Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Oct 7, 2011


Out of Rhythm Part 13: Repression and Fatigue

The story you are about to watch is completely fictional and a product of my imagination, if ever you read similarities in real life, it is just a pure coincidence. Be aware of m2m sexual orientation! OKAY ENJOY!


We ran on the E.R. as I saw his unconscious body filled with bruises and blood. He doesn't deserve any of these. I couldn't even see the face that always have my attention in his swelling eyes. I held his hand as we ran. Kyrian, Clara, Valerie and Nick is around me. Tears just kept falling. "No baby, you promise you won't leave me." I pleaded. He didn't answer.

The doctors and nurses pushed us aside suggesting that we stay on the waiting room. I looked at the window as I saw green curtains everywhere.

What are they doing now? Please save him.

"This was all my fault. I should be the one dead." His father cried covering his face. "No Nick, no one will be dead. He will leave! Xander is a strong kid. " Valerie convinced. "I know my son. He will be okay. Yes he will." She continued avoiding crying as she embraces his husband. She has faith with his son. I suddenly missed my mother.

If his mother has faith to Xander then I have no rights to lose mine. I lose it once and I can't lose it again. I believe him. He will come back. And we will love each other never letting my faith go again. Just please come back Xander. Come back.


The bullet is out from his back. God what ever happened to this kid was really brutal. My team struggled to keep the blood from sprouting to his body. I don't know where to resume. Do I have to go for the bruises? Or to the tore skin. No. I have to finish the gun shot first. It hit his left lung. It must be fixed before it's too late.

Hours have passed and I thought everything was going smoothly when we heard his vital sign drop. The meter was suddenly flat line........Oh no.


The morning sun was beaming our exhausted body. We never moved in our own places as we waited for the operation. I can see the blood of Xanders in my white shirt painted like a design. What are taking them so long? Kyrian and Brit were talking probably about Xander. They looked at me and smiled. I nodded.

Then the door swung open we all walked to the surgeon.

"Is he okay?" Valerie asked as Nick held her waist. The surgeon took of his mask.

"He's fine for now."

I was a million relieved than ever. "We were able to take the bullet from his lungs but he's really not in a good shape. There were too much blood lost and the oxygen from his brain fluctuated making him in coma."

"Jesus Christ." Clara tensed. We gasped. "When will he wake up?" I snapped.

"I'm not sure with it. In severe cases its years. He acquired too much damage in his body and I'm very impressed he was able to fight and come back. I thought we lost him earlier but he came back. Right now his resting, all we can do is pray for him and hope for the best."

"Thank you Doc." Nick said. The surgeon nodded and walked away. We walked inside the room and he was there lying as his body was wrapped with clean gauzes. I stayed outside giving space for his parents first. Clara then had her hand on mine. I smiled. "Can we talk?" She said. I nodded walking outside.

"So your Renz right?" She had a heavy eye.

I nodded yes. "And you're her big sister Clara." I stated. "I have heard great things about you. Especially how crazy you two when you're together."

"Yah." She sighed. "Same thing with you. Xander always talks about you when we see each other. At first He really hated you. Don't get me wrong but when you guys been together. I never saw my brother so happy. You really are a good guy for him."

I looked away. "I can't agree with you about that. He's there in coma because of me. These things wouldn't have happened if it's not because of me."

"I couldn't agree more." She said. I looked at her. "But you shouldn't blame yourself only. The fact is it's all our fault. All the people he loved were the reason why he was there." She started to cry. "We always tell how great person he is but we never prove those words, we all made mistakes to him. and yet he never backed down. The crazy thing is he loved us more. That's what kind of person Xander is. You hurt him and he'll love you more. And we just kept hurting him. I never wanted this things for him but why? They said always that everything has its reason." I held her hand as she tears down. "But right now, I can't see any reason why he have to be there fighting for his life. And once again we can't do anything but wait for him."

I then pulled her for a hug, a more sisterly hug. "Shhhh. We can't be weak right now. We will just hurt him if he learns about this. I believe and love him. I made mistakes but it'll never happen again. He had my faith. He'll wake you'll see."

Just believe in him....


Two days have passed and Xander has been unresponsive. I skipped classes just to watch over him. We shifted times when one gets exhausted. I just wanted to be with my best friend. I can't lose him. He's my brother. I never had any brother and I treated him as my own. I will lose a part of my life when he can't survive this. I packed my things and brought some of his favorite books. I read some when he was asleep hoping that he can hear me. I fixed my bed and closed my room before storming out.

"You're going to the hospital?" Mom asked in her polka dot dress.

I nodded. She then waved her hands. "Come here." She then pulled me in a hug. "What's this mom?" I asked. She chuckled. I'm just so lucky I have you. It's just a shame that your father isn't here with us." I smiled. I know his happy in heaven now. "And I'm lucky to have a mother like you. I love you mom." I said.

She smiled too. "I love you. So here's a potato chips I bought for your brother."

"Xander?" I asked. "Of course silly." HE said tousling my cropped hair. I kissed goodbye and walked outside. I then felt a book fell off my bag. I picked it up and looked at it. "Everlost by Neil Shustermann"

*flashback "Why are you so addicted with that junk. You must have read that 20 times." I snapped as we lay on my bed me studying math. He didn't answer. I tossed him my pillow hard. "Yow private time? Will you?" He groaned.

I rolled my eyes. "All that was in that garbage is ghosts and weird things that have been pickled in a barrage."

"That's why you don't understand things. You take it too literal." Xander said. "This is not just a fictional book that you read for entertainment. Sometimes when you read you have to absorb it like you're one of the characters. You'll never understand things unless you never put your own shoes on it."

I then pondered his words. "What do you mean?" I asked.*

Right know I still can't understand what he really mean. I know there's something in it. I just can't figure what is that? A car then parked right beside me. I thought at first it'll going to hit me. I jumped away.

Sam then got out of the car holding a flat rectangular box with him. He tossed it to me. I stuttered in catching it. This guy was really unpredictable.

"What's this?" I asked a little annoyed. "A time bomb?" He then flashes me a grin. He had these little fangs in both side of his teeth that's so catchy. Why am I having this feeling that I started to get invested with this guy?

He then approached me. "Yeah it is, actually. So try not to open it."

"Oh." I then tossed it back to him.

He chuckled. "Just kidding dude." He tossed it back. "It's your new board. I'm sorry about the other day. Renz told me everything. I guess I was a prick." He said eating his lips.

I looked at him quizzically. "Yeah you actually are." I nodded. He then stared at me, I stared back. Jeez why do I see him very attractive? I then broke the eye contacts and started to open the box.

"BOOM!!!" He exclaimed when I opened the box. I jumped back dropping the box on the floor. He then laughed hard.

I wanted to punch him but humor took place faster. I smiled. "So not cool dude." I chuckled shaking my head. He picked up the box and took the board out. It was exquisitely looked well. It was almost the same with my old one. "You like it?" He asked making a pose with the board. I didn't have much of the attention with the board. What got me is when he flexed his slim muscled body when he made a pose. I shook my head.

Bloody hell why am I thinking these things. Wake up dummy!

He tossed it to me. "You heading to the hospital?"

I nodded.

"Well hopped in I'll give you a ride, I am about to go there too."

"Naw, I can handle. Besides, I wanna try this thing now." He frowned. "Come on, you awe me, that board is rare here and it took me days before I found the exact duplicate."

"Well that's not my fault." I pointed." I didn't ask you to look for the same thing and I'm not surem what if you in a syndicate and sell my liver?" He rolled his eyes.

"Pretty please? Renz asked me to befriend with you. He said you really are great to hang with. Besides, I'll drop some shirt for him so it'll be a double down stuff, whatever." He shrugged.

I took a sighed. He really is annoying. I then walked to his car as he smiled. He got it. "Shall we go now?" He said. "Carry on." I made a face. We laughed. *******

This guy was really different from the other I met, even different with Xander. He was annoying at first then the next seconds he's not then I was annoyed again. "You really had a problem with your moods dude." He said chuckling.

"I don't know maybe because of the dork beside me who keeps babbling things on my poor eardrums." I shrugged.

"Yeah don't worry were near at the ER, I'll be gladly be more ready to help you get in there." He chuckled as we walked in Xander's room. I then saw Renz sleeping beside the bed as he held my best friend's hand. I should be off with the scene but I was glad to see him like that. It was like I don't have to worry if I left my best friend because there someone who's always there for him. I smiled innocently. I felt jealous. Buy hey it's not what you think. I'm jealous cuz I wish someone could do that thing with me too.

"Looks like someone is having a private time." He whispered as he drop the bag he was carrying on the nearest chair. "You wanna get some grub?" He suggested. Yeah I don't want to ruin the moment. "Your treat?" I asked with a smug.

"Sure thing." He smiled.


I often see him looking at me in his pleading eyes, when I ate in cafeteria, when I am in my room, when I am in my locker or whenever I had time. But when I look back, he will just look away as if Chester was doing something. I felt pity for him cuz my gut is telling me to forgive him but my mind was close headed. Trisha hasn't been around lately probably avoiding me. I had to admit I am still angry with both of them but after a little time I began to wonder, what if they are telling the truth and really sorry for what they did? Am I just being nut headed? Am I too na‹ve not to understand how hard it is for Trisha to get involved with this triangle? Am I too absorbed with my anger that I can't see the sincerity that Chester is giving me? I knew Chester for a couple of years and never in his records did he cheated on me or even get paired by other girls. Just me. It was then until he really gets pretty drunk. But why did he have to get drunk? Does he have a problem? Is it because me being a close-legged woman why he get pretty drunk?

I love him so much and I know he did to but every time I remember the scene with the car, I just need to hold back. I locked my locker and Floren is not around. I looked at Xander's locker. How was he? I haven't visited him today so I should go maybe tomorrow. I can't imagine how hard he got through with all this agony just because he loved Renz so much. He was so noble to fight for Renz happiness instead of his. I then winced when I looked at my own relationship. Xander went through life and death just to prove his love for Renz and Renz almost lost everything when he chose to be with Xander. But what about me? Chester cheated on me but it was only once. Only once and it's because of the influence of alcohol but for a dozen times he proved his love.

Especially when he chose to be with me instead of being in New York. Or when he chose me instead of following his parents. I looked at my record, did I ever proved my love to him just once? I think harder, but there was none.

I then lowered my head.


I was walking down the street looking for something to buy for Xander and Renz. It's the least I can do after what I did to their relationship. When Xander wake up, I'm planning to give a welcome back party for both of them. I know that's a little corny but I wanted to make it up. I ended on an accessories shop and decided to stop by. Everything was so girly and I chuckled to the thoughts of giving them a pair of customized mugs for both of them. I'm really not good in giving gifts.

My eyes then shifted to the guy across the street. He was looking up the tree beside him as if there's a gold bar hanging on one of the branches. Not long before I realize, the guy was Brian. I hid a little in defense. Then next thing I know, he was climbing up the tree. I peeped closer as he reached something white inside a not taller than a 10 feet tree. I tensed wishing him to fall. I know it's rude but I still wish. My eyes widened when I realized what he was reaching. It was a white kitten. He smiled when he had it in his arms as he climbed down. Then suddenly he got off balance and fall. I was about to run when I saw him cringing in a ball as if he was protecting the kitten. It got out from him and started brushing its tail to his face. He chuckled. "What are you doing up there all by yourself you little jock." He said standing up and picking the kitten.

He then walked away carrying the poor kitten. Jeez, not the poor animals too. What are you going to do now? Dissect that animal. He really is insane. I felt furious in instant. I followed him to save the poor thing. A couple of blocks had passed and he stopped by in a house. I walked closer hiding myself behind a tree. I look stupid with this spying thing, I guess.

He knocked at the door a couple of times before it opened. They talked a little as if greeting each other. Not long before I realized a couple of dogs and cats came out wiggling their tails as if they're master had finally come back. I saw him laughed as the animals started to play with him. Some even jumped at him begging to be picked up. He took a Japanese peach, I suspect, and it started to lick his face. He laughed harder. He then leaned down and all of them wiggled in delight as they licked Brian's face.

It looked adorable to see him like that.

Damn what did I just think?

The man on the house laughed as he watch the strayed animals launched themselves to Brian. This is something unbelievable. The man I hated the most is an animal lover? But he's rude, foul, bad-mannered piece of shit and a liar at the same time. How can he be a sympathetic animal lover? I then saw a sincere smile on his face, something that I never expect, something that I didn't want to see, something that takes my breath away........


Sam was really fun to be with, I think. We grabbed a pizza on a mini mart as we talked about crazy things. He told me about how he ate papers when he was a kid, how he loved experimenting foods like when he tried to put a soy sauce on a piece of bread or add fresh milk on a plain rice. He said it was delicious but I think it made me a little sick. "You better try it bro." He said in excitement.

"Not in my wildest dream." I said biting my pizza. He stared as I looked at him unsurely. "What?" I blurted out. "We've been talking for hours and you still haven't shared anything in your pathetic life." He said.

"Hey my life is not pathetic!" I snapped. He laughed. "Oh yeah?" He said raising his eyebrow. I then noticed that he was picking out bits of bell peppers from his pizza and threw it away. "Like as if you did something weird in your life." He said.

"Of course I have." I said.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Well, when I was a kid, I'm having this habit that when there's rice on my feet after meal because I stepped on it. I'll pick it up then eat it." He looked disgusted. I laughed. "Yeah that's true not to mention if it's pitch black because of dirt."

He got pale a little looking at his pizza as we leaned outside his car. I then continued starting to like the conversation. "And there's this weirdest thing I did in my life." He looked at me with disgrace in his eyes.

"When Xander and I are at 9th grade we loved playing snow balls in Christmas season." I smiled. "One day we played truth or dare to make things different. I lose of course. I always lose when it comes to Xander. The asshole then dared me to make a snow cone out of the front yard snow and then eat it."

"What's the weird part there?" He said in disapproval.

I flash an evil smile. "The catch is, he has to pee on it before I eat it."

He's face turned really pale. "you didn't." He said.

"I did." He then held his mouth with a hand fighting over it. "No you didn't." "Yes I did." He turned away.

I was loving the look in his face and I wanted him to vomit it out. I have to push harder." Damn it boy, you should have try it, it felt like a warm sticky salty liquid that's instantly melt on your mouth not to mention the yellowish color on the snow ball."

And then there it is. He started to vomit all the pizza he just ate. I jerked away laughing like there's no tomorrow. Damn that's so disgusting.

"Dude that gross." He blurted vomiting again. "Well, try to check on yourself again. You're all over the place." I said grabbing my new board and skate on the free space.

God it felt good to have my board back. I missed doing it. I skated everywhere as I enjoyed my new skate board. Sam was there still wincing as he looked at me. I laughed as I went around making a flip on the board. I then made tricks, I flipped my board as I move faster, I jumped on a free seat sliding my board on it, I rolled around like a professional skate boarder. My eyes then caught his green eyes fascinated in me. I stopped. Damn, the afternoon light beaming on his blonde face was just perfect in his dull blue shirt. He was so hot. I felt my cock jerk a little. I shook my head wake and wave him to come over.

He seductively walked over me. "What?" he said politely.

"Want to try?" I offered. He nodded no. "Naw I don't skate." "Come on, it's not like you're gonna eat a pee snow ball." I laughed as I handed him the board. He rolled his eyes as he gave it a try. He slides it and at first he had his control then suddenly got off balance and stagger down. I laughed at his look like a kid that got trip. He rolled his eyes and took another try as if he wanted to prove something. "Hey don't push yourself buddy." I said. But Sam was stubborn.

Minutes have passed and he kept on tripping and often times I laughed. It only got him more aggressive. More minutes have passed and he finally got control.

"bravo you highness, I'm already 60 years old." I cheered. He had a smile in his face and skate his way on me. When he was near, he suddenly jerked and stagger on me. He fell on top of me as we lay there in the dawning sun. We stopped in that position.

He was so gorgeous in this distance as I looked straight to that deep green eyes. Instinctively, he leaned in brushing those fragile lips on mine. I wanted to back away but it felt better than what we had before. What surprise me was because first I was kissing this guy for the second time and secondly his lips were softer than before. I then kissed back letting his tongue in.

A car passes by waking us on our fantasies. We snapped out of it and both got up wary on what just happened. "I'm sorry." He said blushing.

"No- no it's ok- its okay." I stuttered. "Let's just kiss, I mean go." I blushed bright red picking the board and rush on his car....


The left paper work made me unaware of the time. It was dark and I rush out the library after I packed my things. There were few people around the hallway but like me, they're in a hurry. I was on the bus stop alone and I saw Chester standing near the stop light. He walked over me. "Babe can we talk now?" He said in his pleading eyes. I don't like seeing him like that.

"We have nothing to talk about Chester. You cheated on me and now it's over. End of discussion." I pressed looking away.

"I love you Brittany and I'm jerk on doing that thing to you. Please give me a second chance."

"Third chance." I corrected. "But it won't going to happen. You just blew my trust on you and why would you get drunk at the first place?" I snapped.

He had his head down. "Alright, I got consumed in physical lust. I wanted to have sex with you. But you don't like so I thought that maybe getting myself drunk will just cool me off. But it just made everything worse."

"Yeah look what it turned out."

"I'm so sorry, I should have think about you. I know you're not ready and I should have understood you. Please give me another chance. I love you more than any other girl in this world and I want us to be back together."

Brit he cheated on you. He must suffer. "No we can't." I hissed as I walked away. I then decided to just walk my way home. My chest tighten as I walked. But I love him and he wants us to be together. I know he was telling the truth but why does my ego just kept on interfering. But I already ended it and I can't take back my word. Guess I'm a douche bag after all.

I walked on the sewed street between two old buildings to make a short cut. I paused a little when there were two rugged drunk men sitting on both walls. I then proceeded to walk. The other guy whistled looking straight to me. I didn't looked back.

Next thing I know, I was walking fast as I felt those men followed me. I started to run when I realized there was no one around. They started to howl as they follow me. Fear started to gush down.

Oh no, I should have stayed on the bus stop with him. if I should have forgiven him then I won't end up on this situation. Tears started to kick in as I catch my breath. Then out of nowhere the other guy appeared in front of me.

I screamed when he shoved me to the wall pinning my hands.

"Gotcha." The other guy said. And then the man who is gripping me started lapping his tongue on my neck and rubbing his crotch between my legs. I rocked my body off but it was useless.

"Help!!!! Oh god help!!!!" I screamed. They laughed as the other guy started massaging my breast. I was in horror, the worst nightmare I could ever think. I'm sorry Chester I wanted to scream those words. If I haven't been a jerk none of this will occur. Chester where are you? I really need you right now.

Then someone grabbed the man pinning me in the wall. His been punch hard, he fell on the floor. It was Chester in his darkest eyes ever. The other guy let my breast go to assist a punch, Chester was hit but it didn't affect him. He gut the man in the stomach then swung his right to his face. The other guy was up and launched himself to Chester but he just grabbed him in his huge arms and swung him back.

Chester picked him up then started punching his face back and forth. I never saw him this furious. His eyes were dead. Then the other man kicked Chester, he fell to the ground and they started to kick him. I saw a metal rod like a golf rod and grabbed it. I have to help him. I swung it to the other guy and he cringed at it. It was all Chester needed. He then stood up and punched the other guy hard, he followed it with another kick and he was on his feet. He then got his attention to the one I hit. He punched him back and forth and the man was unconscious instantly. I grabbed Chester's arm letting the man go.

He was breathing hard as he eyed the man. The other guy grabbed his comrade as they escape from Chester's anger. Chester was about to follow them but I pulled him back. "No stop stay with me." I pleaded not wanting him to commit murder or something. He then relaxed a little and turned on me.

His left eye was in blood and so does his lips. I suddenly saw Xander's bruise face that night. I don't want him to experience what Xander had gone. I pulled him in a tight embrace as I started to cry on his chest. He then brushed my blonde hair. "It's okay now, I'm here Brit." He breathed. His warm body was so right in me. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I cried. "I'm so sorry." ****

"Look what have you done to yourself young man." Mom preached. "Kids today are so undisciplined."

He just smiled as I pressed the ice on his eye. "Well you should be thankful with him, Nora." Dad said. "I appreciate what you had done to my daughter Chester." He said patting his shoulder.

"It's my job to protect your daughter sir." He said politely.

"Well next time call the police and not put yourself in a brawl." Mom snapped.

I rolled my eyes as Chester chuckled. "Mom can we talk in private. You can stay in the kitchen for awhile." They both nodded and walked out. We stayed on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell them?" Chester asked in agony. "They should know about me----" I put my fingers on his mouth.

"They don't have to, I've seen enough." I whispered. "If you didn't come I might be dead right now."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "That will never happen unless I'm still alive." He said in his deep piercing eyes. "I love you so much and I want to make things right. Please let me be with you again."

I smiled. "You've always been in my heart Chester." I said. "And this night only proves that I need you in my life back. I was just afraid that I wasn't enough for you that's why you slept with Trisha."

He then grabbed my face gently. "I promise I will not let it happen again. And I understood you now." I touched his hands. "No. I understood you." I said. "and I forgive you."

"Oh god I really have to ticket my life before I could have you back." He said sarcastically. "Hey that's not what you'll be getting if I haven't helped you." I said pressing the ice on his face harder. He chuckled then winced.

"I love you." He breathed.

"I love you too." I then pulled him in a passionate kiss. He felt so good in me. Then we heard someone cleared a throat. "Ehem"

We looked and dad stood there. "Why am I having this feeling that I wanted to beat you myself." Dad said sarcastically.

"Dad!!" I laughed as Chester turned pale. I heard mom chuckled.


We didn't talk after what just happened. We drove our way back to the hospital and it was awkwardly quiet inside. Kyrian didn't looked at me and it made me feel uneasy. He just looked blankly in the window as he kept playing his hand unsteadily. "Look man I'm not gay or something that kiss was just an impulse."

He didn't react. He just looked away that made everything more awkward.

I parked in the car in the front of the hospital as he got out fast and rushed inside. He didn't look at me. I sighed in frustration before getting out of my car. Why did I have to kiss him anyway? I'm a dude, a stud. Am I experimenting now? I shook my head in disapproval. I was inside Xaander's room when I saw Kyrian sitting next to him as Renz was looking at the bag I left.

"Bro, thanks with the rug." He greeted as he walked to me for a hug. "So you guys hang out?" He asked looking at Kyrian.

"Yeah." Kyrian said simply. "Did you guys have fun?" Renz said turning to me. "I told you his great to be with." I then looked at him and we stared each other. I blushed again and Renz noticed it.

"I got to go." I said turning away......


It was Saturday and it only means one thing, Cleaning Day. Mom and Dad just got to work and I was left here to clean the whole house. Sometimes I hated this day even if there's always Saturday night. I hated cleaning, but that doesn't matter, later Brit and I will be visiting Xander. How was he doing? Ever since the operation he hasn't been wake. They said he was in coma and I felt guilty about it. He was such a wonderful kid and I just blew everything up.

I was done cleaning the back yard and was about to wash the dishes when someone knocked on the front door. "Coming.." I said.

I washed my hands before going for the door. I swung it open and there stood Brian. He was huge that I thought at first he won't fit in our door. "Hey." He said a little tense.

"What are you doing here?" I said in disgust. He's eyes were in agony as if he made something terrible to me. Well in fact he was. I looked straight on those piercing eyes and it just so endearing to look. "Can we talk." He mumbled.

"Talk to me after Xander wake up from his coma." I said closing the door.

"Wait, what? He's in coma?" He said in shock.

"Yeah. His dad's mistress kidnapped him to take her revenge blaming Xander alone as the cause. But you know what? it wouldn't suppose to happen when they were together, at least Renz would have defended him and it's all because of us." I pointed. "Renz wouldn't think that Xander and I were together if I haven't asked Xander's comfort because of me having a hard time of your serial killer career." I scoffed right in him.

"I'm sorry." He said having his head down.

"Yeah I wish your sorry would help him get up from his coma."

I was about to close when he then cringed hard almost buckling down like someone hit his back. "Ahh." He winced in pain. I suspect it was when he fall down the tree saving the kitten. He's back might get the most impact.

"Are you okay?" I suddenly said. "Yeah, I should go." He said trying to stand up but he cringed down again. This time I absent mindedly grabbed him. "What are you doing?" Brian said.

"Haven't you checked it with a doctor yet?" I asked. "Check for what?" He asked in confusion. I rolled my eyes giving up. "I saw you save a cat yesterday and fall down the tree. You might broke your back when you did."

"You stalking me?" He asked trying to hide a smile. Great I know he'll buy it out."Not in your pussy balls." I said. "Come on I'll check if there's a broken bone." He looked in horror. I can't believe I'm helping the man that threaten my life.

I helped him lay on the couch in his stomach. I took some ice from the bridge and some towel. I was back and he was still wincing in pain. I lifted his sweater to look at his back. "What are you doing?" he hesitated.

"Relax. I'm not going to rape you idiot. I'm looking at the bruise." I snapped. He then relaxed as I lifted his sweater. God he really was sexy even I was looking at his back. Not to mention his caramel complexion in his fit back and bubble ass. I felt my cock twitch but shook awake.

Jeez Floren what are you thinking stop lusting his body. And there it was. A trace of bruise from his back and it was quite swelling. "This'll hurt a little." I said. I then pressed a little to the bruise checking if there are broken bones.

"Ah." He said buckling up. There was none. I felt disappointed though. I then took an ice and run it on the bruise. "Jeez you are giving me goose bumps." He chuckled.

"Will you shut up. I'm not doing this because I'm your friend." I snapped. "Then why are you helping me?" He asked. "I'm not a stone hearted kid and it's not in my dictionary not to help someone in need even if he damn THREATEN TO KILL ME." I said bluntly.

It was then quiet.

"I'm sorry about what I said." He mumbled. "I really didn't mean the word literally." I wiped the bruise and put another ice around it. "I'm just scared that people will pick about me. And everyone around me just kept expecting things with me. I can't let them down. I was so scared that you'll tell everyone about me. But I know you're a great guy."

"Then why do you keep on picking me?" I said disapprovingly. He sighed.

"I was jealous with you and Xander. You can walk around the school marveling with pride with your own sexuality while I'm hear hiding to my closet." He said in his low voice. "I just want to be what I am without being labeled."

I somehow understand him. I felt the same thing when I was still on my closet. It was hard as hell every time I face the world with fake personality and think someone who you are not. I felt pity for him.

I pressed his bruise. "Ahhh." He exclaimed. "Well next time you pick someone find a good excuse and not like this." I groaned.

"Dude I'm said I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"I still can't forgive you unless Xander wake up."

"I know." He sighed.

"Though the kitten-saving-thing left a mark. Not to mention you're an adopter." I said relaxing a bit.

"You really saw the whole thing?" He asked in embarrassment. I smiled. "Yeah and you look stupid."

He chuckled. I loved the way he giggled as if he was an innocent kid. "You have cold around this shit." I said pointing at the bruise. "It needs to melt."

"How?" He asked. "Take off your sweater." He then looked at me quizzically. "I'm going to massage it off." I said eyeing him in annoyance.

He then took it off. Damn my sweet corn chips. He's so damn sexy. He lay back and his broad back was so fit. I run my hands on his lower back avoiding to hit his bruise. He really had lots of cold.

His breathing got heavier. "Where did you learn this?" He asked in pleasure. "My grandma thought me this. I was thrilled at first but it really bored me eventually. But I learn techniques. " "Like what?" He asked.

I then pressed and stretched a right part in his shoulder. We heard a crack. "Oh god that felt so good." He mumbled. I smiled. I never thought he was adorable to look not to mention his great body. He was just this scared kid and just wanted a friend. Not that I'm telling he doesn't have any friends cuz he got the juice in the school. But he needed someone that he can talk about stuffs that straight guys don't know.

I helped him fix back his sweater after we're done massaging him. "Put an ice on it tonight and avoid electric fans or air cons tonight. Let it swell it'll be fine tomorrow." I said.

"Thanks." He said keeping those piercing ash colored eyes. I never knew he had a angelic face. Often times he was angry and in rage but now he was different. I was mesmerizing him as our face absently leaned forward.

"You gotta go." I simply said.

He nodded wake. "Yeah." He then turned walking on the door. Not a second have passed he then turned back grabbing my face gently and went for a kiss. I wanted to back away but I kissed back. I wanted him to kiss me earlier and now he did. I felt his breath in mine and his lips were so soft gently attacking mine. I crawled my hand in his back and let his tongue in. I wanted to stop but my body has its own life. And what he wanted now was Brian.

We moved on the couch pushing me down as he lay on top of me. The warmth of his huge body was so good in me and I let my hand rub his curly brown hair. He broke the kiss and and started sucking my neck. I moaned as he rubbed his raging crotch on my hard cock. I then took his lips back on mine and lapped it hard. He was breathing fast as we savor the sensation on our own body pressed together.

He then kneeled up and took my shirt off and He took his shirt too. I run my hands on his toned abs and huge pecs as I mesmerized the greek god above me. He leaned again for a kiss mush aggressive now. But I didn't back away. It was the best thing to do right now. I took sided my all doubts and went for it. I rolled him over and I was in top of him instantly. He gulped as he look at me. I started kissing his neck and crawled down my tongue to his brown nipples. I sucked it hard and he moaned. After it was good I went for the other one as I rubbed his abs and crotch with my hand. I took his belt off and unzipped his pants. He was wearing a pair of white brief and saw the huge monster in it begging to be released. I rubbed it a little while I kissed Brian's fragile lips. I took it out and played the head with my mouth.

He exhaled in satisfaction. "Oh yeah." He breathed. I could taste he was leaking out and I sucked it all. I then took it all in one swift move. He buckled up. "Oh fuck that so good Floren. Please don't stop" he moaned harder.

I slurp every inch of his monster as I bobbed up and down lubing the whole rod with my saliva. I used my hand masturbating the rod as I sucked the head. I then went back deep-throating him. He grabbed my hair and rubbed it guiding my mouth to the right spot. I sucked other guys before but Brian's was the largest nearly 8 inches. I was glad I was able to took it all.

"Ah your making me cum boy." He muttered meeting a thrust in my mouth.

Not long before he was face fucking me and I enjoyed every minute of it. I tighten my throat and he groaned in ecstasy. I felt his balls tighten. "Floren you have to stop Oh fuck I'm gonna cum on your mouth." He said shoving his cock off my mouth. I took his hands off and go for a deep throat. I wanted to taste him.

"Ahhhh, yeah I'm cumming ah yes fuck ooohhhh." He said breathing hard as I felt he shot a mouthful of cum in my mouth. I keep the cum inside not letting it slip on my lips. It was seem forever and then he stopped. I nurse hiscock on my mouth before I heard someone knock on the door.

He then jumped fixing our clothes on. I was about to rush to the door when he grabbed me. "Are you telling anyone?" I nodded no and head to the door. It was a mail man. I took the mail and he was there on the door.

"Guess I have to go." Brian said.

"Yeah I think you have to." He leaned in for a kiss and I kissed back. He got to the car with a smile in his face.

I lay on the couch exhausted. Damn what did I just do?


"Man up boy. You faced down demons tonight. How can you shirk now?" I said reading one of Xader's favorite fictional books. "With one word, she could crush him. Just do it!" I continued putting an emphasis with emotions. I then stopped and looked at him a little. He still had bondage everywhere and it made me sick. I can't cry now. I have to be strong. I grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"You know when I first saw you, I thought I saw the worse of you. Especially you look awfully wasted in that bar...... But right now, I think I can see the difference of what is awful and what is wasted." I said talking to his unconscious body. "I am not fond in changing but when you came, I never thought change will be one of the best thing that ever been made in this world. I will never regret that you had change me. You Xanny changed me in the best way I could ever have. You filled the missing piece when my mother died. You completed me and I don't want to be retailed again so please come back." I felt a tear fall down. "When I've been with you I know this love has no guarantee that'll life will not be easy. I expected my world will fall apart or everything will shut down but I know those things are nothing if you're not in my life. I accepted that. When I am with you I know I'm home and fuck it if I am not, but you're the best thing that happened in my life. You make me feel I am not alone." I kissed his fingers as I cried. "When I am in sadness or I feel like I don't belong or my father doesn't love me anymore or I can't find my way home that's when I looked at you. So please do me a favor. Come back. Pretty please? "I said remembering his face when he said those words the first time I saw him.

And then his index finger started to move. I stopped. "Baby?" I said. And then it moved again this time his whole hand was moving. I looked at his face and his eyes flung open. "Xander?" I draw myself to him touching his cheeks. He looked at me.

The same moment Kyrian and Valerie, Nick came in. "What's wrong?" Valerie asked. "Xander is awake. Oh god do you hear me baby." I exclaimed.

"I'll gonna get the Doctor." Kyrian rushed out. Valerie and Nick is beside him. "Honey are you okay?" Valerie asked. "Son." Nick said patting his arms.

He sat up a little as Valerie helped him. "Water." He asked choking. I took a cup of it in the dispenser and handed it on him.

"Mom, dad. What happened?" Xander asked.

"Your okay now." I smiled in contentment. His eyes then shifted to me confused.

"Who are you?" He asked..........

That's it for chapter 13... Damn, I'm sorry for the late updates anyway, I wanna know what do you think about this chapter. Tell me about good and bad things about it and I'll make it better. Just email me here >> discreetlyweird@yahoo.com

I wanna thank you guys for all of your support and I am happy to say that I f*cking pass on my thesis with a huge mark and you know what it means? I finally can focus now meaning it's not a long time before I will going to post the next chapter. Anyway, 2 CHAPTERS to go and it'll be all over now hahaha SO stay tuned guys.... LOVE KIDDO o.O

Next: Chapter 14

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