
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Dec 26, 2001


This is the sixteenth chapter in the story of Paul. If you have any comments please send to


Sunday was spent mostly lounging around in bed. Everybody had celebrated until late into the night, or early into the morning whichever the case was. Paul and Bill had gotten off together but they only talked, they both were to tired to even think about sex. They sat in Bill's car for over two hours and just talked about what had happened so far during the school year. The conversation got around to what Bill's plans were for next year. They both knew it was all ready set that he was going to go to college, the only question was where. He might get an athletic scholarship but he wasn't sure where to, and probably wouldn't know for several months after football season.

Paul's plans were not that clear, as he still had two more years of school, and he really hadn't given any thought to college and wasn't even sure if his father could afford it. Bill let Paul know that if he continued to make good grades there was a chance he could get some kind of academic scholarship even if he didn't get an athletic one. Paul was a little surprised when he found out about this, because he really didn't try to make good grades it just seemed to come natural to him. Bill told Paul to be sure and set up an appointment with the counselor and find out what his options were.

They both just sat there talking about one thing and then another until Paul said, "I think I had better go in before I fall asleep."

"Yeah, I'm purity tired myself." Bill said.

The following Monday school started out as usual but the atmosphere around campus was one of high energy. The teachers knew it was all most impossible to try and teach any new material as long as everyone was making plans to attend the football game on Saturday. It seemed that everyone was going to either go down on Friday and spend the night or get there early Saturday morning.

The classes were held but were cut short each day. On Monday Coach just held the team for about an hour to let them know who they would be playing and the arrangements for the rest of the week. On Tuesday some local club had a luncheon for the players, on Wednesday there was an assembly to recognize all the players, cheerleaders, band members, and coaching staff, on Thursday there was a parade through town, and on Friday there was a big pep rally for the whole town.

Several times during the week Paul had noticed that Coach seemed a lot less troubled than usual. He would stop and just spend a few minutes chatting about whatever was happening at the time. Paul ran into Coach in the field house after practice on Wednesday and said, "Coach are you all right, you don't seem to be as worried about this game as you were about the others."

"I guess it does appear that way, but you see after this week the pressure is off for a while." "It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, knowing that after Saturday we will either be State Champions or at least a team that played for the Championship." "Either way you can't say we haven't had a great season." He continued. "Besides, and I don't want you to tell anyone until I do, but I have been offered a job as head coach at one of the state junior colleges." "I haven't accepted it, but it is great to know that it is mine win or lose on Saturday." "Now don't tell anyone about what I have told you." "You are the only person that I have told, but I had to tell someone." "By the way I haven't forgotten my promise to you for the weekend after the ballgame." He said as he winked at me and went into his office.

The players along with the coaches couldn't wait to play the game so that they could get back to a normal life. Nobody was sure about anything during the day at school. There were newspaper people wanting interviews, TV stations wanting shots of the players working out, and a few magazines doing stories on the town and the football team.

Early Friday morning the team loaded up on the buses and started on the long trip to the state capital. They got there early in the evening after about six hours of travel and settled into their rooms. The team was a lot more subdued compared to the first trip they had taken. Bill and Paul had been assigned to the same room and they both were pleased. Not because they were planning on anything wild, it was just a relief to be able to know what might happen.

After the evening team meal the players slowly went back to their rooms and some went to the Movie Theater that was next to the hotel. Bill, Jeff and Paul all decided to go back to their rooms and just lounge around. They all agreed that they were to up tight to do anything together so they just relaxed and watched some TV. After about an hour Jeff said he had to go check on the equipment on the bus and make sure they had brought everything that they could possibly need the next day at the game.

"You guys don't do anything I wouldn't do." He said as he left the room.

"Do you want to do anything?" Paul asked Bill who was looking a little sad at the time.

"No, I'm just worried about tomorrow." Bill said. "Coach said that there will be a lot of scouts at the game and some of them were there to watch me." "I'm scared I am going to mess up real bad." Bill continued.

"Hey, you didn't get here by playing bad, and I don't think the scouts are going to offer you a scholarship only on what happens tomorrow." Paul said as he got off of his bed and walked over to Bill. Paul climbed into the bed beside Bill and wrapped his arms around him. He then pulled Bill's head close to him and just held him. At first Bill was very tense when Paul started holding him, but after a few minutes he had relaxed and was really enjoying the closeness of Paul's body. This was the first time the two of them had been this close and were not trying anything sexual.

Surprisingly to both of the boys neither one had any sexual intentions but both were getting very aroused. Bill raised his head and said, "Are you getting horny too?"

"Yeah, kind of funny didn't really want to do anything." Paul said. "What do we do about this?" He asked.

"How about we just get naked and take it easy and see where it leads us." Bill suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Paul responded as he got up to remove his clothes.

The two of them lay down next to each other as each placed a hand on the others chest. Paul began to rub his hand around on Bill's chest as Bill closed his eyes and his breathing became deeper. Bill wanted to do the same for Paul, but he knew if he did it would interrupt the attention he was receiving. Paul's hand started to drift down toward Bill's hard cock, but Bill grabbed the hand and pulled it up to his mouth and gave it a gentle kiss.

"Not yet, my turn to rub your chest." Bill said as he reached up and started rubbing Paul's chest with both of his hands. Paul leaned back and just absorbed the sensations that were going through his body. After a few minutes Paul wrapped his arms around Bills back and pulled him on top of him. Both of the boy's dicks were hard and leaking pre-cum. As Paul pulled Bill on top of him, he started slowly pumping his hips at Paul's groin. Soon both boy's legs were wrapped around each other and they were both humping against the other. Bill was kissing Paul's chest and every once in a while he would suck one of Paul's nipples into his mouth. Paul would moan and pull Bill's head even tighter to his chest.

This went on for several minutes before finally Bill grunted as his cock unloaded it's cum onto Paul's cock and balls. The feeling of the warm liquid on his groin area was all it took to send Paul off the deep end as he in turn exploded at Bill's groin. They both just lay there with Bill on top of Paul and the two of them still entwined. Paul reached down and pulled the blanket over the two of them as they both drifted off to sleep.

It was at least an hour before the alarm clock was to go off when Paul woke up. Bill was asleep and still on top of Paul. Paul rolled over on his side to try and slip out from underneath Bill, but the dried cum had glued some of their pubic hair together. When Paul tried to move the hair pulled and woke Bill up.

"Ouch, that hurts." Bill said before he actually realized what had pulled the hair.

Paul started laughing at Bill when he saw the expression on his face.

"I bet you have never been waked up like that before." Paul said, still giggling at the situation.

"Sorry, I didn't know what was going on." Bill said as he tried to pry the hair apart without pulling his or Paul's.

"Just pull away, it's going to pull no matter what you do." Paul said as he watched Bill.

Bill made one quick move and the two of them were separated. As they both rubbed their pubic area Paul suggested they take a shower together.

They both went to the shower and proceeded to take a long slow shower, being sure to help each other clean every part of the other's body. When they had finished, they looked at the clock and knew that no one would be at the little continental breakfast room yet. They both decided to go ahead and see if maybe the food was there.

As they walked into the room they were a little surprised to find all the coaches were there and eating.

"You two sleep all right?" Coach asked as he waved them to go ahead and get something to eat.

Bill and Paul went over to the very generous breakfast bar and fixed themselves large plates of fruit, cereal and bagels. They each got a glass of juice and some milk to go with their cereal. Both of them decided to sit down a few tables away from the coaches as they figured they might want to talk about something that they didn't want the players to know. The two of them finished their breakfast and then proceeded to get some more juice. When they returned to their table Coach was waiting for them.

"How do the two of you feel today?" Coach asked just to start the conversation.

"We slept fine." Paul offered as he looked at Coach to see if he could determine some other meaning out of Coach's visit.

"Did you tell Bill what I talked to you about the other day?" Coach asked as he looked at Bill.

"No sir, you said not to say anything to anyone." Paul said, as he looked a little bewildered.

"That's fine, I just told the other coaches and I just figured you had told Bill." Coach said.

"You can tell Bill after I leave, I just wanted you to know that I decided to take the job and I did it now so that the outcome of the game would have no influence on my decision later." Coach said as he left the table to join the other coaches.

Bill looked at Paul and said, "What job is he talking about?"

"He go an offer to coach at a junior college." Paul said as he drank the last of this juice.

Bill wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. He didn't know whether to be glad or mad at Coach. He felt as though Coach was leaving them. When he finally got his thoughts together he looked at Paul and said, "What do you think of his leaving?"

"At first I thought I should be mad at him but when you think about it, I don't have any right to be mad." "After all it is a better position for him and it is no different than you and the other seniors that will be leaving the team after this year." Paul said as he looked at Bill with a tear in his eyes.

Bill sat there for a few seconds and then just nodded his head in agreement. The both of them got up and started back to their room and didn't say anything else about Coach's choice. They both figured it was his life and he had to live it the way he felt he should.

The rest of the morning was spent lounging around the hotel until time to leave for an early lunch. The players were told to check all of their gear and be sure that everything was in working order. They went to a nice restaurant and were treated to a very fine meal. Since they had been seated in a room used for large groups, there wasn't anyone there except the players and coaches. Coach stood up, got everyone's attention, and proceeded to tell them about his plans for the next year. He let the team know that his job was not to be decided on whether he won or lost the game that they were to play later that afternoon. He told them how much he would miss them and how proud he was of the work they all had done. He said that here would be nothing better than to win the game, but he was still proud of them no matter what happened.

Coach then announced that he and his coaching staff were going to leave the team to themselves for a few minutes so they could discuss any issues they had about him leaving among themselves. He then told them that after the meeting he did not want to hear anything about it until the game was over. He and the coaches then left the room and for a few minutes no one said a word.

One of the seniors spoke up and said he thought that Coach taking the job before the season was over was kind of like letting the team down. Before he could say anything else Bill stood up and said, "We as seniors should have nothing to say in the matter." "We will not be with the team next year so we really shouldn't say anything either way." "We can look at it this way, this is our only chance to win the State Championship, and it could be the underclassmen's only chance also." "There is no way of knowing if the team will get a good coach next year, or if the team will get lucky enough to get back to the Championship game." "We should stop and think that we are playing this game for ourselves not for Coach." "Coach may have many years to win Championships, but this will be my first and possibly my last chance." Bill continued as he looked around at the rest of the players.

Most of the players were kind of in a daze, first from what Coach had said, then from the fact that Bill was talking to them since he was not one to get up and make speeches, and finally because of what he had said. It made since to all of them that the seniors would be gone next year and that this might be the only chance for any of them to win a State Championship. No one had anything to say so they all slowly walked out of the dinning hall and headed back to the bus, and just as Coach had wanted, no one said anything to him about his leaving.

As the players got ready for the game there was very little if any talking among them. The coaches didn't know how to take the silence and they were beginning to worry about how Coach's speech had affected the team. Coach was becoming a little concerned also. He had hoped the announcement would take some of the pressure off the team, but it appeared it had the opposite affect on them.

Coach looked in the dressing room and told Jeff to tell Paul he needed to see him on the field. When Jeff told Paul that Coach wanted to see him, Paul could not guess what it could be for. As he approached Coach, Coach turned and said, "Are the players all mad at me?"

"No, sir, we all talked about what you are doing and figured it was your life and we had no right to try to tell you what you should do." "We also decided that we would try to win the game today because some of us realize that we may not be good enough or lucky enough to make it back this far." Paul said.

Coach reached out and hugged Paul and said, "We were getting worried that the team was not going to give a hard effort today, and I didn't want my leaving being the reason for it."

The rest of the team came out on the field and started going through their warm-up routine, and the coaches noticed they had a little more enthusiasm than usual. This made the coaches feel a little bit at ease.

Just before the kickoff of the game a slow shower began and some of the players were mumbling about the weather and how it would change the game. The other team was not a real big group, but they were quick and fast and relied on the pass for most of their offense.

The other team won the flip and chose to receive the ball. They took the ball on their first possession and with six passing plays had scored a touchdown. The extra point was no good as there was a bad snap and the kick was blocked.

The rain started coming down even harder and the field became wet and very slick. Paul's team was able to move the ball, but had fumbled the ball three times when it looked like they were going to score. At half time the score remained 6 to 0.

The second half started with the rain coming down so hard that is was impossible to throw the ball. The teams were going about twenty yards at a time before they would fumble the ball. It had become all most impossible to hold on the ball for either team. The third quarter ended with the same score as the first half.

The first few series of the fourth quarter were just like the third. Run a few plays and then fumble the ball for both teams. About half way through the quarter Bill had recovered a fumble at the fifty-yard line. Coach called a time out and brought his team to the sideline. He told them that they had to score soon or it would be too late because the field conditions were getting even worse. He told all the players in order to try to cut down on the fumbles that they were going to run the quarterback keeper until they either scored or fumbled the ball. He told the quarterback as he walked up to the line to call out an even or odd number. On an even number he would run it to the right, on an odd number he would run it to the left, and everyone to remember that if he called zero he was going to run it up the middle. Coach then told the quarterback not to call zero until Coach sent in a player to tell him or he gave him a signal from the sideline.

The first few plays went just fine, the quarterback would call out a number before he got under center and would then keep the ball and follow his blockers in the direction of the called play. They had moved the ball about twenty yards before the other team started making any adjustments. They moved the linemen and ends outside and started walking their linebackers outside also. The next two plays the other team was able to keep Paul and his team from making a first down.

Coach knew that if they could get one more first down that they probably could score if they didn't fumble the ball. He called time out and moved on to the field to talk to his players. He told them that when they went back out there that the other team might try something different than what they had just been doing, and he was hoping they would. He told them that they were going to run the ball to the left side and if the other team jumped back into the defense they had been playing the last few plays, then the quarterback was to call zero and run it right up the middle of the field.

They broke from the huddle and sprinted to the line and just like Coach had said the other team was back in their regular defense. The quarterback snapped the ball and started off to his left. The blocking was great and there was nobody between him and the goal line, but when he planted his left foot to cut up field it slipped out from under him and he fell just over the first down marker. It was first down and ten on the twenty-yard line and the quarterback looked over at Coach thinking he might call a different play. Coach made no signal to change the play so as they walked up to the line the quarterback yelled out zero and took one last look towards Coach. When he turned around he was surprised to see the defense shift to where there was not a single player in the middle of the field. As he approached the center he noticed Paul was slapping his left leg and as he looked up he saw that the player in front of Paul was playing outside. When the center snapped the ball the quarterback took one step back and then ran right beside Paul on the side where he had patted his leg. The quarter back was off and running with no one to stop him. He reached the goal line without a single person getting a hand on him.

Coach called time out since the score was now tied six to six and they had their attempt at an extra point. As the players were waiting for instructions the coaches were talking among themselves trying to figure out what was the best play to call. They knew that they wouldn't lose the game on the next play, but they could very well win it. The coaching staff felt their best chance was to go ahead and try to kick the extra point. The rain had stopped but the footing was still awful and it was not going to be easy for the kicker.

The team went back onto the field and lined up for the extra point try, and the other team was looking as though they couldn't believe what they were seeing. The ball was snapped and the extra point holder bobbled the ball before he was able to place the ball down. The kicker started his approach, but when he noticed the bobble he tried to slow down but began to slip. He went ahead and kicked at the ball, which left the ground at a very low angle. The ball hit off the helmet of one of the other teams linemen and bounced toward the goal post. It then hit the goal post and bounced over.

The players on both sides just stood and looked as the ball fell to the ground. Paul and the other players were in shock, as they could not believe that the ball had made it over. They went screaming back to the sideline as they started celebrating. Coach screamed at them that they still had over four minutes to play and that the game was not over.

The other team had the ball and since the rain had stopped they were throwing the ball and were moving it down the field. They had managed to move the ball down to the thirty-yard line, but time was running out. They had just enough time for one last play. They dropped back and passed the ball down the right side of the field and the defensive player slipped down as the other player caught the ball and headed for the goal line. There was no way the player was not going to score until he got excited and tried to switch the ball to his outside arm. The ball flew out of his arm and went out of bounds on the one-yard line, just as the horn sounded to end the game.

Paul and the rest of the players pulled themselves up from the wet field just as the rest of the players started jumping on them and knocking them back down. The middle of the field was a pile of wet screaming boys as they realized that they were now State Champions and no matter what else becomes of them they always will be State Champions.

As they were all rolling around on the ground, Bill found Paul and said, "This is the greatest, and I just came in my jock."

Paul looked at the expression on Bill's face and just laughed at the thought of trying to explain the cum inside Bill's jock.

When they all managed to make it back to the showers, Paul and Bill were a little surprised as they noticed all the erect and semi-erect cocks in the showers. No one was actually playing with themselves or each other but they all seemed to be very excited. Everybody knew what the excitement was about so they all went about showering as though the erections were an everyday thing. Coach walked in and started to say something until he noticed everyone. He then informed the team to hurry up and get dressed and they could handle other pressing matters later on their own.

Bill and Paul started to giggle at the way Coach had politely told the team they could play with themselves later. Coach heard them and turned and gave them a wink.

When they got back to the hotel Coach informed everyone that they could all sleep late and they would all have a large dinner at a local steak house. He then walked around to each room to let each know how much he had enjoyed coaching them and what contribution each had made to the team. When he got to Bill and Paul's room, Bill had gone to the lobby to visit with his parents before they left.

"Well, Paul I hope you are ready for next weekend." Coach said, "You remember I promised you a weekend with me, but of course if you don't want to we can call it off."

"No, next weekend sounds great, but where are you planning on going?" Paul asked.

"I am planning on visiting the college that I will be coaching at and I told them that my nephew would be coming along with me." Coach said. "We can check out my new housing and the lay of the campus."

"Sounds great." Paul said.

"What if we take Bill along with us?" Coach said, looking to see what reaction his last suggestion would cause.

"All right, but I thought it was going to be just the two of us." Paul said a little disappointed.

"Yes, yes it will be just the two of us, but the junior college is trying to recruit Bill and if he doesn't get any better offers he might go there." "He will be off with a group of other players the whole time we are there." "We will see him when while we drive up and again when we return." Coach said. "He doesn't have to go with us, I just thought we could give him a ride and he wouldn't feel all alone while he is up there."

"Ok, that sounds good to me, does Bill know about this yet?" Paul said.

"I believe the recruiter talked to him after the game and invited him up, I am to call them and let them know if his coming up this weekend." Coach said.

Bill entered the room and was all smiles as he walked over and started telling about the recruiter that had invited him to visit his campus. He looked at Paul and Coach and since they were only grinning he figured out that they all ready knew.

"How did you two know?" Bill asked.

"The recruiter talked to me first and besides that is where I am going to be coaching next year." Coach said, as he watched for Bill's reaction.

Oh was all Bill could say before Coach continued.

"Bill do not let the fact that I will be there make you decide to go there." Coach continued. "You need to visit other campuses before you make you mind up." "Besides it's fun to be pampered by the different colleges." Coach said.

"Well I have to go see the rest of the players before I go back to my room and see what my roommate Jeff wants to do." Coach said as he winked at Bill and Paul as he patted both of them on the head and left the room.

Next: Chapter 17

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