Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Nov 28, 2011


The events and people you are about to be read are only work of fiction and just a product of my imagination. Any similar events are extremely coincidence and not a proof of copying. Be aware of the sexual orientation, although it is really part of it. O.o


I watched the video before I gave it to Xander and I know something off is going to happen. After I saw him read the letter and watch the video, he was crying like something had lost. He then stood up taking the injected Dextrose in his arm. "Damn it Xander wha are you doing?" I exclaimed.

He cringed after he took it off then rushed in the cabinet and put on his jacket. He was still staggering. "I got to get Renz back." He said in his hoarse voice.

"What? I'll just call him to come over here." I suggested. "Stay on your bed. Damn you took of that needle w/out the---"

"His leaving now in Manhattan!" He snapped. "I need to catch the plain before he got to it."

"What?"I asked puzzled. This was the odd thing about Renz earlier.

"Can you help me?" He said in eager eyes.

"I can." Brian said. "I have my car now, I can bring you to the airport ." He then nodded and stormed out. "But the doctor don't---" I said.

"Fuck the doctor!" He shouted. I gave up and run with them. We rushed down the stairs and not bothering to take the elevator. I was surprised Xander has the strength to run while he was still in recovery. We bumped in some nurse and doctors but we didn't bother. In no time, we are on Brian's car. I sat on the front seat and Xander on the back.

"GO! Go!" Xander exclaimed. Brian revved up his car and automatically his radio opened. "Lady Gaga's Edge of Glory?" I blurted catching my breath. I wanted to laugh then. Brian turned red. "It's the radio for crying out loud." He exclaimed as he was about to change the song.

"Drive now!" Xander demanded. Brian didn't bother to turn the radio and just roared his car off. He stepped on an incredible speed and I was holding on my seat.

"Okay explanation?" I demanded. Xander was wary as he catch his breath. "I had bad memories in my head earlier and I blame it all to him. At the end, I said I don't want him to see again. And the stupid man just agreed like that! Stupid perv man!" He said in anger. Now it makes sense. "And I can remember things now." He added.

"What? You can remember all now?" I said in shock. "Clear as water." He said. I pulled him in a hug with joy.

"Brian stepped the fucking clutch now or I swear you'll regret the day you were born." I called out. He looked with a smile. "Don't mention in Sargeant." He hissed in ecstacy.

The banging sound of Gaga's song really revved my cells. If this will be the moment of truth for Xander and Renz then we have no time to waste. Xander was biting his lips as Brian's car roared in the road.

Brian stopped the car when we were caught in the traffic. "Damn it!" Brian yelled. We all hesitated as more time had passed. Then out of nowhere, Xander stepped out of the car and ran off. "Hey wait." I yelled but he didn't looked back and ran like there's no tomorrow.

I laid on the seat in distress. Brian then held my hand and it felt so fucking great. I looked at him. "Let's just hope for the best." Brain said in full trust in his eyes.

"Yeah I know." I said as I held his hand tighter.....

-Renz I was on the passenger's waiting area shuffling my I-pod as I waited for my flight. I looked around hoping that Xander would appear before I get to the plain.

Please Xander show up......


I was running on the streets as I tried to keep my breath steady. I lost Renz a couple of times and I won't afford it if I lose him again. He was my life now and he's the only reason why I came back here.

He can't be gone. Not now...


Chester and I were enjoying the sun as we stroll across the street, nothing is better that to be with the man I love and I wanted it to last like this. We then tottered and Chester suddenly hit break. I almost lurched to the impact.

We looked at the person we almost hit and my jaw fell open. "Xander!" I said aloud. He was bathing in his own sweat as he catches his breath. He stood up. "God we almost kill you man." Chester said fixing his bike.

"What are you doing out here? You should be in the hospital." I said getting off the bike, Chester too.

He hesitated and looked at the bike. "Hey Chester I know this is not the good time but can I borrow your motorcy?" He pleaded.

I know those eyes as if he was chasing someone. Chester was about to disagree. "Go on, but I'm coming with you." I said.

"What?" Chester spat. "I just bought this pimp----" I cut him with a wet kiss. He was blank at first. "Don't worry I'll bring it back, wait for me in Pizzaria okay?"

Xander took the bike and I hopped in behind. He roared the motor on and dashed through the street. "HEY!!!!" Chester called.

We passed on a Shop who's playing Taylor Swift's Story of Us. I felt the adrenaline rushing on my veins. "Now can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked as wind hit out faces in enormous speed.

"Renz's going to leave because I told him so. But it's not what I really meant. God he doesn't wait til my memories are back." He said.

"Wait you have your memories back?" He nodded yes. "Oh god that's so great. I bet things will be better now."

"Not until I catch Renz's plain before he leaves." He pointed.

"Yah your right. He's such a jerk. Step on it honey!" I demanded. And he did. I was so happy now that Xander had his memories back but it wouldn't be any better if we got on time with the airport. He told me the rest of the story on our way. God, I can't believe Xander can keep up while he heals. We stopped as we saw a couple of police on the road.

"Fuck check point." Xander hissed. He hid the bike on one of the building. We hopped out. "I got to go now Brit. Please say thanks to Chester and sorry too."

I pulled him in a hug. "I'll tell him. Now go! Get him tiger!" I roared as he stormed again running his life to catch the man of his life. Please be good nature, just now for him.......


My phone rang. "Yeah I'm in the airport now. You should have waited for me, dad." "I have to be here now there are lot of work to do. But I'll make it up it don't you worry." Peter said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right." I muttered hanging up the phone. I looked at the Flight Board, I guess, and it's time for me to go. I stood up and looked around...

Where are you Xander? I put my head down....


I don't know how long I can keep my breath, I was so exhausted and I already starting to slow down. I kept myself more gathering all ounce of breath I have. No I can't give up now.

I ran as fast as I can and I can see the airport now. There were airplanes landing and some are departing. Damn I wish I'm not too late. I suddenly staggered down when I turned and there was a car in front of me. It stopped before it hit me. I stopped. Nice second time that I risk my life for this day.

I then knew who it was inside the car...


"Xander!" I breathed. Sam was as shock as me. Jeez he was everywhere and he was wet with his own sweats. He smiled then got inside. Sam flipped the car lock open. He got inside the back seat.

I turned. "What are you doing out here? And what's with all the hikama? You should be in the hospital healing." I was feeling furious of what he was doing. "Did you bail out because of boredom or something?"

He chuckled. "Relax dude. I'm chasing Renz." He then looked to Sam. "Airport man now." He demanded.

"Wait why?" He asked. "Just go!" Xander yelled. Sam turned the car and headed to the airport complimenting the song being played in Sam's stereo, Simple Plan's Jet Lag. "Dude you look terrible." Sam said.

"Tell me about it." He breathed catching his breath. "Alright that's it!" I barked. "You tell me everything boy or else I'll twist your head off!" I said meeting his eager eye.

"Renz is going back to Manhattan and I need to catch him." He said.

"What wait?" Sam snapped. "He didn't told me about this."

"That's because he doesn't want us to know about it. He was keeping it to himself." Xander said in disgusting tone.

"But why?" I asked in confusion.

Xander rolled his eyes as if he explained it a dozen of times. "I told him to get his ass out of my life because I thought he was the reason to everything which in fact he is right now." He said. "And the dumbass took my words seriously and going to fly back to Manhattan. I didn't mean it that much and it's not long before I remember everything when he showed me his little video."

I looked at him startled. "You had your memories back?" I snapped.

"Oh yeah obviously." He said making a face. I can't help but to jump on back on the seat to hug him. I dropped my arms around Xander making him suffocate. "Air dude." He choked out. I was sobbing. "You fucking cunt you didn't even bother to tell me." I said.

I heard Sam chuckled. "Stop laughing" I ordered him. We fixed ourselves as I was savouring the bliss of having my best friend back. "What are doing together anyway?" Xander asked.

I turned red. "Hey were not doing anything. Just hanging out." I defensed.

"I'm not accusing anyone." Xander said. I saw Sam blushed to. "Shut up." I said shoving my arms to him, we chuckled. "Airport!" Xander yelled.

We were on the airport in no time. We stepped out and started looking for Renz inside.


I felt the thrusters revved up. I sat uncomfortably in my seat as I stare out at the field. I can't help but let a tear falls down as I looked at the place I used to love, where my love is. It's over now...

Then an old woman put her hand on my shoulder. I looked. "What's wrong son?" She asked. I wiped my eyes with my bare hands. "Nothing. I just don't want to leave. My heart is here." I mumbled.

"Then why do you have to?" She asked. I looked up. "Go out here before it's too late."

I just stared at those old eyes as I felt the plane starts its engine.


We looked everywhere and there's no sign of Renz around. I felt my heart sunk deep as hope started to fade. I struggled to keep myself and think straight. No he can't leave me, not now or not forever. He's everything I have and I can't afford to be left out here alone.

"Are you sure the plane had left?" I heard Sam asked. "Yes sir it just left 6 minutes ago. I'm sorry about it sir." One of the flight attendant said

I stepped back a little startled. How can he leave me? I thought he won't turn his back again. How can I leave here alone? Kyrian was out there still looking for him as Sam asked every information he can have to trace Renz. I let myself fall on the floor leaned on one of the wall as tears started to fall. The pain is back and it hurt much more now. Why does this things have to happen when things started to patch up? Where did I go wrong? Renz is gone and there's nothing I can do about it.

Fuck it. It's over.....

People around me just keep passing by as I curl up in a ball crying like a lost child. All that was running in my mind is why does I have to be left here alone with my heart lost and the only person who can find it is gone too. How can I figure this out now? I'm not complete again and it just sucks. So this is how my love story will end. I guess I'm right. I probably gonna be alone forever. Guess I'll be waking up alone in my bed no one beside me. Worst? I'm going to miss him forever.

I heard Sam cheered and I was so weak to look up. Kyrian then laughed as he hugged someone in happiness. I looked up in my heavy eyes.

And he was there beside them standing up in his luggage.

I stood up instantly not wanting to believe it. He had an unbelievable smile in his face as he looked back at me. I rushed myself to Renz in frustration. Anger suddenly rushed in. My mind went blank as we draw to each other. I swung my fist on Renz face making him fall down. Sam and Kyrian gasped in surprise. Renz looked at me frustrated as he touched his face.

"You little prick!" I yelled. "How come you're this stupid? Do you really think I mean it? I have to rush back here to stop you from your stupidity!" I was drawing attentions now. He stood up in deep grief.

"But you wanted me to leave." He mumbled.

I can't believe how stupid he was. I pushed him in anger. " Idiot! I can't believe i loved a man as brainless as you are! You promised you won't stop loving me and what are you doing now? You piece of asshole!" I said as it tear down. "Do you think I can leave a minute without you? You son of a bitch."

He then smiled and look at me with those light brown eyes. "I can't live without you Xander." He breathed.

That made it. I grabbed his face and pulled him in a kiss.

I felt my heart float up in life again. He kissed me back as I felt a goose bumps in my skin. I wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his arms on my back locking ourselves together. It was perfect to have him back.

"I love you." He breathed parting centimetres away from me. I let the tears fall down. "I love you too." I said kissing him back in me. Everything was perfect now.

I know Kyrian, Sam and other people are looking at as with their own personal standpoint but I didn't give a damn. Renz is with me now and it's just all that I needed......

"You pathetic little nut-heads!" Mom scolded at us.

*flashback Kyrian and Sam was about to bring us both to the hospital when my phone rang. I looked up. "Darn." I breathed. Renz looked at me warily. "Who is it?" He asked.

I tried to smile in nervousness. "Mom." I said flipping it open. "Hi mom!" I greeted with all optimistic tone I can get. And then she shouted.

And until now I can't get rid of her ear retiring scoffs. Although they all new that my memories were back, they celebrated a little but not too long. Mom's anger dominated first. "How can you be so dim-witted, leaving the hospital without even saying these to me?" She cussed. "What are you going to do if you suddenly fainted in the streets huh? Young man you are grounded for the rest of the year." She added. Dad was leaning on the wall fighting for a smile. Renz was as wary as me as he held my hand beside me.

"Mom, I have to. Renz is a prick and I have to stop his insanity before I live here in this world alone." I shrugged. "Besides, you can't ground me because I have my own apartment and--" Renz squeezed my hands signing me to watch my words. I looked at my father. He's face changed.

"Yes you are grounded." Dad said walking pass us. Clara, Jane and Jacob are upstairs. "From now on you'll be staying here at our home and Renz have to stay here too."

"I beg your pardon?" Renz suddenly said. "Him?" I said pointing Renz, not that I don't want to but what had gotten on my father's head? Is he nuts now. Dad wrapped his one arm to mom and smiled. "Wait, wait." I snapped. "Haven't we talked about this earlier dad? I can't stay here. And neither do Renz. Besides, I'm okay now so I think I can watch on myself again."

"Oh shut your nonsense talks, Xander." Mom snapped. "We already called workmen to fetch the left things on your apartment. It'll be delivered here tomorrow morning."

I fell my jaw open. Dad chuckled. "Son," He said sitting next to me. "I can't promise I can earn your trust as much as it is before. And I know these things are very new to me." He patted my shoulder. "But I'm not blind to see that Renz and you are so much good to each other's arm. And who am I to stop you both? You deserve to be together and I love you in all ways equal to your brothers and sisters. We are here to help you grow and support all what is your choices. That is what real parents are and I haven't realized it lately if it wasn't because of you." He said smiling as tears started to spurt out on my eyes.. "I know it'll be hard in my part but please give me some time to patch things up. I want you to be happy and I want you to be back to us. And it's not always because of you but it's because of me. I'm not that open minded." I sniffed as it falls down again. "So I'm asking you to help me. I want my son back. That's all I'm asking."

I pulled him in a huge hug. He hugged me back. "I love you son." I held him tighter as I cried. "I love you dad."

I then heard my mom chuckled but turned to Renz. "And you young man." I felt Renz tensed up. "From now on you'll be part of our family and you have no rights to complain with that." I chuckled as we parted. "But you have to do choirs like any of my sons and daughters do. You will be home as what we demand and you will do your homework good. Do you understand?"

"Ye-yes ma m." Renz stuttered. I held his hands. He looked at me.

"MOM." Mom corrected. We looked up. "Since you're here you can treat me as your mom now. Xander loves you and that's why I love you too." Renz face lifted in happiness. "Now there's plenty of rooms upstairs but I suppose you want to be in one bedroom right?" She said.

"Of course." I snapped.

"Then let me make this clear. I know you guys fooled around." I looked at dad a little tense. He was quiet. "But I wanted to practice celibacy here. So I want you to keep your hormones steady. And if you can't then talk to me about it." I rolled my eyes. Renz chuckled as dad smiled. "But if you can't hold it then use condoms."

"Mom!" I yelled as they all chuckled. Renz and I were turning red apples.

"Now go upstairs and clean yourselves. I have lots of explanation to do in the hospital." Dad said standing up. "And get down if you are ready, tonight we're all eating outside. I want to make this night special." Mom said.

When we are inside my old room I locked the door and pushed him in the wall. I grabbed his face and pushed my lips on his. It was so good to have those fragile lips in me as ever. He kissed me back and put his tongue in me. I kissed him harder and I wanted to moan but I can't. "We should lay off a little babe." He breathed in our kiss. "Haven't you heard your mom?" He said continuing kissing me. "But I missed you so bad. I wanted you now." I said lapping my lips to him again. I rubbed his spiky black hair as he grabbed my ass massaging it as he grinds his crotch on me. "Damn you feel so good in me." He sighed.

I licked down his neck and sucked his Adam's apple. He chuckled. I went back to his lips and grind it harder. We can't help but moan as our body grind to each others as one. Then he pushed me back a gently shaking his head. "We have to stop before we get caught." I looked at him in disappointed. Jeez he never changed. "Alright." I frowned letting him go.

He was catching his breath as I turned. He looked at me and I turned back. I then took off my shirt. "So you're telling me we'll be like this for the rest of the year." I said softly. I turned back looking at him. He gulped as I unbuckled my pants off. I can see his cock was hard rock as he mesmerized my body. I turned back before he can see my cock as I took off my pants and boxer off. I only let him see my ass as I walked to my bed. I know he's salivating in me. I chuckled.

I then jumped on my bed laying on my back, arms on my nape and wide opened crotch. I looked at him and he was breathing hard as he held himself. Oh god he's not giving up yet. "Guess I'll just wank my nuts off in mom's practice of celibacy." I smiled biting my lower lips. I then grabbed my naked cock and stroke it gently as I saw a precum spurt out. I felt pity on his urged face. "You sure you're not coming?" I asked wiping the pre-cum with my finger and licked it.

He shook his head and rushed on me. Finally. He stripped all his clothes off growling in excitement as he jumped over me. He kissed my lips hard as I grabbed his ass. I felt very satisfied feeling his cock fighting over mine. He humped his crotch on me as we moaned in ecstacy. I haven't have sex with him for a long time and I was shaking in excitement. I pushed him in his back. And started to crawl my wet tongue on his neck. I sucked it in eagerness. He chuckled. "I'm never gonna let you go again." He said.

"Hmm you sure do." I mumbled crawling down on his broad pecs and started sucking those light nipples. I sucked it like a baby begging for milk. He groaned in pleasure. "Baby you making me cum." He breathed. I hummed as I alternatively sucked his nipples. I roamed my hands on his hard abs as he kept on massaging my wavy brown-blonde hair.

After a minute or so. I jerk his stone cock as I lick on his belly button. I looked at his 8 inch cock, it looks mouthful, then looked at him. "Do you still think we goona follow mom's rule?" I said smiling.

"the celibacy thing only." H chuckled breathing heavy. I laughed then took the head of his cock on my wet mouth. I rolled my tongue on it wetting the tip to the bottom. He had his head over the bed. "This feels fucking great." He said. I then took it all the way in. I took the head and force it on my throat until I was on the tip. He buckled up. "Fuck." He blurted forcing himself not to yell.

I took it off. "Can you keep yourself steady?" I chuckled. "They will hear us." "You making me do it, what else can I do?" He shrugged. I smiled then deep-throated him again. I keep this going and he was near. I knew it because his balls tighten up. I let it go then fondled my tongue on his balls. He rested a little.

I then sat up and sat on his crotch. "What do you think about a little horseback?" I said. He smiled in seduction. "Go for it babe." I took his cock and put it on my hole. I looked t him as I slowly lowered myself. There was pressure then pain when it popped in. He kept it steady as I lowered myself. Not long before I knew, I was on the tip. It was not hurtful as before so I started to move up and down. He involuntarily humped and he hit something so good. "Do that again." I said. And he did it. It was so fucking good. He was hitting my prostate. I breathed harder as I started to rode him. I moaned in his every attack. "Fuck yeah this is so great Z." I said. "Ah yeah, I miss this Xanny." He breathed as he grabbed my cock jerking it. He was now thrusting his cock in and out as he meet my moved.

I was bouncing up and down as he fucked me harder. "Yeah baby I'm gonna cum soon." I said leaning on him as he fucked me. I lapped my lips on him again. He then grabbed my legs and turned me around back in my back again. He lapped those lips on me as I wrapped my legs on his waist. "I'm gonna cum soon too, ah yes." Renz breathed. I was sweating wet as he grabbed my hands intertwining his fingers on it and locked it on my back. He pinned my whole body as he thrust harder and harder. I was sucking his tongue as he kept on fucking me bare.

"Xanny, I'm cumming now." He breathed in my lips. "Ahhh yes!" He moaned. He hit my prostate hard that send me over the edge. I tighten my ass as I shot too. "Fuck I'm cumming toooo ahhhh!" I said aloud. I felt his cum erupted inside me as I shot my seed on our body. He kept on humping as we are enjoying the bliss of making love.

We are then worn off after what seems forever. He lay on top of me as we keep our breath steady. "What a first night in our new room." Renz chuckled on my chest. "And we gotta ready before mom and dad knows about this." He looked up with a smile and grabbed me. I stood up as we rushed on the bathroom.

He locked the door when we are inside. Renz then pinned me in the tiles and grabbed my legs wrapping it on his waist. He started kissing me again, I kissed back as I felt my cock got hard again. "What are you doing?" I asked smiling.

He gave me that sexy look as he grinned. "I want a second round."

I laughed and started kissing him again. I managed to open the shower and the water started to fall on our messy body. We made out under the pouring water of the shower as I enjoy the moment with him.

And we did it. You know guys how it happened. He rimmed me and I fucking love it. We made out a few minutes and we are hard as rock again. He fucked me slowly this time and we savor the moment. We ended up messing in the bathroom.

We cleaned ourselves and lend some shirt for Renz to wear. As planned we got out with my family and the man I love that night and all we did was enjoy talking about me and I and my father got more closer...... I have nothing to ask for. ******** -Janice I still can't forget what happened. What happened to Xander was not part of the plan. And I felt sorry for him. But the disturbing thing was I know it's not only that whore's fault on what happened to Xander. I knew it, but the the police got the case closed. They only blame that whore but I knew it's not only her. Renz's father has something to do with it......


"Sir he's not in his condo." My guard said. "What are you talking about?" I asked on my dark voice. He tensed. "He ditched before the plain got flew. He is now with that boy's family. They somehow adopted him."

I leaned on my seat at my office. I hung up the phone. What now Peter? He can't be gone. You'll need him to run this company But you're here in New York and he's back there in that town. The door flung open. I looked up and he was looking at me furiously.

"Where is my son?" Patrick, my younger brother asked. I stared at him haughtily. "It's not polite to storm in someone's office my dear brother. Is that how you greet me?"

"Where is my son?" He demanded. "Renz?" I asked. "As far as I know he's mine." I said. "But biologically I'll give you the rights. He still where I left him. I can't convince Renz to come with me."

He then stormed out as I took a smoke in my pocket. Hmmm perhaps I can use his own father to get him here.........


"Oh men I really missed you." Jeff said giving me a bear hug. I almost suffocate. "And you'll be sending me back to that hospital again." I blurted.

"It's so nice to see you again Xander." Erika said. I can't barely hear them because of the deafening sound of the bar.

"I'm going to miss you boy." Jeff said frowning. "Hey, I'm still coming here bt not as usual. I'll keep in touch." I said.

"Hey you!" Jeff pointed Renz next to me. He tensed up. "You better take care of my brother okay? He's a great person so don't waste your chance."

Renz nodded. "I will never." He said smiling at me "Good to hear that."

They looked at me nearly tearing. Kyrian, Brittany and Floren then came. "It's okay now." Kyrian said. "We already talked to Ric. We three are officially off to A- Venue." He said. Jeff and Erika frowned.

"Hey cheer up." Brit said. "It's not the end you know." She said.

Jeff sighed. "It's just so fast, one day I saw Xander freezing to death, Brit begging to be here and Kyrian locking his body everywhere and now, you'll be leaving."

"We had to finish study first." I said. Erika nodded. "Yeah study first before anything else. You kids are really great."

"I know." I snapped looking at Kyrian and Brittany. "You up to a last show?" I said raising my brow. They grinned wide. I looked at Floren. "No, no. I good here you guys enjoy yourself."

We nodded as we all rush on the floor. "CHRIS!" I called and the light then focused on the three of us.....


Give me everything by Pitbull, Neyo and Nayer? I totally got this one down. We three stood at the center of every people dancing. They cheered as we are on our own individual leveled board. I looked at both of them as they bounce. They let me do the honor. "Tonight, I want all of you tonight.Give me everything tonight. For all we know we might not get tomorrow...." The song sang. I then whipped my waist back and forth making my move as they cheered for me. I rolled my hips and complimented it with my blonde long hair tossing like there's no tomorrow. They all cheered as I heard my name. "You're a godess Brittany!" Some one yelled. I kept swaying until my eyes caught Chester. He was looking at me with trusted smile. I looked at him in satisfaction..... Yes I know with him everything will be alright..... "I love you." He mouthed as I dance. I winked at him and swayed again to the beat.


Watching them three sway their bodies and seeing those smiles in their face made me think that was everything will be alright now. I adore how all of the took their lives in negative to positive especially Xander. I envy him in everyway. I wish I was that brave. I bottomed down my shot and Looked at Brittany, she really was throwing all she got now that they are leaving. She had Chester, Xander has Renz, Kyrian is dating a hell lot of women. I on the other hand have nothing. I frowned but lifted a little. Atleast I have them. I'll credit that....

"Here." I heard someone said. I looked up and saw his perfect face again. "Brian, what are you doing here?" I asked. "What? Is this place is only exclusive for you guys?" He asked. I took his drink and smiled. Guess I'm not alone after all......


It was my turn then, I banged the beat and locked my body like a living robot complementing the harmony of the music. I will give it all here. I looked at Xander as I saw him bounce cheering up with me. I never felt so satisfied. Am I enjoying this moment if I never met him? Guess no. He was my brother and I can't believe I turn my back to him. But it was the past we are here now enjoying the night and it's all because of him.

I made a face as I do our jelly fish move. "Way to go Kyrian!" I heard someone yelled. "Marry me boy!" a girl called. I laughed and continued rocking my body. When I heard the right rhythm, I flipped my body head standing as I kicked my feet up. They all cheered. Everything was intense.

I stood up and saw Sam standing. Damn it he's so sexy. I have to admit as we spend our time together, the more I get invested to him. But I didn't give much attention. He's my friend now and I wanted to stay like that. Do I? He flashed me those little fangs again and I can't help but smiled back. I then saw Samantha looking at me. My face turned. She smiled at me. I looked away and look back to Samuel. He winked at me, I blushed. Jeez, what's happening to me................


Kyrian was done and it was my turn. "Xander! Xander! Xander!" They cheered. But what am I showing to? Brittany swayed her body which I usu to do and Kyrian locked his body like I did always either. I then raised my hand telling them to move away. They moved. I then flipped my body backward and make a back flip. They all cheered. I did this simultaneously then rolled a full circle before landing on my feet. They all cheered. I was never been complete. Everything is steady now. I then saw Renz bouncing in the crowd as he adores me. I stopped walked to him. The crowd made a way as I grabbed Renz in his hand. "What are you doing?" He tensed. I pulled him up until we two are up there in my leveled stage. I grabbed his hands as the crowd shout approval. "冩ooohhhhh" All of them cooed. Renz blushed.

I then locked my eyes on him. "We'll be together now." I said. His face then soften. "Looks like I'm stuck up." He winked. I then pulled him to a kiss and he kissed back. All the people cheered. "YEAH!!!!!" other's shouted.

I didn't have much of the other's attention I just want his. "I love you." He breathed as we parted. "I love you too." And we then continued bouncing, never be out of the rhythm in his arms again..........

The End

So that's it for Out-of-Rhythm... wow it's been months since I started this one and now it finally had ended... I wish you guys enjoyed the story... this is my first one and I love to say that it really paid of especially to those who supported this story... I will never forget you.

Thank You so much!!!!

And as always sorry for the delay.... Hahahaha

Anyways, as promise I will show you some sneak peek for the upcoming stories that I prepared for you guys.... It's the short story and also the conclusion of the Out of Rhythm entitled 'What the hell is Happening?'. And also the sci-fi story about Dion and Michael, 'Who am I Again?'


-Their story has concluded, but it doesn't mean it ended. In every relationship, there are always things that happened unexpectedly....


"Wow new record," I said. "We're complete. Full circle."

"Hey don't sweat it, Superman." Brittany said. "So where do you guys plan to enrol for college?"

"Yeah I haven't thought about it, it's almost Thanksgiving." Floren stated.

"I dunno." Kyrian Shrugged. "I mean I don't want to go college yet."

I rolled my eyes. "You really have no future buddy." I sighed.

... very deceiving that you never expect that it'll ever happen.....


"Renz NO!!!" I yelled jumping awake in my bed. Renz stumbles down on my bed falling. I looked at him and he was more fine than ever only with rustling spiky hair from morning bed. "Wh-what's happening?" He said looking up at me in wariness. I was in sweats in no time and I was shaking like hell.

"baby what's wrong?" He asked wrapping his arms on mine. I pulled him tight touching him and checking if I'm finally in the real world. "Come on, cool off now." He whispered as he rocked my bare body on his. I looked up and the morning light was perfect in his face. "Are you okay?" I blurted.

He looked at me quizzically. "As far as I fall on our bed, I should be the one asking that." He said.


"No, no, no. I am not going to do that!" I shook my head not wanting to believe what Sam just asked me. I almost storm out of the cafeteria and go to my next class.

"Come on man, It's a one big shot. All we have to do is to be there one night and pretend that we are gay couples. Not a big deal." Sam pleaded.

I leaned forward to him in fury. "I AM NOT GOING TO BE YOUR FAGGY BOYFRIEND, end of story." I hissed packing my things and storming out of the cafeteria.


I took a handful of pancake and stuffed it all in my mouth as annoyance filled my head. Brian was there snuggling and overly sweet with his girlfriend, knowing the fact that he was gay and he actual fooled around with me.

"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there mister." Brittany said holding my hands. "You really are acting so weird for the last couple of weeks Floren. What is happening to you last time you almost pounded your locker dead and threw a handful of books out on the library's window."

... this time around, their story will be juggled on how people around them, meddles on their lives and turn things a little too crazy....


"You saw that right?" I asked eyeing Kyrian and Sam as they nudge themselves out of the room.

"I don't know maybe they're that close now." Renz shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "Z tell me, when someone teased you and he blushes, don't you think something fishy isn't going on?"

"Let's get straight, though we really are not. You think Kyrian and Sam are having a queer phase?" Renz said bluntly. I nodded. "But Xanny they dated girls and their straight as fuck."

"So are you once."


"So you and Chuck together?" I heard his voice beside me. I turned and he was perfect as always. "Yeah." I simply said as I continued pretending looking at the book.

"But I like you." Brian pressed. "God Brian, I'm done with this drill okay? Stop talking things like you really care." I said.


I nearly drop my ice cream when he asked that. "What?! You really get weirder and weirder Xander. Sam and I are only friends so stop whatever is running on your pathetic mind." I hesitated.

"Jeez, am I that blunt now?" He asked himself clearly not listening to what I have said. "guess my gaydar is failing."

"Xander!" I snapped. "We are just friends! What are you talking about?"

.... Will things run as they plan or things will run as same as before?

.....Xander Hummelford


I laughed giving him a fake smugly face. "For what? Don't tell me you are mad, fag only because I am dancing with a girl and not you. I never love you, Xander. Ever." I said. The words came out smoothly but deep inside venom poisoned me.

.....Florence Camplbell


My eyes went furious. "Well I'm sorry if I'm not Mr. PERFECT Mr. moron-who- loves-meddling-in-someone's-business. We can't be all Chuck Walter now, can we?" I hissed back.

"Huh look who's jealous now?" Floren spat.

.....Kyrian Stone


"Then what else can I trust from you if you won't tell anything about you?" He asked dimly. I stopped. "See? What difference do you make from Renz?" He then walked back to his house.

I grabbed his arms stopping him before he get pass me. He looked back. I don't want to lose Kyrian now. "Please don't leave me." I pleaded looking at his eyes.....

..... When things started to get out of hand, what is the most common question that you ask with yourself?....


"Urgh." Casey snorted. "Come on cuz! Give him a real kiss!" And for the last time the crowd agreed

"Okay let's do it. Just do it fast." I whispered under my teeth. He nodded tensed. I looked at those luminous green eyes of him as he grabbed my face gently. We brushed my lips on him and we didn't move any part of our lips, if it's possible.


"Stop saying kiss, It happened, okay? What is done is done. Can we just forget about it, please?" Floren barked.

"Okay fine. Absolutely. Of course." I barked back. "Just answer one tiny little question."

"Brian---" "Did you kiss me that night because you thought we are gonna die and mine was the most convenient lips around or was it actually about me?" I asked eagerly. He glared at me but didn't say anything as seconds pass by.


I rolled up looking at the sky. It was filled with sparkling light. The night was peaceful. What now? There's nothing left to me. The man I love just killed my heart and there is nothing left. I had to disappear.

Yes, I choose to disappear....... ***********************

*Floren He was in deep emotions as I looked at his face. "I love you." He breathed. "And I'm sorry if I can't be the guy to be on your side before, but I want us to be together."

*Sam "Before you leave I just want to ask you one last question, a question that I should have asked long time ago." I said in grief looking at those watery gray eyes at me. "..this maybe perhaps the most important of all." I forced a smile. "Did you ever love me?"

Kyrian looked at me fighting a tear. It took him a few seconds before he was back to himself again. "No." He simply said turning back and headed to the dock entrance.

*Renz I wake up in my day dreaming which was already afternoon and the class was over. A few seconds have passed as I stayed sitting beneath my locker locker, I heard one specific footstep. I looked up and it was Xander. He looked at me pausing for awhile then walked to his locker in front of mine. He fixed his book as I adore him even I was only seeing his back. My heart skipped seeing the man I love in front of me.

"Hi." I said softly. He looked back at me then turned away. "Hi." He simply said dead....................

.................WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?


Dion Scottman...

I watch his majestic glide as he swiftly took his cup of Starbucks on my hand and threw his bag on me at the same time like I'm some kind of a hanger or something. Well anyway what did I expect?


"Okay, I know I'm new here, Michael. But rumors are everywhere. Come on, you worked here for two years and you haven't noticed that our boss is A social degraded Frankenstein whom I guess, has a weird huge pair of Tupperware in his chest where you can put on some dessert. And----" He then snapped me.

"Okay, Nic. This whole mocking boss thing is not so helpful." Michael said.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, As if things will change, He won't like you boy. My guess is, he is as straight as Indiana Jones. I know you like him but don't push you hopes to high."

"Well, I don't. I'm just happy to be here, work with him, gaze at him, talk to him or just glimpse at him......"


"--- And tonight you have a meeting with Indigo---"

"Cancel that meeting with Indigo. push the conference for Birmingham next week and throw the article that, that new Latina woman did. " He simply commanded dead.

"Nicole's work?"

"You have a problem with that?"

"No-Nothing." I lowered my head. "It's just that I read it and it was pretty good and I thought it deserve to publish---"

"Who's the editor-in-chief here?" Dion snapped.

"You sir."

"That's right. And you're just my assistant. So do me a favor will you? Next time you meddle with my decision, pack your things on an empty box and give me your resignation letter." He stated.

My jaw fell open. He really is, not in a good mood today.

"... Now if you don't have something to recommend I suggest you proceed to your work." He continued.

I took a little sigh before walking away. "O----kay." I breathed.

"Which month of copy do you want, sir?" I asked politely.

He then looked at me dead. "Please kill someone else with your question will you?"

"I want you to get the new copy of Zandalee's article today." He simple said.

"What? But there's storm surfing around our city and Zandalee's place are 50 miles away. How am I going to get there?" I tried to defend.

"I don't know, maybe you can crawl." ***

"Michael!" Dion called.

"Yes sir?"

"Make me some coffee." He asked.

"Oh, you want black sir?"

He then looked at me dead again. "No blue. You can do that?" He said annoyed.

Of course, what do I expect from him.....

"Here you can have this." I handed the burger to the woman.

He had a surprise look in his face. "Oh my..." He took the burger in my hand shaking. "Bless you boy, bless you" He cried as he mauled the food on his mouth. I really felt sorry for this kind of people.

"I said get off me!" Dion barked as he pushed the greased woman down to her feet.

Everyone looked but he doesn't seem to care. I rushed on the woman aid and helped her to get her back on her feet.

"Stupid crazy old woman." Dion muttered as he fixed his coat.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She then went very still as if she turned into stone.

"Miss?" I asked again. But she didn't respond. She really went very still and even her breathing stopped. I touched her hand and she suddenly went very cold like a dead body.

She then looked at Dion and as if he was called, Dion then caught her dead eyes. "I'm sorry Michael, but I have to do this." She hissed.

How the hell did she know my name? I looked at her in horror.

"Mande Ika Ladevir alternito Idencio Maskulino. Hacquier....."

I heard those chants as if there was a megaphone bursting in my ear. I then felt very dizzy until I slowly drifted to deep black space.....

I jumped on my feet as I woke in my dream.

Whew just a bad dream... It's just a nightmare, Michael.... Whew

I took a heavy sigh to gather up my thoughts when suddenly it dawned to me that my bed was really soft. I never noticed it before. I opened my to look and in my surprise the bed was all white.

What the fuck? This is not my bed.

My eyes went wide when suddenly I noticed that this is not my fucking room. I have slept to someone else's room. Oh fuck? Did I have sex with someone else? Did I get virginized? I fucking don't remember anything.

I looked around the room and this place is pretty rich. I mean, It was like I am on a condo unit with fully furnished room. My heart pounded fast in confusion. Where the hell am I?

I got out of the bed and suddenly it snapped on me that I am like a little taller than before. It felt really weird like I am few inches taller. I looked at my body and I thought my jaw just fell in surprise.

This is not my fucking body!

What the fuck is going on?

I looked for a rest room and rush on the sink. And my world seemed to shatter when I looked at my reflection on the mirror.

I turned dead pale white in horror as my heart skipped.

"Ah!!!!!" I suddenly screamed on the top of my voice.

Why am I on Dion's body?

................WHO AM I AGAIN?....................

That's it for this chapter... hope you liked it... Tell me about what you think about the whole scheme. Just email me here at discreetlyweird@yahoo.com Good and Bad are most welcome. Till next time guys and hope you support the upcoming story ahead. Stay tuned!

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