One Little Bruise

By Phoebe Gee

Published on Dec 14, 2011


Thanks again for the loads of feedback! To answer the most frequesntly asked question: Yes, I am a woman. Soccer mom shell with a warm, goey, perverted center. HA! Happy Reading.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I reserve all rights to this story.

Chapter title: Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, it's off to school we go.

Sam suspected that Jamie might try and evade him, so he showed up at the kid's house early. He was in Jamie's driveway, leaning back against the hood of his car when a guy in a tricked out little Nissan pulled up beside him and honked. He couldn't remember the guy's name, but the man graduated a couple of years ago and played on the varsity football team. He seemed to remember the guy being a bit of a dick. Dick smirked at him and did the thug chin-tilt thing. Sam just stared at him until the man broke eye contact with him and honked again. Casey stomped out of the house, but slowed when she saw Sam. She gave him a malicious smile and slid in the car beside the ass hat. Now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure Casey and Dick graduated the same year. He watched with one eyebrow raised as the car peeled off down the road.

What the fuck was that about?

He heard the front door shut again, and there stood his Jamie boy. Sam checked his watch, and as he expected it was 7:15. The boy was trying to cut out on him. Jamie looked at him for a second, obviously weighing his options. Sam gave him his biggest shit-eating grin, and walked over to open the passenger door. The little shit's lips tightened in aggravation. He crossed the yard to the car with his angry little ass all twitchy again. This time he put his book bag on the seat between them. He buckled in, and slumped down in the seat. When Sam slid into the driver's side, he could barely see the top of the belligerent brat's head over the monstrous bag. Sam just laughed and hauled the mammoth thing over into the back.

"Aw Baby, you're so fucking cute when you're in a pissy snit." Jamie merely harrumphed, crossed his arms over his chest, and turned his sullen glare out the passenger side window. Sam took a moment to admire the turtleneck Jamie was wearing. Should he tell Jamie he could still see the hickey he'd left on that pale neck? Sam bet the reaction would be priceless. It was way too easy and fun to fuck with the kid's short temper. He smiled and decided to give it a rest... for now.

Damn, seeing his mark on Jamie made him all kinds of horny. He not only got off on other people knowing Jamie was his, but he felt he needed people to know the boy was off limits. He felt like a dog with a new bone. He figured laying his claim on Jamie with a few hickeys was a better way to mark his territory than pissing on the kid's leg. Sam snickered to himself imagining how Jamie would respond to that behavior.

When he reached the end of Jamie's street, he turned right and headed towards town instead of school. Jamie let go of his sulk long enough to ask where they were going.

"Well, since we got such an early start I thought we'd run by Mickey D's and get a biscuit." He grinned at Jamie. "On the way, you can tell me what the deal is with your sister." His grin faltered when Jamie's face went white with a little green around the edges. "What's up?"

"I was doing my best not to think about it," Jamie said, moaning. "You don't know how hard it was to make myself go to school today. She outed me to my mom last night." There was no one behind them at the stop sign, so Sam let the car idle. He reached over and grabbed Jamie's hand, squeezing slightly. Jamie looked over at him and was visibly startled, but also pleased at the gesture.

"How did that go? Did your mom freak?" Sam felt like an ass. He hadn't even thought about the consequences of Jamie's sister spotting them yesterday. All he'd considered was getting back in Jamie's pants, and what dating a guy would mean to his own personal life. If he were going to do this relationship thing, he needed to get used to taking someone else's feelings and circumstances into consideration. That would be different, but Sam was looking forward to it.

"Casey thought Mom was going to nut up on me, but Mom had already figured me out. Casey made the mistake of calling me a faggot, so Mom went after her instead." Jamie gave a little laugh like he was still surprised at how things turned out. Sam felt sudden fury at the thought of Jamie's sister calling his boy that name. Jamie didn't appear upset over last night's events, so Sam held his anger back. He wanted to get to the bottom of why Jamie didn't want to go to school today.

"If she got her ass handed to her last night, why did she seem so smug today when she saw me? And why did you try to ditch me this morning, or think about maybe ditching school altogether?" Jamie's face fell again, and he swallowed nervously.

"W... well, since Casey was so mad, she called up her little bitch friends and told them God only knows what. I'm sure she hung me out to dry, and she might have nailed you right up there with me. I'm so sorry, Sam. That's one of the reasons I tried to leave early this morning. I doubt anyone saw us together yesterday, and I thought if we avoided each other, maybe you wouldn't get caught up in the fallout. I think it's pretty much over for me no matter what. At least we're close to the end of the school year." As he spoke faster and faster Jamie's words started to run together. He appeared to get even smaller as he closed in on himself, obviously expecting Sam to lash out at him. He tried to pull his hand away, but Sam held on firmly, careful not to hurt Jamie's smaller hand.

"Listen kid..." A car honked behind them and Sam cursed, releasing Jamie's hand. He took the few remaining miles to the drive-thru to quietly collect his thoughts. He didn't look directly at Jamie, but he could see the boy huddled against the car door. He pulled up behind a carload of kids from their school giving their order.

"Jamie, I don't give a fuck about what anybody at school has to say about us. I want people to know that you're my boyfriend." There his boy went, doing his large-mouth bass impersonation again. Sam took advantage of Jamie's gaping mouth to go in for a deep kiss. The kid was pressed up against the door with the vast expanse of the bench seat between them, so Sam pushed his hand against the steering wheel to get closer. He accidentally hit the horn, but thought nothing of it as he rolled his tongue around Jamie's unable to get enough of his sweet taste. Jamie leaned up into him and grabbed two fistfuls of Sam's shirt. Sam cupped the back of Jamie's head, enjoying the little moans the boy fed him, until once again, a car horn honked at them.

Sam pulled away from Jamie, expecting the drive-thru to be clear ahead of them. Instead, he found the car's occupants turned in their seats, facing them and trying to best Jamie's fish imitation. He laughed, but Jamie moaned, only just now realizing that their avid audience were kids from their school. The students may or may not have recognized Jamie, but they sure as shit knew Sam. Sam just grinned back at them and squinted his eyes, sure he could see a few camera phones pointed at Jamie and himself.

"Well Baby Boy, looks like we're off to a good start at beating your sister to the punch. The rumor mill should be running full force by the time we get to school -- with picture evidence no less. Hey, I wonder if we've already made it onto Facebook!"

"Fuck you, Sam."

Sam just laughed as he pulled up to order.

They were both silent the rest of the way to school. Jamie picked at his breakfast and seemed lost in thought. A few times, the boy opened his mouth to speak, but stopped before anything came out. Sam waited until they parked in the school lot and finished their breakfast before he spoke. They still had some time before they needed to go inside.

"You're not still worried about what people are going to say in school, are you?" Jamie stopped his fidgeting and looked at Sam quietly for a long moment.

"No. Well, yes. That's not what I was just thinking about, though." He clammed up. Sam made a 'Go on' gesture with his drink. "You say you want me to be your boyfriend and that I'm...I'm, uh, yours and all that." He blushed in embarrassment at his own words but seemed pleased by them nonetheless. He leaned a little closer to Sam and doe brown eyes met icy blue ones solemnly. "But if I am yours," Jamie whispered after a long pause, "do you even know what to do with me?"

Sam leaned in closer, grinned rather darkly and whispered right back, "I have a few ideas, yeah." Jamie sat back up quickly and scowled at him.

"Oh, the big guy's got some ideas, huh? Do you know what the hell you're doing? I could probably figure out how to give you a blow job, but I have no notion about how to do anything else. I always thought when I met someone they'd have some experience." Jamie's anger obliterated his nerves, ratcheting his voice from a whisper to a shriek in no time.

"Wait a damn minute, Jamie! I have experience!" Sam's face flushed in affront, and his voice became tight.

"Not with guys, you don't. Have you ever had anal sex with a girl?" Sam shook his head. "I bet you've never read about gay sex or looked at gay porn either, have you?" Sam shook his head again. "What about lube... and... and preparation! This," Jamie exclaimed, holding his index finger up to Sam's face, "is a helluva lot smaller than that thing you have rolled up in your pants! So, if you don't do it right, you're really going to hurt me."

Sam's eyes crossed, focusing on the little finger in front of him. He wrapped his hand around it and pushed it away from his face. Jamie shivered as Sam ran his thumb up and down the digit absently. The big man appeared to seriously consider Jamie's concerns. Jamie realized he should have known better as he watched a wicked smile bloom across Sam's face.

"Yeah, my dick is bigger than your finger, and because of that fact, you know my dick will hurt going in your ass, huh? So, I take it you've stuck your finger up your ass? You're right, Baby Boy. I am sadly lacking in this type of knowledge. Tell me, how did that work out for you?" Jamie brought his free hand up and smacked his palm into Sam's forehead...hard.

"You're about to find out how it will feel up your ass in a minute. I should use my fist instead, if I wanted to make an impression on you, you big gorilla." Jamie felt a smidgen of satisfaction when Sam's eyes rounded in surprise, then narrowed in thought. It was gratifying to turn the tables on the bulldozing jerk for a change.

"Let me get back to you on that, Jamie boy. Not the whole fist though... I don't think." Then of course, the fucker turned it all right back around again. "Seriously, you've known you were gay for a while, right? Haven't you ever looked up shit online or watched porn? You can just give me the basics, and I'll figure it out." Sam looked eager to do just that, too.

"Sam, you've never met my mom. She's fearsome. We have one computer in the house and Mom has some sort of spy thing on it. My sister looked up porn on it once and only once. When Mom got a hold of her it was brutal." Jamie shuddered at the memory. "I'm just glad Casey had the balls to try it before me. What I do know about anal sex, I got from vague references on movies and cable TV shows. You're going to have to look all this shit up on your own. You say I'm yours, and I expected someone who'd know how to handle me." Jamie looked at his watch, cursed, and tried to scramble out of the car.

"But-" Sam protested, reaching to grasp his arm.

"No buts," Jamie said, interrupting Sam. He leaned back in, looked around, then gave Sam a furtive peck on the lips. "Man up, big guy. Do some homework and figure out how to give me what I need." He let his voice drop and get huskier. "What we both need. If I'm impressed with what you find out and if you can get us somewhere we won't be interrupted again, I'll give that blow job a try." He grinned like a baby-faced imp, slipped out of the car and opened the back door to get his bag. He slung it over his shoulder with a grunt, pausing to regard the school. He looked like he was going into battle and wasn't sure he was going to make it out alive. He heaved a tremendous sigh. "Well, here goes nothing."

Jamie left Sam sprawled there, dumfounded, still leaning across the seat with his arm outstretched. Fuck him running, he'd known the shy boy could be a hellion when pissed, but when did he morph into a demanding sex kitten? Hot damn, every time he thought he had the boy figured out, Jamie surprised him. This just got better and better! Sam laughed and thumped his crotch to get his erection to go down. He couldn't wait until school ended for the day, so he could get home and hit the net. He had a blow job to earn. He reached down and thumped again.


Jamie watched his feet as he walked to his locker. His first plan of defense was total avoidance. He hated fighting. His mom made sure he could defend himself, so physical confrontations did not scare him. He just didn't want the drama of any ugly scenes. He'd managed to fly under the radar of bullies for the near whole of his high school years. He'd hate to have that come to an end. So far he'd made it through the first period. He slid in late and bolted as soon as the bell rang at the end of class.

When he got to his locker, there was already a pair of legs occupying the area in front of it. He tensed, then slumped with a relieved sigh when he recognized Trey's graffitied Converse. He raised his head to face his friend. Trey eyed Jamie for a second, then looked down at his cell phone screen, lifted his head back up, and reached to touch the collar of Jamie's turtleneck. Looking back down at his phone, Trey nodded, then looked up again to smirk at Jamie.

"You, little dude, have been holding out on me. You forgot to add yesterday that you hooked up with 'Mr. Big and Burly' Bricker."

"Oh, fuck, our pic is already on Facebook! I didn't tell you because it's a recent development." He shouldered Trey out of the way and rifled through his locker for the books he needed. "I hate the web."

"We just talked yesterday Bud, how recent can it be? Oh yeah, and you made it onto Facebook via a YouTube video...not a pic." Trey's voice held sympathy, liberally laced with humor. He thrust his phone in between Jamie and the contents of the locker.

Jamie was treated to a miniature movie of the kiss from this morning. They missed the beginning of it, but managed to catch the action right before Jamie tried to climb up Sam's shirt like a horny spider monkey. Unless you knew him well, it was hard to make out Jamie's features due to his small stature, but Sam's massive ass was unmistakable. The clip ended with Sam's shark-like grin at the camera, along with Jamie's horrified stare. You could hear giggles from the girls in the car.

"Our, um, relationship began yesterday after school. That's why I didn't tell you." He reached up and started the video again. It was like watching a train wreck, except watching train wrecks didn't give him semi hard-ons. Damn, Sam could kiss. "Oh God, how did it get to you, Trey?"

"Tonia and her friend that I mentioned yesterday. She's disappointed to find out you're gay, but she and Tonia both agreed the kiss was hot. I'm not into guys myself, but even I have to admit that's a steamy clip. You and the jock have some major chemistry going on, eh?" Trey's voice had lost all trace of sympathy and was now full of light teasing.

"But they both go to a different school than this one! This has already hit two schools, and it's only second period? Oh shit, what if it gets to my mom? She's pissed about what we did in the driveway, but if she sees this I am going to be nothing but a memory." He pushed Trey's hand to the side so that he could shut his locker and beat his head against it.

"What happened in the driveway, man?" Trey laughed. Jamie ignored him, turning to walk away, only to be blocked by a big chest. He stepped back and looked up into the sneering face of Bart Sloan. Jamie had seen him before, hanging out with Casey's boyfriend. Bart was on the football team, but never made it off the bench much. He was stocky and not in particularly good condition.

"Look boys, it's the little cocksucker. He's moved from jocks to freaks. I wonder if he gives straight guys blow jobs or just other little faggots?"

"And so it begins," Jamie muttered. He eyed the burly guy, working out in his mind how to take Bart down if he couldn't talk himself out of the situation. He was grateful for all the years studying karate and the many hours spent sparring with his mom. He tried unobtrusively to loosen his stance in case he needed to move quickly.

"Faggot is not a nice word, Bartholomew. Do you kiss your mommy with that mouth?" Trey drawled. Everyone knew Bart hated the use of his entire first name. Trey stepped up closer to Jamie's back, showing his support.

"You don't have to get involved, Trey. I'm not scared of this big dumb fuck." Jamie spoke calmly, never taking his eyes off Bart. That wasn't the best thing to say if he wanted to talk his way out of this. Maybe if he took this guy down without taking too much damage it would give any other bullies pause. He wished Trey would back off. Trey was taller than Bart but built a lot thinner. He didn't know if Trey could fight or what kind of muscle tone there was under the baggy black clothing the guy wore all the time.

"Fuck you both." The big oaf's face twisted into a hateful snarl, the expression making him look more like a rabid dog every second.

"It's a rude name whether someone's gay or not and I want an apology from him, Jamie. One for you and one for me. I bet Sam wants one, too. Don't you, Sam?" As Trey finished speaking, Jamie saw a large hand land on Bart's shoulder.

"Yeah, Trey, I sure would." Though Sam's words were pleasant enough, his voice had steel in it. The late bell rang, but the small crowd gathered around them never moved. "We're not faggots. We're...what are we, Jamie?" He stepped around from behind Bart, maintaining his grip on the other man's shoulder. Judging by the look on Bart's face, Sam's fingers were digging in brutally.

"Trey's straight, I'm gay, and you're perpetually horny, Sam," Jamie said without missing a beat. Some of the crowd tittered while a few laughed outright.

"I'm going to have to disagree, Jamie. You're my boyfriend, so I'm thinking that means I'm gay, too." Sam stared steadily into Jamie's eyes. His declaration forced an embarrassed and uneasy silence over the crowd that made everybody uncomfortable. Jamie felt his heart lurch.

"Jamie, Trey, you should both be in my class by now. The rest of you need to proceed to your classrooms." Mrs. Hampton's voice cut through the silence and got everybody moving. Sam led Bart away while whispering in his ear. Whatever he was saying had the other guy a bit pale. Sam winked at Jamie as they passed each other heading in opposite directions.

Jamie walked in behind Trey, quickly taking his seat. Mrs. Hampton gave them both a hard stare, but luckily said nothing about the scene in the hall.

"Good morning, class." Mrs. Hampton rapped her knuckles on her desk to bring the room's attention to the front. "Today we will be focusing on your projects. You may come to me with any problems you have or you may work with your partner quietly to fine tune what should be a nearly completed project. Some of you may use this time to pull something together frantically at the last minute as is your usual M.O."

"How do you think Bart got blow jobs out of that video, or is he just stupid as fuck?" Trey whispered as he swung his desk around to face Jamie's.

"He probably hasn't even seen the video yet," Jamie said, also whispering. "He's one of my sister's boyfriend's flunkies, so I am sure he heard it from them." He gave Trey a quick and quiet recap of yesterday's events, without going into graphic detail about what happened in Sam's car.

"I'm glad it worked out between you and your mom, but your sister needs a good old-fashioned ass tanning." Jamie laughed, but Trey was dead serious. Jamie decided he should keep some major distance between Trey and his sister...or maybe not.

Next: Chapter 5

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