Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Jul 19, 2011


The events and people you are about to be read are only work of fiction and just a product of my imagination. Any similar events are extremely coincidence and not a proof of copying. Be aware of the sexual orientation, although it is really part of it. O.o


Kyrian and I carried a bottle case outside the hall. It was past midnight, I saw him yawn.

"Ky, you don't have to do this anymore. Mom is helping me now. You don't have to burden yourself anymore. Look at you. You're like a street kid sniffing rugby in a plastic bag."

Kyrian laughed. "Well, look who's talking."

"At least I'm used to this stuff. Besides, I can manage to make my assignments, but you, I don't know if you can still keep up. And I'm worried cuz you're pushing so yourself so hard."

"Hey, we agreed to this; and whatever, your burden is also mine. We're brothers." He said. I then noticed his eyes were tense moving all around. I've known Kyrian for a long time and that move is not new to me.

"Wait, it's not only because of me is it?" I asked skeptically.

He tried to smile while looking away. "What? Of course it's about you why I am here, nothing more. You talk like there is something wrong." I pulled him in a hug. He hugged back. "I've known you for years so stop playing mind games."

"Sam broke up with me." He said in a hoarse voice.

"What? Why?" I said looking at his face.

"She said she hooked up with some other guys and she doesn't want to hurt me more. Now I know she really doesn't like me."

"I'm sorry about that. She an idiot for letting you go. Her loss."

"That's okay, I still have my friends and you. Besides, there are still other girls you know." He said sniffing.

"That's the spirit." I said patting his shoulder.

We are about to go back inside when I saw my father walking inside a restaurant with a woman, obviously not my mother. She was as tall as I was with long black hair and fair complexion. My head started to boil as my fist curled into a ball. I stormed in the restaurant where they were.

"Hey buddy where you are going." Kyrian shouted while following me. I was instantly in the front of the restaurant where their table was.

"So enjoying the midnight with your new mistress?" I said in haughty tone.

Dad's face paled as if he saw a ghost. "Xander.."

"Okay stop with the surprised tone as if it is so surprising to me. Let me guess. You flaked on my mother again? You made an excuse to her about going to a casino, and she has no idea that you are actually here with this slut." I wasn't really making a scene but I didn't care. "Or probably you made an excuse that you're putting in overtime because of too much office work which is ironic, busy working with a whore!" I spat the words exactly on the woman's face.

The woman stood up. "Can we talk about this calmly?"

"Diane is ri---" Dad said.

"Oh now it's Diane." I scoffed. "I didn't know prostitutes had names. Let me guess every night she's Diane then in day what? Quin? Faye? Or Lucy? Tell me, how much did my father give you to let him fuck you like a sex machine?"

My dad, Nick, then grabbed my arms "Son can we--"

"Don't you fucking son me!!!" I practically yelled. Everyone was looking at us. "Here I am punishing myself to do some things that I shouldn't because my fucking father couldn't accept my sexuality." I was starting to tear up. I was so furious I wanted to grab a knife and stab myself to stop the pain. "I was so frustrated I almost went crazy because my life has never been like this living hell. And you know what? Often times I wish I could kill myself because I never knew life was so hard. I shouldn't even be experiencing this cuz I have my own family. And now here I am seeing my horny father taking his slut mistress on a midnight dinner."

Kyrian grabbed my shoulder soothing me. "Come on buddy." Dad looked away as his mistress had her head down.

"No!" I yelled pulling my arms. "I've been quiet for a long time but not anymore. I kept this to myself cuz I thought you would change, but as far as I can see, you have taken down not only me but all of your flesh and blood-- Clara, Jacob and Jane. You made me feel like I was lower than anything in this world. But you know what? I now I see you as lower than I felt. You're more like a pest, a pest who has done nothing but to make the life of others miserable." I wiped my face as the tears kept falling. Fuck, why can't I stop tearing up. "Do you know what I am actually doing right now? Here in the middle of the night. I'm working. I'm working to support myself and to keep on my studies only to see my father here." People around were still on their seats.

"Xander you don't understand." My father breathed.

"Then fucking tell me!!!" I barked. "Tell me your fucking lies. Explain to me why I am here yelling back at you! Tell me why I am on my own and fighting for myself to survive! Tell me why my father was not there when I needed someone to understand me, not be thrown outside of my own home. Because, right now, even I can't explain it!!!" I never felt my body shake like this. "You know what you are? You're the worst mistake that God had ever made, a liar, pathetic man." I hissed then turned away.

"Wait son." Dad grabbed my hand. A spark ran through my veins that caused me to punch him right in his face. He fell down and his mistress was on his side in an instant. I didn't bother to look back I just stormed outside.

I started to run faster and faster.

I wanted to escape from this horror so I just ran, not knowing which direction to go. Kyrian caught me and I involuntarily punched him to. He tumbled down.

"I'm so sorry," I said while catching my breath as I helped him get up.

"Wow you really hit me hard." He said shaking his head.

God what is happening to me. I sat beside him, curled up like a ball and started to cry wrapping my arms around my legs. Kyrian had his arms around me pulling me in a hug.

"Come on stop crying now. Everything will be okay." He whispered softly as he cuddled me. I hugged him back crying so hard on his shoulder. I was so relieved after that confrontation. I kept sobbing though. I was so lucky that Kyrian was around to help me carry this burden. This pain was so like the pain I felt with Renz. The difference is that was I will never be able to say all what I felt for him. Not like I did with my father. And that just made everything worse.....


Ever since Chester came back I've never been so happy. We dated, we laugh and hell we even made our own kiddie trip. But we never fooled around. I wanted to take our relationship slowly, making every inch of it sure as possible. I'm not in a rush and Chester understands that. He was wary at the thought of not having any sexual intimacy but he's sticking with it. He said how much he loves me and doesn't wanting to hurt me. I on the other hand made it hard for him. I wanted to make sure he was for real about his words. And as far as the cupid can see I am really in love again. And tonight I wanted to surprise him. I'm ready to be his girlfriend again.

I walked down on the street on the middle of the night carrying a rose for him and a box of chocolate. I wanted to be the one to court him. Gosh, I've never been this corny. I walked past the next street facing Chester's house a couple of blocks away.

I caught a car parked in the street moving like as if it was bouncing, if it is possible. I walked closer only to see my own horror. I was certain Chester was with a girl, I can't trace who it was because her face was in shadow. But what seems to shatter everything is seeing him and that girl naked, fucking each other in full bliss. I dropped the chocolates and roses to cover my mouth.

"Oh god..." I heard the woman say as she sees me standing in front of Chester's car. Chester turned and his face got pale white. I turned and ran away crying. How can he do this to me? Am I not enough? Why did he have to cheat on me with another woman? Because I'm giving him a hard time?

Doesn't he love me?

He caught my arms and turned me around. "Brit baby please talk---" I cut him by punching him right to his face so hard. He fell on the ground. I felt a jolt of pain in my fist but I know it's nothing to the pain I'm feeling inside my heart.

"Fuck you! Fuck you and you you're fucking whore." I yelled at him. He stood up and came closer to me holding my cheeks softly.

Blood gushed from his mouth but he didn't care. "No. baby, I'm so sorry." He said. His eyes were watery I could smell alcohol on his breath. He was drunk. "It's not what you think."

"Get off me you perv!!!" I pushed him with his bare chest as tears kept falling. "I thought you loved me!!! Well guess what Brit! You're just dreaming, eh? How does it feel to finally fuck a girl?" I said pushing him away again. "You fucking don't love me!"

"Baby I do love you and I always have." He said trying to plead me to stop, he had tears falling from his eyes too.

"You don't love me and that one thing is clear!!! I don't want to see your worthless face again!!! I want you out of my life!!! I had enough of your stupid lies!!." I then stormed away not letting him to catch me again. I love him but why? Why did I have to experience this? I only wanted to be loved too is that too much?


Tonight while reeling over thoughts of having Xander in my life, my phone rang. I almost jumped off my bed in surprise. I groaned at my phone and flipped it open. Who the hell is it this time.

"Hello?" I rudely said.

"Whoa looks like someone is the middle of a fuck, did I disturb you?" The man said.

"Sam? The hell... what do you want." I said rubbing my face.

"Haha, I'm sorry if I interfered with your fucking----"

"I'm not, I'm sleeping can we just talk tomorrow?"

"Oh come on men, I really missed you, you didn't call us when you transfered to that tacky school. Come on can we hang out just you 'n me? I have to catch up with you."

"God you call me in the middle of the night just for this melodramatic chat." I sighed. He is annoying as he always was.

"Come on man. It's only 1:00, Big Shot." He pleaded in the other line.

"Alright. Meet me on Friday at noon." I said.

"Yeah way to ----" I hung up my phone and went back to bed.

Sam was my closest friend back at my old school. He is my version of Xander's best friend, Kyrian. We used to love to hang out and fool around girls. But right now I only want one man and that's Xander. Now, where was I? hmmm.....


My meltdown with Kyrian really left me exhausted. It's been a while since I sobbed like that. It hurt every time I think of my father, it's like every time his name runs through my head, the only thing that I can feel is hatred and pain; no paternal connection or blood acceptance. Just anger and hatred. Once and for all I have to stop my father. Mom needs to know about this or we all lose. I turned around on my bed to shake him from my thoughts and saw the box that Renz gave me. I hadn't opened it since my birthday. I was afraid that it would just make my feelings worse. I don't want to hope anymore. I am letting Floren help me to move on. I am happy when we are together but it's different, far more different than with Renz. With Renz it's like I can stop the whole world from turning. But I have to move on.

I grabbed the box and took a deep breath. I opened it and saw the shiniest plain silver wristlet in it. I can't help but to smile in amusement. It was beautiful. I traced its perfection until my fingers stopped on the embossed rectangular black shape in the middle it. There were engraved words in it. I couldn't read it so I stood up, turned on the lights, then sat back on my bed.

The world stopped moving after I read the words engraved on it. My heart pounded hard. I lay dead in my bed as I read the words again.

"Love you -Renz." I breathed. A thunder struck out breaking the silence of the street.

*Late Morning


It was a rainy morning and I hadn't see Xander yet. I walked past the hallway and went to my locker. Every day has been perfect since Xander and I started going out. I have never been as satisfied as I am now. I locked my locker as I grabbed my books when suddenly he pushed me hard on the wall making me stumble but not fall.

"Having a good time with your queer friends huh fag?" Brian said laughing.

It's not that I can't bring Brian down. Even though he is a jock I think I can take him one on one. I mean I'm not that weak. I have noticed these past couple of weeks that I am the one that he keeps picking on. It's like I have done something to him, but honestly, that move sends me over my patience.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I shouted. He laughed raising his arms as if he won. He was in the front of the men's room as I ran over him.

I slammed the door open, no one was inside; only him. "What the fuck is your problem." I shouted again. Brian and I had to settle this once and for all.

"The girl's room is right next door." Brian said in his evil chuckle.

"You know what fuck you! Fuck you and all of your jockstrap bullies." I said drawing myself closer to him. He turned and I never realized how big Brian was. He had this short brown curly hair, broad face, piercing eyes and huge muscular body, a perfect jock. If he wasn't just a student here I would thought he was Kellan Lutz. I gulped in anxiousness, but not in intimidation.

"Stop being a douche, and shoving it in my face. Why won't just leave me alone?"

"Excuse me?" He said in disgust.

"I haven't done a damn thing to you. Why can't you just leave me alone? Is it to prove that you're the big unbeaten guy here? If you have problems with 'homos', that's fine. I don't care, but stop rubbing it on my face!!!" I barked.

"Ha, besides you sneaking in here and trying to peek at my package?" He said clearly off the mood.

"Oh yeah every straight guys nightmare, and what every gay guys loves doing. Well guess what Hippo-Brain, YOU'RE NOT MY TYPE!!!" I spelled the words out clearly.

"That right?" He said drawing himself closer to me.

"Yeah I have no interest to jocks that will turn into beach balls by the time they are 23." I was pointing to their excessive eating habits of football players.

"Stop pushing me Campbell!" He yelled exposing his huge balled fist. I thought about it, but fuck my ethics.

"Oh, now we're taking this the hard way? Do it!" I dared.

"Don't push me!!!" He said punching the toilet door beside him, it rung all over the room.

"Go ahead! But one thing is for sure, you can't change who I am. You can't punch the gay out of me any more than I can do it for you." My hands were shaking in madness as I kept myself from hitting him. He had to make the first move, not me. We are only inches apart and with this position he definitely got a perfect shot, point blank zero.

"Fuck you Faggot!"

"You are nothing but a scared little boy who can't handle how ordinary you are and that's why you pick on other people around you!" I spat. And there it is-he's going to punch me.

The next thing I knew, his sweet lips brushed mine.

A lightning bolt suddenly ran through my spine. His lips felt so good on mine. I never considered how soft they were. He grabbed my cheeks I let his tongue in. I kissed back. What the hell? I couldn't stop myself. My mind went blank, but my body and especially my lips kept on kissing him. I heard him moaned and we snapped out of it.

We instantly parted staring at each other. He was blushing. I caught my breath as I pondered things. "You're?" I breathed.

He then stormed out warily looking down.

Oh my sweet bloody corn chips.....

-Xander Mid-afternoon

Jeez, the storm really is strong. Classes are suspended and some of the unfortunate kids were left here alone. I guess there are 60 students left in the hall way and a couple of people upstairs. It's just shame that my other friends are gone. That's not the weird part. The strange thing is how my friends acted earlier.


Last night I had a huge explosion, but I'm used to confrontations, today is a another day so I have to move on. I saw Brittany on her locker room. "Hey sexy." I greeted.

She looked at me with those wasted eyes like she was crying the whole night. She then hugged me tight. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked warily. She started to cry. I patted her back then combed her long blonde hair with my hands. "Come on Brittany speak before I go crazy figuring out what's wrong."

A couple of seconds passed then she broke the hug. "Nothing, I just need some time. Can we not talk about it?" She said under her hoarse voice.

"Okay, if that's what you think is right." I shrugged. I'm really not good at soothing other people. Damn.

"So where's Kyrian?" She asked.

"That's weird; usually, he would be here with his arm on my shoulder. Guess the rain got him." I said. "So how's thing going with you and Chester?"

She then started to tear up again and ran off. I tried to follow her when Floren grabbed me. "Hey Floren how are? You know what's going on with Brit and Kyrian?" I asked anxiously.

He looked frustrated. "I don't know." He shrugged. I met his wary eyes then he pulled me in a kiss. He kissed me aggressively. I tensed but kissed him back. I pulled him away lightly. "Dude what's wrong?" I asked suspiciously.

He put his head down. "Nothing." Then that's it he disappeared walking away.

My eyes shifted when I saw Trisha outside letting the rain pour down on her dress as she walked away. She was walking as if she were being chased by a ghost.

From that time I didn't know who the hell I should go to first; Kyrian, who didn't show up, Brittany, who may be having a problem with her boyfriend, Floren, who just kissed me as if he wanted to prove something, or Trisha, who appeared haunted?

What the hell was happening?

Now I'm stuck in my school with the same question. Great. There's only one person who's not still on the list, though. He would probably be at his home right now. I then felt the bracelet on my arm. I don't know why I wore it. I just wanted to. I got to my locker and fixed my things.

"Hey. Looks like both of us are stuck here for the rest of the day." Renz said startling me. He was there with his angel smile. I quickly hid my wrist where his gift was.

"Ye- yea---" I stuttered but couldn't speak the words. It was like something stopped me. I felt my heart pound hard. I looked at him and then his face changed. He tried to touch me but I backed away. What the hell? I don't know what to do. I started to turn and ran away.....

-Renz I'm stuck here with the heavy rain and the man of my dreams. I've been stalking him this morning he seems troubled. While he was putting his books in his locker, I decided to walk over him. I wanted to be close to him.

"Hey" I greeted. "Looks like both of us are stuck here for the rest of the day." He jumped at my sudden greeting. I almost laughed when he did that. I just smiled though.

"Yea-ye---" He stuttered as if eating his own words. His eyes didn't meet mine at first as if he was hiding something but then he looked at me. I gazed in those dark brown eyes. I saw something that scared him. His face got pale and he freaked out. I wanted to pat his shoulder but he backed away as if I were someone who was going to hurt him. Xander then ran away taking a turn up to the stairs.

He probably saw the engraving.

I walked past the people who were standing around chasing him. I bumped someone. "Mr. Hudson, What are you still doing here? Classes are suspended." The principal said. I looked around. "Yeah I kinda figure that out."

I ran up the stairs and searched the rooms on the second floor. Nothing. I got to 3rd floor and he was nowhere to be found. I climbed to 4th floor and caught him sitting on the floor with his back to the wall. I walked slowly not wanting to freak him out again.

He looked at me with wary eyes but didn't freak out. He took something off his wrist. I realized it was my gift. He looked at it as I came over. I bent down in front of him. His eyes were everywhere as I saw his hand shake, clearly nervous. "Guess you already saw it." I said softly.

He looked at me, anger flashed through his eyes. He gulped several times. "Can you stop playing games with me. I'm tired of it." He hissed.

"I'm not." I said.

"Fuck you." He breathed looking away. "Can't you see how miserable I am? Are you that na‹ve?"

"That's why I'm here." I said holding his hands.

"I'm with Floren now." He said dryly.

"But you don't want him. You love me, you should be with me!" I pressed, then turned around feeling self-conscious.

He laughed hard then let go of my hand giving me back the wristlet.

"You're unbelievable." He said with evil chuckle. "You can't even stand with your own words and you want to be with me?" He laughed again biting his fingers now. Deep inside I know he's hurt I can feel it.

"I love you." I said meeting his eyes. He stopped, fighting over a tear. I leaned closer. "I love you with all my heart and I will never stop loving you. I don't know why or how but I'm sure about what I feel about you. You are the only one who makes me feel like this and I've accepted it." I touched his cheeks and a tear fell from his eye. He moved away in disapproval and stood up shaking his head. I stood up too, still not looking away.

"Can you tell that to everybody? That you love a miserable gay guy?" He said in his hard face as if daring me. I stopped.

"See? I'm done with you." He said giving up. I wasn't scared if everyone knew about my love for Xander. What scared me is that he still doubted about me. It stabbed me right through my heart. He then lightly pushed me away and walked down the stairs.

I love him and everybody must know it. I followed him downstairs.

I kept following him. He was clearly angry with that. We were finally on the hall where almost all of the kids were standing. He turned around.

"What the hell do you want from me! I don't want you near me! Get the hell out of my life." He hissed.

"I want you!" I practically yelled so everybody could hear it. Everyone stopped as if the time, itself, stop. "And I don't like repeating things so listen. I love you. I love you with all my heart and I will not stop loving you."


"Please stop. This is not funny." I hissed. I felt my mind was going to explode in confusion. Why can't he just go ahead and spit it out that he was joking. I don't want to get hurt again.

He got closer and grabbed my hand forcing me to intertwine his fingers with mine. I stood there stiffly. Please, God, stop this dream. I can't take it anymore. Please wake me up.

"And everybody should know that I love Xander. I don't know if I'm gay or not but one thing is sure. I love him. And I don't give a damn about how you feel about it." He said to everyone. Others were shock while others started to whisper with each other.

I took my hand weakly as tears started to fall again. He looked at me in deep grief as I looked at him. "I'm begging you." I said still fighting the tears not to fall. "Stop playing with me." I said turning away. I didn't want to be in the crowd anymore I just wanted to be alone. I walked away until there are no kids around.

I was off the radar. I felt something grabbed my hand then push me on the wall when. Renz pinned me on the wall forcefully kissing me. I moved in every direction so our lips wouldn't meet but I failed. He had my lips but I didn't kiss back. He kept kissing my dead lips as I was perfectly still. I suddenly remembered that night when we first met each other. It was like this, He pinned me, forcing me to a kiss him. And even then, I wanted to kiss back. I loved him but I had just didn't want to get hurt again. He let me go and touched my cheeks. His kiss became less aggressive. Then I felt a drop of water touch my skin.

He was crying.

Why can't I just let him? He loves me so what am I so scared of? His lips felt perfect on mine. And before I knew it, I started to kiss back. He was the only thing that could take pain away. He started to kiss me again harder and I touched his cheeks.

"I love you." He breathed. "Please say you love me back."

His body was pressed against mine. It was so perfect. I looked at those light brown eyes again. Kyrian was right. You can fool anyone in the world except for yourself. That's because you will always know the truth.

"I love you." I said in a smile.

He kissed my lips again, now I freely accepted it.

And now here I am, lying, my head facing the ceiling while Renz was on top of me cuddling me in his arms. He had his lips on my head. "I really love you." He whispered hugging me tighter. I never felt so perfect than before.

"You can't cuddle me like that." I pointed. "I could die in an instant." We laughed.

"Well I can't help myself; you're the only person who has made my mind crazy---"

"Hey before you make another speech listen carefully to my three conditions first." I said cutting him as I looked up.

"Conditions?" He asked making a crooked face.

"Yep. First one, I don't like guys who smoke--"

"Thank god I don't smoke."

"And I don't like waiting or vice versa so be punctual." I said. "Next, at least give me a little of your time. Even a minute a day will work. Never let a day pass without talking to me or else it'll be over."

"Wow, I never knew you're so demanding." He said in frustration.

I laughed. "And lastly, you're not allowed to hurt me again." I said sitting up. "I had enough of that stuff."

He then settled in at my back laying his lips on my neck. "I don't have the strength." I looked back, we are inches apart. I leaned and kissed him tenderly.

"What about Floren? You are together right?" He had a little sting in his face.

"Floren and I are good friend, and he knows that my heart is always with you. I guess he'll understand."

"I love you again." He said.

"Well practically you shouted that on the front of everybody. And officially you autonomously declared you're gay or bi or straight who's only in love with a gay guy, whatever."

"Hey, can you stop with the labeling and say you love me back?"

I smiled at him. "I love you, back." He chuckled clearly blushing.

He kissed me on my neck then traced his lips to my cheeks then my lips. I kissed back as I held that spiky hair of his. He touched my abs then raised my t-shirt. I helped him take it off and he started caressing my body. I kissed him harder. I never felt this good. I turned around facing him and decided to sit on his lap so I could feel his hard rock cock. I looked down as he looked up in my soft eyes. I was fascinated at the god in front of me. He had me mesmerized for the next couple of minutes until I leaned for a soft kiss. He started running his fingers around my body focusing on rubbing my back. His lips started to go down my neck. It felt so good to be in his arms. I guided my hand to take his shirt off, then went for a kiss again. I pushed him until he was on his back, and licked his neck he moaned.

"God I missed that." He said.

I chuckled. "Don't worry there'll be more of that later on."

"Can't wait." He breathed.

I sucked his nipples that were hard as his cock pressed against my crotch. He moaned harder. I grinded my crotch on him and I went down licking his abs as I pinch his nipples and squeezed his broad pecs. My hand roamed back and forth while Renz just enjoyed the feeling of my hands.

I unbuttoned his jeans then took them off of him. My mouth massaged his hard cock under his black boxers. He moaned harder. There was a trace of precum in them. I licked it, and kept lapping my tongue on his crotch.

I took his boxers off and I put the head in my mouth sucking on it, swirling my tongue around it.

"Oh shit babe." he said as he grabbed a hand full of my hair pulling me down onto his cock.

I was milking his hard manhood with my moist mouth, taking all of his dick in my mouth. Saliva came out the side of my mouth wetting his dick. I then pulled off making a suction sound I moved down to his balls taking each one of them in my mouth licking and sucking them. I felt his balls tightening so I moved back up to his cock. My mouth was watering as I stuck it back in my mouth and went up and down alternating between fast sucking, and going soft and hard on it.

He then grabbed my head, sitting up while so he could catch his breath. "Lemme make you feel good."

He licked his lips again and lay me on my back. He was on my side kissing me as he started massaging my cock. He slid his hands in my pants then started stroking my cock.

He laughed. "Why aren't you wearing any boxers?"

Oh hell he caught me. I forgot to wash last night, so I didn't have any to wear. I blushed.

"At least I'm ready for you." I said.

"For me?" He said raising one eye brow. Oh God, I love that look.

"Hey, I didn't have sex to anyone except you; so don't give me that look and----" He cut me off with a kiss. "I know." He said softly while taking off my pants.

He lowered his head then went sucking my cock.

"Oh yeah Renz, that's it." He was more proficient than the first time. He sucked me almost all the way in. It felt amazing. I was catching my breath then he let go and started fondling my balls with his tongue. I saw his cock spilling a dose of precum. I took it on my mouth and started sucking it again. We were now in the 69 position. I thrust my head deep throating his cock making him jump. He involuntarily thrust his head too and deep throated me. I hummed in satisfaction. Everything felt good. I wanted him so bad. I wanted him inside me right then.

"Renz, please fuck me." I pleaded. He didn't waste any time kneeling in front of me and raising my legs to lay them on his shoulder. I felt his head pressing inside my butt-crack. He grinded his cock on my ass teasing me. I moaned in pleasure. I looked at those brown eyes and he started to thrust. The head popped in. It hurt like hell, but I knew it would subside later. He took a slow pace.

"God, Xander, you feel so good." He said. He went for a slow fuck and the pain started to disappear.

I was feeling pleasure now. It was so delicious to have his cock banging inside my ass. Before I knew it, I was thrusting, meeting his attack. And finally all the pain was gone. I was in paradise. His firm body was shining in sweat. I was in the same condition. He was hitting my prostate with every thrust he made.

"I'm fucking gonna fuck you every night and day." Renz said hungrily.

"Every hour, ahhh yeah bang that ass." I moaned. He leaned forward and we shared a wet kiss. He thrust like there was no tomorrow and I loved every inch of it. I felt my balls tighten.

"Damn, Renz, I'm gonna cum." He grabbed my cock then jerked me as he fucked me.

"I'm gonna cum too, baby." He moaned.

It went black as I shot my load hitting his chest and my stomach. "Ah yeah I'm cumming." I said.

"Oh God, here it comes now. I'm cumming,Baby. Oh yeah!!" He started exploding inside me. I clenched my ass as he yelled.

After a long period of cumming. He dropped on my stomach. "I really missed you." Renz breathed.

"You too. I love you." I said kissing his forehead.

"I love you more." Then we rested and drifted to sleep. Everything was perfect.


I was awakened by the sound of the shower pouring in the bathroom. I felt dry cum sticking on my abs.

Jeez, we really made a mess.

My eyes then flickered to the wristlet beside me. I felt my cock grow hard again. I took the wristlet and got up rushing to where Xander was. I quietly sneaked inside. He was there, a perfect specimen of a smooth firm body. The water gushed down his body.

Damn, he is so sexy.

He looked at me then smiled. He turned him so his back was to me exposing that bubble ass. I stepped inside and got behind him. I touched his shoulder and kissed his neck letting the water rush on me as well. He turned, then I look into those deep brown eyes. I took his left hand and snuck the wristlet on his arm. Then I kissed his hand, then his fingers; and before I knew it, I was kissing those pink pouty lips that always had my attention.

"I'll always love you forever." I whispered.

"I know." Xander said.

I turned him around then kissed his back. I slowly kissed him down until I was in front of his ass. I wanted to fuck him but I want him to feel good first because his ass might have been sore from earlier. I parted his ass cheeks and stuck my tongue in it.

He jumped. "Damn, Renz, what are you doing? That felt so good. Please don't stop." I lapped my tongue on his hole, eating his ass. I kept this up for a few minutes while he jerked his hard cock. I was jacking off too. I then stood up and shoved my cock in. I was so horny. He was everything I wanted.

"You feel so good Xanny."

"Xanny?" He chuckled.

"Well, Xander... It's kinda a mouthful." I then thrust hard. He moaned.

"Oh yeah." He said then grabbed my neck and kissed me hard as I fucked him. I started to jerk his cock.

You know the drill. We made love (the second round) and came all over my bathroom. It was a mess. If only you guys could imagine......


"So, you have anything good?" I said tapping the ball-point pen on the table. "Did my son finally get rid of that homo slut?"

"Apparently, Sir, I have something worse." The guy I hired to stalk Renz's actions said. He handed me an envelope. I studied it first then took it.

Damn don't tell me that something is going on...

And there it was. Pictures of my son holding that homo's hand as if he was declaring something in the crowd. Then a couple of pictures of him forcefully kissing him, then a picture of both of them kissing each other.

I took a deep breath holding my anger. I looked at the guy as if I was going to kill him. He backed away. "You can go now. But make sure no one else knows about this or I'll give you a sip of Hell." He nodded then turned away.

I have to end this and I know what exactly to do.......

So how was it? I wanted to thanks my editor of the week Corey!!!! Haha I was laughing out loud to the comments coming from you guys, don't worry if you think this chapter is too much, I have plenty more in my pocket and you'll get surprise how this will end up. I was done with season 1 of 'Out of rhythm' and right now I am having a hard time finishing season 2. Although that's really none of your business.. I want to know your comments so feel free to send it here >>>>> discreetlyweird@yahoo.com I don't care if it's a bad or a good comment I am open in changes and help of course...... stay tuned guys.

P.S. tell wat yah think about the characters here.... Hahaha

Next: Chapter 9

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