Open Wounds

By Alec Tyler

Published on Aug 30, 2011


This story is a work of fiction. This story contains will at some point contain sexual contact between two underage males, if this material is illegal to read then please hit the back button now. Everything in this story is made up, the names and people are created by the author: Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else, now that is out of the way please feel free to email me.

*** We're passing the time By breaking apart We're damned at the end And we're damned at the start Blame it on the roses Blame it on the red We're running out of time And I'm running out of breath ***

Chapter 4 - From bad to worse

Nothing in the world is more terrifying than a mother's fury especially if it's over one of their young being hurt. It's a force not to be reckoned with, mothers are capable of anything in order to keep their children safe.

Sam didn't know what had been worse, stuck in a ring of teenagers and forced to fight someone he had no chance of beating or coming home and seeing the reaction of his mother over his eye. Rebecca went ballistic, he could only stand still as she inspected it. He could barely see through it and even then it was just a bit of light he could see, it hurt like hell but he wasn't going to let his mother or Jake know that.

Sam knew that his mother and Jake were worrying enough, Jake's face was so full of concern and pain, and it made Sam's heart ache. Sam had hurt Jake so much and yet Jake still cared for him. His thoughts of how much pain he was causing were interrupted when his mother started yanking on his t-shirt.

"What are you doing mom?" Sam asked, trying to resist as much as he could.

"Did the boy have a knife" Rebecca, scaring Sam just a little.

"No mom, there was no knife just his fists, why?" Sam inquired, afraid of the answer.

"You're bleeding" She said

Sam couldn't feel himself bleeding, not even a sting from a wound. He saw the stain on his shirt and pulled off it off but still no sign of a wound. But he did see the blood on the floor, little droplets.

"It's not me, I'm not the one bleeding mom...." He said as his good eye quickly met Jake's eyes, they confirmed what he was afraid of, it was Jake's blood. "...Jake you're bleeding."

"Yeah, I ripped my stitches fighting Zachary" Jake stated.

Like the mother hen that she was, Rebecca was over inspecting Jake in an instant. His bandage was soaked with blood and leaking a little. She put his shirt back down and went and grabbed her car keys and her purse. Rebecca ushered Sam and Jake out to the car.

Sam was a bit worried, his mother hadn't really said much since looking over Jake. He was afraid to think it was that bad. The ride was in silence, Sam turned around in the front seat a few times to check on Jake in the back but Jake just stared out the window.

Sam blamed himself, if it wasn't for him then Jake wouldn't have ripped his stitches. Sam knew that Jake had been hurt and he assumed it was cause of Jake's father but he figured bruises not wounds. What had Jake's father done to him Sam couldn't understand.

*** When Sam had went over the other day to look for Jake and ran into the man, he was totally surprised. Jake didn't talk about his father much but Sam gathered from what Jake did say that the man was hard to get along with, it was worse than that the man was a drunk and a very violent drunk at that Sam had saw.

Jake's father, Mr. Keller, opened the door in just a bathrobe and reeking of alcohol and looked like he hadn't showered in a while. The mention of Jake's name had set the man of on a rampage, he started yelling and screaming that Jake wasn't his son. He slammed the door in Sam's face.

Sam started to walk back to Mark's car when the door flew open and stuff came flying out. Clothes, cds, books, it seemed everything that was Jake's was being thrown out onto the lawn. Sam turned around and started gathering up the stuff, Mark got out of the car and helped. Sam saw a cd he had given Jake, it was one of Jake's favourites, near the front door, he bent down to pick it up. The next thing he saw was a blur then the feeling he was falling. He lay on the path with his hand over his right eye. Standing in the doorway was Mr. Keller again, he had kicked Sam in the eye.

"I don't want no faggots on my doorstep" Mr. Keller yelled then slammed the door.

Sam slowly raised his head and was hit with a dizzy spell. Mark rushed over and helped him to his feet slowly. They carried what they had in their hands back to the car, then Sam turned and was determined to get that cd he had missed. Mark tried to tell him not to but he refused to leave it.

Mark started the car and sat and watched Sam run up to the door and grab the cd and run back to the car. They hurried away before Jake's father could come out again. *** The car came to a stop and it snapped Sam out of his thoughts, he looked out the window and saw that they had made it to the hospital. Rebecca shut off the car and got out and the boys followed, Sam refusing any help.

They followed Rebecca to the ER doors and entered right behind her. Sam and Jake went straight to the line up for the triage nurse. There were a few people in front of them but not too many.

"You go first that eye looks real bad" Jake said

There was no way in hell that Sam would go before Jake, he needed to be seen first, screw the eye, he'd rather go blind in one eye then see Jake in pain one second longer than he had to be.

"No" was all Sam said.

"Bu-" Jake tried to reply but was silenced with a look from Sam.

"Go" Sam said, the nurse was waiting for one of them to come in. Rebecca went in with Jake leaving Sam to stand alone.

Sam watched as the nurse and his mom talked, then watched as the nurse lifted Jake's shirt like his mom did earlier. The nurse let the shirt drop, got up out of her chair and walked across the hall and brought back another nurse and a wheelchair. Before Sam knew it Jake was gone, wheeled down the hall to the land of unknown.

It was Sam's turn to see the nurse, he went and sat down in the seat and answered her questions about his eye. She directed him to admittance and told him someone would be there shortly to get him so that he could get his eye examined.

Sam waited in the waiting room until someone called out his name, he followed her like she told him. The nurse took him into another waiting room, this time it was smaller and the wait didn't seem to be as long. Another nurse came along and got him into an examine room and handed him a gown and asked him to change into it then left.

Soon a doctor arrived and introduced himself then got down to work examining his eye and the bruising around it. The doctor hummed and hawed then asked a bunch of questions. The doctor talked to the nurse quietly then the next thing he knew he was being wheeled away towards Ophthalmology in a wheelchair.

The volunteer pushing his chair explained that Ophthalmology was the area where they dealt with eye injuries, infections and such. The hallways were like a maze, Sam was glad he had his guide, he would have been lost in mere seconds. The volunteer parked him in the hall beside the nurses' station and went and let them know that Sam had arrived. A nurse came out and wheeled him over to an exam room. Her smile was infectious and soon had Sam smiling. She asked him if he could get on the exam table so they could see his eye better and watched and waited to see if he needed help of any kind. With him on the table she left and it only seemed seconds later when another lady came in and then introduced herself as the doctor.

The doctor used a pen light to examine the eye which made Sam wince in pain. The doctor didn't see any fluid in the eye which was a good sign.

"Is it really sensitive to the light" She asked.

"Yes, very" Sam answered

She began scribbling on his chart then pulled a pad out of her pocket and wrote on that too.

"Okay I believe it's a traumatic iritis and the topical steroids that I'm prescribing you will help decrease the inflammation and I'm also prescribing something called Cyclogyl. You will have to use Cyclogyl twice a day, it'll make it so your eye isn't as sensitive to the light." She stated

"Thanks" Sam replied.

"I'm going to put some Cycogyl in your eye now so the pain becomes a little more bearable." She explained

She pulled out a bottle out of a drawer and an eye dropper and got Sam to lean back. She dropped a drop into his eye and immediately his eye tried to rapidly blink. It hurt and he went to rub it when the doctor stopped him.

"Rubbing it won't make it better, it might irate it more. The pain should disappear in a second." She said.

The pain from the light was slowly fading. Sam thanked as the doctor discharged him then she left. The volunteer came back and into the room and waited until he got into the chair then wheeled him back to the lobby.

Sam sat and waited in the lobby for a while, he had no way to find his mother or Jake. He only hoped that Jake was okay. It was because of him that Jake ripped his stitches. Jake had to defend him because Sam was a stupid idiot and got caught, it was supposed to be Sam that paid the consequences not Jake.

He just sat there alone, staring ahead blankly. Time escaped his grasp, he had no way of knowing how long he sat there, thinking and beating himself up. The guilt was gnawing at him, he didn't have a clue how to make it right, if he could.

Finally he was knocked out of his thoughts by his mother calling his name.

"Sam...Sam!" Rebecca said.

He blinked, escaping from the moment, he realized it was his mother's voice. He stood from the chair and looked in her direction. His mother stood looking at him with Jake in a wheelchair. A volunteer was just putting on the brakes on the chair so that Jake could stand. It helped relieve some of the guilt inside of him to see that Jake was okay.

"Let's go, time to go home" Rebecca said

The volunteer helped Jake stand up then took the brakes off and hurried away with the wheelchair. Sam passed over his prescriptions to his mother. They walked out to the parking lot and over to the car. Rebecca helped Jake get into the backseat while Sam just silently stood there watching. Jake was afraid whatever he did to help would do more harm than help.

"Do you need me to pick up your prescriptions right away or did they give you something to help for tonight?" Rebecca asked staring right at him from across the car.

He blinked and realized that Jake was in the car and his mother was trying to talk to him.

"Um yeah they gave me drops so my eye isn't as sensitive to the light" He told her as he opened the passenger door and got in, his mother got in the driver's door and started the car. She pulled out of the hospital and was home before they knew it.

Rebecca got out and helped Jake out of the back while Sam got the front door for them. Jake had yet to say a word, it was starting to get to Sam. The guilt was eating at him, Sam just didn't know how to apologize and make it right with Jake. Nothing seemed adequate and a simple 'I'm sorry' just seemed lousy. Sam went to his room without a word, shut the door and turned on some music. He didn't bother taking his clothes off, he just laid down and let the tears rain down his face. The pain from his eye was horrible but the excruciating pain coming from his heart hurt far more.

Jake didn't get much rest, the silence between Sam and him was killing him. His worry grew when Sam went straight to his room last night without a word. Jake didn't blame Sam, it was Jake's decision. He was the one that decided to step in and to defend Sam.

He did wonder if maybe that's why Sam was upset, Jake fought Sam's fight for him. Jake was determined to talk to Sam that morning and set things right. The silence was terrible, he had no way of knowing exactly what wrong.

He saw the change in Sam last night in the ER lobby, Rebecca had to yell to get Sam's attention. Something was bothering Sam and Jake wanted to figure out exactly what it was.

Jake got up and headed to the bathroom with a pair of clean boxers and a clean t-shirt. He relieved his morning bladder then jumped into the shower. It stung a little to get the bandage wet but when he got out he quickly dried off and replaced the wet bandage with a fresh one.

He went back to his room and found some clean pants and put them on then made his way to the kitchen. There was no sign of Sam except for a dirty bowl sitting in the sink, which also meant that he was already up. Jake poured himself a bowl of cereal and went and sat at the table and ate. He finished up by tilting the bowl and draining it of the milk then went and rinsed it out and placed it beside Sam's in the sink.

He grabbed his pills and a glass of water and down them both quickly. Jake decided to go and knock on Sam's door but received no answer.

"Sam" Jake called out and knocked again but again was greeted with silence.

He gave up and went and gathered his stuff for school and made sure he had everything before he left. He did notice that Sam's car was still in the driveway, the walk was nice, it was only a few blocks to the school. He made it in good time, he had about ten minutes before the bell so he went to his locker and exchanged the books in his bag for the ones he needed for his first class. He closed the locker door and made his way to his first period.

After the morning announcements, the class flew by. The same happened during second period and before Jake knew it, it was lunch time.

Unlike most of the kids, the cafeteria wasn't for him, he chose to sit by his locker. He was just finishing up the lunch he had bought with him from home when he saw Alexei walking toward his direction. He gave a wave and Alexei waved back. They were finally within talking range.

"Hey Alexei, how'd your morning go?" Jake asked

Alexei came and sat right beside Jake before answering.

"Pretty good, haven't received any homework yet" He said with a smile.

"Mr. Renkin actually ran out in the middle of class. His wife was in labour, didn't even find someone to 'watch' us, just bolted out the door like a mad dog" he continued

They shared a laugh about Mr. Renkin and the mental picture that Alexei had drawn.

"Have you run anymore poor people over yet?" Jake asked

Alexei laughed again and shook his head.

"Nope haven't found any worthy victims, still haven't seen the other guy around since we ran into each other." Alexei said

"Probably scared that you might run him over again" Jake teased

"Oh is that why I found you already on your ass" Alexei taunted back

Jake gave Alexei a playful shove and laughed.

"Did you want to come over tonight?" Jake asked

Rebecca had given him free rein to treat his home like his own, he was allowed to have friends over if he wanted, if was something he wasn't used to. He was always going over to his friends' houses, it was actually nice and also exciting to invite someone back to the house for a change. Before he never wanted to invite them over because he was afraid of what they'd think of his father or what his father might do.

"Yeah sure" Alexei answered happily.

The warning bell sounded, it gave the boys five minutes to make it to class before they were late. Alexei stood and watched as Jake tried to be as careful as he could to get up. Jake wasn't careful enough, a shot of pain burned through him and Alexei saw.

"Are you okay?" Alexei asked, knowing already the answer.

Jake finally stood up straight and opened his locker and grabbed a pain pill from his bag.

"Yeah just a little sore, I have a small pain in my side, the doc just said to take it easy and take a pill if it got really uncomfortable." Jake replied.

That had Alexei curious but he remained silent. Jake pulled out a piece of paper from one of his binders and wrote down the address and phone number for Alexei.

The quickly agreed upon a time then separated and made haste to their classes.

All through his third period, all Jake could think about was that night. He didn't even hear the teacher call on him to answer a question. Matt, the guy that sat behind him had to poke him to get his attention. Matt quietly whispered the answer to him and he said it and it was the right answer. He thanks him before slipping back into his own little world. The bell ringing, ending the period finally knocked him back to reality. He gathered his books and followed the rest of the class out the door.

Jake made it to his last class and was the first one there, he walked to the back and took his seat. Soon the class was filling up and buzzing with activity. Unlike the other classes, the last seemed to drag on. Jake couldn't stop himself from stealing glimpses of the clock every thirty seconds.

The pain in his side was also slowly returning and he had left his pills up in his locker and were no help up there. Jake had this nervous feeling growing in the pit of his stomach, Alexei was going to ask questions and he'd meet Sam. So many thoughts and a few fears went through his mind.

Finally five minutes had passed, he only had ten more to go till the end of the day. Those ten seemed to drag on even longer than the first five minutes had. Soon he was down to the last two minutes, the clock was driving him nuts. He just wanted the bell to hurry up and ring.

Jake wished he had remembered a book or some cards, something to have helped past the time. Just as the bell rang, Jake shot up as fast as he could without causing himself pain and hurried out the door, he quickly made it to his locker and threw his books in and grabbed a pain pill and took it. He gathered the books he needed for that night and then closed up his locker.

He made his way down the hallway, no yelling today which was a relief. The journey home was just as quiet as the walk that morning.

Sam's car was still in the driveway, it appeared to not have been moved. Jake went inside and dropped his stuff off in his room. He then went to the kitchen and grabbed a drink of water and saw that there were more dishes in the sink. It confirmed to Jake that Sam hadn't gone to school. He was worried about Sam. The silence yesterday and then today missing a whole day of school scared Jake. They really needed to talk, Jake was starting to think it was really his fault. They needed to clear the air and get through it, ignoring it wasn't going to help.

Jake was standing in front of Sam's door ready to knock, when a knock at the front door stopped him. Jake went and answered it, knowing already who it was. He found Alexei standing there on the door step.

"Hey" Jake greeted

"Hi" Alexei replied

Jake opened the door wider and invited Alexei in.

"Come in" Jake gestured inward.

Jake took him to the kitchen and played the perfect host.

"Do you want anything to drink? There's water, juice and I believe there's some cola too" Jake stated

"Whatever you're having is fine with me" Alexei answered

"Is someone here?" a voice said from the door way

Drinks forgotten, Jake and Alexei turned toward the door way.

"You" Sam and Alexei said at the same time.

"Me?" They both replied.

Jake was standing back and watching them with amusement.

"Can one of you fill me in?" Jake asked.

"He ran me over" They both answered at the same time again.

At that point Jake couldn't control his laughter, they were too much. Soon the pain replaced the laughter. Jake must have made a sound because both sets of eyes were glued to him.

"Are you okay?" Alexei asked

"Yep just hurts to laugh sometimes" Jake said, hiding behind a smile.

Sam walked over to them and looked Jake over without a word.

"Did you two get in a fight?" Alexei asked and he turned and looked at Sam's eye.

"My brother was yapping about one yesterday, did you guys get involved or something?" he continued, as he looked back and forth between Jake and Sam, seeing something that most didn't.

Maybe it was the tone Alexei used when he said brother or maybe just a gut feeling but he had a feeling they weren't close.

"Sam was, he was the main attraction when I got there" Jake said

Sam gave Jake a look that said 'Really?' all over it. Jake bit back a smile, he missed those looks.

"You're him?!" Alexei asked "So that must mean that Jake was the one responsible for cleaning Zach's clock?"

"You know Zach!" Jake and Sam asked.

Alexei groaned. "Know him, I live with him, he's my half brother"


Hey guys, thanks for the emails, I do appreciate them all :) I think if Jordan wasn't always nagging I'd still be sitting on my couch writing this chapter and now he's nagging for a chapter from another story I've been working on lol

So the next chapter for OW will be a bit, im gonna write the other chapter then come back and write OW ch 5 :) hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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