One Chance

By moc.loa@9rvulwdahS

Published on Jul 14, 1999


Hi. This is my first story about the Backstreet Boys. I'd really like some constructive criticism for it. For those of you who don't know what that means just don't bother. There's no sex in it yet, so anybody looking for a quick fix, find it somewhere else. Send comments to

This story is entirely fiction. In no way am I implying that any of the Backstreet Boys really are gay.

*note the italics is where Kevin is thinking.

One Chance by Shadowlover

**** Ch.1 ****

"Come on, Bri, let me go, please!" Nick whined.

Brian rolled his eyes. "Nick, stop whining. If you go, you're not drinking anything but coke. The last thing we need is a call from the PR saying that the morning's headline reads, "Youngest Backstreet Boy Drunk in Club."

"Bri, I won't drink. I promise." Nick looked at him with his puppy dog eyes.

"Hey, Kevin, do you think we should take a chance?" Brian asked.

The oldest Backstreet Boy sat in a chair in the corner thinking quietly to himself.

"Kev? Hey, Kev! You alive?" Kevin jumped as Brian touched his shoulder. Nick walked over to him.

"Hey, Kev, man, you ok?"

"Huh? Yeah Nick, I'm ok. Just a little tired, that's all."

Brian knelt down beside him and put his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "You know, cuz, you can tell us anything," Brian said quietly.

"I know, I'm just tired. Damn, don't worry so much guys," Kevin said and smiled.

"So, cuz, should we let Nick come to the club tonight?"

Kevin shrugged. "I don't see why not." He thinks for a second and adds in a stern voice, "As long as he doesn't drink." Nick and Brian shared a glance and started to laugh. "What? What'd I miss?"

Still laughing Brian says, "Nothing, cuz, nothing at all. Kevin gives them a puzzled look and shrugs it off.

"Hey, you party animals, let's go!" A.J. says as he busts into the room.

"Alright everybody, let's go!" Nick said excitedly.

"Howie coming, A.J.?" Kevin asked.

"No, he said he was too tired to come tonight." As A.J. looked at Kevin, Kevin could feel little jolts of electricity running down his spine.

"Aww poor Howie," Nick said sympathetically. "Oh well, let's go."

"Yeah, it's time to get me some more pussy!" A.J. shouted.

"God A.J.," Brian said, "don't you think you do enough girls as it is? I mean, come on, you do-what is it again-five girls in every town, or more if you have time? Aren't you worried about STD's? I mean the body count in movies is lower than the total number of girls you've fucked."

"Well, what can I say if they all want a piece of this," A.J. stated as he grabbed his crotch. "Besides, Bri, I use protection."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't be too surprised when you go in for a check up. Let's just go." They all filed out the door except Kevin.

"You coming, Kev?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second."

"Ok we'll wait at the elevator for you."

"Ok thanx, Nick."

"No prob," and with that Nick walked out the door.

Kevin sat down and put his face in his hands. I can't believe I'm having these thoughts...A.J....why? This can't be happening...not to me...NO! I won't think about it anymore. Kevin stood up and slammed the door on his way out.

"Kevin, finally." Brian said as Kevin walked towards them. "We thought you fell in or something."

"No, I had to find something."

"Ok let's go people. I'm not going to be 19 forever," Nick chided. The guys got in the elevator.

"I hope the fans don't mob us," A.J. said.

In the limo no one really said much of anything. A.J. had sat across from Kevin. So, Kevin spent his time looking anywhere but where A.J. was. Because of this Kevin suddenly had an acute interest in cars and street signs.

Soon they arrived at the club. They were let in immediately because of their celebrity status. Everyone ordered drink, non-alcoholic for Nick. A.J. grabbed a blond from one of the tables and started dancing with her. Kevin took his drink, and made his way to an empty table. The other guys all went and found girls to dance with. For now they thought it was best to leave Kevin to his brooding.

Meanwhile, A.J. and his girl were grinding to the song the dj was playing. A.J. had decided that she was comfortable with him and started sliding his hands all over her body. Soon he had her worked up enough so that she was moaning in his ear. She could feel his hardness pressing up against her.

A.J. kissed her neck and said, "Why don't we go somewhere else?"

"Sure," she replied, "where to handsome?"

"Your place."

"Sounds good to me."

Kevin saw A.J. and his girl grinding on the dance floor. He because jealous when A.J. started moving his hands all over her body. Kevin quickly finished up his fourth beer and ordered a fithe. He's probably going to go take that slut somewhere and fuck her silly, Kevin thought to himself. It's not fair. Why can't it be...NO, not that again. I won't think like that. It's wrong...I can't...

Kevin picked up his beer and started chugging it. The quicker Kevin chugged his beer, the quicker he became angered at the sight of A.J. and that girl grinding on the dance floor. He nearly exploded when he saw A.J. lead her off the dance floor and walk towards the door. A.J stopped and yelled something at Nick. Kevin was in A.J's peripheral vision, and A.J. saw the look on Kevin's face. A.J. shrugged it off. When he saw Nick nod, he walked out the door, plaything following close behind.

As Kevin watched A.J. walk out the door his anger melted. He took a sip of beer. Why is this happening to me? Kevin continued to sit and drink. Soon his world went black.

This is the next chapter of my story. Constructive criticism is always welcome. For those of you who don't know what that means just don't bother. Send comments to

This story is entirely fictional. . In no way am I implying that any of the Backstreet Boys really are gay.

*note-since italics doesn't carry over, people thinking will be separated by * *.

One Chance by Shadowlover

**** Ch.2 ****

Kevin awoke to a pounding headache and sunlight shining brightly in his eyes.

"Huh?" Kevin asked. He tried to sit up but quickly fell back. He groaned. "Oh God, my head hurts." Kevin decided to try slowly opening his eyes. He groaned in pain as he first opened them but quickly adjusted to the light. He lied there staring at the ceiling for a few moments. After a while, he turned his head to see where he was. He saw his bags in the corner and realized he was in his hotel room. Just then, Brian walked into the room.

"Oh hey, cuz, I didn't know you were awake," he said.

"Oh God, Brian," Kevin begged, "stop shouting."

"I'm sorry, cuz, but I'm not shouting."

Kevin pouted at this and said, "Feels like it."

"Poor Kevin," Brian said in a patronizing voice.

"If my head wasn't killing me, you'd be on the floor in pain," Kevin said smiling. Brian smiled back. "Bri, man, how did I get here?"

"Here take these," Brian said handing Kevin some Tylenol and water. "Well, you had a little too much to drink last night and me and Nick had to carry you back here."

"Oh. Thanks."

"No prob, cuz. You'd do it for one of us."

Kevin lied there quietly for a few moments letting his headache subside. When he thought that he could, he started to sit up in bed. Just then, Nick busts through the door.

"Hey, guys, we've got a big problem."

Brian quickly walked over to Nick and asked, "Why Nick? What's wrong?"

"A.J. is curled up in a ball on his floor. He's crying, and he won't tell any of us what's wrong."

Kevin shot up out of bed and bolted out the door saying, "I'll take care of it." As Kevin approached A.J's room, he could hear him sobbing. He just walked in without bothering to ask. Howie was on the floor next to A.J.

"Howie," Kevin said, "come here a sec." Howie got up and followed Kevin out the door. "How long has this been going on? When did he get back last night?"

"Whoa, whoa, Kev, slow down. We just found him. And do we ever know when A.J. gets back from one of his little escapades?" Howie asked sarcastically. "You know I've never seen a booty-hound more aggressive than him."

"That's not important right now. I'll go in and talk to him. You stay here, Howie." Kevin didn't wait for Howies answer, he just turned and walked into A.J.'s room locking the door behind him.

Inside A.J.'s room was dark. He had the curtains drawn. Kevin could hear A.J.'s sobs coming from one side of the room. After a few minutes his eyes adjusted, and he could see A.J. balled up on the floor. He walked over to A.J. and put a hand on his shoulder. A.J. jumped at Kevin's touch and shied away from him.

"A.J., come on, it's me, Kevin. What's wrong?"

When A.J. didn't answer, Kevin started to reach out to touch him again. A.J. heard Kevin move and quickly realized what he was doing. He curled up into a tighter ball, and his sobs increased.

Kevin sighed. "A.J. I don't know what's wrong with you, and I don't know what happened last night. But you've got another thing coming if you think you can get away that easily."

With that, Kevin wrapped his arms around a now panicking A.J. and pulled him into a sitting position. A.J. struggled against him for a while but soon fell exhausted on Kevin's chest. A.J. continued to cry. Kevin sat on the floor rocking A.J. in his arms and running his fingers through his hair.

"Shh A.J. Everything's going to be alright. I promise. No matter what. I'll fix it. No matter how much it costs, or what I have to do. Just please stop crying," Kevin begged.

But A.J. didn't stop crying. In fact, if anything, his sobs increased. Oh God, A.J. What did I say?

Kevin continued to rock A.J. in his arms. Soon, A.J.'s sobs quieted down. It was long before Kevin had a lapful of sleeping A.J. Kevin picked A.J. up and placed him on the bed. Kevin walked out the door where he knew Howie would still be waiting.

"Hey, Howie," Kevin said.

"Hey, Kev. How's he doing?"

"He's asleep, finally. He wouldn't stop crying. It broke my heart to hear it. And worst of all he wouldn't say anything to me."

"Wow. At least he's asleep."

"Yeah. How long was I in there?"

"Two hours."

"What? I hadn't realized I'd been in there for so long. Well, I'm going to go stay with him while he sleeps, and maybe try to sleep off this hangover."

"Yeah the guys said you got wasted. Well, have fun."

"Thanks, Howie."

Kevin closed the door and walked over to the bed. He looked at A.J. for a second and then got into bed. Kevin turned on his side and looked at A.J. wonder how he should position himself. After much debating, he finally settled on pressing his body close to A.J.'s and putting his arm around his waist. He told himself it was so A.J. wouldn't feel alone. Suddenly Kevin was very tired. The last thing he felt was the pressure of A.J.'s hand closing around his arm.

Next: Chapter 2: One Chance 3 4

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