Out of Body

By Leslie Carr

Published on Oct 27, 2014


Out of Body 3

By Androgyne

Since I have to slow down once I enter thickly populated housing areas it still takes me longer than I wanted to reach "Stein House" my company HQ. I just can't allow anyone to see a tall slim boy easily running faster than a motor vehicle doing maybe 50 MPH. However once I reach the towering building I can gain access denied to almost anyone except me to enter the building fast.

My first port of call is my sub-basement laboratory cum living quarters. I stop off at the sarcophagus cradling my human form and check out the readings on the monitors. They're all well into the green so my body is absolutely fine.

Next up I connect my communicator to the internal telephone network and call security that operates 24/7. A voice answers on the third ring.

"Security! Malcolm Harris duty officer speaking."

My voice reaching him is altered through that ap to sound like Leonard Stein not Eros.

"This is Leonard Stein here. One of our company vehicles has been involved in a serious accident very recently. The driver is Francis Cross and he should have been admitted to Harrington Square hospital. It's the best trauma hospital in the city so they'll be bound to take him there. Here's what I want you to do. Have you got a pen and paper handy Malcolm?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good then make a note of these two numbers!"

I rattle off a landline number and a cell phone number for him to make a note of.

"Those numbers are the home and cell phone numbers for Roger Bailey the hospital chief executive. I made a £1 million donation to the hospital and I've promised Roger a second one to come. Call him in my name and make sure that Frank gets the best care he possibly can. Yes it might sound unfair but he's one of my people and I want him to have as much of an advantage as my money can give him. Got all that so far?"

"Yes sir you can carry on."

"Good then I also want you to send someone to "Accident and Emergency" for me. Not just a uniform guy. I want a sharp minded guy in a sharp suit. I want him to get as much detail about how Frank is and what happened to him and have it ready for when I can get there. Get busy with that Malcolm!"

I break the connection and then address thin air.

"Minerva an attempt was apparently made on my life earlier. I find it perplexing since today is the first day Eros left this place and I cannot believe that it was an attempt to murder my chauffeur."

"Yes Eros I monitored the police and ambulance radio transmissions. Are you certain it was not just an accident?"

"Absolutely not Minerva! Now I emerged for the first time today and Frank Cross was appointed my driver at random. So how did my would be killers know where to locate me?"

"I would suggest Eros some sort of electronic surveillance or bugging. However it seems unlikely the random car was involved and since you were and still are in this Eros form it could not have been planted on you. I believe this means you were found by your cell phone."

"Shit! I took a call from Alan Scott while I was still at the marina. That would give someone plenty of time to set things up. If they'd bugged my phone they'd hear Len Stein's voice not Eros's and assume I was in the car."

Whipping my phone from my bag I connect it to my complex computer terminal.

"Scan it Minerva and see if you're right. The phone's protected but...!"

"Hacked and bugged Eros. They've been listening to your calls and tracing you via the phone. This was a very subtle and highly technical assault to get past the phone's security I assure you. I will upgrade its defences now Eros. If anyone can hack it once I've set defences then they are brighter than you and I combined and I do not believe that is possible."

"Any chance of tracing whoever did it?"

"Not at present since it appears they haven't tried to listen in since they ran you off the road. I have set things up so if they try again once they realise you are in fact still alive I can back trace them."

"Fine now I'm going to call for a car to drive me to the hospital so I'd better get back to being Len Stein again."

Stripping naked I just dump my clothes on the floor and clamber into Sarcophagus 2 and connect myself up then slap the red button. In the blink of an eye I'm back to being Leonard Stein again and I don't like it much. Opening the canopy of Sarcophagus 1 to sit up colours seems muted and I feel slow and clumsy.

Peeling off those adhesive discs I struggle out whereas if I was in Eros I'd have floated into an effortless vault out. I cannot however turn up at the hospital as a 12 year old boy so I'll have to go there as myself. I dress rapidly in dark slacks and a white shirt sans tie. Black loafers and a light weight nylon zip jacket complete the outfit. Using the internal phone system I order a car to rush me to see how Frank is.

Back at the transport hub Joan Grieg has gone off duty to be replaced by a young black guy with "Bernard Lewis" on his I.D.

"Bernard you have a car ready for me?"

"Yes sir and your driver is Terry over there."

I walk across to Terry [Terrence O'Connor by his badge] while Eros would have danced or bounced on his toes.

"Harrington Square hospital Terry and as fast as you can without getting us stopped by the police."

"Of course sir. Sir? Any news on Frank?"

"I'll be asking for details as soon as I get there and I'll tell you whatever there is once I find out."

That's the last words I say to him until we pull into the parking area nearest to the A&E dept.

"Stay here. I don't know how long I'll be."

Then I'm striding through the powered doors and into the usual organised chaos of a casualty department at night. A tall young man in a decent suit with an I.D. badge on the breast pocket spots me straight off and hustles over.

"James White sir! I got hold of the casualty doctor who did the initial triage on Francis Cross. Oh and sir I've used a few police contacts. Nothing much so far but Frank's Range Rover has a lot of dark blue paint transfer down the right hand side. He definitely took a hard hit from a big blue vehicle. Now if you'll come this way sir?"

The doctor in question is a Dr Shah. He's young and looks completely wrung out. I shake his hand and try to be as brief and concise as possible.

"I'm sorry to bother you doctor, and I know how busy you must be, but Frank Cross has no next of kin listed in his file so I guess it's up to me act on his behalf. What can you tell me about his condition?"

He rubs tired red eyes.

"Not good Mr Stein. Multiple cuts and contusions of course as well as whiplash. He'd a facial burn I'd guess from an airbag deploying and a couple of hairline fractures to his ribs. The big problem though was what the scans of his skull showed us. No major fractures but a sub arachnoid haemorrhage."

I'm not a medical man but my knowledge covers a wide range of subjects and I'm aware of how dangerous that condition is.

"Look if bringing in a top neurosurgeon will help just tell me and I can have one flown it pronto."

He gives his head a tired shake.

"Your Mr Cross has just come out of the theatre maybe 20 or 30 minutes ago. His surgeon was Arthur Bright and he's as good as any surgeon in the country."

"Is there any possibility of me having a few words with him please Dr Shah?"

Likely a £1 million donation, and the promise of a second one soon, gets me a short spell with Arthur Bright. He's a big man, beefy; he looks like a stereotype Dutchman with his fair skin and thinning blond hair. His handshake is strong as I'd expect from a surgeon.

"I'm dreadfully sorry to take up your time Mr Bright. Especially after you having not long come out of surgery; but can you tell me how Frank Cross came through and what his chances are?"

In his job I'd expect it and he's brutally honest about the situation.

"Pretty poor Mr Stein to be honest. At best I'd give him no better than a 10% chance of survival and if he should survive then there is a distinct possibility of moderate to severe brain damage."

"Is there anything I could do to help him Mr Bright? Money would be no object."

He shakes his head ruefully at my offer.

"I'm sure you'd spend what it takes Mr Stein but in all honesty all your money won't help him now. If you believe in God then you might try prayer because I can't think of anything else to try."

I thank him as politely as you can someone who gives you bad news and leave. He's wrong though! Even without being inside Eros's ultra fast brain my own quick mind has grasped at a straw that might just give Frank a fighting chance. I tell Jimmy White to head off either back to work or home and buttonhole my driver.

"Terry get me back to "Stein House" fast and if it means running red lights and breaking the speed limit go right ahead. I'll pay any fine you get and pay your wages if you get a ban. Frank's in a bad way and I need to help him. Let's go!"

The city area we're in is quiet and there are no more than a couple of miles between the hospital and my HQ so Terry breaks all speed records without us getting caught. I break my own personal speed record for getting down into my sub-basement lab. Gratefully I dive back into the Eros body and dress myself in all dark clothing.

From a glass fronted refrigerated cabinet I extract two glass phials. One containing a deep green liquid and the other a shimmering blue hue. I also collect a hypo-spray gun. It breaks open like an over and under shotgun and I slip one phial into each chamber. If Frank has any chance at all it resides in the cocktail of nanites and the virus I'm planning on giving him.

In testing they were pretty formidable so Frank's about to become the second person, after Gordon, to be dosed. The dual treatment is designed to reproduce and work faster on a sick or badly injured person than a healthy one; so with time of the essence I estimate my Eros body will get me back to hospital as fast as any car.

Leaving the building again by one of the restricted access gates I move off into the darkness and this time really accelerate. If I moved fast leaving the accident scene then now I'm like a 12 year old rocket boy! This time if anyone sees me I don't care! Likely all they'll see anyway is a dark streak passing them. Even as I hurtle cross town I'm talking to Minerva via communicator.

"Minerva please locate Frank Cross for me."

"Sir! Mr Cross is in ICU but due no doubt to your influence he's in an ICU room rather than the bay with the open fronted cubicles. You'll find him in ICU room number 6."

Blurring down deserted roads, late night or early morning however you call it, I arrive back at the hospital. The doors are of course locked at this time but that can't stop Minerva.

"Minerva trip this lock for me."

There's a click and a soft whoosh as the door slides open to let me step inside.

"I'll secure it behind you Eros in case any undesirables try to enter."

"Thank you Minerva. Oh Minerva if you can access the internal CCTV to warn me if any security personnel are patrolling the building."

"Scanning now Eros."

In the event the place seems as quiet as the grave. To enter the ICU section there's a digital combination lock. A zoom scan shows me the five buttons that are constantly used though the number of possible combinations means I can't tap away and hope for the best. I haven't the time for that right now.


"51367 Eros!"

"Thank you and I never even asked."

"I am watching you through their cameras Eros so it seemed an obvious thing to tell you."

Inside the unit is mainly dark, with only subdued lighting, so I activate night vision and soft foot myself inside. There's a work station with a single nurse seated there. She's writing in a folder, checking a computer monitor, and in the same area is a bank of alarms linked to the various patients in here. Like a ghost I creep into Frank's room.

Even in the dim light the place is as bright as day to my eyes. Frank looks as bad as I could have imagined and then some. They clearly had to shave his head pre op and most of his scalp's covered by dressings but it's his face that shows the damage. Apart from that airbag burn his eyes look like a panda's in reverse. Huge black rings around both of them!

His breathing's shallow and wheezy from behind the air tube they've inserted and glancing at his heart monitoring shows an erratic beat. I don't hesitate another second. Pulling the hypo spray gun from my pocket I press the business end against his neck and pull both triggers. It's a no lose situation. If this dose doesn't heal him well the alternative is almost certain death anyway or a brain damaged life.

I should just get out right away before somebody finds me. Sod it! If anyone does walk in I'll be Frank's long lost nephew or something just sitting by uncle's bedside. I settle in the chair near his bed and gaze at him. After a short while it occurs to me to scan him with more than just night vision. Opening my eyes to additional spectra I jump with surprise.

The nanites are blue and the tailored virus is green but in a body I see them mingled as a reddish yellow shade. Already a huge mass has gathered in Frank's skull. Yeah some are spreading out around his body and multiplying but the bulk have rushed right to the source of his injury.

I know they were designed to work better and faster on a sick or injured person than a well one but this is astounding. One of his monitors sort of makes a stammering noise which scares me stiff as I wonder if the next thing is a cardiac arrest. Nothing like that happens thank God.

Looking at the monitor's read out shows me Frank's heartbeat has steadied. Not only that but, to my supersensitive hearing, his raspy breathing is easing. All this time his benevolent visitors are multiplying with insane speed to spread all around his body.

There's no more I can do! He lives or dies by either God's will or my science; or maybe both? Whatever it's time for me to leave. Reversing my route I make my way out of the unit and the entire hospital. As I do I talk softly into my comm.

"Minerva can you set up a link to Frank's monitors for you keep an eye on him for me?"

"Of course Eros."

"Minerva what do his vital signs look like to you right now?"

"The patient's heart readings seem to be stabilizing and his breathing appears to be easier Eros."

By the time I step out into the deserted hospital car park I'm feeling much easier in my mind. My treatment hasn't killed him and just might be on the way to healing him. I can only now wait and hope. With a relieved smile on my face I walk around a corner and straight into potential trouble. Trouble in the form of two young guys sitting on a bench sharing a joint between them.

As they see me one nudges the other and they both stand.

"Hey you're out late."

I keep walking steadily towards them.

"Yeah so are you two."

"But you're just a kid. Me and my mate fancy a coffee from the all night shop over there. Got any change?"

"Not a penny mate."

The two of them have stepped in front of me to block my way.

"Tell you what kid lend us your cell phone I need to make a call."


I'm only postponing the inevitable and I know it but it's their choice. My only problem is not to hurt either of them too much if they can't let me be. The taller of the two grabs my jacket.

"Gives us the fucking phone. I can see it in your pocket. Give us it or get hurt you little queer."

Well I don't do it because he's called me a queer since I am a queer but this has gone far enough. I don't hit him with a fist since that'd likely kill him straight off. I just clip him with a very gentle, for me at least, backhanded slap. He does a back flip to land face down and out cold. The reaction time in the Eros body is so fast that the shorter chunky one hasn't moved or even registered what's happened.

I grab his hooded top by the hood and its bottom and toss him across the road. He rolls along quite nicely and then lays there without moving. They're both out of the game without being too much hurt and anyway they're right handy for a hospital if they need one. I speed up and rocket away back towards "Stein House" and a bit of peace and quiet.

This time when I'm back in my own body I'm hungry for starters and thirsty too. I'll have to work out a fitness regime for my human form if I'm going spend a lot of time as Eros. Using the kitchen facilities in my underground lair I rustle up a very late evening meal or a very early breakfast depending on how you look at it.

Bacon and sausage with eggs, beans, and tomatoes plus buttered toast fill me nicely then I bed down. Strangely I sleep like the dead and wake up feeling fine.

"Minerva how are Frank's readings looking?"

"His vitals seem much improved and steady Mr Stein."

With that load at least slightly lifted from my mind I dress and head up to do a little hands on management of my company. It won't entirely run itself no matter how good the managers are. After making a hand-full of decisions and passing down instructions to various sections I make for the staff gym for a hard work out. I've eaten, exercised, taken a crap, and pissed a few times so body maintenance is going fine.

By late afternoon I need more than just Minerva's reading of the vitals so I arrange for a car, a driver, and a "minder" to accompany me to the hospital. The word's got around about me and my generous donations so I have no difficulty getting hold of an ICU doctor to talk about Frank. The doctor, Dr Chen, is delighted for once to be able to give somebody good news.

"Well Mr Stein what can I say. It's frankly stumped us. There's no way Mr Cross should be making the progress he is but he's showing strong positive signs where it looked like a hopeless case. Just every now and then people can amaze the medical world with their tenacity."

Relief is flooding through me but I really need to see him.

"Can I look in on him doctor?"

"Certainly! Though he's unconscious still. We're keeping him sedated as standard practice dictates even allowing for his encouraging progress. But we are having to use quite high doses since he seems very resistant to sedation. Come this way Mr Stein."

Standing in room 6 looking down at Frank I can see, with just normal human eyes, that he's showing startling improvement. Those huge black eyes have faded to an almost impossible degree and the cheek burn is healing just as fast.

"Thank you so much Dr Chen. I'll keep visiting and checking on his progress."

Being ferried back to HQ I decide that since I've done my part in restoring Frank to a possibly complete recovery I deserve a reward. The reward I have in mind is to hook up with Gordon again. Once back in my sanctum I gratefully become Eros once more and speed dial my boyfriend or maybe my bed-friend. He answers almost at once.

"Eric! I was wondering when you were going to call me. I was planning on ringing you soon. What was the delay?"

I can't see any reason not to tell him MOST of the truth but not all of it.

"Things have been really bad Gee. The driver that Uncle Len had take me to the marina was in a big bad smash not long after he dropped me off on the way home. Uncle Len was worried sick and I was too cos' he was a real nice guy. We hear he's making good progress so now I'm wondering if you wanna get together again soon and cheer me up?"

Over the phone I can hear him chuckle softly.

"I'll cheer you up and you can cheer me up the way we did on your uncle's yacht if that'll do."

"That's just what I'm wanting Gee! Look let me get back to you after I've made sure mum won't be around and we can spend a lot of time together without getting interrupted. Okay?"

"You better not leave it too long cos' I got hard as soon as you called!"

Now he mentions it I'm stiff and hot too. I'm still learning a lot about this super body and one thing I'm learning is that I can't stop it getting turned on! I have a fine idea ready to please Gordon though.

"Gee suppose you could spend the night with me? Just the two of us at home?"

"If you could manage that I'd say you're a magician Eric. How could you set that up?"

"Well suppose I asked Uncle Len to talk to your dad about you having a sleep over at the apartment he's given me and mum to stay in?"

"Jeeze do you think you could get him to do that?"

"No reason why not. Look let me talk to Uncle Len and if he gets your dad to okay it I'll call you back. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great mate!"

"Okay bye for now but keep your phone handy."

"Bye lover boy!"

Then the connection's broken and I' m left with a big hard-on. A fast swap back into human form [ I'm getting so casual with exchanging bodies ] and dressed; I quit my underground quarters to head off to my computer hub and to buttonhole Martin Scott. When I enter the section I look around and consider that Eros's eyes would have spotted him right off.

Stopping a passing nerdy looking youngster I ask where I can find Gordon's dad. He directs me to a cubicle where Martin is helping a harassed young lady with some esoteric coding problem. Clearing my throat turns him around.

"Ah! Mr Stein! What can I do for you?"

"Well for a start Martin you can call me Len like I keep telling you to."

"Err well alright Len how can I help you?"

There's an unoccupied cubicle opposite with a desk and computer set up along with two chairs. I nod to it and move across.

"Actually Martin I'm hoping you'll do me a personal favour."

I perch on one of those chairs as Martin sits opposite me with a forehead wrinkled in puzzlement. I can see the son in the father. Martin's tall and lean with white blond hair like his son and the same green eyes.

"A personal favour? What kind of a personal favour? I don't understand that."

"I met your son Martin. Remember that "Bring your kids to work day" not that far back? He seems a really nice boy to me."

He still looks confused but the complement seems to set him a little at ease.

"Yes I think the wife and I have a fine son but where does he come into it?"

"That day I had a couple of my relatives visiting me here at HQ and the young one, Eric, was in my office. He saw Gordon shaking hands with me when you introduced us. Now it turns out Eric went swimming at "Blue Sands" the other day and who did he meet up with but your Gordon. It seems the two of them really hit it off."

I can see him visibly relax now I'm getting my spiel up and running.

"Damn it's a small world isn't it Len! I keep my yacht there and Gordon likes swimming in that sea water pool."

"And I have "Wave Crest" anchored there so maybe it's not so surprising they met; since Eric had my permission to go aboard her. The boys went together and they got on like a house on fire. Now here's the favour I'm after. Eric is here with his mother and apart from me he doesn't know a soul in the city. He was wondering if Gordon could come visit him? I hear they call them "sleep-overs" nowadays."

The penny drops with Martin!

"Oh I see what you want. Funny Gordon did mention meeting a boy at the pool but I didn't connect him with you. Personally I don't see any reason why Gordon can't stop over night but I'd better just have a word with Helen about it."

I wave to the phone on the desk in front of him and then stand.

"Call her now and I'll give you a bit of privacy while you do."

I step away as he taps out the number and he's a little longer on the phone than I expected. However when he hangs up he's smiling.

"Helen asked Gordon about it and he's over the moon. She's happy about it too. Where's your Eric staying so I can drop him there tonight?"

"I've put them in the penthouse at "Brook House" but don't you worry Martin I'll send a car and a chauffeur to pick Gordon up. Say six o'clock tonight?"

"Helen will have him ready by then."

"Right! Well I know your address if anyone does, or at least Human Resources do, so the car will be there on the dot. Thank you so much Martin I'm sure Eric will be delighted to have company."

As I walk away grinning I'm pretty sure that Gordon will be just as delighted. Back underground I call Gordon again. He is as pleased as I expected.

"6 o'clock is cool Eric. Where's this "Brook House" place mate?"

"Right here in the city centre overlooking the harbour. When you get inside tell the concierge that the Venus family in the penthouse are expecting you. I'll have that arranged so don't worry. Take the express lift to the penthouse. Got a pen handy? Yeah? Then make a note of this number it's 1425. That's the elevator admission code so it'll take you straight up. Any trouble ring me from your cell phone. See you tonight and we'll really have fun!"

"I can't wait Eric so see you later."

One thing I decide on is to postpone my meeting with Alan Scott and Tony Prior. As important as it might be I just need to unwind after the frantic events. As it happens Alan wants his number crunchers to spend more time following a trail and Tony is happy to see what comes from that.

After I've dived back into Eros I get dressed and arrange for a company car to run me to "Brook House" apartments. I have several cars of my own clearly but as a 12 year old I can't drive them. I've dressed rather well since it's a pretty classy place; I should know since I pay the lease on the penthouse.

When I step through the plate glass doors and head for the penthouse lift a bulky flunky in an outrageous quasi military uniform coat and a top hat moves to intercept me. He isn't loud and aggressive he's sarcastic.

"And where might you be going young man?"

Jeeze I'm a multimillionaire and have a long term lease on the penthouse. Okay not in this form but I'm dressed up nicely in slacks, a crisp shirt, and a blazer, and still he treats me like a yob in off the street. I use a slight drawl when I speak.

"Actually anywhere I want to but mainly to use the penthouse express lift."

That slows him since I clearly know there IS an express lift that runs non-stop to the penthouse. That doesn't stop "Mr Arrogance" though.

"Who are you? I've never seen you in here before?"

As he's looming over me I catch a glimpse of a man in stripped trousers and a black jacket walking over towards us. I lean so my head shows past the officer's coat my man's wearing.

"Ah you must be Mr Paine the concierge? Leonard Stein said you were the man to talk to. My uncle said to tell you I'm Eric Venus the son of Emily Venus. We have the penthouse for an indefinite period he said."

Paine's a small skinny man but he shoos away the "Brigadier "effortlessly.

"I'm sorry Master Venus I'm sure Davis will recognise you in future. You do have your swipe card for the apartment and the lift code don't you?"

"Of course I do and I'll mention to my uncle how helpful you've been. Oh I'm expecting a guest later; a boy my own age named Gordon. You'll make sure he gets in won't you? He also has the lift code."

"I'll make sure Davis is most helpful to your guest Master Venus."

He bows a little while walking away backwards and then lopes off after Mr Davis to hand out his orders. Amazing what my real name can do to open doors so to speak. I walk across to the lift, press the "Open" button, and key in the code. The doors hiss shut and I'm wafted aloft to reach the top floor in no time. The swipe card opens the door and I walk in turning on lights and checking out the rooms.

All is as it should be. Spotlessly clean and tidy and the kitchen has been stocked with food as I instructed. I ditch the blazer, hanging it up, and unfasten a couple of shirt buttons, then check my internal clock. It's 5.37 PM so not long to wait which is good since my erection's straining my briefs and slacks.

I impressed on tonight's chauffeur to be spot on time or even a tad early so if Gordon was ready I won't have long to wait. I kill a little time by turning down the bedding on the mammoth sized bed in the master bedroom suite and dimming the room's lights.

There's a rap on the door, 5.49 PM, so hopefully Gordon's early! Opening the door I find it is him; also dressed up nicely in a suit no less! He's carrying a bag which he drops on the carpet as he steps inside. I've hardly closed the door behind him when he grabs me around the waist and spins me off the ground.

"A whole bloody night together Eric! We'll be cumming all night too! Unless your mum's coming back later?"

As glad as I am for the greeting I realise right away something's wrong. I keep remarking about the density of Eros's slender body. There's no way Gordon should be able to wave me around like this.

"Put me down and kiss me you dimwit!"

He does the first then follows up with the second which is very nice for both of us. When I wrap my arm around his waist to walk him over to the nearby sofa I scan him with my multi spectra senses. He's alive and glowing like a red/yellow sun with the nanite/virus mix. There's more too when I dig deeper.

Using ultra sound I strum across his skeletal structure. His bones are denser! Not greatly thickened but far denser and at the same time more flexible not brittle. Other changes leap out at me like ligaments and sinews anchored more solidly to the new bones and much more efficient seeming musculature. Right off I realise that my gift to Gordon has gone beyond my wildest dreams of what it would do.

His heart rate is so slow but regular it amazes me and he's bursting with energy clearly. I'll have to take things carefully here at first.

"Well you're in a good mood Gee."

He drops onto the sofa tugging me down with him.

"Yeah I'm in a good mood and I feel great. To be honest ever since we sucked each other off on your uncle's yacht I've been feeling great. Every time I thought of us I got hard and jerked off and you wouldn't believe how many times I thought of us."

He looks around as if he's seeing the suite for the first time.

"Jeeze this place is amazing! I know your uncle's loaded but this place is really something."

"Well Gee first off my mum won't be home until tomorrow afternoon so we've got a lot of time together. Secondly I've been thinking a lot about the same thing so come and see the bedroom. If you're impressed by this then you'll love our bed. Do you wanna come take a look?"

"I'm more interested in looking at you on the bed but yeah show me."

We've hardly sat down but then we're up again so I can lead him into the master bedroom. His eyes go wide when he sees the enormous bed. Never mind king size its emperor sized!

"Oh nice! So is the room! So is this whole bloody apartment! Not as nice as you and I are going to be on that bed though."

I'm as bloody well turned on as he is, I can't control that aspect of the Eros body, but at the same time I'm thinking about what I've done to Gordon and of course the slowly recovering Frank Cross. It needs more investigation than even my advanced senses can provide. If I can't then I know Minerva and my communicator can do it.

"Gee why don't you undress and get comfortable as well as ready for me. I've just got to ring mum and tell her things are fine and I'm home and settled for the night then we've got the entire night together. Give me a few minutes and you'll have all of me all night!"

His fair skinned cheeks are flushed with excitement and I'm having a very hard time trying to remain calm myself.

"Okay you go call her and hurry back."

Back in the main lounge with the bedroom's heavy door closed behind me I pick up not my cell phone but my communicator.

"Minerva I need you to do a full spectrum scan on Gordon and interpret the results for me fast."

I scuttle back into the bedroom to find Gordon stripped to the waist and aim the communicator at him.

"I want a shot of you to keep. I mean half dressed you look good but if anybody ever saw it well it won't embarrass us. Do you want to smile or say cheese or something?"

He grins at me and it's actually "cock" he says as I use the com to scan him.

"Now you finish undressing and I'll make that call to mum. It won't take long."

Once the door's safely closed again I ask the questions from Minerva's analysis of the scan.

"What's happened to him Minerva? What have the nanites and virus done to him and why? I never saw or expected anything like this."

"As you are aware Eros the nanites are pre programmed to do certain things. The core of that is to repair faults and help the virus immunize against any form of illness communicable or not. However those nanites are, within narrow parameters, self aware. They have apparently decided that to repair a human and immunize him or her they need to adapt and improve things."

"Jesus! So what have they done to him? I can see some changes but give me the full list."

"Obviously a denser but at the same time more flexible bone structure and support structure. His muscles are both stronger and more efficient and his cardio vascular system has been massively altered to be much superior to base line humans. In short he's extremely strong and has enormous stamina and since his nervous system is also changed I can say his reaction speed has been hugely increased."

"Anything else I should know Minerva? As if that isn't enough so far."

"Well without actual laboratory tests I can only make assumptions but since everything about his metabolism has been boosted it is possible, no likely, that his five senses are in the process of being improved also."

My mind is quick enough in human form and in Eros it runs even faster so an important conclusion forms almost instantly. I have to check it out with Minerva though.

"Minerva if Gordon were to have sex with somebody else will he pass on the nanite/virus combo via oral or anal sex?"

"Certainly Eros!"

"Can you do anything to stop it happening without harming him in any way?"

"I can offer two alternatives Eros. I can kill the nanites in his body via their built in kill switch or I can set them to shut down once they leave his body. I can do that right now but there's nothing to be done about the virus. To remove that he'd require a physical injection of an anti virus that your researchers haven't even designed yet."

My thought processes are lightning quick but do I rush a decision like this? To gain time I ask another question.

"Minerva what happens if you kill the nanites right now. What about those physical changes that have already taken place?"

"They are there for good Eros. Also the virus would likely maintain his perfect health."

That makes my mind up for me.

"Right Minerva I'll get him in front of the com. Leave the nanites alive in him but have them die outside of his body."

"Very well Eros I assume you don't think it is a good idea to have "Super Soldiers" replicating themselves?"

"Super Soldiers?"

"Well what has happened to Master Gordon is very much in line with that concept. He's now a superior and upgraded human being."

Damn Minerva's right! I've created not one but two very much different but still superior "Captain America's" or more accurately it's "Captain Britain" I suppose.

"Okay Minerva stand by to stop things spreading in case he fucks another boy in the future."

Opening the bedroom door again I find Gordon sprawled naked on the bed and trailing his fingers up and down his erect cock. My own cock throbs in anticipation of what we'll be doing soon. The com clicks softly and I assume Minerva has done the deed.

"What are doing? Now that one would be embarrassing if anyone else saw it."

Even so he's grinning as he says that. I can't help grinning right back.

"Okay so I lied but I want to be able to look at your body when you're not with me. I'll delete it if you say so."

"Nah! So long as I can take one of you on my phone later."

"Sure you can but right now I'm gonna dump this phone outside and take the landline offline so we can do each other in peace. I'll be right back."

Out back in the lounge I ask one more question of Minerva.


"Yes Eros he'll remain the improved version but won't pass on the nanites. The tailored virus is another matter for another time though."

"Good enough Minerva and now I'm going do a lot of fucking with him so as they say in the movies hold all my calls."

Back in the bedroom I walk across the room unbuttoning my shirt. Gordon sits up looking interested as well as erect.

"Jeeze what kept you? I'm ready and waiting Eric."

I'm grinning as I unzip my slacks.

"Bugger Gee it's not 7 PM yet and mum won't be home until around 5 PM tomorrow. We've got all night and half of tomorrow too."

That is if Eros even had a mother, which he doesn't, so she'll never interrupt us. I unlace my shoes, peel off my socks, and then kick off my slacks. I've just hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my briefs when Gordon starts sniggering.

"Something funny Gee?"

"I was just thinking. Do you know one of the things mum put in that bag I dumped by the door?"

"I don't read minds so no idea at all?"

Eros is choc a bloc full of surprising things but telepathy isn't one of them.

"A pair of pyjamas!"

The humour hits me as I get his meaning and a fit of the giggles arrives.

"Oh jeeze yeah I get it! We aren't going to be wearing anything till well into tomorrow for sure."

The elastic waist still needs stretching to get it over my erection then I slide my briefs down and step out of them. Three strides take me to the bed and when I hit the mattress and slide atop him this time there's no "ooofff" from my weight hitting him. In seconds we're locked together kissing wildly.

We're both tall with a lot of our height in our legs and those legs are tangled together as our hands wander all over each others bodies. I wriggle a little so my cock presses against his. I can feel the heat and silky smoothness of his skin. In fact I can feel the pulse of blood through the veins in that cock!

Even as the fever of sex is gripping me a thought spirals through my brain. I don't have to worry about hurting Gordon if passion carries me away. On the yacht, no matter how good the sex was, I had at the back of my mind to take care not to let go completely. Then he was a china doll but now he's strong! Not maybe as strong as Eros but strong enough for me to be vigorous with him without harming him.

While I'm thinking those thoughts he rolls me over and straddles me! God this is wonderful!

"Suck my cock now Eric! I wanna cum in your mouth again like on the yacht."

He shifts a little further forward till that curved cock, foreskin back and helmet deep pink, hovers near my lips. Opening my mouth I let his long erection slide inside and clamp my lips onto the stiff barrel. Gordon fucks my mouth! That's the only way to describe it. He's pumping his hips forward hard and fast so that long cock is almost into my throat.

Reaching up I clamp my fingers around his hips to urge him to more powerful strokes. As hard as I'm gripping him he clearly barely feels it. His eyes are narrowed to slits and his teeth are gritted; his breath is hissing from between those teeth as my tongue slides over his swollen helmet. Even through those clenched teeth he moans!

Frantic now his thrusts are wild and abandoned and at last he hits his climax. As my mouth is flooded with his hot juices Gordon howls hoarsely as he cums and cums like a machine. I don't even bother checking now. I KNOW his sexual stamina has now been upgraded like the rest of his entire body.

Despite his changes he tastes as delicious as he did the first time I drank his semen. At long last he's temporarily spent himself and rolls off me grinning maniacally.

"Jeeze that was amazing! I gotta warn you that won't hold me long. I'm horny 10 seconds after I cum lately. Now it looks like you need to get off as much as I did."

He's dead right! My cock's throbbing in time to the beating of my artificial heart.

"Then get busy Gee and do me!"

He's sat up alongside me and grabs my ankles to drag me down to the centre of the bed. Pushing my thighs apart he kneels there gazing at my erect cock.

"I'm gonna suck you nice and easy like you sucked me on the yacht."

Slipping his arms under my thighs he cups my hips in his hands as his first light kisses dance across my lower belly. Moving lower his lips brush the silky skin above my cock to kiss and lick in a circle around its base. When he moves his mouth away from the root of my erection I feel like whimpering but then he's licking the smooth inside of my thighs.

When he does that I do whimper! His tongue caresses the creases where the wedge of my crotch meets those thighs; and next his tongue tip is working magic elsewhere. With his new strength he's easily lifted me a little so he gains access to the line of slightly rough skin between my anus and the sack of my balls. Lapping at me Gordon next is sucking on my balls hard enough to have me writhing on the base sheet.

At last he holds my rigid cock and, easing back its foreskin, feeds it into his mouth. My groans, as they echo around the room, sound too deep to really be mine! Hot saliva swirls around my swollen helmet and then his tongue slides over the bloated dome.

My groans change into helpless moans as his lips, clamped tightly on my cock's barrel, slide smoothly up and down. The fires are burning low down in my balls but burning their way up my cock. Head back I'm helplessly shuddering when he suddenly slips a long finger between my buttocks and past my pucker.

My mindless scream explodes as my climax explodes too. Wads of my creamy cum pump out of my knob's slit to flood Gordon's mouth. My belly is rippling and I find I've clamped my hands onto his head to urge him to keep going. When he finishes me off finally I'm staring up at the ceiling with a huge smirk painted across my face.

"Jeeze you just get better Gee!"

He scuttles around to rest against me, clasps my hand, and guides it to his cock. He's already stiff again!

"Told you one cum doesn't last me long lately. Get me off again Eric!"

Kissing him I can taste my cum on his lips which is just more of a turn on for me.

"Whatever you want Gee. You want me to suck your cock again? You want to grind our cocks together? Whatever you want I'll give you it."

"Mmmm that's nice. I tell you what. Give me a real good hand job; jerk me off good style. When you did it on the yacht I was getting a bit tired. I don't ever seem too tired for sex now so do me!"

"Turn onto your side. No your right side; hadn't you noticed I'm left handed?"

Weird! I'm left handed in human form but as Eros I should be ambidextrous. Instead I'm still a lefty especially when giving a hand job! Stroking his erection I'm right up against him and my mouth's close to his ear.

"You know what I love about your cock Gee?"

"The way it feels in your mouth?"

I do giggle a little when he says that.

"Well that yes but that's not what I mean. I love that big curve it has."

"Really? That's funny because I like it that yours is dead straight. Mind you that's the only thing straight about either of us."

Before I start on his cock I have to let loose with another burst of giggling at that wisecrack. Slipping back his foreskin I tuck my finger under his helmet and my thumb atop of it to kick off with the first slow strokes. Molded against him my cock's already hardening and pressing against Gordon's taut rear. Pumping slowly and steadily I work on giving my boy the best "O" I can.

When Gordon shifts and trembles I'm sure I'm getting him on his way so I up my pace. He makes a soft moan into a pillow that's ended up under his cheek. Faster still and he's squirming under my fingers when I slow right down to leave him shaking. Then wickedly I start rousing him all over again.

After a second round of this Gordon's whimpering and he's gritting out "now now" as I finally decide to take him where he wants to go. At the third time I up the pace of my fingers but this time I keep going. His body arches away from me though I'm still clasping his cock and pumping it. A deep shuddering breath explodes into "Fuck" as he shoots a thunderbolt of a wad.

He keeps on bucking and jerking as I work away and he's messed the sheet just like we messed the one on the yacht.

"Jeeze! You did it again! Every time you get me off I'll swear I cum harder."

He rolls over to face me and then glances down.

"Well looks like you're ready again too my boy. My turn now so what do you want?"

I've got a wicked thought at the back of my mind. It happened to me years back and I'm crazy enough now to do it with, or maybe I should say to, Gordon. Still we're both pretty much going wild so I'll get wilder before I have to get serious with him.

"I want a dirty wank!"

That blanks him.

"Huh? A dirty wank? What's a dirty wank?"

"Get started on me and you'll find out."

Puzzled or not his fingers are wrapped around my cock in no time and he's smoothly pumping away at my hard-on. I lower my long lashes and breathe slowly savouring the heat building up back of my balls as Gordon gradually ups the pace. Working away faster now I'm getting closer and closer to another fine cum.

I'm nearly there when I push him away, grab my own cock, and finish myself off with the last hard strokes. Just as I cum I aim my cock right at him to shoot my loads all over him. Spurts hit Gordon's face, chest, belly, and groin, each time I jerk hard. When I'm emptied out and the ecstasy's done I jump onto him. Gordon thank God is giggling.

"So that Gee's a dirty wank!"

We're twined together as he kisses my neck and his giggles fade away.

"Well we're both messed up now but that was a hoot. I didn't see that coming!"

I nibble at his earlobe then sit up on the bed.

"I guess we're a pair of dirty wankers Gee. Fancy a break and a drink of something cold?"

"Yeah we got the whole night yet so I could manage a...!"

"A Sprite?"

That brings on a few more giggles then...

"Yeah a Sprite would be good. You remembered then?"

"Like I'd forget my boyfriend's favourite drink? I think I'll have an..."

"An Orangina?"

"You got a good memory too Gee!"

Naked I do a deliberate hip sway out of the bedroom and into the kitchen area. This gives me time to marshal my thoughts. The next few minutes are going maybe to be bad and crazy but I've got to put Gordon in the picture over what's happened to him. Or to be more honest what I've done to him.

When I repeat the process back into the bedroom Gordon's propped himself up on a mound of pillows. I drop the icy can onto his bare belly to produce a short yelp from him before he grabs it and pops the seal. Settling next to him I take a sip from my own drink and then clear my throat.

"Gee we've got to be serious for a minute. There's something I've got to tell you so hear me out please."

Well my first attempt doesn't work does it?

"Don't tell me! You're going to propose to me. No Eric we're too young to marry!"

"Gee this is serious! I mean it! Please just listen to me for a few minutes."

"Jeeze okay don't get your knickers in a twist! Hee! You're not wearing any anyway. Okay I'll be good so you go ahead."

I close my eyes for a second and suck in a deep breath; not because I need the oxygen but to try to calm myself. I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this supreme artifical body still can be rocked and wracked by all kinds of emotions apart from lust and desire. In this case I'm full of nerves!

"Gee do you read comic books? You must watch TV superhero shows? I'll bet you've seen the big movies like "Spiderman" and "The Avengers " too?"

"This is serious? What is this?"

"Bugger it Gee just let me finish will you?"

I sort of bellow that and he frowns at me and shrugs.

"Okay sorry! Yeah I've watched all kinds of movies and TV shows like that. What about them?"

This is where I'm praying I get this right and he takes it right.

"You know the way a lot of superheroes get their powers by accident? You know Peter Parker bitten by a radioactive spider. Daredevil from chemical waste. The Fantastic Four? Well it might be hard to believe but it's happened in real life."

Gordon rolls over onto one side, rests on his elbow, and tosses his empty can aside.

"Are you taking the piss mate?"

"No Gee. You know my Uncle Len's a bloody genius at inventing things? He's years ahead of the competition in everything. Well he let me look around his lab but told me not to touch ANYTHING. I guess I didn't listen well enough. Gee I was messing with this thing like a gun and I shot myself. I mean I didn't end up with a hole in me I just felt this sting. Yeah okay I should have told him but I was scared and anyway I felt fine so I never said anything to him."

At least I've got his full attention and he's frowning hard as he concentrates.

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Gee you know "Captain America" don't you? The super soldier? Well I shot myself with a super soldier serum!"

"You're shitting me! Where are all the muscles? You're nearly as skinny as I am. Even if it's true why are you telling me now? Why are you telling me at all for that matter?"

I really hope he likes what comes next. How will he take the bombshell?

"Because Gee before I realised what had happened we were on Len's yacht fucking each other and you swallowed a load of my cum. The reason you're feeling so good is because I infected you that day!"

"Infected? What like AIDS? Jeeze Eric what the fuck!"

"Not like AIDS Gee. The exact opposite. I confessed to Uncle Len and here's the thing. You've caught off me perfect health and in a day, two at most, you'll be a bloody comic book hero. If you're not already; and you may be by now!"

He's sat up and pulled his knees up to wrap his arms around them and rest his head on his knees. He's thinking really hard before speaking.

"Okay you really mean this and yeah I feel good but "Superman" nah! You'll have to prove it to me mate."

Taking a glance around the room I spot a way that just HAS to convince him if he's as far along with the nanite/virus as I think he is. Hopping off the bed I walk across to the ornate fireplace. It looks like a coal fire but in fact it runs with gas. However on the hearth in front of it is the sort of thing you'd have with a real coal fire.

There's a stand holding a small brush, a small shovel that you'd use to put a few lumps of coal onto a fire, a pair of tongs to pick up any embers that might escape a real grate, and a poker. The poker's about two feet long or so. One end is its handle and the other is a wide wedge for breaking up clumps of burning coal. The iron shaft is about as thick as my thumb. I pick it up and walk back to the bed holding it out.

"Bend this!"

Gordon looks at me as if I'm round the bend.

"I can't bend that. It's thick iron!"

"Gee please just humour me and give it a try."

"Well okay here goes."

He takes hold of the handle in one hand and the thick end in the other, glances at me doubtfully, and flexes his wrists. At first nothing happens and then he hunches his shoulders and grunts. Slowly that poker, with a creaking noise, bends into a hairpin shape. Gordon drops it an amazed look on his face and I catch it before it hits the bed.

"Believe me now?"

I toss that over my shoulder as I head back towards the fire place and straighten out the poker. Easier than Gordon did but what he's just done was still pretty impressive. When I turn back he's bouncing on the bed like it's a trampoline.

"Oh my fucking lord! What a week! I meet the sexiest boy I ever met; he gives me a dose that turns me into Superman, how fantastic is that?"

I sit down on the edge of the bed and stare hard at him.

"Gee you are NOT Superman! I don't know how far this stuff will take you but don't go jumping in front of an express train just to find out how tough you are now."

I'm lying to him about my own power but I hope it's a white lie. I can't bring myself to admit to him that he's fucking an artificial construct with a middle aged man riding in it. At present though he's buzzing on what he's become; and then has a sudden thought.

"Eric your uncle isn't planning to take our powers away is he? I mean I've just got them and I want to enjoy them. Hey why did you even tell me what you did to me?"

I can answer both questions with total honesty.

"No Uncle Len hasn't got that in mind at all. As a matter of fact he's dying to see what the serum does to people. Why did I tell you Gee? Easy. Suppose you got into a fight at school? One punch and you could kill someone easily."

I get a grin from him for that.

"I'm a lover not a fighter Eric you should know that."

"Okay well suppose you were running on the track at school and broke the world 800 metres record? See what I'm getting at?"

"Gotcha! Okay so what happens now?"

"Well Uncle Len wants to talk to you of course. He wants to keep the lid on this for now. There's three of us had this stuff placed in us and he wants to monitor how it develops."

"Three of us?"

"Yeah Gee remember that driver in the smash? Uncle Len used it on him to save his life."

"So instead of the "Fantastic Four" we'll be "The Terrific Trio" I guess!"

I can't believe how well this is going. Maybe with an adult I might have got total disbelief but kids grow up on super powered super heroes so they'd find things like this easier to accept.

"So you're not mad at me for doing this to you?"

He grabs me and I allow myself to be pulled onto my side to end up with him tucked up against me in a spoon position. He's got an arm around me and he plants a kiss somewhere around my right ear.

"Mad at you? Are you crazy? First off you didn't know you were doing it. Second I get to be super powered. Finally I get to keep on doing it with you and never getting tired out! Who'd get angry about that?"

He wriggles up closer against me and I can feel the hard length of his cock pressing up against me. I guess he's right about not getting tired out! His hands are doing a bit of exploring too so my own erection soon pops up.

"Eric has anyone ever told you that you've got the most perfect rear end?"

I ease back against him and feel the hard smoothness of his cock pressing against my buttock.

"Not really no!"

Not in this body anyway. He's only one "Eros" has had sex with.

"Well I will then. You've got a lovely arse on you. I feel like kissing it right now."

I'm rapidly coming up to boiling point all over again so this needs more than flirty remarks; this has to be more blatant.

"Is that all you want to do with it Gee?"

Even with my back turned to him I can "feel" his grin.

"Well I was thinking about it on the yacht but I ran out of steam back then. I'm not gonna run out now am I? I'd love to do you up there Eric."

Effortlessly I roll around to stare at him.

"You do me and then I do you?"

"Oh jeeze yeah that sounds good!"

I bounce up off the bed to head for the door.

"I'll see what this place has by way of lube. There's bound to be something to use."

Maybe Gordon's not that up on lubing up but I love that slick cock feeling. In the bathroom cabinet I find my guess is correct. Amongst many other freebies there are a pile of individual sachets of moisturizing cream. I grab a handful of them and skip back into the bedroom with Gordon eagerly awaiting me.

"Use this on your cock."

While he rips open a sachet I use one to slick up my pucker. Then I'm on the bed to settle on all fours. Gordon moves behind me and his hands clamp onto my hips.

"Oh jeeze I want this so bad. I hope I don't cum too fast."

"Sod it Gee if you do you'll be able to come again in no time. Go ahead and fuck me now!"

Kneeling behind me he wriggles forward and I can feel the long curve of his cock sliding smoothly between the cheeks of my arse. Gripping my hips harder he presses his cock against my pucker and the sphincter opens up to let him thrust deeply into me. An "Aaahh" breaks fom his lips as I make the same sort of sound deep in my chest.

Then his hips are driving back and forth smoothly and powerfully and I'm filled tightly with his long erection. Every stroke and he grunts through gritted teeth while I relish the rapid in out strokes of his cock deep inside me. He doesn't cum too fast! I tense myself to lock him in me even tighter as his thrusts become slower but even harder.

Gordon yells out so loud the room seems to echo as he shoots his full load into me. I can feel his thick creamy juices flooding me delightfully as he cums hugely. Still he drives on and on until even his boosted stamina fails and he pulls out of me to roll flat onto his back.

I'm feeling hyper! Why I am I don't understand. Yes my consciousness is riding inside Eros but surely I should be cooler and more in control? It isn't working that way. The longer I ride around in Eros the more human and at home I feel in this form. Right now I feel like I'm on an adrenaline high and on fire to fuck Gordon.

I spin around to end up alongside him propped up on one elbow. Dropping my head I bite down on his nearest nipple, just hard enough to have him jump slightly, and then he sighs.

"Oh jeeze that was good! No that was amazing! I swear that whatever it is you infected me with hasn't just made me tougher it's made me cum like I can't believe I can."

Grinning I bite on his other nipple and trail my fingers across his flat belly.

"I believe it Gee but how about my turn?"

He jacknife's upright with his eyes wide.

"Oh jeeze I'm sorry Eric. I'm bloody greedy aren't I? Thinking about myself and not you. Yeah your turn any time you like."

I take my turn with those sachets and when my cock's helmet, and the rest of it, is slick and glistening, I'm ready and so is Gordon. I'm cautious as I part his taut buttocks. Yeah he's the upgraded version but Eros's body is something else entirely. So I ease my erection into him slowly and quite I suppose gently. I needn't have worried.

"What are you waiting for? Fuck me!"

Pushing into him I slide into his tight anal canal as deep as I can. I moan a little in delight and from Gordon a "YES" escapes his lips. As my hips start to churn I'm not yet so far gone in heat that my curiosity doesn't function. Taking a hand from his hip I reach around to find his cock hardening and rising already.

It seems like that side of his "infection" is giving him what he dreams of. Wrapping my fingers around his erection I jerk away at him even as I'm ploughing in and out of his rear. We aren't, either of us, quiet. I'm grunting and groaning as I whip my cock deeply in and then out of his rear while Gordon's egging me on with "Harder Eric Harder" as I hurtle towards my climax. It's like a fire flaring up, rising through my balls, then the eruption of my cum out of my throbbing cock.

I never once forgot Gordon and even as my mind goes blank with ecstasy I can feel him buck under my fingers as he cums again. My own "O" is incredible as I thrust home repeatedly; to spurt out a seemingly never ending series of hot jets of my cream. Even so I finally slump and roll over just like Gordon did so short a time ago.

Flat on my back and gazing at the ceiling I can hear his deep breathing and then...!

"Eric I guess we're really messing these sheets up a LOT! You better have them changed before your mum gets back here tomorrow."

We've been fucking like rabbits and his practical words just crack me up. I get a fit of; I don't know what, the giggles, the sniggers, finally a mad fit of laughter. When I'm over it I gaze around and truly the sheet is a mess with plenty of dark stains.

"Don't you worry about it Gee. You'll be gone off home by then and I'll call "Housekeeping" for clean bedding. Uncle Len's name gets you fast service here believe me."

Gordon yawns and stretches.

"Well even "Captain Gordon" super schoolboy needs a break. I'm a bit tired how about you?"

I'm not worn out clearly and I'm not even sure Eros can sleep. However I go along with Gordon.

"Yeah sure we can have a nap and then do each other some more. We got all night and half of tomorrow untouched yet Gee."

Inevitably we end up lying in that spoon position again. This time I'm behind him with an arm around him as his soft breathing deepens into sleep. I find to my surprise that in Eros I do something akin to dropping off like Gordon. It's a bit like I'm told deep meditation is.

Deep in the dark and early hours I'm shaken out of it by Gordon's lips around my stiff cock and we're off all over again.

My internal clock tells me it's 11.17 AM as I strut whistling out of the shower and the bathroom toweling my naked body. Gordon's lacing up his shoes and glances up at me.

"Jeeze will you get some clothes on! You'll start me off all over again."

I compromise by wrapping my towel around my waist to hide my clearly desirable cock from his eyes.

"Sorry Gee. Could you? Could you do me again right now? Considering how many times we did each other last night."

He cocks his head over on one side and gives me a steady stare for a few seconds.

"Pretty sure I could and I'm pretty you'd be up for it too. You did say though the car's picking me up at noon so we better not."

Dressed also I walk him down to the foyer to see him off when one of my drivers, another one I don't know, but with an I.D. reading "Trevor Michaels" arrives to take him home. Back in the apartment I do bundle up the cum smeared and stained sheet along with the fairly pristine upper sheet then ring "Housekeeping for clean bedding.

By the time they turn up to change things I'll be gone back to H.Q. since I've called up a car for "Eric" in the name of "Mr Stein". My driver this time is a whip thin black girl bearing the I.D. of "Coral Andrews" who chauffeur's me back to "Stein House" efficiently and in main silence. Once back in my underground lair I switch back to my human body.

I'm a little bit stiff but once dressed I hit the staff gym to work out then eat in the staff restaurant. It being a Saturday things are still operating but fairly quiet. My next move is to arrange transport to run me to the hospital to check out how Frank's doing.

As it happens "Coral" draws the short straw and gets me again. Since my name now goes before me at Harrington hospital I have no difficulty getting hold of an ICU doc happy to talk to me. This one is a tall skinny guy with a shaven head and he's named Charles Blake.

"So how's my driver doing Dr Blake? Last I heard he was progressing more than anyone could have hoped for."

His expression tells me all I need to know. Confident and relaxed.

"Well Mr Stein Mr Bright will be reviewing his case on Monday but he reckons on ending the sedation and allowing him to return to consciousness. Once he does I know Mr Bright wants to do some tests and scans. He's truly puzzled by Mr Cross's remarkable recovery."

I thank Dr Blake for giving me the good news but I realise right off can't allow Frank to be scanned. Ultrasound, CAT, PET, and MRI scans will be sure to show the bodily changes the nanite/virus combination has made to him. Another problem I'll have to sort out fast. It now being Saturday late afternoon I don't have all that much time to head things off.

Once Coral has taken me back to H.Q. I dismiss her as I'm planning on driving myself home in one of my cars. It's time to sleep in my own bed, check for any personal paper mail, and have a change of clothes ready for Sunday travelling.

First I dive down into my sub-basement quarters and check out Eros to find the form's 100% efficient still. A little more work around the lab and then I use my private elevator to take me up to my personal parking garage. When I step out into the dim light of the neon strips my nose twitches. There's an unpleasant smell hanging around here.

Glancing up and down I can see, in the opposite direction to where my cars are parked up, there's a stream of dirty water trickling. Turning right I stroll over to it. It looks like a waste pipe's cracked and leaking slowly but steadily. I file it away as a matter to report to maintainence to be repaired.

Heading back after that detour saves my life because a guy with a big knife spins around a concrete column. If I'd just kept walking towards my car he'd have taken me by surprise and gutted me like a fish. All in black with a black ski mask he comes straight at me!

Next: Chapter 4

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