Olympic Champ

By Cameron Nelson

Published on Mar 23, 2000


A Disclaimer: This is a love story between two men. It contains scenes of lovemaking between them. If this is not to your liking (or you are under 18 years of age), please leave.


By Cameron Nelson

(write to me at cnelson2000@theglobe.com)

Part 5

Day 1: Still Later The First Evening

Location: My Bedroom of the House

Donny got himself under control relatively quickly after his rather bad crying jag. I have to admit that it was very, very strange to see such a hunk crying right there in front of me. I tried to relax him by stroking his neck and shoulders; I completely adored the feel of his skin and those huge, fearsome, bulging muscles. I was totally absorbed in what I was doing to this incredible stud - and what he was letting me do. I let my hands move down his arm and became weak from the experience of touching and caressing those awesome biceps.

He lifted his head, smiled at me, moved his delicious face close to mine, and proceeded to ravage my mouth. His unbelievably strong lips and tongue were doing the most fantastic job that I'd ever known. It was just mind-boggling! I was totally consumed by this man. My passion for him was absolute - totally and completely absolute.

After our kiss (there has to be a better word for it than kiss because it was so all embracing and consuming that I know I'll never get this kind of kiss ever again from any other man), Donny lay back on the pillows and wiped his eyes. He was still wearing his athletic shirt and warm up suit bottom. I looked at his body and noticed an incredible bulge in his crotch.

He moved him hand to his baskets and began rubbing it. I knew that this was a job for me, so I gently pulled his hand away. I leaned over and let my chin rub that great bulge. I rubbed it gently but with a little strength, all the time staring up into his beautiful face. The aroma coming from this stud was making my goddamned head spin. Best of all, Donny began to moan and wiggle around on the bed.

I needed to see that entire chest. I mean, I could see the outline of everything that's there - nipples, pecs, abs, navel - but I needed to see the actual flesh, the real deal. I moved up and began to tug his athletic shirt out of his warm-up suit.

Donny still had his eyes closed but lifted his arms so I could take it off. I did this slowly and steadily and absolutely thrilled at the sight before me. I felt tears coming to my eyes as I continued to hold the shirt above Donny's head and looked at his chest. It was superb...absolutely fantastic. Donny must spend one helluva lotta time taking care of this body and pumping a lot of iron, because it was totally outstanding. Every line, every muscle, every square inch of skin seemed perfectly developed and absolutely in peak physical condition. He was spectacular and so, so fantastically desirable!

He opened his eyes and looked at me. He gave me a small smile and raised his eyebrows as if to ask, "Like what you see?" I returned his smile and nodded my head. "I sculpted these pecs and these biceps for you, Cam. They're yours to do with what you want."

"They are gorgeous, Donny. You are gorgeous. You are everything that anyone could want in a man."

"Almost," he said softly.

"Not almost," I replied. "Everything!"

"My abbreviated body doesn't...you know, doesn't give the willies...it doesn't turn you off?"

"Absolutely not! No way! You are...well, you are just the most desirable man I have ever seen or been with." He made a sort of contorted face. "No, Donny, I'm not kidding. I find everything about you to be a complete turn on - from the beauty of your face, to your magnificent body to your short stumps - everything!"

I brought the athletic shirt to my face and breathed in deeply. The smell, the heady aroma of this man's perspiration, made me woozy. He total maleness was practically overwhelming. I could live forever with this man - this man's man, this supreme height of total maleness.

I moved my hands to his shoulders and started massaging them slowly and deeply. I was kneeling on the bed in front of Donny, which was very easy to do. He let out a little sigh and seemed to slump down slightly, like he was relaxing and getting very comfortable. "That's it guy, relax...relax your whole body...'cause ole Cammy will get you pretty damned excited in a short while."

I slowly let my hands trail down from his shoulder onto those glorious pecs. God! Were they ever incredible! Powerful, magnificently sculpted, each had an absolutely adorable little nipple at the end - and they each beckoned to me...they were calling out my name. These formidable muscles seemed to be calling out to me. "Cam, Cam...we're here for you...come...come to us...take us...we are yours." When my palms reached those erect nipples a jolt of pleasure zipped through my body. I could feel my scalp tingling - and I could feel pins and needles in my toes. My dick was straining something fierce. The feeling of those powerful erect nubs on my hand was awesome.

Donny's breathing slowly changed from one of relaxed pleasure to one of pure erotic pleasure. I could hear the increase in speed and the increased irregularity. I could also feel the change in the tension and erotic feeling in his body - it just seemed to exude from the man.

I continued to rub the palms of my hands over his pecs and nipples. I could not get over the incredible feel of steel and silk that made up his skin. The hardness of the muscles and the softness of the skin combined to create a mind-blowing sensation. After mauling Donny's chest for a few minutes (I could have gone on and on but I wanted to get to other things) I sat back and looked at him again. I also knew that it was time to remove more of his clothing - and also to reveal the hidden and covered parts of Donny's body.

I leaned forward slightly and brought my hands to the waistband of his warm-up pants. "Donny, may I?" I asked rather meekly.

He opened his eyes. Those wonderful blue eyes were slightly teary. "Yes, Cam, I suppose you can - if you really want to."

"Why wouldn't I want to?"

"Well, it's not a pretty sight - what's left of my legs that is...what they left me of them...the rest of me."

I reached out and put both hands on the remains of his thighs. He jumped slightly when he felt the warmth of my hands. He opened his eyes wide and had a questioning look on his face. "Donny, you said that I could touch you any place I wanted. Remember?" He nodded. "Well, this is one of the places I want to touch you. Okay?"

He nodded again. Then he began to speak slowly, in a low voice, almost in a whisper, as if he didn't want any other person to hear what he was saying. "Cam, I just recently figured it all out. I figured out that I jam on men." He looked down at my hands resting on his truncated thighs. "I was never in complete denial but was self deceived, so to speak. I was self deceived into thinking that my thing was normal and my desire to hang out with guys was just me.

"I gotta tell you, it was a big eye-opener and an even bigger shock. I haven't been...been with many men...before...before tonight, Cam. I'm just so fucking ripped about losing my legs...you have no idea how it has fucked up my head. So, please...please understand what I'm going through right now and...please, please be kind."

"How can I be anything but kind...and loving to you, Donny? You are so incredibly desirable; I want everything...and love everything about you."

"Also know that no one has ever...every...touch my residual...uh...my leg stumps before. Okay?"

I leaned over and kissed him softly. He put his arms around me and held me close and increased the passion of our kiss. I opened my mouth for his hot tongue and he caressed me so tenderly and beautifully. It was complete rapture and made me hotter and harder than I had been before.

After we ended the kiss, I sat back and brought my hands up to the waistband of his warm-up pants. I grasped them as I looked directly into his face. I could see the terror and disgust writ large on his gorgeous features. He began to move his hands as if to stop me but withdrew them quickly. He must have realized that I was not going to be put off tonight. I slid the pants off but did not look down at Donny's leg stumps immediately. What I did do was to place both of my hands on his very foreshortened thighs. I continued to rest them there while I stared into his eyes.

I must admit that it was an absolute and immediate thrill for me. The warmth and smoothness of his remaining legs were incredible. I could feel the light covering of hair and the incredible muscles that were still very much evident. I continued to stare at him. Donny had closed his eyes and I noticed that his breathing had definitely speeded up. He threw his head back slightly and his whole body seemed to be echoing with my rubbing of his incredible leg stumps.

Part 6

Day 2: Afternoon

Location: Auto and University of Miami Stadium

I was sitting in the stands of the stadium watching the different athletes preparing for their events. Donny's races were scheduled to begin at 2 PM. I had driven him to the dorm where he was staying, and then went on to the stadium by myself. Donny would be brought over in a team bus along with his racing wheelchair. He was to participate in two different events, all relatively pretty long races. I was very anxious to see him race. I was wondering if he would have the stamina for the proceedings considering what we had done last night - and again this morning in bed.

When Donny and I parted, I asked him if he would be able to give his all in the races after what we had been through during the last few hours. He assured me he would be great and that sex before he participated in a sporting event always made him perform at his very best. It was like his entire body was peaked.

Donny was to compete in three events, all distance wheelchair races. They were the 3,000 meter and 10,000 meter races, and the marathon. However, the marathon would not be run here in Miami - the land was so flat that it would not be a good test of marathon skills. I knew he would be up to everything; he was that kind of guy. The distance races were scheduled one for today and one for the day after tomorrow. Donny had already qualified in his region. There were eight men in each qualifying heat.

I looked around and noticed there were very, very few people in the stands. "I guess not too many folks want to see a bunch of gimps playing games," I thought. I looked at the athletes warming up on the field. They looked prepared and some were quite handsome and attractive.

The events were already in process when I arrived including various field events like the long jump, javelin and high jump. The high jumpers fascinated me because the contestants had only one leg and they hopped up to the bar and then over. It was amazing to see how much speed they could generate by hopping on only one leg. These were very good athletes - who happened to have something of a handicap.

I watched the sprint races which involved single and double leg amputees and they were fast - I mean really fast. Those new hi-tech prosthetic devices gave them incredible speed and spring in their running and great maneuverability.

I sat next to a large and very nice group of people from Nebraska, I found out. They were all here to see a relative competing in one of the races. The old man sitting next to me told me that his grandson was a double below the knee amputee and was competing in sprint races and he was running on his artificial legs. He then proceeded to tell me the kid's whole story, how the kid lost his legs in an auto accident, about his girlfriend who had stuck with him through it all, etc. etc. I smiled as he went on and on but I changed my tune when I saw the kid; he was very beautiful in a sort of farm boy way. In fact, he was the best looking kid in the race. I cheered for him as he ran for everything he's worth and won. His family was very happy and cheered and cheered, and then went down on the field to hug and kiss him. They also said they were going to Sydney in October.

After about an hour or so of waiting and watching all that marvelous and alluring flesh parading in front of me (it was then almost three o'clock), they announced the first race that Donny would be in. I was getting excited. I saw the whole group roll onto the track - and there was Donny - and he looked absolutely spectacular! He rolled around some in his sleek, stylish racing chair, his arm and chest muscles bulging beautifully. I was captivated by his total awesomeness, magnificence and nonchalance.

He was wearing a gorgeous red, white and blue spandex all in one jumpsuit (it covered his body and his leg stumps) and a similarly colored helmet was on his lap. He was doing it again to me - he had this incredibly strange power over me. Every time I looked at him or saw him or heard him - my heart started beating wildly and my eyes would get blurry. Was this love? I didn't know for sure but only knew that I'd never experienced anything remotely like it before,

And yet strangely and unexpectedly, all that was going through my mind was something that Donny'd said to me in the car on our way to the dorms.. "Remember Cam, remember what you're goin' t' see. Everything...everything you'll see there today will be gimp events. You're gonna see lots of guys jammin' their lives out like some fucked up insects who don't know the gig is over." I gave him a nasty look when he said this but he did nothing but nod his head.

"Fuckin-A! These guys all think that what they're doin' is important or that it matters. But it doesn't matter at all. Not at fuckin' all!"

"Donny, that's very cruel. Very cruel of you to say something like that. I'm surprised you would say that. And I'm sure it's not true either."

"But it is true. It's very true. It's like each of these guys has to prove that he's still enough of a man to do what they do and prove that even though they're missing limbs or crippled or dwarfs....whatever...that they can still do something that the average schmuck can't do. Wait'll you see the guy with no legs throw the javelin or the swimmers with no arms; well I don't think you'll see the swimmers today 'cause they're in a different area." He stared at me intensely. "They gotta prove they're still men despite what they're missin'."

I was really getting annoyed with his pompous and downright shitty attitude. "And what's your reason Donny? Why do you compete? We know what you're missin'! Don't we? I now know all that you're missin'!"

Now he was getting very, very annoyed with me and what I had just said. "You know fuckin' well why I compete!" he said with bitterness and some sorrow in his voice. I looked over at him (even though I was driving and should've kept my eyes on the road).

"No I don't, Donny. Why do you fuckin' compete? What are you tryin' to prove? Who are you tryin' to impress? I think I know but I want you to tell me! I need for you to tell me...honestly."

He became very quiet - I could scarcely hear him breathing. When I looked over at him, his head was down with his chin touching his chest. "My dream...my big dream was to compete in the 2000 games in Sydney. Well, to be completely honest, my real dream of dreams was to play on the US hockey team goin' to Nagano in '98 but didn't make it...I failed to make the team. That was the first year they let players from the fuckin' NHL on the team and I wasn't good enough to compete with them. So I was determined to make the US team this year. Then the fuckin' accident...and they just casually lopped off my legs...leaving me with practically useless fuckin' stumps...and I knew my athletic career was fuckin' over!"

He was quiet again. Was he thinking or trying to calm down some? "Cam, I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm gonna say something and tell you something I've never told anybody else before." He paused and took a deep breath, letting it out very slowly. "My body was my world. Everything I did, every thought I had, every action I took was for the betterment of this body. Everything I ate, and every sleep I took, and even every gal or guy I fucked, was for the improvement of this fuckin' body! Suddenly after a shattering experience, it was not mine anymore. I was a stranger in my own body. I had honed it to absolute perfection. It was my reason for living. My body was my world - my absolute whole fucking world! Now...now it was a wreck. I was a wreck. I was a physical ghost of what I had been."

He was quiet and I didn't say anything. "One of the gimps in the hospital told me about the Paralymic Games which always follow the real games in the same city. So as soon as I could I began getting myself back into shape and selected a couple of rolling events and got good at 'em."

"You still haven't answered my questions."

"I compete for me!" he practically shouted. "I compete so when I go t' sleep at night I can dream about something else besides bein' a fuckin' crip, sittin' in a fuckin' chair! Lookin' up at everything and everyone. I can be someone other than a fuckin' twenty-two year old guy on three foot high fuckin' stilts, afraid I'm goin' t' fall over on my face...or worse...fall over on my back. That's why I compete! I need it for my own...for my own ego trip...for an ego boost...for an adrenaline shot...to...to keep me from goin' fuckin' crazy!"

I moved my right hand over to his left leg stump and rubbed it. I didn't say anything - nothing needed to be said. Donny looked up and we just glanced at each other. The rest of the trip was in complete silence until I almost reached the dorms.

And then I spoke. I spoke in a very subdued voice. "I must really piss you off, right Donny?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you despise the way you look and you assume that everyone else does too. And yet, I happen to love the way you look. I absolutely adore it...and you...and everything about you. Doesn't that piss you off completely?"

He looked at me and his eyes became moist. "I'll tell you, it did at first. It really did. I couldn't understand how you could be enticed by this body. Now? No, now it doesn't bother me, particularly what we did together...and how much I loved it...and the way you treated me...and loved me...including my non-parts. For the first time since I became a cri...er...for the first time since I lost these things...uh...my legs, it really doesn't bother me that someone...you...actually likes the way I am and the way I look."

Part 7

Day 1: Late the First Night

Location: Bedroom of the House

Donny's leg stumps were massive, muscular and very short. When I first looked down at them and saw them in all their glory, I literally had to catch my breath. They were gorgeous - big, thick and amazingly muscular for being only about five or six inches long. The scars on the end of those huge stumps were not faded yet and they were a little pink. I was amazed and utterly delighted to see them - that Donny allowed me to see them. He seemed a little embarrassed presenting his body this way and I wanted to relieve all of his ungrounded fears.

I continued to rub them slowly and gently as I unrelentingly stared at them. I realized after a minute or so that I had not breathed for a while (I was so hypnotized by the sight of him) and was getting rather lightheaded.

I looked up at Donny and he had a sort of "sorry for the look of them" expression on his face. I smiled at him, knowing that I was completely overawed by the appearance of these amputated limbs. They totally captivated me. I leaned in and gave Donny a great big kiss while continuing to rub those magnificent mounds of flesh.

"I love them," I whispered in his ear.

"How can anybody love them?" he responded. "They're hideous...and repulsive...and...I just fuckin' hate 'em."

"Okay, so I'm a crazy person, Donny. What can I do? This is the way I am and I'm not going to apologize for it. But I have to tell you honestly, I do love them...I love them very much." I kissed him again and then leaned back to get a better view of Donny. "And I'm crazy about you...all that you are and all that you're giving me and allowing me to do."

He lowered his head and whispered, "Thank you. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before."

He now was wearing only his jockstrap - it was a rather large jock, with a very wide band and a huge pouch. His cock was incredibly hard and the head the peeking out of that wide elastic waistband. It was an absolutely gorgeous head - big, rosy red, beautifully shaped and so incredibly appetizing. He was leaking a whopping amount of clear pre-cum.

I could not resist this treat Donny was giving me. I leaned forward and slowly stuck out my tongue and began to delicately lick this wonderfully choice pre-cum from the head of his cock - this nectar from a god. I began to work my tongue all around the head while continuing to lap up all this fluid. It was totally awesome. Donny's taste was rather salty but delicious. I knew that I could stay here forever continuing to drink him all in.

"Do you realize, Cam, that you've just started polishing the barrel of a cowboy whose dick is longer than his legs?" I looked up at him and he gave me a slightly quizzical look, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head to a side.

I continued licking and began to suck on this gorgeous head again, applying more pressure and more suction. Donny apparently liked what I was doing very much because he began to moan slightly and put his hands on the back of my head and pulled me closer to his cock head. I was totally thrilled that he was responding this way. This is just what I wanted - just what I really needed. I licked and sucked the whole head and started to move down his jockstrap with my hands.

While I was sucking and gnawing away on the luscious head of Donny's big wang, I brought one of my hands up and began to stroke the shaft of this monster that was still covered by the jock. I felt totally great as my hand played over this incredible rod - and, by god, rod was the right word. It was so stiff and thick and hard --it was superb and I was going crazy feeling this pole and sucking on the head of this phenomenal tool.

I need to see it all - I could not wait any longer. I slipped the jock off of Donny - it was rather easy - the guy had no legs, after all. And for the first time I got a load of Donny's entire cock - and believe me, it was a donger and a half! It was a monster - big, thick and really, really tasty looking. Donny's cock had to be at least ten inches long, maybe more, because mine was eight and his had to be at least two inches longer. And it was very thick, as opposed to mine that was rather average in thickness.

Donny's cock had a rather strange shape to it, however. It curved upwards - quite a feat considering its incredible size. But it was rather U-shaped. So at the base, his cock pointed downwards and then, about two inches from the base it began to curve upwards until the head of his dick actually pointed upwards. I moved back to get a good look at it and see it in its entirety; I needed to see it all!

It was then - at that moment - that I noticed something and it began to bother me.

It appeared that Donny had no balls! I mean there was no ball sack to be seen - no scrotum hanging under Donny's truly enormous dick. Where the hell was the huge sack that should be accompanying this huge, monster cock?

I could not see any testicles...nothing at all...nothing! I had expected to see this huge, huge really hanging ball bag, but there appeared to be nothing - absolutely nothing that I could see. Strange - very, very fuckin' strange. What the fuck was going on here? He didn't have any balls...or a ball sack? What was with this man? Did he also lose his nuts and bag when he lost his legs? Were they cut off as a result of the accident?

He must've seen the expression on my face, because he immediately said, "Okay! Okay! Don't freak out on me now Cammy. Just don't fuckin' freak out on me now!"

Continued In The Very Next Part

Next: Chapter 3

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