Panty Lovers

By Em Parks

Published on Aug 25, 2000


This is the story of an encounter I had recently with a hot, horny guy who teaches an aerobics class I attend. I would love for readers to email me and tell me what they think of the story, especially gay guys who want to swap sexy fantasies and experiences. I will reply to all emails as quickly as I can.

Love, Em. xxx (

My boyfriend Michael and I are both 18 and have been lovers for some time now. During our time together we have both also been with other guys. We are both such sexual creatures, we realise our desires are not competition for our own relationship as we are both into each other so much. Our rules are that as long as we always practice safe sex and we never fall in love with other guys, then it is OK. We enjoy talking about our experiences with other guys when we are together.

I recently met a stunning guy named Stu. I had been attending an all male aerobics class for a couple of weeks. The class was originally taught by a woman named Teri who is quite attractive and in her late 30s. I work out a lot and have a slim muscular body. However, my main reason for attending the class is to check out the horny guys who go. There are about 15 regulars at the class, most of them in there late teens or early 20s. I love guys in tight lycra outfits and I get sooo turned on looking at all the hot guys in my class. The sight of a bulging crotch in tight lycra shorts always drives me wild and gets me hot.

After a couple of weeks of attending the class there was a sign announcing that a new teacher was to start. The class was always meant to have a male teacher but none was free initially. I got to the class early as usual and was gently warming up when I saw the most gorgeous guy walk in. He was in his early 20s and had light blond hair and the most amazing body I had ever seen. He was medium build with broad shoulders. He had wonderful muscles and not an once of extra fat on his body. However, he had such beautiful curved hips and powerful, well built thighs and lovely, smooth legs. The moment I saw him my heart missed a beat and I knew I wanted him. I could feel the heat and desire creep up my body as my face became flushed. I was standing in the front row of the class and he stood directly in front of me only a few feet away. It was as if time had stopped and there was only him and me in the room. From seemingly a long way away I saw his lips move and heard him saying that his name was Stu and that he was here to teach the class from now on. Still it felt as though everyone else in the room had gone leaving just the two of us. My eyes moved up and down his beautiful body. I looked at his crotch and saw his large bulging cock, semi erect and outlined under his all in one lycra outfit. Below I saw the shape of his balls. I couldn't break away, it was like he had me in a spell. I felt my cock grow hard as I became hornier and hornier, my skin tight shorts hiding nothing of my desire. I didn't care, I wanted him sooo badly and I wanted him to know.

Stu's eyes scanned my body, lingering over the sight of my hard cock, then he looked me deep in the eyes and smiled and smile just for me.

Soon the class began. It was agony to try and get through the class feeling as hot as I did and confronted by the object of my desire only a few feet away. I wanted the other guys in the room to disappear, to leave the two of us alone to kiss, to touch, to fuck each other. Stu kept looking at me during the class, flicking me a look that I knew meant he felt the same way as me. The class was the longest hour I had ever spent. At the end, the scent of sweat and man filled the supercharged air as Stu dismissed the class, saying he would see us next week. I couldn't wait so I walked over to him and started telling him how much I had enjoyed the class. We talked for a few minutes then I decided to make my move. I asked him if he wanted to come for a drink.

Stu smiled back at me.

"I wondered how long it would take you to ask me out" he said. I blushed, embarrassed that I had made my feelings so obvious.

He said he couldn't go out for a drink that night because he was working, but said maybe we could go out in the future. I felt devastated as I thought this was just a polite way of telling me to get lost. I walked away dejected.

As I was about to leave the room, I heard Stu's voice call to me. I turned round and saw Stu a few inches behind me. He moved towards me and before I knew what was happening he was kissing me. His mouth was on mine and his tongue forcing my mouth open. I willingly gave way as we kissed passionately his hands running over my lycra clad body seeking out my tight ass and my hard cock. I grasped for him, wanting him desperate with desire. He coolly pulled my towards him and I felt our young hard bodies come together.

I was losing myself in erotic passion as he broke off our kiss. His fingers run up the length of my hard, hard cock.

"That's until I see you next week" he said as he left.

The next seven days passed in a haze, my mind obsessed by thoughts of Stu. Even when I made love to my boyfriend Michael, all I could see was Stu's perfect body and I imagined my fingers and my mouth, pleasuring him, making him come and moan my name. When Michael fucked my tight ass or when I sucked his beautiful cock, all I felt was Stu inside me.

When the lesson came round next week, I knew I had to make love to Stu, I couldn't go another day without him, so obsessed had I become.

When I saw him he looked more gorgeous than before, the same perfect body, beautiful face and bulging cock, but now with seven days of my thoughts and desires projected onto him.

The class was agony once again, all I wanted was for us to be alone. All through the class Stu stared at me. For whole minutes it was as if we were alone, as if the class was foreplay to us being together.

Eventually the end of the class came round and I was almost fainting with desire. I was sure the other guys in the class could tell what was going on but I didn't care. All I wanted was Stu.

As the other guys left I hung back until the room was empty. I walked across to Stu and we began to talk. The air was heavy with pent up sexual desire, charged with the electricity between us.

Stu said he got showered in the staff changing rooms.

"It'll be empty now" he said. "Maybe we could shower together".

I needed no persuasion and I picked up my bag as we left together.

The staff changing room was a small room with a double shower at the end. As we walked in Stu dropped the lock.

"We're all alone now" he said. "Nobody will disturb us".

I walked towards Stu, my mind lost in thoughts of desire and sex. We came together again and our mouths met once again. We hungrily kissed and sought each other out with our tongues. Moaning as we discovered each other again and for the first proper time.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you" he said. "I want to make love to you so much darling".

To hear him say how much he wanted me drove me crazy as our hands gently caressed each other's bodies through our lycra suits. Our fingers lightly caressed each other's muscles, our chests, shoulders, backs and asses, as the smell of our exercise mingled with that off anticipation and desire in the changing room. I stroked his hard, tight ass, and imagined making love to this beautiful, perfect object of my desire. Stu ran his hands over my hard, aching, hot cock and balls.

"God you drive me crazy" he said. "I want to fuck your pretty ass with my hard cock". We began to peel off each other's clothes. Stu was in his lycra one piece again and I had on lycra shorts and over that a tight skimpy leotard type top. I stood back and pulled the shoulder straps of his top over his arms and watched as they dropped over his elbows. I tugged at the top and exposed his aching nipples. I lent forward and took each one in turn into my hot, hungry mouth. I continued to kiss Stu' s taught stomach as I knelt down in front of him, pulling his top down. Soon only his ass and cock, and the top of his legs were covered. I pulled down further and exposed what I had been dreaming about all week, his perfect, hot, hard, cocks, rigid with desire. His lycra top slipped down his legs as I leant forward and took the head of his erection in my mouth. My lips played over the head of his cock as my tongue gently licked the wet eye. The taste of sweat and precum mingling in a delicious cock-tail in my mouth. I moved my mouth down the length of his hard meat as my hands gently hovered over his firm buttocks. I took one of his aching balls into my mouth and then licked the other.

Stu pulled my head gently away from his cock and said "Let's shower". He led me by the hand and turned both showers on.

We stepped in and let the hot water bounced of our equally hot young bodies. Stu reached for some shower gel and poured some over my waiting chest and began to rub it into my waiting pecs as I lent back against the wall, imagining the ecstasy to come. I began to massaged the shower gel into Stu's body, wanting all of him slippy with soap. Soon we were passionately clawing and rubbing our bodies as the gel covered us. Our bodies and hands came together as the bubbles and the heat built up. Our kisses became more passionate.

I felt Stu's firm hands on my hips as he gently turned my round. His hands slipped over my hips and reached my balls as he drew me towards him. I felt his hard cock pressing gently against my ass as I moaned with desire.

"Fuck me please darling. Please fuck me baby".

I felt his cock, lubricated with shower gel that I had lovingly rubbed in a few moments before gently pressing against my waiting ass. Stu began to ease his slippy, wet cock gently into me. I gasped as he entered, pleasure flooding my body as he slowly pushed himself deep inside me. He began to slowly rock back and forth as he began to really fill me up and fuck me.

Stu reached round and squeezed my balls with his hand as his other began to stroke my aching, begging erection.

"Oh yes baby" I moaned.

We moved together like this for what seemed like an age, Stu fucking me deep, fucking me strong while his hands worked their magic on my aching cock and balls. The momentum built up between us as we felt the orgasms build and build. I squeezed my ass muscles, trying to draw him deeper into me and he arched his back as he desperately tried to hold off his orgasm. The tension was unbearable until, all of a sudden, like a dam breaking, our orgasms hit us.

I moaned and cried as I came, my come spurting out and hitting the wall in front of me. Stu came deep and strong inside me, I felt his cock spurt hot come as I gasped and cried in ecstasy.

We held each other for ages as the feelings subsided. Stu pulled out of me and we faced each other kissing and hugging our satisfied, slippy young bodies.

I went back to Stu's flat and we spent the night together. Our meetings have become a regular thing. Stu had never dressed up in women's underwear before I told him about me and Michael, but he loved the idea. We had a wild time when I took all my favourite gear round. We spent ages dressing each other up in my sexy outfits. I also managed to arrange a threeway between Stu, Michael and myself, being double-fucked by my two beautiful boyfriends was the best feeling ever.

If you want me to write about this, please, please email.

Love, Em xxx.

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Next: Chapter 4

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