Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Jun 22, 2005

You've all been so patient with Alan and his insecurities, I've decided to post a little early! Next week, don't look for Chapter 12 until Friday. Surprises are coming in the next several chapters! Enjoy!

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ;)

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 10: I flipped off the CD player and the radio came on. It was tuned to my favorite popular music station. I heard Johnny Mathis' dulcet voice singing: Each time I look at you is like the first time Each time you're near me the thrill is new And there is nothing that I wouldn't do for The rare delight of the sight of you for The more I see you, the more I want you Somehow this feeling just grows and grows With every sigh I become more mad about you More lost without you and so it goes Can you imagine how much I love you? The more I see you as years go by I know the only one for me can only be you My arms won't free you, my heart won't try I know the only one for me can only be you My arms won't free you, my heart won't try While I listened to every word, I was in tears. This song describes perfectly how I feel about Tim. He helped me discover that I could love again. He showed me that someone could love me. How could I be such a fool? I hurt the best thing to happen to me in years. It became clear to me that I loved Tim all along. I have the kind of love for him that could conquer any adversity. I thought about the difference in our ages. He made it clear it meant nothing to him. Independently, Stevey agreed. And Bill, bless his heart, had implied I was screwing up Tim's life by rejecting him. In the final analysis, there are no years between us. I've been such a fool and I've done such a good job of stomping on his heart, would he forgive me? Could he forgive me? Now that I know what I must do, how should I go about it? What could possibly convince him that I'm not just some flaky bastard that would continually hurt him? Whatever I do, it had better be good, or he won't be convinced. Lord, how did I ever get myself into this mess? If I had just listened to my heart in the beginning, I wouldn't have screwed things up like this! I wracked my brain for hours. Gradually, I developed what I thought might be the perfect plan. It just HAS to be!

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 11

This had to be the greatest adventure I've ever put together. However, I knew that I'd be walking a fine line between forcing him to go along with what I wanted and giving him something he wanted. I'll be walking on eggshells the entire time, watching his reactions, making sure he's ready before springing the next surprise on him. He MUST be receptive at every point!

I'll have to start small, then gingerly work my way up to the next step, each step of the way. It's going to be a bitch to get everything set up in time, but if it's going to work, it all has to be ready the first thing in the morning.

I began by taking my biggest risk and called some friends at four in the morning. I begged, bribed, bartered and cajoled. Damn the cost! This is going to be the rest of my life! (And Tim's, too, if it works!) In the end, one way or the other, it will have been worth every penny, drop of sweat, lost hour of sleep and lost friend to make this happen! If it doesn't work, at least I'll have tried and maybe I can try something else, later. Maybe. If I haven't already lost him. (Please, God, please make it work!)

I got to the office just before seven o'clock. I hadn't slept and I was running on coffee and adrenaline. A few of my more die-hard employees were already there. They weren't surprised to see me, because I occasionally arrived that early or even earlier. However, they were surprised to see me wandering around the office looking very suspicious. After all, I did have this huge smile on my face. Either from lack of sleep, happiness or nervousness, I was giddy and shivering. A conspiracy is afoot and I'm the conspirator!

I had plucked the largest and most beautiful long stemmed red rose I could find from my garden. It was huge and it was perfect! I had carefully taken all the thorns off it and had placed it in a tall, slender silver vase. It had several perfect leaves still attached to the stem.

I panicked when I realized I didn't know where his cube was, until I used logic. Reliable, unrelenting logic. Finally, I found what I knew had been an empty cube and it had Tim's name on some paperwork! I breathed a sigh of relief. I placed the rose in a prominent place with a short note under it. It read, "Tim, please come to my office. – A." I don't think he could possibly misunderstand my intent.

I went to my office. While I waited, I made myself another cup of coffee and checked on some of the arrangements I'd made. Someone was looking over me. Everything was ready, it was only seven-thirty, and I don't think I made anyone made enough to hate me. At least, not yet! As I relaxed in my chair, my exhaustion caught up with me. I laid my head on my desk. "I'll just rest my eyes a moment," I thought. Never works for you either, does it?

I woke with a start when I felt a hand on my shoulder. At least I thought it was a hand. I jumped up, expecting to see Tim. There was no one. As I shook the sleep out of my head, I heard a soft knock on the door. A quick glance at my watch: eight-fifteen.

I rushed to the door and opened it. It was Tim! He was carrying the rose and an envelope. I don't like the looks of this! I whispered, "Please, come in."

When he stepped through the door, I closed it behind him. His eyes were red and puffy and he was blinking a lot. He probably hadn't slept either. Aren't we the pair? I was nervous. Will he love me, still?

Tim whispered, "I came to return this. You only give a red rose to someone when you love them." His voice cracked when he said "love."

I panicked. This isn't the way it's supposed to work! He's hurting too much! I choked, "I know, Tim. That's why I gave it to you. I've been such a fool!" Now, there's an understatement!

He stood like a statue, holding the rose as if it were nitroglycerine, staring at my eyes. Suddenly, he threw it at me! It hit my chest and fell to the floor. Then he threw the envelope at me and shouted, "I QUIT! NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ANYMORE! I LOVED YOU AND YOU THREW ME AWAY! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I CAN LOVE YOU, NOW?" He fell to his knees, covered his face with his hands and sobbed.

"Tim," I whispered through my own tears. "I love you."

"No, you don't," he said weakly through his hands. "How could you?"

I knelt in front of him. Softly, I said, "Tim, I never encouraged you to love me, did I? But you did. I know now that I love you, too. I need you! You're all I can think about! If you want me, I'm yours. I can't blame you if you hate me, but can you ever forgive me? Can we start over, again?" I picked up the rose and held it, awkwardly.

He swallowed hard and wrinkled his entire face. It was pure anguish. Hoarsely, he asked, "What about our age difference? The office? How could you change your mind that fast?"

"Tim, I know this seems sudden, but I've been up all night searching for answers. I finally realized that you're mature beyond your years and I've never lost my young spirit. That makes us a lot closer in age, at least emotionally. You're intelligent and we have the same interests. We CAN be happy together! As far as the office is concerned, they'll all just have to live with the double standard. You know, sometimes . . . it's good to be the king!" I smiled at him. I was trying to lighten the moment. Was it inappropriate? I set the rose on the table beside me.

He smiled! It worked! Then he surprised me more when he whispered, "`History of the World, Part One.' I like Mel Brooks' movies."

He's nineteen going on forty! I took a chance and put my hands on his shoulders. I stood and helped him to his feet. This has GOT to work! "Tim, please forgive me," I whispered.

He put his hands on my chest, looked deeply into my eyes and gave another shudder. In a husky voice he rumbled, "One condition: Don't ever doubt me again!" He screwed up his face when he said that. He was so full of emotion; I knew I had hurt him, very, very deeply.

I spoke through the lump in my throat. "Tim, I promise with all my heart, mind and soul that I will never question your love, ever again." My face must have shown that I was pleading with him. I spoke from the depths of my heart. He must know how vulnerable I am right now.

Still looking into my eyes, he put his arms around me and pulled me close. I closed my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Tilting my head I moved in, but he pulled back. He was staring deeply into my eyes.

"Are you sure?"

He's punishing me, and I deserve it. "Tim, I've never been more sure of anything in my life!"

He tilted his head and met my lips with his. We kissed tentatively at first, then deeply, passionately, until my lips felt bruised. Then he thrust his tongue into my mouth. As he explored all the way to my tonsils, my crotch turned to stone, I began to pant and search his body with my hands. It actually felt odd to feel clothes on him.

When we finally broke the kiss, I could feel his enthusiasm poke me in the thigh. He placed little kisses all over my face and down my neck, but I stopped him. "Tim, wait," I whispered.

His face reflected anger when our eyes met.

"No, please, Tim! I want this to be special! This will be your first time, right? You've never been with anyone, before?"

He grimaced and nodded.

"Then I want it to be your most memorable experience."

His expression changed to one of skeptical puzzlement. He didn't yet seem very sure of me. I felt I had to convince him to go along with me. I smiled and whispered to him, "Tim, I have a surprise for you. I want to make you the happiest person in the world! I've prepared something I hope you like. Do you want to see what it is?"

He relaxed his face and raised an eyebrow. He's making me awfully nervous, but he seems to understand that I'm sincere.

He looked at me, hard. "All right, let's see this little surprise of yours! I think you owe me! Don't you?"

I whispered, "Yes, Tim, I do."

His face became very serious. "Alan, you hurt me. You hurt me a lot! I loved you so much, and then you threw me away! You fucking broke my heart!"

I swallowed hard and whispered, "Yes, I know. I was afraid . . . afraid of falling in love with someone so young. You showed me how wrong I was. Can you forgive me?"

He hesitated, drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, and then he smiled at me. "Yeah, I suppose." He leaned down and picked up the envelope. Looking into my eyes, he hesitated, thinking. Then, with great ceremony, he tore the envelope and its contents in several pieces and dropped them on the table next to the rose.

I watched his every move then strained to say, "Thank you." I damn near lost him! He was beginning to fall out of love with me while I was falling deeply in love with him! I hope what I have in store is enough to restore what he felt for me! I'm not out of the woods, yet.

"Tim, I need to know: Do you trust me?"

He placed his arms gently around my neck. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him against me. He looked searchingly into my eyes. After a moment, he tilted his head and kissed me. He really KISSED me! The kiss was gentle at first, then full, heavy passion. At the conclusion of this wonderful petting, he said, "Alan, I've always trusted you. You couldn't have hurt me so much if I didn't. I still trust you. I suppose I always will."

Thank you, Jesus! "Tim, I promise, you'll never be sorry! I want you to know, I'm placing all of my trust in you as well. It hasn't been easy getting to this point!"

We looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. Tim finally asked, "So, what's this surprise you have for me?"

I smiled wide and whispered, "Let me send an email, then we'll go."

Reluctantly letting him out of my embrace, I trotted to my computer and typed out a quick message to Bill and Lucy. It said, "I'm taking the day off and Tim Smith is going with me. We'll be incommunicado. See you Monday. – A." As I was about to send it, I asked Tim, "You ready to run?"

"Run?" he asked with a wide smile as he read over my shoulder.

"Yes, run! As soon as I send this, that door's gonna bust open! We're going out the back way." I pointed to my private outside door. "Ready?"

He giggled and breathed, "Yeah!"

"Okay, here goes!" I hit "send" and we ran. We didn't stop until we jumped into my Corvette. I slammed the door as I pushed the key in and turned it. Just as it roared to life, I put it in gear and spun the tires backing out of my parking spot. We saw the door from my office open and Lucy look out. I thrust it into first gear and screeched the tires as she waved wildly. I don't know if she was waving out of happiness or if she wanted something, I just didn't want to stop to talk to anyone, even Lucy. I waved back at her as we sped toward the street. Whatever she wanted couldn't be nearly as important as Tim! Nothing is going to interrupt this day!

When we hit the street, I used all 400 horses. As I accelerated and shifted, I looked over at Tim. The acceleration had pressed him back into the seat. He had this wild grin on his face and his eyes were huge! I laughed. "Anything wrong?" I asked. He was watching me, curiously. It feels as if I'm kidnapping him!

"Nope! Nothing's wrong! Somehow, this just feels right! I feel like you're giving me a chance."

Why did he choose those particular words? They were the words Robert had used in my vision: "Give him a chance." Stevey spoke those same words and now Tim, himself. I think I should just accept it as confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. Otherwise, I'll think too much.

I reached over, grabbed Tim's hand, and held it. "I'm giving you much more than a chance. I'm giving you my heart, patched up as it is." He put his other hand on top of mine. His eyes were glued to me. He didn't seem to care where we were going.

I drove too fast all the way to the marina on the lake. I don't know how or why we weren't stopped. I earned a dozen tickets for speeding, rolling past stop signs, failure to yield, and on and on, but there was no one to stop us. It must have been that an angel was guiding us.

When I parked, we jumped out, I hit the door lock and we ran down to the dock. Tim followed me as we jumped onto the fantail of my boat. It's a 55-foot cabin cruiser: another extravagant toy.

"WOW!" was all Tim said as he looked around at all the brass and mahogany on the boat. I chuckled at his excitement, reassured that he was still in the right place with all this.

As we cast off, I caught a look at the very weary Perry Davis, the marina owner. I waved a big thank you and blew him a kiss. He laughed and waved us away. Thank goodness, my early morning call didn't destroy our friendship! I had awakened both he and his partner, Randy. They had been casual friends of Robert and mine. My last call to him from the office had reassured me everything had been prepared.

We climbed the ladder to the flying bridge. I saw that the engine compartment blowers were already running, so I started the engines and quickly exited the dock.

It was a calm day and the water was smooth. As we settled into a high rate of speed on the open waters of the lake, Tim's smile seemed to become frozen on his face. The wind was blowing his hair smooth to his head, making him look even more voluptuous. I can't believe this is happening!

"Alan! This is incredible!" he shouted over the sounds of engine and wind. "I love this boat!"

I laughed. "You haven't seen anything, yet!" I looked at him with what I hoped was a twinkle in my eye.

He gave me one of those lusty looks and I nearly wet myself. As far as I was concerned, we couldn't get where we were going fast enough.

About thirty minutes later, I slowed the boat and idled into an inlet. It has a constricted mouth marked by large, prominent signs stating threateningly, "PRIVATE PROPERTY, NO TRESPASSING." The signs also cite several laws and ordinances, hoping to scare away anyone who doesn't belong.

It's a large inlet surrounded by cliffs, so it's very private. I bought the property all around it many years before and the property lines go all the way to the center of the lake bottom, so I even own the land under the water. At the far end is what had been a gorge before the lake was formed by the dam. I carefully turned the boat around and backed into it. It's a short reach to cables to tie to the boat to keep it centered. Most of the boat is shaded by a large tree.

It wouldn't be nearly as suitable if it hadn't had a clear shot for satellite access for internet, email and telephone. It was all there and fully functional, but for what I had planned, it would stay powered off and silent.

As soon as the boat was secured, I led Tim by the hand into the stateroom. I had intentionally not given him a tour. If everything were in place, it would all be a very romantic surprise.

The stateroom is surrounded by windows all around. I turned to Tim and gently pulled him to me. "You said you trust me. I want you to know that if you get even a little bit nervous and want to leave, just tell me and we'll go back."

He looked at me dreamily. "Never!"

"I mean it. If you ever want to go back, I'll drop everything and take you."

"Shut up and kiss me!" he hissed.

I dove for his mouth, massaged his lips with mine and jousted with his tongue. This time when we broke the kiss and he began planting his little kisses on my face and neck, I didn't stop him; I encouraged him. My trousers tented and my erection begged for breathing room. I panted and moaned. Tim responded to every noise I made by becoming more and more passionate. I'm beginning to wonder if he's actually all that new to all this.

As my hands continued their exploration of his thinly clothed body, I found his buttons and loosened them. I had to have his shirt off, but I was determined to move slowly, seductively. I want to treat him as if I were sneaking up on him. To move too quickly might frighten him. Besides, I want his first time to be perfect. Carefully, I reached inside his shirt and felt his smooth, hairless chest. When I found his nipples, I brushed them lightly, and then gently gave them a slight pinch. He squealed and went wild! I made a quick note to remember his nubs are that sensitive!

Tim grabbed my shirt and ripped it open, spraying buttons all over the stateroom! There went THAT shirt! He lunged at my chest and gobbled my left nipple, suckling like a starving newborn. His tender lips were all I could think about until I felt his hands running through the hair on my chest and across my back then to my abs. It was as if he had to feel me everywhere at the same time. He pushed my shirt off and it dropped to the floor. When he found my belt and ripped it open, I gasped. He was attacking my pants, desperate to get them off me.

As he unfastened my pants and grabbed my zipper, he stopped and turned his entire attention to it. He dropped to his knees, holding my zipper, frozen in his position. He slowed to an excruciatingly deliberate pace. He looked up at me and I caught the look of heightened lust in his eyes. I whimpered. I wet myself with precum.

That I had had no sleep only helped to remove any residual inhibitions I might have felt. I was one large orgasm waiting to happen. He held still until I became anxious for him to continue. My dick was aching for him to touch it.

Slowly, prong by prong, he lowered my zipper. I felt each vibration as he opened my fly. I was on the brink of orgasm, but I wanted to stay there and enjoy the agonizing ecstasy of the sensation. When he finally had my pants open, he grabbed them by the legs and slowly pulled them down, sliding them off my hips, over my butt and off my thighs. He pulled the laces of my shoes and held them by the heels as I stepped out of them. He pulled a pant leg off with each shoe. One by one, he pulled off my socks and gave a quick but firm massage to each foot. Where'd he learn that?

I had my hands on the sides of his head, running my fingers through his hair. I wanted to feel his mouth on my cock so bad I was afraid I'd instantly blast an orgasm across his tonsils. He rested his nose in the front of my tighty whities and blew his hot breath onto my balls. I almost exploded, but all I did was moan. Loudly! Slowly, he pulled my underpants away from my petrified pecker and released it to slap my belly. While holding them from touching my tube steak, he slowly lowered my shorts to my thighs then freed them from my butt. He slowly pushed them down to my ankles and I stepped out of them. His movements were slow enough that I could feel them pass each hair on my thighs and legs.

Tim turned his attention to my still violent looking, but healing, bruise. He gently brushed his fingertips over it then put tender kisses all over it. I'm dying! He hasn't touched any part of my pleasure plumbing, yet! But I'm determined to let him do anything and everything he wants. When he finished his tender kisses, he looked at my throbbing member, curiously. Then he lunged at it and gobbled it into his mouth! Just as I was about to lose my load, he spat me out, stood up and looked into my eyes. He's a damned tease!


"Are you kidding??? Awfully FREAKING GOOD!" I was squeaking!

He chuckled. "Still think I need to learn?"

"Yes, but you learn quickly!" That came out as a moan. "I think it's time for YOU to get some torture!"

He didn't protest as I pushed his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. His skin is smooth and his tan is even. His flesh is completely unmarked by scar, blemish or even the smallest of freckles. I felt of his muscular upper arms and forearms as I brushed the cloth from his body. I began by kissing his hairless pecs and found his left nipple. I gently tweaked it with my lips and he half screamed. So sensitive! I licked it and gave it a slight squeeze with my lips and he groaned and pulled away. I pulled him back and kissed it hard, sucking on it as if for nourishment. His moans turned to screams! I licked and kissed my way across his beefy tits to his right nipple and gave it the same treatment. His reaction was the same: a moan then soft screams, and then he grabbed my head and pressed my face harder against his chest, so I sucked harder. I pushed off his nipple and dove into his armpit, alternately licking and kissing. He screamed again, in ecstasy. I laughed.

"Like that, do you?"

He growled! That was good enough for me. I licked down his side and he squirmed against the tickling. I slobbered all around the waistband of his pants and pushed my tongue along his fuzzy treasure trail into his pants. He screamed again. I was happy for the privacy of the location. He could scream all he wanted and no one would hear!

I looked up at him. He had his head tilted back and his hands were still on my head. Since "turn about's fair play," I slowly undid his belt. His erection was straining the fabric. He squirmed it into a more comfortable position. "It needs out, bad," he whined.

"In time. In time." I smiled up at him. I wanted to teach him how erotic clothes can be. I unfastened his pants and lowered his zipper just as slow as he had mine. His mouth fell open and he cried as he watched me. I continued to watch him as I lowered his pants. When I got to a certain point, his dick jumped out of his pants and slapped my cheek. He gasped! He cheated! He's not wearing underpants! I let his pants drop, reached down, and helped him step out of them and his loafers.

His lithe, bronze frame is smooth and sculpted with power. The view of him from the side with his lats flowing down to his flanks gets me so hot, I could orgasm spontaneously. Every square inch of him is perfection personified.

He moved closer to me and aimed his throbbing member at my mouth. I gulped it down and held it. The pressure would be enough to excite him! I felt him draw in a gasp and hold it. His every muscle tensed as he stood on tip-toe. Time stopped for both of us. Finally, I slowly let him out of my mouth. He screamed again, this time from frustration!

Teasing is a two-way street! I kissed and licked the sensitive cleft between his thigh and belly, on both sides. Then I looked up at him and stood.

"Are you enjoying this?"

"YES! You're not done, are you?" He sounded desperate.

I laughed. "Not even close! Follow me." I led my naked lover by the hand down the steps into the large cabin. He whimpered along the way.

Perry had done well. I switched on the dim lights and we could see and smell fresh rose petals all over the bed! Tim gasped! It was well worth that one instant of reaction! The petals were a riot of color on the white bed! I don't know where he got them, but he must have raided the perfect garden. They smelled glorious!

I turned Tim's back to the bed and gently pushed him down onto the fresh potpourri. He flexed his abs as he fell slowly to his back. The sight made my heat rise. I crawled up next to him and we hugged. He pressed his entire length against me and kissed me, desperately.

"Alan, this is wonderful! I could never have dreamed this day would be so perfect!"

"I'm so relieved you like it! I didn't know if you would."

He rolled over on top of me, kissed me hard and pressed his tongue into my mouth. When I felt him humping me and whimpering, I quickly rolled him onto his back. I remembered how quickly he had climaxed when we first met. I whispered, "No, you don't! Not yet!"

I held his hands at his sides as I pushed his legs apart and knelt between them. I trailed kisses from his chest down to his balls, avoiding his woody. Taking one at a time, I kissed and rolled each around in my mouth. Each one was a mouthful! He moaned and convulsed with every sensation. When his nuts drew up tight, I reached down and licked his perineum, then pushed my tongue down as far as I could. I brushed his rosebud. At the same time I touched it, he jumped! He seems to be one raw nerve with all the new sensations!

I slowly licked back up to the base of his substantial cock. He IS generously endowed! Not overly thick, but quite long! It's straight as a rod, almost as long as mine is, but not nearly as thick, thank goodness! I licked all the way up his urethra to the underside of his helmet and back down again. He gasped and moaned. Finally, I gulped his spongy mushroom helmet into my mouth, pushed it into the back of my throat and held it there. He gave a long airy scream with every breath. I think he likes it! After he got used to the sensation, I pulled almost all the way off him, ran my tongue around the underside of the head, and then took him all the way to the root. I buried my nose in his pubes just as I felt the head of his cock push past my larynx. That caused his loudest scream, yet! I don't THINK he's in pain!

I held him there as long as I could, then I came up for air. After a couple of breaths, I went down on him and slowly fucked my throat with his ample appendage. I reached down to his perineum and gently pressed two knuckles into its softness, externally massaging his prostate. He began rocking and screaming! Six more trips past my larynx, and he blew! He didn't give me any warning, but fortunately, I was all the way down on him when he exploded, so it went straight down my throat. He pumped so much, I didn't know if he'd ever stop! He was panting and wheezing heavily. Knowing he'd be super sensitive, I slowly moved to where I was comfortable and held that position. When he started to soften and I was sure he could stand it, I moved off him and finished swallowing his sweet load.

I moved my mouth to his. I wanted him to taste himself. He had his eyes closed and he was breathless. As soon as I touched his lips, he devoured me. He quickly thrust his tongue into my mouth and I could tell he tasted it, because he slowed his movements and searched my mouth more deliberately. That sent me soaring!

Tim's energy seemed to be renewed, because he finished our kiss and forced me to my back. He searched and explored my body with his lips and tongue, occasionally stopping to pull on my chest hair with his lips. He finally got to my balls and did the same thing for me that I did for him. When he licked my perineum, I spread my legs further and he explored deeper. I love a curious tongue!

It seemed as if he was trying to get to my love chute, because he kept reaching lower. Finally, he lifted my legs and buried his face between my cheeks. He searched until he found the target and teased at it until I let him in. Carefully at first, he explored with the tip of his tongue, all the while sending me to the moon and back. Then he pushed his tongue deeper. Again, I don't know where he learned that, but if he's doing on-the-job training, I'm willing to be his subject!

I know I must have been making noises, but I don't know what they were. I was in paradise! I was concentrating only on that very gifted tongue! I guess he finally found what he was looking for, because he slowly stopped his exploration and moved back to my external plumbing. He licked up and down my shaft as I had done him then took me fully into his mouth. I knew he'd have some trouble. I'm a little bigger than he is and he's a novice. When he got me to his throat, I could feel teeth and he gagged. He quickly spat me out. It's back to the classroom!

"How'd you do that?" he asked.

"The same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice!"

He laughed. "Okay, then be patient with me!"

I chuckled. "Take your time! I'm enjoying this to pieces! Just one thing: be careful with your teeth. No one likes to feel teeth on that very sensitive skin."

"Oh! Sorry!"

I smiled and whispered, "Practice!"

He laughed and stroked me a couple of times. Tim is the greatest turn-on I've ever seen! Once he gets his gag reflex under control, he'll be dangerous to my concentration! What am I saying? I can't concentrate on anything but HIM!

Carefully, he took me back into his mouth. He can practice on me all day long, if he wants! This time he had his teeth covered.

I was turned on the point of overload! The biggest thrill was not the sensations he was giving me; it was that such an extraordinarily beautiful hunk of humanity, the one I had finally let myself love, was taking my most intimate parts into his mouth! I was in HEAVEN and at the mercy of Archangel Tim!

He carefully took me to the back of his throat. Each time he got me back there, he gagged a little less each time. I could tell he was determined, because each time he gagged, he forced himself down on me further. Finally, he got it under control. It was the fastest bit of learning I've ever experienced! I know some guys work hard to get over their gag reflex, but Tim conquered his quickly!

Then he tried to do a deep throat. He almost got me there, but I lost control and exploded! I was able to give him about a one-stroke warning before it happened. I don't remember ever having such a violent orgasm! My first blast was long and sustained. The rest were all spurts of smaller and smaller quantity. He gagged, gulped and sputtered as I overflowed his mouth.

He pulled off me while I was still in my hypersensitive state, but I didn't mind. I'll tell him about it later. He did notice that he had to peel me off the ceiling! He quickly swallowed and licked up every drop that spilled from his mouth to my belly.

He was so adorable and proud of himself. He was smiling like a Cheshire cat. We kissed passionately, but slowly, and cuddled. We were entwined in each other's arms and legs as we contentedly drifted off to sleep, victims of our exhaustion.

To be continued . . . .

Is that what you expected? Please write to me! - 19

Next: Chapter 12

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