Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Aug 16, 2011


The events and people you are about to be read are only work of fiction and just a product of my imagination. Any similar events are extremely coincidence and not a proof of copying. Be aware of the sexual orientation, although it is really part of it. O.o

I looked around and seeing nothing . . . this place . . . my place had always been dark ever since I became true to myself. And until now I suffer the consequences of my action. I shouldn't have come out. I should have stayed in my shell. At best, I wouldn't have met him. Renz, the man I wish dead right now. The one that made me suffer and chopped my heart into pieces. I sat in the corner of two walls and continued tearing up while looking at the knife lying in front of me confused as to whom should I stabbed it. To Renz or to me.........


Renz's arm wrapped around me as his lips were traipsing along the nape of my neck; it felt good! It's been a month since he moved in with me and everything has gone smoothly. I heard my phone beep, flipped it open and read the message.

"Hey bro. sori 2 distrb ur sweet drms but can u stop by here.... Dad 's out 4 a trip. It's kinda imprtnt. I mean REALLY IMPORTANT. Txt me if ya gona make it. ^_^" Carla texted.

"Who is it Xanny?" Renz asked rubbing his eyes.

I twisted a little and sat up. "It's just Carla, she wanted me to stop by our house later." He looked at me shaking his head awake. "Are you going? I mean what if you see your dad."

"He's on a business trip. That's what she said anyway."

He sat up embracing me. "Then you should go. Don't worry I'll be ok here after work."

I felt guilty. Ever since he left his condo he's been just like me. He goes to school, then to work and, then comes back to our dirty little apartment exhausted. This is way different from the home he's used to. He was supporting himself financially.

My nerves were getting bad.

"Um, Z? Have you thought about returning to your old house?" I winced at the question I just asked anticipating the answer. I couldn't see his face because he was holding me from the back.

"Hey we talked about this a dozen times. You know that there's no way I'm going back there with him. He only wants me for a show piece and to run his company one day; nothing more." He said in a low voice.

"But your life with me is far more different than it was with your father. I mean, you had your car, money, a soft bed with nice fluffy pillows, and you can just let it go that easily? What I'm saying is, you're not used living like me. You never really had to work, and seeing you trade your old life to suffer with me just kills me." I shrugged.

He sighed. "But I'm happy with you. And there's nothing in this world that will make me happier and more satisfied than being with the man I fought my father over. I love you Xander and no material things can take your place." He said hugging me tighter.

I gulped. "I love you too Renz, but I'm not blind. I can see that it's killing you living in this rotten apartment. I mean, you go to work then to school and come back here pretty exhausted. I can do it because I'm used to it; but you? I can't bear to see you like this and it's all my fault."

We parted. He twist looking me straight my eyes. "Listen. I am here right now because this is what I want. And what I want is to be with you. It doesn't matter if I'm having a hard time now. It'll pass. Stop blaming yourself." He said making my favorite crooked smile. I looked away frowning.

"You're not letting go of this easily are you?" He said.

"I don't know. I just don't feel good about this situation."

He gave me a quizzical look, then drew my face to his until our noses touched. He wiggled it.

"And this doesn't feel good?" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes then smiled. "You are really as stubborn as I am." I smiled then we leaned for a passionate morning kiss.....


"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I heard him hiss in my ears again. I jumped on my bed panting like hell. It's just a dream Florence. It's just a dream. My body was covered in sweat as I curled myself into a ball. For the past couple of weeks (after Brian threatened me) I haven't been able to focus. His words just kept running through my head and it scared the hell out of me. He was always there shoving me, but before that confrontation, I was always the tough guy who never backed down. After that talk, when he shoved me, I just couldn't let it go. I didn't want to die yet. And I really had no idea what was going on in his head.

That is the scary part....


It's been more than a month and my friendship with Brittany has grown stronger. We go shopping; always buying new bags and shoes together. It turns out we have a lot in common. I am so happy that I was able to build such a close friendship with her. But every time my mind shifts to that night it just makes everything feel so wrong. I shouldn't even be talking to her let alone getting close to her. It's not right. It's not like I'm betraying myself, but Brittany is a whole other story. I am so sorry about everything I have done. I want to beg for forgiveness. Just looking at Brit's face is killing me. The funny thing is, she is starting to move on.

She has to know the truth. She was my friend. And friends don't betray each other.

She had to know that I am the girl that Chester fucked that night.

It was not what you think. I mean I'm not a whore.

It was all an accident. I was at this bar, totally depressed because Renz broke up with me. It just killed me. I wanted to get drunk, and I did. I was completely out of my head. The next thing I knew, there was this guy that I know I had seen somewhere before. He came over and we started talking. He was as hot as any other jock I've seen. He was just as drunk as I was. He said he was having this problem with this girl who he wanted back. But things went from innocent conversation to substantially worse in no time.

The next thing I knew, Chester was fucking me and I saw Brittany standing in front of the car. Chester snapped out of his drunken fuck and got off of me as quickly as he could, then rushed over to Brit.

Remembering this mistake made me like a worthless bitch. I wouldn't blame Brittany if she cursed me out and wished I were dead. All I know is, she had to know the truth about what really happened. I never meant to break up their relationship and I never wanted to.....


I saw Floren fixing his things then a split second later, Brian, shoved him into his locker so hard he fell to the ground. I was instantly furious.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I said pushing Brian. His huge body barely moved but I made and impact.

"You have a problem with that, Fag?" He said drawing closer to me.

"Yeah, I have a problem with that, Jerk!" I scowled. Brian was about to hit me when Kyrian appeared before me. "Messing with my best friend and buddies again, huh dick head?" He growled.

Before anything could get started, Floren was in front of us pushing me and Kyrian away.

"Please let's just go." He said with watery eyes.

"Hell no. We're not going to let that piece of shit pick you!"

"I'm begging here, let's just go now." He demanded.

Something is going on.

"Explanation." I said sternly as we sat down in the cafeteria.

"Dude, you really look worn out. What did he do to you?" Kyrian asked. Floren really looked anxious. It seemed like he had not slept in days, and his dark brown eyes just seemed so unsteady.

"Nothing, I just don't want us to get in any trouble." He sighed. I held his hands he looked at our entwined fingers.

"Don't make us try to figure this out. There is something going on. I know you."

"You don't know me." He said under his teeth. "I just don't want anyone get hurt or rock any boats unnecessarily okay? That's it, end of story."

"Hey what's going on." Renz said appearing right by my side. I still held Floren's hand. Renz tried to hide his expression and look cool, but Floren took his hand back.

"We're just talking, Z." I said.

"Well, I didn't know it was necessary to hold hands to talk." He said. Kyrian cleared his throat trying to hide his laughter.

"Do I detect jealousy? " I said smiling at him.

"What? No." He defended being caught off guard. "Well . . . I gotta go. I need to pick up some books from the library."

He left.

"Dude, you gotta go get him before he jumps off of a building or something." Kyrian said grinning.

"I'm sorry about that." Floren added.

I shook my head. "See you guys later."

Wow, I would have never imagined that that would make Renz, jealous. To be honest, I've never made anyone jealous not even my best friend Kyrian. It was an odd feeling . . . but I kinda felt good.

I found Renz in the library standing by a book shelf reading a book. I grabbed his hand making him look up.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He pretended to be indifferent. I dragged him to the most hidden shelves in the library and kissed him. He kissed me back.

"What was that for?" He said.

"Oh stop being so blas‚. I know you were jealous of Floren."

"You've got to be kidding me." He said tensing a little then avoiding eye contact with me. God he's so cute when he does that.

"No you were jealous." I cooed pinching his hard abs.

He gave me an incredulous stare then shook his head. "I was not."

"Oh come on, I know that face." I chuckled. "You don't have anything to be jealous of though. Me and Floren are so over."

"I don't get jealous." He said sternly. "I won't get jealous. I've never been jealous . . . NOT UNTIL NOW." He said making a troubled face with his last phrase.

I laughed hard. He rolled his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on my hips.

"You're the only one in the world that I will ever love. Remember that." He said. I leaned in planting a kiss right on his lips. He chuckled under the kiss.

We parted. "So stop whining like a little kid." I said.

"I'm just not comfortable when you are around him. Guess I was a jerk for not trusting you." He dropped his head.

"Hey it's okay. You should be a jerk when it comes to that. I'd be pretty upset if you didn't get a little jealous."

He smiled. A random girl walked past. He blushed when he saw her look at the position we were in. We both chuckled.

"Ever fool around the library?" I asked.

"What's on your mind, huh?" He said with an evil smile.

I grabbed his swelling cock and rubbed it. He moaned.

"Jeez, Xanny you're making me hard. God we have to stop, we might get caught."

"That's if you keep on moaning hard." I then squeeze his crotch. He moaned harder then kissed my lips. I chuckled.

"Stop, stop. I can't stay quiet." He said catching his breath. I backed away.

"Chicken." I said mocking him. He raised his brow.

"Chicken? Fuck you man." He said.

"I wish you would." I winked.

He picked me up and pressed me against the book shelf. My legs wrapped around his waist, he pressed his crotch against mine. It felt so damn good. I moaned. He quieted the sound by enveloping my mouth with his. He ground our crotches together. I was hard as rock and moaning loudly through the kiss.

"You still wanna do this?" He chuckled. I smiled.

"Yeah guess we should stop." I said.

"I love you so much." He said tracing his fingers on my face.

"Me too." I said rubbing my nose on his.......


"So how are things, with you working and all?" Blake asked.

I took a break at the restaurant I started working at, to sit with a few of my friends that came by.

"It's fine. You know ... it's frustrating sometimes but I'm starting to get used to it." I said smiling.

Mica patted my arms. "I'm really sorry about what happened to you. I wish there was something we could do."

I was so glad that they didn't turn their backs on me just because I am with Xander.

"So how are things going with you and Xander? Gosh, I already feel like I've known him forever."

"Yeah bro, out of all the guys in the world, you're the one who got his heart. I wouldn't trade him for anything." Blake said.

Mica punched him in his arms.

"Ouch! It's not like I will trade you honey."

I chuckled as Mica gave Blake a smug look.

"So have you guys been fooling every night? I mean, you're living under the same roof right?" Sam asked with his wide grin.

Sam and I have been hanging around together more lately. Anyone with eyes would say he was very good looking with his light blonde hair and those adorable generous pink lips and green eyes. He was definitely hot but I have no interest in my best buddy.

"There you go." Blake said seeing me blush.

"Okay stop with the sex thing." Mica snapped jokingly. "There's a lady present."

"Oh come on, it's not like you and Blake didn't fool around all the time." Sam teased. We laughed.

"Xander will be here any minute now. He said he would be running errands, but you guys can meet him." I said.

"Oh God, we can finally meet him." Mica cheered. We shook our heads.

"We've missed you boy." Sam said. "I never see my buddy, now that you've transferred. Lately I've been thinking about transferring to your school."

"Dude you can't do that." I said surprised.

"You can't do anything to change my mind. I mean, you've been distant and I want to catch up. Besides, I've already talked to my parents about this and they don't have a problem with it. The girls around our school are nuts anyway. I want something new."

"Well, Renz, looks like you have no choice." Mica said. "Let your best friend be. At least this way you have someone closer to you at this new school. Let the boy explore."

I sighed.

"Besides, I wanna know this Xander who has my boy here pretty fucked up in love." Sam added.

"Hey there cuties." A girl greeted.

We turned. Of course it was her, with her curly long red-brown hair and her smug blue eyes. She was one of the hottest girls back in my old school.

"Oh, hey there Janice." Mica greeted standing up for a girl kiss. Mica had this sarcastic look she puts on whenever she's around someone she doesn't like. Kinda like the one she is wearing now that Janice is here.

Blake and Sam had their eyes fixed on her. She sat beside me forcefully hugging me. I winced away. I was so done with her; especially after she cheated on me. We sorta' became friends though.

"Oh come on; you can't give your ex a hug?" She teased.

"Nice to see you again Janice. You looked tanned." I said still not returning her hug.

She was always like this. She hung all over me like she owned me; even back when Mica and I were together. Mica cleared her throat.

"So how're things going? I heard you've been out with some random guy. Is he hot?" She said seductively.

"Well I am with Xander, and yeah, he really is hot. And you gotta stop doing this." I said removing her hands from me. Sam, Mica and Blake chuckled.

"I mean, it's kinda a turn off. I'm gay now I think, and your hands creep me out." I joked. They laughed.

Janice had a smug look on her face.

"Does he have these things?" She said tracing her huge pair of balloons on her chest.

Jeez, she was really hot.

"Okay that's just kinda off." Mica said waking me from my stare. Janice smiled.

I saw Xander outside the restaurant. He looked like an angel the way he was standing there waiting. I stood up and went to him.

"Hey." I greeted with a kiss. He kissed back.

"So you're with your friends?" He asked politely.

"Yeah, I am. And I want you to meet them; they're grea. . . . "

"So this is the guy who turned you." Janice said haughtily. I felt Xander tense a little. "Well I have to say, you really are a piece of competition. You're hot as hell."

Xander looked at me smiling.

"Oh yeah. Babe, this is Janice. Janice, my boyfriend, Xander." Xander offered his hand as Janice stared at him sternly but shook his anyway.

"Nice to finally meet you Xander. Just so you know, I am his Ex. But you never know what the future holds."

What was that about?

"Yeah the thing is, that's why you're called an Ex. Cuz you're done and in his past, I'm the present." Xander said meeting her smugness. "For the record, I really understand now why my boyfriend turned."

I smiled. That's my boy. I swear hearing this conversation made Xanny so much hotter now. And his meeting Janice's arrogance with his own is why I know he is perfect for me.

Janice's face changed.

"Oh my God, he is so much hotter than before." Mica cheered as all of them decided to get going. She and Xander hugged. "I'm sorry. I'm Mica by the way."

"Xander." He smiled.

"Jeez, I can't believe the guy from the A-Venue is right in front of me -- Blake, by the way." Blake said offering his hands.

"Yeah your face is kinda familiar. Nice to meet you, Bro." Xander said shaking his hands.

"Come here." Sam said pilling Xander into a bear hug almost lifting him off of the ground. Xander chuckled.

"Names Samuel Johnson. Sam for short. I'm Renz' best friend since 2nd grade."

"No you're not." I cracked.

"I kinda figure that out." Xander joked shaking his hand. They all laughed except for Janice.

"Well so much for the introductions." Janice intruded.

Xander looked at her then let it go. "Guess I have to go. My crazy sister is dying for me to visit them."

I frowned.

"Okay, don't be late, Babe." I said pulling him for a kiss which he reciprocated. I really didn't care what they thought. I just savored the moment in his arms.

"Wow, I never knew. . . That was a turn on." Mica smiled.

We separated then chuckled.

"Nice to meet you guys again." He said kissing me one last time then turning to leave.

"I think he's a great guy." Sam said.

"You have no idea." I smiled.

"You don't know that yet." Janice said. I was getting pissed at her comments.

"Janice, will you give it up? I'm with him now; accept it." I said.

"You don't know that either." Janice said walking away.

"Dude, the girl needs a reality check." Blake said.

I sighed.


That Janice girl really is cocky. My guess is, she still has the hots for Renz. It doesn't matter though because I trust him. I know I have nothing to worry about. There is no way she could interfere in our relationship.

Standing in front of the door to my old home, I shook the thoughts of Janice out of my head and knocked. It's been a while. I've missed this place.

I knocked again and Clara opened the door. "Xander!!!" He cheered hugging me tight.......

"So how are things going with you and Renz?" Mom asked. I stuffed my mouth with all the stir fried veggies that mom cooked. It was my favorite. "Hey, chill out tiger, no one's going to take that away from you." I bottomed up a glass of water before I choked. I missed this kitchen.

"My bro sure misses you cooking, Mom." Jacob grinned.

"You have no idea." I sighed, making a face. They all laughed.

"Everything is complete now with you here, Xanny." Jane said. I chuckled.

"What?" She asked.

"Well you're not the only one who calls me that now," I said.

"Who is copying my nicknames?" She said.

"Errr . . . Renz," I said.

"Oh, so you're his Xanny now, eh?" Clara smiled. "I bet things get wild every night huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Can we stop with that talk. Change topic."

"So how did you guys get together?" That question really caught me off guard. I blushed.

"Oh my big bro is blushing." Jacob laughed.

"Shut up, Jacob." I said fighting a smile.

"Come on spit it out!" Jane said.

I gave up. "He gave me this on my birthday." I showed the wristlet exposing the engraved words. "I didn't open it for a while then when I learned about it, I freaked out. He noticed it and started to confess his feelings to me." I knew I was blushing. "Next thing I know he was shouting in the hall way saying he loves me."

"AWWWW" Jacob howled. All of us laughed.

"Well that's great of him. I think he really is a good guy. And you deserve that Xander. He loves you and you loved him." Mom said. "Just make sure you use condoms when you fool around."

"MOM!!!" I yelled. They all laughed like hell. Blood was rushing to my face. God, I miss my family. it's a shame that Dad is not around. As the thought crossed my mind, I heard an engine rev in the driveway. I knew it was dad's car.

"I thought Dad was on a trip?" I asked sternly. Jane and Jacob dropped their head.

"Xander, It was just . . . I knew there was no way that we could get you here to talk so I lied. Dad wanted to talk to you now. He's ready." Clara said.

I stood up running for the back door. Mom grabbed me.

"Baby, listen to me. I've talked about this to your father. He's finally come around about everything. He misses his son and feels so bad about what he did to you."

"Mom it's ALL a lie." I scoffed.

"Xander believe it or not but he truly has changed. He's been having these nightmares. He blames himself for hurting you. He wants to fix things now. He wants to make it up to you. Nick admits that he was wrong and you're right. He loves you. I can see he's not lying anymore."

"Oh damn that lie. Did I forget to tell you? A couple of weeks ago I saw Dad at a restaurant in the middle of the night with his mistress, Diane." I said.

Their faces changed. "What?"

"This Diane woman is crazy, you know." Clara said. "Dad said he ended their relationship. He had enough of the bitch. It probably happened the night that you saw him."

"What are you talking about?"

"This Diane also makes up stories trying to get Mom fired; telling people things like Mom is a kleptomaniac and other stuff." Clara said.

"Yeah, she is trying to ruin me at work, but my officemates are not dumb. They know me more than that Diane does. They know she's lying. They don't believe her. She's pathetic.

"Now she is starting on your brother and sisters; making up stories that Jane is pregnant and Jacob is using drugs." She's unbelievable.

"And Dad didn't do anything about it?" I asked.

"He broke up with her and felt sorry for what he did. He said his family comes first and if anyone tries to ruin his family they will pay the consequences. This Diane keeps trying to hang on to Dad, but he has been done with her ever since you've been gone." Clara said.

"And how do you know it's not just one of his acts?" I asked.

"We saw it." Jane said. "When Jacob and I were walking to buy snacks we saw the scene. We hid and listened when we ran into both of them together. I thought Dad was just a liar, but that's not true. We heard Dad say that he was done with her and didn't want to see her anymore. He said she broke our family and was trying to deteriorate it. He finally put an end to it. Boy, if you could only see the scene, that Diane went really insane."

"And we mean really insane." Jacob emphasized.

While Jacob and Jane were recounting the story, shouts and yelling started coming from the front door. It was so loud it had to be disturbing the neighbors. We all rushed outside.

"Please Nick talk to me, I swear I'll be a better wife for you! I'll make our life perfect, and I'll forget everything you said just come back to me, Nick. Please I'm begging you!!!" Diane said knelling in front of him.

"My God Diane, I'm sorry for everything, but I love my family and my wife much more than you. I'm sorry that I used you, but you used me too. I don't feel anything for you. You tried to destroy my family and I can't let you do anything to harm them, especially when you're making stories about them!" Dad said getting out of her grasp.

"I promise I won't do it again, just please come back. I love you!" She was crying like she was about to be sentenced to death. Her eyes then shifted to me as we stood in front of our front door.

"You!" She hissed. "You're the reason for everything."

Dad finally glanced at me. His eyes widened. "Xander." He said softly walking past her to me. I moved away a little. "Son, please talk to me. I'm so sorry." He said trying to touch me, I jerked away.

"What the hell is she doing screaming in the front of your house?" I growled although I had no rights to ask.

"Our house." Dad corrected. I felt mom smile. Our neighbors were everywhere. I felt pretty uncomfortable.

"You faggot!!!" Diane shouted. "You don't belong here! You and your homo genes are nothing but an insult to the society. You are damned. It's because of you and your drama. That's why Nick left me. You are all worthless sons of your bitch mother!" She exploded. I felt Clara and Jane ready to launch themselves at her any moment. Dad was about to turn and shout at her again, but I walked past him getting his attention.

She tense backing away as I approached. I really wanted to punch this woman.

"Three things. . ." I said calmly. "First of all, what you're doing is disturbing the peace and trespassing on someone's private property howling like a rabid dog. And if you don't leave, I'll pick up my cell and have the cops throw you in jail. Secondly, if you think gay people like me are an insult to the society, how do you view people like you? At least I'm here talking patiently holding a steady grip on my decency; unlike you honking like a Hampshire Hog because my father left a desperate home wrecking whore who thought and dreamt he loved her while in fact he doesn't..."

"You talk as if you----" "I'm not finish yet." I snarled. "Finally, you're pathetic. Did you really think, for a split of second, you stood a chance against us? His own flesh and blood? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Slut, but I don't think so.

"Let me break it down to you sweetheart. My dad comes over then fucks you because of his incessant horniness. Then he's done with you. The really sad thing is, you don't get anything else from him because HE BELONGS TO US, end of story."

She was about to slap me when my mother caught her hand. She threw it away and slapped Diane so hard I thought her neck would snap.

"That's for your stupid lies." She then slapped her again seemingly harder. "That's for my sons and daughters." She swung another one. "That's for me." Then mom hit her so hard she fell to the ground. "That's for calling my son a nothing but an insult to the society. Now if you want another one make another sound. If I were you, I would get up and leave, salvaging any dignity I had left."

Wow, I never thought my mom could hit that hard. Diane stood up looking around then glanced at my father.

"You'll regret this Nick." She hissed.

And then mom up and slapped her for the last time. "I told you to get off of my lawn!" Mom demanded.

Diane stood there helpless. Somehow, I felt pity for her. She then ran away.

"You all right?" Mom said fixing my hair.

"I'll always remember the way you hit her when I see you getting pissed with me." I said smiling.

She chuckled then went inside. Clara and Jane followed. Jacob patted Dad's arm before going inside. I turned to walk away.

"Xander, son." Dad called. He was beside me in an instant. "Can we . . . you know, take a walk?"

I looked at him and didn't know how to feel. He threw me out, but for him to stand here and prove his love for our family makes me want to forgive him. He is my father after all.

"Guess so." I shrugged.

"So how are things going?" He asked as we wandered down the street. "I heard you are with this kid, Renz. Is that right?"

I winced. I could still remember my promise to my dad, that I wouldn't have a relationship with a guy at this time in my life. "We're good, but I know you don't approve. So why care?"

He had his head down. "Yeah, I wish I could, but I can't."

We stopped in front of a basketball court. I looked at my dad. I surely get all my features from him, a shame though not his sexuality.

"You want to shoot a few hoops?"

I looked at the hoop. "Yeah, I guess so."

He grabbed the ball and threw it to me. I caught it, dribbled, and went for a shot. He tried to block it but too late. I smiled catching the ball again. I threw it to him then guarded the goal. He dribbled and charged for a shot. I was in front of him but he faked to the right, fooling me then went for his shot. He made it and gave me a smug smile.

We played for like an hour. I found myself missing these times, these father and son times. We laughed as we played, catching each other off guard. It felt good. We got pretty exhausted, and laid out on the ground. We were soaked with sweat.

"God, I really need a practice." Dad sighed.

"Yeah I guess you do need it." I said.

"I never know you were that good." He said catching his breath.

"Well, you never knew that because we rarely had time for each other." I said without really thinking about my words.

He then looked at me in deep agony. "We could have time now." He said. "Come back home. I promise I will make everything right. Xander, I had to admit that I still can't accept the fact that you're gay, but I found out it's harder for me to accept the fact that you're out in this world alone. I can't stand thinking about the kind of father that I am. I have to learn to accept who you are and be there whenever you need me. That's what a good father is."

I looked away fighting tears. "Does it matter? I mean, you still can't accept what I am, what's difference does it make?"

"You're right. . ." He said standing up.

I thought he was leaving, but he offered me his hand to pull me up. ". . . but you and I know what it is like to be rejected. You rejected me as your father and I rejected you as my son. I want our family be complete and if that it means that I have to accept what you are then so be it. I love my family and I love my son."

I stood up refusing his help. "I can't let you do that, dad. I want to be accepted by my father and not force him to out of guilt. I love you too, but we are just fooling ourselves if we actually go through with this thinking it will work. It will just double the pain for both of us."

He had his head down. What is happening to us? "I'm so confused, son. Part of me says that I want you back but part of me wants you to change. Why do I feel this way?"

I patted his shoulder. "Trust me this is not easy for me either." He looked up with watery eyes. I turned around walking away......

My phone then beeped. I flipped it open reading the message. "Can you stop by my house? I really needed a friend right now." It was Floren.

So that's the end of chapter 10. Part 2 will be out one of these days (I'm really not sure..) I'm sorry guys for the delay. I've been busy lately.... Thesis and my other subjects are killing me but I hope you still support my story. Also, I would like to rephrase the my plan of releasing a new chapter every week since my schedule is becoming more and more out of hand. Chances are, I would just break my promise. But I swear you won't get disappointed for the following chapter.

Anyways, 4 Chapters to go and Season 1 is over. Hahaha you guys need to wait until the other left chapters are ot because I swear it's a hell of a blast. Let me know about your comments and suggestions. I'm still new in writing, FYI. Just email me at discreetlyweird@yahoo.com . Bad comments are also welcome.

Lastly, I want to thank my editor, Corey for the outstanding editing hahahaha. And I also want to thanks my Indonesian supporters hahaha I'm so sorry guys for the delay..... Until next week & stay tuned!!! :))))))

Next: Chapter 11

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