Philmore High

By C Smith

Published on Dec 14, 2013


Chapter 6 - Presents

The Christmas party at Alfie's house was going to be a first for Mom and for me. I was sure that she'd be impressed with the social status, money and all that. As we road in the car down the snow covered roads It was all I could do to keep my face from smiling and attempt to continue my sullen look. I'm not sure she bought it. I'm not sure I cared.

The familiar gate loomed and the camera stared at our car. The gate opened immediately. The front door also opened almost magically and Anne appeared behind it with a huge warm smile, "Welcome. Welcome. You must be Danny's Mom. You should be so proud. That's quite an amazing young man you have."

"Thank you." Mom replied. I could tell she was surprised and not sure what to make of everything.

"I'm Anne MacMillan, the host, and I am so glad you could come. Please, let's visit and I'll introduce you around. Don't be shy of all these people. True, some are pretentious, but really they are all good people once you get to know them. We have invited quite a few from the arts community and some are quite the colourful characters." Brock saw me, did a second take and came right over while Anne chattered away. "Boys, feel free to go down stairs, Alfie is waiting for you. I like your new look Dan." Armed with our dismissal we made our way downstairs while Anne steered Mom around.

We made a quick walk down the halls as Brock asked, "Dude. What happened to your hair."

"Sup Dawg. You gotta hair cut too. Your blue days are gone eh"

"It grew out so I just hacked it off, but Dude. You are like totally bald."

"So you don't like it?"

"Umm, I liked your hair." he said sounding disappointed.

We arrived downstairs and for the first time since we first met some months back the gang was back together in one place at one time. There were a few adults at the bar. The giant dog statue stood silently in place towering over the room. I think we named him Frank last time we were here. The once empty spot behind the bar was filled by a good looking young man wearing a red vest white shirt and bow tie handing out drinks as people came and went.

We took over an alcove of couches an began to hang and catch up on the latest. I was so out of touch without my phone I had lots of questions about what happened, what was happening and what everyone thought would happen next.

"Eli, you look good!" I said.

"Thanks." he said.

"Alfie! Big guy! Sorry I didn't get to visit you more in hospital. What, umm, how, err... " I stumbled for words I'd heard bits and pieces from the guys, but I wanted to hear it from Alfie and Eli. I finally spat out, "What happened?"

Alfie smiled and said, "It's good to see you baldy. Well, I sorta had a total breakdown when Eli just about died on me. And then you guys showed up. It was so awesome the way you guys came to visit. Anyway, I didn't really need to stay in there that long, I talked with the shrink and I just sort of dealt with things by waiting and wishing for Eli to heal up. I knew he'd come back. I even kissed him one night, you know, like the kiss Sleeping Beauty got to wake her up? Stupid eh? But then one day I was hanging out in his room listening to the bleeping machines and he just opened his eyes." We all looked at Eli.

His big brown eyes smiled back, "Yeah, I'm still wobbly, I still can't remember some words sometimes or lots of event things. I get my rights and lefts mixed up. The doctors said I was centimeters from death."

I said, "You know, we're happy you came back. I would have texted you but I might have been very grounded. Hey! Remember the time I first met you?" Eli blushed.

I used a childrens' bed time story voice and started, "Once upon a time I was sleeping, well almost sleeping and I heard a noise one night. It sounded like a chicken being choked. I went out to the street and found a little bare naked boy laying in the street."

"The end. And they lived happily ever after." Eli finished the story.

"Lil Dawg. Bro. Remember we're all buds here. It's all good." I said and kept going, "So we took the little boy home and bandaged up his scrapes. He wasn't that bad of shape. He took the big boys' bed and the big boy with the huge dick slept on the floor. Did I mention he was very good loking too? Anyway, the little boy invited the big boy to bed saying the bed was way softer. The big boy with the big dick-- Did I mention he had big balls too? Anyway, he went back to sleep. In the middle of the night the big boy woke up to find some little fingers had found his big hard pleasure stick and the little boy rubbed it up and down. The big boy liked it and gave the little boy a BJ as thanks. To this day the little boy owes me, err rather, the big boy with the big dick a nice blow job. The end."

Eli sat there red faced but smiling and the lads did a fake audience applause. I stood and took a bow.

"Danny." Taz said, "Your hair. What the fuck?"

"Not that you don't look awesome bald, it's just sort of a big change." Beni chimed in.

"As you guys know, I was aweful grounded. I started feeling pretty down. Really bad, actually. I felt like I had to, well, I don't know. I had to do something of my own. I knew it would piss Mom off. It would be too late and there wasn't a damned thing she could do." I winked and continued, "And guys. The basement matches the drapes." The guys all gave a round of "Wooos"

"Sorry. I'm sure the guys told me, but my head and my forgetfulness. What you do to get grounded, Danny?" Eli asked. It was my turn to blush.

"God dammit. You guys all know."

"Seriously, I forgot. And if they all know already--but seriously. My brain thing. I forget lots of stuff. Don't worry big dawg with the big dick. We're all buds here." Eli said and I thought I could see a little smirk hiding somewhere on his face.

I relented, "I was fucking Taz in my room. I thought that Mom would be at the lawyers. She walked into my room without knocking. Her timing, well, I just jizzed and my thing was still twitching when we got caught."


"We fought all night. She grounded me, took my celphone, my computer access, my xbox and no visitors. Pretty much solitary."

"When are you gonna be back again?" Brock asked

"She never set an end time. She ungrounded me so we could come to this party and then expects me to go back to solitary after the party. But my freedom is going to keep on keeping on. Either she sets me free, or I break free."

"Sounds pretty serious." Brock said

"Well, I don't actually know what I'm doing, but I can't live like that anymore."

"We got your back. Not sure how much help we can be, but we're here for you." Brock said.

"Well, Benj?" Taz poked at Benji, "Tell em about your piercing."

"Umm. I got my ear pierced." Benji said.

"And?" Taz prodded.

"I got my eyebrow pieced too."

"Shit head. They can see those. Show em." Taz goaded and Benji stuck out his tongue. In the center of it was a silver stud. Then he lifted his shirt. His torso, brown, smooth and rippling with muscle under the soft light made everyone's eyes widen as his shirt rose. He pulled his shirt over his head and started fingering the bright glint on his left nipple.

"You are going to try the tongue nib on us later?" Alfie asked. We all kind of turned and looked at him, "What?" He said and looked at us. We all chuckled. Alfie said, "Oh yah. Eli and I are going out, except Eli's not out, so we're going, but not out."

A round of 'Aww saweet' was given.

Alfie continued, "Yah. I also have an announcement to make. New Years Eve, December 31, at five thirty o'clock you guys are invited over for an exclusive party for just us guys. Absolutely do not be late. I have some surprises."

I groaned, "You got another 370 Z you're not gonna drive?"

"No." Alfie paused. I rented a portable sauna. So New Years Eve everyone is going to come, ahem, ready to party. I will be providing food and drink, of course. Don't bring your swim suits as the parents have agreed to be banished to, Switzerland? or was it New York? Anyway, they are gone."

Another big round of 'Aww Saweet' ran around the alcove.

Mrs. K. happened by and heard us and walked over to our little alcove.

"Boys boys! You have to meet some of our guests. Mingle. Some of us old people can be interesting also." Mrs. K. sounded like she was teaching a class, "Come Brock, Dan. There's some people you need to meet." Mrs. K grabbed us by the arms and we left the guys in the basement and wandered the big mansion corridors up the stairs till we came to a bright room with art work hung all over the walls and lights shining at exactly the right angles. A cluster of pictures caught my attention.

One was the photo I took of us at the hot tub, naked as butt-fucking-naked could be, our arms around each other smiling, happy and slightly drunk. The picture was blown up to life size full color. Off to the side of the hot tub picture was a display set up with a couple more paintings. My head spun as my emotions revved from zero to sixty and bounced.

In an expensive matching frame labelled in crisp dark red letters on a black background, "Retarded Flowers From Hell." My flowers looked intense with bits of green blue and red poking out of the gray. My head spun. Right beside that was Brocks' picture of Alfie with his arm around me and us showing our woods to the world.

Mom was here.

Flowers from hell. Brock looked good fucking awesome naked. Mom was gonna flip her shit. Alfie lost weight since the hot tub party. She would just walk up to our paintings, my nudity both in photo and in pencil and there wasn't really anyway to explain this away or even try to lie around it. I took that hot tub pic. I didn't want to anyway. I was pretty impressed with the photo, with the paintings with the end of sneaking about like my existence was something to apologize for. This time, riding the wave wasn't going to cut it. I was tired of taking it up the ass as it comes. I was going to stand up for who I was. My grounding was going to end. Tonight. One way or another.

"Dan. Dan." the voice grew and pulled me out of my worry. "Dan. Stop daydreaming. This is Gregg." Mrs. K. said using her school tone.

"Nice to meet you." I said as he shook my hand firmly.

"He's quite a collector of fine art and of different styles. Gregg, this is the young man that painted the flowers." Mrs. K. introduced me to a very tall black bald man. He wore a black turtleneck and a single large diamond earring that glinted under the lights.

"So how much would it take for you to part with this piece?" He asked, his voice a deep rumble.

"Oh. I hadn't really thought of selling it."

"Come come. The work is fresh and different. It shows so many aspects. Anger. Movement. Joy. I get the sense of an erotic undertow to the whole piece." He said. He could see all that in that mess of flowers? Impressive? I was pretty taken aback.

I said, "Well, of course I could sell, it. I haven't really --"

"I'll give you fifteen hundred dollars." He offered. I was more stunned. I'd never even dreamed that something I did could be worth that much money, especially art. I looked at Brock and he looked at me a funny smile on his lips. I didn't know what to say.

"Okay, two thousand and not a penny more."

"Sold." I squeaked. He reached into his coat and pulled out a large wallet and counted out twenty hundred dollar bills.

While he was counting he said, "Perfect. Oh this is a fantastic piece. You've made me a very happy man. I know exactly where I will hang it and I'm sure my friends will be crazy with jealousy at the sight of it."

"Thank you sir. That's very kind." I managed and stuffed the cash in my pocket.

"Young man. Young man. We turned to see a blue haired older lady in a champaign coloured gown with jewels littering her outfit. Did you draw this piece? She pointed to the nude of Alfie and me."

"Brock did. No I didn't. My good friend right here did. This is just a little example of the talent he has in his right hand." I said with a smile.

"Brock? Did he say your name was?"

"Yes ma'am. Brock McSweeney." Brock replied,

"Well, I love this painting. I would like to buy it from you if it's for sale."

Brock's face lit up like a light bulb. His art was always better than mine in every aspect.

"I'll give you a hundred dollars."

"A hundred bucks?" The smile fell off his face.

"Why yes. It's quite good. You don't have more paintings? Do you? I absolutely must see them. Perhaps some non-nudes as some of our conservative clients, well, maybe we could put together a showing of sorts in the downtown gallery? I have some pull in that area, but I would like to start out buying this from you. Would you consider? Come. Let's talk long term. Now a boy of your talent and --" She grabbed him by the sleeve and was leading him away leaving Mrs K. and me smiling at each other.

Then another guy came up, tall, slim with long curly hair and scraggy beard.

"Very nice." he said as he looked at the nude. "You are the model for this. You changed your look. I like it."

"Thank you." I said.

"Oh how rude of me. I'm Tanner Millnic. Perhaps you've heard of me?"

"Sorry." I said.

"I have." Mrs. K. said, "You are the young man who did the show in Milan last year and everyone became quite taken with your work, especially the "The Early Fawn" piece. You've garnered quite a reputation in a very short time." He smiled and his chest puffed out, obviously proud of being famous and recognized.

"Yeah, that went very well, I must admit, well beyond my expectations. Well, I have been commissioned by a patron to paint a nude boy, something with my style and flare, not erotic per se, but sensitive and soft, sensual and intimate. I've searched the usual talent agencies for a decent model and to be perfectly honest, porn stars lack a purity that ruins everything, well, at least for me. I see them and they give off a dirty aura or something. You, on the other hand, have something sweet kind and innocent glowing about you. I'd like to offer you a job posing. It would have to be soon though. It would take a couple of days. I can only pay a meager fifteen hundred dollars. I hope you don't mind your pubic area to be shaved also. That's part of the wardrobe."

"That's a bit suspicious, isn't it?" I said.

"It does sound odd, doesn't it? Well, it's to show that even if we are more than naked, we are still men. You see, your length and the dropping of your testicles are testament to the fact that you entered the arena of men. The idea that you shave, well, that you will shave for the piece anyway, is that we hang on to our youth in some aspects long after we become adults. The style, the brush strokes, color pallet, composition will speak those things of the boy, the model and of humanity. You're the boy. If you want it. Fifteen hundred dollars for two days work, you can do the math. It's a fair offer."


"I'll take that as a yes. Here's my card with the address. Be there tomorrow morning at 10 AM sharp." he said and disappeared into the house.

"You are turning from the slug you were to the moth you will become. Feels pretty good?" Mrs. K. said through her big smile.

"Yeah. Tonight was a fantastic night so far."

"I'll talk to your Mother. I think it's only a matter of time before she sees the art and I think it would be easy to get the wrong impression."

"It's worth a shot. Thank you so much Bertha. You're the best." I grinned.

"Don't push your luck Mr. Jordan." Her mouth nearly managed a frown while the smile never left her eyes. She left me standing in front of the Art work.

There was quite a bit of other artwork in the house. Pictures of flowers, pictures of nude men, nude women, statues in bronze of horses, Cowboys, Indians; just a huge range of styles and subjects. It was amazing.

I made a slow circuit of the artwork and then my way down to downstairs to find the familiar alcove of couches occupied by only Alfie and Eli. They were holding hands and talking quietly, sitting too close and looking into each other's eyes. I didn't want to interrupt their moment. I kept cruising. I caught a nice milk vodka beverage thing at the bar and let the alcohol do it's thing. I went looking for Brock, but the house was huge and filled with people in every corner. Then there was trying to find a room to ourselves. I went back upstairs and found him in the kitchen. There were snacks of every sort everywhere and helped myself to some.

He was standing talking to an older gentleman who I recognized from the Family photos. "Hello Mr. MacMillan. My name is--" I started

"No introduction neccisary. You are Dan. Alfie has told me so much about you, and then of course there's the pictures of you." He said shaking my hand vigorously. I think I turned red cause my head turned hot. Brock smiled. Alfies' Dad continued, "Yes. I wanted to thank you so much. I know I don't have to, but, I am so glad that you were nice to Alfie."

"Alfie's is a good guy. He's our friend." I countered.

"Exactly what Brock here said but moments ago. You too make my heart swell. He has been doing so much better with good boys like you in his life. I wished more people in the world were like you. After Christmas break, will you come to the Nissan dealership in town? Talk to Larry. Tell him who you are and that I sent you. He can set you up with a job washing the garage floors, empty garbage cans after school and on weekends. I'll see the pay is fair. Don't think of it as a free ride though. If you don't work, you'll be fired. But I'm sure I men of your character would be a great addition to any of my companies. Still, Alfie's friends are my friends."

"Thank you Mr. MacMillan." Brock and I said together. I was sure that he suspected we weren't entirely innocent and someone somewhere must have mentioned the bottles we'd littered the lawn with at the hot tub party. Christ, he'd seen us all buck naked in the photo. Alfie said he came out as gay. He probably thought we had a go up Alfies' ass and down his throat and he still treats us like family. Amazing. Pretty awesome guy if you ask me.

We politely excused ourselves and wandered the house aimlessly. Well, nearly aimlessly.

My mind ground out the possibilities of different futures, where I'd have a job, money and a life. Sure I still had to finish school, but if I could get past the Mother thing, then it could be totally sweet. Of course, if I did have to get a job and support myself, well, that would be tough for sure. I wonder if Mr. MacMillan would set me up with a full time job if I had to do it. I think I would even need to ask for a place to crash if it came to that.

I should spend less time worrying and more time having fun in the 'now.' I smiled at Brock.

"What?" He asked suspiciously.

"What what?" I double replied back.

"That look."

"What look?"

"That look. What are you up to?"

"Who? Me? Up to?" I said and smiled a devious mischievious smile, "I got you a Christmas present. I can give it to you tonight?" Brock looked around kind expecting someone to jump out at him or something.

"For me? Tonight?" he asked.

I pulled him close to me and whispered in the quietest whisper I could manage, "We just gotta find a room."

"Really?" his eyes wide.

"If you want. I'll do anything and everything you want. Only condition; no strings. Merry Christmas Brock."

"I don't give a fuck about Christmas, but the presents!" His color went a little blush and I looked at his tent. Yep. Sporting a large pole in the center. I snuck a quick feel. "Alfie will know where we can get one. It's his house."

We went back downstairs and found the entire gang camped in the alcove of couches. Brock didn't even try to make it on the down low. "Hey Alfie. Danny's gonna give me my Christmas present. Where in this place can him and me get some privacy, like with a bed and maybe some handcuffs."

The alcove burst into raunchy hoots and hollars. Handcuffs? I hoped he was kidding.

"A room?" Alfie was thinking "Yah. Follow me. But I don't think we have handcuffs."

"We can come watch?" Eli asked.

"No you little perv. You can't watch." Brock snapped. "I've been wanting to do this for a very long time. It's kinda special. Tonight is just me and my bald boy Danny boy." Brock answered.

Everyone groaned and Benji complained, "Aw man. I wanted to see that." Brock ignored all the complaints, held my hand and we walked through the party of people. Alfie led the way. Some winked, some smiled but most never noticed us. We tried the downstairs guest room with the king king bed. Locked. We went up the stairs to the main floor and were passing through, some room or another. Mr. Tangent stood off a ways talking to the Mother. I pretended to be cool, but inside I was really oh-shit-oh-shit. Mr. Tangent tried to run interference for us. He pointed at something away from us. Of course Mom turned randomly and looked in our direction. Brock and me. Holding hands. I'll bet she could even tell Brock was randy by his flushed face and his not so well hidden boner. Then she looked away at what Mr. Tangent was pointing at, I think. Whew. That was close.

"Did that just really happen?" I asked no one in particular.

Brock answered, "Seems like your luck is on the upswing."

We went upstairs. This house was very full. Alfie just kept going up a set of stairs and down a little hallway that led to a room. Alfie opened the door to a typical boy looking room, save for the fact that it was fricken huge and there was a king king post sized bed in the middle of it. Around the room between the rich furniture there pictures of famous people dotted the wall along with art pictures of nude boys. There were football players, hockey players, a couple of singers and some racing car drivers. I looked closer at the pics and they were all autographed.

"This is my room. It's sound proof and there is a lock on the door. You can scream, you can do whatever. My home is your home. Rock on." Alfie said and left and I locked the door behind him.

I turned and joined Brock on the side of the large bed and held his hand. For a couple of moments, we sat side by side, hand in hand.

"How are you feeling?" Brock asked

"That's a wierd question." I replied.


"I'm afraid and excited and my heart is pounding like crazy."

"Me too. But I'm only afraid that I'll wreck our friendship. I want more."

"I know you want more. I'm giving this to you. I want to give it to you, but you will always be my friend. Brock you rock. I am just confused, or well, not sure I guess is a better thing to say. I have too many questions about too many things to just pick one thing right now. It's wierd eh."

"Not for you. You are," Brock paused and whispered into my ear, "Special. Which is why I love you."

"Thanks Brock." I hesitated, unsure what to say or do next, "Well, let me give you the special present you want, at least for tonight." and my hand moved to his crotch. It had gone soft but as I touched it I felt it move.

"For me, tonight, I think you should be more naked than you are. Say Amen Brother."

"Amen Brother!" And he helped me take off my shirt.

"Give unto the lord. Give me your money. Say yes Brother!"

"Yes." I shouted

"Give me your pants and your underwear brother!"

"Yes. Oh yes Brother!" I shouted and naked I pulled at his clothes. They flew off and he grabbed me. I let him touch fondle examine and pinch me. He looked it over with extreme curiousity as if he'd never seen it before. Come to think of it, I don't think he had seen it quite like it was, harder than a rock, very close up, still and me bald as a baby. He stroked and stuck it in his mouth sucking it lamely. It felt like a wet plastic bag.

"Dude. Let's like sixty nine and we shuffled ourselves on the bed. I took the top and he took the bottom. His pale thing was sheathed in foreskin hard like a bone and set against a neatly trimmed pitch black patch of hair above it. I grabbed his balls and fondled them, smoothly shaved. I nearly smiled as I put my lips down and let it into my mouth. I hoped that he'd follow my lead by putting some suction onto it, so far Brock had just made it wet and warm and it wasn't very stimulating.

I put him in my mouth and began to put some pressure on it working it with my lips. He got the hint after stroke number two and did the same. He was a bright boy. He was my boy. Did I want him? Well, I had him tonight and needed to just let things happen without fucking it all up by thinking.

We'd did some sixty nine and I tried to fit him all into my mouth and down my throat. It didn't work and I pretty much gagged. He started to taste nasty, like Eli's cum but different. I came up for air and said, "Wanna go for a ride?" and then we changed positions again. I was down on all fours, my ass sticking up in the air. Shit. "Don't forget to lube." I said. and I heard the bottle squirt. I could feel him lining me up, working my hole a bit to loosen me up with his fingers.

With a little pressure and a little grunting from me, Brock began to rock. I expected, well, I wasn't sure exactly what to expect. I only had the once with Tazman to compare, so I just sort of expected the same thing, but Brock was very not small and very not Taz. He filled me and slowly, ever so slowly rocked back and forth. I was hard and harder still as his rythm gradually picked up but still slow with deep thrusts and very little pull back. He grabbed my hips and every once in a while he would pause and let his hands wander to my hard on.

I came up off my hands and knelt in front of him as he rocked with my ass filled with him. I tilted my head back and tried to give him a very awkward kiss. He gave me a quick kiss but then gently pushed on my back. I went back down on my hands.

"Put your face on the mattress." He said. I put my face on the mattress. He started to rock faster and deeper and faster. He pulled out too far and came right out. All business, he just lined back up again and wiggled back in, but he pounded for another little bit and I felt him come inside me. He sort of colapsed on top of me and me onto the bed. We just lay there, his boner still inside but I could feel him getting softer by the second.

He panted in my ear, "Thank you so much for my present. That was awesome."

"Your welcome. But what about me? Will you at least give me a hand?" I asked.


"What!? Asshole!"

Brock started laughing and grabbed me. "You're so easy sometimes. Here, let me stroke you to the orgasm part." It wasn't too long before his hand turned to lips sucking and stroking and then I warned him. He didn't pull off either. My orgasm was intense as Brock worked my boy with his tongue. His mouth dripped with it and he let the goo drip down his chin. He saw me watching his face and then he looked up and said, "Oh. Hi Mrs Jordan."

My heart literaly skipped a beat. I looked up to see nothing but Alfies big empty bedroom.

Brock laughed and once my heart started beating again and I cussed him out and I laughed too.

We didn't cuddle long, just long enough to clean ourselves up, dress and re-join the the party.

Mom turned off the radio as soon as we got in the car. The hum of the motor and sound of the tires on the icy pavement were the only sounds.The dark road stretched into the future, the lights illuminating the black top and the dotted lines pass by at breakneck speed. The future was unknown. I could do anything.

Mom hadn't said a word. Not one.

I wanted to finish Highschool. I even wanted to go to college, but that was out of reach? After tonight, I didn't think so. During my monumental grounding, I believed that I would never have cash again or that I would get a job, or that Brock would fall so hard for me or that I would be so mixed up and upside down. And bald. Don't forget bald. Never saw that coming. I could go to college. Take a business course or something equally as dull and well paying.

I could become a painter, or maybe a call boy, or male whore, whatever they're called. I would like to win the lottery, but somethings sure weren't in the cards. The lottery and man whore thing were two of them.

My mind spun about the party, the thing with Brock, my future and all the possibilities that awaited me. Too many things overlapped and I'd had a couple more of those vodka things.

Mom pulled the car over to the side of the road and said, "Oh Danny, honey, I'm so sorry." Mom's voice was soft and sad. I wanted to snap back, lash out, hurt her, retaliate for everything bad in my life, everything she did to me, the grounding, marrying the sperm doner, letting him beat me, but the quiet sadness in her voice stopped me cold.

"What?" I asked, my voice tight and wound like a cat ready to pounce.

"I'm sorry I grounded you. I'm sorry I never talked to you more before. I'm sorry I walked into your room. I'm sorry for so many things." Her voice waivered as she was on the verge of tears.

"Why? What?"

"The party, tonight. I talked to Anne. She's such a nice lady. She told me how you and your gang accepted Alfie and what a difference it made on his life. Then I talked to Mrs. Korlack. She told me what a good impact you had on the people around you. She told me how brave you were posing for that picture with Alfie. She told me how her class respected you and how you did so good with all the odds stacked against you. Then I talked to Mr. Tangent. He said pretty much the same thing, except for the whole school. He told me that out of all the kids in the school, you were one of the very special kids that made a difference to everyone around you. They all saw your pictures. They all knew that you," she paused, "Did gay things, or whatever. But none of them cared about that. They only see the good things in you." And she started to out right cry.

I felt something beyond words. Maybe it was relief, love, happiness, grief, sadness, happiness and a whole bunch inbetween. We awkwardly hugged in the front of the car.

"The people around you saw only the good things and I only saw, something else. I know I don't agree with everything, and maybe I never will. You are your own person and you'll always be my son. I should have stayed out of your bedroom. That's yours. Your sexuality and your decisions. You have gone to boy to man in such a short time. I'm not ready, but I can't hold you back any longer. I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me?"

Through my tears and sobbing, I said, "Of course Ma. I have had-- We've had such a hard time with--. I love you Ma."

We cried and hugged for a bit and then Mom started driving again while sniffling and wiping her eyes. She nearly drove off the road. We got home all safe in one piece. We walked in the door and Mom had my phone in my hand in a flash. 976 new texts.

I went up to my room, took off my clothes and climbed into bed My job tomorrow started aweful early, so I set my phone alarm and let sleep swirl me into the darkness of dreams.

Copyright 2013 Craig Smith

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Notes from the author: This is a lot of work, and I'm giving it away for free with the hope that it will be read. Thanks to Jim and Frank for all the support and help. This is not a never ending series. Philmore High will end next chapter. Of course the sauna and the hot tub will be well used... any suggestions are helpful and encouraged.


No part of this publication may be reproduced,distributed,or transmitted in any form or any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system without the express prior written permission of the author.

Characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.


Next: Chapter 7

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