Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Sep 10, 2011


The events and people you are about to be read are only work of fiction and just a product of my imagination. Any similar events are extremely coincidence and not a proof of copying. Be aware of the sexual orientation, although it is really part of it and why the hell are you here? O.o



I was walking down the hall when I saw him, there literally waiting for someone. Brian saw me as if I was the one he was waiting. He walked straight to me. I pretended that I didn't notice him although I know my body was shaking in fear. "Hey fag, got a minute?"

"What do you want?" I choked out. He had those piercing eyes again as if he will stab me with a knife. He grabbed my arms forcefully then dragged me in the men's room. I cringed in his grip. He checked if anyone is inside. There was none, how I wish there were.

"How come Dylan knew about me?" He hissed.

I looked at him in horror. "What are you talking about. I did----"

"Stop! Playing dummy with me queer!" He barked as he slams one of the toilet door. I jumped, fear practically ate me. "Have we forgotten about our little agreement? Or do I have to refresh it on your mind?" He said in his dead voice.

"I don't want you near me." I whispered. "And about Dylan, I didn't even speak to him so how can it be possible that---"

"I said stop lying to me!" He yelled again then grabbed me hard in his arms. "No! let me go!" I screamed as I looked up with tears falling down. His face suddenly changed as he saw me crying. "Please let me go." I sobbed.

He let me go then stormed out of the room. My hand was shaking in horror. *

I wanted to talk to someone, I can't bare this all by myself. I needed someone that can be trusted and wise enough to give me comfort. I'm scared of what Brian is doing to me and I needed help to ease up my tension. I then heard our door bell rung. I rush on the door and swung it opened. There Xander stood, the friend I texted. I rushed over him pushing a hard hug. He hugged back. "What's the problem Floren? Are you Okay?" we then parted then I looked outside seeing if Brian is outside. I then grabbed his hand, drag him inside and shut the door. We rush on our room and locked the door.

"Floren you're acting really weird, can you stop that you're freaking me out." He tensed. I looked at him then started to cry. I fell on the floor and started to cry harder. He rushed over me and wrapped his arms around me. "Whatever it is buddy I'm here, come on stop crying. I'm here now." His arm around me is so good. I buried my face in his chest and kept on crying.

A couple of minutes have passed and I felt exhausted. We sat on my bed as he patted my head. "You still don't want to talk about it?" I fixed myself and looked at him. He was always as gorgeous as anyone.

"Remember when you tell that there's something wrong is going on. You're right." He had those eager eyes then. "Brian kept on picking on me. At first I can tolerate it but in some instance it really brought me to my boiling point. So I confront him."

"I knew it! That jerk will really get a punch on me. He just wait til tomorrow." He was in furious then.

"But that's not just it. I confront him until he really got pissed. I thought he was going to hit me but no. The next thing I know, he was kissing me."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Yeah, not long before we parted, I realized that he was gay too. A closet gay who is having a hard time so he pushes it to gay guys like us. I felt pity for him. All I thought was he needed a friend to talk to." He was still pondering my revelation. "Then one day he confronts me with deep anger. Brian threatens me that he will kill me when I tell it to someone. At first I thought it was all just a joke but as the days past, he kept on shoving me and giving me those dead eyes. It made me realized that he was serious. I kept having these dreams about him on how different things he could do to me and often times I kept on spotting him outside our house like he was waiting for me to go outside. "

"god.." Xander breathed as tear fill my eyes again. "And just this morning, I don't know how but he said Dylan learned about his secret and he was blaming me. I don't know what to do know Xander but it really scared me to death. I can't focus whenever he is around and I can't feel myself again because of fear. I just wanted him to stop and I swear I will going to hide his secret til death he just needs to leave me alone. I can't take it anymore."

"Shhhhh." He said wiping the tears in me. "What did he do after he told that to you?" He asked.

"Nothing he just left but I don't know what he will do next." I said dropping my head.

"Hey" he lifted my face. "I don't think he could touch you." He said. "He's not that brave to get out of his shell so I don't think he had the guts to hurt you."

"But he was serious I can see it in his eyes." I pointed. "Which made it clear that he was just as scared as you are. He's this kid who fears about discriminations that's why he was so protective to himself. Trust me he didn't mean it so stop freaking out. Because if he really mean it then he should have killed you right on the moment you learned about him. He just wanted to manipulate you so you could shut your mouth." He said. That made a point. "Trust me all he needed is someone to talk to, about himself and you probably knew who it will be." I relaxed a little.

"Paris Hilton?" I asked. He laughed. I smiled.

"There it is." He chuckled. "Just make sure you could keep his secret between you, me and him. I swear to god if he touches you again I will be the one who will stand before you. Hell I was even thinking, how about you're the one who gonna manipulate him and not the other way around." He had this evil smile.

I felt relax now. "I'm not that." I rolled my eyes. "Thank you Xander."

"No problem." He said winking at me.

"I swear I'm going to kiss you right now." I said with a huge grin. He chuckled. "Sorry boy, I'm taken." We laughed.

"So how's things going with you and him? Is he okay, well you turned a rich guy in something tacky. I'm impressed." I said. His face then changed to agony. "Hey it was just a joke." I added wishing that I hadn't cracked it.

"No it's okay, we're fine. But honestly, he doesn't complain but I'm not dumb. I can feel that this was hard for him and I can't help but blame myself. He wasn't used to this life and I dragged him to hell."

"But he loved you that's why he was ready to give up everything for you." I said. "It's a noble thing to do for you."

"Which made everything complicated. I can't see the man I love suffer the consequences just because of choosing me. It killed me. Often times, I can feel he wanted to sob but keep it to him. Just today, he had this talk to his old friends and I can see how much he missed his life back. And I felt idiot about it." He had a trace of tears in his eyes then.

"Just keep it on your head that he had you." I don't know what to say, cuz even me, even if I look in every corner he was right. I can't risk the happiness of someone I love just to be with me.

"I can't let him suffer like this. I had to make it right. I love him that's why I'm going to do this. He must have his life back and there's only one way to get everything right."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked bewildered.

I led him outside the door. Why am I having this feeling that someone was looking at us? "Hey thanks for your time again." I said. "No problem I'm your friend right? And hey thanks too for listening." He chuckled. "Guess we both have boy problems." We laughed. I looked at his afternoon face and the shadow just made his face bloom with that clear smooth skin and sparkling dark brown eyes. I then leaned in kiss on his lips. He didn't kissed back.

"Floren I'm with Renz now." Xander sighed.

I suddenly felt embarrassed. "Just checking if we still had a chance." I joked. We chuckled.

"I gotta go now." He said turning away. "Bye." I called. He waved his hand. I got up inside. I then pondered, the funny thing is, I didn't feel anything with that kiss. No spark or anything not like with .......him.


I stood there my heart just fell. Seeing the man I fight over the world cheated on me with Floren made me want to explode. How can Xander do this to me? I took a step back as I fight myself from launching to Floren's house. Anger filled my head and I can't think right. I hold on from my last drop of humanity, if ever I had. Janice held my shoulder. "Come on baby, let's get out of here." He said softly.

"Get away from me. " I hissed.

"Oh stop with your nut head." She said shaking her head. I felt a tear form on my eyes as I pondered how I got in this situation. Why does Xander have to cheat on me? Did I do something wrong? Am I not enough for him? I can't keep my breath steady. I was suffocating from inside. "You are hurt and you needed someone to be with. Let's get in my car."

I felt her hands grabbed me as she led me on her car. I sat on the front seat looking blankly on the sky. "Please get me somewhere else." I breathed. "Before I done something I'll regret." My mind kept replaying the way Floren kissed Xander. Why? Why?


I was on my way going back to or apartment when I heard someone revved a car beside me. "Hey need a ride?" She asked.

"No I can handle." I said to Janice. I don't want to make any reason for Xander to get Jealous with her.

"Oh come on I can drop you by, at least I'll know where you live. Besides the next stop of the bus is still an hour and a half." She was right. I looked around cautiously I don't want this to be the root of everything. I'm happy now and I want to stay like that.

I hopped on her car. She had a grin her mouth before roaring his car on the street. We talked a little. She was trying to seduce me most of the time but her priority was to catch up things with me. But right and then I pointed that I am happy with Xander. She frowned a couple of times, but I can't do anything with that. It's a fact and there's no way she can change it.

I was suddenly got aware, I knew w/c block it was. It was near Floren's house. She then killed her engines off. "Hey why are we here?" I asked skeptically.

"You usually get pretty honest with Xander, I see that. But do you think he's with you?"She said raising her brow.

What the hell is she talking about. "That's it Janice. I don't know what you're talking about but I'm happy with him now. I know what you're doing but I'm sorry there's no way you can get between us." I said bluntly. "I love him and he loves me."

"Try telling that to him." She said then tilting his face to where Floren's houses were. And then I saw Xander standing in front of his house. The door swung open and Floren grabbed him inside. I got out of the car, no I trust him. There's no way he will be cheating on me. Stay calm Renz. He loves you.

"I told you." She said standing beside me.

"That doesn't prove anything." I said doubting to myself now.

I stayed on the street waiting for him to get out. As the time passes, my bewildered thoughts grew. I still hold on my trust with him. Janice kept telling me Xander isn't honest to me but I didn't listen. The odd thing was, why don't walked away if I really trust him. Maybe I am just denying it to myself.

Then an hour later he got out together with Floren. Floren grabbed him and kissed his lips........

Before I knew it I was inside of Janice condominium. How did I get here. I was so confused. And why would Xander let Floren kiss him. What else did he did inside? Did they do it?

Janice handed me a glass of brandy. I looked at her. "You need to cool down a little." I grabbed the brandy bottle she was holding and drank it all the way. She tried to stop me but I resisted. I wanted to get rid of the pain for a single moment. I exchange all my luxury for what? Being cheated by the man I loved? What did I do wrong? After finishing the bottle, I started to cry. Janice grabbed me as I kept breaking into pieces. Minutes have passed and I felt the sting of the Brandy started to kicked in. I started to hiccup.

"Shhh now now Renz." She grabbed my face facing hers. "You don't have to get hurt like this, you still have me." My eyes get pretty bleary that I thought she was Xander. "Why did you let him Kiss you? Did you two have sex?" I asked sobbing. "Am I not enough huh?" The liquor overwhelmed my thoughts.

"Didn't you love me?" I cried grabbing his head and kissed him hard. I wanted to prove him how much I love him. I felt him strip down; I started to strip my shirt off. He grabbed my cock and started to rub it. I felt a breast then I started to suck on the nipple. He moaned. I was instantly rock hard. He took off my pants and started sucking me. I looked down and it was not Xander. Janice sucked my cock fondling my balls.

"Janice!" I startled. I then stood up but I was so groggy I fell on her bed. She jumped on top of me. "I know you want me." Janice purred.

"Oh God...." I heard someone said. I looked up tossing Janice off me. Xander stood there as tears welled down on those deep brown eyes.....


"Hey brit" Trisha greeted. Her eyes were weary.

"Hey Trish. Are you okay" I patted her shoulder.

"Can I talked to you in private?" Trisha asked, tension was grew on her. "Sure but can you get loose a little." I said. She grabbed me outside the school and we got under a tree. Her hand was really sweating. "Okay there's no one around. Will you tell me what's wrong? You're freaking me out Trish." I asked feeling something was wrong.

"I'm your friend right?"She asked. I nodded. "Please promise me you'll take this in a not in the literal way. I never meant to hurt you or your relationship with Chester. It was all an accident." I started to back away a little as I take her words little by little. She started to cry. "I never thought it will end like that. We are both so drunk we didn't think about what we are doing."

"Stop it." I said as I started to know the truth.

"I told you stay away from her!" Chester barked appearing next to me. "Babe listen to me." He grabbed my cheeks I took it off.

"I can't believe this."

"Well now that you're here Chester. Why don't we spit it out now." Trisha said crying.

"I said shut up! " He yelled at her. I started to realize all things now.

"Please don't tell me it was her." I said as tears well down.

He dropped his head down. "It was me Brit." Trisha sobbed. "I was the whore who slept with him that night."

"Babe it's not what you think. I love y----" I stopped him with a slap before he said it. He has no right. "Don't you fucking tell me those words cuz you don't know anything about it." I hissed then turning to Trisha. "And you. What a nice way of acquainting me. Pretending that I am your friend well in fact you fucked my man."

"Brittany it's not what you thin--" "Then tell me!!!" I roared letting the tears fall. "huh? Tell me another of your lies. I trusted you as my friend. And what is that? Is you befriending be is one of you play act?"

"No Brit. You are my friend and I didn't mean to do it." She approached me. "Please listen to ----" I then slapped her hard making her fall down.

"Brit listen. We both get drunk. It was an accident we are so out of our head to know what is going on. It's true that It's just an accident." Chester said touching me.

"Oh yeah, you accidentally get drunk together, accidentally drop you pants off and you accidentally fucked her." I snapped.

"Please let's talk about this."

"Don't touch me!" I shouted. "I'm done with you!" I said pointing him. I looked at Trisha who is holding her cheeks with tears. "I'm done- I'm done with all of you!!" I stormed away in humiliation......


*earlier that day

I stood in the front of his office. "He's inside waiting for you." Her secretary said. I took a breath before knocking. I opened the door and there he was, sitting in his chair crossed legs as if he was waiting for me.

"How ironic it is to see you stand there when a couple of months ago you nearly spat on my face. Have a seat." Peter offered with an evil grin.

I didn't sat. "I'll cut the story short, I'm giving him back to you." His smile got even wider.

"Why so fast? I was beginning to wonder what month it will be but as we can see it only seem weeks. Is he having a hard time? Are you not enjoying his company now? Well like you said, That's not your choice or any of mine. It is HIS choice. " Anger filled my head. He really is an asshole. Jeff was right. He's plays dirty and seem like I lose.

"You really is a piece of shit you know that?" I said. His face got even more playful. "But so you know, I'm not doing this because I don't love your son or the other way around. You made it hard for him and it's killing me. I don't know if you can understand that but I don't really care. You have the best son and I don't want to take everything away from him." I said keeping my composure.

"Guess you're the one who needed a cotton buds. I can't force him or take him back ----"

"That's precisely the reason why I needed your help." I snapped feeling my heart rotten.

He pondered a little then his smile got wider.

***** I wanted Renz to see me get inside Floren's house. I wanted him to think that I cheated on him so he'll get rid of me. Peter gave me a number. He said that I can text this person to help me with my plan. I felt my chest tighten knowing that it was only a matter of time and all this happiness will fade like a blink of light. I should be ready, I loved him that's why I am letting him go. Practically, I will text this person so he can get Renz in front of Floren's house. I didn't know who was on the other line. I didn't care. When I got out their house, Floren kissed me. It was out of the plan but it is effective enough if he's still around.

As far as you can see, I succeeded. Then the number Peter gave me texted a message. He wanted to meet me. Guess there's no harm. He gave me the address as I pondered if I should go. I was frustrated to what I have done that made my mind go for it. The place wasn't hard to track. I was in the front of the door in no time. It was unlocked. I let myself in and I heard moans. Why am I having this feeling that this happened before?

I walked quietly on the salas only to see how everything ends.

There they were, Renz naked being sucked by her ex Janice in ecstacy.

"Oh god.." I breathed. Not long before I know, it was Janice who is my accomplice. And she wanted me to show that I did the right thing and that's I have to stop my fantasies.

What are the odds? I was in blank at first then I finally woke up.

Right then I felt like I was going to be crazy. I felt my body numbed. "Xander!" Renz snapped out tossing Janice on her side. I turned and walked away. He grabbed me as he wrapped his lower body with a sheet. "It's not what you think-- "

I involuntarily punched him hard but it was not enough to get him fall. I didn't speak I just looked at him. I have no words to say. I've planned everything to find a way to break the connection with him but here I am, I felt like he was the one who broke the connection. "Are you done?" He blurted out. "Then what about me? You cheated on me and I even have no idea when it all start."

God I can't believe this is happening.

I compose myself trying to resume the drama. I've started it, I have to finish it. But it hurt like I'm dying inside. "You can stay here and resume whatever you're doing. I don't care. In fact, I'll fix all your things; I don't want you near my apartment again." I said flat dead. "You're right, you have no idea when it all started and I assume you don't want to know it."

His face got pale. "What are you talking about?"

"Does it really matter?" I asked holding myself. "Do you really think I loved you? I'm a whore Renz. And I thought that hooking with you will get me out of that hell. Guess I'm wrong. The fact is, you lost everything and now you're just as useless as any man I've hooked up."

"Please don't tell that." He grabbed my face then. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I was just hurt but you're lying right? You loved me Xanny." He started to tear down. "You promise me you'll never stop loving me."

Hearing him call my name like that made everything worse. I grabbed his hand off. "Wake up dumb head!" I fake chuckled. "I wanted your money but as far as any dick I can suck you're as poor as me. Stop with the fantasy. Wake up asshole!" The last words really meant to me. He tried to touch me. I pushed him back making him fall. Janice was on her side in instant.

"You man whore!" Janice shouted.

Yeah I'm the bad guy. I furiously looked at her then to Renz. I never thought that it'll reach on this ultimatum. "Piece of advice moron, next time you hook up to someone. Make sure you won't fall." I then rushed out before I couldn't hold myself anymore.

I wanted to die then.


"Get off me!!!" I yelled. I stood up then got dressed.

"Honey leave it be." Janice said. "Let me make it up to you. He's worthless." I then grabbed her then tossed her aside. I wanted to wake up. Please wake me up. All those feelings, trust and love. It was all a fraud. How awful I was. He faked everything and all he wanted was my money. I ran outside without any direction. This was the worst pain I ever felt. I wanted to die. I gave up all and what did I get back? All I ever done was to love Xander, is that a bad thing?

I suddenly got tripped. The night was overwhelming. No one is around. I felt like I don't know where my home is, where my heart is. The pain was unbearable. I started to melt down. I cried with all I am and I don't know anything but to cry. I punched at the floor for several times until it bled. It didn't matter; the pain in my chest is much more hurtful than in my fist.

"God Renz what are you doing?" I heard him said. He grabbed me and I forced to get out of his grip. "'Get the fuck away from me!!!" I cried.

"That's it stop this." Sam demanded.

"Fucking kill me!!!" I never thought that I would say that words until now.


I looked around and see nothing, this place; my place had always been dark ever since I became true with myself. And until now I suffer the consequences of my action. I shouldn't have come out. I should have stayed on my shell. The best, I shouldn't have met him. Renz, the man I wished dead right now. The one that made me suffer and chomped my heart into pieces. I stayed right on the corner of both walls continued tearing while looking on the knife laying in front of me confused to whom should I stabbed it, to Renz or to Me.

All I wanted for him was to be happy, to get his life back. I don't know who to blame cuz this is what I want, to be separate with him for his own sake. But why is it in the middle of my wicked sacrifice do I have to learn about him cheating on me. I never intend to get to that extent. Guess that's what life is. You never know what really gonna happen, but still it fucking hurt so bad. Much more, I have to be the bad guy, like I planned it. My life is never been screwed than now. I have experienced almost the painful regrets that life can give when my family took their back off me. But to be the one who regrets someone you love for him to be happy made every seconds like hell.

I stood up grabbing the knife. What if I end it now? I want it to stop. I don't think I can last for another minute. And then I felt the wristlet in my hand got heavier. I took it off and stared at it.


"Hey stop talking like that!!! " I practically yelled. Anger gushed through my face.

"No I'm just saying that if ever one of us got on the brink of life and death, I want, whoever it is, to stay alive and move on. I'm saying this because we never know when it is times up." Renz said nuzzling my cheeks as he lay his warm body in me. "I cared to you so much that if ever one us left, I want him to stay alive."

"You are the weirdest human being I ever met." I groaned rolling my eyes.

He chuckled. "Come on, I mean it." He whispered in his light brown eyes.

"Alright, I promise." He then leaned for a deep kiss.

A tear suddenly fell again. I held the wristlet tight. I don't want to keep that promise but it's the only thing left in me, My life. I then threw the knife off in disgrace. I wanted to die, but it won't help any of us. I'll just proof that it was all just a scam.

Then I exploded.

I threw the wristlet as I stood up. I tossed everything I touched and kicked everything I see. Clashing and squeaks are everywhere. Glasses break, woods split and metals bang. I punched, kicked, swung, rolled and everything my arms can do destroying my own apartment. I just want to get rid of the pain. "AaaaahhhHH!!!" I yelled as everything wrecks. "WHY!!!.." I was crying like I never have done before. Then suddenly my foot buckled side causing me off balance. I fell on my bed. I continue to cry until slowly I drifted to sleep. I don't want to wake up.


5 Days Earlier.

I sat on my desk as I tapped the pen on my table. "So you think you can do the job?" I asked skeptically.

"Getting my ex-boyfriend back and breaking his relationship with his gay slut? Please. " Janice had her eyebrow lifted a little. "How much are we talking?"

I chuckled. " You have no idea, my girl." She then flash her bright teeth and stood up.

"I'm in." She simply said. "I have to go. I have a fish to catch."

"Two fishes." I corrected winking at her. I'll get hook up with this girl after this is over. Janice then walked out.

Then there another woman stood. The one I called earlier. She looked at me in deep dark eyes. She was hot for an old prostitute. "Diane." I greeted. "Have a seat."

She walked pass then sat. "What do you want? How did you get my number?" She asked.

"You're a whore so it's easy to get in touch of you." I pointed.

She then had a smug and lifted her body exposing her huge boobs."So where do you want to do this?"

I chuckled. "I have to admit, I like to fuck you but there's something else I need you to do." Her face changed. "What are you talking about?"

I composed myself as smiled at her. "You know Nick Hummelford right?" Her face then soften. "I know he broke up with you because of his family. He loved them much more than you and it all started when his gay son argued with him. You were there, I suppose you're aware of it."

Her face tensed up realizing how potent I am. "Where did you get those informations?" "Let's say I have many friends. But that's not the point here. The point is, if it is not because of that faggot, Nick should have been still in your arms." I said dimly. "Xander is the reason to everything. He cause your happiness to nothing and he must be out of the picture so Nick can go back to you." I pressed.

"Where is this getting?" She asked with an evil smile now.

"That faggot is with my son. He ruined that life of my only heir and I wanted to get rid of him. So I am making a proposal." I said.

"So your son is gay too." She said. I cringed in the words but it is true. I gave her a dead stare. She then back away a little.

"Imagine if we get rid of this, you'll get his father back and I'll get my son back. I know how desperate you are, so I'm hear giving my hands to you. I'll give you as much money you want to start your life with that man again. What can you say?"

She smiled. "What do you want me to do?" She asked.

I grinned. "I want you to dispose him. And I mean clean the dirt off." I hissed.

She smiled with the most devilish look I could have ever imagined......

So there it is end of chapter 11, hahaha I'm sorry guys if takes almost a month for an update. I've been really busy lately haha any way what do you think about it? From this day on, things will be really tragic. I have to warn you for a great season ending of Out of Rhythm.... Also Season 2 is ready I have a plot for it and this one will be more broader than this season since the characters won't be focusing only with Renz and Xander. The season will also focus on Kyrian and Floren.

BTW, tell me about this chapter, bad or good comments will work... just email me at discreetlyweird@yahoo.com . Also, be harsh with your comments, I am a starter an bad comments will really boost my motivations. 4 more chapters to go and season 1 will be at its end. Hope you keep on supporting this one.

Lastly, I am plotting to make a short story for Science Fiction archive. It'll be about a vampire and a haughty, arrogant human and how on earth are they are going to intertwine with each other's love interest. As a spoiler, their names would be Dion(Vampire) and Michael(Human). Tell me about what you think about this guys.....As always stay tuned!

P.S. sorry for the wrong grammars I forgot to edit it hahaha

Next: Chapter 12

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