Officer Dunham

By Josh

Published on Mar 8, 2013


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this in your region, please leave now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to


CHAPTER ONE: Welcome to San Francisco

I had just relocated to San Francisco from Switzerland. Lately, my life had not been so great and I was looking forward to a fresh start in a new place that I loved. Over the last few months, I had lost my job and my lover left me after a 5 years relationship. My mother had passed away. I was at odds with the rest of my family. I had never felt so bad in my life. I am not one to let anything bring me down easily and was set on putting my life back on tracks. I had always been quite the overachiever, always kept myself in shape and active. At 32 years old, you could say I was still the jock. Luckily for me, my professional skills made it relatively easy for me to find a new job with a tech giant in Silicon Valley. It was the perfect opportunity to start things anew.

It seemed like my fortune had turned around: I had found a lovely apartment near Market street, not too far from Castro. It had only been two weeks since I moved in when, one morning, someone rang the bell. Standing on my doorstep were two police officers. I had not expected that. From what I had seen in TV shows, it was never a good sign having the police give you a visit in the US.

  • Good morning Sir, I am officer Dunham and this is my partner officer Vasquez. Do you mind if we come in for a moment?

Now, all that I knew about the police and every ounce of instinct I had was screaming at me to tell them that no, they could not come in without a warrant. But I wasn't listening to my brain. At this precise moment, all my focus was on officer Dunham. All I could see was is piercing blue eyes. His perfect lips. His square jaws with his 2 days beard. His gorgeous uniform that didn't leave much to the imagination about his jacked body. His...

  • Sir? Can we come in? - Ah, ehrm, yeah, I guess so, yeah...

What the fuck? Why did I say that? Why did I let them in? Even though I had nothing to hide nor anything that could incriminate me in anyway, I really was not OK with the police coming in. I was still unboxing and scarcely had any furniture. It went against my better judgement.

  • Sir, we noticed you moved in only a few days ago, continued officer Dunham. As you may or may not know, this neighborhood is prone to drug dealers and petty thefts.

I wasn't really listening. I was looking at him. I could only nod and mutter noises like "Oh?", "Ah." and the likes. At this point, officer Vasquez started talking:

  • That is why we are here today. The previous tenant of your apartment was a suspected drug dealer.

Officer Vasquez was not bad looking either. Clearly Latino. But nowhere near as beautiful as officer Dunham in my books. While he talked to me, officer Dunham started to browse the apartment. Officer Vasquez continued:

  • If that's OK with you, we would like to have a quick look around to ensure that he left nothing behind in hidden places.

At this point, my cock had taken over my cognitive functions and all I could say was something along the lines of "Yeah, sure, go ahead." I stayed with officer Vasquez while he started to go through my kitchen and my bathroom, discussing about my relocation to San Francisco and my new job here. He was actually quite friendly. At one point, officer Dunham came to me and said:

  • Sir, would you mind coming with me to your bedroom? I need to check something with you.

I was eager to oblige. We went to my bedroom while officer Vasquez continued his search. Upon entering my room, I saw the content of one of my moving box laid out on my bed. Oh shit. Handcuffs, leather shackles, gags, latex hoods, military uniform and boots, ... and one heck of a lot more. I had forgotten about this particular box. I started to panic a bit but before I could react, officer Dunham had already closed the door and was standing behind me. He grabbed my arms and rapidly and expertly handcuffed my hands behind my back. He put one hand on my mouth and said:

  • Don't say a word. I will not hurt you. Trust me.

Something in his voice soothed me. Yet my heart was still pounding in my chest and I was more scared than aroused. In any other circumstances, I would have been though. Such a beautiful man topping me like that? Hell yeah! He was a wet dream. He pushed me toward my bed, turned me around and dropped my pants to my knees. As quickly and expertly as he had handcuffed me, he proceeded to put my CB-6000 on my dick. Before I could react or get hard, I heard the familiar >click< of the padlock. He held the keys before my eyes.

  • Are those the only keys?

My brain clearly had stopped worked and I was on autopilot.

  • Yeah... I mean, yes, Sir.

He smiled. Without saying another word, he put them in his pocket, grabbed my head and kissed me. What was happening to me? It felt so good, I had lost all will to resist, if I even had one to begin with. His lips tasted like honey. His tongue was violating my mouth, and I wanted more. He broke off the kiss, turned me around and uncuffed me.

  • Put your pants back on and follow me.

I could see from the bulge in his pants that he was clearly turned on by what he had done to me. I clumsily put my pants back on and followed him to the lounge. There, his partner was finishing the search. Officer Dunham told him that everything was in order and turned to me and said:

  • Well, looks like it's all clear. I hope our search wasn't an inconvenience to you and welcome to San Francisco. Stay safe and don't hesitate to call us if you need anything. Have a nice day sir!

With that, they both left. I wasn't yet grasping the extent of my predicament, yet one thing was sure: I wanted to see him again. Hell, I needed to see him again if I ever wanted to get out of the plastic cage encasing my cock. But how? I couldn't really call the precinct and ask them to send Officer Dunham over. Somehow though, I knew that he'd be back.

I was as excited as I was scared now. While I always enjoyed bondage play, I never had my cock in chastity for more than a day during a week-end of play. I was not sure I could handle it for too long. But I didn't have any choice in the matter now, did I? There was only one thing to do: wait.

Next: Chapter 2

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