Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Feb 1, 2008



All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. You must be a minimum of 18 years of age (or 21 years of age in some jurisdictions) to read this story. If you do not agree to any of these terms and conditions, or if you live in a location where such content may not be legal for you to read, please read no further, but rather exercise your right to select an alternate form of entertainment elsewhere. This story contains homoerotic subject matter and episodes of social aggression often called "bullying". The author does not endorse this kind of behavior. While inspired by real world events, remember that this is a work of fiction, and the author insists that you do not attempt to re-reenact or recreate any event or activity described in the text of this or other chapters. The story has been written for entertainment purposes for adults only. Please remember that ordinary human decency as well as maturity requires good judgment, safe sex, and the ability to distinguish between fantasies expressed in literary fiction and reality. Your actions may have consequences for others. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms.

Juvenile sexual aggression has been a problem of growing concern in American society over the past decade. Currently it is estimated that juveniles account for up to one-fifth of the rapes, and one-half of the cases of child molestation committed in the United States each year. The majority of cases of juvenile sexual aggression appear to involve adolescent male perpetrators. Many adolescent sex offenders grow up in abusive families where alcoholism, substance abuse, and inter-parental violence are commonplace. One study found that 60% of abusers had been physically abused, 50% had been sexually abused, and 70% had experienced neglect in childhood. Over 50% of the adolescents had experienced a combination of these forms of abuse.

Thanks to all who contacted me. I have heard from many of you so far. It is great to hear from you, and to hear your suggestions. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:


"It's going to be alright," Jimmy said as he opened the double doors that led from the parking lot into the side entrance of junior high gymnasium, "I promise," then led Pee Wee inside.

Jimmy leaned over to whisper in Pee Wee's ear, "I'm gonna trust you to do a good job in here. We're running behind, so I'm going on to the high school to do some clean up there."

The junior high gym made Pee Wee uncomfortable, given what had just happened to him the previous afternoon, but Pee Wee said nothing, acquiescing to Jimmy's decision. Pee Wee exhaled in resignation, accepting his lot in life.

Pee Wee was still wearing the bright red Dickies jumpsuit with 'Janitor's Apprentice' embroidered across the back. 'Pee Wee Llewellyn' was stitched in large white letters to the right of the Santa Rosa Warriors emblem emblazoned on the right half of his chest. Of everything about the jumpsuit, the fact that Jimmy and his dad had elected to put 'Pee Wee' on the jumpsuit instead of 'Peter' only confirmed how deeply his identity as the guy with the smallest dick in town had already become entrenched.

During the ride over Pee Wee looked at himself in the passenger side mirror several times and decided that he looked like a prisoner--the bright red jumpsuit only attracted attention to him, something he preferred to avoid. He hoped he could talk them into letting him work off his time on Saturdays when he was less likely to encounter other students.

Jimmy walked Pee Wee to the janitor's closet and pulled out the mop and a yellow bucket, set it down under the faucet and started filling it up. Jimmy showed him how to use the down pressure wringer.

"You clean the junior high gym," Jimmy instructed, "Clean the toilets and the showers in the back--boy's and girls--then mop the floors, and wipe down the sinks. But do not use any chemicals on the gym floor," Jimmy emphasized the word 'not' as he took down a wide dust mop and handed it to Pee Wee, "Use this instead when you get to the gym floor today."

Jimmy turned off the water and swished the mop down into the water, then made Pee Wee show him that he knew how to wring it out. "People really notice the toilets, and tend to judge the cleanliness of the whole job by the toilets and the sinks, so do it right."

Jimmy gave him a look that seemed to waver between friendly and authoritarian, "I'll check on you every so often, so don't mess around!" Then he added, "I'm guessing that you're probably hungry, so here's some quarters. You can eat out of the vending machine if you need to."

Jimmy took a couple of photos of Pee Wee in his new uniform standing next to the mop bucket, mop in hand. He took a distance shot and another up close so that the writing on his uniform would be clearly visible. Pee Wee suspected that he would end up regretting posing for those pictures.

Pee Wee was seriously hoping the he would not encounter anyone, either students or coaches, but he put out the "Wet Floor" just in case.

He started with the boy's shower and locker room and he left it too wet. He tried to get the grout clean using the bleach solution Jimmy had prepared for him, but there were years of ground in dirt and mildew in the spaces between the tiles.

Pee Wee's thoughts drifted away to Billy who had taken his virginity last night. He thought about the crusty towel he had found under Billy's bed, clearly something Billy used to clean up with after jerking off. It was still stuck to a porn magazine that had a naked large breasted woman prominently displayed in a dominatrix pose on the cover. Pee Wee also later understood why the towel was so crusty--Billy ejaculated like a champion stud horse! He had inhaled deeply taking in the acrid odor of layers of Billy's long dried cum.

But now he wondered about Billy. Clearly Billy was jerking off to pictures of women--not men--which made Pee Wee wonder about how Billy felt about what had happened between them. He wanted desperately to talk to Billy, to find out how he felt about that, and about him. From the way his heart had ached this morning, after Billy had been sent off by his father on other errands, Pee Wee knew that he was feeling something very, very special. Whatever had happened, he wanted it to happen again.

Pee Wee pushed the mop from side to side as he worked his way backwards across the shower floor. The mop made a wet slapping sound and left the floor tiles shiny and slick. He had removed the black rubber mats that the school had set down by the lockers.

Lost in his thoughts Pee Wee didn't hear them until they were right behind him.

"Surprise!" Jason shouted from behind him. "Remember me, faggot?"

Pee Wee recognized the situation for what it was and spun on his heels, but Jason swung fast and hard, with a solid right fist to the side of Pee Wee's face, knocking him down onto the wet tiles. The mop flew out of his hands and landed at an angle across one ankle. Jason stepped between his wide splayed legs and looked down at him as he rubbed the side of his face. Pee Wee looked up to see that there were about four other boys standing there with Jason.

Robert, a tall boy with the black hair, shouted, "Jason, if you don't kick his fag ass, I will! I swear, I . . ." but before Robert could continue his threat, Jason, surprised Pee Wee yet again, with another power kick to Pee Wee's exposed crotch. Pee Wee whimpered and slumped onto his side, curling up into a fetal position. His hands clamped down on his balls protectively as he drew his knees up into his chest and moaned, coughing and gasping as the waves of pain swept up from his balls into his guts. The kick was hard enough, to keep Pee Wee down for several minutes. Feeling more than a little nauseous, he looked up, as Jason and several of his friends were slapping their hands together.

"Way to go, Jason!"

"Seriously, I been tellin' ya'll he's nothin' but a fag, and any one of us could easily kick his ass!" laughed Jason. He had taken Pee Wee down with one punch and once kick, and it left him feeling like a champion. Pee Wee had dropped so easily just now that Jason wasn't even thinking about the fight Pee Wee had put up the day before.

Pee Wee thought about yelling, but doubted there was anyone around who would help him. Jimmy was all the way over at the high school and would never hear him. The fact that he had been subdued by a group of junior high kids made his situation even more humiliating.

"So, finish him off dude," one of the other boys yelled.

Pee Wee tried with all his might to get up and tackle Jason, who was still standing close, but before he could give it another thought, Jason had rolled him over and was on top of him, sitting on his chest. Robert lifted Pee Wee's head up off the wet floor, pulled him up with a wicked tight full nelson. Pee Wee tried to speak, but Jason's fist pummeled his ribs and gut with one punch after another.

Robert released Pee Wee from his powerful hold, and he fell forward to his knees, then onto his side, in a fetal position. He was groaning, trying to speak, trying to stand back up, but Jason followed up with a second kick that connected with Pee Wee's sack that took all his words away. Pee Wee yelled out as his testicles were smashed for the second time. This time he dropped into the same position as before on his side and clutched his balls, hardly able to breathe.

Jason looked down at Pee Wee, looking so miserable, all curled up on the floor in his red jumpsuit, "If you want me to stop beating on you then beg me to stop!" He added extra emphasis on the word 'beg'.

"Make him blow you!" Robert suggested.

Jason was laughing, "Nope! I just want to hear him beg me not to beat on him any more. He doesn't get to suck my dick now until he begs for it."

"No," Robert said, "Not just you. He's gonna blow all of us. That would show the fag once and for all!"

Jason turned his attention back to Pee Wee, "Did you think you could just ran away like that, without any consequences? Beg!"

But Pee Wee had already surrendered long before he had even gotten into the truck with Jimmy. He had already experienced more humiliation than humanly possible without experiencing some permanent scars to his self-esteem. Everything he had experienced over the past few weeks had left him numb. It was easy now to just give in. He knew that if he continued to fight, these boys would only end up humiliating him a lot more than he already had been. So he decided to give in to Jason, before Robert was able to convince him to go any further.

"Okay, I'm begging you," Pee Wee said, "please don't beat me up any more." This time Pee Wee had lost this fight before the first blow was struck, and he knew it. Whatever pride he had mustered the day before, driven by misguided hope, was gone. He had lost it in the wet grass, running in the rain, walking bundles of sticks out to the street, kneeling at the glory hole, getting kicked again, and again, and again, in the balls. It seemed like the more he resisted whatever fate had in store for him; the more often he got kicked in the balls.

"You'll do what I say?" Jason asked, raising one brow.

"Jason, I will do whatever you say from now on!"

"You'll suck my dick?" Jason asked?

"Yes, Jason, I'll suck your dick."

"You'll do more than that!" Jason exclaimed, and raised his arms in a victory pose. Then showing off his power, shifted into a double biceps pose as his friends cheered him on. Near to tears and facing one of his most potent fears, of being exposed as less than a man, even among these younger boys. Pee Wee blushed and tears welled in his eyes. His heart was pounding.

"So who's more of a man, me or you?" Jason asked looking serious. Then the beginning of a smile played hide-and-seek across his face, taking cover for a while only to reappear seconds later in the form of an amused smirk.

"You are." Pee Wee admitted as the other boys snickered.

"Fuck yeah!"

"So what were you thinking when you ran off yesterday?"

"I was embarrassed." Pee Wee said, "I wanted to leave and go home."

"Did you ever get home, Pee Wee?" Jason asked sarcastically. "We all saw the news. Hell your fucking picture was in the paper even."

"They were even making fun of your little dick on the news," Joel, one of the other boys said, "It must suck to be you!" The boys laughed and Pee Wee could feel himself beginning to cry again, no matter how hard he endeavored to hold back his tears. "What did that old man say?" Joel continued cackling, "He said something like--the only thing you'll ever be famous for is your little dick!"

"Get up!" Jason ordered, redirecting the conversation, "Stand at attention!" Pee Wee did so as the boys gathered around him, examining his red uniform. Several pointed out his nickname, embroidered onto his chest in large white letters. One of them finally noticed the cum stains on his crotch that he had deposited there when he came spontaneously, without even touching himself, while sucking Jimmy's dick earlier that morning.

"He must really get off to mopping the floor!" Robert said, and the other boys snickered. "Were you humping the floor, faggot?"

"Take that stupid uniform off!" Jason said, and Pee Wee unzipped the jumpsuit and slid out of it, slipping off his shoes and kicking the jumpsuit off to one side. Several of the quarters fell out of a pocket, making small clinking sounds as they scattered across the tile.

One of the boys gathered it up and walked it over into the locker room, then disappeared behind the first row of green lockers. One of the boys yelled, "Make him suck your cock!" The others hooted their agreement.

Noe, one of the younger boys asked, "You gonna really let him suck your dick, Jason? Isn't that gay shit?"

Jason's face twisted into a furious look and he spat back, "What the fuck? There ain't nothing gay about getting a blow job! This cocksucker is the one sucking dick. He already sucked off half the varsity baseball team! You gonna call them queers? It's only queer if you're the one sucking dick or getting your ass fucked!"

"I'm just making sure this dickless faggot knows his place!" Jason stared right into Pee Wee's eyes.

The younger boy suddenly backed down. "I guess that makes sense," he said, and once again, the whooping and hollering started up.

"I think you owe me," Jason said, unfastening his pants. He removed his yellow t-shirt and faded blue jeans, and took off the tight blue sports briefs that he had been wearing.

"Grab the sink and bend over," Jason instructed. Pee Wee obeyed. Jason used his feet to kick Pee Wee's legs wider apart, then admired Pee Wee's firm, swimmer's butt that was being presented so explicitly toward the group of boys. Pee Wee had very little hair on his ass. Jason pulled his cheeks apart very wide and found his small, pink anus.

Pee Wee's whole backside was stiff as a board. "You're going to have to relax or this is going to hurt," Jason warned, sounding more experienced than he was. But Pee Wee had already learned that lesson the night before, when his butt had invaded by Billy for the first time. It had hurt, still did. But he was certain that Billy's hefty penis was much larger, and much stouter, than anything any of these boys possessed.

Jason reached across Pee Wee's back and pumped several squirts of pink liquid soap from the dispenser, lubed up his dick and positioned the tip at Pee Wee's asshole. He felt Pee Wee clenching up as he pressed against his pucker. "Relax!" he said, slapping the side of Pee Wee's ass hard, and felt Pee Wee trying to loosen his sphincter.

The other boys watched, eager to see Jason shove his hard dick up Pee Wee's ass. They wanted to hear Pee Wee squeal and beg. They could see the head of Jason's cock as it strained against the tight opening of Pee Wee's ass, straining, straining, and then finally the hole gave way, and Jason's meager dick plunged in again. Each of them privately wondered what would happen when it came their turn, and anticipated forcing themselves on the submissive teen they had now had under their control.

The head of his dick and a couple of inches of shaft slid in, and Pee Wee yelped. The wet heat he felt as he slid inside surprised Jason. Pee Wee's smooth hole engulfed his shaft. Jason's friends loved the look of mingled pain and fear on Pee Wee's face as Jason repeatedly plunged his manhood into Pee Wee. It made them feel strong, powerful. They wanted to see Pee Wee humiliated, and then beg for more.

"You feel that big dick?" Jason asked as he began sliding his shaft in and out with long, slow strokes. He watched his own reflection in the mirror as he pounded into Pee Wee, watched the reflected expression of pain on Pee Wee's face and reveled in what was happening. It was an interesting and very new sensation for Jason. He could feel the times that Pee Wee clamped down on his shaft.

Jason picked up speed. "Yeah, faggot, you love my big cock, don't you?" Jason snarled, emphasizing the word 'love', as he fucked Pee Wee. He picked up the pace and started to really hammer Pee Wee's butt, holding tightly onto his hips. With each thrust of his pelvis, his balls slapped against Pee Wee's ass. Sweat dripped off his handsome face onto Pee Wee's back as he slammed his shank into Pee Wee over and over.

"Not that," was all Jason heard as Pee Wee spoke in a half mumble, half whisper. His words were broken. He was breathing heavily. Groaning.

"What?" Jason asked as he drove his hard shaft into Pee Wee again.

"Your dick, it's not that big," Pee Wee said, this time more clearly. He forced a smile after that last sentence. For all his posturing Jason wasn't all that big, but Pee Wee guessed that four or five inches was acceptable, especially for an eighth grader. Robert heard it and burst out laughing. Noe and Evan tried not to laugh out loud and were covering their mouths. The expression on Jason's face as Pee Wee pointed out the truth of his somewhat smaller than average endowment exploded the schoolboy fantasy he was having about nailing Pee Wee with his monster cock.

Jason growled and rammed his shaft into Pee Wee, pounding it deeper and harder, using all his strength to ram it in all the way to his balls. Jason was getting closer and closer to the point of no return. Ordinarily he would have taken the bait and reacted to such a well delivered slam at his manhood, but now, so close to the prize, the best he could do was to take his payment out in brutal thrusts. As his thrusts grew harder and more violent, Pee Wee's head hit the mirror several times. Pee Wee, who thrashed beneath him, had been reduced to a series of halted moans that kept time with his thrusts.

Jason could feel the cum boiling up his shaft and quickly withdrew, and then slammed his cock back into the older boy. Pee Wee stretched his arms wide across the sink and lay one side of his face down against the porcelain. With the full force of his weight and strength, Jason shoved violently into Pee Wee, who was trembling and shaking. Pee Wee heard him gasp, and felt Jason's rod swell inside him as he slammed and seized and emptied his load.

A few second later Pee Wee felt Jason pull out, leaving him feeling strangely empty, but glad that his ordeal was over. He started to stand when he felt hands on his shoulder, shoving him back down against the counter.

"Don't move," ordered Robert. He unzipped his shorts and let them drop to the floor, revealing a pair of gray cotton boxer briefs with an ungodly bulge in them. He was the tallest of the group, and from the tent he was sporting in his briefs, most likely had the largest shaft.

Robert was lean and muscled. He had a runner's build, not surprising since he ran track. His straight hair was black and closely cropped. He had a small diamond shaped patch of hair on his chest centered between his pecs that Pee Wee thought was a bit untimely for a guy in junior high school. He had a sparse trail of hair that led from his navel down to a thatch of straight black hair that framed a surprisingly long and slender cock that stood straight out from his body. His two egg-sized nuts hung low underneath. Pee Wee guessed it might be as long as Billy's, but far more slender and, unlike Billy's, Robert's dick was straight as a ruler. His legs and arms were covered with fine black hairs that were not thick but readily apparent. Pee Wee guessed that Robert was destined to be a bear by the time he graduated from high school.

"Tell me how much you want to be fucked, faggot!" Robert growled at Pee Wee.

"Beg me for it!" Robert screamed as he tapped his long slender prick on Pee Wee's butt.

"Please don't," Pee Wee pleaded, "don't make me beg."

"Beg me, cocksucker," Robert repeated, this time reaching down between Pee Wee's legs and grabbing his balls, "Beg me to fuck you!" He raged, twisting and pulling down on Pee Wee's already sore nuts. Pee Wee groaned and ached as the pain of his crushed balls raced up into his stomach.

"Okay, okay, please, Robert, please fuck me!" Pee Wee moaned, and Robert glowered down at him, on fire. Robert stood to Pee Wee's side, wound up and walloped Pee Wee's exposed ass! The older boy recoiled with the force of the strike as he screamed. Jason put his hand over Pee Wee's mouth. His whole butt went numb instantaneously.

Jason grabbed Pee Wee's waist with both hands and without warning or preparation, suddenly shoved hard. Pee Wee tried to edge himself forward but the outer rim of the sink kept his hips in place. Pee Wee leaned forward on his elbows, unable to resist, forced to accept whatever Jason made him take. Jason pulled his rod all the way out and drove it in again, harder. It went in farther, and Pee Wee gasped out loud. Again Jason pulled it out and rammed it in hard this time slamming in one violent thrust all the way to its base. Pee Wee screamed and pounded the mirror facing them. Jason wrapped his hand over Pee Wee's mouth to silence him.

Robert seemed angry. Perhaps it was revenge for having to take sloppy seconds. He fucked Pee Wee like an animal. Thrusting in as deep as he could, at a fast pace, faster and deeper than Jason. Pee Wee could feel and hear Robert's balls slapping against him with every thrust.

"Fuck," Pee Wee said, "Please, take it easy."

"You can feel that, huh?" Robert smirked.

"Aah," Pee Wee said, sucking in his breath. Pee Wee's expression was one of pure pain, his mouth was hanging open as though he was drunk, and his eyes were clenched shut.

Crushed beneath the force of Jason's frenzied thrusts, all Pee Wee could do was accept his place beneath the intruder who pierced his body, burying himself to the hilt in Pee Wee's hole as he exulted in his power over him. Pee Wee whelped at the pain but gradually relaxed and the pain he felt dissolved into a pleasurable rush, especially when Robert's longer cock poked and rubbed at his prostate like a rutting animal. Robert wasn't sure from the sound of Pee Wee's breathing and grunting if he was in pain or ecstasy.

Something weird was happening to Pee Wee. The pain pressed into Pee Wee, had grown so intense he couldn't stand it. Every one of Robert's aggressive thrusts felt like something inside him was ripping. Then, suddenly, unexpectedly, the pain was no longer just pain but a fusion of sensations. He suddenly wondered if he was going to cum or piss himself.

In a fevered lust, Robert once again shifted his position. "You want that big dick in your hungry pussy, don't you bitch?" Robert said as he stood up straight so that he could really piston the full length of his cock into Pee Wee. With every thrust Robert was gasping and panting. So was Pee Wee. Robert pumped him like a jack hammer, and then started making a circular motions with his hips as he drove his long dick to the hilt into Pee Wee's now relaxed hole. Pee Wee tilted his head back, opened his mouth and moaned.

The intense continual pressure on his prostate was too much for Pee Wee, but he could not move aside from digging his fingernails into the counter top. The pain was still there, but now there were other sensations, waves of pleasure that coursed through him. More pleasure than he had felt even with Billy. He couldn't verbalize anything. He wanted Robert to keep going. It was like being on the edge of orgasm for the very first time. Each intake of Pee Wee's breath was very raspy, and with each exhale, Pee Wee groaned in a deep guttural voice. His groans were broken up into a series of sounds as Robert's rapid thrusts impacted the flow of air exiting Pee Wee's throat.

Then suddenly Robert stopped.

He leaned down against Pee Wee and whispered in his ear, "Beg for it." Pee Wee felt the boy's weight on him, felt his sweaty chest and abdomen grinding into his back, felt his amazing shaft still penetrating deep inside him. Robert sensed that Pee Wee was at the edge, and that he would do whatever he told him. He wanted the others to hear him say it. No one could doubt just who had complete control over their captive high schooler. "Beg for it if you want me to keep going," he whispered.

"Fuck me!" Pee Wee begged whimpering. "Please. Fuck my ass with your big dick!" The boys could hear the change in his tone. This time Pee Wee wasn't just obeying. This time he wanted to feel Robert's cock inside him, hammering away, taking him back to the edge and beyond.

Pee Wee's nut sack had become so contracted, that his compact balls had moved completely up into his body. The boys noticed the sticky rope of precum that slowly stretched down from the tip of his diminutive erection in a thin liquid strand, breaking just before it hit the tile floor between his feet. Robert's lengthy shaft slammed into his prostate with greater intensity, and Pee Wee now felt a constant pressure. Pee Wee's back arched, and for the second time that day he started shooting without ever having even touched his own penis. His cock jumped and then bobbed up and down as he began to spit out load after load under onto the tile floor the sink.

Pee Wee's sphincter tightened in a series of spasms almost painfully around Robert's cock. Suddenly Robert pulled out and the boy's watched him ejaculate. Each spurt from Robert's rod landed on Pee Wee's back. One long shot hit the middle of his back just inside of his left shoulder. The boys counted about seven spurts, unbroken ropes of Robert's spooge that landed on Pee Wee's back before they started getting smaller. His lower back was soaked in cum.

Noe followed after him, tugging his sweat-shirt and t-shirt off over his head, pulling by the hood. Noe was a dark haired Hispanic boy, shorter and skinnier than his friends. He was the only one among them that was uncircumcised, except for Pee Wee, though his smaller spike of a penis, perhaps four inches long, felt like a finger inside Pee Wee after having been violated by Robert's lengthy tool. Even so, Pee Wee realized that his own tiny rod was no match for even the diminutive Noe. After Noe, Evan went, and finally Joel.

Trembling, Pee Wee felt their hard rods thrusting inside him, as each of the younger boys took their turn, exploding and releasing their seed into him. He felt their weight on him, their movements, sometimes slow and steady, and sometimes violent, when their truth filled him. He felt them sweating, and grunting. If these boys were men compared to him, then what was he?

Then Robert, the ever ready, went once more as the boys cheered him on. For whatever reason, perhaps it was the way Robert's long shaft repeatedly struck and rubbed against his prostate, Pee Wee came again. At last his trembling legs collapsed and he sank to the floor. Jason rolled him over onto his back and sat down on his chest.

Jason's face still burned with embarrassment at Pee Wee, the long suffering butt of small dick jokes, who had pointed out that Jason's own shank was, as Pee said, "not that big." That, and Robert's performance, had cost him status among his peers. Jason realized that he, like his friends, had never before seen their dark haired friend, Robert, erect before. Jason has always assumed that his stud cock was the largest, but even Evan's was it's equal. Jason suspected that even Joel's shaft was a bit longer, if not thicker, than his own. He had to take satisfaction in the fact that his dick was still larger than the meager meat little Noe had displayed.

By revealing his longer dick, and his fucking prowess, Robert now rivaled Jason's place as alpha male in their group. This turn of events pissed him off royally. He hadn't expected gangbanging Pee Wee to become a cock contest. Pee Wee himself had brought that about with a wise-ass remark, and Robert had reveled in it, used the opportunity as Jason's expense! If Jason wanted to maintain his spot as group leader, he realized with embarrassment, that he would have to keep own his pants on in the future. He figured he would need to up the ante, and soon.

"Pee Wee!" Jason said.

Pee Wee didn't answer. He turned his face to one side, wishing he could hide the tears. In the minds of these younger boys, Pee Wee knew that he was now at the rock bottom of the pecking order or this wouldn't be happening.

But Jason was not one to be ignored. He leaned back between Pee Wee's legs and grabbed his balls, twisted and squeezed them as hard as he could. Pain jolted up Pee Wee's spine, and he ineffectually tried to push the younger boy off of him.

"Open your mouth!" Jason demanded. And not knowing what to expect, but not wanting his balls pulled off, Pee Wee hesitantly opened his mouth. "Keep it open!" Jason ordered, squeezing harder, and he did as Jason commanded, stretching his mouth wide open and holding the position.

Jason hocked up a huge wad of spit leaned over and spat it loudly down into Pee Wee's wide-open mouth, then hocked up another load and spit again, watching Pee Wee's reaction. Pee Wee wanted to scream. This new degradation was not something he could have anticipated. As the gob of spit slid down into his throat he felt queasy, wanted to gag. But Jason warned him to hold his position, by twisting his balls a bit harder, and an "Ah, ah! Keep it open!" He did, while Jason cleared his throat and managed to spit a couple of more times down into his open mouth.

Robert came over and hocked up a nasty sounding gob, but missed Pee Wee's mouth. The boys laughed as it splatted on Pee Wee's lower cheek and slowly slid down his jaw onto his neck. He was more successful on his second attempt. A couple of the other boys came over and followed suit. Pee Wee's eyes were closed but his tears still flowed freely. Pee Wee's rib cage shook and tears ran down his face as he sobbed. His body was shaking, and even though he was making an effort to hold his mouth open through his sobbing, a few of the boys missed the target, coating his face and hair with gobs of dribble.

"Make him swallow it!" Joel suggested.

"Swallow it." Jason commanded, and Pee Wee, coughing and gagging, trying to swallow their spit, then begged Jason again to let him up. Robert and the three other boys laughed as they watched Pee Wee making a horrible face, realizing just what it was he was swallowing. He wailed. A sob started deep inside him and burst out of him sounding like it came right from his soul.

Jason got up off of him, but Pee Wee remained on the floor, not quite sure which was hurting more, the pain in his gut, his sore face, or the shock that he had just swallowed great gobs of the boys' spittle.

"Stand up!" Jason ordered, and Pee Wee managed to get to his feet. "Stand at attention," instructed Jason. "Hands behind your head." Pee Wee snapped to attention and pushed out his chest, placing his arms behind his neck as he had been told.

"Make him kneel down and suck our dicks, now," Robert the Ever-Ready said, unfastening his shorts again.

But as Pee Wee started to kneel, additional laughter came from hall that led from the locker rooms to the basketball court. Pee Wee looked over to see Noe returning with another older boy from outside. Pee Wee immediately recognized him as Albert Martinez, the boy who had kneed him in the balls in the locker bay on his first day back to school.

"See?" Noe shouted triumphantly, pointing over at Pee Wee, "I told you he was here!" Then Noe shouted over at the other boys, "My brother say's he'll give us a ride."

Albert, one of Randy's best friends, walked over to the boys who were more or less standing in a circle around Pee Wee. "¡Qué ching"n! said Albert with a look of amusement on his face, "Remember me?" He stared down between Pee Wee's legs and asked, "Where's your fucking dick?" Then he turned to Jason, "Last time we met this maric"n was so afraid he wet himself." He laughed, "Noe promised he'd suck my dick."

"He'll do more than that," Jason promised. Pee Wee looked around him at these boys who stood at the threshold of manhood, and realized again that he was just a dickless wonder, barely a boy, never a man.

Albert came up to Pee Wee and grinned, "Now I get to fuck you, pendejo! But first you have to suck my dick!"

Albert walked around the naked Junior, still standing at attention, put his hands on Pee Wee's shoulders and pushed him down into a kneeling position and then gave him a vicious kick to his exposed testicles. It hurt far worse than anything Jason or his boys had done. It felt like that time that Victor had kicked him. Pee Wee fell forward and began retch again, clutching his bruised balls, hardly able to breathe.

"That's for Randy," Albert said, "Now spread your legs and put your hands behind your head, maric"n." He said to Pee Wee.

"Oh fuck!" Pee Wee exclaimed without thinking, "C'mon. You can't be serious! I just got out of the. . ." Pee Wee pleaded, "My balls are still all fucked up. You can't do that again." He tried to reason with Albert.

"Remember what I told you, pendejo? Now spread your fucking legs and put your hands behind your head." Albert repeated again indicating that he was not giving in.

Pee Wee grew desperate. So desperate that he turned to Jason and the other boys for help. He managed to pull himself back up onto his knees and pleaded with them, "Please guys. Don't let him do this." But from the expressions on their faces he knew that none of them would go against Albert

He caught Albert's kick in his peripheral vision in time to think, "Oh Fuck!" before his foot connected again with Pee Wee's balls. Pee Wee dropped back into a fetal position clutching his broken balls and rocking back and forth. "It hurts," he repeated over and over, "It hurts so fucking bad!"

"And that's for Victor!" Albert said, then added, "Get back up, cocksucker. You got one more coming."

"No! No way!" was all Pee Wee could manage as he was rolling on the floor holding his balls looking wild eyes at the junior high boys who just watched and cheered as he tried, desperately to regain his knees. His legs were shaking so hard that standing up was not even an option.

"If I have to make these guys hold you, I'll kick your balls so fucking hard they'll come up your throat." Pee Wee believed that he was deadly serious. He remembered the day that Albert promised him that by the end of the day his balls would be scrambled eggs.

Albert smashed his foot even harder straight into Pee Wee's sack, squashing his sore testicles! The pain was amazing. Pee Wee's world shattered, then darkened as stars, whole constellations of them, passed through his view. He grasped his injured balls in pain, heaved and vomited again between his hoarse attempts to scream, certain that his smashed testicles were broken like eggshells. He crumpled forward defeated, gasping and moaning. He looked down at his balls, knowing that they had been crushed. His scrotum had drawn up, holding them tight against his body. Tears and snot were streaming down his face as he coughed.

Albert walked around in front of Pee Wee and asked him again to suck his cock. Tears were still streaming down Pee Wee's face, and he slowly swayed back and forth like he was about to fall over. Still he complied as best he could. Albert freed his slightly smaller than average penis and slipped it into the wretched boy's mouth, expecting him to suck him to full hardness. Then he planned to stick his dick up Pee Wee's sweet ass and fuck him while his younger brother and all his friends watched.

That's when Pee Wee bit his dick real hard.

Albert squealed out loud in surprise and pain, but he had his dick buried in Pee Wee's mouth all the way to his balls when Pee Wee decided to clamp down. While he was screaming his head off, Pee Wee ravaged his shaft like a wild animal, then reached up with his right hand and grabbed Albert's low hangers and tried his best to twist them off the Hispanic boy's body.

Albert punched wildly, hitting Pee Wee in the side of his head. Pee Wee fell back flailing with his free arm, but couldn't land a good punch. Albert slammed Pee Wee into the wall and grabbed his throat. In his pain he tried to loose Pee Wee's vice like grip as he felt the boy biting deeper, striking his face and head. He was desperate. Then felt some part of his manhood tear as Pee Wee gave his balls one last vicious twist and let go.

Albert fell back and screamed. He hit the back of his head on the gym floor. Dazed he sat up and looked down at his bloody groin. His penis was savaged but still attached. His scrotum was torn also, but he was concerned least of all about that. It looked like Pee Wee had torn his penis half way off, leaving deep wounds along the top and underside. He was still bleeding like a stuck pig.

Noe kicked Pee Wee in the head, and then helped his brother to his car. "We got to get you to a hospital," he said to his brother as they staggered out the door. Two of the other boys ran after them, looking pale.

Jason looked over at Pee Wee. His expression seemed to vacillate somewhere between anger and fear. He balled up his fist and took three steps toward him, then thought better of it, and ran after his friends. Pee Wee heard a car start up outside. The wheels squealed as they pulled out of the parking lot, and for a second Pee Wee wondered who might be driving. Certainly not Albert!

Robert the Ever Ready stood there in shock, his ever hard boner still pressed painfully against the fabric of his briefs, pitching a tent, soggy with precum. He felt cheated of the promised blowjob, but now doubted very much that he would ever be able to put his cock in anyone's mouth. Ever! Instead he found himself awkwardly trying to tuck his wilting pole into his shorts, and threw his weight against the side doors, busting through them and out into the parking lot. The doors slammed shut behind him, leaving Pee Wee alone, but not forgotten.

A half hour later Jimmy walked into the gym expecting to see Pee Wee hard at work, but instead found him still sitting there naked, all bruised and bloody on the polished floor of the gym. He scanned the room but failed to see his red uniform anywhere.

He ran over to Pee Wee who sat there, very calmly, looking rather dazed. "What happened?" he asked.

"Some boys came," Pee Wee began, then he looked down, and stopped talking. "You didn't come back to check on me," he said. He looked sad, not frightened. Giant tears rolled down his cheeks. Jimmy was sure that he was in shock.

"My balls hurt real bad," Pee Wee whispered. Pee Wee took his hand away from his groin, and Jimmy stared down at Pee Wee's swollen genitals. There were more bruises on his ribs and face. There was blood all over his face and running down his chin and onto his chest.

"I bit his dick," Pee Wee whispered. He hung his head and started staring down at his groin again, replaced his fingers over his bruised sack protectively. His eyes began to well up and he let his tears fall without making an effort to hide them. Then his strange silence passed and he pulled his legs up and put his head against his knees and cried as the reality of all that had happened over the last few weeks overwhelmed him.

Jimmy also was overwhelmed. He regretted leaving the boy alone in the gym, regretted making him work naked, regretted lying to the police officer, and regretted involving his friends in his stupid domination game. Jimmy knew that this was going to cost him. He had no way of explaining this situation, but he knew that he had to get this boy, that he was responsible for, some help.

With a sense of remorse registering clearly in his voice, Jimmy leaned forward and spoke softly into Pee Wee's ear, "It is going to be alright, I promise you."

This time he meant it.

Next: Chapter 17

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