Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Jun 9, 2011


Out of the Rhythm Part 2: Pain got in then happiness

1 week later


(In my dreams)

"No, no Xander you ain't no fag!" my dad said furiously. I can't believe this; I already come out in my closet and tried to be true to myself. I thought they'll understand me, but no they were not. Mom just lay there in the kitchen table covering her face with her hand crying. Mom of the entire person I thought who will understand me turned her back on me. What a meltdown.

"Pa, you have to accept---"before I could finish he choked me slamming my back on the wall. It hurt so bad, tears started to well on my eyes.

"No! I'll cut your tongue out if you will speak another queer word on your mouth." He yelled. His grip was squeezing my throat I gasp for air.

"I'm GAY!!!!" I yelled back pulling his hand away from my neck. I was suffocating. He then guts my stomach causing me to cringe down coughing.

"That's enough!" my mom screamed to my dad gripping his arms away from me. I fell on the floor kneeling. Both my body and heart ached as hell. My body was covered with bruise and at the same time my family, the first entity that I loved, can't accept me. Jacob, my younger brother helped me to get up.

"Don't you lay your hands on him Jacob!!! God I don't know if I'm going to call him 'a him' after this! I don't want you to be turning into another fucking faggot too!" It stung me as hell like it was kind of a disease. Carla and Jane , Jacob's twin sister, stood both at the corner crying.

"Believe me, it's not like I choose this" I sobbed. "It's inevitable."

"You can if you only have enough humanity on yourself!" His words were too much to hear I have to fight back.

"And what? You think you still have the humanity ever since you made an affair with another woman knowing that you have four siblings?" I spat.

He launched himself again slamming his huge fist on my face falling me down again. It's not like I don't know how to fight back, it's just that he is still my father. "And for the record." I continued. "Did you also think you've been a father to me? Well I'm sorry to say for 18 years you never were. "

"Curse you! You fucking faggot" He spat. "Get the hell out of my house. From now on I don't want to see your queer face inside this family. You are nothing but a dead son to me now!"

My mom was still gripping him trying to stop him to go for another move of hurting me. We both stared at each other, I know that look a lokk of rejection. I stormed out without anything in my pocket.

"Xander!" I heard Carla called.

I didn't look back. I took my bicycle and paddled as hard as I can to escape from this terror. I'm alone now. And I think this will be forever.

I then jumped back on my bed looking around. It was 2: 48am. I was sweating like someone threw a pail of water on me. I relaxed a little to ease up the tense. I felt a tear fall down my eyes. It's been 5 months since I stepped away that house. But being alone in a small apartment is nothing compared to the feeling of being letting you down of the two most important people of my life. My parents. I curled into a ball cuddling myself wishing that I wake up from this bad dream I got myself into.


Since that night in the streets, I can't take my head off with him. Xander. It scared me that I was being infatuated with this thought of seeing him again. I mean I ain't a fag but thinking about Xander made me jerk always in my bed and boy how hard do I cum. I love the way he lap those lips on my dick and I loved the most on how I brushed his lips on me. It was the best kiss I ever had. I felt my cock tensed up begging for it to be jerked.

"You know I could melt" I hear him say still echoing in my ears.

I then snapped out of it. God what am I thinking? This is not supposed to happen. It got me scared to the thought of thinking to be with him. This is not who I am. This was just a delusion. I'm just stressed. Stress about me being the 'the-guy- who-get-it-all'. I clicked the remote to clear the curtain off so it'll lit up my condo. I sat on my cotton bed and collected my thoughts. These things are just experimental, and it was successful. Now I have to go back to myself and live with it. And the only answer is GIRLS........

-Jacob "Hey did you called Xan? I haven't got in touch with him these last few days." I said.

"Me either." Jane said. "God I miss him."

"Don't worry you guys, one of these days we will visit him again." Carla whispered. "But mom and dad must not have to know about this, okay?"

"Agreed." We both nodded.

-Xander "Aaahhrrr"I yawned. Erica bumped me with her shoulder as she counted the money on the counter.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been playing ping pong the whole night."

"You wanna bet?" I smiled. We laughed. I fixed my McDonalds cap as customers started to come on the counter to order. Ever since I left, I had to be studious enough to support myself financially. My day shift was working in McDonalds and in night I worked on that club.

"Boy you should not push yourself too much." Erica said.

"Tell me about it."


I had this communication with the girl I made out last week. Her name was Trisha. Amazingly, we are studying in the same school but I never saw her around. We hang out together, and then have a really nice sex and sooner than I know I am hooking up with her, not in a couple like relationship. Just hooking up.

After class we decided to grab some fries and burgers on the nearest fast food chain. We walked in my arms wrapped around her and she was under me.

"Jeez, I never thought a millionaire like you would like to eat in this tacky store." She laughed. I frowned.

"Well, I like their burgers here." I really don't like labeling. And right now Trisha is labeling me. Not because I'm the rich guy is that I am not allowed doing things like what a normal people do.

We took a seat right on front of the counter. "Can I be excuse, I need to pee" Trisha said leaning for a kiss and rushed on the restroom. I was left there and started scanning around. Then my eyes caught this guy, His wavy brown hair tucked inside his McDonalds cap, light brown skin and full pink lips had my eyes captivated again. It was the guy in the club. The man that blew me and the first one I fooled around. Xander was busy entertaining the customer from the counter. My heart was pumping hard then I felt my cock moved. Like it sensed someone that will really satisfy its needs and that's to be sucked by Xander again. I gulped in excitement and anxiousness at the same time.

Trisha was back then. "I'm back my hot stud." She said then leaned for another kiss.


I know him. I absolutely know him. His that half breed guy from the bar. The one I fooled around on the bare street. Jeez, isn't this awkward. I then saw him kissed the girl he was with. Of course, what am I thinking? He was just experimenting with me last time. Deep inside something is bothering me that cause for my uneasiness. I can't concentrate on my work. He was as attractive as he was before. No, he was better in his tight cotton T-shirt. He was damn boiling. He left the girl on the table and started walking straight on the corner. I looked away. Please not on my line, not on my line.

Before I know it, He was right in front of me.

"Hi". He said vigorously.

I only gaped and stayed like that for a moment. I snapped back. "Good kiss sir, I mean afternoon sir" I studdered turning into bright red."Can I take you order?" He bit his lip to hide the smile. It was turning me on.

"I'll have two large coke, two fries, a cheeseburger and a quarter pound." He said

I processed his order as fast as I can to get rid of him. The awkwardness was eating me alive and I don't know how long I can hide my boner. They were laughing at each other while eating but every once in a moment I kept seeing him checking me out. It made me more caught off guard. After with somewhat a long hour of humiliation, his girl stood up, kissed him wet and then left.

Why did she go? I wondered.

He then waved me to come over him as I mopped on the floor. I came over. "Can I help you sir?" I asked politely.

"Actually yes I think, I was wondering if you could still remember me." He said. I could see that something was tenting on his thigh.

"I'm sorry sir but have we met?" I shot back lying. This is not so going to be good.

"Really?" He asks frustrated. "On that club? Last week? The shades and the bare night?" He knew that I knew he was just trying to catch me. I tensed up.

"Can we talk outside?" I said, he then flashed me those cute smiles. There is no point of hiding. I am caught.

I rushed outside and he was there in instant. Gosh he was really hotter than before but I know guys like him, someone that cannot be trusted. BE WISE Xander. BE WISE.

"Where is this getting up?" I snapped.

"What?" "This. Checking me out even you are around your girl. Flirting with me. I don't assume you are gay right?" I said. I have to be aggressively ahead of him so he could live me alone. He is just a distraction. Well, a sexual distraction.

He was taken aback by my words. "Well I think that's a little confident of you but no. Of course not." He shook his head. "I was just surprise to see you here. Last time was awesome and we didn't really meet like actually formally meet." He was so apologetic.

I wanted to kiss him again. "Let's just keep it like that" I said coldly. "You see, what happened last time was just an experiment. Yeah we fool around but it's just one night. A one night stand, nothing more."

"Well yeah but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed it even if I am straight I can't believe that I can do those things. You really are something."I bit my lips again to fight a smile. " And you were a great dancer by the way." He said.

I have to crush his ego. I smiled. "Well yeah what we did are only for gay people and so that you know, I am gay." I said lifting my head

"So is that mean, that I am gay too?"He said looking away. He looked disturbed.

"I don't know, you yourself can tell if you are. Besides, I'm not into 'judging the book by its cover' so it really doesn't matter. All I want is for you to keep in distance. I don't want to get into trouble. We just fooled around and that's it."

He sighed then laughs. "I just wanted to know you."

I then turned away. What was that suppose to mean? I then turned back to him, he had his head down. "Hey half breed" I called. "What's your name again?"

"Half Breed?"He said raising an eye brow. Damn I will drop off my boxer for him. "Michael Renzo Hudson. But I prefer Renz ."

"Renz." I pondered. "I like that. Names Xander, Xander Hummelford"

"I know."He said. I went back inside.

Later that afternoon his name kept running on my head. I can't focus and Erica was disturbed about it."Hey are you really okay? I mean earlier you are so drowsy and now it's like right now and then you're anxious. Are you taking drugs?" She said skeptically.

"What?!" I said sternly. "Not in the list of my dictionary." Erica was 5 years older than me; she became my sub-sister when I've been away with my older sister Carla. She is sweet and very protective with the one who is dear with her. Unfortunately I am one of those dear to her not sexually but as siblinghood.

"Hey if you need someone to talk to, you know I'm always here."

"I know." I said. "I'm just thinking on how am I going to earn more money. You know, for my last year. I don't want to be left out one more year." She looked hurt. "I wish I could help you dear."She said patting my back. "Thanks. Anyway, can you tell Jeff that I'll be running some errands so probably I will be late on work again" I said making an excuse.

"I will."

" when will you two both settle down?" I asked before I knew it. She smiled.

"You'll see honey. Not that long."

I kissed her cheeks then left out. The hot afternoon breeze was so good in my skin. I have to go back to my apartment and change clothes then make this side line running errands to Miss Berry. I was in the front of apartment when suddenly I saw this truck parked in the side of the street. I then rushed upstairs like someone is chasing me. My door was flung pen and the big fat Keeper was in front helping some guy picking things inside my place.

"Oh come on Mrs. Ernie, give me another week I promise I'll pay the left depth. Hey!" I saw a man picked the pictures above my small cabinet. I took it from him. "I can't do that Hummelford you been delayed for 3 months both in rent and electricity. You're the only one I given time like this and yet you wasted it." She said stepping inside. "Take this one too" She was pointing the TV.

I got furiously upset. "Tomorrow" I begged holding her hands, she pulled away. "I swear I'm going to pay you!"

"I am so fed up with your promises boy; you are no one word and I am the one crediting your foulness. You have to leave and take all you things but leave all your appliances. It's the least you can give to pay your depth."

"What?! You can't do that that's all I have left."

"I am sorry but that's what life is"

What does she know about me lecturing what life is, I launched myself with her but instantly two bear guys protect her grabbing me and throwing me away. I fell down hard. My left arm got ripped on pointed antique chair beside my bed. It tore some skin that, of course, bleeds.

"You ungrateful asshole!" She yelled. "Take everything and live that piece of shit here to rot ." She ordered the studs.

What is happening in my life? A couple of months earlier I was being thrown out my house and now, I am here again being thrown away with my apartment. I packed all my thing on a leather luggage stuffing it all with my clothes while I saw everything is being picked up one by one. The TV, small cooler, rice cooker, electric fan, stove etc. I don't want to cry I tell myself, I can't give up now. I slid my small patch of money below my bed and hid it inside my luggage. This is what I have been banking since I started to work for my Studies. My left arm was wet with blood but I didn't care. Next thing I know I was on the street carrying my things, looking at the truck taking all my things being carried somewhere. All those things were donated by all those people who cared to me and now I let it all be taken away just like that. I started to walk didn't know where to go. I was back in this same situation as the first time I bailed on my house. It was the same ached in my heart.

I wanted to give up now. I try to look for the sun to set as night creeps. But it was cloudy, guess even nature is being rude to me. Great, I kept wondering without any direction two hours later it was dark as hell and I started to get tired. I can't go to the club seeing me like this. I don't want them to bother and meddle in their lives again. Once is enough. They helped when I got nothing.

But where to start?

I sat on the front of the street where there is an available sit. Cars just passed by and the sound of it made me relax a little. I curl up on my seat embracing my legs like a kid. I am officially alone now. My heart ached like it was being tortured by pins pinching slowly. I can't help but catch my breath. Why does the world loves hurting people like me. Then I heard a struck of thunder ripped the silence of the streets. Rain started to fall. I started to meltdown. I sobbed like hell not caring if someone can hear me. I just wanted to lessen my burden. Great it's raining. I love when it rains; it's the best way to hide my tears. I cried like an hour waiting til the rain stops. These are the available moments that I can cry.

Then I felt something shaded me from the rain

"What are you doing out here?" His tone was joking I looked up then dropped my face again. Great someone saw me but of all the people why him.

"Live me alone." I said staring away.

"Hey its freezing out here, you are all wet and what's with the luggage?" Renz asked in a serious tone now.

"Just fucking live me alone." I screamed.

"Alright..." He whispered, I thought he was leaving but boy I was wrong. He drop his umbrella letting him get wet too, took my luggage and grip my arm then pulled me to his car. I fight back but he was really strong.

I was stomped inside the front seat while he took my luggage on the back space of the car. It was warm inside I started to sneeze. I felt freezing. In no time he was back on the driver's seat. He leaned on the back seat to grab a towel then wrapped it around me.

"Get your hands off me." I said no emotion.

"Are you always like this? Pushing everyone away, god you're freezing to death."His tone was irritated and pissed. I hated this moments especially when someone is nagging me."Anyway, what happened? You look like you've runaway."

"I've been thrown out on my apartment." I mumbled.

Renz froze.


"Hey there sexy." Jeff said seducing me again. He kissed me on the lips he was so sexy with those uniform in the club. "What brought you here?"

"Well, I had to excuse Xander, He said that he'll be running some errands again." I said hugging him. He tensed a little.

"What?" I asked.

"Well if he'd be running some errands then he should be here by now." He said sighing. "I'll be the one getting nagged by our boss if he finds out that he ditched away again."

"I don't think so." I shrugged picking up my phone dialing his number. Where the hell is that kid again?


He was absolutely freezing. I saw him shaking like a grinder so I took a towel I just got on the laundry shop. I wrapped it around his body but he refused. He was like a wet puppy.

"Get your hands off me." He said coldly.

I get irritated with his stubbornness. "Are you always like this? Pushing everyone away. God you're freezing to death." He was shaking like crazy and still kept his composure. I was so surprised with his actions right now. The last time I saw him, he was as soft as a douche just swaying in the beat of the music. Now his totally different like a hard stoned human born to hate all. I can see in his eyes that he is in great pain. "Any way what happened? You look like you've runaway."

There was silence. "I've been thrown out on my apartment." He said stiffly looking far away from the glasses.

So that's what happened. I looked at him again and I pitied his look. Anyone who see a person like this would definitely felt bad for himself. He was lost. And I wanted him to help. Isn't that what I'm doing right now? But I wanted much deeper like he had this connection with me that I cared at him the moment we saw each other. Why does he have this effect on me?

I started to rev my car and drove off. I have to bring him home......

He wrapped himself with a towel, raced his feet on his arms and stared blankly on the window. He was like this vintage portrait that any photographer would kill for this pose. I kept checking him if he was okay cuz he never moved throughout the whole drive. I stopped the car in the front of my condominium he suddenly snapped out of it. The rain had stopped.

"Where are we?" He asked still emotionless under his now hoarse voice. He stopped shaking though.

"We're in the front of my condominium." I stepped out on my car and took his luggage out. He was outside my car looking at the building. I came over him.

"Let's go." I said.

"No, no I'm not going inside there. It's been nice that you have helped me get out of the rain but I can't go any further. I'll take my luggage now." I then saw a blood under his left arm patching on the white towel he was holding.

"God, you're bleeding. We have to fix that. Let's go."I insisted.

"I can take care of myself, thank you. Now please hand me my bag." He demanded. He always has this dominating look that actually intimidate me but in a very good way. He then cringed on his wound.

"Well atleast let me help you clean that inside. I can't let you go with you loosing so much blood. And if you ever plan to call the police for harassment, then be it." I was startled how bossy my voice was over him. I've never been this.

"Call the police?" He said raising an eye brow. Damn that so sexy. "Don't you think that's over reacting?"

"Well you're crazy, kinda affected me."I shrugged.

He then looked around then on me again. I smiled. He rolled his eyes then walked over the entrance hall.

I turned on the heater and landed his luggage on the the floor I then took my first aid med kit and placed it on my bed. He was there on the sofa sitting measured as if he was about to break anything. He looked at me.


"Come here. Lemme see if we have to stitch that." He froze like something will gonna kill him. I laughed. He was beside me and took off the towel. Grabbed his arms and unfolded the sleeve of his shirt I accidentally hit the wound. He took it back and glared at me. Xander was like this wild dog being astray for a long time. He's been aggressive to people around him and been rude to others.

"Sorry." I said innocently. I took it back and carefully unfolded it. It was really bad but no stitch needed. I then started to clean it up with antiseptic he cringed in pain.

"Where did you know this stuff?" He then said breaking the silence.

"When I was a kid I usually get tripped when I play. My mom was always there to clean it up. When she passed away, I learned that I should know things that my mother used to do with me. It's my way of moving on." I got these bleary eyes suddenly. I snapped out. My mother is happy in heaven now, I thought. There was silence.

"I'm sorry about that."He said falling his head down.

"Hey that's okay. That's normal I mean, I have to move on so I can continue my life. It's the way everything has always been. Pain got in then happiness then pain again then happiness again. It's a never ending cycle."

"So is that explain that you leave in a very expensive condominium, cuz you're in the happy mode?" He said skeptically.

"I'm not sure about it, I mean I have everything. But not all. "

"What is that suppose to mean and your dad?"

"Well I have everything, yes. But ever since mom passed my dad had been distant to me and all he does is giving me that, give me those......" I said making a face.

He grinned.

"There it is." He was so adorable when he smiles. He kept staring at my face as I clean his wound but it didn't make me uncomfortable even I am aware that he is gay. I even liked it when he stares.

"So" I said after wrapping his wound with clean gauze. "You sure you won't open up what really happened to you?" I was mesmerizing his smooth flesh skin; it's very noticeable when you are near with him. I feel my woody tent up.

He put his head down then took a huge breath. "Five months ago I've come out on my closet and my dad can't accept it even my mom. My brother and sisters do, though. But you know the drill; I got kicked off my own home cursing me that I'll never be part of the family again." His eyes were glossy again. "But I didn't end up cursing myself, I decided to live my own life but I had nothing. My friends helped me to get my feet back to the ground. Then I started working on this food chain and every night I worked as a dancer in the club where we met. Oh yeah I stopped getting to school too cuz I can't depend on my parents anymore. But right now I'm in the process of making enough money for the next semester. Everything is going smooth when suddenly I got kicked out on my apartment. That's it. The end."

I love his sarcastic attitude. Never giving up. "Well, I guess I won't drill much deeper" I gave him a crooked smile.

He laughed."Well appreciated." We laughed again.

"Hey but for the record, you really don't look gay." I said. I can't shake the thought that Xander really was.

"What? You want me to prove it again?" He said catching me off guard. He laughed.

"What if I do want it again?" I said before processing what does it really meant. He stopped laughing. I'm not stupid; I can feel both of us started to get pretty turned on. He then sneezed, then another one, then harder this time. I guess cold is starting to get him, he hasn't changed since we got here. I leaned on the side of my bed then took a white t-shirt.

"Come on let me get you off with that damped clothes." I let him stand before me then grabbed the side of his t-shirt and helped it took off since he wasn't able to move much because f his wounds. I was about to give him the shirt when there we were him standing in front of me shirtless with his dark eyes seducing me.

He was so damn sexy. He is definitely slim a little meaty like a swimmer built but I guess his hardcore move in dancing gave him the opportunity to build some muscles. He was hairless in his smooth chest and not to mention a pink nipple complimenting his pink full lips. My cock was begging to be released. He gulped a little, my heart was pumping fast. Before I know I broke our gaze and suck his nipple hard. He moaned loud in pleasure. I wrapped my arms on his back. I wanted everything. I wanted him. I pulled Xander to me and let him sit on my lap where my cock was suffocating.

"We can't do this" He said catching his breath while he was rubbing my spiky hair. But I know his body was telling something else. I know he want me and I want him too. I don't want to think of anything else.

"Renz!" He said separating me on his body. We were so hard I could feel his crotches rubbing together.

"What?" I asked softly.

"I can't, this is not right." He said starting to get off me. I held him

"For tonight, think about yourself and your happiness. Follow what your heart wanted." I was serious about it. I kept my eyes with those weary light brown eyes. Then our faces started to come closer. I lapped my eager mouth on his pink lips tasting him, He kissed back. It felt so damn good. I grabbed his wavy hair and slowly I lay my back on my bed. Him on top of me, I started to buckle up rubbing my hard cock on his crotch. I grabbed his ass massaging it under his wet pants. Our lips parted a little and his eyes were eating me whole. I kissed him again wetter. He pulled me up then helped me to take off my shirt then planted my lips on him again. He grabbed my crotch then massaged aggressively. He already gave in his feelings. And me whatever you look at me right now, I don't care. I just want to do this. And he felt so good in my arms. I grabbed his package too and massaged it. He moaned under our kiss. He the licked my chin down to my neck and suck it a couple of times. I was so about to cum in his move. He then lick his way back to my nipples, he alternatively sucked it making it as hard as my cock. It felt amazing. In no time he was licking my tummy kissing it till he reached my abs. He looked at me and I stared back as he unzipped my pants and took it all off then massage my raging cock under my boxers. He kissed my rod then slid his thumb in the waistband then took it all away. My cock flipped open. It was unbelievable to see it that hard. He kept his gaze on my cock then engulfed the head. I moaned.

"Aahhh." I breathed.

Then he started attacking me with bobs that felt so good, he was massaging it the moves faster then slower again. He done this for a next the next couple of minutes. "Oh yeah that's amazing. Your mouth is awesome."

I suspect he got turned on with it because he hummed in my cock. He then surprised me when he deep-throated me. My favorite part. I buckled up in ecstasy "Oh gosh Xander that so fucking hot." I moaned then lay back on my bed. I was catching my breath in these actions. He repeated this for and I was close to cumming. I held his wavy hair while my other hand was grabbing the side seet of my bed. It was too much to bear. I heard him gag a little when I was fucking his throat. "Yeah dude take it all, It's all yours. Sucked it like a pro."

He then relaxed a little and licked my balls. He played with it a little. Then went back deep throating me. I was close to cumming. "Aaahh babe I'm close. I'm gonna cum." I said.

He then took his mouth away and looked down as if ashamed.

I was a little disappointed but relaxed a little. "What's the problem?" I asked concern. I haven't noticed that I was sweating. He was too hot.

He then jumped on top of me and kissed me hard in my lips. I didn't notice that he was not wearing any pants and boxers now. Our cocks rub in full extent that nothing is blocking the friction. The feeling was too good to be true.

He broke our kissed and looked at me."Fuck me." Xander said.


I can't believe I was asking him to fuck me. But all I know, it's what I want. His green brown eyes were so amazing to look and I want him. This might be the only time we have tonight and I want every inch of him. It came from him 'Do what my heart wants. And that's Renz.' He then kissed me again with those vulnerable lips and it was so good to have it in mine. He managed to grab a condom in the side of his bed without breaking the kiss. I was still lying on top of him. Renz slid the condom under his cock. My cock was rubbing on his abdomen. He teased my ass with his cock first rubbing it a little. My ass was begging for it. I thrust back on it. I felt he was smiling while I kissed him. Then he started pushing it inside. To be honest, I was never been fucked, a great bad virgin guy. And I was scared to the thought of being invaded by a cock. But Renz was different. He had this effect on me to trust him, that it will going to be great. He started pushing and I felt the pressure, I opened up. I mean that that I saw in porns. He was so aggressive he involuntarily pushed his cock in.

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed out loud. I wanted to stop but my body didn't want to. It was unbearable to take but the Head was IN.

"We have to stop?" He suggested there was agony in his eyes as if he was the one being invaded. He was panting too. I didn't answer I just closed my eyes, why am I not stopping.

"Just let me relax a little." I said. After seem what forever I started to continue, it hurt bad but not same as it was before. He sensed my movement and held my waist I stare at his apologetic eyes as I went down the business. No more than I know, I was sitting on his pubes. I smiled then started to go up. He didn't moved Renz let me do the work. Once then twice I felt something good as I move. The longer I move up and down the lesser the pain and the better I felt. Pleasure is taking over.

"This feels great." I whispered. He locked his eyes on me with those green eyes. I kissed him hard again and I was picking u the pace. He tense with the feeling "

"Damn it Xander your so tight, you felt great on my fucking ass." He mumbled as I kept lapping his lips. I moved faster and no more than I know Renz was moving his cock in and out my ass. He held my waist then thrust his cock inside with a great force. "You're the best Xan. Oh god."

"Please don't stop, please." I said catching my breath the pain was gone and all I felt was pleasure. I was letting him do the magic.

He then grabbed my back and turned me over in my back. He grabbed my legs then wrapped it around his waist. I wrapped my one arm on his back then the other with his hair. He slammed his cock inside me in an enormous force, sweats are dripping all over our body. We kept kissing while he fucked me hardcore. Im near to cumming. The friction of our body made my cock to jerk

"I'm gonna cum!" He screamed slamming his rod on my ass. "Oh god here it comes!!! aaaaahhhhh !!!" I felt something explode in me.

It startled me that send me on the edge. "Fuck fuck fuck aaaaahhhh!" I screamed. Jet after jet of cum shot on our chest it was like it'll never stop. And I didn't even touch my cock!

After what seem forever of shooting we felt exhausted. Renz took off the cum filled condom and tossed it on the nearby trash. He fell on my chest breathing heavy. I lay there under his gorgeous body.

He then looked up. I caught his eye. He leaned for a kiss. I kissed back. Something was different; it was more emotional this time. His kiss was more passionate I almost smile with the feeling.

He then moved back. "You're amazing you know." He said. "I never felt that before. You made me feel that. "

I smiled. "And for a first timer, you made everything worth experiencing" His face changed.

"I'm your first?" He asked not wanting to believe it.

I smiled looking away. When I turned back I saw him like he saw light for the first time. He pushed for one last passionate kiss before lying back on my chest.

"Thanks." He said. I slowly drifted to sleep as we cuddle each other with our arms......

Hey guys thanks for your comments, I really wanted to make this story better so if you have any suggestions and comments, Bad comments are cool, feel free to send it, just email me here >> discreetlyweird@yahoo.com . By the way, I'm really sorry for the wrong grammars but I'm trying okay :). Also, I'm planning to make this a weekly episode but I'm having a hard time to make the storyline so help me guys. I already have draft 3,4,5,6 and 7. I really got myself hooked up also (o.O) and that's because of your comments. Thanks again \m/.

P.S. Oh yeah next week will be a no-sex episode and a two part episode, I wanted you guys to lay low a little but the great thing is the ironic love story will start. Let's see if Xander and Renz are really meant for each other. :)

Next: Chapter 3

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