Once in a Lifetime

By moc.loa@dikaisknaB

Published on Nov 27, 1999


Hello again! If stories involving gay teens getting it on, and homosexual romantic relationships is illegal or offensive to you in anyway, leave...this may contain graphic depictions or situations which some people may not enjoy...but for the rest of you....ENJOY!!!!!=)

Once In A Lifetime : Chapter 2 Learning to Grow By Ian

While I was lying there in Brian's arms, I didn't want to move. I didn't want to lose the feeling of enchantment that I was feeling. It was as if I was a little child waking up on Christmas morning and having it snow for the first time...The feeling was refreshing like everything around me had melted away.

Well, the hours passed and it was time for Brian to leave, before my parents got home. Oh well, I was satisfied, I knew there was a lot to learn, and I didn't want to rush things. I didn't want it to end up like a song on the radio that you love when you first hear it, you love it, then they overplay it and three months later you hate it...With Brian, I wanted it to be for keeps. Have you ever seen Ally McBeal? I wanted him to end up like a song that would define me, a theme song in a way, something I could never get sick of. That would inspire me when I was lost and push me when I was lazy...I saw all that in Brian. I wanted to play for keeps, but of course I had to think.

Brian exited my home, and I waved goodbye as he got into his VW Bug and sped away. I stood at the door with the night air filtering through my body, I just had to take a step back to think about everything that had happened that day. A day that started out as a potential suicide encounter, turned into a new beginning. After the thoughts sunk in, I was overwhelmed with this feeling of bliss...I spontaneously started jumping up and down screaming. I ran back into my room and jumped onto my bed and laid there just to think of what had happened.

I had exchanged phone numbers with Brian, and I knew his work schedule. Our relationship had just begun and I didn't want to blow it. I thought over everything Brian had told me about himself, so I could give him a profile in my mind...Just the mere thought of him brought a smile to my face. He told me all about himself. He was born in LA and moved here when he was 8, he dropped out of highschool last year because of the pressure from his parents. He was now working full time at the Neiman Marcus in the mall. He wanted to go back to school, but he never had any friends, he was always studying and he never had any direction of what he wanted to do for a career. He was interested in music and art, but never got the opportunity to explore it, his parents wanted him to be some sort of scientist. He said to me, "I was always the good kid in school, got all the good grades, knew everything there is to know, but I was so busy living up to the expectations of my parents, that I neglected my own dreams...and I spent so many years following everyone elses, now it's my turn." I respected his decision, and I know that he was smart, he was an intelligent guy.

I decided that night that tomorrow I would go through a hell day at school, come home and call Brian and then plan things from there. I wanted this relationship to grow naturally, without any pressure or interferences. The last thing I need right now is the heartache of losing someone new. No this was different. I know that it can work out.

The next day I told everything to my friend and confidant Candice, I had to tell someone and she just seemed to be the perfect person. I noticed that everyone was giving me a different kind of look today, it was like I had some divine light radiating from me, was the change in me that noticeable? I hope so. The day went by as usual, I saw all the people that always make my life hell, and for once I had the courage to look them straight in the eye, and smile. It was a strange experience. The day passed by slowly, I tried not to think of Brian, but he invaded my thoughts every time I came across something beautiful. In Theatre we had to read cold off monologues, and I felt a resurgence of inner energy and every word I said flowed...I don't know what has come over me...It must be love.

The bell rang and I departed the school. Yes! I was finally free until tomorrow morning. I got home at about three. I pulled up to the driveway, and started unlocking the door when I noticed a note on the door....it read:

Tony! Hey babe, let me think. It is about 12:30...sorry about the bad handwriting but I'm in a hurry, I'm on my lunch break and decided to leave u this little note. I'm thinking of you right now! I want to talk to you, can u come to dinner tonight? I get off at 4 I can pick you up or u can meet me somewhere...Well call me sometime after 4 so we can plan it out. I have lots to tell you. Not bad, don't worry but it concerns both our futures. Hope to see you soon. Talk 2ya laterzzzz byebye ~Brian~

Ahhh how sweet of him. I was truly blessed to have such a good guy, but I had to clarify that we had to take things slowly. All of a sudden a cold sensation overcame my body....What if he doesn't want to take things slowly? What if he makes a move on me and I'm not ready? I was confused all over again. I don't want to lose him...With that I went into my room and took a nap.

Dreams came to me in my sleep, they were good. I could felt comfort, I felt protection, I felt safe and I felt loved. The feeling stayed with me until I woke up. I'm in a more tranquil state, and I wasn't as afraid to see Brian. Shit! It's a quarter to five...I better call him. As I dial the numbers, my mind floats off into space as I anticipated hearing the melodic ring to his voice. "Hello?" asked the voice on the phone. "Hello. Is Brian there?" I said impatiently "Hey limp dick it's me, I can't believe you didn't recognize my voice! Hehehe." "I'm sorry I just woke up, it takes me a little time to process things in this head of mine." He laughed some more and said "Well, I'll forgive ya this time, but you better remember! Soooo what about our date? Have you thought about it. Or did you forget that to?" "Nah" I said, "I have been looking forward to it ever since I got your note, thanks for stopping by." "No problem," he said "I have a lot to tell you, I am not going to tell you on the phone though, it's important...So what are you in the mood for Chinese? Mexican? Italian?" I just started to giggle, his voice just made me tingle inside, "Hmmmmm, I want something spicy...I don't care really though, you pick the place, and I will meet you there, I have some errands to run." "Oh really.." Brian said with suspicion in his voice... "What kind of errands?" "God quit being so fucking nosy, it's just some school shit I have to pick up for a project." "Oh wow, you can be mean, I like that...it really turns me on.." he said Right then we both just burst out in laughter. It seems that we get along really well, like best friends. That is a good sign. Relationships are best if they are well-rounded and aren't just like ...Oh that guy over there is my boyfriend... it might sound corny but it's better if you can say, he's my lover, my best friend, my heart and soul. After going to Office Max and getting poster boards and paints, I am on my way to meet my blonde date. We are going to Cozymel's I love the food, it's tasty, zesty, and exotic. It has a good atmosphere, not too loud and crazy...it's fun, but it has that air to it that you can carry out an important conversation without being distracted.

I found my angel waiting for me at a table in the corner. He was wearing a sleek black button up shirt, his hair was nicely done I would have to say in between a Ricky Martin hairdo and a George Clooney...The lamp over the table illuminated and accentuated his green eyes making them glow. It was nice, I nearly forgot what I was doing. When I sat down, I sat across from him, so I could look into his face. God was he beautiful, just the thought that he was mine made my heart jump. He was wearing the new Versus cologne, I recognize the smell because I buy all those fashion mags and they have samples of it. He looked me over carefully, and smiled. I was wearing a white semi-transparent shirt with the first three buttons undone, with a white tanktop underneath. I can tell he is pleased with the way I look, I was glad...relieved, that I fit his standards. Then he spoke

"Oh Tony, you look so delicious tonight, lets forget dinner, and maybe I can eat you."

"Hahaha," I said... "Where do you get all these cheesy pickup lines? And anyways, it is my expression to call people delicious." He looked at me again and winked and said, "Don't you know? We have known each other for more than 24hours!?" I thought and looked at my watch and said, "Wow you do remember things don't you?" "Oh not really, only the important things.." he blushed "Well what were you going to tell me that is important?" I asked "Oh let me think...I don't know how to put it. I love you with all my heart. You know that right?" Oh God here is coming the let down..He's gonna tell me something bad. "Yah," I said cautiously "Well I don't want you to think I don't want to be with you, I do, every hour of every day, but in that time, I don't want to fuck around the whole time...You know? You mean a lot to me, there is so much time ahead of us, I want to explore everything with you, I want to experience and feel every emotion, do you understand what I'm saying?" "You don't want to have sex" I answered "Well not exactly, I do, eventually, actually right now, but the time is not right...What I am trying to say is I don't want to rush, I want us to take things slowly so we can enjoy everything and build memories, not just frantically fuck each other like bunnies...Even though that would be nice" he grinned. I said, "You know that is perfect, I don't want to rush into things either, we need to learn to grow together, and learn about ourselves, before we head off doing each other." "Absolutely" he said with assurance "Well that is fine with me..." I said....I thought to myself, Look how lucky I am, to have him. He said exactly what I was going to tell him without having me say a word...And I was nervous! What the fuck for, I should have realized that he would feel the same way.

Over eating we learned more about each other. Brian hates carrots. We talked about our families. I could tell that he was somewhat uncomfortable talking about his. After listening to his story I could understand why. His Mom and Dad got divorced when he was 4 but got back together again and have been bickering ever since. His Dad is an alcoholic and works the graveyard shift and is always grumpy, as a child Brian was battered. When he was telling his horrendous tales of terror I wanted to cry...How dare anyone ever touch my baby! Just to imagine bruises on his heavenly face brought tears to my eyes. Soon we were both sitting there with tears streaming down our faces and right then and there he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I was surprised but I didn't jerk back, it felt natural. With all my other boyfriends they had this strict code of no PDA (stands for Public Display of Affection) I always went along with it but never knew why...I know that some people HATE and despise gays, especially gays in love, I have experienced this first hand, so I do know what can happen...OUCH! But honestly, right then his kiss was like a purifying water that washed all that away and made me a new person. I always wanted to hold hands with my ex boyfriends but they refused. I don't consider affection to be shoving my sexuality down anyone's throat, I am just holding onto my man, not making a display. I am glad that Brian agreed with me on the issue. We talked and talked, and soon I had to go home. After hearing about my conservative parents he was reluctant to come with me to help me with my project but he came anyways. I assured him that I would just tell them he was my "best friend" not because I was ashamed of him, but because they would forbid me to see him if they knew the truth. They know I am gay, they have kind of accepted it, but do not like the fact. So right now is not the time to bring a boy home! Finally at my house I said hi to my parents and quickly took Brian to my room.

"Tony, I forgot to tell you that you have a cool room." Brian said "Thanks" I said while I searched through cds...Ahh the new Savage Garden I think I'll put that one in. "Tony there is something else I need to tell you." Brian said quietly "Oh what is it?" I asked nervously "Nothing big, well not to you, but a big step for me! I have decided.....that...."Brian slowly said "Come on dude! Tell me!" I yelled "That...that....I am going to go back to school!" "What? Really? When? How? Huh!?" I said happily. I was ecstatic, I was never disturbed at the thought of him being a drop out but I thought that he would get further in life if he graduated. "Yeah babe, I realized that I know what I want, my art and music, it's what I do best, I can make it through the classes, and I know I am kinda behind but second semester is going to start out soon, and I am going to register! I don't have pressure anymore from the parents cause they realize that I can handle my life! They'll be happy that I'm going back...I've only been gone for the end of last year and first semester of this year. I can catch up cause I was in honors classes anyway...I know my dreams, I thought about it last night, after being with you, I realized that I had more to do than be a Neiman Marcus employee, even though the pay is GREAT!!!" Brian said. "I am speechless" I said. "It's great, but are you sure this is what you want, I want you to be happy, did you think this through?" I asked "Yes...all the way baby. You give me confidence, I mean, before I was afraid to be myself around people, but at work and with you, I realized that life is more than stuffy little teeny boppers at school. I can't keep on running away from it, I am going to conquer it, and the best way is to go back and finish school." He said in one breath, gasping for air. "Well I am glad you feel that way..!" I said enthusiastically Brian continued, "Tony, that's not even the best part!" "What?" I said "Well, I am going to go to YOUR school!" he exclaimed. "YESSS!!!!" I screamed "But babe are you zoned for my school?" "Hell yeah!" he said "For the last couple years I went to this magnet school for smart kids, but since I missed so much time, I want to go to a normal school. PLUS you'll be there!!!!!!!!!!" We were both almost hyperventilating now...It was unbelievable! When we finally calmed down. We started working on my project. I thanked him for helping me. It wasn't difficult, just busy work, so it was nice to have him there to help. Right then came the perfect song.... "I knew I loved you before I met you...I think I dreamed you into life..." When it started, we both looked at each other, smiled and said "This is our song." Who would have thought that Savage Garden would play such a big role in our relationship, he was listening to it when we met, I popped it in because I knew he had just bought it and liked it, and now it has become "our" song...This is too cool. Time stood still as we just glanced at each other, wrapped in the music and swimming in each others eyes. I couldn't move, my body was paralyzed, everything I was feeling was more powerful than any drug, I felt exactly how I felt in the dream, safety, protection, love...It was like a slow motion simulator, we moved in closer...like two dancers who knew the exact moves...With the look of love we embraced...Brian caressed the back of my neck with his fingers as my head was resting in his shoulder. The time passed slowly, he said my name while my mouth explored the smooth skin of his neck. The way his voice whispered "Tony...mmm" It seduced me, and made me braver to kiss him even more. Finally our mouths met, and with explosions we moved our tongues in and out rhythmically and mutually we responded to each caress, each touch, and the feelings became more and more intense. I wanted him...I could tell he wanted me...He was lying on top of me, and his pants were not thick enough to conceal the bulge that was growing and grinding into me. I responded the same way, my cock was yearning for attention, as was his, I knew what he wanted to do...The time was coming to make a decision...I rolled him over and got on top of him and started nibbling on his ear while he ran his hands over my back and grinded into me.... The door opened and my little sister came in and said "Oh shit Tony!" and quickly ran out of the room ...What was going to happen to me now?!? ******************************************************************************** I hope you liked this chapter, I am so glad that you have taken the time to write me and tell me your thoughts and ideas. I will try to get back to you if possible and as soon as possible. I never expected any response...Thank you so much for your comments and criticisms, all are taken into consideration and are greatly appreciated, this is kind of a cliff hanger...not too exciting though...Next chapter will be fun though I promise....when Brian goes back to school with Tony!!! That should cause some trouble...Oh well I won't give too much away...As always I'd love to hear what you have to say about this chapter...so email me at banksiakid@aol.com and I will be busy working on next chapter...! =) Luv ~IAN~

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