Part of the Crowd

By Joe Brown

Published on Oct 10, 2000


Well due to the positive response I got from a lot of you, I've decided to write chapter 2. The same stuff as before applies. If you're under 18 you should not read this story. Or if sexual conduct between two (or more) males offends you should leave, because that's exactly what this is! In this chapter there will be more sex than in the fist, but as before, it's not all sex so if you're just looking for something to get off on, this probably isn't for you. But I promise this story does have it's hot points! And remember, these people are fake and don't have to worry about STDs, but us who have to live in the real world do, so please, practice safer sex and always were a condom during sex! Okay now on to the good stuff!

Part of the crowd Chapter 2 Mike hurried to clean up. He was happier now than before. He had just had his fist sexual encounter with another guy. With anyone for that matter. What was even better was that the boy didn't think any less of him for doing it! Mike always thought that everyone would hate him and make fun of him, or worse, if he ever let anyone know he was secretly attracted to guys instead of girls. But the boy he had given a blow job to actually seemed understanding and caring to him. That was a new experience for Mike. There had also been other guys watching. Mike still didn't know about them. But at least he knew there was one person who now knew about Mike and was okay with it. This knowledge was enough to give Mike a better outlook on things. He couldn't wait to get out and talk to Bobby again. He washed the last of the cum off his legs and balls from his encounter with Bobby,and turned off the shower. He went out into the locker room and looked around for Bobby. "Over here." Bobby called from the last row of lockers. Mike hurried over to him. Josh was also there. Josh was just putting his pants over his black CK briefs. Bobby was still nude and just finished toweling off. The others were no where in sight. Mike took in the two boys standing there and couldn't help but smile at the fact that he was actually in a locker room like one of the guys. He was still a little shy about being nude around them, but after what had just took place he was less self-conscious about his body. Besides, it was just the two of them right now. "These your cloths?" Josh asked, holding up a ball of waded up clothing. "Yeah." Mike answered. Bobby grabbed his gym bag. And held it open. "I'll put 'em in here with my stuff." Bobby said, as he grabbed the ball and throw it in. When the ball landed inside the bag it came apart. Bobby turned his back as he was zipping the bag up. But Bobby stopped when he noticed he couldn't see any paint on the cloths. Mike had told him the reason he was in the shower was because he spilled paint all over him. But Bobby saw no trace of paint. He looked over and could see that Mike wasn't looking, so he pulled the shirt out a little to get a better look. He turned it over and still couldn't see any paint. However, the shirt was dirty. Bobby thought it looked a lot like his younger brother's cloths did when he was younger and would roll around on a hard floor grinding whatever dirt mopping had missed into his cloths and creating lines of dirt where the cloths had been creased while he was on the floor. Mike's shirt had the exact same kind of lines. "Hurry up and dry off, the other guys are already out in the car waiting on us!" Josh said, handing Mike a towel. Bobby put the shirt back in the bag and zipped it up. He didn't know why Mike had lied to him, but he figured it was none of his business. Bobby grabbed another towel and stepped over to Mike. "You'll get dry faster if I help you!" Bobby said, flashing a smile at Mike. Mike smiled back but before he could reply, Bobby went to work. He started drying his head and then went down to his back. He stopped for a second as could see something on Mike's back. He looked closer and could make out faint black marks on Mike's back. At fist he didn't know what they were, but then realized they were letters. He could clearly see an "A" and two other letters. After a second or two he could tell that the fist letter was an "F" and from the way the last one curved it was either a "C" or a "G". Then he knew. The letters spelled "fag"! That's why Mike had showered! It wasn't paint! Someone had wanted to humiliated this boy! Bobby decided once again not to say anything. He'd just gotten this shy guy to peak out his shell a little and he didn't want to scare him back in now. But he would find out more later. Bobby moved down and started drying Mike's butt. "Hey!" Mike said, as he was caught off guard by the hands grabbing at him. Bobby and Josh laughed at the outburst. Mike blushed. "Well I guess I could have done the front!" Bobby joked. Mike turned a bright shade of red as he blushed. Bobby smiled wickedly at him. Mike really didn't know what to say. The two finished toweling off, and Bobby got dressed. Josh got out his extra pair of paints and Bobby got his extra shirt. They realized there was one piece of clothing they had forgot about. "Uh, how do feel about going camando?" Josh asked. "I guess it'd be okay, if I have to." Mike said, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. "Now don't tell me after all you've done today that you're shy about going without underwear!" Bobby said, making Mike blush again. "Okay, if you don't mind your pants touching my naked butt!" He said. "Your butt isn't what I'd be worried about!" Josh joked. "And no, I don't care." Mike put on the pants and, as Josh had warned, they were a little loose. The fact that there was nothing underneath for the pants to cling to, made them even more loose and Mike could tell that if he walked a little, and didn't pull them up, they'd fall right to the floor. "I should have knew those pants wouldn't fit too well." Josh said. "You're a lot smaller You look more like ten than fourteen!" "I know." Mike said, looking at the wall. "We won't be doing much walking so you shouldn't have to worry." Bobby said. "Here let's try my shirt." The shirt was a jessy Bobby had got last year for his brief time on the football team. It was the kind with holes in it and of course it had to be larger than Bobby's regular shirt size to make room for the padding. A regular sized shirt for Bobby would have been loose on Mike. Mike didn't like the idea of wearing a shirt that people could see through, but it was that, or no shirt at all! When Bobby slipped it over the younger boys head he could see it was way too big! The pants weren't very noticeable but the shirt hung very loosely on Mike's small body. Bobby thought how cute he looked, sort of like a child in his dad's cloths. It kind of reminded him of his little brother when he borrowed stuff from Bobby. Bobby smiled at Mike and faint laughter escaped his mouth. "Maybe I should just go on home." Mike said, seeing how the cloths were so big on him. "Oh, come on." Josh said. "No one will pay any attention. You know you wanna come with us!" "Why are you guys tying to get me to go so bad?" Mike asked. "I don't know." Josh said. "I guess we'd just like to see you get out and have some fun for a change. You're always sitting around looking like you wish someone would just shoot ya! It's time to get out and enjoy yourself!" Josh explained. "You know you want to." Bobby said. "If for no other reason than to just do something different." "Okay, I'll come, I'll come!!" Mike said smiling. "Good!" Bobby said. They all walked out and headed for the car parked in the school parking lot. Mike went, tugging at the loose jeans up every few steps. They would have slid down around his ankles otherwise. Bobby went around to the driver's side. Mike didn't realize that Bobby was the one who'd be driving. Josh got on the passenger side. The back door behind the driver's seat swung open and Nick jumped out. "You coming with us?" He asked. "Yes." Bobby answered from up front. "Cool, it's about time you learned what fun is!" Nick said, as Mike climbed in the middle. Mike wasn't sure how to take this. Was he really in that much need of fun? He knew he was. He'd felt nothing but miserable for almost his entire life. The guys were right, he did need to get out and just enjoy himself for a change. But it's not easy to let go of that many years being depressed and lonely. Mike set between Nick and Jason. They hadn't known Mike was coming with them because they headed out to the car before Josh could tell them. They wanted go out so they could talk about the stuff that went on in the shower. Mike hoped they didn't mind him coming along. The car was kind of cramped and the three boys in the back were almost siting on top of each other. "That was pretty cool what you did in the shower!" Jason said just a minute after the car was out on the road. Mike didn't really know what to say. Nick looked over. He wanted to talk about it too, but was waiting for someone els to bring it up. "Yeah, I've never seen anything like that!" Nick said. "Can I ask you a question?" "I guess." Mike said, having a pretty good idea what it was Nick wanted to ask. "You are gay right?" Nick asked. "I just want to be sure I got everything right." "I-I'm not sure." Mike responded, nervously. The question made him very uneasy. He knew it didn't matter to Bobby one way or the other, but he didn't know about Jason and Nick. "You're not sure?" Jason repeated. "How can you not be sure?" "Well..." Mike started, and then swallowed. "I know I like guys, but I don't know if I'm bi, gay, or just going through some weird phase or something." Mike explained. Mike lowered his head and looked down at the floor. He felt so weird about saying this kind of thing out loud. He felt even more naked and exposed now, than in the shower. "Oh, I see." Jason said. "Well if you keep giving blow jobs to Bobby you'll be sure to go straight!" Jason joked. "Hey, don't think I can't hear you up here!" Bobby shouted. Mike laughed in spit of himself. He was feeling a little more comfortable now. "Seriously though, do you think he's cute." Nick asked. "Yeah, I think you all are." Mike said. Mike's eyes widened as he realized what he just said and looked back down at the floor again. The other's laughed loudly at his slip. "Well anyone who says I'm cute is okay in my book!" Jason said, and put his arm on Mike's back. Mike looked up, his face red with embarrassment, and giggled a little at his mistake. "Oh, I can't believe I did that!" He said through a nervous smile. "Hey, like Jason said, anyone who thinks I'm cute is cool with me." Nick said. "You need to lighten up Mike!" Josh said. "You should know by now we're not going to give you any grief about this kind of thing." "Yeah, I mean it's kind of weird, but it's cool." Jason said. "Besides I don't think we're one's to judge since we were all hard when you were done." The other's all looked off to the side at the mention of this. They didn't know what of make of the fact that they were turned on by the sight of two guys having oral sex. Mike smiled because for once he wasn't the uncomfortable one in the conversation. "You guys need to lighten up." He said, throwing back Josh's comment. "You all should know I won't give you grief about this kind of thing." This made them all laugh a little and relax. "Well I don't why I got so hot watching you two." Jason spoke up. "But I did. I don't know what that makes me and I really don't care. It's was just really great to watch!" "I know what you mean." Nick replied. "I don't think I'm gay, or even bi, but there was just something hot about you two. Kind of, I don't know, different than what's usually thought of as hot and sexy." "Yeah." Jason agreed. "Bobby looked like he was enjoying himself quite a bit." Josh spoke up. "That reminds me, you haven't said much about it." He said, looking over to Bobby. "You think we're gonna leave you out of this?" Bobby looked over at Josh and smiled. "Well what do ya wanna know?" "Bobby asked. "You know I'm never shy about anything, no matter what it is." He pointed out. "That's for damn sure!" Jason agreed. "Who els but you would ask a guy to blow him in the shower?" "Hey, I was horny!" Bobby shouted. "Sue me!" The group laughed loudly. Even Mike was laughing hard. He was still a little tense about this subject but was starting to loosen up more. "I'm glad you came to me." Mike said. "Today hasn't been the best day, or a good week, or a good life, for that matter. At first I thought you were just going to walk away when you were done. You know, just use me to get off and then leave. When you didn't it meant a lot to me. I felt like you really cared." "I do care." Bobby said. "I don't know you that well, but I like you. When I saw that you were hurting I just wanted to be there for you." Bobby looked back at Mike in rear view mirror and smiled. Mike blushed a little. "Aaaaaawwwww!" The rest of the group taunted. "Shut up!" Bobby and Mike both screamed. They all started laughing and Jason playfully hit Mike on the shoulder. Mike did the same to Jason and then to Nick. Soon the whole car was exchanging punches. Bobby took his hand off the wheel to reach back and hit whoever his hand came in contact with, causing the car to swerve into the other lane. "Watch the road1" Josh screamed. Bobby quickly put his hands back on the wheel. "Don't worry, my driving hasn't killed anyone yet. It's made a few people crap their pants, but they lived to change their underwear so no harm done!" Bobby said. The group laughed and continued to play around and joke with each other all the way to the movie theater. They pulled in and Bobby asked what they should see. Finally they decided on X-Men. Bobby payed for everyone and they went in. Mike really didn't want to see X-Men but didn't say anything. Bobby bought the whole gang snacks and drinks and they all headed into the theater. "Where should we sit?" Nick asked. "We could sit up front." Josh suggested. "It doesn't matter to me." Jason said. "But Bobby and Mike might want to sit in the back so they can make out without people noticing." He joked, with an evil grin on his face. Bobby throw pop corn at him and gave him a mean look. He didn't want Mike to be uncomfortable. Mike just looked away trying not to smile. The group decided to sit in one of the middle rows. Mike watched the movie and liked it more than he thought he would. The parts about mutants having to hide who they were for fear of what normal people would do to them and think of them if they knew hit close to home for Mike. He had been hiding the way he felt about guys for what seemed like forever, because he was afraid of what people might think, and what people might do. He remembered all the pain he went through when people called him a "fag" or a "queer" and remembered what James had done to him earlier. He didn't want to cry after finally getting out and having fun but he couldn't stop himself and tears rolled down his face. He tried not to let anyone see him. Even though Bobby had comforted him in the shower when he broke down earlier, he was sure they all thought he was weak and he was trying so hard to just be normal for once. "You okay?" Nick, who was sitting beside him, whispered. Mike shock his head "yes" but it was clear he wasn't okay. Nick put his arm around Mike and pulled him over to him. Mike resisted a little but gave in and rested his head on Nick's chest. Mike sobbed quietly trying not to alert the others. Neither one of them spoke. Mike hated that so many people had seen him cry today, but today was not an ordinary day. Nick kept holding him tight. It felt good to be held. It was something Mike had longed for over the years. He almost never made physical contact with anyone since he was so withdrawn and wasn't very close to anyone, not even in his own family. Years of being put down by kids and being made to feel worthless had made him this way. He could hardly believe that people actually wanted to comfort him and make him feel better. And they were even willing to touch him, knowing full well, that he was attracted to guys. After a while Mike stopped crying, but Nick didn't stop holding him. Nick didn't really know why, but he liked Mike a lot and wanted to show Mike everything was going to be okay. Mike wasn't trying very hard to escape from the embrace either. He stayed there catching bits and peaces of the movie as he listened to Nicks heart beat and enjoyed the feel of Nick's arm holding him tightly to him. They didn't break from their hold until the movie was nearly over with. After the movie the group came out of the theater and tried to decide what to do next. "Do you have to be home any time soon?" Jason asked Mike. "No, my dad said I could stay out for a while if I wanted." Mike replied. "Let's go the play ground and shoot some hoops." Bobby suggested. Jason wanted to go too. But Nick and Josh didn't really like basketball so they didn't want to go at first. Mike also didn't want to go but didn't say anything. Finally Jason and Bobby got them to go when they said they'd only play a short game of one on one and the rest could just watch and then they'd head over to Bobby's house and just hang out. They all piled back into the car and headed for the playground. Bobby and Jason played while the rest sit back and watched from a bench near the fence. It was early spring and the weather was still a little cold, but Jason and Bobby soon worked up a sweat. "Hold up a sec." Jason said. "I gotta get rid of this shirt." He pulled it off and throw it over to Josh. Bobby did the same and both went back to playing half naked. Mike couldn't help but check them out some more. They were both in great shape and had beautiful bodies and faces to match. All the guys in the group were cute and smooth. Just the kind of guys who really turned Mike on. And turned on he was! He was starting to get a hard on. He looked over and could see that Josh and Nick were watching the game so he reached down and adjusted his boner quickly so they wouldn't see. He was still very shy about his body in spite of the fact that all the boys around him had already seen him nude today. He was able to dry off in front of Bobby and Josh and even let Bobby help him dry off, but he still wasn't used to people seeing his body and he really didn't want them to notice his hard on. He also didn't like wearing the jessy because people could see through it. He continued to watch the boys as the sweat poured down their smooth chests and watched their muscles flex and tighten with every move they made. His erection was a little uncomfortable against the the jeans. With no underwear between them the rough material scratched against the head of cock. But he adjusted it so it was more comfortable. His cock began to drip pre-cum and he knew he had to calm down or it would easily start coming through the pants. A tiny dark spot could already be seen but it wasn't noticeable. He looked away from Bobby and Jason, and starting remembering the movie. Thinking of parts he thought were kind of cool and he began to calm down and his dick went down some. Mike was getting a little cold sitting there with only the jessy as protection. The wind started blowing and was extremely cold. It went through the jessy and sent a chill up Mike's spin, causing Mike to shiver. "You cold?" Nick asked. "Yeah, a little." Mike responded. "I'll bet. That shirt isn't much protection is it?" Josh said. "Nope. that's for sure!" Mike said. "I'm going to the car to listen to some music while these two finish their game." Nick said. "Wanna come with me?" Mike hesitated for a second but then agreed. Nick took the keys Bobby had left on the bench and they headed for the parking lot across the street. Josh stayed behind to watch. On the way Nick explained that once Jason and Bobby really started playing it'd be a while before they stopped. The parking lot was deserted this time of day. It was the parking lot of a store, but everyone came here to go to the basketball court. The store owner didn't complain because they often came in for refreshments when they done playing. The store was closed right now though. It was getting late and the sun would set soon. Mike and Nick decided to sit up front till the others came. This way it'd be easier to control the radio. Nick got on the driver's side, and Mike on the passenger side. Nick turned to a Rock station and turned the volume up extremely loud. The music was too loud for Mike and he covered his ears with his hands. Nick saw him and got the hint. He turned the radio off. "Sorry about that!" He said. "Sometimes I forget other people don't like their music as loud as I do." He explained. "That's okay." Mike said. "You can turn it back on if you want. I think I can take it!" "There's nothing good on anyway." Nick said. Mike was still cold. His ears and nose still felt numb and, since the didn't have much gas left, they couldn't turn on the car for heat. Mike shivered again. Nick asked him if he was still cold and Mike nodded. Nick put his hand on Mike's arm. Mike's arm felt like something that just came out of a refrigerator. "Damn, you are cold!" He said. "Let's get in the back." "What for?" Mike asked. "You'll see." Nick said. The boys hopped out of the front and each got in on their side in the back. Nick scooted over to Mike. He bent down and reached under the passenger seat and pulled out a blanket. He then pulled off his shirt and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. Mike didn't know what he was doing. "Take yours off too." Nick instructed. "Why?" Mike asked. "Just trust me." Nick sad. Mike did as he said and took the shirt off. He was really uncomfortable about showing Nick his bobby, but he knew the shirt wasn't any protection from being seen anyway. "Lay back." Nick said. Mike didn't really know what was going on but he put his feet out to the other side of the floor so he could lean back. He laid on his back feeling a little nervous. Nick opened the blanket and then laid down on top of Mike. Nick's stomach muscles twitched and tightened when they came in contact with Mike's cold skin. Nick's body was so warm and felt almost hot to Mike. Mike let out a breath as Nick allowed all his weight to come down on the smaller boy.They were now face to face. "This'll warm ya up pretty fast." Nick explained. Mike realized what Nick was doing and relaxed. Nick's smooth body felt great up against Mike and he was so glad this was happening. It felt great to have someone want to be this close to him. Mike loved the feeling of being held down by the other boy's body. Just the way it felt to have someone on top him, made Mike feel relaxed and good inside. Nick was warm, almost hot, and felt so good to Mike through his cold body. But at the same time there was a litter tension because Mike was really attracted to Nick and the rest of the guys. "Yeah, you're pretty hot... I mean warm." Mike stumbled over his words. Nick smiled at how this was making Mike a little uneasy. "Just relax, I'm not going to bite ya!" He said. Mike smiled, and if his checks weren't already red from the cold, he would have been blushing. "I didn't know what you were doing at fist." Mike said. "Did ya think I was coming on to you?" Nick said with a smile. "Well kind of." Mike said and then looked over to the side, too embarrassed to face Nick. Nick smiled and kissed Mike on the forehead. Mike looked back at Nick and smiled a little. Nick put his head down on Mike's chest, like Mike had done with him in the theater. "What will the rest of the guys think if they see us like this?" Mike asked. "They won't care." Nick said. "Once our car broke down in a snow storm and we couldn't get home that night so we all huddled together under a blanket till we got help. This car's heater doesn't work that well, and the heat mainly stays up front so the two of us in the back will sometimes huddle together like this if it's cold." Nick explained. "Oh, I was wondering why you had a blanket in the car." Mike said. Nick closed his eyes and shifted around a little to get more comfortable.All this contact was making Mike hard again. He couldn't help it. The way Nick's body felt against his was just too much for him. He started shifting and trying to get it to move over to the side so it wouldn't stick straight up. But that's exactly what it was doing. Mike pushed back so his dick was pulled away from the pants then thrust forward hoping it would push it over to the side. But it stuck straight out, poking Nick right between the legs. It went up against his balls but didn't hit them hard enough to hurt. Nick took his head off Mike's chest and looked up at him. "I guess you're enjoying yourself!" Nick teased. "Nick..." Mike started. "I-I tried not ta...I didn't mean..." Mike tired to find the right thing to say but couldn't. He just looked over to the side. Nick smiled at him and kissed him on the check. Mike looked back up at Nick but still couldn't speak. His face was red and he swallowed not knowing what to say. Nick just kept smiling at him. "It's okay." He said. "I figured you were getting a boner. I would have been a little insulted if you didn't!" He said, playfully. Mike gave a half smile but was still unsure. Nick ran his hands through Mike's thick blond hair and continued to smile at him. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed." Nick said. Mike's eyes got wide and he looked Nick in the eye. The smile faded from Nick's face and he stared back at Mike. Both of them just lay there for a second staring into each other's beautiful, deep blue eyes. Nick's head came down and he gave Mike his first kiss. Mike jumped at fist, but then closed his eyes and let Nick's tongue explore his mouth slowly. Then Mike did the same to Nick. After almost a full minute, Nick pulled away slowly and both he and Mike were breathing heavily. They both looked at each other unsure what was going on between them.. "I'm sorry." Mike said. "For what?" Nick asked. "I started it!" "Why did you do it?" Mike asked. "I just wanted to." Nick said. "I don't know what's going on with me, but right now I really want to kiss you some more." "Than why don't you?" Mike asked, blushing a little. They looked at each other and then Nick's lips returned to Mike's and they started kissing with more passion than before. After a while Nick moved from Mike's lips, to his neck. Mike just laid back with his eyes closed getting more and more exited. He could feel Nick's cock raise up and press against his. Nick's hands ran down Mike's back and found their way into his pants and cupped his checks. Nick kissed on down till he was at Mike's chest. He started licking Mike's right nipple very slowly in a circle. Mike loved the way Nick's tongue felt as it went around and around. Mike's breathing was getting faster and the windows were fogging up. Nether one of them noticed how late it was getting. Nick went over to the left nipple and worked it over a little. He took his hands out of Mike's pants and brought them to the front and grabbed Mike's cock and balls throw the cloth, which was soaked in pre-cum. Nick undid the button. Mike, remembering he didn't have any underwear on, brought his hand to the front to unzip the pants carefully. Mike's cock jumped out and pushed up against Nick's crotch. Nick started grabbing at Mike's cock and balls. When he felt the pants, and no underwear, he understood why Mike wanted to unzip the pants himself instead of letting Nick do it. Nick's hands then returned to Mike's butt, which Nick loved the feel of. Nick continued to lick farther down Mike's body. He began to move down and started kissing Mike's stomach and licking inside his navel. The sucking and smacking sounds, combined with the feelings of pleasure, were incredible! Mike put his hands under Nick's arms and pulled him back up face to face. Mike reached down and undid Nick's pants and then pulled down his underwear. Nick's cock came out and smacked up against Mike's. Mike and Nick rubbed their cocks together as they kissed passionately. They were both sweating and moving back and forward, as if they were having sex, while kissing wildly. Then the door swung open the passenger side up front, startling the two and stopping them dead. Josh jumped in up front and just glanced back at them. "Jason and Bobby are almost done." He said. Mike and Nick looked at each other with confusion. They didn't know why Josh wasn't saying anything. Then they realized that the blanket was covering them up so there was no need for him to think they were doing anything but warming up. "They didn't play as long as I thought they would." Nick said in a shaky voice. "Have you two been asleep?" Josh asked. "Yeah, I guess we did fall asleep a little bit." Nick lied. "I thought so." Josh said. "You look like you've been laying together for a while. You're sweating and your hair's kind of messed up." Mike and Nick smiled at each other.Their hard ons were dying down now. Mike slowly pulled up Nick's shorts. Then they both started to slowly zip up, trying not make any noise. Mike was listening for any sound from his zipper and wasn't paying much attention to what he was doing. Suddenly, pain shot through him, as the skin of penis got caught up in the zipper. He screamed loudly in pain, scaring Nick, who's face was right in front of his.. "What's wrong?" Nick and Josh both screamed. But then Nick remembered Mike didn't have any underwear on and knew what happened. Mike didn't answer them. He just whimpered. Nick knew he didn't have any choice so he got up and took the blanket off. Josh could now see what the problem was and cracked up a little. But then realized how much pain Mike must be in. He opened his door and went around to left back door. He open it and stuck his head in. Nick moved over to the other side and let Mike's head rest on his lap. Mike would have been embarrassed, but was in too much pain to think about it. "Here let me see." He said, and reached out for Mike's crotch. "No, don't!" Mike screamed. "You'll make it worse." "I'll be careful." He said and moved in closer. He could see it was stuck pretty good. He put one hand on the zipper and wrapped the other around Mike's now very limp cock. He could feel the pre-cum and knew there was more going on here than two guys huddling together for warmth. But this wasn't the time to question them on it. He started to pull the zipper down slowly but Mike cried out and he stopped. "It has to come out." He said. "Just brace yourself." Nick grabbed their shirts and lifted Mike's head long enough to slip his shirit on. He then put his own on.Tears were rolling down Mike's face and Josh really felt sorry for him. Josh began to tug on the zipper some more as Mike clinched his teeth together and closed his eyes tightly as tears poured down his checks. Nick took Mike's hand in his and Mike squeezed hard. He was making whimpering sounds and Nick felt so sorry for him and it tore at his heart to think how much this putting Mike through.. Mike moaned in pain when Josh tired to move the zipper to no avail. The skin was holding the zipper in place. When Mike was zipping up and felt the pain, he jerked his hand, catching even more skin up. The zipper was barely budging and the slightest movement was extremely painful and felt like someone was holding a lit cigarette to the area. Then, to Mike's horror, he heard Bobby ask what was going on from outside. Bobby and Jason were back from their game and wondered what was going on when they saw Josh's legs hanging out the side door. Josh didn't answer them so Bobby came up to the door to see for himself. He looked over Josh's shoulder and saw what he was doing. "Oh my God!" He said. "What happened?" "He got his dick caught in the zipper." Josh said. Jason heard this and came running. He shoved Bobby out of the way, looked in, and started laughing. "It's not funny!" Josh shouted. "It's stuck, and I'm afraid I'm going to hurt him if I pull too much. This could be really bad! We may have to take him to a hospital." "Oh, man!" Mike said and burst out crying from the combination of the pain,embarrassment, and fear. Jason looked back and saw how scared Mike was and how much pain he was in and was sorry for laughing. "Pull it over to the side as you unzip it." Bobby said. Josh did what he said. The zipper moved slowly but the skin started slipping out little by little. The pain was horrible for Mike but finally the last bit popped out. Mike laid back and sucked in air. The group cheered. "Willy's free!" Jason yelled. Everyone laughed. Mike had never been so humiliated in his life. Nick looked down at him and laughed a little at the situation. Mike smiled back him and was just happy to be out of pain. Josh looked his cock over and could see it wasn't damaged. It was red on the place where it had been caught, but wasn't torn. After a minute of recovery time, Mike sat up and the group started loading up. "Jason, would you drive?" Bobby asked. "I wanna set in the back." "Okay." Jason said. "We going to your house?" "Yeah." Bobby replied. "I'm sorry I laughed at ya Mike." Jason said. "I didn't realize how serious it was at fist.." Mike nodded his head to indicate he understood. Bobby climbed in on the left side of Mike and Nick sat on his right. Jason started up the car and they headed for Bobby's. Mike was quiet. The whole group was. They didn't really know what to say. Bobby put his arms around Mike and hugged him. Mike put his arms around Bobby and held tight. "This has been some crazy day for you hasn't it?" He said. "Yeah." Mike said. "Well at least it wasn't a boring one." Bobby pointed out. "No, I guess it hasn't." Mike said He realized it hadn't been such a bad day. He had just been embarrassed in front of his new friends. But at lest now he had friends to be embarrassed in front of. He hadn't really realized till now that these people were his friends.He knew they had taken him out with them and let him hang with them, but he didn't make the connection till now. These guys really did care about him. He smiled to himself at the realization. He now felt a little better and let go of Bobby. "Why did you have your dick out anyway?" Jason asked Mike and Nick looked at each other and smiled. Bobby realized what this meant. "Why Mike, have you been cheating on me?" Bobby teased. Mike and Nick blushed. "Well look who he's cheating with!" Nick said. "Can you really blame him?" The group all laughed loudly. "Boys, have you been doing the no pants dance?" Jason asked. "Well not really." Nick said. "We were just fooling around." "How much did you do?" Bobby asked. "Not much, we were interrupted." Nick said. "Sorry about that." Josh said. "You really should have put a hanger on the mirror or something1" "I thought you said that you weren't gay or bi." Jason said to Nick "I still don't think I am." Nick replied. "It's the fist time anything like this has happened to me. It was just a weird moment. I knew Mike was turned on and I just kind of noticed him and how sweet and cute he was, and before I knew it, I was turned on too and things went from there." Nick said, trying to put into words what had happened. Mike blushed at the comments about how cute and sweet he was. He noticed the same things about the guys. He realized he had just had two sexual encounters with two different guys in one day. He wasn't sure what kind of image it gave him, but he was glad that both had happened, even though the second one ended a little badly. "Well I know what you mean about just fooling around and stuff." Bobby said. "I was so fucken hot today I thought my dick was gonna explode! I don't think there's anything wrong with a guy helping out another guy when he's horny!" "I'm glad you two found someone to take care of your needs!" Mike said with a little anger in his voice. He was beginning to get the feeling of being used again. They were talking about him like he wasn't there,and his defenses, that he had in place for years suddenly kicked back in. The words slipped from his moth before he could stop them. The group all looked at him wide eyed. "I'm sorry." He said, calming down. "I shouldn't have said that." "Yes, you should have." Bobby said. "You should always speak up when we do anything that hurts you. I'm sorry." "Yeah, I'm sorry too." Nick said. "I didn't mean that I don't like you as friend. What I meant was, it was just fun for us.We were enjoying ourselves weren't we?" "Yeah." Mike said smiling. "Yeah, we were!" "I didn't mean it to sound that way either." Bobby said. "I know it seemed like I was pushing you today, but if you had said "no" I would have let you go. I know I pushed harder than I should have, but I'm glad you didn't walk away because if you had, we wouldn't be together now. I really do care about you. If we never do anything els like we did in the shower, that's fine. But I really want to be your friend." Bobby put his arm around Mike. Mike looked him for a second and then gave him a huge. "I know you guys didn't mean it that way." Mike said. "I'm just so scared this is going to turn out to be some kind of dream, or trick, or something, and it 'll all go away. I don't have anyone in my life. That's the way it's always been and I'm scared it's the way it'll always be." Mike began to sob and tears flowed again. Bobby let go of him so he could look him in the eye. He brushed aside the hair on Mike's forehead and looked at him. "You've got us in your life now." He said. "We're not going anywhere." He took him in his arms and held him again. "Yeah, you're stuck with us!" Nick said and put his hand on Mike's shoulder. "Thanks." Mike said. "I just needed to let that out. I can be pretty weak sometimes." "I think your stronger than you know." Bobby said. They smiled at each other as the car pulled into Bobby's drive way. They all climbed out and went in. They all decided to go up stairs to Bobby's room. They walked down the hall and Bobby stopped at the bathroom. "You guys go on ahead. He told the group. "I'm going to take a shower and get rid of all the sweat from the game." Jason told him not to use too much hot water because he wanted to go in after Bobby. The group went off to the room but Bobby grabbed Mike's arm and pulled him in the bathroom with him. "What are you doing?" Mike asked, as Bobby closed the door. "I just thought you might wanna stay in here and talk to me." He said. "If you don't want to you can go with the gang." Mike thought for a second and decided to stay. Bobby began to undress. "My parents are away on vacation and won't be back for a week." Bobby said. "I hate being alone at night and my little brother is at a friends house tonight.. You wanna stay over here tonight? I'm pretty sure the other guys are going to." "Yeah!" Mike said loudly. "I mean, yeah." He repeated lower. "I think my dad will let me." "Good." Bobby said. Bobby took off his shoes and socks. Then he slid his pants down and kicked them off. He stood there in his dark blue boxers and Mike could see his dick was standing out straight in front of him. "Do you have some kind of shower fetish?" Mike asked looking right at the bulge. "No, I'm just horny today!" Bobby said. "But you took a little pressure off today." "It's nice to know I'm good for something." Mike joked. "You know that's not what I mean." Bobby said. "Yeah, I know." Mike said with a smile, letting Bobby know he was only kidding. "And I know you enjoyed yourself too." Bobby said. "I never said I ddint'." Mike said. "Would you ever want to do it again?" Bobby asked shyly. "I don't know." Mike said. "Why not?" Bobby asked. "I want to, there's other stuff I want to try too. I can tell you want to do more stuff too." "Yeah, I do, but..." Mike started "Well if we both want to, why don't we?" Bobby asked. "I don't know." Mike said. "There's stuff to think about. What does it mean if we're just fooling around with each other whenever we're horny?" "Who cares what it says!" Bobby said. "We're teenage guys, we're supposed to be reckless and carefree about sex! Why can't we just have fun and do what we both want to do?" Mike thought about what Bobby was saying. Mike was always responsible in everything he did. Now he just wanted to be an ordinary teenager for once. "Okay, let's just do it!" Mike said. "Really?!" Bobby asked. "Yes, really." Mike said with a smile. Bobby smiled and pulled his underwear down and stepped out of it. Bobby's cock stood straight out and pointed at Mike. Bobby leaned forward and kissed Mike. Mike got hard instantly. Bobby ran his hands all over Mike and pulled his shirt up. He broke the kiss long enough to slip the shirt off then went right back to kissing with a vengeance. Mike started to kiss Bobby's neck and worked his way down. He licked Bobby's nipples the same way Nick had done to him. He started moving down farther to Bobby's stomach and then on down to his cock. He began to lick it slowly. Bobby moaned in pleasure. Mike moved down to his balls and sucked on them. He rolled his tongue around them and then went back to Bobby's cock.Mike could smell the sweat off Bobby and it made him even hornier. Bobby reached down and pulled him back up. He kissed Mike's neck and worked his way down, just as Mike had done to him. Mike was getting more pleasure this time, than he got at the shower at school. Bobby had really started to care for Mike as a friend since then and wanted to give Mike pleasure too. He licked Mike's nipples slowly as he reached down and undid Mike's pants very carefully. The loose fitting pants hit the floor as soon as Bobby let go and Mike kicked them off with his shoes. Bobby was licking and kissing Mike with a passion and Mike's cock pushed up against Bobby's balls Bobby bent down so that his cock pressed up against Mike's. Pre-cum dripped from both of them and made them slippery against each other. Bobby kept kissing his way down till he was crouched on the floor with Mike's cock pointing at his lips. Bobby paused for a second. He began to wonder the same thing Mike did when he had done this the first time. Did this make him a cocksucker? But then he remembered that Mike had done this for him, and he didn't think any less of Mike for it. He looked up at Mike and Mike looked at him. He could see the passion in Mike's eyes and he wanted to pleasure Mike. He opened his mouth and took Mike's cock in. Pleasure shot through Mike's body as he got his fist blow job. Mike's cock wasn't very large but did chock Bobby a little. But he soon got the hang of it and sucked harder and harder He loosened up a little and started moving his head back and forth on Mike's cock, the way Mike had done to him just a few hours ago. Mike had never felt so good before. He was breathing hard and moaning in pleasure. He looked down and the sight of Bobby's head moving back and forward got him even more exited. There was just something about seeing another boy suck on him for the fist time that was driving him wild! He began to buck his hips, driving his cock back and forward in Bobby's mouth. "Oh, Bobby this is feels sooo gooood! I'm gonna cum soon!" Mike shouted. Bobby sucked harder and harder on Mike. Mike stopped bucking his hips and let Bobby do the work. He wanted it to last a little longer. But he was so close to cumming and Bobby was working over so hard he was losing the battle. "Ooooooh, Bobbyyyyyyyyyy!" He shouted, as he shot load after load to the back of Bobby's throat. Bobby swallowed most of it but some worked it's way around and came rolling down his chin. Bobby tasted cum for the fist time. It wasnt' really bad. It was mainly salty and a little bitter. Mike almost collapsed as the last bit of cum came out into Bobby's mouth. Bobby sucked lightly on the spent cock till Mike pulled it out. Bobby whipped the cum from his chin and licked it off his hand before he even realized what he was doing Mike saw him and they smiled at each other. He then stood up and faced Mike. He leaned over and kissed him lightly. Mike could taste traces of his cum. Bobby's cock was still hard and it pushed into Mike's stomach. Mike broke the kiss. "I see you still need a little help." Mike said as he looked down at Bobby's boner. "Sure do!" Bobby said. Mike reached down and started to play with Bobby's cock. He jerked it slightly and then ran his fingers along it's length, just barely touching it as he went. He took some of the pre-cum and began to rub it on the sensitive underside. Bobby was moaning and breathing hard. Mike always wonder what it would be like to jerk another guy off. He wrapped his hand around it and started moving back and forward on it. Bobby grabbed him and kissed him hard. It was clear Bobby wouldn't need much of this before he was over the edge. Bobby continued to kiss Mike with passion, diving his tongue back and forward as if it were his dick and he were fucking his mouth. Mike kept working him over and Bobby moaned inside Mike's mouth. Cum spurted up and hit Mike in the chest and then another shot up and hit Bobby in the stomach. The cum started pouring out slowly, dripping down on Mike's limp cock. Mike let go of Bobby's cock when it stopped jumping and started going limp in his hand. They broke their kiss and looked at each other. "That was great!" Mike said. "I've never felt so good in my life!" "Me either!" Bobby said. "There's just something about being with you that's so amazing!" Mike blushed. "I guess we'd better get cleaned up." He said, looking down between them at all the cum. Bobby and Mike smiled at each other. Bobby turned on the shower and opened a fresh cake of soap. Bobby stepped in first and then Mike.Bobby told Mike He wanted to help wash him off.. Bobby ran the bar over Mike's chest and then down to his stomach and all the way down to his cock and balls. Taking his time his went, making sure he didn't miss a spot. Bobby looked at Mike and smiled making Mike laughed a little. Bobby soaped Mike's cock and balls up causing Mike to get a little exited again. Mike took the soap form Bobby and started soaping Bobby's chest and working his way down the same as Bobby did for him. He got down to his cock and balls and worked them over a little and Bobby too got a little hard, but neither of them was looking for action so soon after cuming. They both stepped under the shower, one at a time, and let the mixture of lather and cum rinse off them in white clumpy wades that went down the drain. Mike watched as the water rolled down Bobby's beautiful smooth chest and stomach. He could hardly believe this was happening to him. Mike started to soap up Bobby's back. He soaped him up from shoulder to shoulder and up the back of his neck, then down till he was over his butt. Bobby's butt was a nice shape. It was tight and round and was just beautiful. Mike hesitated for a second but figured it'd be okay so he began to soap it up. Bobby looked over his shoulder at Mike and smiled. Mike couldn't resist the temptation to put his hand in the crack. Bobby clinched his buttocks around the intruding hand from surprise but then Bobby relaxed and let Mike's hand move freely till it reached the hole. Mike pressed his finger up against it but didn't go inside. He soaped Bobby's crack and then he stopped to allow Bobby to rinse off. Bobby then took the soap and started on Mike's butt before anything els to Mike's surprise. He cupped his hands over Mike's smaller checks and couldn't get over how cute Mike's butt was. He ran his hands inside Mike's crack and soaped it up. He touched Mike's hole a little. He then worked his way up Mike's back and the marks came into view. They had almost completely worn off by now and if Bobby hadn't seen them earlier when he was helping Mike dry off, probably never would have noticed them now. They could no longer be read and were just barely dark enough to be detected. Bobby decided this was the time to bring it up and try to find out who did this to Mike. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well that's chapter 2! What do you think? You can write me at: hope to hear from ya!

Next: Chapter 3

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