Part of the Crowd

By Joe Brown

Published on May 17, 2001


That's right, chapter 3 is here at last! These boys have been waiting a long time to finish their shower! I am sorry it's taken so long. But so many things kept stopping me. I got sick, I moved and my computer didn't make the trip! And then I came down with a bad case or writer's block! But finally I have finished chapter 3! As always, if you find sex, or sexual activity between two (or more) males, this is not the story for you! If you're under 18 you should not read this. And always keep in mind that these people are not real so they can't catch STDs but the rest of us carry the burden of living in the real world were people do get sick. So please, always practice safer sex and wear a condom during sex! Okay, now on to the good stuff!

Part of the Crowed Chapter 3 Bobby's hands slowly caressed Mike's smooth back with the bar of soap. The two had only just started talking to each other today, yet here they were in the shower together washing each other's bodies! But something had happened between them. A bond had been forged. Three other boys had also just started to take notice of Mike. Something was happening with all of them. Over the course of just a few hours they had went from almost total strangers, to friends who cared about Mike. Bobby was starting to feel very protective of the newest member of the crowd. That's why it was so horrible to see marker on the young boy"s back as he lathered it up. There was only a small trace of maker left. But Bobby had seen what had been wrote on the boy's back because he was naked with the boy earlier today when it could still be made out. It was the word "FAG" and Bobby knew some punk had done this to humiliated and degrade Mike. Bobby had been wrestling for a few moments now on weather or not to bring it up. Mike was so shy and so badly in need happiness and human contact. Now that he was finally starting to get that, bringing up something like this so soon after it happened might make the boy retreat inside himself again and humiliate him farther. Bobby didn't want that. But he also didn't want whoever did this to get away with it. And he wanted to make sure they didn't hurt Mike again. "Mike, there's something I have to ask you." Bobby said in a low tone. Mike turned to face the older boy. He could sence it was something serious by the tone of Bobby's voice. Bobby looked at the boy in front of him. He looked into Mike's eyes. There was a look of dread there. He looked sort of like a scared little boy not knowing what was coming next. This went straight to Bobby's heart and he couldn't get the words to come to his lips. He cared so much for Mike and he didn't want to talk of pain and humiliation when the boy had just begun to enjoy himself. But he had already came this far. "Mike, I just want to know..." Bobby paused not sure how to say it as genteelly as possible. "I need to know who...." He stared, but was interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open. "Hey Bobby, are you almost..." Jason said as he caught sight of the two. The three looked back and forth at each other for a second. "Well, now I know why it was taking so long!" Jason said smiling at the couple Mike didn't like this, but there was nothing he could do about it. Bobby just smiled and spoke up. "What can we say, we were in bad need of a shower!" Bobby joked. "Yeah, I'll bet you cleaned each other till you had to...Well, clean off." Jason teased. "Yep, we're the cleanest boys in town!" Bobby joked, looking at Mike. Mike smiled and blushed. He could hardly believe how open and playful these guys were about all the sexual activity that had happened today. Bobby was glad that he had been interrupted by Jason. He could tell Mike was glad for the interruption as well. Bobby decided to let it go for now. But as soon as he felt Mike was ready, he'd find out everything and make the person who hurt Mike pay. "Well, I'll leave you two alone, but please try to hurry!" Jason said as he started out the door. "Wait a second." Bobby yelled. "What it is it?" Jason asked and came over to the shower. "Do the other guys know what's going on in here?" Bobby asked. "Well, we noticed Mike wasn't with us, but we thought he might be calling home or something." Jason reported. "Oh yeah, I do need to call and ask dad if I can spend the night." Mike said. "You're spending the night?" Jason asked with a grin. "Yeah, I mean... If that's all right with the rest of you." Mike said sheepishly. "Of course it's alright with us." Jason said. "Don't you get by now that you're one of us now?" He said looking into Mike's eyes. "Well, we all have only been together for a few hours." Mike pointed out. "It's hard to believe how close I feel to you all now." "Yeah, I guess it will take some time for you to get used to it. But just try not to worry that we're going to want you to go away or something." Bobby said. "We ARE your friends now and that won't change tomorrow or any other time." The group had to keep reassuring Mike that he was welcome. It's not easy to go from having no one to having four new friends in one day! Mike smiled and felt so happy to know these boys really liked him enough to try and make him feel welcome. Bobby knew he made the right choice by not bringing up the marker. Mike was still healing from a lifetime of neglect and pain. "Well, I'm gonna get back to the guys and see what they're up to. Be sure to let me know when you're!" Jason said, and exited the room. "What did you want to ask me before he came in here?" Mike asked Bobby. "You sounded like it was something serious." "It can wait." Bobby said. "Right now I just want to enjoy being with you." "It's hard to believe someone enjoys being with me." Mike said. "Why is that so hard for you to believe?" Bobby asked as he put his arm around Mike. "I'm just so...uncool I guess." Mike began to explain. "Like tonight, just when I started to relax and feel okay about being with you guys, my dick gets caught in a zipper! Things like that always happen to me!" Bobby cracked a smile and giggled a little remembering the scene from earlier that night. "So, stuff like that happens to everyone." Bobby said. "When I was in the fifth grade I had this really cool friend that I had just started hanging out with, and one day we were talking and this jerk came by and jerked my pants down to my ankles revealing my boxers with Scooby Doo on them!" "No way, you're making that up!" Mike accused. "I wish! Mom used to buy me these really goofy underwear and I didn't like the idea of discussing it with her so I just wore them. But I never thought anyone would see them!" Bobby exclaimed. "Well that's pretty bad, but still no one had to help you pull you're dick out of a zipper!" Mike pointed out. "Yeah, I think you've got me topped there." Bobby said smiling. "But I do know how you feel." "I just feel like everything I do is wrong sometimes." Mike said. "Well I don't think so. I just think you need more confidence is all." Bobby said. "Maybe." Mike replied. "So I guess you managed to turn Nick on too." Bobby said, trying to change the subject. "Yeah, I guess. I mean we fooled around and stuff." Mike said. "After everything that happened today, I can't help but wonder about some stuff." Bobby said, looking down at the shower floor. "Like what?" Mike asked.. "Like our playing around and stuff." Bobby paused for a moment wondering if he should go on. But he wanted to open up to Mike. For some reason, it just felt right. "I always just said to myself that it was just guys having fun. Like in the shower, how we horse around and junk. There's a lot of touching and sometimes it does more for me than I've ever admitted to even myself." Bobby began explaining. "What are you trying to say Bobby?" Mike asked as he put his hand on Bobby's shoulder. "Today, being with you, it just felt so good and so right for me. More right than anything else, and I think..." Bobby started and then paused. "It's okay Bobby. You can tell me." Mike said softly, touching Bobby's face. "I think I might be gay Mike." Bobby whispered. "In fact...I'm pretty sure of it" He looked up to see what Mike's reaction was. Mike smiled at him and softly brought his arms around him. Now it was Mike's turn to be the strong one. "I think I am too." Mike said softly. Bobby looked into Mike's eyes and Mike looked into his. They stared at each other for a moment, and then moved in. Their lips met each other softly and slowly. The kiss was more loving and more affectionate than the kiss before. It was like they each were telling the other that everything was going to be fine now without using words. Slowly they separated and looked at each other smiling. "Well, I guess we'd better get out of here before we end up taking up more time than we already have." Bobby said, looking between them at their growing hard ons. "Yeah, I guess so." Mike agreed smiling.. They stepped out of the shower and Bobby went over to a cabinet and brought out two towels. He came back to Mike a wrapped one around his shoulders. They each began to dry off. Bobby grabbed his now deflated cock and began to shake it at Mike. Mike grinned and did the same to Bobby, but only for a split second. They were each a little unnerved by revealing their secret to each other. Joking around was helping to break the weird mood. But it wasn't a bad feeling, in fact, each felt good about finally being able to let go and admit to each other, and themselves for the first time who they were. Mike remembered he didn't have a change of cloths. He could put the same cloths back on because they weren't dirty. But they had been lent to him by Josh who wears a much larger size and they were really droopy and it kept Mike busy trying to keep the pants on. "What should I wear?" Mike asked. "Just wrap a towel around you for now and we'll figure out something later." Bobby said, and tossed Mike a dry towel. Mike didn't like the idea too much. More people had seen his cock today than the number of people who ever even saw him shirtless. But still he was shy. Being in the shower didn't seem to be that bad. Maybe it was because other people were naked too, or maybe it was because it just seemed natural to be naked in a bathroom. But he did not like the idea of even being seen without a shirt anywhere else. But he took the towel and thought to himself that he'd just have to remember that everyone in the house had already seen him. Bobby also put a towel around himself, and the two headed out of the bathroom and down stairs so Mike could call home. The phone was on a bar in the kitchen. Mike sat on a stool, picked up the phone, and began to dial. Bobby sat on the stool next to him. "Hey dad, it's Mike." Mike said as his father picked up on the other end. "Yeah, I know I should have called sooner, but it's not really that late." Bobby listened to the one side of the conversation he could hear. "No, I haven't been getting into trouble." Mike answered. Bobby decided to be mischievous and began to kiss Mike's bar chest. Mike smiled and made faces at Bobby trying to get him to stop. Mike couldn't concentrate on the conversation with his father. "What was that dad?" Mike asked. "I'm at Bobby's house." He answered his father's repeated question. "You know his family don't ya?" Bobby worked his tongue around Mike's left nipple causing Mike to let a sigh escape his lips. Mike tried to regain composer as his father said something. He sat up and tried to move away from Bobby's mouth. But no matter which way he turned Bobby turned his head and kept up with him. "The guys are watching a movie." Mike said to his dad, trying to account for the gasping sound he made. "Yeah, I'm the one who made the noise. It's a horror film and I gasped because it was on a scarry part." "It's just me and the guys dad." Mike answered his fathers question of who else was at the house. "...Um...No dad, there's no girls here!" Mike said with a huge smile on his face looking down at Bobby. Bobby raised his head back up and put his hand over his mouth to try and keep from laughing. Mike was trying hard not to laugh also, but watching Bobby didn't make it any easier. "Anyway dad..." Mike began with a shaky voice. "...the guys want to know if I can sleep over." Mike's father could tell Mike wasn't being truthful. He knew the boys probably weren't little angels. Bobby and the rest of the boys didn't have a sparkling reputation around parents. But it wasn't a very bad one either. Just the normal kind of trouble a bunch of teenage guys get into. And he remembered when he was young and he figured Mike was way over due for some fun, friends, and maybe even a little trouble, so he agreed to let Mike stay as long as Mike agreed not to get drunk or do drugs and that they wouldn't do anything that would risk them getting hurt. "Oh no, we're not going to do anything like that. I think we're just going to hang here for the rest of the night." Mike said. A smile came across his face as his dad said he could stay. He thanked him and hung up. "I'm here for the night." He said looking at Bobby. "I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting night!" Bobby said with evil grin. "Maybe." Mike said, and kissed Bobby lightly on the lips. "I can't believe you were doing that stuff to me while I was on the phone to my dad!" Mike said after breaking the kiss. "I just felt like being picky. And don't say you didn't enjoy it!" Bobby teased. "Nope, I can't say that!" Mike agreed. "We'd better get up stairs before the guys wonder what happened to us." Bobby said. "But if we both go up in towels the guys will know we were in the shower together." Mike pointed out. "I don't care. I enjoy being with you and I don't care who knows it." Bobby said and wrapped his arms around Mike. "Besides, they've already seen us get it on once today!" Mike laughed but said he still needed to find something to wear. Bobby said they could wash and dry his cloths before morning. Until then he could wear some old cloths that Bobby had outgrown and were closer to Mike's size. They went upstairs to get them, running into Jason as he went into the bathroom. "Thanks for letting me know you were done!" Jason said sarcastically. "I'm sorry man, Mike called his dad, and we just forgot." Bobby said Jason told them not to worry about it as he went in and closed the door. Mike and Bobby went into a room. Bobby told Mike it was his little brother's room and that's where his old cloths were kept because his little brother wears them sometimes. Mike didn't feel too great thinking he'd have to wear cloths that a 12 year old wears. The boy was only two years younger than Mike. But still 14 year olds were supposed to be a lot bigger than 12 year olds. Bobby pulled out an old faded, and torn shirt. He put it over Mike's head and just as Mike was afraid of, the shirt fit perfectly. Bobby smiled at him. "Don't worry, it's really big on my little brother. When he wears it he looks like you did today in Josh's cloths, so you're bigger than he is." Bobby said, realizing what Mike must have thought. "Oh, that's good to know! I hate being so small! I feel like such a kid sometimes compared to people my own age!" Mike said. "There aren't too many kids who know how to do what you did today!" Bobby teased. Mike blushed and looked down at the floor not knowing how to respond. "And you're not so little. I was about 15 when I wore those cloths!" Bobby revealed. "I may not be the biggest guy in the world, but I'm not that small either." Bobby pointed out. "There's no way I'm as big as you were at 15!" Mike said. "Yep, I was really small as a teenager. I just got a major growth spirt all the sudden. I'm still not a big guy, but I'm happy with what I got." Bobby said. "I love the way you look. Your shape, you're face, everything! I'm glad you're not one of those huge, hairy, muscular guys!" Mike said. Bobby was now finding the roles reversed a little. Now he was the one blushing and looking at the floor not knowing what to say. Bobby was pretty confident, but even he had his moment of being unsure when it came to his body and his looks. Mike wrapped his arms around Bobby and then kissed him softly on the lips and worked his way down to his neck and then to his chest an nipples. He teased them with his tongue and licked them just as Bobby had done to him while he was on the phone. Bobby worked his hands underneath Mike's shirt and rubbed them up and down his back. Mike's hands found Bobby's towel and untied it. The towel fell to the floor exposing Bobby's now hard cock which probed and dug into Mike's towel, pressing against his hard on. Bobby backed Mike up to a bed and layed him down on his back. He looked down at the beautiful boy in front of him wearing nothing more than a towel. If there was ever a question in his mind of what his sexuality was, this answered it. He had never wanted anyone more in his life. Slowly he undid the knot in Mike's towel and opened it up. Mike's cock jumped out as if it were begging for attention. Bobby slowly bent down. He paused for a moment with his face in front of Mike throbbing pole. He stared for a moment at it pulsing with Mike's heart beat. He looked up into Mike's eyes. There were was a look of longing on his face. Almost as if it hurt. Bobby turned his head back to the cock in front of him. He slowly slipped his tongue out and just barley touched it. He then traced Mike's entire cock with his tongue just barely touching as he went. Mike moaned and gasped from the sensation. Bobby came back to the tip and let his mouth slid slowly down the throbbing shaft till he reached Mike's almost hairless pubic area. He bobbed his head up and down as Mike wiggled and moaned softly. "Bobby...uh...stop." Mike barely got out. Bobby let Mike's cock escape his mouth and looked up at him. He didn't understand what was wrong. "What's wrong?" Bobby asked. "Nothing's wrong. But if we don't stop we're never going to go to your room with the others." Mike pointed out. "Oh yeah, I guess we got carried away...AGAIN!." Bobby said smiling at Mike. "Yeah, I guess so." Mike agreed, smiling back. "Okay, let's get you dressed and we'll see what the others are up to." Bobby said. Mike got off the bed, leaving the towel. Bobby pulled out a pair of pants. Again there was no underwear because because Bobby's little brother's would have been too tight, and even if it wasn't, Mike wouldn't have liked the idea of wearing a total strangers underwear. Mike pulled the pants up and buttoned them. Leaving the fly open and his cock hanging out. He showed it to Bobby and swung it from side to side. Bobby laughed and could see he and the other guys were starting to rub off on Mike. He was glad Mike was starting to feel more comfortable about his body and he knew before tonight Mike never would have done that. Mike zipped up his pants and they headed to the door, ready to rejoin there friends down the hall.

Well, that's it for now. As always any coments are welcome. My e-mail address is: Be sure to be on the look out for chapther 4 coming very soon. No really, I mean it this time!

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