Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Sep 17, 2011


Out of Rhythm Part 12: I can't see anything just pitch black

The events and people you are about to be read are only work of fiction and just a product of my imagination. Any similar events are extremely coincidence and not a proof of copying. Be aware of the sexual orientation, although it is really part of it. And then again why the hell are you here? O.o


I flash woke up when someone threw a pale of ice cold water on my naked upper body. I gasped and jumped in consciousness. My arms ached as my hands are cuffed by a metal chain hung up to the ceiling.

I was here for two nights without food.

I have bruises everywhere and I tried to keep my breath steady. Pain is all over my body. Great this is how I am going to die. All the three huge guys laughed. My eyes were still bleary but I can see the face of the guys who broke inside my apartment two nights ago. The one had a long hair ponytailed, the other looked like a Latino while the other was a bald-Chinese all had a huge beer bellies. We were on a huge old welding house, I suspect, since there are metal scraps everywhere. I t was abandoned.

"What do you want?" I groaned and then the Latino slapped me hard. I felt my jaw fell. "Stop talking faggot!!!!" They all laughed. There was a table and chairs in front of me and some few bottles of beer.

*flash back

I jumped awake on my wrecked bed when my door swung opened. It was a huge thud for my ears to hear. And there they entered, three bears covered with a black masks launching themselves in me. I got on my defense and grabbed a split wood beside me. I hit the other one but before I swung it to the other, he had gut me on my stomach. I cringed in pain. And then the other pushed a damp-clothe of methane, I guess, right on my nose as they grip my body. I rocked them off but they are strong. Slowly I drifted to sleep again.*

What now?

I heard footsteps came in. I looked up as she sat on the table in front of me. I got pale. Diane had a grin in her face as I figure out now what is about to happen.

"Hello Xander." She greeted.

"What do you want slut?" I hissed. She lifted her head and then the Latino slapped me again. I felt my head shattered as blood oozed down my lips.

"Both of us are having a good time tonight." She cheered.

"Fuck you." I blurted.

And then she left as her pawns launched their fist on my body again. I felt a bus hit every part of my body...

Two days ago


I woke up in the morning light beaming my face at my couch. I saw Renz sitting on my bed staring blankly. God, I never saw him like this. I brought him on my place and fixed his blood bruised fist. He kept on crying last night saying things like he never meant to do it, that he loved him so much, that how can he do those things to him. He told me everything that happened and I felt I wanted to kill that Xander after what he had done to my best friend.

He was lost.

I stood up and came over.

"Hey bro, you want to eat breakfast?" He didn't respond. "okay, I'll go out and grab something to eat. " I said patting his back.

I changed clothes then got out of my apartment. What is happening? I can't believe that Renz is going with this scene. I never saw him like that not to mention, it was with a guy. The guy I thought will fill Renz's piece since his mother died. But I have to be honest, I myself have a thing for guys, I think. I mean, it all happened when I accidentally bumped on this skater boy on the street. I didn't mean that he's board to get split by a rushing truck. But I have to admit; I was so turned on to see those sparkling gray eyes, cropped brown hair and pink lips. He was like a perfect guy I ever saw. But what shatters me is when he accidentally fell over me and our lips brushed together. I felt a spark then and it was so good have his body in me. It felt amazing.

But it doesn't change anything.

I was furious with this Xander and I swear I'll kill him myself.

I bought a slice of pizza and a coke in can on the nearest stop mart. As I walked out of the mart, I bumped on a guy.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"No it's okay---" And then there he was standing in front of me. The guy I kissed in his shining gray eyes.

"I gotta go." He said freaking out.

I grabbed him. "Hey wait. What's with the rush?" I asked. He was blushing never meeting my eyes. "You're that guy I bumped last month ago, right?"

"Yeah, and you're that guy that made me walking now because my board is been split into half." He said. I frowned.

"Hey I'm sorry about that. I bought you a board to pay it back although I have no idea in finding you. It's in my apartment. You want to pick it up?" I said. Ever since that incident I get pretty off to what I did and I wanted to make it up so I bought a board. The weird thing is, I didn't how to give it to him. Well, I have the answer now.

His face then turned quizzical. I chuckled. "Don't worry I'm not a mafia or something"

"Okay." He said. "Kyrian Stone, by the way." He said offering his hand. "Samuel Johnson." I said shaking his hands. It felt good to shake it. We walked back to my unit as we talked things avoiding to shift the conversation when we kissed. He was really adorable to look at. I then walked inside my room as he let himself in. "You stay in this condo alone?" He asked innocently.

"Yeah my parent's is in London so I'm stuck here alone." I said. "But my best friend is here today."

We walked on the living area where Renz was. "Hey bro----"

"Renz?" Kyrian asked. "What are you doing here?"

Renz looked up in heavy eyes. "Kyrian."

"Wait, you know each other?" I asked.

"Yeah that dude is my best friend's boyfriend." He said. "What's with lazy face?"

I felt anger rush in."Ah so you're the bestfriend of that prick eh?"

"Hey watch your mouth dude." He warned.

"Why would I?" I snapped. "After what he had done with Renz? After he dumped him because he no longer had anything in his pocket now? Asshole that's what he is." I pointed.

"What are you talking about?" Kyrian looked puzzled. "What the hell is this dude talking about Renz?"

Renz looked away. "He only wanted my money. I saw him enter Floren's house yesterday and an hour later they got out. I saw Floren kissed him---"

"Dude that doesn't prove anything." Kyrian snapped.

"What do you expect they did? Playing chess? " Renz barked. "Turns out I did the same thing. I fooled with Janice then out of nowhere he caught us. Next thing I know he started to spit out that he only used me because he needed money to support himself. The funny thing is, We have to screw each other first before everything showed up." He said fighting a tear. "He's a prick, yeah that's what he is."

"You see what I'm talking about?" I scoffed at Kyrian as he tried to ponder things.

"Something doesn't seat in." He mumbled.

"He just used my friend. He's nothing but a gold-digger whore." I said. And then Kyrian launched himself in me grabbing my shirt. "Shut the fuck up. You're the prick. You know nothing about him and what he went through, so shut the fuck up."

"Get off me asshole!" I pushed him back. Renz stood up. "Stop that!!!" Renz barked.

"No you stop Renz!" Kyrian said. "You know something is not right. He loves you more than anything else and I will never gonna buy your story. Believe what you want but I'll get my own answers!!!" He then stormed out. Kyrian really was his true friend. He doesn't let stories get into him. But what if he was wrong? Worse, what if we are wrong?


I ran straight to school to look for Xander. I know something is not right. I know him and when he said he loved Renz I know he's not lying about it. He's a good actor in hiding his feelings but he can't hide it to me. I have to talk to him. Someone is forcing him to do this, to work in that position.

Everyone was on the hall way walking to their own designated rooms. I ran on the locker room and he was nowhere. I saw Brittany and Floren talking.

"Hey did you guys see Xander?" I asked catching my breath.

"Whoa chill down dude." Floren said. "He didn't went on our first class. He probably is sick."

Brit sensed something was wrong. "What's wrong Ky?"

"Xander broke up with Renz, Renz thought Xander was having an affair with Floren." Floren got pale. "He saw him enters your house and thought you guys fooled around."

"Oh god...." Floren breathed. "No he's not taking it right. I needed to talk to Xander so yeah I invited him in. it's a thing that we both only understand. But no we didn't done anything, just talk that's it. He told me how much he loved Renz especially when I tried to kiss him."

"Wait? What?" Brittany asked.

"Never mind it. Dude something is off." Kyrian said. "What wrecks the Earth is when Xander told Renz that he only used him to get some money and now that he had none, he has no use to him anymore."

"That's not true. I won't buy it." Brittany said shaking her head.

"Well actually Renz did and now our best friend is nowhere to be found." I tensed.

"Oh god this is not true." Floren said shaking his head. "Now it makes sense!"

"What's making sense?" I asked in horror.

"When we are talking yesterday, he kept telling me how hurtful he is because of what happened to Renz. He said he can't see him suffer and that he will make things right. This is what he was talking about. He made a bluff so Renz could go back to his life. This was his plan."

I stared blankly in him as we finally realized what he did. This is what I'm looking for. I never thought my best buddy could be a martyr. I have to talk to him.

"What had gotten to his head?" Brittany spat.

"I have to find Xander. I got to go." I snapped turning around. "We will look around for him here." Brittany shouted.

Where the hell are you Xander?


I ran on the corridor looking for Brian. It was all his fault. If he hadn't give me a hard time then there's no way that I would have to talk to Xander. And Renz shouldn't have suspected and they didn't have to break up. Once again I destroyed someone's life. I'm done with this but how come it kept on coming back. I felt a tear was sprouting out my eyes. And there he was standing reading a book. There was no one around. I then launched myself to him grabbing his jock jacket then swung him on the wall. "What the hell?" He scoffed getting up.

I pinned him in the wall using my arms. He tried to get out of me. "This is all your fault!" I roared as tears welled down. "If it's not because of you, I shouldn't have been the cause of their break up." I was so at the edge of punching him. His face changed when he saw the agony in my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He mumbled. "Yes you know!!!" I yelled. "If you didn't threaten that you will kill me then I wouldn't have get paranoid and I wouldn't have called for Xander's help. And look what it turned out fucker! Renz thought we are having an affair and Xander is suffering the consequences. This is all your fault."

"Get your hands off me queer!" He tried to get out.

I let him go then punched him in his face. "I swear to god if something happened to Xander I'll be the one who's going to kill you faggot!" I shouted. It was ashamed that no one is around. I then stormed away hoping that I could see Xander around.


I got everywhere, in his working place, to Mrs. Ernie, to the place where he usually stayed when he is alone, even to his own house, everywhere I know. It took me whole day to search him and it was dawning, still I haven't seen any sign of him.

I rushed on his apartment and it was wide open.

Wait, why is it wide open?

I rushed to walk in and I stared in horror. Xander's apartment was like been hit by a tornado. Everything is destroyed and it was like a garbage house where everything is scraps. But what scared me more was the doorknob was tore down as if someone got in. I felt my chest tighten. If Renz didn't got here last night, the whole apartment is wreck like there was a brawl, Xander's room is wide open and Xander is missing the whole day then there's probably something's going on more than just a couple fight. I dialed Xander's mom as my fingers shake. Please tell me I'm wrong. Oh god please.

"Did you find him?" Valerie, her mom asked clearly nervous.

"No aunty, But there something more off is happening. I'm afraid someone broke in to his apartment, he's nowhere to be found."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

I cringed on those words.......

****** *last night -Old Man

I saw it. Those three huge contractors were carrying a body, an unconscious body of teenage kid. I was on my way home after picking up metal scraps in this abandoned welding factory to sell it on a junk shop. I hid myself as I saw a van parked on the front lot and then they took the boy's body, chained it's hand and hang him. They ripped his shirt off and the boy woke up.

"What?- Where am I? What do you want." I heard the boy screamed. And then from the van I saw a lady sitting inside, probably on her mid 30 to 45. She made a sign and the horror began. The three monsters started to punch, kick and paddle his body. I felt sick right then, the kid spat blood but they didn't stop. They are living demons in this world. The boy pleaded to stop but they kept on picking his body like a pig. I can't look the viciousness of what I am seeing. I crept quietly out off the scene and ran away as I heard the agony of the poor kid being butchered by those men. I don't want to be involved with it.

When I got home I immediately go to sleep wishing it was all just a dream. But the screams of the kid kept me awake all night......


I walked pass the street as I headed to our used to be apartment. I'm going to pick up things and will head back to Sam's unit. Everything still hurt in fact it even hurt much worse now that I already pondered what happened yesterday. But I guess this is life, I gambled my heart with him and I lose. But I have no mistake on what I did. I loved him with all my heart and that's one thing I'm sure I can't blame myself. All that made it worse was when he told me that Xander just used me. I never felt this love to anyone before not until I met him. He changed me and I have no regrets with it.

I wiped my face to take off the tears away. I stopped when I saw two police car right in the front of the building we were living. What wrong? I rushed upstairs hoping that it was not in our place.

But I was wrong.

In the front of our room there stood Kyrian and two mid old people. There were also police with them and our room was sealed by yellow tags. What the hell is going on? I sneak on the police fixing the yellow tags as my heart pounded hard. Kyrian saw me and suddenly turn furious. Brit and Floren came out of our apartment as Kyrian grabbed me dragging me inside our apartment. "Look!" He braked. And I saw everything was scrap. "Enjoying the view huh Renz? I told you something is wrong but hey, you didn't believe me. You just believe on your pathetic ego." He said tossing me inside.

"What happened?" I said still shock.

"Someone broke in your place." Brittany sobbed. "Everything is still in investigation."

"What's been investigated?" I asked still on shock. "Wake up stupid! Xander is missing!!!" Kyrian shouted as Floren held him in place.

My heart then stopped. Missing? Xander? Why would he be missing and what happened in our apartment?

"Is this Renz?" The woman asked Kyrian. I then knew she was Xander's mom and the other one was his dad. He got almost all his features to his dad. Kyrian nodded in disgust.

"I'm Valerie, Xander's mom and this his father Nick." She said in her heavy eyes. "Renz, Michael Renzo Hudson your son's boyfriend. " I nodded.

"Ex!" Kyrian barked.

Floren then approached me. "Can we talk outside." I was in seizure of shock when Floren grabbed me.

"What do you want? You already have him." I said under my teeth.

"God Renz stop being a jerk!" He scolded. "Xander doesn't cheat on you! He planned the whole thing. He set you up so you could break up with him."

"What are you talking about?" I can't follow anything. He sighed. "Are you really that naive? He knew how hard this is for you to live here in this rotting apartment and he kept on blaming himself. He wanted to correct everything. The day when you saw him enters my house was all a catch. I don't know how you were able to know about it but he made sure you are on that position when he came to me."

Wait, before I get there, I was with Janice. She should have returned me home but instead she drove on Floren's house.

"What are you saying that Janice is his partner? They just met for crying out loud." I said in irritation.

"I don't know. I have no idea, none of us do. We don't know what's running on his head. Jeez, Renz did you really has no faith with Xander?"

"But you kissed him!" I pointed.

"Yes, that's my bad. I am still hoping that I had chance. The happy thing was, I had none. I called him because I needed someone to help me in my own personal problem. I needed someone to talk to someone that is like me and that's Xander. We just talked and comfort each other. All through the conversation that afternoon was nothing but he blaming himself because of what he did to you. He never wishes you to suffer. It's killing him."

I still can't cope up.

"He pretended that he uses you, that all he wanted was your money and the great coincidence is that you buy his story."

"But he caught me fooling around with Janice, how did he know where I was?"

"Are you not listening? He had his accomplice with that Janice you are talking about. And probably Janice had her own intentions to break you up so she probably made contact with him to expose your stupidity." It now started to sink in. I lay on the wall trying to support myself. "Look Renz, I don't care if you believe me but I will say it with no fluke. Xander loves you and he just made this all up to protect you."

I lay there as it finally made sense. I can't believe how stupid I was. I'm so blinded in my anger that I turned my back on him without knowing what's really going on. I started to tear down.

"Renz!" Floren snapped. "I know you needed time to take this all but we needyou. Xander was missing for a day and your house is been ripped as if someone forced to get in. I hate to say it but we think something happened to Xander."

That woke me. "What?!" I stated.

A police officer then passes us and went directly to Xander's parents. "It's confirm ma'am, sir. Some random citizen saw a truck last night and took your son. They say it was a three masked people that took him, sedating him unconsciously." Valerie started to tear down.

"God, this is all my fault." His father said. I can't help but interfere. "Sir did you get the plate number?" I hesitated. "Yes we have it, It's confidential kid so let us take care of this."

I pondered things, thinking who would do this to him. "Having fun now huh? Hudson?" Kyrian spat. "You shouldn't have trusted him and probably you're here helping him when someone broke in your apartment."

"Can we stop with the blaming and focus on finding him." Brittany snapped. Kyrian seemed to give up.

"Did he had any enemies or someone he had depth with before?" I asked looking straight to Kyrian. "No he doesn't have anything as far as I know."

I nodded. Me either, he hadn't been in a fight since we've been together. "How about in school?" I asked looking to Brit and Floren. They nodded no.

My eyes shifted to Xander's father. I can see he was thinking something. "Sir do you have anything in your head right now?" I asked. Valerie looked up. He tensed. "I don't know but Diane's word kept on running in my head." He said.

"What's is it dear?" Valerie asked. "When Diane said I will regret the day I left her. I don't know but she was blaming Xander because of our separation."

"Who's Diane?" I asked warily. "She's my mistress."

Could she be behind this? "Sir, Can I asked what's her complete name?" the officer asked. "It's Diane, Diane Ferrow. I met him on a night club five months ago. She said she live on Australia but migrated here to work. But she had a fake Visa that causes her to hide here. Other than that, I have none. "

Diane Ferrow. I then stormed out running off. I need to know her and there's only one man who can help me.

******* "Sir, good evening. What brought you here?" The guard asked. "Where's my father?" I said storming inside. "He's in his room sleeping." I stomped my way upstairs. Our house has never been big as it was always. I pounded on the door and flung it opened. He was in his Terrace holding a glass of whiskey, I guess. He looked at me dead.

"Why are you here?" He asked eyeing me.

"I need your help, DAD" I pointed the word with sincerity. His face changed.

"What is it?" He said lifting his face.

"Renz is been kidnapped and we had suspect. I need you to find her. Her name is Diane Ferrow, his father's mistress. I'm begging you, you have many connections so please help me for once." I pleaded.

He had a smug in his face. "I can't do that."

"What?! Why?" I snapped unbelievably.

"Because if I find him it only means one thing, you will just be together again and it will only prove that I lost you completely. So no."

"Peter! The man I love is in danger. I'm begging you less than a son and you still turn your back to me."

"I won't help you unless you will be back to me and make things right!" He demanded.

I stood up. "You really is nothing but a worthless father. I swear to every soul I have, I will never be back to you again!" I hissed storming out the room.

Now what?


I dialed Diane's number and she picked up. "Yeah what's up Peter?" She cheered.

"Aaahh!" I heard Xander scream in agony on the other line. "Damn it Diane you haven't dispatched him yet? The police is looking for you now, I suggest you finish your fucking business and kill that boy now!"

"Relax rich guy, I'm having fun with it. Let them find me, as if they can." She giggled.

"I don't want to get tripped Diane, you don't know what I can do so do as I say!" I demanded as I hung up. I took another sip with my whiskey. Tonight will be a bloody night.


I can't breathe right. I felt pain in every cell of my body, all with bruise and wounds. Their punches were like a beat to me when I dance. I was meeting every beat as my body sway back and forth. Tonight I was the floor. Literally the floor. Guess this is how it feels every time I stomped on the stage. But this beat was out of tune. It was OUT OF RHYTHM and I was trying my hard to follow the beat. I was bathing in my own blood and everything is blur. The guys who beat me was completely exhausted paddling my body. I wanted to die. Numbness took over my system. I can't feel my body. My arms, legs, back, head, toes, everything was numb.

Renz please help me. I need you right now. I need your arms to carry me, to heal me. I started to sob again. I screwed everything up and now I ended here having the revenge of my father's mistress. I started to wonder, did I done so much that I have to be punish like this. I only wanted to be myself, to have my family back, to love the man I love. The world just wanted me dead. I couldn't agree more.

I felt someone stood in front of me. "Enjoying yourself boy?" I looked up and Diane was in front of me. I wanted to spat on her but I can't move any muscles. "Ooohhh looks like someone is so dirty. " She then picked up a bottle and opened it. She then started to pour it all over my body. The burning sensation kicked in. I felt like I was burning in fire. "AaaaaaahhhhhhH!!!!" I yelled in agony. She then laughed. The acid was burning my tore skin.

"You know I only wanted to be with your father. You suppose to be in here if just shut those pathetic mouth." She said. "You're the reason why Nick have left me. His faggot son wake him up from my arms and left. I never loved anyone but your father. And I'll do anything to take him back." I almost fell asleep with her stories.

"Hey! Wake up." She slapped my face. "We are just starting boy. I'm not even pulling the trigger on your head so wake up." She then capped the bottle. "Funny how things turn out right? You called me like a Hampshire pig when I pleaded on your father's attention and look now who's honking like a pig." She then leaned on me. "You have no idea who you bumped in faggot. Well guess what, you are just about to see what I can do. After this I'll go back to your mother. I awe her a lot of slaps you know." She then slapped my face back and forth. Not my family, not my mom. Please end this now, I'm begging........

-Old Man

Since last night I can't sleep on my bed. I don't know what happened to that poor boy. I didn't even know if he was still alive. But I can't let him get justice. Whoever he was, no human being must be treated like that. I stood in front of a Police station and decided to enter.

"Can I help you Sir?" A police woman asked.

"Yes I believe you can." I said taking off my rugged cap......


It's been 3:06 in the morning and I was out looking for him. I kept on keeping myself as I search every street in the town. He was nowhere to be found. I prayed that he was okay. This was my entire fault. If only I have trusted him. If only I became more aware of how he feels about him, none of these things would happen. I was to consume of telling him how much he means the world to me but look at me now; helplessly looking for the person I promised to love. How did I get here?

I walked back to our apartment and still all of them are there. Kyrian walked over. "Well?" He asked.

"My dad refuses to help." I said dropping my head. He patted my shoulder. "Guess we're on our own. About earlier. I'm sorry about it. I'm a jerk."

"No don't be. You're right. I should have trusted him." I fight the tears to come down. "I was so busy telling how much I love him and here I am the reason why all these things have happened."

"Hey this is no one's fault." Kyrian said. "We will find him Okay?" I nodded. Then an officer rush on Xander's parents. "Good news ma'am and sir. I think we know where they took your son." Everyone's face lifted. At last a little hope.....


I could taste my own blood in my mouth. I barely can't see because of my swelling eyes. I can't breathe either. Guess this will be the end. Diane was so exhausted after beating me up. The guys around was exhausted to. Everything was so different from what it seems. I dreamed things that weren't going to happen and now here I am facing my own death.

"You!" Diane said pointing the Bald-Chinese. "Give me your gun."

I nearly smiled when I heard those words. At last it'll be over. "You know when I was a little kid, my father had a gun in his waist always. I was scared with it. I even hid my face when I see those metals. But right now, I'm enjoying having it on my hands. Especially now---" He pushed the gun in my head. "'---I'll pull the trigger on your head." I closed my eyes and wait for the end. "Bye bye little Xander."

And then the chain on my hand cut loose.

I dropped on the dirty floor thinking I was dead.

"Freeze!" I heard someone shouted. And then next thing I know there was gunshots everywhere. It was so deafening it kept me awake. I felt someone dropped. Then another one. The next one landed on front of me. It was the ponytailed stud dead.

"It's over now Cathy Binette. You're surrounded. Let the boy go!" A voice screamed. I started to get up as the gunshots were over. When I was on my knees someone pulled me forcing my body to be her shield. "Stay away or I'll kill the boy!" Diane screamed. So she's Cathy not Diane. I was weak I barely can't move my arms to get out of her grip. She had the gun on my head.

"Oh god!" Mom screamed as they appear on the scene. Clara, Brittany had their mouth covered. Floren and Kyrian stood in horror.

"Diane you don't want him!" Dad screamed. "You want me! Here I am. Leave my son alone." He said in his pleading eyes. "I promise I will be yours now just leave him be. I will You can have me."

"Fuck you Nick!!! All I wanted is for you to love me." Cathy tear down. "Look what you made me do!"

All the officers had their gun pointed to us.

"And now you can. You don't have to make your hands dirty anymore. I'll promise I will love you just what you wanted. Let me be with you."

She hesitated first. "Come here." She demanded. Dad walked slowly measuring every steps. "You'll not regret this Diane. I am yours forever." Dad said. "Just let him go."

"Dad no." I whispered.

"I'm sorry son." Dad whispered. I started to break down.

Then out of nowhere someone shoved Cathy off me. I stumbled down and looked back. Renz was there struggling to get the gun from Cathy. They swayed back and forth as their hands held the gun in domination. Renz then got tripped and falls down freeing Cathy. She then pointed the gun to him. "Fucker!" She roared.

I gathered the last drop of my strength to rush over him.

Then there was a gun shot.

I felt it hit something in my back. "No, no!!!" Renz screamed. I heard another shot. Next thing I know I was suffocating. All I can see was Renz's face. I touched it.

"Baby, Xanny please stay awake for me. I love you so much please don't sleep please." He cried begging. I tried to smile as everything slowly went blank. The he was gone.

I can't see anything just pitch black.......

Boo hooo!!!! That's it for this chapter... What ya think about it? I'm sorry for the grammar yet again.... I don't give much much time in editing it so sorry if you have to adjust a little. Let me know you ideas about this chapter bad or good is welcome just email me at >> discreetlyweird@yahoo.com

Thing are pretty messy in this chapter and can anyone guess if Xander's going die or not.... Ahaha let me give you a clue... There will be a big lost in the next chapter... Oh well 3 more chapter to go and This story is at its end hahahaha Stay tuned!

Next: Chapter 13

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