Opposites Do Attract

By natalia velazquez

Published on May 30, 2011



Opposites do attract

By Natalia

This story is 100% fiction please do not post this story on any other website without my permission please and don't judge my story to hard it's my first writing one

Thank you and please email me your thoughts on it to Natalia_velazquez95@yahoo.com

Chapter one

~ Aleczander ~

The sound of my sister yelling my name, and opening my room door and turning on my lights; caused me to wake up and lift my head from the pillow to see her looking in the mirror, As she put her earrings on.

"Hey get up" she said glancing at me from the corner of her eyes and then back at the mirror. "you don't want to be late for your first day, do you?"

"Of course not" I said sarcastically.

Taking a deep breath, as I climbed out of bed and walked passed her and into my bathroom to do my usual morning routines and walked back out a few minutes later; to see her waiting for me.

"How do I look?" she said spinning in a circle with her best smile.

Making her long dark hair that was up in a beautiful ponytail fly up as she showed me her silky white shirt tucked in to black dress skirt with black and white dress shoes.

"Hot" I said whistling and giving her thumbs up.

"Really" she said looking at the mirror thane turned back at me

"you don't look so bad yourself, every ones going to be all over you once they see those beautiful greenish blue eyes of yours and that perfect light brown hair. You look so much like daddy."

She said giving me a smile that slowly went away, and her eyes got watery; and tears started to fall as she fell into my arm hugging me tightly. It's been four months since my father died of cancer leaving my sister as the only family I have left and my parental guardian. Which caused a lot of problems for her, but she refused to put me into foster care. She told me that she will keep us together no matter what; and 3 months later she was offered a job that paid her a really good amount of money to pay for the both of our needs. So we packed our bags and moved to the other side of the country, and we both agreed to call this a fresh start; which also meant that I would be starting a new school, and I hate being the new kid.

"Oh my, gosh Alec where going to be late change your clothes quick" she said break my train of thought pushing out of my arm, whipping her tears away and ran out the room.

I just threw on khaki cargo's and a blue shirt and my blue converses, grabbed my backpack and went down stairs taking a banana off the kitchen table, locked the door and hopped into my sisters car and she sped off. When my sister wants to get somewhere she drives like a maniac, what was supposed to be a 10 minute drive was a 5 minute one. As we pulled up to my new school parking lot she stepped on the brakes which made a loud screech noise.

"Whoops, sorry" she said as looked at me. "Well this is it, have a good day I'll pick you up at 3 o'clock"

I smiled and nodded, getting out of the car closing the door behind me and walked towards the huge high school; while making my way inside I tried looking for the main office, but soon released how short I was compared to all these giants. Then I saw an arrow and that said main office, I smiled and started to make my to it, then everyone got loud forming a big crowd and they started to cheer

"Here we go eagles here we go"

I turned to see what's going on and group of girl came running and pushed me into the big crowed of giants. Trying to catch my balance, but I it wasn't working and I fell out of the crowed and reached out and grab something to break my fall but whatever it was went down with me to the floor. Then the loud room soon got quiet, when I opened my eye to see what I grabbed, it look like a pair of pants and I swear stopped breathing as I slowly looked up to see a guy looking down at me. I froze and couldn't move or breathe.

Dad save me...please

~ date~

The smell of my mom's French toast woke me up from deep sleep, and my eyes open slowly as I glance around my poster covered wall then at the time to see it was 6 o'clock and rolled out bed. Throwing a pair of rip jeans on and a black shirt, as I stumbled my way to my bathroom; still feeling all of the after affects of the football game on Friday and today is Monday. I guess I over did, but at least I got to score the winning touchdown.

"Number 21, Date Simons catches the ball touchdown!! The lions win the game" I say as I enter my bathroom and comb my hands threw my dirty blonde hair to keep it from my face so I can wash face and brush my teeth. Then smile into the mirror to see my white teeth, after I look into my brown eyes and wink and smile.

"Your lame" a voice says behind me that made me jump away from the mirror and I turned to see my twin brother Eric shaking his brown head of hair at me.

"Don't you knock?" I said looking back the mirror.

"You're the one who left the door open idiot" he says rolling his brown eyes at me "mom says hurry up and come eat breakfast before it gets cold"

"Ok" I replied as I took a quick glance at my muscles and walked down stairs to the kitchen, and Eric follows.

"Here are my birthday boys"she says as she places two plates of French toast on the table and returns to the stove. "Do you feel better Date?"


"That's good" she said turning off the stove joining us at the table. "well eat up boys so you can have a lot of energy so you guys won't be tired on your birthday"

"Where's dad?" Eric asks and then takes a bite of his food.

"He had to leave early today, he's sorry he can't be here" she says looking at the both of us and takes a deep breath

"I remember when you guys were born 6 pound 5 ounces now your seventeen and 135 of muscles" she says pretending to whip away a tear.

Then I give the look of lets go to Eric and he nods back and we both get up.

"Time to go to school" we both say together as we grab our football jackets and walk out the door leaving our mom to walk down memory lane alone. I don't even think she notice we left; as we got into my car and drove off. Then we entered the parking lot like any other usual day, we meet up with the rest of the football team they gave me and Eric birthdays punches and hugs.

"Hey date, good job Friday" matt my best friend says as he stands next to me.

"Aw thanks, if it wasn't for" and just before I could finish there was a loud screech, which made me cover my ear.

"Wow! someone can't drive" matt laughs and everyone joins in and walks into school.

When we enter everyone cheering at us and matt screams.

"Here we go eagles here we go"

Just as I was about to start walking something bumps into me and falls to the floor pulling my pants down, the room gets quiet and I look down to see a pair of eyes looking back at me. I couldn't move his eyes had me trap.

Who is... this guy?

To be continued

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