Oh Wait Im Straight

By Ryan White

Published on Sep 11, 2023



I hardly do these anymore, but some of you asked what was going on in my life, so I thought I would let you in on at least, a few things.

Well, some of you asked my age and if I had a boyfriend LOL...the answers to those are, I'm thirty-two years old and alas...I'm as single as the salt shaker on my dining table hahaha. I work for a company that deals with the health and safely of restaurants, and it is my job to drive to our various branches every week and check if they were on par with said health and safety measures, after which I write up reports for our head office of what I `ve seen.

Pretty boring, but it pays the bills hahaha!

I really hope you enjoy this new story...ya'll know how ALWAYS it is the fit young JOCKS that are as straight as they come, whilst the classic NERDS are always the ones automatically seen as being gay?

Let's say I'm totally changing that around for this story...smirking as I did so.

Peace and love, Ryan


"Oh boy, we are so behind here...it looks like it is going down to the wire for now...there are five minutes of stoppage time remaining, can we get at least an equalizer here? I dunno...it's gonna be pretty tight down there!"

Rolling his eyes dramatically as he always did whenever he was forced to attend these sporting events that he had next to nothing interest in, sixteen year old Mateo Gonzalez jotted down some words and phrases onto his notebook that he seemed to always have with him, as was the norm for the head writer of the school's monthly newspaper, lovingly and affectionately dubbed Flying News. He sighed, as he saw the school's first soccer team struggle their asses off to try and get the score at least to being 2-2, but that goalkeeper of the opposing side had quite literally been prime Schmeichel the entire afternoon...and it seemed there was no way to actually beating him for a second time.

Mateo glanced over at Flying News's editor, James, who was in his final year at his post, as he would be graduating and attending university the following year. He bit his lip and forced himself to concentrate on the game. He would give ANYTHING to be able to take over as editor from James next year...he loved to write, he loved the written word, but most of all, he actually dreamed of being a journalist one day, and have done ever since he was a young kid, reading the newspaper...he honestly lived for being out there and actually feeling like he MEANT something for someone.

Well, not everyone was destined to be one of the "cool" kids, were they...and if you were the head writer of the school's newspaper, you were sort of sentenced to be one of those teenagers who majority of the leaners didn't even know who you fucking were. Or even worse...they KNEW...and made sure to banish your very existence. Mateo made some more notes as the game closed off, with only about two or so minutes left over from the ninety minutes, which was very much looking like being another loss for their team, to be honest, he had already created the headlines in his mind...he HATED soccer...he hated anything to do with sports in general, but according to James, there was one else available to cover the game this afternoon.

Yeah right...because even his fellow writers had actual LIVES...unlike himself.

"Crossing over to Lavery...he heads it over to Carter...can we get something here...they are really giving it everything they have got...!"

"As if..." Mateo muttered underneath his breath, meanwhile closing his notebook, wanting to get the hell out of the bleachers before chaos descended upon him with all these teenagers wanting to get home after the game...quite frankly, he had seen enough. There was no way that the team was going to be able to come back, he thought, as the crowd SCREAMED with frustration with the opposition keeper making yet ANOTHER world class save to keep his own team firmly ahead.

"Screw this..." he said to himself and was just about to walk out of the game, when he heard the commentator's strong voice over the loudspeaker well and truly go NUTS as it was clear as day that SOMETHING was happening on the pitch...

"Carter launches it into the box...this is our last chance...Lavery heads it over to...OH MY GOD...HE'S SCORED! IT'S PARKER! WHO ELSE? CJ PARKER HAS SCORED! IT'S 2-2! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?"

"No, I actually freakin can't...esto es loco..." Mateo sighed with frustration, knowing that this meant that he was going to have to hang around even longer than he had anticipated...and it would only fucking be CJ Parker who would be ruining his entire afternoon...not that he had anything else to be doing, but...yeah, he would rather be at home, than anywhere here.

It seemed like the entire school was here right now...celebrating, screaming and shouting at the God damn goal that was scored, even though they didn't even win...it was merely a draw, but after the way that the team had played, it literally must have felt like a victory of some sorts.

Mateo felt his phone vibrate in his jacket pocket, which he immediately took out and saw that it was a WhatsApp message from James...Jesus, the dude was literally within his eye sight...couldn't he have just walked over towards him? He sighed and read the message from his editor.

"Make the hell sure that you get an interview with CJ, everyone here would fucking buy a copy just to read what he has to say!"

Mateo placed his phone back in his jacket and looked over to where CJ Parker was still being surrounded by his teammates. The most popular boy in school...or at least one of the most. He had girls fanning all over him at every situation that he was in, he knew the boy was famous for all the parties he tended to throw, his immense lust for life, and his general popularity, not even to mention his good looks which he was envied about from nearly all the fellow boys, come to think of it those parties where the whole school was always invited to...yet Mateo himself was still waiting for his fucking invitation. Not that he would wanna be seen DEAD at one of CJ Parker's parties whatsoever. But that was all people spoke about even weeks after the event had occurred.

The final whistle eventually blew, and Mateo slowly made his way down towards the playing area, where he knew he was going to have to conduct an interview with CJ at some point, however the dude was still being pulverized by the rest of the squad as well as several teenage girls wanting to some kind of attention from the boy wonder.

"CJ! CJ, can I get some time for an interview? It's for the school paper!" he managed to yell out on his strong, tenor voice as he came as close to the boy as he possibly could, before two of his teammates turned around and noticed just who was talking, and suddenly wanted to crap themselves in sheer laughter as they saw who had even DARED to speak to their team captain, and best friend.

"What the hell, get out of here, nerd! CJ ain't got no time for you!" growl Garrett Lavery who also placed a solid arm around CJ, and lead him away from the chaos of people still around them, before he saw CJ turning towards him and frowning as he did so.

"Sorry, who are you again?" he managed to shout out, before the rest of the team led him away towards the locker rooms.

Mateo was pushed and shoved along the rest of the way until he finally managed to get out of the stampede which had quickly escalated towards the locker rooms, and he finally managed to get to a spot where he was on his own. He managed to straighten out his school uniform, and checked in his phone's mirror that his hair was unscathed, before he sighed once more...

This wasn't anything new. This was all day, every day here at the school. If you weren't one of THEM, you were seen as a outsider. Fuck this.

"Dude! Did you manage to speak to CJ? Did he say yes to the interview?" James demanded as he finally managed to catch up to Mateo, who was still catching his breath at nearly being crushed to death by his fellow students. Mateo frowned as he looked at James, before he shook his head.

"No, I didn't because the boy wonder clearly had more important things to do than talking to a nerd like me! Seriously, James...why do you always send ME to cover these things, you know I'm fucking persona non grata to these people! They ain't gonna give me time of day!" he moaned towards his editor, launching his head crookedly to one side to check if he could even see CJ Parker anymore but he was way too far away by now.

James rolled his eyes and patted Mateo on his back for good measure.

"Mateo, ever wondered WHY...you are seen as such a nerd...perhaps if you stopped using phrases like PERSONA NON GRATA, you might have more of a good time whilst you're still here. I want that story, Gonzalez! People will spend their last money on buying this paper if HE is on the cover, and you know that! So get me that story, I want it by tomorrow afternoon!" James spat out at his head writer, before he placed his hands inside his pockets and made sure that he got the hell out of there.

Mateo stared at the back of James's head with so much irritation and anger, that he nearly didn't recognize himself. He hated James...JESUS...but he hated people like CJ Parker even more. And now he had to spent some alone time with the fucker as well, that was IF he would even GIVE him the time of day to get the interview done and dusted...

...the JOYS...


There he was.

Sitting at the table in the cafeteria like he always did, the one usually reserved for the popular jocks of the school. Where the fucking hell else would he even freakin be?

Mateo sighed, and gingerly walked over to where the ructions and ructions of noise was quickly coming from, as the jocks was clearly going over and over to their hearts content at yesterday's game, before CJ turned his head straight towards where Mateo was coming from, and as he did so, so did the rest of them. Garrett Lavery in particular suddenly seemed as if he had smelled something bad as he neared them.

"What the hell do you want, nerd?" he asked as bold as brass, before Mateo cleared his throat and tried to concentrate on CJ, and CJ alone, the one who he actually needed to convince to give him a much-needed interview. He couldn't give a flying fuck what the rest of them thought about him. Honestly, he was over all of this. He didn't need them in his life. As sad and as pathetic as it was, he was more than comfortable being home, playing games on his Nintendo Switch, caring for his beloved dog, Rex...and just being on his own.

"CJ...sorry to bother you guys, but my editor sent me to ask you..."

CJ's eyes lit up as they flickered over Mateo's entire stature, to the point where he slammed his fist on the table top before him and cackled out loud.

"I KNEW it! I was thinking like yesterday where the fuck do I know that little nerd from, and now it all makes sense! You totally write for the school paper...what's it called again now...Fucking News, or..."

"Flying news..." Mateo quickly intervened, allowing the rest of the table to launch another tirade of laughter over towards him. Mateo took a deep breath...he could feel his face getting more and more red by every passing second, as he silently cursed James in his mind, before he turned back towards CJ.

"Uhm...yeah, so after yesterday's game, I was really hoping that you might give me a few minutes of your time to..."

"Jesus, dude, relax, this ain't a fucking job interview!" CJ laughed over at him, before he turned back towards his buddies.

"What do you guys say...shall we make this nerd's day and give him what he wants?" he barked out, earning him another bout of laughter from the jocks that was sitting at the table.

"I don't think you wanna give him your dick, dude..." Garrett muttered, creating an instant shriek of laughter from the tables beside them as well.

Mateo closed his eyes and tried to block everything out...he could easily MURDER James right now...for God's same he didn't know why he didn't just let Janey Harrison do this interview...she was also on the Flying News staff, but the only difference between them was, that she was a girl, and that she was beautiful...she was actually also in with the popular crowd, and usually covered the great amount of social events at the school...

Mateo grunted as he thought that SHE would have never been given THIS kind of treatment by the jocks...his patience was starting to cry out to just...walk away, but his job meant too much to him. if he was going to make out there in the REAL world one day, then he was going to have to get used to this, he guessed.

"CJ...look, I really don't mean to be a bother, but I really need an answer...if you are going to do this, then I need to send the interview to James by six a clock tonight..." he once more addressed the boy wonder himself, to which CJ actually reached out and patted him on the shoulder, as if he was just...fucking playing a game with him. Mateo nearly scoffed at the boy...as if he was doing him a favour for even as much as talking to him.

"You're not gonna be all alone with him and shit, are you? Dude, he's a total nerd! He fucking writes for the school paper which no one ever reads..." Garrett started to say, before Mateo finally had enough. More than enough.

"Actually we sold out all our copies that we had last month...James actually had to get more printed..." he more than defiantly told the boy, who smirked and raised his eyes, at the mere thought of Mateo Gonzalez of all people having the nerve and the guts to actually talk back to him.

"You realize you and your kind shouldn't even be here, right? Just you wait...all you fucking immigrants needs to totally know your place..." he said, as quietly as he could, before his eyes flashed dangerously over Mateo.

CJ held out his hand towards Garrett, ordering him to stop and calm down...because even he could realize that this whole little chat has suddenly gone way above and beyond a mere joke, before he turned towards Mateo himself.

"Sorry for all of that...Garrett here needs to fucking learn some respect..."

"Dude!?" Garrett shrieked out, humiliated as hell being told off in front of someone he totally saw as more than beneath him, before CJ shot him a look that could shock silence a entire troop of soldiers in return.

"As I was saying...why the hell not? It's fucking free publicity if nothing else. Come over to my house after school, I'll send you the location if you would just give me your digits," CJ continued, taking out his phone and finally looking up expectantly towards Mateo.

Mateo swallowed...this was uncharted territory...he never ever expected to be giving his cellphone number to CJ Parker of all people, let alone CJ himself being the one asking...more like demanding to have it, but he did as he was told, receiving a warm smile from CJ himself as he saved the number and locked his phone.

"See you after school then, and I only have like half an hour before soccer practice, so if we can make it fast?" CJ then said, earning another laughter from the crowd around him.

"Seriously, he's gonna need more than that to make you cum in his dirty faggot mouth..." Garrett muttered, shooting a more than disguised look over towards Mateo, before he swung his backpack over his shoulder, missing Mateo's face by mere centimeters, cackling loudly as the jocks made their way out of the cafeteria, before the bell rang, indicating the end of the recess.

"Sorry about that...but you know what Garrett is like...he ain't gonna change for nothing and no one..." CJ said apologetically, before shrugged and joined his cronies in their march to get to their next class.


"Am I really doing this..." Mateo muttered towards himself as he nervously pressed the intercom button situated on the outside of the double-story house that CJ lived in, hopefully, if he didn't totally follow the wrong GPS co-ordinates that the latter had sent to him. He was fucking terrified as it was. He never, ever thought that he would so much as be invited to this place, ever in his life, but it wasn't like he was here to party and binge-drink himself into a coma...he was here to do a job for the school paper.

Fuck, how God damn pathetic does that even SOUND...

"Hey nerd, what's up?! Buzzing you in!" came the boy's voice over the speaker, and Mateo instantly rolled his eyes. Geez...this was off to a totally good start...yeah right.

He was half way towards the front door of the house, when he saw it open instantly and out came the one and only CJ Parker, already dressed in his soccer uniform, smiling at him from the distance, to which the boy walked over towards him and stretched out his hand, to which Mateo immediately frowned upon.

"Relax, I ain't gonna bite you..." came the snarky comment from the boy wonder, before Mateo slowly reached out and the boys shook hands, before CJ patted him on the shoulder once more.

"Come on in! I have to be somewhere in like thirty minutes so..."

"Yeah, I know...soccer practice, you told me," Mateo interrupted CJ, to which the latter frowned as if he was trying to remember, what to him, had been nothing more than a passing comment to someone that he didn't think of as important enough to even remember talking to.

"OH...yeah I did, didn't I?" he giggled as he led Mateo into his home. Everyone who was anyone at school knew CJ Parker and his entire history...they knew that his father was a lawyer, and they knew his mother was an interior designer. They were quite literally rolling in the money, and it was displayed all over the entire household. It instantly REEKED of charm, riches and financial success.

"Sit down anywhere you like...and lets get this over with...sorry but I'm kinda in a hurry...Coach was totally torching our asses yesterday after nearly losing to those assholes," CJ said as he plonked himself onto one of the couches, to which Mateo himself took his backpack from his shoulders, and sat gingerly down opposite him, taking out his cellphone and switching on his voice recorder whilst he did so.

"You don't mind if I record us talking? Just makes things easier for me to actually type out back at the school..." he asked, his eyebrows raised in sheer frustration as he saw CJ was all casually being on his phone, quite clearly chatting the hell away with one of his buddies, as if this was honestly only a sheer waste of his time.

"Oh yeah, sure, whatever..." CJ replied, as he didn't look away from his phone's screen for even a minute, before he finally finished whatever he was typing and turned back towards Mateo.

"Okay, shoot me...what do you wanna know?" he asked, smiling at the boy as he crossed his legs much like the typical American white teenage male that he was, and folded his arms waiting Mateo's questions.

At the beginning of Mateo's questioning, he felt like CJ was simply going through the motions, giving hmi the simple answers that he wanted simply because he was bored at what was happening, but he was pleasantly surprised and shocked, as more the boy managed to get talking, at how passionate he really was about soccer in general, and how he desperately wanted to make it his career in the future.

"I mean, if you look at where American soccer was just a couple of years ago, then we have HUGE fucking potential in this country. Look at what the girls soccer team was able to do! They actually WON a World Cup! I really want a opportunity to run out for the men's team one day, perhaps play in the best leagues out there in Europe, even go to my own World Cup...that would be the shit, man, I'm fucking tell you..." he continued to sprout his ideas and ideals, his eyes actually lighting up as he talked about the one thing that actually managed to impress and make an impact on him.

Mateo eventually noticed that they had nearly gone over the "allotted" thirty minutes that the boy was able to give him, before he nodded at the boy's answer and took hold of his phone.

"Just one more question...where do you see yourself in ten years?" he asked, looking the boy straight in the eye.

CJ seemed to think the final question over for a while, before he smiled at Mateo, his blond hair shining, nearly glimmering in the afternoon sunlight which had been streaming through the living room windows at every opportunity.

"I wanna be a well-known soccer player...playing for either Barcelona or Manchester United...because those are the two teams which I support with my whole heart...I would wanna be a father by then, pumping out a few kids of my own, maybe...settling down with a sexy ass model for a wife, and getting some action at least five times a day..." he laughed at the final part of the sentence, winking at Mateo as he did so.

Mateo had to laugh as well, Jesus, CJ Parker was just such a DUDE...in other circumstances, they could probably have been friends, but not in this lifetime, unfortunately. Mateo wished he had the guts to flirt with girls, like he saw CJ do on a daily basis...Fucking hell, it seemed like the dude could literally just LOOK at one of those Barbies at school, and they would immediately be willing to drop their panties for him in a fucking instant.

"I'll just...sort of edit that last part out..." he said tongue-in-cheek, before he looked up at CJ once more, the boy happily chatting away on his phone once more now that the interview was over and that he could get back to his own reality.

"Great, glad I could help sell your little newspaper...if you don't mind letting yourself out, I seriously gotta get ready for practice..." CJ said, not even bothering to say goodbye to Mateo or to even look at him, only having eyes for the Bimbo that he was so obviously chatting with on his phone, that he actually got up, and ran up the stairs as quickly as he could, as if Mateo had never been there to begin with.

"What a jerk...puta madre..." he whispered to himself, glad that all of this was finally over, and that he could go back to where he belonged...

...which was far away from jocks like CJ Parker.


"OH HELL NO! Come on James! I can't do that? That's Janey's department and you know it!"

James sighed, before he logged off on the newspaper's server, and looked pleadingly over at a clearly, angry as hell Mateo.

"Dude, do you think I would have asked you for one single second, if Janey was available? The girl has fucking COVID! There is no way that she could cover CJ's birthday party for the next edition unless you want the entire damn school quarantined! And as you know yourself...we totally sold out last month when there was a interview with him inside...if we cover his birthday bash, we are in the pound seats, my friend! Janey can't go...so you HAVE to! We can't miss a huge event like this!"

Mateo sat down, covering his entire face with both of his hands, before looking up at James, and shaking his head in total and utter misery.

"Then why can't YOU go! For fuck sake, James! Do you even know what they are gonna DO with someone like ME at a party like that?" he pleaded with his editor, who simply shrugged his shoulders, before he got up and grabbed the office keys, indicating to Mateo that he wanted to lock up and get the hell home.

"We don't really have that much of a choice, dude...I mean I can't do a write-up on the party, and having to edit it afterwards, AND make sure that it all goes to print...I'm literally revising for the end of year exams, there just isn't enough time! We got Janey with her illness, I sent Harry and Tanya to cover the rugby team's tour to regionals, I sent Kayla to do the interviews with the two teachers we got lined up for "Teacher of the Month" so there is literally no one else!"

Mateo sighed and also stood up, grabbed his backpack and slumped his body forward until both boys were standing on the outside of the office, and just as he wanted to protest even more over him being now forced to attend the one place where he had sworn he would never sit foot inside ever again, he noticed that Garrett and two of his fellow jocks were making their way into the school building from where they were notoriously, hiding at the back of the school to smoke when ever it was recess.

Everyone knew about it, and yet no one did anything about it...simply because you never, ever dished out the dirt on one of the jocks...especially Garrett Lavery.

"Well, looky what we have here! You two finished sucking each other off in there, or what?" Garrett cackled over towards them as he fist bumped his two buddies in total and utter glee, as if he had just made the biggest joke on the fucking face of this earth.

James shot Mateo a tired look, before he tried to pass the jocks in order to actually leave, but once more, Garrett was having NONE of it, clearly determined as hell to make as much trouble for the nerd as he possibly could.

"Where the hell do you think you're going...I ain't done with you..." he said as nastily as he could, before he proceeded to push James against the wall, the boy's backpack falling down onto the hard, tiled floor, and Mateo hissed with anger as he saw James entirely defenseless against these three fucking bullies.

"Jesus, Garrett, can't you just LEAVE US ALONE! There must be tons of girls to fuck out there, why waste your time with nerds like us?" he yelled over towards him, not even caring that he had probably just signed his death warrant in doing so, before he reached James and picked up his backpack, before handing it back to him.

"Gracias amigo..." James whispered, before they were forced to face Garrett and his cronies once more.

Garrett shot each of the a death glare, but before he could do anything, several teachers came inside of the building as well, as the recess was nearly over, as they were getting ready to teach their next classes, which meant that anything Garrett would have loved to do against them, would have to wait.

"Watch your backs...and that fucking piss language...both of you. There won't always be people around to protect your dirty immigrant asses..." Garrett said, his voice as dark and as desalt as ether James or Mateo had ever heard it, before he finally signaled at his cronies to get the fuck out of there.

"Dude...you STILL really want me to go to a party where THEY would also be?" Mateo breathed out towards James, and shook his head as James finally got control back over his vocal chords.

"Think...just think of the paper...you wanna be a journalist, you're gonna have to get used to these kinds of people...I'm really sorry, Mateo. Unfortunately, CJ Parker is a big deal around here, and we have to cover any party that he throws...It has to be done," James said, clearing his throat, before he walked towards his next class.


"What the hell is HE doing here?"

CJ glanced over at the entrance of his house, where he frowned as he saw the tall, lanky dude who he had done the interview for the school paper with, a couple of weeks ago. Since then, he had honestly forgotten that the dude even existed, so much was the pressure on his social ass to remain at top of the popularity tree at school and to give attention to all his peers. He was CJ Parker after all, and he had a solid reputation to live up to. He couldn't even begin to bother with the little people that was going around.

"No idea, dude...I sure as hell didn't invite him..." he murmured, with Garrett handing him yet another drink, his third of the night already, which he proceeded to down in two whole attempts, before he held out his paper cup for another helping. This was his sixteenth birthday party, his parents had literally given him the run of the house, as he had convinced them to go away for the weekend, because there would have been HELL to pay if they were to see what was going on inside their house right now.

The party was only an hour old, but already there were trashed teenagers all over the show, with so much alcohol consumed that he had long ago lost count...he knew what he had placed out for his guests, but he sure as hell knew that each and every one who came also brought some of their very own. He could literally smell the deadly, potent Jagermeister on Garrett's breath as he handed him another drink, which he downed in the same way as the former.

"You want me to get rid of his Mexican ass?" Garrett asked, his eyes as dangerous as he always knew it was when it came to illegal immigrants and all of that, and CJ rolled his eyes in sheer frustration.

Ever since Garrett's father began running for local council, he was spreading what HE believed in, all his Republican bullshit, all over the show, and what was even worse, that most people actually believed in what he was saying, and had voted him to be their mayor. Garrett's mind was probably being poisoned on a daily basis by the nonsense that his father was preaching, and if it wasn't for the fact that he and Garrett have been friends ever since they were six years old, he would have ditched his anti-Latino ass long ago.

It was because of that long-time friendship that he found it so hard to distance himself from him...the Garrett that he had known his entire life, would have never acted like this.

"Dude, just chill, will you? Go and have another drink, and oh by the way, I think Nessa was looking for you," CJ quickly covered and sent his buddy on a wild goose chase...he had it on good authority that Nessa wasn't even planning on pitching, but she was the girl that Garrett literally jerked his dick off on silly every single night, that he knew. He swallowed some pent-up saliva, before he rushed himself over towards the reporter dude...God knows he was going get himself killed if he didn't, what with all the drunk jocks that was plastered all over the place.

"Dude, what the heck are you doing here?" he asked the reporter guy immediately as he reached him, honest to God, having totally forgotten his name in the past couple of weeks since he had last talked to him, and the latter's eyes lit up as soon as he saw what he knew was a familiar sort of face.

"CJ...wow man, I just...I'm sorry, James sent me here to cover your birthday party for the paper..."

"HE DID WHAT?" CJ yelled back, powerless to hear what Mateo was saying over the incessant loud music that was blasting over what felt, like the entire neighbourhood.

"I HAVE TO COVER YOUR GOD DAMN PARTY!" Mateo shouted back in sheer frustration, rolling his eyes in typical teenage fashion as he saw CJ step back and take a good look around him, before he stared back at Mateo himself.

"Dude, why did he send you? This is so not your kinda vibe!" he shouted back, and shook his head. The last thing that he needed was to fucking babysit Mateo Gonzalez the whole night, this was his fucking ass birthday, and he intended to get as wasted as he possibly could get. Right fucking down.

Mateo nervously checked out the scenery around him...he had never as much as had an alcoholic drink in his life, no even to mention that he was seriously starting to get some kind of social anxiety issues inside his chest as he moved away as quickly as he could, before he got in the way of two drunk boys in his year falling over themselves in their drunken ass state.

"I'll be fine...you go on ahead and just enjoy yourself! It's your birthday, after all!" he yelled over towards CJ, who shrugged his shoulders and nodded, before he leaned in and found himself whispering towards Mateo...

"Just stay away from Garrett...that dude REALLY doesn't like you..." he managed to say, before a bunch of girls suddenly came over and literally dragged him away from Mateo, several of said girls shooting him looks like...who the fuck are you...before he was left all alone on his own some.


"FUCK! JESUS!" Mateo hissed towards his phone.

His father was supposed to come and pick him up about two hours ago, as that was the time that he had arranged with him, but unfortunately, his dad had gotten stuck on the highway since there had been some sort of accident with several cars piling up, and he just messaged Mateo to tell him that he was still about forty minutes or so away. Tonight of all fucking nights...

He had tried all night to get away from what hustle and bustle of the party that was still going strong, even though it was nearly eleven a clock. He had gotten all the notes that he possibly could have inside his notebook, which he had long since put away so that no one would see him. Honestly...he was dead scared to walk home in the total darkness, the five or so blocks that it would take to get to his own house, and therefore had no other option but to wait for his dad to finally fucking arrive.

His dick was hard...he couldn't help it.

He was outside, sitting in what he hoped was a quiet corner in the dark, a little further away from where a pool party was going on right now...and several of the girls in his class was now as naked as the day as they were born. There was some of the boys who had their stone hard cocks out as well, showing off their sizes for everyone who cared to even notice, but Mateo had absolutely no interest in them, whatsoever. it was actually hella funny...he was always ridiculed to be a nerd, and he had been called a FAGGOT by Garrett and his troops several times in his life...

...but the reality and the truth of the matter was, that Mateo Gonzalez was as straight as they came. He was totally into girls. As he jacked off his cock in the privacy of his room at night, it was GIRLS that he had always thought about. He wasn't gay in the least...but because of his stature and because of WHO he was at school, as well as his social standing, that was what literally everyone was always thinking.

He scoffed. If people had bothered to actually get to know them, he would have known that he was as straight as a lamppost...but then again, the who's who of the school wanted nothing to do with him. and he actually preferred it this way...God, he felt as out at this party, as a fart in a perfume factory.

He just hoped to God that his father would get here and soon...he didn't know how much more of this he could actually take. He watched in awe as he saw several couples kiss and cuddle in the middle of the pool, the girls actually reaching down and caressing the boy's hard dicks...the boys in return actually leaning down and taking the nipples of the teenage girls inside their mouths. All in front of the other, like they hadn't had a care in the world.

He sadly smiled at himself, as he realised once more just how far removed he was from these people...his so-called peers. He didn't want...this. He didn't wanna be here. He fucking hated loud music...he hated what he was now seeing, more a live action fucking porn movie than an actual birthday party...but what the hell did he even expect? A sing-along with a birthday cake and candles being blown out?

"What the fuck...you STILL here?"

Mateo's head swiped so fast towards where the voice was coming from so fast, that he was surprised that he didn't end up with whiplash. He winced as he saw Garrett as well as two girls that he recognized from back at school walking towards him, and the look inside Garrett's eyes didn't spell anything good, once more hearing CJ's warning about his best friend in his ears, to be careful of this idiot.

Garrett smirked out loud as his mouth took a nasty wreak around his lips as he pointed his index finger arrogantly towards Mateo and cackled out his signature laughter once more.

"Ya'll see this dude right here? He shouldn't even be NEAR us! He should be over in Mexico with the rest of these Latino pieces of trash we have here in this country..." he slurred his horrible words, clear as day that he was wasted as hell, and had literally no idea what he was doing, or perhaps saying...it was all just coming out in sheer waves and waves of insults.

The girls nearly flattened themselves with solid laughter, meanwhile Mateo thought it was best to get the hell out of here...even if he had to walk the five blocks to his house, it was way better than staying here and facing this bastard, before he got pulled back, with Garrett's alcohol infused breath thrown onto his face, with the latter grabbing his arm something fierce and twisting the limb so hard, that he actually started to hurt Mateo, which he hastily pulled back, and with Garrett's brain not fully being in working order thanks to the copious amounts of alcohol that he had consumed, he fell face forward onto the grassy area besides the swimming pool.

"Maldito idiota..." Mateo muttered and made sure that he got as far away from Garrett and his troops as possible.

Holy shit...he needed to get home and fucking now. Screw James, this was LAST time that he attended one of these parties. NEVER, EVER AGAIN! God, where was the front door now again? Rushing towards the living room, frantically looking all over the place, he couldn't see the exit for shit, however, this place was totally trashed in any case...before he sighed and heard voices behind him...sounding all too much like Garrett once more.

"Ay dios mio..." he muttered before he took the stairs upwards towards the rest of the bedrooms, where he hoped that Garrett and his peeps would be too drunk to even TRY and get up here. He quickly jogged up the stairs, before he came to stop at one of the bedrooms. He quickly went inside, and started to breathe normally only once he saw that he was all alone before he hastily closed the door. He took his phone out and saw that his father hadn't sent him a WhatsApp message back yet, and he groaned out loud as he did.

Checking his surroundings, it became abundantly clear that this was in fact none other than CJ's room. It simply had to be, because there was photos of him everywhere you would look, several trophies and shit that he had to have won for soccer at school, several pictures of himself and Garrett, along with others over the years, plastered all over the bedroom walls, including some of various surfers and soccer players that Mateo vaguely seemed to recognize. The bed was unmade, the room seemed like a typical teenage boy's room with several bouts of clothes laying everywhere that you would deem to even look, together with a big screen TV mounted against the wall, complete with several Nintendo Switch games piled up next to where the device was situated.

Having been a tremendous gamer himself, Mateo walked a little closer to where this all was, and he was hell surprised to realise that several of these games that CJ Paker was seemingly interested in, were of the ones that he himself played as well on a regular basis. Once more, he sighed as he left the copies of the games, where he had found it, before he sat himself down on CJ's bed.

"I have to get out of here...ay Papi, donde estas?" he murmured before he looked up at the door, which was suddenly FLUNG open with the utmost power that it possible could have been.

Getting up as fast as he could, terrified to hell that it was Garrett and his cronies coming back for Round two, he tried his best to hide...just about anywhere, but he was spotted effective immediately...and not by Garrett, but by the owner of the room himself.


Fuck sake.

Mateo turned around and grimaced as CJ slumped into his room, closing the door behind him, and nearly fell over his own two feet as he tried and failed to reach his bed, to which Mateo swore underneath his breath, before rushing forward to help the boy stay upright.

"Garrett...they are looking for your ass...down there...you gotta stay here..." CJ managed to croak out before he giggled once more, before Mateo launched his drunk ass onto the bed, as quick as he could, because OH MY GOD, CJ didn't look heavy, but he sure as hell was. CJ cackled out another maniacal laughter, before he laid on his back for a few seconds, his eyes eventually flickering over his entire room and landing on those of Mateo's.

"You...you look really good tonight..." he muttered before he closed his eyes and sighed...a smile wreaking havoc across his mouth, before he coughed a couple of times, nearly choking on his own saliva, as once more, after sighing over his fate, Mateo forced himself to help the boy that he loathed with all his heart.

If people could see CJ Parker right now, they would probably still call him a fucking hero...he grimaced until he tripped himself and landed face down on CJ's bed, with the latter boy giggling all the time next to him, his arm slouched over Mateo's back as he did so.

"You fell..." CJ murmured underneath his breath, followed by another shred of laughter, with Mateo just hoping to God that his father would be here soon, because this was already as awkward as it could possibly get. If anyone would come in here now and SEE THIS!?

"Uh dude...you're kinda squashing me here..." he said softly to a still drunk CJ, who simply tightened the hold that he had over Mateo and even leaned over towards him, and looked him dead in the eye. Mateo's eyes widened...as he saw CJ's eyes reaching a point where he had no idea what the boy was even thinking, before time literally stood still. This was CJ's bedroom...this was CJ Parker for God's sake...literally anyone else and he would have told them to get the fuck off of him.

CJ reached out, and before Mateo could say or do anything, he cupped the latter boy's face, with so much...was it tenderness? Was it just being careful, because somewhere in his drunken state, he still knew what was happening?

Mateo's eyes flickered over CJ's handsome teenage exterior...he was straight and into girls, but he wasn't blind either...he knew what was up...he knew that part of CJ Parker's immense popularity was his incredible looks...no sixteen year old boy should ever be as sexy as he was...but that was life, and this was very much reality. CJ smirked down at him, before he locked eyes with Mateo yet again.

"I must be drunk..." he whispered one final time, before the unthinkable happened...at least for Mateo.

CJ Parker...THE CJ PARKER...without a flicker of fear inside his brain or his heart...leaned down and kissed Mateo fully on his lips.


It was Mateo Gonzalez's first ever kiss.

Not only with another boy, but in total. He had never, ever been kissed by anyone apart from family, ever before.

A powerful, sexual thrill wreaked his entire heart, so much so, that was feeling like it would jump out of his chest at at given moment, it was racing against time...and this wasn't just anyone...he was being lovingly kissed by the most popular boy in their entire school.

CJ's lips wanted more. They fucking demanded more.

The kiss reached the level of being more and more aggressive, as a still shocked Mateo finally gained control over his senses...honestly he didn't know where the hell he even was, or if it was the sheer relief of him being safe from those bullies out there, or whether THIS was the way this horrible night was seemingly ending...

...or if he really wanted to continue doing what he was doing.

At that moment, he really didn't care.

It was like all the alcohol that CJ had drunk that night, was being poured into his own mouth by the boy himself, because he felt as drunk as he had ever been. CJ's doubled down on the kiss between the two boys, as he locked lips with the handsome Latino boy as much as he possibly could. Finally coming up for some much-needed air, he continued to nudge his nose with Mateo's, playfully, almost lovingly, before he leaned down and started to kiss the boy's lean, lanky neck, placing his lips solidly on the fresh flesh that he found there, making Mateo moan out softly, a raw creak being launched out of his dry throat, as he felt CJ make love to his body like no one had EVER before.

"Dude...what are you fucking doing...this is nuts..." he allowed himself to say, the very moment that he felt CJ's lips release their kung-fu grip on his neck, before he levelled their eye sight once more, leaning in to give Mateo another earth-shattering kiss, and make no mistake, even in his current state, CJ Parker knew EXACTLY what he was doing...he knew that he was a good kisser...the girls that he had been with in the past, always had NO complains, and he a good feeling that neither would Mateo...

"Doing what I should have done a long time ago...dude...oh my god...have you ever had a blowjob?" he then asked a completely and utterly stunned Mateo, who nearly choked at his own saliva when he heard the incredible, amazing words coming out of CJ's mouth.

"Why...why do you wanna know that..." came the frantic whisper, as he felt his jeans being unbuttoned as hastily as possible, and THAT was when his logic seemed to return to his mind good and proper, with him forcing CJ upwards, his arms hurting with the effort that it seemed to take to DRAG the boy upwards towards him and away from...way down there.

"CJ...dude, just LISTEN for a second..." he managed to say, before the boy silenced him yet again, kissing him with every might that he had inside him, his lips smacked bang against his own, his tongue darting desperately in and out of his mouth, encircling with his own, before he forced the boy off from him and pushed him away from his body.

"CJ, what the hell, man? This isn't you! You're the straightest guy that I fucking know, what the hell are you even doing?" he launched a tirade at the boy before him, all the while, CJ was just smiling at him his eyes totally seemingly blase what he was seeing and what he was hearing the boy say. He reached down, and cupped Mateo's face inside the palm of his hand yet again, and before the boy could back the hell up, he kissed him one more time.

"If you know me at all...you will know that I never do anything that I don't want to...let me do this...I've wanted to for so long...I wanted another boy with me in here for so long...please...just...for one night...you literally can just lay there, I'll totally do all the work..."


THIS WAS CJ PARKER? He was as straight as they come!

Or was he?

Was this a dream? Was this a nightmare, from where he would wake up at any moment?

Mateo's eyes closed involuntarily as he felt CJ slide down, and he hissed as he felt the boy's warm fingers sworn, carefully touch his swollen penis. Straight or not, give a sixteen year old teenager's cock any sort of attention and it WILL rise to the occasion never mind who the hell was in charge of it.

CJ's finally unbuttoned the jeans that Mateo was wearing, which was made way more difficult than what it should have been, with him being as drunk as he had literally ever had been. His eyes were glossy as hell, they were blood shot red, as he did his best to get the material clothing off of the boy that he wanted to blow so bad, and he had eventually gotten to fall around Mateo's knees, with now only his boxer shorts in the way. Mateo cringed as he realized that he was wearing his Pokemon shorts...the last thing that he ever expected tonight was getting his first ever blowjob...he thought he was only going to stay an hour or so, before his father would come and fetch him...he never expected THIS!

"Cute...I fucking love Pokemon..." he heard CJ whisper, before his stomach literally contracted at the sight as well as the feeling of CJ leaning down and kissing his hard dick from inside his shorts. The boy started to hum inside his throat on top of it all, eliciting a solid sexual wave through his entire groin area, his dick now fully at red alert, his boxers stretching at it's fibers to contain the yummy, seven inch Latino cock that was well hidden beneath its surface.

At fucking once, all at the same time, it seemed, CJ had managed to RIP Mateo's boxers from his person, dragging them down to where his jeans were, before he licked his lips, seeing an actual, rock hard teenage fuck stick bobbing solidly in front of him, dangling in midair, the light brown colour of the steel hard flesh making it all more of a challenge, as well as a LUST inside the popular white boy's body to actually HAVE it in his mouth.

He had dreamed of this for so long, having a stone hard dick in his hands, within his solid grasp...but then again he was CJ fucking Parker...there was no way that he would ever utter his true feelings if he wasn't as drunk as a skunk and didn't in fact realise what the hell was doing. He was totally thinking with his dick, and not with his brain any longer.

He leaned in, and he felt the boy above him hiss with total sexual lust and desire, his dick getting more and more harder, if that was at fucking all possible. He reached forward, as if it wasn't himself doing al of this, but something out of a movie...as he saw himself slowly grab hold of the thick, Latino teenage cock, and he sighed as he immediately felt and enjoyed the warmth...the amount of heat resonating from the powerful organ...oh God, the smell was incredible...that literal teenage musk that just seemed to EMINATE from the boy's baby maker...he took a deep breath, for courage, more like, and softly placed a kiss on the hard phallus...

"AY DIOS MIO...HOLY SHIT..." Mateo moaned above him and he smiled sneakily, once more taking the organ into his hand and giving it a few jerks, watching in amazement how the swollen, flaring cockhead would disappear, and then again appear right before his very eyes, before he composed himself and took the boy's dick right into his mouth.

If poor Mateo had gone ballistic before now, he was going sheer insane at that point and time, his entire body was quivering, shaking with the feelings that was coming from having his stiff cock in a warm, wet mouth for the very first time in his life, both of his hands were balled up into fists, and they were busy frantically hammering the mattress with everything that the Mexican boy had within him, as he felt his stone hard cock being licked...caressed...slurped towards an inch of his very sanity.

CJ, being as hard as fucking Stone Henge himself down there, continued his oral assault on the teenager's genitals at every opportunity...the juices and bundles of pre cum that seemed to be flowing as running water to a desert dweller was more than enough to make his dreams come true, as he took the cock from his tired mouth, giving it a few solid jerks, before licking the organ up and down, covering each and every single one of the veins that seemed to BULGE over the course of the seven inch length, as he smiled once more, having seen Mateo's legs starting to shake and panic underneath the oral onslaught.

This was CJ Parker's dream come true...he was as gay as a fucking pride parade...and there was no way he could ever hope to tell anyone, let alone come out of the closet. His mind and his body was pumped so full of alcohol that he had lost all sense of direction...even his way of thinking had been compromised. All that he knew was...he only had one chance to do this, and MY GOD, he was going to make the most of it.

Mateo was in total seventh heaven as he laid with closed eyes and felt his teenage cock being as worshipped as it was. Straight or not, it was a MAJOR turn on having his genitals sucked by the one person that he never thought would so much as even look at him, or even know of his existence. His cock quivered inside the boy's touch...and part of him knew that had to stop this...he really had to...if he was straight at fucking all, he would fucking push CJ Parker's face away from his bare dick, and murder the dude to within an inch of his life...

...but he didn't count on it feeling as good as it did.

His first ever blowjob, given to him by CJ bloody Parker...my God.

His groin started to move forward seemingly on its own...his balls felt like they were on fucking fire as they jingled together with every lick...every smooch, even lip-crunching flicker of CJ's skilled tongue going over and over his flaring piss slit. CJ seemed to double his efforts and he was rewarded handsomely, before Mateo could even as much as warn him.

Globs and GLOBS of virile, teenage baby batter spattered all over CJ's mouth and face, so much so, that the substances nearly ended up choking him. He continued his slobbering of the spurting organ like he had been doing for the past few minutes, tasting the rich, fruity flavour of Mateo's sperm, the smell was even more incredible than what he had always imagined. The cum itself was so warm...so God forsaken warm, as it leaked all over his facial features, his hands...his lips...his tongue...as he tried his best to slurp up what he could into his hungry ass mouth to swerve and savor.

Mateo groaned as loud as he had ever done, his cock being on fucking red alert, having spurted it's teenage goodness straight onto the boy before him, as he looked down, shockingly so, so see that CJ was nearly drenched it his potent white fluid. CJ looked up at Mateo and the latter could instantly see that there was still a wayward droplet of his own sperm still dangling nervously from the corners of his mouth...and make no mistake, the boy knew it too, as CJ winked at Mateo, before his tongue reached out and slurped up the excess sperm, smacking his lips as he did so.

"DIOS MIO..." was all that Mateo could even utter, before he was face to face with CJ once more, the latter's eyes glimmering happily as he leaned down and kissed his Latino partner one more time. Mateo didn't even hesitate...he kissed CJ back with every ounce of fiber that he had left within his shattered soul...this boy...yes, this BOY...had just given him the best feeling that he had ever had inside his own skin, and God damn, the least that he could do was fucking kiss him back.

"That...that was amazing..." was the last words that the tired white boy was able to muster, as he slouched down next to Mateo...tiredness and his entire drunken state, fucking finally seemingly overtaking him and winning the battle to stay awake, as his eyes closed and he was literally asleep within mere seconds.

For a while Mateo did nothing but stare upwards at the ceiling. Did that just happen...no really...did THAT...just happen?

A buzzing sound on his phone, told him without even looking at the screen, that his dad must finally have arrived. One more look down at his sill, leaking, deflated cock, and he knew sure as hell that it wasn't a dream. CJ Parker...had really given him one of the best moment of his entire young life...and as he stood up, his legs nearly gave away underneath him.

But oh God...as his mind turned to it's regular form, the doubts and the regret started to seep through like melted butter on freshly baked bread.

Was he suddenly gay now? Why didn't he stop CJ? If any other boy had tried with this with him, he would have, he was sure of it!

But as he got dressed and quickly checked in CJ's full length mirror for any remaining sign of what they had been up to for the last few minutes, his heart sank in his chest.

Oh wait...I'm straight!

He didn't know what the hell CJ was playing at...but it was very clear that the dude was gay...bisexual...or least something...but totally , he was not. He looked back at the sleeping CJ Parker...the most popular boy in their school...and sighed.

"I gotta go...I can't be here..." he whispered out loud, before he nervously opened the bedroom door.

It had been quite a while since he had first come up here, and he hoped to God that Garrett and his buddies were either passed out or had gone the fuck home. He didn't notice anyone on his way down the stairs, and when he finally saw the opened front door, with the party obviously still going on at the back yard, he literally sprinted towards it, and ran out of the Parker residence as fast as his lanky legs could carry him, until he reached the safety of his father's car.

Long after they were home, and his parents had eventually gotten to sleep, poor Mateo was still rolling around in his bed, his dick once more as hard as it was, thinking back to when he had gotten that amazing blowjob...his mind completely unable to switch off from what had happened.

CJ is gonna murder him...he's gonna totally say that he was drunk, and with Mateo being sober, that he should have stopped it...he fucking knew it.

But then again...as his mind was racing...why did CJ even start things to begin with? Why did he actually SAY that he never did anything UNLESS HE WANTED TO? Does that mean...was CJ Parker gay and just deeply hidden in the closet? Jesus, that would be the biggest scandal the school had EVER seen!

"Tengo que dormit un poco..." he muttered to himself, before he turned around in his bed, planted his face in the pillow and forced himself to close his eyes.


Several hours later, Mateo was still awake...

He had finally managed to get in some much-needed sleep, before he was awaken by his dad's car in the driveway, as he left for work, and had been unable to sleep since.

There was no school today, this being Saturday, which the boy was immensely grateful for. Jesus, the fuck he knew how he would even START to concentrate on homework if there was. He couldn't get his mind the fuck off of CJ Parker's lips on his own...on his dick...kissing around his balls...kissing his neck with so much love and tenderness, that Mateo actually shuddered to relieve the entire saga.

He didn't know what he would do...or how he would actually face CJ again when he would see him on Monday at school...he literally had no idea.

As he reached for the glass of water that he always kept on the side table next to his bed, his phone's screen suddenly lit up, being that he obviously had received a WhatsApp message. Groaning, wondering who would even bother him this early on a weekend, he reached for his phone, and his eyes immediately widened, his entire body seemed to freeze as he saw that he had a message from CJ.

He had long since forgotten that he had even given his cellphone number to the dude way back when they were conducting the interview...he was in fact astounded that CJ even as much as KEPT it! With actual shaking hands and strenuous bated breath, he opened the message, and his eyes nervously casted over the words that he saw there...

"Send me a location right now, I'm coming over...we have to talk."


THANKS FOR READING! I hope I did you all justice...I love writing for Nifty, as I have done for the past fifteen or so years.

Now...any feedback? Good or bad? You guys let me know, and I'll happily write another chapter!

Peace and love to everyone,



Next: Chapter 2

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