants, and took them all the way off. I stumbled a bit removing one leg. I stripped my socks and stood proudly in just my underwear with my hard-on straining the material. I looked down to see a wet spot at the tip of my cock. I put both hands on my waistband and slowly pushed them down. This was not the hesitation I'd had before. I wanted to make the moment last.

I really enjoyed seeing the lust in Diego's eyes when I finally freed my cock. Unlike his it popped up to point toward the ceiling. I was so hard it was almost painful.

Without a word I went to the bed and lay beside Diego. We pressed our bodies together and kissed once again. My hand found his cock and I again enjoyed the smooth warm feeling of the shaft. His hand was on my dick and I felt my orgasm instantly building. A distant part of my mind was worrying my parents would suddenly come home, thinking that I wanted to do more than just stroke him, thinking I should have jerked off that morning so I would last longer. Then all of those thoughts were pushed aside when Diego broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, "You are so fucking hot. I always thought you were cute at school but when I saw you on the beach I wanted you the moment I saw you." I wanted to reply but my mind was flooded with the rush of feelings his touch and his words evoked. My dick spasmed in Diego's hand and I pressed myself against him as hard as I could. I seemed to have no control of my body as the orgasm rushed out of me.

I realized I was still holding Diego's hard cock and hoped I hadn't squeezed too hard when I was coming. I started to stroke it, but he reached down and stopped me. We lay like that for several minutes facing each other, still breathing hard but not saying anything. Truthfully, I'm not even sure if he came that time, but I vowed to make it up to him.

I got a towel and we did what was necessary then laid back down nude together. I didn't want this to end. I had the urge to pull the blankets up over us and go to sleep together, but I knew Diego would have to go soon.

"That was amazing," Diego said. "But I really wanted to suck you."

"I wanted to do the same to you," I said. "but we'll get a chance. You don't think I'm a one-night stand do you?"

"I certainly hope not," he said. "I want to be with you a long, long time."

My other stories are at

If you want to contact me drop a note to I'm slow to answer but I do, and I appreciate comments.

I like themes of first times, "breaking the ice", a little bit of emotional connection, and feet. My stories tend to be more about the lead-up.

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