Orientation Encounters

By James Y

Published on Aug 30, 2011


Orientation encounters Copyright 2011

This story contains stories about adult homosexual men engaging in sex acts and is intended for ADULT READERS ONLY. If you are under 18 years of age or living in a community where viweing or possessing adult material is illegal please do not read this story.

This isn't so much a story as a journal entry or a narrative of encounters (some real - some fantasy) that I felt would be hot to recount. Comments are welcome! email: tidus #eight #eight #three at gmail.com

It's the start of the school year and all of us engineering students crowd into the main lecture hall for orientation. Everyone seems to be sizing each other up and I'm impressed at the number of nice guys around. I don't really know anyone yet so I'm looking forward to meeting other students and building a group of friends. At 23 my confidence level is pretty good. I'd lost all of my baby fat which remained with me all through high school making me really chubby. I'm now 5'-9" 145lbs of toned lean muscle.

My mom is from Hong Kong and she married my dad who is an Irishman that went over to work from the UK. The family decided to move to Toronto when I was 5 to settle into a less hectic life style.

I have my mom's black hair and my dad's green eyes. My skin is that shade of warm white that so many Asian hybrids have. My nose is slightly broad with a higher bridge...overall i'm proud of my looks because I feel like I've got the best of both my mom and dad.

They knew I was gay after high school when I got a job as a server at one of those chain restaurants and boys started noticing me and asking me out. The summer I turned 21 there was a continuous parade of cute boys coming through the house and never any girls so they posed the question one day and I confirmed their suspicions.

In high school I was too shy and chubby to do anything but study, play video games and maybe ride my bike to the store or the mall. My best friend Thomas is straight and we'd known each other so long I never had any thoughts about him because we were like brothers. Most of the guys I seemed to be attracted to were the teachers like Mr. Grant the Phys. Ed. Teacher or Mr. Simon our Biology teacher.

But back to present day - I noticed a lot of cute guys around but I have a particular weakness for guys with dark features. Greek, Persian, Italian anything from the middle east really. I really like all different guys but those are the ones that make me most horny.

Imagine my luck when I look up and a 6'-2" tall handsome Arabic stud takes the seat next to mine. As the prof starts his introductory remarks I look down at my seat neighbor's papers and see that his name is Janan. He catches me looking and we make eye contact. He gives me a friendly masculine nod with a hint of a smirk.

I nod back and flush a little. The lecture is short and we all break for the day. As we file out Janan turns to me and says, " I didn't catch your name."

"Peter", I say. Trying to keep it cool but slightly flustered. I can smell his fresh citrus cologne mixed with his own musk and body odor. It is intoxicatingly masculine.

He holds a hand out and I shake it. After we exit the lecture hall he pulls out his class schedule and asks to compare it with mine. We have 5 classes together.

Janan suggests we hang out for the rest of the day, have lunch and explore the campus. I accept his invite trying to keep it cool and not sound to eager.

We buy some sandwiches and sit out in the sunny courtyard. We have the rest of the day to ourselves. Janan gets to talking about his background. He was born in Toronto but his parents were refugees from Iraq. He is 28 and getting his second degree after getting his MBA.

I was really impressed. He seemed really clever and I'm giggling from his flirting. We finish and spend the next couple hours walking around campus so we can find our way around. After we were satisfied and feel confident we can get to our classes Janan asks if I want to hang out at his place which is a couple blocks off campus.

I don't have any plans so I accept his invitation and we head off to his place. We arrive at a nice big character home that has been converted to three apartments. We head up the side steps and Janan shows me into a small 1 bedroom suite that is tidy and cozy.

We put our bags down and I can feel his hand on my lower back as he tells me I can put my shoes on the rack in the hall closet. The place is air conditioned so it's cool. Even thought it's September - summer is still sticking around and it's a good 25 degrees outside.

Janan turns on some quiet music and grabs us a couple bottles of water. We sit on his sofa and he looks at me.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today. It was nice to meet a cute guy like you." he says. It's the first time since we met this morning that he's made any direct comment about my appearance.

I turn red slightly. "It's awesome to meet a handsome guy like you too", I reply.

Janan runs his hand up the side of my arm to my neck and firmly but gently pulls me in for a kiss. I'm surprised at how forward he is being all of a sudden but I go with it. He is pushing his tongue in my mouth and I suck on it. His hands run up under my t-shirt. He rubs my smooth chest and teases my sensitive nipples. I moan and he chuckles because he's already found my weakness.

I feel my jeans being opened quickly with one of his hands. He looks down at my exposed underwear with a tent and a wet spot in the front. Janan pushes me back on the sofa and gets on top of me grinding his crotch into mine while running his tongue up my neck to my earlobe.

"Uh!" I grunt as he licks my ear. He is getting more aggressive and I'm starting to feel submissive and dominated.

"You're so hot. I got so horny for you from hanging out today." he breathes in my ear.

"Oh shit." I moan. As he reaches down and rubs between my legs with my jeans still on.

Janan is wearing a button up plaid shirt and cargo shorts. I push him off me a little and he raises up on his arms enough for me to unbutton his shirt and open his shorts. I can see his hard cut cock has worked it's way out the slit in his boxers and is exposed to me when I open his shorts all the way. As I grasp his cock and rub his hairy chest with my other hand I can also smell the heavy body odor drifting up from his hairy armpits.

He sits back on his haunches and tugs my jeans and underwear off in on quick pull. My hard 7" cut penis is exposed as it flops down on my flat stomach over my small but dense black pubic bush. Janan bends down and puts his nose directly in my pubic hair and wraps his mouth around the base of my cock.

I'm stunned and really turned on at how we got here so fast. I'm self conscious as he licks up my cock and then down to my testicles towards my perineum. It's been a long day and I'm sure I don't smell totally fresh but Janan doesn't seem to mind so I let him keep going.

I open my legs and pull them back slightly bending at the knees to give him access as he rubs his mouth and nose under my balls and then sticks his tongue out to lick down my smooth taint into my anus.

I grunt and rub the back of his head as he continues to eat my asshole out for a while. By now I'm really wet down there with his spit. He rises up on his knees again and I can see his 8" erection protruding out the gaping hole of his boxers with long thick pubes spilling out all around the base of his dick. I reach down and pull his boxers out and tuck the elastic under his balls. His bush is so wide and dense that I can barely see his sac. It spreads hip to hip. Spills on to his upper thighs and connects with a thick treasure trail that goes further up and meets with the mat on his beefy pecs.

His shorts fall to mid thigh and half his hairy ass is exposed for me to fondle as he moves up and puts his cock on mine. He rubs our dicks together for a few seconds before reaching down and inserting his middle finger in my anus. I tense. I don't want to ruin the mood but I obviously haven't douched my ass.

"I'm not sure if I'm clean enough for that." I say kind of embarrassed.

"I don't care." he looks at me intensely. Almost predatorily. He takes his finger out which luckily I can see is still clean and grabs some lube from a drawer in his coffee table. He fingers my hole with one, two and three fingers as I grunt.

My t-shirt is still on and so are my socks. Aside from his open shirt with his shorts and boxers now riding down just under his ass checks Janan is also fully clothed.

He finishes lubing my ass and coats his large penis with more lube. He nudges my thighs open a bit more as he gets ready to mount me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he positions his cock at my anus.

He covers my mouth with his and his tongue enters my mouth just as the head of his penis breaches my anal ring. Janan puts the full weight of his hairy chest on mine and buries his stubbled face in my neck as he pushed his erection all the way up my hole.

"you're not wearing a condom." I stutter as be starts to pull back. He looks me in the eye and says,

"I'm totally clean but I'll pull out. I won't cum in you."

At this point I'm too horny and overly stimulated to argue but somehow I trust him. He starts pumping in and out and I can feel his chest hair rubbing my nipples.

His scent gets stronger as the sex gets more intense. The ridge of his penis is hitting my prostate with every pump and both of us are starting to sweat. Him more than me. The sour peppery smell of his armpits is overwhelming his cologne as he ruts into me harder and harder. Janan has one hand gently clasped behind my neck and the other pushing his body up slightly. I slide one hand up his side and tuck it in the fuzzy stinky warmth of his armpit and my other reaches around and grasps his furry ass cheek with my finger tips deep in this butt trench that is thick with hair.

His treasure trail has been jerking my penis the whole time. I moan and grunt urgently as I shoot my load all over our stomachs. Janan can feel my ass convulse and the wetness of my load between us and starts rutting into me faster. I'm coming down from my orgasm pretty fast and the and hard fuck along with Janan's sweat and body odor are getting to be too much.

I make eye contact with his handsome face. He swoops down again and shoves his tongue in my mouth for me to suck as he works to get himself off.

After a few more minutes Janan yanks his cock out. I can see it's streaked with shit and lube but he wraps his big hand around and jerks his cock for a few strokes. I keep my legs open and he dumps his heavy load on my bush, on my cock, balls, taint and asshole.

He bends down and gives me another sloppy kiss and pulls me up and we head for the bathroom to get cleaned up.

My legs are shaky from the hard fuck. I'm versatile in bed but when a big stud like Janan wants to take charge I have no problem letting it happen.

Janan takes some toilet paper and wipes the shit and lube off his cock and hand before climbing in the shower to wash-up. I sit down in the toilet after he is in the shower and let some of the lube and softened shit out of my ass before wiping up and joining him.

Even though it's a character home the interiors have been renovated and the washroom has a nice generous sized walk-in glass shower just enough to fit us both. As I get in he immediately takes some soap and lathers it up between my ass cheeks and all around my crotch.

"Sorry. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable" he says, while rubbing my crotch with his soapy hand. "I'm not into scat or anything, its just that you made me so horny I had to take you right then."

"It's totally cool." I smiled back. "That's the hottest sex I've had in a while."

"Did I hurt you?" he asks while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No. I can give and take. You're probably the biggest I can handle though. But you opened me up real good." I reassure him that I'm ok and we make out in the shower a little before finishing up and dying off.

We we walk back out to collect our clothes I watch his dick swing side to side from his huge pubic bush. I reach for his cock and give a playful tug and then rest my hand at the base deep in his pubic hair.

"Thanks for not being grossed out by my body hair." Janan says.

"I like natural body hair actually. But you've probably got the most I've ever seen on a guy I've had sex with." I tell him.

"Yeah, I'm lucky there isn't any on my back besides the patch that's just above my ass crack." he turns around to show me and bends over a little so I can see his hairy crevice open up a bit.

I give his ass a light smack and we both laugh as we get dressed again.

"Well I need to get home for dinner. My parents want to hear about my first day. And my dad is cooking something special." I tell him.

"Oh you still live at home?" he asks in a non judgmental tone.

"Yeah, I'm moving out this year but I'll need a roommate and I figure I can find one at school. I really love my parents but they know and I know I need to move out soon."

After we finish getting dressed Janan walks with me to the street car stop and gives me a hug goodbye. We plan to meet in the courtyard again for class the next day.

This year is already starting out much better than I anticipated.

More to come! Please feel free to send comments.

Next: Chapter 2

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