Parking Lot Gloryhole

By ten.labolgcbs@wonrohtuaeal

Published on Apr 26, 2010


Parking Lot Gloryhole Part 4 By: L. A. Emerich

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"You know, if that whole professor thing doesn't work out for you. You could make a living sucking dick." I heard Hunky gasp in a breathy voice.

I didn't answer him because his fat cock was stuffed in my mouth. His meat filled my head until I thought it would emerge from my skull. We had only finished fucking, after he told me his story, about twenty minutes ago and now I was feasting on his foot long dick.

I sucked hard and ran my tongue over his tool like it was the last cock on earth. The head bumped over my lips, making them tingle from the friction. I covered my teeth with my tingly lips and munched on the twitching head. Hunky moaned his appreciation as I chewed.

"Yeah, work that head." He grunted. "You're gonna make me pop."

Hearing those magic words, I took a deep breath and plunged my face down his long, spit-shined shaft. The head twitched in my throat and I could feel an almost impossible increase in the girth as he grabbed the back of my head and fucked my mouth. He showed no mercy as he assaulted my throat.

"Yeah bitch, take that dick. Fuckin' take it all. Choke on that cock." He urged through gritted teeth. "Gonna paint your tonsils with this load."

His hands on the back of my head urging me on, was almost more than I could take. I felt my load churn in my balls and my dick tingled in anticipation of swallowing his load for the first time. I sounded like a freight train going uphill as I took in air on the up stroke and grunted my exhilaration on the down stroke. I wanted his cum in my mouth, marking his territory. I needed to feel it's sliminess on my tongue. I wanted it spurting from my nose and leaving a hot trail to my stomach. His juice was the elixir of life for me. The Alpha and Omega that I needed to survive.

"Fuck yeah. Hot cocksucker on my dick. Take it!" He gasped as he buried his pole to the root in my throat. I could feel his ballsac, all drawn up and rubbery on my chin. I rubbed it with my stubble, trying to coax his seed to shoot. He was standing over me, on his flexed tiptoes with his knees bent out, fucking my mouth with long insistent strokes and probing assaults from his hips. I could feel his ass cheeks in each of my hands, hard and dimpled as he assaulted my mouth. He bent over my head as my throat became the center of his universe, cradling my head in his forearms like a running back with a football. The end of his dick was the focus of our attention. Where the head met my tongue became ground zero, a few square centimeters of the most intense pleasure to be found in this world.

I felt my cock twitch uncontrollably as my own load started its inevitable climb up my shaft. My grunts became a growl that rose from my throat in direct proportion to the pummeling from Hunky's hot poker. I felt my cum hit the air and spew as Hunky went fuck-crazy on me. Stars burst in my brain as he chose a rhythm that defied belief, working the throat fuck to maximum effect.

Hunky howled as he delivered a massive load of ball lava to my hungry throat. Each instinctive plunge of my velvety mouth was met by a fresh burst of delectable Hunky-jizz. Hunky's howl changed to a low moan as I slowed, slurping and reveling on his cock as it jerked between my burning lips. I licked his shiny shaft until it started to soften. It became flexible and fit my mouth perfectly.

"Damn dude." Hunky gasped as he came down off of his toes and slid down the refrigerator, coming to rest on the floor in front of me with his hose rooted in my mouth. "That was intense as fuck."

I came off his dick and kissed the head, sitting back on my heels. I wiped my mouth and nose with the back of my hand and had to agree.

"Jesus, I guess that's why we keep doing it." I laughed.

"I guess so." Hunky chuckled, wiping sweat with the back of his hand. "Man that was in like the top three blowjobs of my life. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Fuck no, but if you want to try to, just let me know when." I grinned, reaching out and squeezing his rubbery cock. "That was hot."

"Fuck yeah it was. I don't think anyone ever sucked my dick like that before." Hunky gasped as I mauled his sensitive dick. He sucked in a stream of air and squirmed as my ministrations became too intense. "Give it a minute." He hissed, pushing my hand away.

I let go of his dick and lay back on the cold kitchen floor. He let out a sigh and lay down next to me. I looked over at him as he looked over at me. He smiled and winked.

"I don't know what to say." He said. "I've had a lot of blowjobs from dudes, but it was never like that."

"You said that it was in the top three, what about the other two?" I asked, putting my hands behind my head on the hard floor.

"I lied." He said, throwing back his head and laughing from his belly. "I didn't want you to get a big head or nothin'."

I had to laugh back at his sexy grin. By fucking my face with his hotness, Hunky had lived up to every expectation that I had ever had for a man.

"So what now?" He asked, rolling to his side and propping his head in his hand. I saw his dick point to the floor and a drop of goo fell, leaving a string of jizz connected to the slit of his cock.

"What do you mean?" I asked. We had both cum twice in the last 45 minutes, and I was sure that he wasn't ready for round three.

"I mean ? where do we go? I mean? Fuck! I don't know what I mean." He exploded, laying his head in the crux of his arm and rolling his eyes. "I'm a dumbass."

"Don't sweat it." I said, reaching out and rubbing his chest. "We have lots of time to get where we're going."

"Thanks dude, I guess I can be a little needy sometimes." He said, grateful for my adept handling of his awkwardness. "I need a smoke."

He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and rose to stand in front of him. "I don't usually do this, but?" He said, as he planted a kiss on my nose. "Thanks for the head. I mean, it was excellent."

"No problem, it was good for me too. The fuck wasn't bad either." I said, kissing his nose. He smiled and found his pack of smokes on the counter. He lit one and handed it to me and then lit his own.

"You gonna be out back tonight?" He asked, motioning to the garage.

"I don't know, I hadn't thought that far ahead." I answered, wondering at his interest. I could see that he had something on his mind, but I was so distracted by his hunkiness that it made it hard to read him. "Why?"

"It's Friday night and all. The bar is usually hopping on Fridays." He replied, taking a hit of his cig.

His observation was interesting, but I wanted to get something straight with him. "Look, Maybe you think that all a gay man looks for is dick. Well, it's important but there's more to me than sucking and fucking. Don't get me wrong, I like your cock, but you know?" I said, waving my smoke for emphasis.

"Sorry dude, I didn't mean that's all you're fucking good for or nothing. Like I said, I'm a dumbass." He replied, looking down. "I guess I should get goin'. I got a date."

With that, he started to get dressed. I watched him pick up his jeans and insert his muscular legs as he turned his head so that the smoke from the cig in his mouth wouldn't get in his eyes.

I felt a little bad as I watched him dress. Though I didn't want him to think that I was just some cum dump, I also wanted him to come back for another session. That is, if he wanted to.

"Hey, it's cool dude." I said, reaching for my pants. "Being that you're my only friend in town, I hope you'll be back."

Hunky stood up and pushed his dick down and zipped up. He buttoned his jeans and looked up at me. "You mean that?" He asked.

"Absolutely." I assured him, buttoning my pants.

"Cool." He replied.

We finished dressing and I walked Hunky to the door. He stopped on the porch and turned to me. "Thanks man. I'll be back." He said with a wink.

I watched him walk down the walk and climb onto his Harley. He looked sexy as Hell astride the hog. He kicked hard to start it and turned to look at me. He gave a half wave and made a noisy exit down the street. I watched Hunky leave, wondering if I would see him again.

I spent the rest of the day putting things away and wondering at Hunky's behavior. I wasn't looking for a bff, and Hunky didn't seem like the type to fall in love over a nice piece of ass and a great blowjob. Eventually, I got lost in setting the place into some order and forgot about Hunky. I finished up with the house and took a shower. I didn't know what I was going to get into, but I knew that I needed to get out of the house. After dressing, I got in the car and headed out for some dinner.

Since arriving in town, the gloryhole had held my attention and I hadn't had much chance to scope out the place. After driving around for awhile, I found a restaurant that seemed promising. It looked like a local place, nice and without a national name. As I got out of the car, I could smell steak. My mouth watered. Dick isn't the only meat I like to eat.

The place turned out to be okay. I got a table fast and the hostess took my drink order of a dirty martini. She brought it back with a menu. The glass was frosty and oversized, my favorite. I took a sip and nodded my head as she told me that my server would be with me in a minute.

For a Friday night, the restaurant wasn't very crowded. I guess it was about half full. The ambiance was laid back, just my type of place. I looked over the menu and decided on prime rib, vegetable, and salad. As I sat my menu down, a long tall drink of water approached me with a smile on his face.

"How's it goin'?" He asked, reaching for my menu.

"I'm good, really hungry." I replied, taking in his sexiness. He was a couple inches over my six foot. He had a white oxford, button down shirt unbuttoned two buttons that seemed to cup some great looking pecs. His dark hair was short and gelled. His white teeth smiled at me, expectantly waiting for me to order. "What's good?" I asked.

He smiled at me checking him out. "It's all good, man." He laughed.

"Good, I want it all then." I said, giving it right back to him. We both laughed at our little repartee and it broke the sexy tension. "I'll have the prime rib and all the fixins." I ordered.

"Be right back with your salad." He said. I watched his sexy ass as he walked away. I took a sip of my drink and wondered if there was something in Springfield's water that made the men so hot.

He returned shortly with my salad. It was crisp and delicious, almost as delicious as the rest of the meal. Over coffee, he returned and we started a conversation. I found out that Ryan was his name. He went to Springfield U and was a senior. He told me that he was looking forward to getting off work soon and going out with some friends. I didn't tell him that I was going to be a professor at the university. My infatuation was obvious and I didn't want him to get any ideas. I paid my check, added a hefty tip and said goodbye to Ryan.

I smoked a cigarette on the way home, thinking about Ryan and all the other hot men that I would encounter at my new job. I had been around the college scene for quite awhile and knew how to handle myself. True, I had never been a professor and now had to be more circumspect, but it didn't hurt to look. As I drove down my street and parked on the side street beside my house, I saw that the bar was in full swing. I could hear the music and could see partiers hanging around outside. I started to walk to the porch, but decided what the Hell and walked towards the bar.

The music from the live band thumped as I entered. I could see that the name was O'Malley's from the neon sign behind the bar. I wondered if O'Malley was Glenn's last name. The place was hopping and I could have copped a lot of feels as I made my way to the bar, but I decided that discretion was the word for the day.

"Hey, Neighbor." I heard as I reached the long, oak bar.

"Hi." I answered back as I saw that it was Glenn. "I'll have a Guinness."

"One Guinness." Glenn replied. It was a little hard to hear anyone speaking to you, but leaning in helped. "Here you go. On me." Glenn said, setting the frothy ale on the bar in front of me.

"Thanks." I replied.

"What brings you out." Glenn fairly shouted across the bar.

"Figured I would scope out the place, so to speak." I shouted back, laughing at my joke.

"Scope away, just holler if you need me." Glenn smiled and winked.

Through the smoke and the noise, I could see people dancing and having a good time. There was an air of sexual tension in the air that was palpable. The place was definitely a college dive. Springfield U paraphernalia covered the walls along with stuff from the various state universities that were local favorites. From the way the noise assaulted my ears, the sound system must have cost a fortune. I saw some pool players in the back and a dart game was also in progress. I lit a smoke and decided to explore.

Picking up my drink, I made my way towards the back of the place. I noticed that the walls were stucco and there were a lot of exposed beams in the style of an English pub. The pub feel was a little lost in the maelstrom of noise in O'Malley's.

I watched the pool game for awhile, secretly rooting on a hot fucker who broke the balls with a masculine thwack. The balls scattered like the butterflies in my stomach as I watched him lean over the table, exposing his hot backside to my gaze. He was a compact, masculine fucker. He couldn't have been more than five foot ten, but he looked as wide and muscular as he was tall. He also had a nice smile that flashed almost as brightly as the diamond in his ear. His dark hair was thick and curly and his complexion swarthy like one of those pirates you see on the late late show. I tried not to make it obvious that I was macking on him, because the last thing I needed was to fuck up my first visit to the place. I saw him look my way and I looked away, hoping that I hadn't been caught.

"Hey man, got an extra smoke?" I heard. I knew it was the hot pool player, but I acted surprised.

"Sure." I replied, handing him the pack. He took out a smoke and asked for a light. I gave him my lighter and he said thanks. I watched for a little while longer and started to leave as I saw him sink the eight ball. He cocked his head my way with his green eyes flashing, took his cig from his mouth and said, "You must bring me luck."

I didn't trust myself to reply to his sexy face, so I just smiled and nodded. Feeling nervous, I got up and went towards the can. I figured that I could maybe relieve some tension by splashing some water on my face. The can was small and smelled like every college bar toilet. I walked to the sink and turned on the water. I splashed it on my face and felt better immediately.

"Hey dude, what's up?" I heard behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw sexy pool guy, ponying up to the urinal. "Thanks for the smoke."

"No problem." I replied, wiping my face with some paper towels.

"The name's Kyle." Pool dude said, pissing so loud I could hear it jet against the porcelain. "

"Brandon." I replied. The sound of Kyle's piss died away as I finished drying my face. I looked in the mirror again. I could see Kyle still standing at the urinal, making no move to button up. Lifting my gaze, I could see that he caught me looking at his fly.

"Looks good, don't it?" Kyle said, turning towards me. In the mirror, I could see a big floppy cock with a nice foreskin. Kyle stroked it, holding my gaze with his intense green eyes. "Meet me outside in ten minutes." He said.

Nodding my head, I left the can with Kyle still holding his big, floppy dick. As I made my way to the front door, I shook in anticipation of swinging on Kyle's foreskin. I felt lightheaded and the fresh air felt good as I emerged from the bar. I decided to wait right outside for Kyle as I lit a cigarette. Partiers were coming and going as Kyle came out of the door. I nodded to him and he came over to me.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Not sure." I answered, totally nerved up at the hot scene.

"So, you wanna party?" Kyle asked, holding up two fingers in the universal sign for a smoke.

"Sure." I said in a shaky voice. I gave him a smoke and a light.

"You got a place?" He asked, exhaling smoke.

"Yeah. It's right over there." I gestured towards the garage.

"No shit." Kyle chuckled. "Let's do this."

We started walking across the parking lot just as someone yelled Kyle's name. Kyle stopped and I took a couple more steps turning to see who it was.

"What the fuck dude? You leaving?" A guy said as he walked up to Kyle. It was dark so from a distance it was hard to discern the face. As he got closer, I could see that it was my waiter from the restaurant, Ryan.

"No, I'm just gonna get a little something from dude." Kyle said, gesturing my way. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment as Ryan looked at me with recognition.

"I was gonna get a little something from dude earlier, but he left too fast." Ryan said, nodding my way. "Thanks for the tip. You got enough something for both of us?"

My brain went into overdrive thinking about servicing both these hot dudes, but I had just enough of a buzz to not hesitate.

"Fuck yeah." I answered. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I was sure in the Hell not going to miss my chance to take on this adventure.

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