On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jun 12, 2013


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On the Move West

Chapter 3

After two days, the group decided to head for the fort. All of the injured were able to move around and in addition to being sore, black and blue, all were expected to make a complete recovery.

Joseph asked if he could drive Betty's wagon since she was now without a driver. Father Mathew would drive his own wagon. Larry was able to drive the wagon for his family.

However, the girls wanted to ride with David and Stanley. As they put it, they just wanted keep the boys company so that they wouldn't fall asleep and hit a rock breaking a wheel or something worse. As every one knows, boys and girls of the same age will find a way to get together. Joshua used the same argument to ride with me.

The other five Indian men were put in charge of the extra horses and livestock. Robert got the job of driving the small band of sheep and goats. Of course, he had lots of help from the younger children and a good dog.

The train of ten wagons was on it way to the fort. Joshua told me that it would be a two day drive, three at the very most. We made good time and would have made it to the fort at the end of the second day but I decided to make camp just a short distance from the fort and go in early in the morning.

Camp had just been set up and about 20 Indian men, women and children came up to the camp. "Don't be alarmed!" said Adam. These are our people. They come in friendship and you might say they are the welcoming home committee. We have been gone for 3 years and this is our first trip back."

"Don't just sit there, invite them in and ask them to stay and eat with us." said Judy. "We can add just a little more water to the pot and then we will have enough soup for everyone. Well, maybe just flavored, colored water," She said laughing.

Adam and Luke ran to the group of visitors and start hugging the women and little children. It was plain to see that they were glad to be home and were welcomed. Adam came back and said, "They will be happy to stay. Judy, forget about adding extra water. They brought enough food for everyone. So you women will not even have to cook".

"We will jus pool our resources and we can have a feast," replied Judy.

The next morning after breakfast and the with the completion of the morning chores, the small train continued on to the fort. I had them form a tight circle just outside. All the animals were put inside the circle and the horses were hobbled and left on the outside. We went inside and were met by the commanding officer who welcomed us to the fort. The commanding officer asked who was in charge and invited me to his office to talk.

The others were going to visit the trading post to pick up any supplies that they needed. The children were each given a peppermint stick and went outside and sat on the steps to wait for the adults to finish shopping. The children could not have been happier. Life is good and couldn't be better when you have a peppermint stick to lick.

"You are traveling with a very small wagon train. This is highly unusual. Is there a reason that you are not with a larger outfit.?" The commander asked.

I told the story of how we happened to be so small and didn't leave out any of the details. I told how the renegades had been killed and where they were buried. "One of men, before he died, said that the three men who had hung a young Negro man had been captured and were being held here at the fort until they went to trial. Is that correct?"

"Yes, the trial will actually be tomorrow at 10:00 am. Would the people who were brutalized be willing to testify in Court? I certainly hope so, because we really don't have much evidence against the three killers?"

"I can't speak for them but I will ask and see. I am sure that they will. In fact, I see them coming out of the trading post now. Let's go and talk with them."

"The trial for the three men who hung Betty's husband is scheduled for tomorrow. The Commander would like to know if all of you would be willing to testify in court," I said. All of them gave a definite `yes'. "Commander, two of the Indians went to their village last night. Will you need their testimony. The brother to one of the boys is still here. He saw the whole thing and speaks English."

"I bet his name is Joshua. His testimony would be great. Having a person of color testify in court is highly unusual but times are changing. I know Joshua very well and he is to be trusted completely. He spends a lot of time here at the fort visiting. In fact, all of his people are welcomed here and come often to trade. Joshua is a great interpreter. The trial is to start at 10:00 am. I would advise leaving the children in camp. A murder trial is no place for children. I will have a couple of the women come out and watch the children while their parents are in court. If you would excuse me, I will see you in the morning," said the Commander.

The next morning the people of the wagon train were up early and were displaying a lot of nervous activity. Betty and several other couldn't eat any breakfast. Several were just milling about without any real purpose. Father Matthew went to the spring and found a log and just sat there staring off into the wild blue.

I couldn't take it any longer and called everyone together for a group meeting to calm them before they went into the courtroom. "First of all, I want you all to bow your heads and let us have a minute of silence. Say a silent prayer, look ahead into the future. Just don't think back. Think happy thoughts and just be thankful that you are alive."

After a couple of minutes, I broke the silence. "Standup and shake all the doubts and troubles out. I really mean shake your whole body and don't hold back." The kids really got into the shaking part and looked like little puppets on strings. This caused the adults to laugh a little. "Let go of all your troubles and worries, just throw them into the wind. Now, hug the nearest person on you right. Now, hug the one on your left. Now doesn't that feel good. Just remember that you are not alone. We are all in this together. Come what may. Remember that we are not going in the courtroom seeking revenge. We just want to make sure those men be held responsible for their actions. Also, remember that there is a chance that they be found not guilty. Your job is to tell your stories with nothing but truth. Just stick to the facts. Let the judge and jury decide the case. Don`t try to solve it yourself. Just remember, we are all standing alongside you and with you."

A soldier came out from the fort and told us it was time for the trial to start. I took Betty by the hand and Joseph took her other one. We lead the group into the courtroom.

Joshua was the first witness called. His testimony set the stage for the rest of witnesses. He was actually the only eye-witness other than the victims. One by one, the witnesses were called and each told their own story. Several broke down and cried, gained their composure and continued.

The jury left the room and were gone for a few minutes and returned with a guilty verdict. The judge pronounced sentence-death by hanging, which would take place at sunrise the following day.

The judge was getting ready to close court and asked if anyone had anything they wanted to say to the guilty offenders. No one spoke up. I stood up, "Your honor, I am not one of the victims. I was in the party that found these people and offered aid and treatment to them. Since then, I have formed strong emotional ties with all of them. Betty, as you know lost her husband , hanged by these three men. The other renegades met justice and were all killed when they returned to finish the job they had started. She has two small children." I paused and looked directly at Betty, who was sobbing. Joseph had her in his arms giving her comfort. The courtroom became very quite.

"Your honor, I know that she has absolutely no money and no way to get any. Her provisions are getting very low. Would it be possible for her to go to the convicted killers homes and get any food that may be there along with anything of value which she could sell, thus she could survive for a short time until other arrangements can be made."

"Your honor, before you speak, May I have a short say?" Ernie Johnson, one of the convicted men, said.

"I must say that anything you say will have no bearing on your hanging."

"I know. Thank you! I am the leader of the band who has been hitting farms in this area. So far we have done nothing but harass the farmers. The two men with me are the last of my gang. I own the farm and they were just staying there. I have no living family or heirs of any kind. I would like to have a will drawn up naming Jim as the sole heir and every thing will become his upon my death which will happen at sunrise. I want everything that I own to go to him. I have 160 acres of farmland and it has already been planted and the crops are coming up. On the farm is a new 3 bedroom house and outbuildings. There is an old sow with a new litter of piglets and also a boar. I have 3 milk cows with new calves. There are 11 beef cows with calves along with a young bull. I have no idea how many chickens, turkeys, and geese are on the place and several already have new broods of babies. The farm is well stocked with equipment and tools and work animals. I know that Betty can`t inherit my property. That is why, I am leaving it to Jim. He can do with it as he sees fit, like give it all to Betty!"

"I have only one request to make, your Honor."

"What is you request? I'll determine if I can grant it," said the judge.

I don't want any of those who testified today or any of their friends to be at the hanging. I know that I will be yelling and screaming and fighting all the way. I don't want to cause them anymore stress. They have suffered enough!"

"I can grant your last wish. The clerk has informed me that you will has now been written. All that is needed is your signature."

"Have clerk bring it to me and I will sign it now. All these people can be my witnesses."

"Is there anyone that can take us to your property?" .

"Yes, the Indian man sitting next to you has been to the place on several occasions. He knows the way. There is another thing that I didn't want in the record, but when you get to the house, Go out the back door and take exactly 20 paces due east and then dig. That is all I am going to say. No one needs to know what you will find."

"Any more business to come before this court? If not I will declare it closed." said the judge rapping his gavel.



Next: Chapter 4

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