Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Oct 17, 2007



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. The subject matter of this story deals with small penis life experiences, which includes sexual contact and humiliation. Some of the experiences are re-imagined from real life experiences of my own, or of friends with similar issues who have shared theirs with me. But much has been changed to make the stories more interesting. I haven't used any real names, and I certainly don't advocate that people who are different should be hazed or ridiculed for being different (quite the opposite). So perhaps there is some insight to be gained about what it is like for men who are under-endowed by society's standards, and who have been subject to some of these life experiences. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

This story contains some homoerotic subject mater, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions.


Pee Wee made his way to the boy's room located at the western edge of the building. He felt some pressure in his bladder that told him soon he would need to piss, but he was on his way to a restroom, and the other boy's room was at the opposite end of the building.

Forgoing underwear, as Randy had instructed, left him feeling very exposed. He felt different wearing jeans like he normally did. He feared that even his diminutive dick could be seen if he got an erection. Briefs had always kept his penis and testicles bundled in place, protected, and somewhat supported, preventing him from easily springing to an erection. But now, despite his anxiety, the sensation of his denim jeans rubbing across the sensitive tip of his penis combined with his need to urinate, and he could feel himself becoming erect as he walked. He adjusted himself, allowing his short shaft to surge upward less conspicuously instead of "tenting" the crotch of his pants out so obviously.

He knew that Randy, and several others, including probably Victor, would be waiting inside for him. He feared that Victor was still angry about the fact that he had vomited all over his crotch and pants on the bus. He feared that Victor might want to fight about it. As he paused at the threshold, he could feel fear well up inside him. Pee Wee considered waiting until his erection subsided before he went inside, but his fear of what might happen to him if he failed to show, propelled him forward despite his misgivings.

He could hear the sounds of several boys laughing as he prepared to open the door. Then taking in a breath, he stepped inside and saw Randy standing there with three of his friends, including George. Randy motioned to him to, "come over hear." There was some laughter as Pee Wee approached, and he wondered just what they were up to.

"Come on," he said.

As Pee Wee approached them, stepping forward slowly and cautiously, he was suddenly grabbed from behind, and pulled back by strong arms against a well-muscled abdomen and placed in a headlock. He heard a click and saw a knife blade come into view, as Victor's right arm brought his knife up in front of Pee Wee face.

"What do you want?" Pee Wee asked.

"First, unzip." Randy said. "I wanna see if you're still going commando of if you managed to sneak some tighty-whities back on while you were at the nurses station."

Pee Wee hesitated, frozen in fear. He stared forward, just a few inches at the knife that Victor held directly in front of his face. Victor moved the knife below Pee Wee's jaw and poked the tip softly into the flesh of the frightened boy's neck.

Pee Wee reacted as he felt the tip of the knife press against his flesh, felt his bladder release and the warm flow against his skin as he pissed his jeans, a dark stain slowly spreading from his crotch down his right leg.

The boys laughed, and Pee Wee saw the whole group of kids standing around Brandon, looking back at him, not at his face but at his wet pants. Urine flowed down into his right shoe and down onto the floor around his foot.

"Victor, you might want to step away from the piss pot," George said to Victor, who looked down at the urine stain on the leg of his right pants leg where he had his leg pressed against Pee Wee.

"Fuck" Victor exclaimed in disgust, pushing Pee Wee away. He was thinking about how first Pee Wee had vomited on him during their bus ride that morning, and now he had just pissed on him too. Victor was more than a little annoyed at this point.

Pee Wee touched his neck in shock and looked at his finger wondering if he had been cut. There was no blood on his fingers. As Pee Wee regained his balance from being shoved, he heard a series of clicks take as Randy took several digital shots of him standing there in his wet pants.

"Now, take your clothes off." Randy repeated, handing the camera to George. "You had a chance to unzip and show us if you were going commando." He smiled watching Pee Wee's reaction, "Remember what I said would happen?" Randy said, and tapped a finger to his temple. "If we catch you wearing underwear you get stripped." Randy continued, "If we tell you to prove your going commando you unzip and show us, anytime, anywhere, or you get stripped." Randy shrugged his shoulders. "So now you get to strip or be stripped."

"No," Pee Wee said, trying to muster up some courage in the face of the growing group of boys who were witnessing his humiliation.

Randy took the camera back from George and held it up. Pee Wee recognized it as the same one they had used to take pictures of him before. "No one has seen these yet!" Randy said frankly. "But now one of them WILL get seen. And if you don't do what I say now, I will hand out even more of them. It's a promise, Pee Wee."

"No, please!" Pee Wee implored.

"Like I told you before, you really want to listen to me from now on." He handed the camera to George, saying, "George, you pick out the one we are going to print out!" Randy just stared at Pee Wee who stood there frozen, unsure what to do. Randy paused for a silent count, then said, "Make that two George," he said, and realizing the consequences of further hesitation, suddenly Pee Wee fingers flew into action, almost on their own, as Pee Wee unbuttoned his shirt and flung it over on the sink counter.

"What's your name?" Randy interrupted him.

Pee Wee paused again. He looked at the faces of all the boys standing around him in the restroom. More than the previous day. He guessed there must be at least twelve boys standing around now waiting to hear him answer, waiting to hear just how pathetic he had become, waiting to see just how far they could grind him down into the earth.

"Say it," Randy insisted.

"My name is Pee Wee." He blurted it out in a single breath, feeling the last dregs of his self-respect seep away. The boys in the restroom laughed and kept laughing as he went back to unbuttoning his urine soaked pants.

Then Pee Wee took off his clothes as the boys in the restroom watched, snickering and laughing. He couldn't hear everything they were saying, but he did overhear one of the boys telling another boy who had just come in, "Yeah, he pissed himself . . . " and felt his body flush with embarrassment. Pee Wee turned his head to look at the entrance as he heard the door open again. Four more boys entered the restroom, looking at first confused, and then curious. He saw that the whole group of boys was standing in a half circle around Randy.

"He's got the smallest dick in school," Randy said as Pee Wee slipped his pants down. Randy could see clearly that Pee Wee had kept his promise; he was still wearing no briefs.

"Maybe even in the town." George added. "Hell, it's probably the smallest dick in the world!"

"Naa," someone else said, it was one of the boys who had just walked in, "It's about the same size as my little brother's," the boy snorted then added, "of course he's just in the first grade!"

Pee Wee knew that he had a small penis. Peter had seen his Dad's penis, had looked at big brother's, seen his younger brother's, had snuck looks at other boys in the locker room - and had wondered over and over if he would ever be as big as them. But deep inside he knew that he would not, that he had been cursed with a baby-dick, and he dreaded the day that his secret came out. Now he was living through it.

In his embarrassment, his penis has shrunk back almost entirely inside him he looked down and watched his penis retract back inside him so that only the foreskin covering the tip of his acorn head was showing. His older brother, who used to say Pee Wee's peepee was "doing a turtle" had often teased him about it. But now everyone knew. This knowledge was unbearable to him. Pee Wee hated having such a small penis, hated that everyone now knew his secret, hated himself for being unwilling to stand up to these bullies, hated the thought that boys half his age were bigger men he would ever be, hated . . . hated that now everyone called him Pee Wee." He looked down at himself and groaned without even realizing it.

"Hell, it's a clit!" Victor laughed.

"Victor, take out that ruler you have in your pocket." Randy said, and Victor took a small wood ruler out of his pocket, the kind that had the small metal edge along one side. The Randy said, "Measure Pee Wee's peepee. We are all curious exactly how small it is."

Pee Wee started to back away, to reach back for his clothing now laying on the countertop, but Randy held up a finger, beginning a silent count to three, and Pee Wee regained his composure. Victor left the group, ruler in hand and walked toward Peter. Peter's eyes lowered down to the sizeable bulge between Victor's legs. Victor had such a confident stride. Peter was sure, having wondered about this before, that his manly way of walking came with being the proud owner of such an extensive measure of manhood.

Victor looked down at Pee Ewe's retracted, almost nonexistent flaccid penis, and paused.

"Why don't you measure yourself first, Victor?" Randy suggested. "Let's see how big a real man's dick is before we measure Pee Wee's pee pee."

Victor unbuttoned his shirt, and then his jeans. Then he hefted out the distinctly curved tool he kept tucked away inside. Pee Wee squirmed, feeling like he had lived through this before. He stared at Victor's hirsute chest, followed the slim trail of hairs down to where it mixed into an even thicker darker mass of pubic hair. When Victor put the ruler down against his own hard shaft, Pee Wee could feel his own undersized shaft quickly harden. His foreskin retracted about halfway down the head as it snapped up fully hard. Pee Wee's face turned bright red at the thought that everyone had to know that he had popped a boner in reaction to Victor's athletic build, muscular arms, hairy chest, and gargantuan cock.

"How long is Victor's dick, Pee Wee?"

Pee Wee looked down at ruler hiding the left half of Victor's dick. "Seven and three quarters." Pee Wee read out as Victor smiled broadly.

"Victor has the biggest dick of any boy in school," one of the boys's said, as if knowing that fact somehow added to his own status.

"Including the seniors," one of the others added, and all the boys laughed.

"It's your turn now," Randy said, "Looks like you're ready."

"Spread your legs and put your hands behind your head," Victor commanded. Pee Wee complied, and closed his eyes while Victor positioned the end of the ruler to the spot where his dick met his crotch and held it matching the upward curve of his diminutive shaft from base to tip. Victor bent down and read off, "It's . . . " Victor squinted, "Fuck! It's barely 3 inches."

Victor pressed Pee Wee's diminutive erection down with the end of the ruler and then pulled the ruler away. Pee Wee's penis snapped back up, thwacking and bouncing against his meager pubic bush. The boys all burst out talking and laughing, all at the same time. Randy spoke up, talking to anyone who would listen. "Kinda small for a boy his age, don't you think?"

"He's got a micropenis!" One of the boys exclaimed.

"No, a micropeepee," someone else said, and everyone started laughing again. George snapped a couple of more pictures of Pee Wee standing there naked and erect, his hands still clasped behind his head.

One of the boys, who didn't seem to be having as much fun at his expense as the rest, left the restroom. Pee Wee recognized the boy as one of the guys on the swim team. His name was Billy Jakes. He was at least two years older than Pee Wee, even though he was only a junior. He was also the son the janitor. Pee Wee figured that sometime or other Billy had also suffered his share of teasing in school, if for nothing else, just being the son of the school janitor, although Pee Wee had never seen anything like that ever happen.

"How long is your peepee, Pee Wee?" Randy asked calmly.

Pee Wee paused again and groaned out loud. Standing there, his small secret so totally exposed to the other boys in his class. He felt warm tears starting down his cheeks. This couldn't be happening to him. His mind was racing as fast as his heart was pounding so hard he though he would stop breathing. He looked at the faces in the crowd of boys now crammed into the restroom.

"Say it," Randy insisted, "Say it the way Victor said it."

"My peepee is barely three inches long." He said it out loud and felt his legs buckle. The thing he hated most about himself, the thing that kept him from being a man, it had been said aloud for everyone to hear. They had teased him about his small penis before, but somehow putting a measurement to it had made it real. He knew they boys would talk about it. He knew that before the day was over everyone would know. His knees hit the restroom floor, and he bent forward. He tried to hold back his tears, but they escaped the damn he has set to contain them. He kneeled, leaning forward, racked by sobbing. He couldn't imagine a future now, not in this world. He might have lived before, pretending to be a man, but now that everyone knew . . . he fell on his side, still crying as the bell rang and the boys shuffled past him on their way to their classes.

He heard another click and realized that Randy was still taking pictures of him. He looked up at Randy, and said, almost pleading, "I did what you wanted. Please don't hand out those pictures."

Randy paused and looked down at him seriously. "At least one of them is gonna get handed out Pee Wee. You have to learn to do what I tell you to, when and where I tell you to do it." Randy walked toward him, "but I will hold off on printing off the second one if you agree to do something."

"What else do you want me to do?" Pee Wee asked.

"Simple. Shave your body," Randy said, "Pits, pubes, butt, legs, everything below the neck. Agreed?"

Pee Wee nodded without thinking about what he was agreeing to.

Randy walked toward the entrance, then turned around and walked back to where Pee Wee was still kneeling. "And keep your body shaved. You have a dick like a six year old. Now your body will look like you're six years old too!" Randy said frankly. He set down his backpack and dug through his stuff, drew out a used blue razor and tossed it down on the floor next to Pee Wee.

Pee Wee looked up at him almost sadly, totally resigned to the situation, "You want to shave my body now? But I thought . . ."

"I want to take some more pictures of you at lunch today, but I want your body shaved."

"Can we talk about this? Please?"

"Nope," Randy said. He dug out a bar of soap and tossed it into the sink closest to him. "I don't have any shaving cream, so you'll have to use that." Randy left him alone in the restroom and Pee Wee stood up to gather his clothing only to discover that all of his clothes were gone. Again! He sank back down onto the floor sitting naked on his haunches, feeling trapped in this hell, and wondered how many classes he could miss before the school would notice and contact his mother.

After a while he stood up and walked over to the sink. He turned the water on, and tried to get it as warm as it would get, then splashed some of the water under his left arm. He took the razor and began to stroke it across his left armpit, removing the wisps of hair that had marked his passage through puberty.

When he was done shaving his pubic hair and armpits his lifted his arms and looked at his reflection. In truth the loss of hair did leave him looking conspicuously prepubescent despite his height. Randy was right, Pee Wee thought glumly, bereft of hair, his small penis looked exactly like that of a first grader. While it wasn't that unusual for boys on the swim team to shave down before competition, he knew that keeping his body shaved would only set him apart even further from the other boys at school; although somehow, for reasons he might never understand, he must have found it rather erotic. His Pee Wee pee-pee had snapped to full erection against his freshly shaved groin during the process.

Pee Wee looked down in the sink and gathered up the follicles of his lost adolescence that were trapped in the drain and tossed them into one of the toilets. He remained, naked, in the restroom for the rest of the morning, occasionally retreating into a stall to avoid contact with boys who came to use the facilities. He felt more naked, more exposed, and more vulnerable than ever. Randy, true to his word, returned to take more pictures of him, then threw his clothes to him, still soaked with urine. He pulled them out of the garbage bag Randy had stuffed them into, and spent the rest of his lunch hour washing his pants and shirt in the sink, trying to get the smell of urine out. Then Pee Wee left the restroom, his clothes still wet, and dodging the laughter and jibes of his classmates tried to make the best of the remains of the day.

Next: Chapter 5: Pee Wee 6 7

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