Olympic Champ

By Cameron Nelson

Published on Jan 23, 2001


A Disclaimer: This is a love story between two men. If you don't like these kinds of stories (or you're under 18 years old), please leave immediately. Enough said!


By Cameron Nelson

(Write to me at my new address: camnelson91@yahoo.com)

Part 8

Day 2: Late in the Afternoon

Location: The Stadium

I was waiting for Donny to come out of the locker room after his triumph in his race. I mean, it was a real triumph! He really kicked ass! It was magnificent! He was magnificent! My Donny was the absolute best!

I was screaming during the whole race and shouted myself hoarse. He crossed the finish line well ahead of his nearest competitor. It was completely thrilling. The family from Nebraska next to me had already left and I was the only one rooting Donny on. A few other people in the stands were rooting for their favorites but I had the loudest voice. I was dismayed that there were so few people around cheering on these superb, but handicapped, athletes.

After Donny won his race I left the stands and walked to the dressing room. I was not allowed in (I'm sure it would have been absolute heaven for me watching all those fit bodies dressing and showering) but stayed by the door and watched so many leaving. Most of them were quite attractive - at least I was attracted to them. Some had wives and kids waiting, some had girlfriends waiting, and some even had boyfriends waiting, like me.

As I was standing there waiting, I began to fantasize about Donny and me - the two of us together - living together, loving together and having our lives totally and completely wound up with the other. Donny had mentioned last night that he had gotten an athletic scholarship to the University of California at San Diego and I knew that I would be going to graduate school in California, but in the north. Maybe - just maybe - we could manage to be together. It made me very happy thinking about the two of us together.

Donny had been a very poor student, as he had explained it to me. He really majored in sports and associated jock activities - like drinking and raining all kinds of hell on all the non-jocks - most of the time. His SAT scores were also very poor and very disappointing for someone who was so obviously intellectually gifted. After his accident, he knew that he had to do something with his life and getting a good education was to be the key. He took special remedial courses, retook the SATs and did remarkably better. And since some schools were actively seeking handicapped athletes (to qualify for certain federal monies) he was deluged with scholarship offers. He decided on UCSD because it was a good school in addition to being in a location that promised good weather and opportunities to pursue other non- scholastic interests.

As Donny came wheeling through the door, he gave me a huge grin. I leaned over, hugged him closely and gave him a big kiss on his cheek. He looked so great, he smelled so great - I was instantly hard in my shorts. He wheeled to the parking lot, collapsed his chair, got into the front seat and belted himself in.

I sat in the driver's seat and put my right hand on his left thigh. "Great race, lover boy!"

"Yeah, it was good, wasn't it?"

"Sure was! You finished so far ahead of the others it was unbelievable."

"You could almost say that I won it in a walk, but then I ain't got no legs so I can't walk." I got a very serious look on my face. "It's a joke, man. A goddamned joke! Don't take everything I say so seriously."

I smiled at him, letting him know I understood his morbid sense of humor. "Okay, Donny, come clean. How did you do it?"

"Well, I heard you rootin' for me from the stands. It really help, man. Believe me! Then, into the last lap, I heard you yell, 'Kick ass Donny!' and this incredible thrust of the jets kicked in and I just blasted out into hyperspace. It felt great. It was for you, Cam...everything was for you! Plus the fact that I'm in absolutely incredible shape and could take on the entire world now and win!"

At the next red light I gave him a soft kiss. He was so delicious. "So what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"You tell me, love. Wanna go back to the house and spend some time in your room? Or should I say our room?"

"Wanna get something to eat first?"

"Sure! I want fish - lots and lots of fish!"

We found I great seafood restaurant and Donny and I ate like we had been just released from a prison. We had soups (please note the plural), crabs, seven different varieties of shrimp and fish, desserts and lots of juice. We joked and acted like we were drunk, but as a fact, no alcohol was consumed at all. We had a fabulous time together. I loved being with my gorgeous, hunky Donny and I thought he loved being with me. That's what I thought - then.

Part 9

Day 1: Late at Night - Early in the Morning

Location: My Bedroom of the House

"If I didn't have anger and resentment fueling my internal engine I'd have no motivation whatsoever."

Donny said this in a rather cool and detached manner. He was on the bed, his hands behind his head, his body (his magnificent and incredibly appealing body, I may add) spread out before me and glistening with perspiration. His incredible array of muscles was on display for my complete enjoyment. His dick was completely soft and did not seem to be in the slightest way imposing. It was hanging limply with the head touching the sheet. It certainly was a beauty, but seeing it hanging there with no nuts supporting it was rather disconcerting, I must admit.

"The psychological slam of messing with a body empire that was my signature damn near...well, it damn near fuckin' killed me. I thought the price for continuing to live was much too high. Without my legs - without...without my ball bag..and...and..."

He turned his head away from me and I naturally assumed he was beginning to weep again. I put my hand on his hair and slowly stroked him.

"Donny, could you please tell me what happened?" I asked in my gentlest tone of voice. "If you don't want to, I'd understand, but - well, I'd really like to know everything."

He turned to look at me and gave me a slight sarcastic smile. "So you'd like to know the gothic details of that fucking bloodbath, huh? Are you really ready to hurl up your guts?"

"I've got a real strong stomach, Donny. Besides, if it's about you, I'd really like to know. I'd like to know everything there is to know about you, my sweet." I put my hand on his right leg stump and gently squeezed it and rubbed him soothingly, feeling the still incredible musculature of that magnificent truncated thigh.

He moved one of his hands from behind his head and gently and so soothing stoked my cheek, down my neck and onto my chest. He moved the back of that hand over one of my nipples and I went wild again with lust for this man's body. I leaned in to give him and big kiss and he put his hand behind my head and drew me toward him. He held my lips tightly against him. The kiss was deep, passionate and very loving. I adored being with this man. I could not believe my continuing good luck.

"You're great, you know? Really great! Maybe the most u-u-understanding guy I've ever met." He rubbed his fist on his eyes. "Most guys I've had sex with after...a-after the accident...preferred to have sex in the dark...and...and then I never saw them again."

I moved my hand from his stump to his pubic thatch and rubbed it very lightly. I could feel (and see) his cock beginning to swell and it made me very happy to know that Donny had accepted my love and the attention I wanted to lavish on his body. "Not me! I want to see everything there is about you."

He smiled and blew me a lovely kiss.

He leaned back on the pillows again and put his hands behind his head. "It's not that complicated a tale. I got out of high school - which was still another military academy, by the way. Notice I don't say graduated; I was given a diploma and asked to leave as soon as possible. So I had nothing to do. I couldn't go home, so I stayed up in New England and got a job on a construction site during the day and in a fast food joint at night. They only wanted brawn. The money was enough for me to live on and to be able to afford a gym membership and to go out drinking on the weekends. I worked out every day, was able to maintain my strength and stamina despite eating poorly - from sheer stupidity more than from the lack of funds.

"I was driving back from a session at the gym; it was late, about 11 o'clock and it was raining heavily. And I was very tired after a very long day of work and the strenuous workout I just had. The rain was really driving and I had trouble seeing. I was trying to follow the yellow line down the middle of the road; my headlight picked it up and it was right in front of the bike. But when there was an oncoming car the reflection from its headlights would make the line impossible to see.

"So I go around this curve faster than I should've and I suddenly feel the wheels of the Kawasaki are slippin' like mad. And there are these very bight lights coming at me and they blinded me and I felt the bike continuing to slip in the direction of the oncoming lights and...and...and...then...terrible, terrible pain."

I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly as he began to sob almost out of control. I tried to calm him down some but knew that it was better if he cried it out.

When he got somewhat composed, he looked at me. "You gotta realize, Cam, that this is the first time I've ever relived that night out...first time...sayin' it out loud." He put his head back onto my shoulder and wept some more.

A few more minutes of sobbing and he took a few deep breaths and sighed. "Just as well. I really needed to get it out...all of it. Been only eight months - not even." He stared into my eyes and smiled slightly. "What a fucked up mess I've become. What a pathetic whiner. What a sorry excuse for a man I am. What a fuckin' sorry assed baby!"

I shook my head. I kissed him strongly on his quivering lips. "Don't say that. Please Donny, don't say that. 'Cause when you say those things about yourself you're also saying negative things about me...since I'm here with you and I want to be with you so much...very much."

He smiled broadly. The strength and affection in that smile warmed my whole body.

"Gettin' back to the episode then. The next thing I know I'm in what I take to be hospital. There's no one around - just machines and dull greenish lights. I sort of feel like I'm floating; I can't feel my body. I look from side to side and a nurse comes in. She looks like she's doing something and then leaves. I have no idea of time. There're no windows in the place.

"Then some guy who seems to be a doctor comes in and sits by my bed. When I look up at him, I also see my mom standing in the doorway. 'Shit!' I think. 'This must be pretty fuckin' bad to make her come all that way to see me.'

"The doc has his best bedside manner goin'. He takes my hand and starts talkin'. He says I've been in a very bad accident. They had to amputate both my legs - no way of savin' them. I was quite a mess and the EMTs had difficulty getting' me out from under the truck. Lost lots of blood. All of this happened five days ago; I've been out of it since then.

"Then his manner gets even more oily. He tells me they had to do additional surgery on me. I had a spleenectomy, repairs to my intestines, bladder and bowels. I had a temporary colostomy. This panics the shit outta me - I know my fuckin' bowels aren't working right! Then he gets very quiet and looks over at my mom and nods his head.

"'Son,' he says in a very grave tone while he is having great difficulty looking me in the eye, 'you also sustained damage to your genitals.' I thought I was going to fuckin' faint. I started breathing heavily and panting and I could feel my eyes filling with tears.

"'My g-g-genitals?' I whined. 'You mean my c-cock and...and balls?'"

"He nodded."

"'W-w-what...h-h-happened?'" I could barely find my voice and felt myself choking on my own saliva.

"'Your...uh...your scrotum was torn open by the force of the accident. After some difficult micro-surgery by one of the best doctors in...'

"'Just fuckin' say it! And stop fuckin' pissin' and fartin' around!' I screamed.

"'Your scrotum had to be removed and also one of your testicles.' He said this rather quickly.

"I had difficulty catching my breath and felt like my guts were gonna explode. 'You mean I have only one nut and no bag?' I managed to get out. He nodded. I started hyperventilating and the doc calls in a nurse.

"'What about my dick?" I ask almost afraid of the answer I'd get.

"'Your penis is quite fine; we only needed to take a few stitches to close the lacerations.'

"'A few?' What's a few?" I said in a very sarcastic voice.


"I let all this sink in. 'Jesus Fucking Christ! A cripple and a eunuch! What luck! What fuckin' luck! Nineteen years old and my fuckin' life is over!'"

"'We relocated your...uh...your remaining, undamaged testicle into the fleshy part of your groin. Since they were both very large I think that enough testosterone...er...hormones will be produced to permit normal sexual function and maintain your musculature - although I think you will probably be sterile.'

"Who the fuck cared about babies at a time like that! I was rocked! I was totally bonkers! I was totally fucked! I started beating my fists on the bed and then on my chest and even on my stumps. The physical pain I was creating was nothing to the psychic pain I was feeling.

"The doc then injects me with something and I sleep for about six hours."

I stroked his leg stumps again. I loved them so much - loved him so much - and the expression on his face slowly softened a bit. He even managed to give me a small smile. I leaned in to kiss him and he eagerly returned the passionate embrace.

"All I'd known were sports. Sports were my life. Now I'm a fuckin' gimp and my life is definitely over."

"Donny, please believe me it's not. It just not! I'm here and we've got each other. Think of that, will ya?"

He nodded his head slightly and stared at the ceiling. "If you say so, Cam." "I do say so."

"I've had enough trauma for a few lifetimes, man. I want some sweet stuff in my life now. Is that too much to start with?"

"No, it's not. And I'm here to provide that sweet stuff for you, my sweet, sweet love." I kissed him again while allowing my hands to roam over his chest - those awesome pecs - and his arms - those incredible biceps.

He whimpered and spoke hoarsely. "I've adjusted to the mobility issue just fine. I'm a jock...hey, there's absolutely nothing physical or sports-wise that I can't handle as well, if not better, than the next guy. It's just...just...I'm so fuckin' ripped about losin' my legs, Cammy, you have no idea...no idea..." He buried his head in my shoulder and really began to ball. I felt so sorry for the guy - this massive, beautiful jock, literally cut down in the prime of his blossoming athletic career.

I continued to cuddle him and he seemed to like it a lot. He quieted down after a few minutes and just sniffled while I held him. I could not believe that I had such a stud in bed with me and he was letting me hold him and touch him. I was getting very needy again and I notice that Donny was too. His cock was standing straight out and leaking. I needed to service it - bad!

I lay him down on his back and begin to lick down his chest, over his nipples and then to his crotch. He has a wonderful manly smell and it's just heavenly. Donny seems to be liking what I'm doing and he is moaning. My experience with guys like Donny is very, very limited and I'm glad he seems to like what I'm doing. I rub one hand over one of his stumps and he jumps, taking in a big breath of air. I love the feel of those stumps - they so completely turn me on and the skin feels so soft while I can still feel the muscles remaining in those pieces of leg.

My hand began to play around his crotch - and, boy did that feel intense! Feeling the base of his big dick and feeling nothing under it was too much for me and I reached a climax while squeezing Donny's missing equipment. I shot all over his side and lower belly. I was panting fiercely and fell over next to Donny.

When I opened my eyes he was smiling at me. "Really hot, aren't you?" he said is a soft, sexy whisper.

"Yeah! I'm sorry I shot so fast, but you're so goddamned hot!"

"Thanks, Cammy. Not too many men say that about me or my body. Not many at all." He smiled again and leaned up to kiss me. We kissed avidly and hungrily. "You know, it felt just great when you played with what's left of my nut bag. And also my stumps."

"Really?" He nodded. "It felt just incredibly great to me too." I looked at him with a serious expression. "Can I, you know, do it some more?"

He gave me a winning grin. "The pleasure would be all mine, Cammy."

I returned to making love to his body - caressing and kissing and licking his stumps, kissing and sucking that monster cock of his, and most of all, licking and kissing the skin where his ball bag had once been attached to his body. He showed me where his remaining testicle had been relocated to, and I kissed and nibbled at the scar but I couldn't feel his nut.

"Oh, Cammy, this feels so great! Don't stop...don't stop. Keep doin' it! Do it!"

I sucked on his glorious stumps again and he twitched the muscles in them and I got incredibly excited. I returned to his cock (which was longer than his legs, as he had said) and licked and lightly bit the entire length of that glorious shaft. I licked along the scar lines on his fantastic cock - those that took twenty-two stitches to close. Donny was going crazy and rolling his head from side to side and making all kinds of noise. I clamped my lips around the big head of that wonderful rod and began sucking and moving my tongue all around. Donny was pumping out some pre-cum (not a lot I noticed) and I liked the taste. I took as much of his dick into my mouth as I could without gagging; I wasn't adept at deep throating then. I began to do the up and down routine, but when I got to the top each time, I'd lightly bite on the big fat head of that masterpiece of a dick.

Donny's body was almost in frenzied motion. His stumps were kicking up and down and grazing and rubbing the sides of my head; they felt so, so great! He put his hands behind my head to force me to take more of his dick but I couldn't. I nibbled at the head with my teeth and he came like rolling thunder. His first two shots were incredible and shot right to the back of my throat. But then he just dribbled the rest out onto my tongue.

I swallowed what Donny had given me and quickly returned to lay next to him and to hold him. He had a small smile on his face and he seemed happy. He was breathing deeply and I was thrilled just to watch that magnificent chest rising and falling.

When he spoke, it was in a deep, guttural voice. "Cammy, that...that was magnificent...just so magnificent. I've never felt better in my life...I think. I know it's the best I ever had since my legs have been gone." I smiled and kissed him. "I know nobody's played with my stumps so good. It felt totally awesome!"

I cuddled into his big strong arms and he held me tightly while kissing my face and shoulders. "I love your twinky body, Cammy. I just love all these smooth muscles and no hair. It really turns me on."

"Honest, Donny?"

"Honest, Cammy!" He gave me a great, passionate kiss again.

"A lotta guy think my body is...is just funny looking for a guy my age."

"I disagree with them. You've got a great body...and a beautiful dick, if I may say. Would you like to fuck me now?"

I was really startled by his last question. I though he would want to fuck me and not the other way around. "Don't you want to fuck me Donny? I thought that's what you'd want."

"Can't." He rolled over onto his back. "My dick's completely soft, see? I can only get off once a night...or day. Nut is really under active in the hormone department. Sorry Cammy. Maybe tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah. Sure Donny."

"So, do you want to?"

"Sure...if it's okay with you." He smiled, raised himself and gave me a kiss. I got a bit panicky when Donny said he wanted me to fuck him. I'm so often the bottom I practically forgot what to do.

Donny saw my uncertainty and pulled me down to him. He kissed me and then began moving his mouth and tongue all over my body. It felt wonderful especially when he started slowly moving one of his stumps over my crotch. This fuckin' sent me up the wall. He was stroking that muscular stump so lightly and delicately over my cock that I thought I'd explode right then. But Donny knew how to control things. He didn't let me go over the edge. Donny knew what I loved and knew how to give it to me.

(To Be Concluded in the Next Installment)

Next: Chapter 4

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