Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on May 28, 2005

The "Fine Print:" If you've read the previous chapters, you know the drill. If it's illegal for you to be reading this, I can't stop you, but I wish you wouldn't. Innocence is precious. What's really weird is that if you learn you have it, you lose it.

The emails I've been getting are wonderful! Please keep writing. It's only your enthusiasm that motivates me to write this story. It seems that every time I get blocked, all I have to do is read one of your emails and I'm back on track! Thank you, one and all!

My personal advice: Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ;)


Just then we heard an engine revving and tires spinning in the gravel. I looked out the window and couldn't see anything, so I ran out the door and down the road toward the sound. I was just in time to see a naked Frank picking himself up off the ground and brushing dirt from his furry body. In the distance, I saw a converted van quickly disappearing in a cloud of dust.

I ran up to Frank. "Are you alright?"

He looked casually back at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. He won't be! He tried to run me over! I may not look it, but I'm fast on my feet."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Gotta go. I want to help follow that bastard."

"Be careful." I was already worried.

"Don't worry. I'm always careful." He gave a low rumble as he chuckled.

I watched as he walked briskly toward the parking lot, crunching through the gravel. Tim and Stevey had followed me and were watching the exchange. Stevey was shaking, hugging himself. He was staring in the direction of the disappearing van and Frank. Tim's eyes were popping.

"Guys, let's go back to my RV." I knew Tim would demand some sort of an explanation.

We walked silently back to my campsite. My mind was working overtime trying to think of how to calm Stevey and explain this to Tim, but my jaw was beginning to throb.

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 6 We walked back to my RV in a tense silence. My mind was racing. He hadn't said anything, but I could feel the heat of Tim's curiosity radiating from him. He might have been thinking the guy in the van was someone who was spying on me as in "industrial espionage" or some such thing. I know I had let Tim have the impression that Frank was working for me as an extension of my business. That would normally have been the case with Frank, but not this time. This time was so much more personal. I knew I couldn't let the deception linger. I felt I owed Tim that much. We clambered up the stairs into my cushy bus and I was treated to yet another view of Tim's quite wonderful derriere. Have I told you how smooth and bronze he is? He slinks like a cat, his butt wiggles just right; his cheeks are round and firm with the most voluptuous dimples on each side. You know, the kind of dimples that start just short of his hips and scoop down to the top of his thigh muscles, following the curve of his bubble butt. . . . God, I'm getting hard again! All this torment over one so young is gonna kill this old man! Well, not THAT old! Tim is just too YOUNG for me! I mean, he needs someone his own age, doesn't he? When I got inside, I ran to the back and grabbed yet another clean towel to hold in front of me. (I sure am glad there was a sale at Sam's Club when I was stocking up the bus!) When I returned, obviously hiding my non-flaccid state, Tim was still standing, raising an eyebrow at me with a smirk and Stevey was on the couch with a broad smile on his face. They knew what I was hiding. I blushed. It felt like my head was about to explode. I could see my nose glowing in my peripheral vision. I'm gonna die of embarrassment at the hands of two teenagers! This is humiliating! At least my predicament was a distraction from the serious business of the previous few hours. I sighed loudly and shook my head, trying to demonstrate my frustration that I knew what they were probably smiling and smirking about. I pretended to ignore them as I sat in my recliner with the towel across my lap. Tim was about to step toward me and I'm sure rip my towel away, but he must have thought better of it when I scowled at him. He smiled, and then sat expectantly at the opposite end of the couch from his brother, the end closest to me. He sat with his legs spread toward me. When he knew I was looking, he flexed his `love muscle.' It was such a nice wave. It seemed to say, "Hello! Come hither!" I'm sure he did it intentionally, just to goad me. Stupidly, I allowed myself to drink in the boundless beauty of both boys, but especially Tim. Stevey is such a strikingly beautiful boy, but that's as far as my admiration goes with him. He's statuesque: artistically remarkable. Tim, on the other hand, is a different matter entirely. He's a more mature, better-developed version. Each muscle is perfectly defined and strikingly displayed with the thinnest coating of burnished bronze. Similarly, every feature and facet of his face is perfect and symmetrical. I just can't imagine why such an extraordinarily attractive young man would try to seduce me! My dick started throbbing even more than my jaw. My jaw! Yes, my reminder to behave myself! I was thankful for the towel to hide my petrified wood. My logic tells me what's right, but my libido isn't cooperating! I have got to get a life! I was about to make up my mind to say something to discourage Tim from coming around me anymore, when he got that sad-calf look in his eyes again. It made me forget what I was thinking. Time froze. I think my jaw dropped. "Alan, I'm sorry I hit you." I suddenly realized I had been gently rubbing my sore jaw. I quickly moved my hand from my face. "Tim, don't worry about it. You thought you were defending your brother." He shrugged his shoulders and looked at the floor. "Yeah, but I'm still sorry." He sounded as if he were choking up. I tried to lighten the moment. I chuckled, "It's okay! I'll live!" He thought a moment and changed the subject. "What were you and Frank talking about back there?" He nodded his head toward the back bedroom. "And what was that about, outside?" It sure didn't take him long to get back to the subject at hand. His curiosity had finally gotten the better of him. I took a deep breath and looked at Stevey. He had that "deer in the headlights" look on his face. I couldn't let that dissuade me. Carefully, I asked Stevey, "Is there anything you want to talk about?" I knew I was putting him on the spot, but I figured the more he talked about it, the more he could put it all behind him and I thought confiding in his brother would be the next logical step. Stevey shook his head in a silent, "No." Tim looked at him, curiously. He asked softly, "Stevey? What's going on?" He glanced at me, suspecting the conspiracy no doubt. Stevey innocently looked at his brother with those big calf eyes he shared with him. "Nothing. It's just something I haven't told you, that's all." "Like what?" Stevey looked at me for strength. I smiled a gentle smile at him and nodded. He took a deep breath and looked up at Tim. He took another deep breath and looked at his hands clasped between his knees. Without looking at Tim, he started rocking, nervously. "Y'know that guy that just left? I had sex with him." Tim was staring at Stevey in disbelief. He got so red in the face I thought he was about to burst a vessel. In a small voice, almost a whisper, he said, "You had sex with Frank?" Stevey looked at Tim, slowly registering what he said. "No, not Frank! The other guy!" "What guy?" "The guy in the van." "What van? You mean that van that tore out of here?" "Yeah." I could see Tim remembering something. "He's been here before." "Yeah." "He's been coming here a long time." Stevey hesitated then sniffed. "Yeah." Each time he responded, he got quieter and more nervous. "Have you been having sex all this time?" "Yeah. A long time." He was looking at his hands again and his muscles were all getting tighter. He started to shiver. Tim moved next to Stevey on the couch. Stevey leaned into him. Tim put his arm around Stevey. "Are you all right? Like, was it okay?" Stevey began to cry. "No, it wasn't okay," he blubbered. "He hurt me." Tim growled, "I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna find him and kill him!" It was time for me to interject. I tried to speak as calmly as I could. "No, Tim. I'm taking care of it. That's why Frank was here. He's taking care of it for us." Tim's wide-open eyes turned to me. I could tell he was picturing that big hulk of a man confronting the man who hurt Stevey. Then he focused on me and glared accusingly. "You knew about this?" It was as much a statement as it was a question. "I found out this morning. That's when Stevey told me about it." Tim relaxed a bit. "Oh." He was still holding Stevey, comforting, protecting him. Tim's lip quivered. He must have felt helpless. He began to whisper to Stevey. "It'll be okay, Stevey. It'll be okay." He wrapped both his arms around Stevey and Stevey buried his face in Tim's taut stomach. Stevey finally sniffed and wiped his nose on his wrist, sitting back. I almost got up to hand him a towel. Almost, but not quite. Mr. Eveready hadn't quite gone soft, yet. Damn thing! Instead, I motioned for Tim to grab a towel from the arm of the couch next to Stevey. Tim found it and handed it to Stevey. Stevey wiped his nose and face with it. Tim finally said, "Stevey, we gotta tell Dad. We gotta get that guy arrested!" "NO!" Stevey shouted and jumped from the couch, tearing himself from his brother's embrace. He ran to me and jumped into my lap, hugging my neck and plastering his cheek against mine. I cradled him. He was sitting right in the wrong place, but I suffered for Stevey's sake. It took a while, but I finally found some comfort when I shifted Stevey in my lap. I looked at Stevey. "Are you okay, my precious little man?" Tim's eyebrows perked up when I said that. Actually, they flew up his forehead and bounced off his hairline. If the moment hadn't been so serious, I might have laughed. As I searched Stevey's eyes, he smiled and said, "Yeah, I guess." "Do you want to tell Tim what that guy did to you?" He leaned into my ear and whispered, "No. That's our secret." I pulled Stevey back to my face and looked into his eyes. "You don't have to tell anyone anything," I whispered. He leaned into me and kissed me full on the mouth, but he didn't linger. This time it was more of a paternal kiss than an amorous one. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tim take a quick step toward us and stop. Was Tim moving to stop me from kissing his brother, or stop his brother from kissing me? Maybe both? Tim MUST get over this infatuation he has with me! He's driving me to distraction! Stevey and I hugged hard then he moved out of my lap. I realized that my betrayer had finally diminished, so I moved the towel and stood. Tim immediately looked directly at my dick. After a thorough inspection, he looked at my face and saw that I was watching him check me out. He seemed to be satisfied with what he saw, because he smiled a satisfied smile. Okay, so now he knows his brother doesn't turn me on. It's about time! Did I mention how insensitive Tim is? He chose that moment to reach down and scratch his balls. Naturally, I saw it and I had to flee to the bathroom, mumbling something about having to pee. I ducked into the water closet, closing the door and sitting on the throne. I will never, ever, get used to this nakedness! I think I'm reverting to puberty! I finally reached the conclusion that I just can't look at Tim the way I'd like. I've just got to ignore any lust I might have for him. I can't go around with this raging erection every time I look at him! So now, as is quickly becoming my habit, I waited to regain my composure, dribbled, flushed, washed my hands and reentered the inner sanctum of my temptation. (That's "Tim's presence," in case you haven't been paying attention!) Eye contact. I've got to maintain eye contact. Tim and Stevey were sitting on the couch talking quietly with Tim's arm around Stevey's shoulders when I came back into the living area. I cleared my throat and they both looked at me smiling conspiratorially. I'm sure I don't want to know what THAT'S about! I stole a look at my watch. It was just after one o'clock. "So, are you guys hungry? You want something to drink and snack, or do you want to game it for a while? Both, maybe?" Simultaneously they said, "Both!" I guess they were satisfied not to pursue the discussion about Stevey's abuse. Maybe Stevey would open up to his brother in private, later, I hoped. I laughed, still gripping nervously to my tenuous control. "Okay, go ahead and start up a game. I'll get some goodies together." Tim jumped up and grabbed the controls for the X-Box Stevey and I had been playing, but never turned off. He handed one control to Stevey and with the other he was getting it set up to start a new game. As he did, he announced, "I finally got a job!" My heart leapt, but I tried to remain calm. I feigned ignorance as my heart pounded uncomfortably. "Really? Where?" "It's that place I've been trying to get an interview! S2I and Ubergeeks. I guess the cherry filled chocolates worked! Anyway, I took a big chance and asked for more money and they actually gave it to me! I can't believe it! I'm totally stoked!" I chuckled. I was bursting at the seams! (Inside.) "I can tell! Why did you ask for more money? Wasn't that risky? I thought you said you wanted to work there." "Oh, their first offer was okay and it was about what my friends got offered when they got hired by other companies, but it took so long for me to get hired there, I just thought it'd be good to make up for lost time." Hmm. Good reasoning. "Okay, makes sense. When do you start?" "Friday. They said they like to start new employees on the first of the month if they can. Anyway, that'll give me a couple of days to look for an apartment in Austin. The commute from here would be okay for a while, but I want to be closer to work." I decided to test his resolve. "Are you sure that's what you want? I mean, if it's not, you could find it hard to get a job somewhere else once you're labeled with that company." He looked at me as if I'd completely lost it. "Of course it's what I want! This place is perfect! It's everything I've been working for all through college! I knew I had to work there when I first heard about it my freshman year. No, this is the place, all right. I know all about it. The guy who owns it took over right out of school after his dad died and his mother couldn't run it. The company was going down the tubes. He brought in some of his classmates and they built it into what it is today. The guy's a genius, but he's a recluse. I tried to find his picture, but I could only find some really old ones. They were even black and white! Maybe I'll get to meet him before long. My new boss says he's on vacation for a few weeks, but he's really personable and he likes to meet all the new employees." The only things he left out were that my mother died fifteen years ago and my partner almost three years ago. He paused and gave me a funny look. His calculator's working. It was as if he was adding two and two, but he hadn't found the "total" key, yet. He shook it off and continued. "But being around all those computers is gonna be, like, the best! I got a tour of the place and these guys were goofing with all this really rad stuff, playing these games, testing them. Other guys were into all these computer's guts fiddling with the settings and building them up making them faster, replacing slow chips and drives with faster ones and stuff. They were even building some big servers for some of their clients. You wouldn't believe how much memory they were putting in them!" His eyes were glazing over. Yup, he's got the passion for computers. That's usually all it takes, but added to his God-given intellect, he'll be a whiz! He had done his homework, well. But it's torture hearing about computer stuff and not being able to discuss it! It's like dangling fresh meat in front of a starving man! There was so much I wanted to say, to talk about with him, but I didn't dare give myself away. Not yet. Stevey was studying my reactions. He had a big smile on his face as if he knew some big secret. He did. I could only hope he'd keep my secret. Somehow, I knew he would. I had to establish a separation between Tim and me before he figured out I was Geoffrey. I had to put our relationship on a professional level, as a friendship at-arms-length, as it were. I couldn't afford to have the only romance in the office where I prohibited such things. By that time, I had made some finger sandwiches and stacked them on a plate. I got a few bottles of water and cans of soda out of the `frig and put it all on a tray. I added some plates of fruit I had already cleaned and cut up. I brought it all in to where the boys were and sat it on the table. I guess it was a bit of a celebration for Stevey. In spite of my excitement for Tim, I was keeping a close eye on Stevey. It seems to me that while he was in the middle of his abuse, he must have been just drifting along, but now that he had taken a stand, he was faced with accepting what had been happening to him. He still seemed quite vulnerable. He needed to mourn the loss of his innocence and that it had been wrested from him by a predator. I was still very worried about him. The boys dug into the sandwiches and each grabbed a soda. I just wasn't hungry with all that had happened, so I watched as they began to eat. Young people are so resilient, or so I thought. After Stevey had taken a couple of bites of sandwich, he wretched. I jumped up, grabbed a towel and held it in front of him. Tears poured from his eyes and instantly he began to convulse in sobs. Falling onto the floor into my arms, I grabbed hold of him and cradled him while he cried. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and he curled into a fetal ball in my lap. Tim looked on helplessly as I rocked Stevey like a baby. I decided it was good for him to finish what had been interrupted earlier, so I let him cry. He carried on for several minutes until Tim joined us on the floor and began to stroke his brother's back. Stevey started to calm and used the towel in my lap to wipe his face and nose. "I'm such a baby!" he whimpered. I was quick to counter, "No, you're not! You've been through a lot of trauma over the last two years. You're entitled to a little outbreak of tears once in a while." Tim looked at me with huge eyes. He mouthed, "Two years?" Stevey was still looking down. I secretively nodded at Tim. His hands flew to his mouth and tears began to fill his eyes. I frowned at him and he took a deep breath, gathering his strength. He understands nonverbal communication quite well. He knew he had to be strong for his brother. He quickly wiped the moisture from his face with his fingers and put on a strong face. I could tell it was forced, but hopefully Stevey wouldn't notice. Stevey finally blew his nose in the towel and said, "I'm all right now." His statement seemed to lack conviction. I looked carefully into Stevey's eyes and they told me to chill. I smoothed his hair and said, "It's okay, my precious. You'll have these times when it'll just come boiling out of you. It's okay to let it go. Understand?" He studied my face for a moment. He slowly nodded. He took a deep breath and said, "I'm gonna beat Tim at this game! And I know just how I'm gonna do it!" Then he looked at Tim and said, "You better not let me win! I'm gonna know if you do!" I could tell Tim was choking on a lump in his throat. All he could do was force a smile and nod. I wanted to cry myself. They played five games. Stevey quickly beat Tim the first game. Stevey punched Tim again in his sore arm and accused Tim of letting him win. I could tell Tim wasn't concentrating. Needless to say, he was quite distracted. Stevey won the second game, but not quite as easily. Tim won the last three, but let the games drag out before he reluctantly won. I saw Tim watching Stevey out of the corner of his eye. After the fifth game, Stevey collapsed on the sofa and said, "Someday, I'm gonna be as good as you! Someday, I'll be better!" Tim chuckled at Stevey and mussed his hair. "Yeah, Dude, I think you will." There was a great deal of tender love in his voice. For a nineteen year old, this kid has a lot of depth. . . . They took a short break, helping me clean up the mess and put the dishes in the dishwasher. They were about to start a new game with a different program when my cell phone rang. I stared at it, frozen for a moment. It seemed ominous. I picked it up and looked at the number. It was Frank. I gave Tim a look, then Stevey. Tim read my mind and went to hold his brother as I answered the phone. "Hi, Frank. What's up?" "Alan, are you sitting?" The hair went up on the back of my neck. Frank was always business first. This was serious. "No, but don't beat around the bush. Tell me." I motioned for the boys to sit and they obeyed. Both had looks of fear on their faces. They must have sensed what I did. I sat in the recliner. "Well, my man was following the perv and apparently the guy made him, `cause he started driving faster. The guy lives way out near Lake Travis. Well, they were starting out on that highway to the lake. You know, the one with all the curves? The guy was driving like a madman. Y'know that turnoff to City Park? Well, they were just past that and he must have drifted across the line. My man had just lost sight of him. You know how those curves are. He had a head-on with a dump truck. They Starflighted the perv to the hospital. He's critical. The other guy's okay. . . . And, Alan?" "Yeah," I whispered. "The van was pretty well ripped apart. The cops found a lot of stuff scattered all over the road. Along with his clothes and stuff were pictures, videos, and lots of pedophilia. There were other boys, Alan. Lots of other boys. They called in the investigators and they're gonna get a warrant to search his house. They have a lot of questions. Apparently, there are some cases they're investigating in other cities and in other states that point to Austin, so there just might be some connection to our man. I'll keep you posted. Oh, and Alan?" "Yeah?" "Alan, your name will stay out of it. It may not be possible to keep Stevey's name out of it, though. They may want to talk to him. For now, I was able to put the cops off the scent, but I don't know how long that'll last. They asked me what my connection was to the guy. I told them I have a client and I was doing some investigating. They know not to press me too hard unless they have to. If they press me hard enough, though, I'll have to give them Stevey's name." I looked at the frightened faces of Stevey and Tim. "I know you'll do what's right. Thanks, Frank. Kiss your wife and kids for me." There was a long silence. Finally, Frank cleared his throat and said softly, "Yeah. This kinda gives that new meaning doesn't it? Thanks, Alan." He hung up. Suddenly I felt isolated. Isolated and so completely alone. I can't explain the strange seclusion I felt. I took a deep breath and walked over to where the boys were sitting. They were holding hands. I sat next to Stevey and turned to him. I wasn't sure how to tell him what I just heard. "Stevey, how do you feel about Doug? Do you like him?" He studied my face for a moment, looking but not seeing. "I hate him. When he started picking me up from school, I started hating him really bad. Why?" "Well, you remember how he took off out of here?" "Yeah! Gravel was flying everywhere!" "Yeah, well, he was driving too fast. He was still driving too fast when he got out to that winding road to the lake. He had an accident." "Is he dead?" I studied his face. There was no emotion to read. He might even have been a little hopeful. "No, but he's in the hospital. The cops found some photographs at the scene of the accident. They're probably going to arrest him. There were a lot of other boys, weren't there?" "Yeah. Lots. I never saw them, but I saw pictures. Lots of pictures. I think he took some of them himself." "Did he ever tell you about them?" "No. He just showed me their pictures." "Stevey," I said, softly, "the police may need to talk to you." Stevey had a pained look on his face. "Now, Stevey," I quickly said, "don't get panicky, on me. Your mom and dad will have to know. But, I want you to know that parents can be a lot more understanding than you think. Your mom loves you, doesn't she?" "Yeah," he squeaked. "And your dad, too?" "Yeah." "And you know Tim loves you." He looked up at his big brother. "Yeah, I know." He squeezed Tim's hand. "Well, they'll always love you. You're your parents' son, Stevey, and Tim's brother. Nothing will ever change that. Right?" He seemed to relax. He shifted in his seat. Maybe, just maybe, he was seeing hope. "Remember, Stevey, you didn't start this. He did. You were his victim. You were helpless in his hands. Right?" He thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess." "No. Don't guess. You know I'm right, don't you?" Stevey studied my face. "Yeah." "Stevey, this isn't easy to say, but it's what happened. Stevey, that guy raped you." His lower lip quivered. He whispered, "Yeah, he did." Tim had been silently watching, but his eyes got big again. He hugged Stevey more firmly, but stayed silent. Stevey hugged Tim's arms around him. I tried to be logical, but it was hard. "Stevey, the guy took pictures of you, didn't he?" He took a deep breath and looked up at Tim. Tim stroked his hair and whispered, "I love you, Stevey." With renewed strength, Stevey turned back to me and hoarsely whispered, "Yeah. He took pictures of me." I nodded sadly at him. "Stevey, the cops will probably have those pictures and they'll want to know you and all those other boys are all right. They'll want to talk to you with your parents. The thing is, it'll be best if you tell your parents before the police do." Stevey thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He looked at me hard. "Will you come with me?" Oh, God! How did I get into this mess? But how could I refuse? Stevey trusts me. There's that word, again. Trust. The responsibility of it is getting to be awfully heavy. Tim looked at me expectantly. I could tell he'd be disappointed if I didn't go along to support Stevey. Oh, Hell! I guess I need to throw caution to the wind occasionally! I've got to do what's right! "Yes, I'll go with you." Tim smiled at me. Was he proud of me? I don't know why it matters to me, but it does. I'm not sure I understand what it is that's going through his mind. I'm not sure I understand what's going through my own mind, either. All I know is, if I'm there when Stevey tells them, they'll be hurt that he didn't tell them first, then they'll wonder why he told me, then they'll wonder if I had anything to do with it, and then they might even wonder if I'm like Stevey's assailant. That's what'll happen, won't it? Could anything be as bad as we imagine it could be? They (whoever "they" are) say nothing is ever that bad. We'll see. Suddenly I wanted to be dressed. In clothes. Lots of clothes. Maybe even a parka or two. Yes, I want to hide. I feel far too vulnerable naked. I may never get another erection. Maybe there's a silver lining, after all! I could join a monastery! I took a deep breath as my sanity slowly returned. My chest hurt. I took another deep breath. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Suddenly I realized my left arm ached. Really ached. Oh, dear God! Is this what I think it is? I held my arm, tight. My heart was beating funny and I was getting lightheaded. I started breathing deeply. I think I winced. I coughed hard. I suddenly felt a little better, but not enough. A stabbing pain started in my chest. The aching in my arm started shooting down to my wrist. "Tim?" He was looking at me funny. So was Stevey. I must have been pale. "Alan? Are you all right?" I hesitated. I was about to scare him. Actually, I was about to scare the Hell out of both boys, but I couldn't help it. As calmly as I could I said, "No, I don't think so. My phone's over there. Would you please call 9-1-1?"

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 7

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