Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Jun 21, 2011


Out of Rhythm Part 4: Picking up the pieces and solving the puzzle P2

The events and people you are about to be read are only work of fiction and just a product of my imagination.


So he had a boyfriend. I felt a down thinking about the idea. Why do I feel like I own him and someone had snatched him away from me? I just looked at them and saw how happy he was. I wanted to see him like that and if that man made him happy then so be it. I felt a tingling pain in my chest. Why the hell am I feeling like this? I wanted him. I wanted to talk with him, to know more about him, even if it will be for the last time...


"Hey Jeff!" I greeted he was busy arranging some bottles of Brandy.

"You know you're late again? Go your change your clothes." He noticed Kyrian then looked skeptically at me. Kyrian smiled.

"Oh yeah this Kyrian Stone. He is my-----"

"Boyfriend?" Jeff snapped.

"No." I said eyeing him.

"Hook up?"

"What?! No!" I scolded as Kyrian couldn't hide his laugh. Jeff smiled. "He is my best friend we kinda knew each other since Kindergarten."

"Oh... well its cool to meet you." They shook hands. "So what's up?"

"Well, he wanted to help me earn money so he thought he would try for a position here."

"Yeah sure we could use some more crew you know?"

"Well I was thinking that he could be a dancer since he was almost the same with me not that I'm saying his better than me."

"I'm fund in moving around joints." He said.

"Well ask Ric." Jeff said pointing our boss who looked pissed. I made a face at Jeff. "Oh, you so owe me!" He said rolling his eyes then walked towards Ric. I flashed him a huge grin.

"So you think I can get a job here. It's a really kick ass club."

"I'm also new here, so I dunno."

"How did you meet that Jeff guy?"

"Well four months ago I was lost on the streets he and Erica, his fianc‚e, saw me and helped me find a job. I've stayed at their house for a couple of weeks then decided to move into my own apartment when I had enough money."

"Well that's a great of him." I agreed.

"So let's see what they got." Ric suddenly called looking toward us. Jeff made a signal of a CD using his fingers. I smiled. "Hey you got your IPod?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you have Dirty Bit?"

"By Black Eyed Peas?" We both smiled ..... **********

"I had the time of my life.... And I never felt this way before... and I swear it's the truth.... And I owe it all to you...."

This was the number we were working on before I stopped. Don't get me wrong I'm not fond in dancing at the school, we just loved dancing. "... Dirty Bit..." We started locking like robots complementing each other's moves like we were robots talking to each other. It wasn't long before we were moving in unison. Damn! Kyrian never loses his touch. He is as good as I am; on second thought he was better than me. Our bodies flowed in unison like jellyfish. I saw a flash of a smile on Ric's lips and the expression was mirrored by Jeff. Most of the crew were watching as well. Others were laughing because both of us were making faces at each other. Then out of nowhere I saw Renz. Damn he is so hot; with the help of the Sepia lighting it was perfect. I was caught off guard and my moves didn't compliment in Kyrian's moves. I quickly snapped out of it and focused on the music. How the hell did he know I was here? Damn It! It was the final move... We parted from each other side by side then made a roll, tumbling 4 times and ended up in a Head Stand. Everybody cheered even Ric who seldom does. "That's great boys! You!" He said pointing at Kyrian. "Kyrian right?"

"Yes sir." He said catching his breath.

"Welcome to A Venue."

"Yeah!" He jumped. I clapped for him then we hugged. It was the first time we had seen each other in a long time.

"I told you." I said. We laughed. I looked back where Renz was and he was gone. Part of me was happy and the other part was disappointed.

"Hey I saw that." Kyrian said as we walked away.

"What? Who?" He caught me off guard.

"I knew it! You're seeing that guy? Well I have to admit it, he really is something but I saw him and he seemed upset and left."I didn't respond. "I think he's into you and you're into him too."

"You wish." I said. He shrugged.

"Hey boys!" Jeff called. "Ric wanted you to do a number tonight. He got pretty excited with your moves. Can you do it?"

"Well, I dunno. Isn't it too fast? I mean, we haven't even known what you guys like."

And there she was. She entered the entrance hall like she owned it. One of the most intimidating performer of A Venue also, her blonde long hair, cat like face and bright green eyes and long legged with tight pants. She was on a lower year but probably our classmate this coming June. Damn if I was a straight I would fall for her.

"Oh sweet mother Earth is that ---" Kyrian mouth fall.

"Brittany!" I called. She looked at me with a huge smile. She run onto me then hugged me. She was really a tall woman nearly 6 feet I and Kyrian was running n 5'9 or less I'm not sure.

"Hello there sweety." She kissed my cheeks. "Oh Kyrian you're here."

"Yeah, Xander helped me get the job."

"That's nice. I guess St. Mark's kids are starting to populate here." We laughed. They hugged."I don't know you like dancing." Kyrian said.

"Well you have more to see honey." She said raising her brow. Kyrian shrugged.

"So Brit, I was thinking if you can help us make a number in tonight's show?" I asked.

"Yeah that will be epic. Bring it on fresh and hot baby" She said raising her chin.


"So did he get it? How was he? Is he okey?" Mom asked almost paranoid.

I smiled."He's fine but he's getting a hard time standing up again but he will."

"God I should have talk to him but his mad at me. I want him back in this house."

"Me too." I said hugging my mother. "But hey, He is ready to see you mom."

Her face lifted up like he saw light for the first time.


I walked back and forth on my sala not even aware that I was doing it for almost half an hour. Why didn't I talk to him? Well he is actually with his guy that is. And I don't want him to think that I am after him. Well that answers why he was upset when we had sex because he felt that I cheated on my girl and he cheated on his boyfriend. I t makes sense. But seeing him like that was indefinite. I was glad but thorn at the same time. Jeez, why am I feeling like this? Am I not straight? The thought made me uneasy. I fucked girls many times but he was my first and it was different when it was him. It was more fun and passionate. My front door then opened. Dad came in.

"Dad." I said skeptically. "Why are you here?"

His eyes scanned around my room as if checking something. "Nothing I just wanted to check out my son before I make a trip for a month."

"Well what's new?" I thought. He was always like this like I was a pet that needs to be fed and that's all. "Come on. It's not like you always cared. Stop with the drama and tell me why you are really here."

He shot me with those piercing eyes seemed annoyed. He took out a brown enveloped and there we are, couple of pictures us. I was shocked when I saw me and Xander when I picked him up under the rain. There were also pictures when we entered in my condo. "Can you explain what the hell this is?" He scoffed.

"What? I can't help a friend now?" I defend lying.

"Are you sure, cause that's not what other people says. A queer working on a club every night."

"If you are thinking that he is a whore, you wrong!" I sarcastically laughed. "And will you stop stalking me as is if you care." I then turned away fetching my keys then walked pass him.

"Just don't think of making idiot decisions or leaping on the other team." He hissed. "You don't want to turn everything around do you?"

"Everything has turned around." I corrected, getting my arms back. "Oh and yeah, you don't have to show up like this, leave some money on my ATM and pay my credit cards, it's the least you can do." I turned away banging the front door close. God, I hated him.

I got on my car drove off. I don't know where to go, I just wanted o get away from him. What am I going to do? I might endanger Xander's life because of me. I need to talk to him. I have to protect him. I will see him tonight....

"There's only two types of people in the world, the one entertain and the one that observe." Brittany sang. Yes she can sing and dance without catching her breath after a breathless move. Kyrian and me are behind her wearing black shirts and a black cap with pants of course.

"...I'm like a wind reader I got the shots, I'm like a fire cracker. I'll make it hot when I put on a show..." We remained perfectly still behind Brittany as she run around us. I was glad we made on time finishing this number. "I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins, spot light only and I'm ready to break. I'm like a performer that does on the stage. Better be ready , huh, thought you feel the same.."

Then bam!

We moved like a street dancer on the stage with Brittany never catching her breath. She was amazing "All eyes on me on the center of the ring just like a circus.... " Everybody started to cheer as the three of as went synchronize-ly (if there is such word) wild.

"....When I coup that quipped, everybody gone trip just like a circus. Don't stand there watching me follow me show me what you can do. Everybody let go we can make on dance floor Just like a circus. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

The whole number was great. Kyrian and I made acrobats around Brittany who seemed enjoying everything instead of being nervous. All lights are on us and we made stunts almost imitating a real circus. At the end of the number I saw someone checking at me amused. I caught his stare and nodded. He blushed on his blonde skin and wavy brown hair which is like me but more pronounced. Kyrian, Brittany and I hugged as we got out of the stage and went to the liquors area.

"That was awesome!" Brittany laughed.

"Yeah dude we should do this more often!" Kyrian cheered.

"Hey you guys that was smoking hot!" Jeff shouted. "Come here I'll treat you three a drink."

We were about to go to jeff's "Can we talk?" I heard someone called. We three looked back. It was Renz . I turned pale, happy to see him but scared at the same time. I froze.

"Oooooh, looks like Santa is early." Brittany cooed. "Come on Kyran, let's not be rude."

She grabbed Kyrian. "Good luck little dude." They walked away laughing.

I fixed my composure trying to intimidate him. Looks like it didn't working. Jeez his stare was melting it really caught my attention. "What are you doing here?" I asked dumbly.

"Can we talk outside; it's kinda loud out here." Damn that black long sleeve shirt definitely defined his sexy body. I felt my cock swell.

He walked away and I followed. We were outside in no time.

"Long time no see" He said turning on me. "Is he your boyfriend? You seemed happy." He looked upset when he asked me.

"Kyrian? Wait." I said. "Do I detect jealousy here?" He panicked then turned away. "Of course not. I'm just checking."

I scratched my head."Kyrian is my best friend since Kinder we hang out a lot."

"Oh." He smiled and turns back to me. God I love those smiles. "How's your arm?"

"It's starting to heal thanks to you. It sometimes hurt though."

"I know. Hey you haven't been around lately. I tried to go back and forth here and at the McDonalds but----"

"Okey." I cut him off raising both my hands. "Let's cut the story short, What do you want?" I said pretending that I was irritated.

He seemed buy it. "Nothing. I just wanted to see if your okey. After that night you've been go----- ".

I'm so not liking this conversation."Listen, That night was a mistake." I breathed. "That shouldn't have happened. You have a girlfriend and you cheated on him. And you to come here with all the guts, I can't see why you act so cool and like it's okay."

"That was a great night with you and I haven't regretted any of it." He said with pride and sincerity.

"Look Renz, You have a girlfriend and I feel dirty." I said.

He smiled. "Then why don't I clean you up."

He was so cocky and I can't believe it. It boiled be to death. I gave him a disgusted look then turned away. I was inside when he grabbed me again. "Wait it was just a joke." He said.

"Are you gay?" I snapped turning on him.

He turned pale like someone threw a pail of white paint on his face."What? No." He really was caught off guard.

"Well, majesty, there you are problem solved." I was really infuriating in his presence how could he stand it? "I guess now we can move on our lives and forget what just happened. It's just a two night stand and now I can do what I want and you can fuck as many girls as you want." I was practically yelling at him.

"Wow you think you so clean when you speak." He was upset. And even if I was in fury I find him so cute. "As if you didn't enjoy that night."

"You know what? This chit chats won't go anywhere." I turned around to walk away.

"That's right talk big as if I am the perv guy and you are the victim." He said.

"Oh you want me to prove how sexually perverted you are?" I scolded lifting my chin. The banging music in the club was really deafening.

"You know what? You can't figure out people, you're not a fortune teller. And jump to a conclusion like that." Renz said really upset.

I can't trust anyone but me. He is just the same with others.

"Tell you what, if you can last for three minutes and thirty seconds without even touching my lips with yours then I'll accept the fact that you are maybe not the person I thought you were." I dared looking straight his weary eyes. "But, if you can't last I'll consider you as a rich arrogant perverted faggot who hides their shadows on girls then fucks a guy whenever his woody needs to be jerked off."

His face was like ambushed by my phrase.

I felt furious with myself and with him. I wanted him to stop because that is what it supposes to be. "Game on." He said sternly with confused eyes. I grabbed his hands then I pulled him at the center of the dance floor where we dive in a sea of dancing people.

How I wish Renz doesn't fail.......


Why am I so invested with his guy? He manipulates me like I am the one who is chasing after him. He grabbed two shots on the passing crew then drank it all straight. I saw he cringed. When we are at the center, He let go of me then took off his shirt. He was wearing a black Sando underneath. Xander fixed his hat took another drink from the passing crew and drank it straight.

"Hey you'll be getting drunk." I warned him. He just gave me a disgust smirk. The people around was wild.

I'm into you by Jennifer Lopez, I thought.

Great just great, so now what? He started shake his hips left and right. Shit that ass was bubbling. He then rolled his hips while he turn to his side. He wrapped his both arms on his head letting his hips move only. He looked straight on me with those lustful eyes and crawled his left hand slowly to his crotch then hold it still not moving his eyes away. I felt my cock grew in instant I have to adjust it a little. He saw it then smiled.

Fuck is he seducing me? He wanted to seduce me so I would kiss him. Xander then lifted his head then let his right hand crawl down until his fingers touched those full pink lips as he continue rolling his body like a grinder. People around began to be so sensual others are making out. I panicked my cock was in full attention. His eyes were drowsy I guess the alcohol started to punch him. A girl then walked to me. She was hot but no match with Xander's blooming skin. He was one of a kind. I started to dance with the girl but kept my eyes with him. A girl then walked to Xander. She grabbed him, laying her back on his chest facing me. Xander took the girl's thigh while they sway on the beat. I felt so horny looking at him foreplay the girl. I wasn't giving any attention to my partner.

Out of nowhere, Xander lapped those pouty lips on the girl and started making out while they are rolling around. I involuntarily gasped. Damn that was so sexy. I wanted to strip off that time. The music just compliments Xander's sensual seduction over me. He then parted, letting the woman go. I saw he whispered something then the girl looked at me. She winked at me then walked off. I was tenting my cock out and I didn't care I wanted him. He looked at me then signed his index finger to join him. I absently left my partner then came to his back. He swayed his body, I followed his moves. He smiled, I was so turned on with him, I am attracted like a magnet and Hell I WAS HORNY for him. He then turned to face me. He leaned for a kiss I suddenly remember our agreement. I turned away. He laughed. I didn't notice both of us were sweating, our shirt was so wet. All this moves made me so aggressive. He grabbed my neck then our forehead touched. He looked me in the eyes I didn't break the stare. I was bewitched to him. He continued grinding His body in me even he was feeling my woody begging for him. That's okay because he was hard as a rock. I gulped huge then He breathed on my nose.

"....It's too late, It's too late. You got it, you got it...." I heard the music said.

I gave in.

I kissed his lips and lapped it hard. He kissed back. I wanted him so bad. I kissed every part of his lips and I wanted him to be mine. He was catching his breath but didn't back away. I was suffocating but all I want is him. Xander continued grinding his hips on me that almost made me cum.

He got me hooked and I don't care what others will think of me. That moment in his arms, it was all I needed.

Then out of nowhere, the music stopped.

I suddenly snapped wake. He parted his lips on me and I was so disappointed. He had his head down and looked up with heavy eyes.

"I win." Xander said with a death stare then turned away.......

So what yah think about it. If you have anything to suggest or say just email me here>>>>> discreetlyweird@yahoo.com. I repeat discreetlyweird@yahoo.com

o.O .

Next chapter will be posted soon and things will get deeper. Come to think of it, a full twist event will happen and a new guy will appear to so stay tune. Hey, I want to acknowledge the guy who helped me edit this chapter. You know who you are. Thank you very much and for you guys stay tuned :)

P.S. Season 1 of Out of Rhythm is done and I'm brainstorming for S2.

Next: Chapter 5

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