Perfectly Beautifully Unapproachable

By Jack Notmyrealname

Published on Dec 30, 2015


Hey readers! My name is John, if you're my parents or teachers. If you're my friend, I'm Jack. This story is partly true. All the stuff about masturbation is true, anyway. But the part where I lost my virginity... that hasn't happened yet.

If you want me to keep writing this story, or write another one, or tell you more about myself, or just want to talk, email me at

Perfectly, beautifully unapproachable 2. Dick

Friday nights when my parents are out of town are the best. I can strip naked and walk around the house with everything hanging out... it's very freeing! And when I know I'm about to jerk off, I get hard, and it's fun to walk around watching my cock bob up and down. I can't run, obviously, because that's as painful as you might guess. There's just something arousing about walking around naked with a boner.

I've always had a complicated relationship with my dick. Tonight I got out my ruler and measuring tape and, yup, just like it has been all year, it's 7.6" in length and 6" in girth. I know I'm really big. I mean, I've seen that I'm bigger than all my friends, at least soft. And bigger than all the guys I looked at at public urinals and showers. Don't judge me! I know all you guys have looked too. Though you might not be as big an exhibitionist as I am!

I did my research too. It took a lot of time to get past all the guys who make up numbers or that cite studies where guys can lie or that try to measure their dicks any other way than on top with a straight ruler. The real studies where they actually measure guys' length reveal that white guys are 5.5" on average, asian guys 5" on average, and black guys 6" on average. So yeah... the stereotype is true... but only barely. I'm not sure if it's racist at all to say that I'd be big for a black guy, but it doesn't matter. I'm just big, period. (Sorry to nerd out on you for a bit about statistics! This is one of those fun times when nerd stuff and sex stuff collide in a fun way.)

So what makes having a big dick such a drag? First, remember that up until recently, I'd never had sex or even a handjob or whatever. The most fun that I've gotten out of my dick is changing underwear in front of my friends on sleepovers, or helicoptering for them in the showers, or just spending too much time in locker rooms naked. Sometimes I even get too into it and I get hard. And while that's all fun, it doesn't always make up for the annoying parts. You can't really hide boners at school. And there's not enough room with briefs, so I gotta wear looser boxers that don't hide much. And an out-of-control sex drive means it controls a good fraction of my life. Still feel jealous? Well, just wait a second.

My relationship with my dick has to be reevaluated now. Because... I just fucked a girl. I moved up from having kissed a girl once (and I will skip over that lame story) to having had sex with a real girl, and I lasted long enough for her to enjoy it! That was almost exactly 24 hours ago now. I hadn't gotten hard once in those 24 hours. The experience of cumming inside a girl (well, inside a condom inside a girl!) just blew my mind that much. But now, looking down at my dick, it suddenly felt good to know that my size was going to good use. And knowing that I was about to start stroking it, it was already hard. I laid down on the couch.

I've tried out a number of different techniques to jerk off, with varying success. I put effort into it, and I get rewarded for it... incredible mind-blowing orgasms accompanied by powerful ejaculation. Now, I promised myself that even after I got laid, I would keep putting serious effort into jerking off. Unless of course I got a sex-crazed girlfriend who let me fuck her twice a day. But that isn't gonna happen this week! So jerking off will remain a large part of my life.

When I really have the time for masturbation, I edge. And I really have the time now. If you don't know edging, let me explain real quick. Basically you stroke like normal, but you stop before hitting the point of no return. The more times you do this, the better your orgasm, and the farther you shoot cum. But it takes skill. First, you have to have the discipline to stop stroking when you're close to orgasm. Your body keeps calling out for you to cum, and you have to ignore it. And second, you have to learn to not go too long. If you keep it up for too long, you can get sore, and sometimes even completely ruin the orgasm.

So I start off stroking, casual and slow at first. Just admiring the up-and-down motion of my fist around my cock. Feeling my balls bounce a little with every stroke. Enjoying the first tingles of pleasure radiating out. I slowly speed up the motion over about 10 minutes. I keep my mind mostly blank, not thinking about any fantasy in particular. Sometimes going back to just watch my hand and my dick.

But after about 10 minutes, my mind jumped to Samantha. I started jerking as fast as I could while picturing my dick sliding in and out of her pussy, and her tits bouncing rhythmically with my thrusts. I almost lost control and just cummed right there, but I managed to get control of myself and pulled my hand off my dick. I focused on breathing while I waited for a minute. Just as I started to lose my hardon, I reached for it and started pulling on it again.

The next few times, I mostly managed to keep Sam off my mind. Her naked body popped in my thoughts here and there, but I mostly focused on my dick. But after 45 minutes, another image came into my head. James, Sam's boyfriend, football jock, and the guy I've hated ever since he punched me in the stomach while we were in our underwear after gym class, watching me have a verbal orgasm inside his girlfriend. And picturing that, I just keep pumping right past the point of no return.

My whole crotch got warm in the last seconds leading up to my orgasm. In a burst of intense pleasure, a huge glob of cum shot up out of my dick and landed on my stomach. With another, more cum splattered on me. With the next couple contractions, I tried to focus on distance. Each time, I pulled in with my groin muscle to try to squeeze the cum out harder. More cum landed on my chest and neck as my whole body was almost overwhelmed with the pulses of pleasure.

Nine shots in, I was done cumming, and I put my head back for a bit. It's wonderful to feel the receding pleasure and all the wet cum splattered over half my body.

I took stock of my work, and briefly regretted not lasting a full hour, my usual goal. I had cum on my neck and one glob on my chin, but that's not my best. I've had to wash cum out of my eyebrows a couple times, which always makes me proud, even if I almost never have anyone to show it to. Someday I'll get it just right and I'll shoot cum right over my head. And I can't wait to feel how hard I orgasm when I shoot that far!

All this cum on me is a little too much to sleep in, so I go in for a shower. Quick showers are really quick when you're nude. You just jump in, wash off, towel off a little, and walk out. Plus, a hot shower with that glowing feeling of sexual fulfillment is always nice. After I watch TV for a couple hours before bed (do you really need to know what I watched?), then head for bed.

As I was lying in bed drifting off to sleep, the idea of rubbing one more out suddenly seemed good. Did I mention that my sex drive was totally out of control? This is what I mean. I rub myself for a second to get myself hard, then I start stroking fast. I don't even bother to try to make it last, and I'm cumming in barely 5 minutes. In the last seconds before blowing my load, I reach for my cum sock and — shit! — I realize it's in the laundry and I didn't pull out a new one. And I can't stain my bed either. So what is a teenage boy to do in that situation? Well... I fill my hand with cum. And you'd think that with all I shot earlier, I'd be out. But it was still a decent sized load! And I'm too tired at this point to go wipe it somewhere, so I just eat it. It's not bad, really. It's salty and warm and a bit thicker than water and that's about it. I barely finish swallowing one mouthful before passing out completely.

I woke up late the next morning. I could feel a little bit of cum still in my teeth, and by the time I finished washing my mouth out, the doorbell rang. It was Saturday and my parents were out of town, which meant that it was my jerk-off buddy. His name is embarrassing and he's always hated it, so I'll just call him my JOB.

We've been doing this for about 2 years now. And he still hasn't gotten adventurous at all! He comes over to get me access to porn (without my parents finding out!) and he gets to jerk off to porn without nosy parents constantly barging in on him. For him, it's all about the porn. It's fine though. Jerking off in front of another guy and watching him do the same is still pretty fun.

I answer the door naked, because well, why not? He already knows I spend a bunch of time naked when I can. No point in hiding!

"Hey little dude!" he says, looking at me. "Hey big dude!" he continues, looking down at my crotch.

It was good to see him more comfortable around me, so I just chuckle and invite him in.

I usually let him pick the porn when he's over, which is sometimes a mistake. Last time it was giant butt fetish porn and I had a hard time getting off. This time, he's put some nice high school girl porn on the TV and I'm happy.

Like every time, he pulls his pants to his ankles, then his tighty whiteys to his ankles, sits down on the far left side of the couch, and puts his feet up on the table. I jump to the right side of the couch, still naked. After a couple minutes of staring at some pretty gigantic boobs on the screen, he started rubbing himself to fully hard, and he started idly stroking. I joined him in stroking soon after. We joked here and there about whether the actress looked like particular girls at school, but there wasn't much conversation. Like every time.

After several minutes, a penetration scene came up, with a lot of focus on the girl's ass. Seeing his fetish, he started to jerk off really fast. And in a couple minutes, he was groaning. And again, like every time, he stood up, and cummed into his hand. I watched all 4 shots, and so did he.

I couldn't resist asking, "Ever eaten your cum, dude?"

"That's fucking disgusting. Fucker." I did resist telling him that I've eaten my own several times before.

He washed off his hand in the sink. But unlike every other time, after waddling back to the couch, he just sat down without pulling his pants back up. Usually he gets really modest after cumming, but this time he just sat there, his softening cock lying across his leg. He looked over at me, and I wasn't even halfway there. I was making very big stroking motions to emphasize my length.

"You think you'll ever get that massive thing inside a girl while we're still in high school?" There were certain things he was shy about on our jerk-off days, but he loved speculating about me fucking girls he knows.

Without really thinking about it, I told him that I already did. That I fucked Samantha in the library at school. And that her boyfriend watched. I didn't even think about how unbelievable that sounded. But I saw it in his face.

"Fuck, dude... you don't have to lie to me about it," and I suddenly didn't know what to say. "So where's the condom?"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He was right. I had always told him that I'd save the condom from my first time. And I didn't. I had a story no one would believe and I didn't keep my only proof of it.

He just shook his head, pulled up his pants, and walked out the door. I tried to run after him, but I really couldn't with an erection, and I wasn't gonna chase him down naked outside. So I just shut the door, and sat in silence for a few minutes. But then the porn girl on the screen started moaning while getting dicked, and I forgot about worrying whether or not I had lost my JOB, and went back to jerking off. I cum in my hand and wash it off in the sink, and shut everything off.

Monday morning, I get up a few minutes earlier to give myself time to jerk off before school. Usually if I do that, I can save myself from having to jerk off at the urinal at school, which can be problematic. And if I do it in the shower, I can even do it when my parents are home.

Now let me tell you about this technique. It's fun but you gotta do it right. First, you get all wet in the shower, and then get out of the way of the shower head, then lube up your whole hand and crotch. Next, you place your right arm completely against the wall of the shower, and curve your fingers away from the wall, around to meet your thumb. You put your dick through your hand, and start fucking it with your hips. You keep your hand completely still the whole time, but you can choose how much to close your hand as you fuck it. Keep it loose and it's more like a pussy. Hold it really tight and you can push yourself to orgasm in a really crazy minute! It usually ends in a pretty explosive orgasm and you shoot farther than normal.

Got it? Good. Because that's what I'm doing right now. Fucking my hand covered in moisturizing body wash. Because I don't have real sex lube. I assume it feels a lot like fucking a fleshlight. But I don't know what that's like either, because I haven't been to a sex shop. I don't have a car and I don't have like a friend's older brother who's cool and could help me out. But on the other hand, I don't totally enjoy fucking my hand in the shower. I never let myself last long enough, and even though it's a pretty good orgasm, I never feel totally sexually satisfied. I wonder if I'd be similarly disappointed after squirting out a few loads in a fleshlight!

No need to worry too much about that though! I had a study session with cheerleader Samantha on Friday. I'd show her some concepts in science, and she'd show my dick how soft and warm and wet it is inside her always perfectly shaved pussy.

That's the second chapter! The next chapter has a ton more sex, I promise. Thank you for all (or maybe most) of the feedback I got for the first one!! It was nice to hear about how many guys jerked off to my story, and how many times! And it was great to know that at least one girl was aroused by my story!

Next: Chapter 3: Pussy

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