Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity

Published on Dec 10, 2023


Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity 8

Chapter 8

I woke up just as Drago did, and as we turned to each other, with bright smiles on our faces, we kissed deeply. As we kissed, we talked.

“Do you think that was a dream of what will come?” He asked me softly.

“I hope so, beyond all else in this world, I hope so. We were so happy, all our beautiful children were so happy. They were all so strong and healthy, brilliant beyond compare, everything proud parents like us could conceivably hope for.”

“Ever since we've bonded, neither one of us has had our usual nightmares, yet we've both dreamed, I think I remember seeing your dreams, and I feel like you could also see my dreams, but what we shared last night, that wasn't a dream, we shared it completely, and it was far more realistic than a dream has a right to be. Also, I've never seen those children before, I'd know it if I'd seen a child that looked so much like me or you it was uncanny. What that was, what we experienced, do you really think that was true divination, did we really truly see into the future?”

“If it wasn't the future, then I don't know what it could be. The problem with divination, of course, is that, like Lupin said, the future is wildly varying, that could be one possible future. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna ensure that that's the future that we share, that's what I want, such happiness and love we all shared. It was beautiful.”

“Yeah, but now you also know what my wedding gift to you will be?”

“Won't make it any less special, and if we can, that's exactly what I'd like.”

“I'd go there now and get it if I could.”

“No, when the time's right, you'll know it. Right now I don't think it's a good idea to go there. Too much could go wrong if either of us go there yet. I wanna visit there some day, and I'd love for you to be there with me when I do, but not 'til we're absolutely, one hundred percent certain, that Moldyvort's truly dead. I don't know if they're watching it or not, but I would if I were them, waiting for me to go, so that they can catch me.”

“You're probably right. Actually, I know you are.”

“Yeah, I think I am too, and from their point of view, it makes perfect sense.”

“It does. Now, we both need a shower, but I need something else first.” Drago said, and then broke our kiss, spun himself around, and buried his face in my soggy nappy. Well, who am I to argue with that, so I too buried my face in his. His smell is so intoxicating, the feel of his soggy nappy pressed into my face cannot be described with mere mortal words, and I can feel his pulsing hardness underneath, and that is simply orgasmic.

We pull down each others nappies at the same moment, inhale all that we are able to, and proceed to suck each other for only maybe ten seconds before we explode in our first baby boygasms.

We did not detach, but now our hands are slipping into the back of each others nappies, both heading for the same place on each other, whispering the command to lube our baby's bums, and then we slip two fingers inside each other at the same moment.

Now sucking and fingering, after having had one good strong cum, we are more able to concentrate and enjoy ourselves, because our first cum came far too quickly to have truly enjoyed it, but we are making up for that now. We are sucking and fingering each other as slowly as we possibly can, humming, licking, and sucking as much as we can on each others dicks, poking, prodding, rubbing, stroking, and tickling everything inside each others baby bums as we can, but paying special attention to each others prostates as much as possible.

Orgasm number two nearly bowled us over totally almost ten minutes later, and still we did not stop.

We should have stopped, truly we should have, but we simply did not want to. Would you want to stop something that feels so good so soon. I dare you to say yes. We sure as hell could not do so. Instead, we continued sucking and fingering, and for almost fifteen minutes this time, we pleasured each other in the best way possible, and when finally we exploded, we damn near passed out.

Only our extra energy is keeping us awake right now, we could both feel it. We had been on our sides as we made tongue and finger love to each other, but we are now on our backs, chests heaving, our breathing raspy, and both of us feeling like several million galleons.

For almost ten minutes more we laid there, neither of us saying anything, and nothing but our chests moving. Finally we came down, and as per usual, we did so at the same time.

“Wow, every moment with you is so fantastic, I can't even begin to describe it.” I whispered into my baby's mind.

“I'm with you there. I think it's getting late, shall we go get in the shower and get us dirty baby boys all cleaned properly?”

“Only if after said cleaning we get dressed like the babies we are again afterward.”


We headed to the shower after stumbling from our bed, turned it on, summoned the cloths and towels we needed, and then hopped in. We must have stood there under the wonderful massaging jets of water for ten minutes before even moving. I decided that I did not feel like doing the cleaning this morning, so I activated the water and soap jets that will almost perfectly clean you, just a word of warning, keep your eyes and mouth closed. Drago must have missed that, because he spluttered a few seconds later and told me that the soap tastes disgusting. I giggled at him.

Once we were good and clean though, we hopped out, dried off, put on our deodorant and cologne, brushed our hair and teeth, and then headed to our bedroom to nappy and dress each other, though we left our clothes off for the time being, because we still needed breakfast you see, and why put clean clothes on, then eat, and risk getting them messy. We ate a good filling breakfast, then went and got dressed.

As we were walking to class, Transfiguration being our first today, we both felt that someone was spying on us, so we concentrated just a little more, and found him. A young first year Huffandsuck boy. We did not feel any bad intentions on his part, the only thing we felt was incredible horniness. As we reached the spot he was hiding, we both stopped suddenly, reached in behind the curtain that he was hiding behind, and pulled him out.

“You know it's not polite to spy on people, right?” I said softly.

“I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again, please don't hurt me.” He said, and though he had already started crying, he started sobbing when he said that.

“We have no intention of hurting you. You weren't trying to attack us, though, were you?” Drago asked, though we already know the answer to this.

“Oh god, no, I'd, I'd never hurt you, either of you, I....I....I, I was spying on you, because, well, because I know you're gay, and you're both so hot.” He said, still crying, but now blushing massively.

“Ah, I see, and you'd like to spend a little quality one on two time, would you, maybe a little spit rodding action. Suck and be fucked at the same time I'm guessing.” I said softly.

“Y...Y...Yes.” He stuttered, blushing even more now.

“We might be amenable to this, we've never shared another since we got together though.” Drago said.

“I'd be okay with it, we know we'll never part anyway, and it can be a great deal of fun with a group.”

“Yeah, I know, I've seen your memories.”

“So, yeah, but if you wanna have fun with us, there's a few conditions?”

“What, I'll do anything?” He whispered huskily, sounding very sexy coming from a very young twelve year old.

“You must be nappied and soggy, we will cum and piss in you, and we'd love it if you did the same for us. We'll fuck you so much you'll likely pass out, and we might still be fucking you when you wake back up. We'll fuck you through our nappies, and we'd love to feel you do the same to us, just maybe not right away.”

“You mean it?”

“Absolutely. Do you know how and where to get nappies?”

“Yeah, there's lots in our dorm room, one of my classmates is a nappy wearer, so I can take some of his.”

“Excellent, meet us in our room, you know where it is already, don't you?” Drago asked.


“Yeah, thought as much. Anyway, meet us there shortly before dinner, you can have dinner with us. After class this afternoon, get yourself nappied and ensure that you're good and sodden, and we will be as well. We have a couple things to do after classes today, so if you get there first, just wait for us, we promise we'll make it well worth it.” I said this time.

“You mean it?” He squeaked. “You're really truly gonna fuck me and everything, make me in to a little baby boy and make my virginity vanish?” He asked so huskily, and that is when I laughed out loud.

“I like that, and baby, everywhere I go, I make virginity's vanish.” I said, and how I came up with my title.

All he did was groan, he adjusted himself in his robes, and then we all headed toward our first classes of the day.

Drago and I had a pretty decent time in classes, Care of Magical Creatures was interesting, to say the least, but every class with Hunghard is rather interesting. Super nice guy, can fuck longer and harder than anyone I know, and he makes stallions jealous with what he has hanging between his legs, but, I honestly have no idea what Bummemore was thinking when he made Hunghard a teacher.

Honestly, the guy thinks dragons and three headed dogs are cute and cuddly. That shit's just not normal. Today was a relatively tame class, because ever since Drago had sabotaged the class with Buckbeak, Hunghard had not done anything stupidly dangerous. Of course I had made Drago come and explain a lot to Hunghard, we explained that we would do everything within our power to ensure Buckbeak was not hurt, but Hunghard has to go to the hearing tonight, so understandably he is glaring daggers at Drago the entire class. We let the rest of the students go on ahead, and Drago and I stayed to talk to Rugged.

“We know you're still mad at Drago, Rugged, yes, he did an incredibly bad thing, and yes, it was his fault that Buckbeak attacked him, but we've already explained to you everything, you haveta stop being like this toward him, it's not fair. We all know that there's nothing at all that we can do about those assholes now, they're owned by Drago's father. We've already sent a letter to his father, explaining that Buckbeak is not to be hurt, but even though Drago's father's being punished, and said he would do what he could, the committee is still Pudge's, and we think that he's gonna do anything in his power to make you suffer, simply because you're a Bummemore man.

“We all know that the trial you're going to tonight is a farce, nothing at all you say can or will change their opinion, or the outcome that they've already decided, they're gonna execute Buckbeak, and you already know it, don't you?”

“Yes.” He wailed.

“Pull yourself together Rugged. Do you honestly think we'd actually allow it to happen?”

“What can ye do ta stop it?”

“So much, but don't worry. When the time comes, let them believe wholeheartedly that you're crushed by the news, and do your best at the hearing, be loud, tell how he's a good monster and would never hurt anyone, so on and so forth. We already know it'll do no good, but remember, this is a play, and you need to play your part well. We have a different ending in mind though, one they don't get to know 'til it happens, so don't worry, okay, we won't let you down.”

“Ya mean it?”

“Have I ever let you down before?”

“I suppose not. Thanks. Sorry Drago, I was bein' mean ta you, when I had no rights. You're a good boy.”

“Thanks Sir. Now, we better run Baby, or we'll miss lunch, and I'm hungry.”

“Me too, but then again, we didn't end up with a lot of breakfast after expending all that energy, did we.”

“Nope. Come on Baby.”

Hunghard just chuckled as we ran off. He would be joining us in a few moments anyway, but he still has to clean up.

The rest of the day went well. We received a letter from Bummemore, as I felt that we might, at the end of our last class, asking us to come to his office, and so that was where we headed.

“Good afternoon Headmaster, how are you today, and you too Zachary?” I asked, for Zachary was there already as well, already in a fresh nappy and nothing else.

“Excellent, thanks Boys, and you?” Bummemore asked.

“I'm great.” Zachary said.

“Great to hear. We're also doing well.”

“Excellent. There was something I wanted to share with all of you. It concerns your parents Zachary.”

“Really?” He asked, sitting forward. Drago and I sat down.

“Yes. Mr. and Mrs. Pleaseme went and paid them a visit yesterday afternoon, with an entire army of support, of course, and managed to take them into custody with no serious injuries. They sure did not try to play fair though, but eventually they were brought down. They were then taken and interrogated, I'm told they each took one, traded off a few times, tag teamed each of them a couple times, and just had some good clean fun. They did not want to divulge their secrets, I assure you, so, in the end, their minds were forcefully broken into with a combination of magic and Veritaserum, and all their secrets are now ours.

“We know of every assassin that they've created, and three more students here have been taken away for cleaning. We know that they weren't here to kill you Perry, unless the very easy and clean opportunity presented itself, but they were to spy and report back any and all information that would be useful.

“One of the boys, in fact, was a frequent visitor here. I've never hid the fact that I was gay, nor that I like my boys, nor nappies, so he was a plant especially for me. I assure you though, he never got any information from me that would be useful, I always left him far too tired and satisfied. I always felt that he was a spy, just from some of the questions he asked right at the beginning, and he was always so insistent to come and spend time, and he'd try and talk more than anything. Of course, I put an end to that right away, I made him crave what we shared, and trust me, he'll be the easiest one to cleanse of his horrible past, because I've already shown him love, and I think that he was still only a spy because they made him.

“And no, he was not the first boy that the enemy has tried to plant with me, I'm well used to that, but every boy has been turned by me and my loving guidance, I assure you.”

“Very good Sir. What about Zachary's parents though.”

“Well, they're still alive, though had they had the chance to do so, they may have killed themselves, but, of course, they were not allowed to do so. Their minds are currently in the process of being wiped clean. They're pretty sure that they're gonna end up having to start from scratch though, since their minds are pretty rotten, so they might have to wipe them completely clean. If that's the case, then they're gonna be left on Minister Pudge's door step, since they're close personal friends, with notes attached to them, stating that dark witches and wizards are being hunted and rounded up, and that all information they have will be found. With any luck, it'll cause him to panic and do something stupid.

“Of course, he knows who'll be up to it surely, there's few out there that might have that sort of power, and so Mr. Pleaseme might get shunted to an even more menial job within the ministry, even more of his ability to spy will be removed, but what they don't know is all that he knows, and no matter what, he still knows lots. He doesn't really need the job anyway, their side jobs pay more than enough, so he simply keeps it to spy.”

“Oh, what are their side jobs Sir?” Drago asked.

“Well, training others, of course, they don't do that training for completely free, but they don't charge a lot either, if they agree to serve in our army for a minimum of five years after. If they do not, then they pay lots. Their largest source of income, though, are security spells. Between the two of them, they can make any house into a virtual fortress. A one year subscription to their magical fortress can set someone back a hundred to two hundred galleons, but it's well worth it. They have to come in once a month to reapply the spells, and it's not easy to do. It'll keep almost anyone away though, even Moldyvort won't get through. In fact, Perry, whenever you're at your aunt and uncles, their house is protected in just such a way, they've done it for you since you were dropped off there, and even your parents had them come and do their house.”

“Then how'd Moldyvort get in Sir?”

“They were betrayed by someone they thought was a friend, and yes, I know you already know this. I never would've believed that Spermius Black could have betrayed your parents as he did, he was your fathers very best friend in the world, but he admitted it. Truly sad, but it happened.”

“Yes, I did know, and I hope that I'm the one to apprehend him.”

“I'd really rather you didn't try. We simply have no idea what powers he must have to be able to get out of Azkaban.”

“Do you honestly think that I need to worry, Sir?”

“No, not really, but even the most powerful person may be brought down by surprise and something they never thought about.”

“I'm well aware of that Sir, but remember, I'm not alone, he can only hit one person at a time, there'll be two people trying to get him.”

“Fair enough, but take no unwarranted risks, I'd really rather you didn't get hurt.”

“We promise Sir.”

“Thanks. So, what's this burning question I can feel you want to ask me.”

“Sir, how good would you say your powers of Divination are?” Drago asked.

“Lacking, would be the best thing to describe them, though still vastly better than poor Truyawney's would be, I'm afraid the poor old dear really isn't very good, but she does have the occasional burst of true Divination as well.”

“Really, she does?” I asked in shock.

“Well, yes, why else would I hire her. She might not be a particularly strong Diviner, but believe it or not, she does actually know what she's teaching. Her grandmother taught her everything she knew, and she was once one of the very best in the world, boasted an accuracy rating somewhere around sixty percent, which is nearly all but unheard of. The best most can do is twenty five, to maybe thirty percent. There's simply too many variables when it comes to the future, too many paths that can cross. Hence the reason Divination is such a hard art.”

“Oh, never knew that, honestly thought she was just a fraud.” I laughed.

“Most do, and she doesn't help herself in the way she carries herself, but don't discount her completely.”

“Oh. Okay then, would you say that Divination while sleeping would be a more or less precise way of seeing the future?”

“Ah, let me guess, you saw a vision in your sleep, probably even shared said vision, and you either truly want it, or you want with all your hearts to prevent it!”

“Truly want Sir.” We both said, and then proceeded to tell them the quick version.

“Ah, a beautiful vision to be sure. Here's the thing about the future, it's not set in stone, not hardwired is or is not. Knowing the future does not necessarily makes things easier, and in fact can make things harder. Sometimes, however, if you manage to get a true Divination sight, and it's truly the future, then sometimes, no matter what you do, that will come to pass, no matter how hard you might try to the contrary.

“In this case, however, you can try and make that future come true as well. Dreams are often the most accurate and powerful form of Divination, even muggles and non Diviners can get these glimpses into the future. Dreams are a truly strange thing, and sometimes this happens. Rarely to that degree of detail or interaction of course, but the more powerful you are in Divination, the more you see. I'd say that this was your first true Divination, though, and it should be something to strive toward.”

“Thanks Sir, we were hoping that that'd be your response. We were pretty sure of it already. Now, sadly we must run, we have a young fan who wants to lose his virginity tonight, he's right hot on Drago.”

“And here I thought he was right hot on you.”

“I'm willing to bet he's right hot on both of you.” Zachary giggled.

“Oh, he will be.” We chuckled back.

“Lucky boy. I trust he's been told to be nappied and sodden?”

“Absolutely.” We both said again.

“Good.” Both Zachary and Bummemore said at the same time, and then bade us a good evening.

Drago and I headed back to our room, and when we rounded the corner, we found the boy we were expecting, as well as another first year that we had seen around, but knew nothing about, other than the fact that he is super tiny for supposedly eleven to twelve years old.

The young boy we met this morning is rail thin, small face and small features, his nose slightly pointed and almost sunken in. He is not a classically good looking boy, but he is handsome in his own way. His hair is almost as messy as mine usually is, shaggy and brown, his ears are covered entirely by his hair, as are the tops of his soft brown eyes. His lips are even thin and almost translucent.

His young friend though, now he is super cute. He looks like a nine or maybe ten year old, but we have been assured that he is in fact old enough to be here. He has long blond hair, it is almost down to his bum, it is tied back with a simple elastic, and it is nice and shiny and bright. He has the most insanely blue eyes I have ever seen, and large too. He has a little rounded face, though he too is skinny, and his nose is just a little button on his face. His lips are bright red and full. He even has cute little ears.

“Well, hello again. And who's this?” Drago and I asked together.

“This is my best friend, he sorta accidentally caught me taking some of his nappies, he's the one who needs them you see, and so he made me tell him why, and so I told him, I hope you don't mind. He asked if he could come too, he'd really love to lose his baby boy virginity as well, because he's as gay as I am. He nappied me up, and I changed him, and we're both already nice and soggy.”

“I don't see any reason why not. Did you at least make each other have a nice hot baby boygasm?”

“No, didn't wanna take away from tonight.”

“Okay, that's fine too, but we could've ensured that you'd last, no worries there. We're likely to still haveta cast those spells anyway, on all of us, because if we're gonna do this, we wanna make it a night to remember, and four looks even more fun than three to me anyway.” Drago said huskily, eyeing up both boys.

“Oh yeah, it is.” I said.

“Wicked.” Both boys said.

“So, what's your names, anyway?” Drago asked. “Not that it really matters anyway, we're still gonna fuck you silly?”

“I'm Pieter, and this is my best friend Tito.” Said the boy we had first met this morning.

“That's an interesting name, Tito, never heard that one before.” Drago said.

“Apparently it's of Spanish decent, I know I don't look it, but both my parents were half Spanish.”

“Cool. Well, come on in, let's get to know each other over some dinner, shall we?” Drago said.

We headed in, and the first thing we did was to start stripping off our robes, and so we encouraged our guests to do the same, that we should get to wear only our soggy nappies in the privacy of our own room. They followed suit right away, and then we sat down at the table. We offered Pieter and Tito a plate each and told them how to use them, we all ordered what we wanted, and then, as we ate, we asked the boys to tell us all about themselves.

“Well, I'm Pieter, I just turned twelve a few days ago, I think I've known I was gay since I was about eight or maybe nine at the oldest, my parents are both magical, and I started really displaying my powers when I was about five or so I guess, but my parents said there were hints and signs right as early as three, which sounds pretty common. I had a pretty decent childhood I guess, and I've been looking forward to coming to Warthogs since I was four or five. I've never had a lot of friends, because we lived in a muggle neighborhood, so no other magical children, so my parents constantly kept me away from them, so as not to arouse suspicions when I accidentally caused the occasional spider to explode, or turn the water in the sprinkler purple, my favorite colour. My parents do fairly well for themselves I suppose, but we're certainly not rich, that's for certain. And that's really about it for me.”

“Okay, and so, how about you Tito?” I asked. “Start with why you're so small still?”

“Oh, well, okay, but I don't really know all the information either. My parents are both magical as well, and after I was born, they started seeing problems with me. I wasn't growing properly, my magic wasn't developing properly, and all sorts of other things. I was in St. Mungos a lot as a kid, and they determined what'd happened. Somehow my parents' magics weren't compatible, and when they made me, I'm the response of two differing types of magic. I was warned that I'll never be very big, that I might not live to be very old, and that my magic might forever be damaged because of it. I'm great in Potions and Herbology, but if it requires a wand, I'm very nearly a squib. The other kids here tease me all the time, I can barely light my wand tip, and that's about as basic as it gets. Pieter's been great, he's never teased me at all, and he tutors me a lot as well. I suppose that's why I'm in Huffandsuck as opposed to Griffendoer like my dad or Ravenscock like my mom. I'm just not very strong.

“As for the rest, I turn twelve in two months, but I'm not even likely to go through puberty, so I may stay looking like this for the rest of my life. I think I've known I was gay since I was five, but I too never had any friends, mostly because of how small and weak I am, and yeah, I'm seriously depressed. In case you hadn't noticed. As you know, I haveta wear nappies, but I do love them, and would never give them up anyway, so that doesn't bother me, and there's lots of others here like that, so no one teases me for that at least. That's pretty much it, really.” He said softly.

“May we take a look, we have healing abilities?” Drago asked softly.

“I suppose, it can't hurt, but I've been seen by every specialist in magical maladies caused from wrong magical types having babies. It's rare apparently, but it happens.”

We both laid a hand on him, one on each shoulder, and we peered around for only a couple minutes. We found the issue right away, and while I have no idea if the reason he gave is accurate or not, knowing nothing of magical maladies and whatnot, we do know how to fix it, it is painfully obvious to us. It is almost like it is a massive knot in his mind, right where his magic is housed, and as we know well, us wizards are incredibly reliant upon our magic for everything in our life, including our life. Run out of magic, run out of life, have stunted magic, get stunted life. We worked on unraveling the knot, and only ten minutes later, we unwound it all, and smoothed it all out, though this is only an analogy, I could not explain the actual issues and how we fixed it, even if I tried and or knew the right terms for it. As soon as we exited Tito's mind, he sighed deeply.

“Oh my god, I feel good. I'm not in any pain, I, I can feel magic.” He squealed in delight.

“Excellent, it worked. Try a spell, something that you know you couldn't do before?” I said, and so he grabbed his wand, and tried levitating something.

“Wingardium Leviosa.” He said, pointing at a book on the desk.

The book started floating perfectly.

“Holy shit, I did it. I've never even made anything so much as wiggle before.” He said giddily. “Thank you so much.” He said, and then launched himself at me and hugged me first, then to Drago and hugged him next.

“You're very welcome Baby. Now, we think that we've also resolved your growth issues at the same time, we're certain that we've probably given you a normal life span now, and you should start puberty once you start growing some. What we didn't do, though, was repair your bladder, we didn't feel you'd want that any more than we would.”

“Really, no, I never want that fixed.”

“Really.” We both said.

“Awesome.” He said, and the relief in him is palpable.

Shortly after, we finished our dinner, it was decided that two little gay baby boys really truly deserved to lose their virginity, so we took them to our bedroom. We had them lay on their backs, side by side, their soggy nappied bums just over the edge, so that their legs would be up on our shoulders. Drago and I spoke the spells on the boy that we had chosen as we were poking the holes in all our nappies, I was with Pieter. We then lowered the fronts of their nappies at the same time, slipped our fingers into each of our boys' freshly opened and lubed bums, while sucking said boys in at the same time.

As we had been casting the spells on their bums, we had also cast the spells on all our baby balls, causing them to go into full and continuous production, we want to taste their first ever loads of cum, it should be good, and we want for all of us to have a very good time, we will try for ten to twelve nice baby boygasms, each.

Both boys squealed in delight, as we sucked them in and slipped our fingers inside their baby bums, and started panting heavily. It sounds to me as if they are enjoying themselves immensely, and I do not even need to be able to read their feelings to know it. Both boys are radiating pure joy at feeling what they both know they have needed for a long time, and both are beyond happy finally getting it.

Sadly, the boys have been anticipating this too much, for too many hours, and as such, they exploded far too quickly in both our opinion, though they seem to agree with us too. Because we had only just cast the spell on their balls, they had not had a lot of time to produce a lot of sweet baby cream for us, but what little they gave us was beyond compare. This is the good thing about sharing absolutely everything with Drago, we can each taste the other boys cum just as well as we can taste the boy we are sucking, so two hot boys cum at the same moment, amazing.

We did not stop sucking and fingering our guests though, they have plenty more where that came from, and we want for them to pass out so totally sexually exhausted, that they do not wake until noon tomorrow. It is a good thing that it is Saturday tomorrow, because these baby boys will be utterly useless for most of the day due to what we plan for them. I want to make this as good for Drago as I can as well, also being his very first orgy and all.

This time the boys lasted longer, not by a lot, but at least a couple minutes this time, and this time they had more cum to give us, and both Drago and I greedily sucked it out, savored it, then turned to each other, pulled off the dicks we were sucking, and kissed each other, sharing the cum together in an incredibly special and intimate way.

“Are you baby boys ready to lose your virginity now?” Drago and I asked together.

“Oh yes.” They both sighed out almost as synchronized as we had.

“Good, because you're both very much ready for us.”

We both stood up, poked the holes in the front of each others nappies that we would need, pulled each other out, and then stepped back into place, and inserted ourselves into two very fresh baby bums. I cannot even tell you how many boys I have fucked for their first time, but I tell you this, it never gets old. The feeling of a very new baby boy bum quivering around my dick as it finally gets all that it ever needed, so tight, so soft, so hot, there are simply not enough good things to say. Yet, I would still rather make sweet tender love to my baby.

“Oh my god.” Both boys beneath us moaned out deeply as we both bottomed out, our soggy nappies pressed together now.

“Good, huh.” I whispered.

“Oh, so much better than good.” Tito sighed deeply.

“Mmmhmm.” Pieter agreed.

And then we started thrusting, and they started moaning, groaning, sighing, grunting, mewling, and purring, it was incredibly sexy hearing and feeling it from both boys at the exact same time, at the same time as feeling it from both Drago and myself. It is almost too much, but we are okay too. We urged ourselves to go as slow as we could, so as to last as long as humanly possible, but, even still, there is only so long a guy can last in this situation, and when Tito exploded, he caused Drago and I to go as well, and then Pieter followed suit too.

“Oh fuck me.” Both boys said more or less at the same time.

Drago and I dumped as much hot gay baby boy cum into the boys as we possibly could, and then we relaxed our bladders and filled them with as much pee as we can give to them as well. Now, I cannot hold my pee, at least for more than a few minutes, and as such, I never have a lot to give. However, I had been anticipating this for the last several hours, and as every guy knows, it is really hard to pee when you are hard, so I have more than I normally have as well, which I do not think Pieter will complain about any time soon, like the next century, or ten.

As soon as Drago and I finished peeing, we started piss fucking the boys, and their sexual sounds only increased in volume even more, and in intensity even more than that. Drago and I are now truly fucking them too, long dicking them even, pulling all the way out, then slipping all the way back in, out as far as we can possibly go, and then back in as far as we can go.

Both boys are getting nice and loose and sloppy, they are taking us with practiced ease, as if they have been fucked dozens of times, which is a pretty good indicator that they are truly gay, and they both feel so good. To themselves and to us. As such, I told Drago to increase his size by about twenty percent, and so we both did so at the same time. Both boys felt this, and moaned so deeply that it put all other times to shame.

Only a minute later and we all came again, but Drago and I did not stop. We increased our size by another fifteen percent, and kept right on long dicking, only now we are giving the boys even more. Before they came again, we felt that they were good for more, so we increased again, only this time by another twenty percent again, which now puts us both at almost double our original size, in both length and girth, and they are both taking it exceptionally well.

And then we exploded yet again. This cum was hard, it took so long to finish, and even our magically enhanced balls nearly emptied out on that one. We all slumped down for a few minutes to regain our strength. Both Drago and I are good, but the boys beneath us are already starting to fade, so we fed them as much energy as we dared, and they perked right back up. Then Drago and I pulled out.

“We're not stopping already, are we? I just got my second wind?” Tito moaned out in loss.

“Hell no. We're just gonna switch it up a bit. I'm gonna lay on my back, Pieter, you come sit on my dick, and then the other two will figure out where to go shortly.” I said.

I laid down and Pieter came and sat down almost instantly. I had decreased my girth back down to close to my own normal size, just not quite, but left my length where it was. Pieter took me inside easily of course, but then Drago started slipping his erection inside him now, his dick now the same size as mine. Pieter groaned deeply as Drago slipped all in, but he was not in pain either, he is definitely feeling all good.

“Okay Tito, now you slip your baby bone into your friends mouth, and Perry's gonna finger fuck you good, while the two of us kiss. After a couple more good baby boygasms, you and Pieter get to trade places. Then, if we still have anything left in us, we'll switch it up again.” Drago said.

Well, Tito wasted absolutely no time in getting into place, pushing down the front of his nappy, and feeding his dick to his friend. Drago locked lips with him, and I slipped four fingers inside his very sloppy baby bum, and started fingering him well. Drago started fucking Pieter with my dick next to his, and I tell you, there is nothing better than being double stuffed inside a boys sloppy cummy pissy nappied bum with your boyfriend. Drago agrees with me, of course, but Pieter agrees at least a hundred thousand times more. His feelings about what is happening are beyond measure or description.

Given that this is one of my very favorite positions, for good reason, though I prefer being in Pieter's position, to tell you the truth, I had no desire to change things up any, and the others are all in agreement, so we stayed like this for a total of three more cums apiece. We have had to feed both Tito and Pieter even more energy, and recharge their balls more, so that we can keep going, though we have been recharging our balls almost continuously, otherwise we would have been empty four cums ago, which would be very painful.

When we pulled apart and said switch, Tito very nearly launched himself into Pieter's position, which is now sitting on Drago, because he and I are trading places as well. Pieter and I got into place, and we started fucking away merrily and with wild abandon now. This time we all lasted for four amazing cums, but that was also it, we have fed Pieter and Tito about as much energy as we dare, any more and we might burn them up. Their balls are also nearly done, we cannot recharge them magically any more, there are limits to how much magic one can do, and we have reached that limit, and both boys' minds are getting near to just shutting down, which is exactly where we wanted them to be anyway.

By the time we finished, Pieter and Tito were not passing out quite yet, but they were both close. We had to magically lift them up and off, lay them down so that we could change their utterly ruined nappies, and then move them back into place to sleep. We made sure to give both boys a very healthy dose of nappy rash cream and baby lotion, to help soothe their little holes, which are well and truly bruised and puffy looking, but not bleeding, so they will be fine. Both were asleep before Drago and I finished getting them into their nappies.

“That was a lot of fun, no wonder you enjoyed that before.” Drago said as we are changing each other now.

“Mmmhmm, and you enjoyed watching a few times as well.”

“Hell yeah, could you possibly blame a guy.”

“Nope. Now, give me a kiss Baby, and then we need to get to sleep ourselves. It's only our extra magic that's keeping even us awake now.”

“Okay.” He said brightly.

We kissed for only a minute before we fell deep asleep, and tonight our dreams were just as wondrous as the night before.

We are sitting around, it is Christmas time again, only now we are considerably older, I would say in around the seventy or eighty mark, yet we do not look all that much older than a typical forty year old. Our magic is still incredibly strong, and it is keeping us the picture of good health. All twenty four of our children are with us, for clearly we had considerably more over the years, and with them are all our grandchildren, great grand children, and even five little great great grandchildren. In total, we are looking at damn near two hundred people. We are in a hall that we can see that we had had to build to house all our family for gatherings now, and every last one of us are in sodden nappies and nothing else.

All our children and their spouses, be them male or female, gay or straight, have had on average five children as well. Most of them have married others in the magical community, though some are with non magical. Some of their children we know were not fully born of the couple that are their parents, while others are. And the same is true for their children too. All are incredibly happy and healthy, all still incredibly strong, it seems Drago and I produced incredibly strong witches and wizards, and they are passing this down the line still.

Still there are not a lot of gifts under the simply massive tree, really only one per child, so there is a lot there in that right, but all us adults simply need nothing more than our significant other to be happy, and we can feel that we all are beyond happy. How could we not be. We can tell that everyone is perfect in their own special way, none are truly spectacular, but all are good, every last one of the adults have great jobs and or businesses, all the students do very well in school, and all the babies are already showing powers and will one day be admitted to school.

Dinner was a spectacular affair, a massive buffet that we must have hired to have done, because there were several wait staff, and I know myself well enough to know that I would never hire full time staff, even then.

All in all, even though not as beautiful as the dream we had the night before, this too was a beautiful dream, because it showed us quite old, still incredibly happy, and with so much loving family surrounding us. How could anything be bad.

The rest of the night we slept an incredibly peaceful dreamless sleep, and I have to say, we truly did need it.

Drago and I slept in by only a little more than half an hour, so we crept out of our bedroom and to the main sitting room, closing the door quietly behind us so as not to wake our guests, who we knew would still likely sleep for a good hour or two more. We went and curled up on the couch, and then had a very silent mind conversation.

“Wow, did you see how many kids, grand kids, and great grand kids we had?” Drago said.

“Yeah, and how happy and healthy everyone was, as well as how strong they all were!”

“Yeah, I hope that that truly is the future, we'll just haveta try and make that happen, huh Baby.”

“I agree. I suppose we should wait 'til we're outta school, and I really do wanna be married, before we start having kids, but I'd so totally fuck a hundred girls right now and make every last one of them pregnant if I could.”

“Slut.” Drago giggled.

“Didn't hear you complaining last night.”

“Mmm, was a really good night, though, wasn't it.”


We continued talking and cuddling, and for a while we even said nothing and just totally allowed our minds to merge together totally and completely, so much so that for a while, we actually forgot that we are two people in two bodies. It was the sound of our two sexually satisfied guests coming out that woke us from our mind trip. When we looked up, we saw them both standing there, hair stuck up all over the place, soggy nappies knocking their knees, and bright sexually satisfied smiles lighting up their faces. It looks as if they are still mid orgasm in fact. They look good like that.

“Well, good morning Babies. We trust you had a good sleep?” We asked.

“Oh yeah. I feel super weak this morning though.” Tito said.

“Same.” Pieter added.

“Good. That's how you should feel. We're a bit more used to it, but we're still pretty well worn too. Come on, let's get some breakfast, then we'll go sit in the bathtub and soak our weary bones.”

“That sounds good.” Pieter said, and Tito nodded.

We ordered up as much breakfast as we wanted, and Drago and I both went with the steak and eggs again, since it was not only amazing, but incredibly filling, and we desperately needed it. Pieter and Tito ordered the same thing, and only a few moments later, we are eating our incredible breakfast. We all damn near licked our plates clean, it was that good, and we were that hungry.

As soon as we were all fed up, we headed to the bathroom and I started the bath water running, while Drago took care of getting all our teeth brushed at the same time. As soon as the water was ready, we all stripped off our sodden nappies, boyfriends took care of each other, though I do not think that Pieter and Tito have said so yet, but I think that they will be very soon, but we did not snoop.

We all laid back in the hot soothing water, and we put a lot of the soothing bubble bath in, as well as a fair bit of peppermint. Drago and I also slowly fed the boys some energy, so that they would wake up fully. We did not talk for probably half an hour, we just sat there and soaked, but then we talked a little for almost half an hour more, enjoying the water fully before washing up.

We all ended up hopping into the shower to clean off fully, and then into the dryer, and we all got perfectly dried off. A guy really could get used to that. We headed back to the bedroom after putting on some deodorant, and proceeded to nappy our boyfriends.

“So, what are you boys doing today?” I asked once we are nappied and ready.

“Not sure, nothing planned as far as I know.” Tito said.


“Same with us, really. Would you like to spend the day with us, and at some point, we really wanna feel you two fill us up too.”

“Okay, we'd really like that, but, well, we're not very big yet.” Tito said.

“Doesn't matter, we have magic and we know how to use it.” Drago grinned.

“Mmmhmm, I'll say.”

“Actually, isn't today the Hogscum trip?” Drago asked.

“Yeah, it is, but me and the younger boys aren't even allowed to go anyway. Granted, we could easily smuggle the three of us out. Not really sure I even wanna go, to tell you the truth.” I said.

“Yeah, not really much to do. I wouldn't mind visiting a couple of the places, but without you there, what's the point.”

“Mind you, Snipe's on patrol again, we could really tweak him.”

“Yeah, we could, but after the engorgement incident, I don't think he has much of a sense of humor right now.”

“He ever had one?”

“Mmm, no, not really.” Drago giggled.

“One of the kids in our class giggled when they first saw him, and the poor kid got six weeks of detention, he has to dissect frogs and snakes for two hours a day, three days a week, for the entire six weeks. I sure don't envy him.” Tito said.

“Yikes. I'd really hate to be the person that caused an accident like that on purpose.” I giggled.

“No kidding, but it was an accident, everyone says that what's his name accidentally put something in too soon, just as Snipe put his face over the potion. Apparently Snipe's super pissed at that student and he's scheduled for at least an entire years worth of detentions for not paying attention in his class. I'd hate to be him, can you imagine having to spend an extra hour or two a week with him, I think I'd rather give up my magic.” Pieter said.

“Me too.” All three of the rest of us said at the same time.

“Even you Drago, I thought Snipe loved you?” Tito asked.

“He did, but he and I've had a bit of a falling out. I'm kinda dating his most loathed student. He hates Perry almost as much as Perry hates him, and so he's not exactly a fan of me right now either.” Drago chuckled.


“So, what should we do then guys. Wanna just play some games?” I asked.

“Okay.” Everyone said together.

Until lunch time, we sat and played some cards, and Drago and I even tried playing a game of Wizards Chess, but it is impossible when we can both easily see what the other plans to do, and we ended in a stalemate in only twelve moves, it was pretty pathetic actually. Even playing cards, we cannot play against each other, because we cannot seem to block our minds enough, and we sure as hell cannot play as a team, because talk about unfair advantage, we share everything, whether we will it or not. So, in the end, Drago and I ended up just playing different games, one against one of the others.

After lunch, we are all well recovered from the night before, we are all nice and soggy now, and we are more than ready to go and have some seriously good clean fun. So, we headed back to the bedroom.

“So, I think Drago would really like to be double stuffed by a couple hot little gay baby boy nappy lovers. Feel free to finger fuck my nappied ass as you do so, and in a few cums, we'll trade places.”

Drago and I had silently spoken a spell well over an hour ago that caused all our balls to go into high production, so we are all going to be nice and full for the fun times ahead. While we were playing our games, we also decided that after lunch that we were going to come and play, so we all have some pee saved up to make it just that much better.

Pieter was laid down on his back, his erection is now poking out the front of his nappy, and Drago had already enlarged it to where he wanted it, and then Drago sat down on it after I prepared his baby bum. I then enlarged Tito, and urged him to slip into Drago, and he did so. I then knelt in front of my baby and fed him my erection as well, and then we all started. Pieter poked a hole in the back of my nappy and started fingering me, and before we even came for the first time, he is up to three fingers inside me, and I know I am feeling good, but Drago feels just that much better, and I cannot wait until I get to be in his place, but, once again, the good thing about our connection, I still feel like I am in his position anyway, and he feels like he is in mine too.

I do not think that we lasted more than a minute for our first cum, but none of us even thought for even the tiniest fraction of a second about stopping, and so we kept right on going. We are all still far too hard to pee, so we hold off for now, thinking that we might be able to let it all go after our next cum.

Tito set the pace for all of us, and he was going a moderately fast pace, damn near jack rabbit fucking now, and it felt amazingly good. The only problem with Tito going so fast, well, two problems, is the fact that he is going to cause us to cum far too fast again, and he cannot possibly kiss me at the same time, moving the way he is. So, I whispered to him to slow down, to truly take the time to enjoy, and as soon as he did so, I leaned forth just that little bit more that I needed to, and kissed the tiny little boy properly.

All of us moaned deeply from the change in pace, from one of near brutality, to one of deep peace. Both feel good, but slow feels just that much better. I don't mind just getting raw fucked every now and then, but getting made love to is far better, in my opinion. Drago agrees with me though.

After slowing down, it brought us all back from the brink of orgasm, and had Tito continued the way he had been, we would have cum in only a few seconds more. After slowing right down though, we managed to hold off and cum almost five minutes later. We all slipped into our orgasms and spilled as much cum into each other as we possibly could, and now that the main pressure is relieved, we all feel that we can pee, and so I urge everyone to do so, all except Drago, who thinks that he can hold his for me to enjoy in a little bit.

“Oh god, that feels so fucking good.” Drago moaned into my mind.

“Mmmhmm, it sure does Baby.” I moaned back to him.

We managed to go for another two cums before Drago and I traded places, and then when we all came again, he did feed me his load of pee, and I loved it as well. We managed to last for only three cums again, but we are all spent, and getting very tired once again. We end up collapsing into a huge bundle of gay baby boys, and just lay there for several minutes as we finally come down.

“Well Babies, I need a soggy bum change, and I know you all do, then I think we should lay down and have a nap.” Drago said.

“Mmmhmm.” We all agreed, though Tito and Pieter are very nearly comatose again.

We changed them first, since they are in no fit condition to do much of anything, and then we levitated them into position on the bed to sleep, once again, because they had passed out not even half way through their nappy changes. Drago and I then changed each other, and then curled up as well. Just before going to sleep though, we gave the boys as much energy as we could, without burning them or waking them up. We too passed out, and I think that we slept for almost an hour more.

As we slept we had another dream, only this one does not seem to be our future, it seems to be Tito and Pieter's.

The two of them are older, well into their thirties now, they are still very much together, and Tito is very much alive and healthy. They are sitting there in nothing but soggy nappies, as two very pretty little boys frolic around on the floor in equally soggy nappies themselves. They appear to be identical twins, about the age of seven or eight, and we can already feel their magic about them. The boys are stunningly pretty, though there is no mistaking them for girls, with shiny long blond hair, beautiful clear blue eyes, and wonderfully full red lips. Both boys are slim, but already show good builds, tough, but not too big either. They too are exceptionally happy. The proud dads are sitting there, cheering on their sons as they wrestle and try to pin each other, and all are laughing. When the boys finish their wrestling match, though there was no clear winner, the boys came and climbed up onto their dads' laps and laid on them an exceptionally not father son kiss each. It seems daddies and babies enjoy their play time together, and we can feel that the boys truly do love their daddies in that way. They each clasp hands of one of their daddies and pull him to a standing position, then proceed to lead them somewhere. We have a very good idea, but we will the dream to cease, because as much as we would love to see what happens next, we truly do not need to.

We wake up only minutes after this last dream ends.

“That was a very nice dream. You think we should tell them?” I asked.

“I think we should, I think that they'd really like that.” Drago said.

“Me too.”

We waited a few minutes for the boys to wake up, and when they did, we asked them if they wanted to hear a dream that we had had, that may or may not be Divination, so may or may not come true. They agreed, and so we told them the dream, and they both have tears in their eyes from it.

“Really, I live, and we have two beautiful baby boys?” Tito asked happily.

“In this dream, yes, you were and did, however, keep in mind, we cannot promise that this is truly what will come to pass. We truly hope it does, but, you must keep in mind, that we simply have no way of knowing with absolute certainty either. It's a very good dream to work toward though, so, keep in mind, the future is not set, and there's no reason that you can't tweak the odds some either.” Drago said.

“Nice.” They both said.

“Very. Now, it's not quite dinner time, but I know we're all getting rather hungry, so let's get some food, then we should go out and find our friends and do something other than sit around here.” I said.

“Okay.” Everyone said.

Next: Chapter 9

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