Pete's First Time - Insert to "Pegasus in Space.

By Tarquin Albi

Published on May 23, 2023



Pete's First Time Supplement

Insert to Pegasus in Space. Characters property of Anne McCaffery.

Peter Reidinger, nineteen, quadraplegically paralyzed but telekinetically motivated, telepathic teleportation Talent on Space Station Padrugoi. Groundside for physical therapy due to gradual neoneurogeneration affected by Amariya Bantam ("Maree"), twelve, a Talented, but unconsciously effective telekinetic healing student at the CIC compound near Jerhattan. Scott Gates, fourteen, telekinetic student at the CIC compound near Jerhattan, Earth

Dorotea's T.I.A. had everyone in a state; but the realization that Maree could "broadcast" to the Space Station was the greatest discovery. As Peter and Johnny were preparing to port to the estate, Peter saw' that Scott Gates, a young telekinetic, now fourteen, had arrived at her side in a fraction of a second after Amariya.

After Maree had successfully "dissolved" the blood-clot in the carotid artery in Dorotea's neck, and the 'copter was well away with her on its trip to Henry Hudson Hospital, Peter turned to Scott.

"You must have been at the basketball court?"

It was only a short distance from the spot where Dorotea collapsed.

"No, I was in my quarters at the opposite side of the compound on the Teacher program, sir," the boy responded. Peter was a very important component of the National Space Program now that he had turned nineteen, and working on the Space Station Padrugoi.

"It's `Pete,' Scott, we've known each other forever!"

"Oh," Scott blushed from his forehead to his toes, "S-sorry, Pete." He looked at the nineteen-year-old and dropped his eyes to the ground.

"How did you get here so quickly?"

"I just got myself here."

"Well, it's a good thing you did, and were able to call for the paramedics.

Scott turned and reluctantly began slouching back down the path to the dormitories, his head down, and his hands thrust deeply into his pockets

:Go with him, Peter,: Rhyssa urged privately. :He's been moping around ever since you left here the first time, nearly two years ago.:

Peter glided toward the boy, not yet trusting his newly acquired mobility. Maree's healing massages had caused a neoneuroregeneration of his body and spinal cord; and slowly he was beginning to regain feeling, for the first time since a stone wall fell on him nearly nine years before, when he was but ten years old.

Maree had told Pete that Scott had persisted in learning how do the deep body massage that she performed regularly on him. "In case you have something else to do sometime when Peter is here for physio," he had said. Peter couldn't imagine why the boy would take that kind of time from his busy study schedule.

Now, Maree had something else to do; she had gone in the 'copter with Dorotea, secure in her conviction that the elderly woman was "all right now," but not trusting the paramedics to be careful enough with her mentor. Anyway, she had an important symposium to attend in Jerhattan, which would preclude her acceptance in the Environmental Life Support System courses at Columbia in the Fall.

Peter was grateful to Scott for taking so much time to learn the massage techniques that Maree had been using on him. He realized that Scott's own kinetic ability would not be the same as the young girl's natural, untrained, but totally unconscious healing ability; but he couldn't stand the idea of her missing the Hydroponics Symposium; and he certainly couldn't begrudge her going to the hospital with Dorotea. He would have gone himself if he hadn't had the physio with the specialists that afternoon. They had been planned for months in advance and his one week a month Earthside was heavily scheduled, as were his physio sessions on Padrugoi.

Peter was exhausted after the rigorous therapy session. That Mark was a slave-driver; although Pete realized it was for his own good. He had disrobed and placed himself face down on the massage table to wait for Scott.

Scott had seemed terribly grateful to him when Peter had followed him to the basketball court that morning, chatting with him and even taking the time to shoot a few baskets with the boy.

"I can't believe how your mobility has improved, Pete," he observed, blushing every time Pete looked at him.

"I can't believe that basket keeps moving every time I aim at it," Pete joaked, trying to solicit a smile from the boy.

"I got into some real trouble with Maree when I was goofing around and kicked the ball into her garden that time. She told me I was supposed to use it with my hands, not my feet;' then she looked at me sternly and said, You don't know your own strength.' She was right, actually; I had no idea I was using my kinetic abilities to make baskets, and when I kicked that ball..."

Peter was glad he had spent that time with Scott, now that he learned from Maree that Scott had insisted on learning the massage techniques.

"Sorry, I'm late," Scott said, blushing, "I had forgotten two parts in my Teacher program and the alarm bell kept going off when I tried to sign off. It took longer to go back and fix my omissions than it would to have done them in the first place. I guess I must have been thinking about something else." He flushed again as he said that.

"Don't worry about it. We've got plenty of time here; everybody else has gone into Jerhattan to the hospital to be with Dorotea."

Scott began the massage with Pete's neck, very, very gently.

"You need to put more pressure into it, Scott. Remember, I can't feel it if it's too subtle"


"No, it's O.K. Just don't hold back. Sock it to me!"

Scott followed his instructions; and soon he reached the towel that covered Pete's mid-section.

"Does Maree massage your gluteus maximus?"

"Well, I usually don't have her do that; but, if you don't mind, I would appreciate it. I'm kinda sore from Mark's therapy; and he was in a rush to get to another patient, so he didn't do it for me today."

Scott hesitated at removing the towel, plainly embarrassed.

"What's wrong, are you tired?" Pete asked.

"N-no. I just..."

"Don't get bashful now; you're doing a great job. Your touch is stronger; and your hands are more powerful than Maree's--it feels great. I've never felt a massage as well as I have with you doing it. I thought I was going to fall asleep when you were doing my lower back. It was great!"

Scott glowed with pride at Pete's praise; he pulled the towel off Pete's behind, hesitating to touch the older boy there.

"Just start again at my waist and work your way down; then go down one leg--then the other."

"O.K. That what Maree does?"

"Well, I usually have her start just above my knees and go down. She's just twelve, you know and... well, you know."

"Yeah, I'd be embarrassed to death to let her do that to me, too."

"I don't have a choice, Scott. She does it because she loves it, like she nurtures the young plants in her garden. She can actually make their roots grow faster. The massage is part of the training they are giving her. They are hoping she will be able to heal the same way Ruth Horvath, Dorotea's mother did. Ruth, herself, could never do it consciously, so they don't tell Maree about that part; but she definitely is responsible for my regenerated nerves and spinal cord. The doctors said years ago that I would never get any better; and you can see for yourself the changes now. You mustn't let Maree know that I told you--not until she is older, anyway. And don't think about it around the other `paths, either. They will know that I told you; and it will get me in the dog house. It's classified information: Top Secret!"

Scott was bursting with pride that Peter had confided that information to him. He knew that something was secret about Pete's improvement, but hadn't known it was Top Secret. He continued his massage of Scott's behind; and began down his left leg.

"I can't get my hands around your leg, you will need to spread them a little bit to make some room."


Pete spread his legs apart and Scott saw, for the first time, the older boy's pendulous testicles and a few inches of his long penis.

He certainly is not deficient in that department, Scott thought to himself.

Peter heard him, and smiled to himself. I should have worn something, I guess. I didn't mean to embarrass him, he thought.

Scott started. Had Peter heard him? He had certainly heard Peter. Scott felt his own penis begin to rise. Just as it had when Peter began talking to him this morning; and he had needed to get away from the others before they noticed--but Pete had followed him. He had actually treated him as a friend--could he hope for more?

Peter felt Scott's sexual excitement empathically; but, not ever having experienced the same reaction, he was only mildly curious about it.

If my own would only do that, he thought.

Scott heard, but managed to stop his hands from shaking and continued down Pete's left leg, then the right.

"I'll do your feet next," Scott offered.

"Maree doesn't usually do that, but if you're willing, I certainly am."

"Gosh, that feels good!" Pete declared as the younger boy massaged his feet. "I'll turn over and you can get a better grip on them. You were going to do my delts anyway, weren't you."

"S-sure!" Scott answered, swallowing hard. How was he going to stand it when Pete was completely nude in front of him? It was going to be a dead give-away of his proclivities.

Peter turned over onto his back, his large testicles completely filled the space immediately between his legs, laying heavily on the table, his penis draped all the way over his right leg, the hooded head touching the table.

"Damn! Wha...?"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm s-sorry, b-but I've never s-seen a penis that big in my life!" Scott's own penis throbbed to an almost painful stiffness, and it bulged lewdly in his loose-fitting trousers.

Pete was puzzled. Was his penis really that big. He had never seen anyone else's.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, it's really big, that's all. I mean it's not even hard; and it's easily twice as long as mine; and it's so... so..."

"So what?"

"Th...thick! S-so damned thick!"

"You probably just haven't seen many older guys' penises before."

Scott blushed to his feet again. He had spent a great many hours of his short life taking every opportunity to peek at his peers and other males at the orphanage, and later, at the Compound.

"Oh, you can believe me when I tell you that it's bigger than anyone else's I've ever seen; and I've seen a lot of them. I lived in the biggest orphanage in Jerhattan, remember?"

Pete guessed he should be flattered by Scott's remarks; but why did it matter how big it was. It didn't work. He hadn't been able to pee through it before a small operation that they had given him when his nerves began to regenerate, what with not being able to control his muscles and all, before; the doctors had `wired around it,' so to speak. He still had to wear that damned bag on his left thigh for his bowels.

He couldn't resist telling the boy; and he turned his face toward Scott.

"Believe me, Scott," he said, pointing to Scott's obvious erection; if mine could get hard like yours is right now, I'd settle for half of what you've got there."

"Y-you w-would?" Scott flushed scarlet. "You really wouldn't have much then!"

"I would, and in a heart beat! I can barely remember it, but when I was ten years old, I used to get erect like that; but after the accident, never. I can just barely feel it when I touch it. You could probably tie it in a knot, and I wouldn't even know it."

"It's certainly long enough to tie in a knot," Scott said. He couldn't take his eyes off it.

"If you want, you can cover it up; if it bothers you to see it."

"Oh, shit! I doesn't bother me to see it. But it does make me hard as a rock."

"Even soft like that? Peter flipped it with his hand and it flopped from his right leg over across his left leg."

"It's heavy; I can tell that by the way it fell when you did that."


"Sure, it's probably like lifting a salami, or something. I bet it's heavy."

Peter lifted it with his hand; and taking Scott's hand in the other, dropped it across Scott's shaking hand.

Scott grabbed himself with his other hand; and a wet spot formed in his trousers where he had drooled some pre-cum. Instinctively, he tightened his grip on Pete.

"Shit!" Pete gasped.

"I'm sorry!" Scott blurted, but he didn't relinquish his grip.

"Sorry? I'm not! That's the first time I've felt anything in that flabby hose since I was ten years old!"

"You felt that?" the younger boy said, squeezing it again.

"Oooh!" Pete groaned, "Yes, I did!"

Suddenly Pete's long, thick penis began to swell in Scott's hand.

"Jesus!" Scott swore. "It's getting hard!"

"I don't believe it!" Pete gasped, reaching down to pull on his heavy balls.

Taking Pete's lead, Scott took the older boy's pendulous balls in his other hand. They were like two large lemons in a soft, velvet-smooth sack. He pulled down on them slightly, and pulled upward on Pete's swelling stalk. He pulled back the foreskin, exposing the ever hardening corona. The long, thick, now-hard shaft, too, felt like it was covered with a velvet. Velvet on steel.

Peter impulsively grabbed the front of Scott's trousers and jerked them down, allowing the boy's own sizeable erection to spring up and slap his stomach.

"I'd do anything to see mine do that!" Peter gasped.

"I'd do anything to help it," Scott responded truthfully.

"Well, you're doing something right. Ungh!" he groaned as Scott gave the fat shaft another tug.

"Ungh! Ungh!" Pete grunted.

"Can I... can I..." he couldn't go on.

"Can you what? You can do anything damned thing you want, just please don't stop touching me, please!"

"I can't believe this, Peter. I've wanted to do this since the first time I saw you!"

"But you were just nine or something!"

"Eight. But you were thirteen; and mine got hard every time I saw you. Don't you remember how I ran from you?"

"But I never knew why."

"I was afraid I would do this--what I'm doing now; and you wouldn't like it."

"I wouldn't have been able to feel it, Scott. Maree has made my nerves grow back; she is responsible for my recovery."

"Can I touch your chest?"

"I told you; you can do anything you want. I would like to put yours in my mouth, actually; and I never, ever thought of such a thing before."

"I know how we can both do that at the same time. Remember, I was in the orphanage. I know how to do a lot of things with something like you've got here; although it's easily three times as big as any one I ever saw before, much less touched."

"I think you must be exaggerating, Scott."

"I am not! I promise, Pete. You're gigantic. And it's the most beautiful cock I've ever seen!"

"Well, it's getting harder, I can feel it! Why don't you show me how we can do it to each other at the same time. It does look like it's going to get too big to fit in your mouth, though."

Scott hastily pushed his lips down over the plum-sized head and continued until he had swallowed four or five inches of it. There was easily that much still exposed; but it was so much thicker that far down on it, that he wouldn't be able to take more than another half-inch without some serious tooth scraping on the shaft.

The younger boy climbed onto the massage table and positioned himself so that his stiff stalk was directly over Pete's face, his lips again covering the older boy's sausage. Pete sucked Scott's erection into his mouth. It felt really different than he had thought it would. It was like a spiritual experience for him; he pulled back and pushed down again on Scott's fat stalk. It was about half the length of his own, but still difficult for Pete to swallow. He kept pulling up and plunging downward until he had the entire thing buried in his throat. Scott was gamely trying to imitate his movements, but that was impossible. He sucked hungrily on the five or so inches that he could manage. His own stalk suddenly expanded in Pete's mouth; and he held his breath, sucking furiously on Pete's oversized pole.

"Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" Pete groaned as he vaulted rope after rope of thick semen into the boy's mouth, triggering Scott's orgasm.

"Oooooh! Ungh! Ungh!" Scott grunted as he gave his offering to Pete's sucking mouth.

Scott collapsed on Pete's chest and stomach, and Pete clasped him tightly with both arms.

"Scott, thank you, thank you!" he repeated.

"No, Petey. You have given me something that I will never forget. You can't believe how much I have longed to do this with you--practically all my life!"

"Well, Scotty, this was my very first time with anyone, ever! I never even knew what I was missing. Will you come back to Padragoi Space Station with me?"

"Could I? Oh, Pete, could I?"

"You bet you can! We'll make it happen!"

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