Panties for the doctor

By J J

Published on Sep 27, 2002



**This story is fictional and about two consenting adults and crossdressing.

Read at your own risk**

It was my first doctor's appointment in a few years. I wasn't too happy about it, but the job I'd just landed required a physical. I dreaded it, actually. I wasn't excited about being poked and prodded by some stranger.

After the nurse led me down the hallway of the office to an examination room, she asked me a number of questions and she scribbled on her clipboard.

I was feeling rather quiet and shy, and soon enough she left, asking me to strip down to my underwear for the doctor.

I remembered always hating that part of an appointment as a kid. Some middle aged woman seeing me almost naked was a huge embarrassement. I figured it would be different as an adult, but as I pulled off my jeans and realized I'd stupidly put on a pair of skimpy white bikini briefs that morning, I knew I was in for it.

I sat there on the examining table totally annoyed, waiting for some old geezer to come in a snicker at me in my cute little underwear.

Turns out I was in for a shock. Just when I was feeling a bit relaxed, the door swung open. I breathed a small sigh of relief when I realized my doctor was far from a geezer. He was a rather dashing young man of about thirty. He must have just been out of medical school. He introduced himself and I caught myself smiling rather shyly at his handsome face, dark hair, and perfect eyes. I could tell this was a doctor who definitely took health and his body seriously. He was thin but muscular, and was cool as a cucumber as he asked me a few questions I can't remember, as I was busy staring at his every movement. After a few more seconds I was a gonner. How I wanted to get my mouth on this guy, I thought, half ashamed to be having these thoughts in the middle of a doctor's office. Even more so because I'd never been with a guy.

Soon the examination began and I got incredibly nervous. Disaster struck soon after that. I'd gotten so swept up in this guy's looks that as soon as he touched me my cock sprang into an instant erection. It was as simple as his putting his hands under my knee to spread my legs apart that I felt my penis rush to attention. Before I could even look down to see how noticeable it was I could feel it straining against my bikinis. The more I tried to get it to subside the harder I felt.

I could feel my face flush as my slim and trim doctor broght the stethoscope to my chest. Again he touched me and my heart fluttered. Placing his hands on the base of my back, he helped me sit straight up so he could listen to me breathe. Losing my slouch, the new position brought me close enough to him that I could smell his aftershave and hear his own breathing. My cock raged against its thin, cotton cage.

I knew it would only be another second before he noticed the developments below my waist, my body literally reaching out to touch him. Soon enough, as he moved the stethescope across my chest I noticed his eyes fix for a second at my body's dirty way of telling him that he had a good doctor's gentle touch.

Though I was ready to drop over from my shame, my good doctor just kept on as if nothing was awry. I was overcome with his manners, and wondered if I was the only guy who'd had this problem in his presence. I sat there admiring him even more as he felt my knees and my legs, moving this joint and that, and was totally off guard when he looked at me and said,

"Okay, then. Can you take off your underwear for me?"

Me and my erection just looked at him.

"Go ahead, then. It's okay."

Not hiding my shyness very well, I propped my hips up in the air and slid my underwear off. My hands were shaking so much the undies fell to the floor. My screaming erection flopped to life right inbetween the two of us.

"Oh, whoops." My doctor said.

He bent over and picked up my underwear. I thought maybe I was seeing things, but I noticed him take what seemed like an extra long time to place them next to me. I wondered if he was trying to hold back a laugh.

"I'll need you to cough. Okay? I'm sure you like the drill, I mean, you know what's coming."

I didn't even notice him fumbling his words until later, I just nodded and concentrated on not spurting semen all over the front of his shirt when he touched me. It was a surreal moment, being turned on by all this, but he was so hot I just couldn't help it. Within a moment he was rolling my balls in his fingers and I felt myself hoping he could see how much he was getting to me. He examined and fingered my sac for the longest time and I gobbled it up, my mouth half open and my breath growing louder. What was the point in holding back now? My cock had given me away a while ago.

"Okay. I need you stand up and face the wall."

I did as I was told and stood with my stomach on the edge of the table, looking at the wall. I heard him fumbling in a drawer and the distinct sound of rubber gloves being snapped.

"Bend over just a touch, okay. This will only take a minute."

I was a bit confused, though. I was pretty sure I was thirty years away from the kind of examination he was hinting I was about to get. Then I noticed again a rush of excitement in my cock, and wondered how sick I was to be turned on by this. What the doctor must be thinking of me, I wondered.

Then I felt it. His right hand on my hip and the cool touch of a lubricated, gloved finger on my pink asshole. Then a little bit of pressure, and next the exhilirating feel of his finger push inside of me. I couldn't hold back a little whimper. For whatever it was worth, I was completely turned on.

Further into me my good doctor pushed his long middle finger, the other fingers resting my cheeks. Again I whimpered, breathing in a gasp.

"It's okay," I heard him whisper.

Oh, god yeah it's okay I thought. I was hoping he needed to go deeper than this though, and immediately got my wish. More of his finger sliding into me, I felt the muscles in my sphincter grip his slender finger. I let go as quickly as I could and he responded by pushing further, so much that I could tell his entire finger was inside me.

He rolled it around for a while and I basked in it. I tried to stay as still as I could, but it was hard. The feel of him exlporing my ass so carefully sent me soaring. But to burst my bubble he began to pull his hand out of me and I tried to gain my composure. But then he stopped short.

"One more time, okay?" he said so gently.

"Okay" I said sheepishly.

This time he went up in one smooth stroke. My spine went limp with pleasure and I had to catch myself on the edge of the table as my sweet doctor began again to move his finger around inside of me. I began to sense that this was no ordinary exam, as his grip on my hip was noticeably tighter. He didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that I was obviously enjoying this. To test my hunch, I pushed back on his hand just slightly, and he immediately met my challenge with a tiny push back. Then, as if he was teasing me, he began to leave me. But as he pulled out he stopped short again.

"I need you to lean back a little on my hand," he said.

Finally I knew for sure that this was the best doctor's appointment of my life, and with pleasure I pushed my ass back on his hand, feeling again the slender finger slip inside me. The rest of my appointment was a blur for me. I began to move on his hand with a rhythym and he matched me stroke for stoke. As I pushed on his hand he pushed back, and I even began to laugh a little as I realized that instead of a boring and embarrasing physical, I was getting finger fucked by a hot young doctor.

Before long his hand was prodding me in a flurry. I grabbed my jeans from the edge of the table, shoved them in my mouth and bit hard, as my whimpers and gasps were growing loud enough that I was afraid someone would hear.

"Your doing great" said my doctor, just as he reached around and began to stroke my cock. I felt so wonderful with his soft hands on my hard penis, stoking me slowly at first and then picking up speed.

My knees were getting weak with all of this and I couldn't believe I was still standing. In the course of his pleasuring my bottom he slipped another finger inside me and began jacking my cock even harder. My eyes were shut tight by now as I wondered how long it would be before I would lose it. As if he sensed my wondering, my doctor gave me a welcome instruction.

"Can you come for me, now? Go ahead. That's good, let it out, give me a nice big handful."

As he was talking I came with an unbelievable force, feeling his hand getting wet with my cum as he stroked me to my finish, covering my dick with my own sticky load.

"Oh, excellent," my doctor was whispering. "Great job."

When I was finished he began to clean himself up and gave me a towell to wipe off with. He took his own and gathered some of what I'd left on the floor and the base of the table. I was still catching my breath, feeling a warm tingle in my ass. He looked at me sweetly and I blushed, then he handed me my clothes. Except my underwear, which he held in his hands. He brought them to his face and breathed deeply, taking in my scents. Then the dirty young doc dropped them in his pocket, took his clipboard and left.

I was delighted by this kinkiness he showed at the very end. When I got to the front desk the receptionist greeted me with a smile and said the doctor had waved my fees, but that he wanted to see me tomorrow for some testing.

I was overjoyed driving home, already salivating at the thought of getting a rear end full of his fingers the next day. But now that I knew he was a little kinky, I thought I'd up the ante. So I drove right to the mall to buy some lingerie. I've always had a thing for wearing panties, but the thought of wearing them for a dashing young doctor was making me crazy with anticipation. My little pink hole was still aglow from his slender fingers, and with every step I could almost feel him feeling my insides all over again. I practically ran into the mall and floated through the doors to the lingerie shop wearing a embarrassed blush.

A woman asked if I needed help and I barely heard her, google-eyed as I was at the tables and racks full of panties, bras, and other lacy delights. Too impassioned to linger long, I quickly selected a bright pink pair of satin and lace panties, and a baby doll sheer cami top to go with them. By then I had an erection of ridiculous proportions, my face thick with a blushing haze.

"Oh, she's sure to like this," said the person ringing me up. And I could only smile and nod along with her.

The next day was torturous until it was time for me to get ready for my appointment. When the time finally arrived, I quivered and pulled on my new panties and top, and covered my outfit with everyday clothes. At the doctor's office, the receptionist told me that the doctor requested I wait in his office, and she led me to the door.

Once inside, I thought it best to greet my young doctor in the way I had the day before, so I stripped down to my outfit and waited in a chair facing his desk.

After waiting a little while, my skin a little cold from the air conditioning, feeling inescapably sexy in my panties and top, my good doctor arrived. I stood to greet him and his eyes just bugged out. Without saying anything he threw down his jacket and darted for me. Obviously the lingerie was a hit.

"Thanks for meeting me today," he said. "This is a nice surprise."

He fingered the straps on my pink baby doll top. And then he spun me around to get a good look at me, stopping me once my back was too him. My pink hole thickened in the rush of excitement. It seemed we would get to business much quicker than yesterday.

He began caressing my body, fingering my lingerie, and shamelessly groping me in my panties. He rubbed my stomach and chest, my ass, and slid his hands around to my front make sure I was hard. And hard I was, barely able to stand his roving hands over the smooth silk of my panties, growing a little wet as my penis leaked little drops of pre- cum in desire for him. I was squirming in his hands and soaking up every moment of being fondled.

Suddenly he shoved me against his desk. I landed with my arms outstretched and my chest on the top, my pantied ass in the air for him to see. My breath grew fast as I knew he was taking in the sight of me, positioned for him and ready for whatever he wanted to give me. Then I heard his belt and pants loosen, felt his hands at my waist and him jerking down my panties to my thighs, my cock jumping out into the air.

Different than yesterday, I looked behind me as he was lustily licking his long finger to prepare me for the hot hard cock that was erect and eyeing my hole. With one push he slid his finger into me and I moaned.

"Oh, god, baby I thought about you all night," I whispered. "Give it to me hard. Fuck me right here with my panties around my knees. Stick your hot dick in me and make me moan."

He complied immediately, pulling his finger out and placing the head of his cock against my open and aching asshole. I noticed on his desk a picture of him with his wife at the beach, a sexy young woman in a skimpy binkini with sand on her glistening skin, and I relished that I was about to get her husband's hard cock shoved inside of me.

He began to push inside of me and I couldn't believe how massive he felt. The head of his penis felt soft but firm against my puckering hole, and slowy and without stopping he pushed it into me, my ass gripping him and releasing, gripping his meaty shaft and releasing again until he was all the way inside of me, grinding into me and tickling my ass cheeks with his thick mass of pubic hair. At this point my eyes were clenched shut and tears were running down my face. This wasn't the gentle approach he took yesterday...he was giving me what I'd begged for, and taking his cock inside with one swift stroke was like trying to hold onto a roller coaster. I realized that this was what I was going to get for wearing "fuck me" lingerie, and braced myself for what I was sure was next. Getting impaled like this felt too insane to even make a sound, except to gasp for air, and before I could recover from his amazing entrance he began to pump my ass. Slowly but surely, he began to ram me hard. As he fucked me and I lay bent over his desk, I never did recover from his opening number. I just tried my best to hold on as his thick meat pounded me, in and out so fast that I was reduced to a million tiny grunts and whimpers.

"You like me fucking you in your panties and your night gown, little girl?" I heard him tease.

"Oh yes. Keep fucking me big boy, keep nailing me with your hot cock doctor!" I pleaded.

With that he crudely reached around as he had the day before and began stoking my cock. I gathered the energy to stand a little to feel him jack me but it was no use, in a few strokes I came like a madman, spilling gobs of semen all over his desk. The sight of my climaxing ecstacy was too much for him, and he slammed against my ass one last time with a moan and I felt his hot spurts filling my insides as my panties dropped to my ankles.

He fell in a heap to the chair behind him, and I fell back on his lap, naked except for my cami top. After a minute of cuddling he whispered that he had to go and kissed me. He cleaned himself up, put on his coat and left me there as I sat exhausted and completely fucked.

As I got dressed, I left my top in one of his desk drawers with a note saying I might feel sick soon and need his services. Then I got dressed and walked out to my car. It was a cool day and I was drunk on having been so wonderfully fucked, walking like I owned the world, smiling while my good doctor's creamy cum leaked into the seat of my silky pink panties.

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