Philmore High

By C Smith

Published on Jan 1, 2014


Chapter 7 Happy New Year

I found myself flying through the air naked and hard.

My bare-assed nudity and erection were totally forgotten

as the carpet seemed both too far away and coming too

close too fast. I thought for sure the floor was going

to reach up and I was going to slam my face into the

floor wiping out all the fun of the sauna.

I guess I should really start at the beginning of how I got myself into this mess. It seemed so harmless and simple at the beginning as beginnings often seem.

Mom was driving me out to Alfie's. The setting sun outlined the country in crisp white snow covered fields making the trees and other objects popping up in odd bright colours, light blue sky and bright reds as the sun made it's hasty retreat to where ever it went on long winter nights. The country road with sparse houses dotting the country side and the occasional car passed.

I felt, well, confused. I always felt confused. It felt sort of like the first time Eli's wandering hand found my underwear line and crossed it or when Brock and I swapped hands to porn for the first time. It also kind of felt like I was about to take off all my clothes with Alfie. I was jittery. I was eager. Things were fresh, new and scary. I fidgeted and changed the radio station.

"Dan!" Mom noticed and said, "Honestly. That's the fourth time in three minutes you changed the station. Stop it."

"Sorry Ma." I said.

"You have ants in your pants tonight. What's got into you?"

"Teen stuff."

"Ah. I think I get it. So you never did tell me; how your last job with that painting guy go?"


"Is he, um, were you two-- he's quite a bit older than you--"

"No! Jesus! Mom! I don't fool with every guy I meet."

"Well, you were naked and he was painting you."

"Mom! Seriously! Here's what happened. I showed up. The guy gave me some tea, I took off my clothes, he positioned me, I sat there and waited for like an hour and then I had a break. He painted. I sat. All day. That's it. Nothing else. Nothing."

"I'm sorry Dan. It's just a bit of an adjustment for me to get my mind around. I guess quite a few changes came this last while eh? Scott actually paid part of the six months child support he owed. I guess my new lawyer is really putting the screws to him - threatening to garnishee his wages, ruin his credit." Mom continued to go on about the sperm donor and lawyers and such.

My mind floated back to the first time Brock jerked off beside me. My mind still couldn't believe he wanted me all this time and I wanted him and then the one day we just jerked off in front of the porn. I could remember the whitish glow of the screen highlighting his member with my hand wrapped around it making him feel good. I forced myself to calm down, but all the while the image of buck naked Brock with blue hair up and blue hair down floated in and out of my head. Damn this was exciting.

The familiar gate loomed. We didn't even buzz and the gate opened. Alfie was watching for us.

The huge mansion never ceased to impress. It was big and rich everything. Mom had barely stopped the car when I had the door opened and like a flash I-loved-you-Ma and was at the big front door. It was open. I let myself in and closed the huge heavy door, lost my winter gear and ran downstairs.

"Dude. You fuck-tard. You are late. Sit your fucking ass down on the couch right fucking now." Alfie's voice didn't quite have an edge to it but it was enough I didn't protest the bitching out. The couch in front of the massive screen was filled with our second family of hot guys and Alfie. He was losing weight and was really beginning to look better and better. Tazman, Eli, Benji, Alfie and my boy Brock sat on the couch really close together.

"Sorry. Mom was late cause--"

"Sh--" Alfie shushed me. What the fuck was going on? He was certainly in a mood. Something was definitely going on. The TV was playing the six o'clock news with it's boring music jingle spitting out of every speaker downstairs at ear popping volume.

"Tonight's news, a shocking arrests in our community, of an icon known for controversial freedom of speech tactics. A self proclaimed preacher and an unknown minor were arrested. Details to follow." The news thing played out and and the anchor started their formal reciting of the news.

"Mr. Peter Lipstain has been arrested in an alleged case of conspiring in the case of the beating of Eli Gonzales. Charges include, conspiring to commit fraud, money laundering and conspiring to acts of terrorism. Details are sketchy at this point as the police have an investigation is ongoing, but the allegations are serious and appear substantiated. CBC News has an exclusive clip of an alleged conversation between unknown parties and Peter Lipstain. We apologize for the poor quality, however the tape appears genuine. The audio clip also contains language that may not be suitable for minors."

The tape played with a picture of a guy in handcuffs, who must have been Peter Lipstain. The sound really was really shitty.

"So Lipstain, You gonna pay us fifty thou more or what?

"This is outrageous. I paid you once. that fucking little kid wasn't s'posed to talk after the beat you want me to pay you for failure? You are fucking amateurs. I dealt with the boys in Saskatchewan who did their thing for me want fifty grand more. Fuck you."

"Do you know who we are? fucking with? Either you pay us the money or--"

"Or fucking what? I paid you to take care of a little problem my son had. A small kid with a big mouth and you fucked it up." The clip cut out after what sounded yelling and maybe some action.

The picture vanished and the nicely dressed news people continued, "This is a shock to the community, especially to the religious community who previously backed Lipstains' ministry and questionable tactics. After the break we will be looking at the community's reaction.

The mute button was pushed and we all sat there watching a commercial roll past.

Finally Benji broke the silence with , "What the fuck was that?"

Alfie got up, killed the TV and faced us. We must have looked pretty shocked and he had the oddest smirk on his face and his chest puffed out a bit. I think he must have rehearsed it like a speech.

"Well," he said again with his smirk transforming to an outright glowing smile, "I hired a private investigator to find out who beat up my little buddy. He found out that the first time that Eli was beat up by that Tom guy. Well, that was just Tom acting out on his own, but the last time was way more serious. Eli was in such bad shape that something odd had to be up. Our guy didn't have to look very long and found some ties to some bad ass organized crime types."

"Our guy?" I asked

"Yah," Alfie replied, "Me and Dad. Anyway, Dad's got all kinds of connections. So he talked to some guys who set up the video. Dad wouldn't tell me exactly, but Lipstain turned out to be the guy behind it all. He's as dirty as they come. Not all of the tapes were given to the news. The little fuck - the little Lipstain, well, he didn't like Eli speaking out at the Assembly that day we went streaking. He also figured out somehow it was Eli who set us up to streak on his TV spot and that bruised his huge ego somehow. The little Lipstain talked to the big Lipstain, they hired some guys who we paid to turn on them and tah-fucking-dah.

"Yah. And I arranged for the little Lipstain fuck to get arrested with his fucking Lipstain father. After they get out of prison, if they ever do, my Dad has some guys waiting for them. They might not ever make it home. No one fucks with my buddy Eli."

We all kind of sat there stunned. Our loveable big Alfie just turned into a werewolf or something. Then Brock started to cheer and whoop and the contagion spread. We all started cheering whistling and dancing around like fools. The noise was almost deafening.

I yelled till my throat went raw. Lipstain and his fucking sperm donor were fucking evil and Alfie, the big fat awesome mental mess turned the tables on him. Holy fucking shit. Justice served was so sweet. Alfie was nothing like what I thought he would be when we first met up. Man, he was so awesome. What's that saying, 'The man of the hour?' or Hero or something. No one pops out of nowhere and fucking serves justice up in doses like he did.

"Hey guys!" Alfie shouted, "The bar is open! and Pizza guy will be here in ten minutes.

I went over to him and gave him a big hug and whispered in his ear, "Dude, you are so awesome. I am so glad we posed and I got to know you."

The pizza showed up. The music flowed along with the liquor. Benji was the first to take off all his clothes. No one asked why. No one told him it was bad or wrong or weird or anything. He just did it without any explanation. We played games and visited and ate lots of pizza. I don't know what it was about that brown boy that was so hot. He was thick and had muscles all over, but it was his sensual soft lines, his ease of being naked, his brown ass, long sweet uncut Johnson and lack of tan lines all put together that made me semi hard. I didn't want him, but I did. His nipple ring sparked in the light.

We played foosball, pool, video games of every sort and then Alfie announced it was sauna time. No one argued.

We all got naked and met up at the sliding door. The bright lights showed a nice hot tub steaming in the middle of the freaking freezing cold and on the other side a little building on wheels with inviting lights.

"Guys." Alfie said, "Here's the deal. We gotta get from here to there in the fucking cold, but the sauna is a wet sauna. That means we can pour water on the rocks. Don't piss on them. Once we're in the sauna we can send someone into the snow."


So we walked outside. Naked. All the hormones that lifted my wiener to a mega hard on were no match against winter's cold. Six limp boys entered the sauna and after the door closed the heat crept back into my bones.

"This is fucking awesome." Eli said it for us all.

We talked about this and that and mostly at the same time as each other. The sauna's heat drove the chill out of the air and the steam from the rocks rose till the temperature rose from chilly, past warm and climbed into really hot.

"I'm going to dip in the snow. I'm hot," I said.

I opened the door and ran into the snow the sounds of disbelief of the guys. I got out into the snow and dove down, or fell down depending on who you asked. I rolled around, the snow clumping on my hot skin and falling off once I stood up. My manhood attempted a full retreat.

The pins and needles were more of shards of little glass being stuffed under my skin. My whole body felt pain and pleasure. Mostly pain. Millions of micro pain things didn't cut my skin. Being electrocuted by the shocking cold snow was awesome and very cold.

I lasted in the snow a couple of seconds before I turned back toward the little sauna. I passed five naked squealing teens on my way in. Before you could say, "Ukulele" they all turned and left the hot sauna to find fresh snow to torture their smooth, sweaty, glistening, naked skin. I wanted to be warm again. So I closed the door.

Hello? The door to the sauna had a latch. Who'd put a thing like that there? From the comfort of the warm sauna I watched until the first of the gang tried to re-enter. The latch latched and the boys howled outside in the cold. The banging on the door grew along with shouts and pleadings.

I don't think it was that long, but who knew, I was warm like toast and they were all covered in snow. I let them in when I the cussing reached more serious notes. I laughed as they cursed me out and gave me a few lame shots to the shoulder. We all snuggled into the sauna waiting for it to heat us all back up again. Brock sat beside me, his cold naked torso against mine and I found my arm around him. I paused to think of how I got locked into a sauna with some of the hottest nicest guys in school. So I just said, "Hey guys. I don't know how this started, but this is awesome. I don't know if it will all end badly and we hate each other. I hope not, but I want to say this. I love all you guys. But Alfie has me drunk and naked and the King king bed is waiting. Let's go have some sex and jizz our brains out."

The guys laughed, guffawed and we trooped out of the sauna heading for the spare room King king bed. The six of us. I found Benji's hand to hold on one side and Brock, my boy, on the other. The stream of naked teen boys to the into the house was short sweet and hot.

Alfie lead. His weight forgotten, his light blue eyes sparkled mirth under his strawberry hair that he let grow out, followed by his boy Eli. Eli really did grow a few pubes, short and new and his boys and wee circumcised cock was as fresh as ever. He was also hard and ready for the frolic in the hay. Benji was dark and big as ever, nearly hard but big and imposing. His sensual lips seemed to be bigger and ready. Tazman stood as the nearly perfect boy. He was slim, the first fuck of my life and god like with chiseled torso perfect muscles. He stood with his wee dick pointed up at the perfect angle. I loved his long curly hair and green eyes. Me, of course. I think I lost a bit of weight, still skinny and hung like a regular uncut bald teen guy who shaved off all his pubes. I think I might have looked closer to Eli's age being bald and smooth. The boys loved me anyway, even though shaving my hair might have been a mistake, especially for the one who was squeezing my hand, Brock. His black hair was trimmed close, his pubes too. His blue eyes burned with a happiness that he only looked at me with... I guess the closest thing I could think of was love. He really loved me even though I was a pretty good mess. Those piercing blue eyes burned happiness, kindness and love with a spark of mischief.

Brock grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me about five or six feet off the ground. I flew through the air. I figured that Brock over estimated his strength or underestimated my weight. Maybe he got the velocity mass ratio wrong.

I found myself flying through the air naked and hard. My bare-assed nudity and erection were totally forgotten as the carpet seemed both too far away and coming too close too fast. I thought for sure the floor was going to reach up and I was going to slam my face into the floor wiping out all the fun of the sauna.

I figured my face was going to grind into the rug with my body piling it in afterward. The floor flew past and the edge of the bed grabbed me and I bounced.


"Dude. You totally freaked me --" I started before he put one hand over my mouth. Electricity in my dick zapped my thoughts to nothing in the flash of a touch.

"Shh." He said. He started to stroke me. Wow I needed this. I needed him. I needed more. Before I could say anything he had his mouth on my organ and his one eyed lizard stared at me from above. I guess sixty nine was the number of the night. I didn't hesitate. It was full, it was hard and ready and it was in my mouth in one heart beat. I took my tongue and drew circles between the skin and the head. I teased him with bliss as I licked up and down. I let my fingers wander to his beautiful big smooth butt cheeks and let my finger wander to his asshole. I pushed in a little. He flinched a little as I toyed and played.

Somewhere on the king king bed the other boys played. Alfie shouted at the top of his lungs, "STOP!"

We all looked at him, his hulking strawberry frame standing in the middle of the bed. "Let's change things up a bit. I wanna try Brock. Eli, you can have Taz, and that leaves Dan with Benji."

"Um, okay. I guess we could switch, since the mentally unstable fantastically rich hero told us exactly what the fuck we should do." I said.

We laughed. And then we did exactly as Alfie told us to.

Benji's tongue piercing felt odd and kind of kinky scraping up and down my pleasure pole. He was a good size too. We did the sixty nine thing for a while before I decided I wanted in. He was probably too big for my ass, but I was a good size for him. At least that's what I told myself and by god he didn't complain as I put him on his back, put his ankles on my shoulder and queued my stick up to his hole.

The entrance wasn't shaky. I slid in nice and smooth and had a pretty good rhythm going. His brown body was hard to move as I had both his legs in the air and banged him. It was nice. I took my time and found my time was getting faster and faster before I blew my first load of the night into Benji's ass. I guess I was the first to finish as I looked over at the other lads.

Alfie was on all fours and Brock knelt behind thrusting. God he had a nice ass.

Eli had his ass in the air as he was on top of Taz bobbing his head. They were both letting little moans out. I was done, but it seemed Benji was still pretty much horned up to ten on the scale of horniness. He went over to Eli's bubble and tried to enter. Tried and failed.

"Fuck dude. You're too big. Stop stop stop." Eli protested. Benji stopped.

"Sorry man. Danny gave up on me after he came in me." Benji said sounding pitiful.

"Okay okay. I can put out, just enter slowly and lots and lots of lube." I said.

"Naw. We can take a break. You'll like it more in about an hour. Let's go gaming." He replied.

"Really?" I said. The grunting of pleasure from the other boys made the whole thing seem surreal.

"Sure." Benji said, "We got all night and I plan on tasting a bit of Brock too. I tried to not be jealous and think anything. Brock was probably feeling the same thing, but the look on his red face only spoke of fuck fuck fucking.

I guess a time out and a charge up would be a good idea.

I put on my boxers and Benji put on a smile.

"Thanks Benj. I know you need to blow some seed. I could use a rest and recharge."

We played foosball and air hockey. Taz and Eli came out all smiles and naked. We played and drank and before sooner than later Brock and Alfie came out. We kept up our games laughing and playing and drinking.

Eli came out of no where and said, "Hey, let's edge Benji."

"What's that?" Taz asked.

"No." Benji said. I was curious too. I'd never heard of edging. It sounded, well, dangerous.

"It's where we tie up our victim, and jerk him, but we put a cock ring on him and he can't jizz. We just get him close to it, then we stop. It's fun, takes a long time and the victim will get to be jerked so long that he's bruised and he jizzes so hard after that it hurts."

"How the fuck do you know all this?" I asked.

"No fucking way." Benji said as he started to back away.

"Alfie?" Taz looked at him. We all kind of looked at him.

"Meh. Let's keep it easy and fun. Benji doesn't look like he's all that excited about trying something on the darker side."

"I never said that. I just didn't like the word, "hurt."" He said.

"Well, maybe you can try it later. Tonight is easy breezy." Eli said and then grabbed the soft Benji and started stroking him. I helped. Brock's hands grabbed him and so did Tazmans. We all kind of took the big brown boy and touched him till he jizzed. He blew a huge load and then he blew some more and then more. I never knew a guy could blow so much.

We drank. We frolicked. I fucked every one of the boys that night. I kept coming back to Brock and the drunker I got the more I realized I couldn't really live without him. We'd adjusted lines. We fucked and sucked. We danced together and sang songs.

In the morning or early afternoon I woke up naked with my buddy Brock in my arms and between my legs, my cock stuffed between his butt cheeks. He snored. I explored his body with my hand. His face was usually nice, but today he was greasy and smooth. I guess we all were. My hands moved to his chest and I listened as his chest's rising and falling. That sounded nice along with his heart beating. My hands wandered down his stomach that wasn't quite etched but full and not flabby. His thighs weren't sex organs, his hips weren't taboo, maybe, but they were sweet bare smooth flesh I never got to feel every day. It wasn't his flesh ass or his big boy, but a roadway that was both private and sensual for reasons I couldn't explain. The hips held my attention for only so long and then the more explosive parts beckoned.

Brock's balls were soft and warm and nice. They were quite a bit bigger than mine, and his shaft wasn't soft anymore. I noticed his snoring had stopped also.

Our bodies intertwined and I whispered in his ear, "Good morning buddy." "Good morning. Where are we and don't stop."

"At Alfie's and we drank and partied. I think we found a room, somewhere on the second floor." I said and Brock laughed.

"Yah. I remember. I was just checking to see how much you remembered. You were pretty drunk."

"Everyone was."

"So, keep going with your hand, your mouth and as you have your lips wrapped around me, ask yourself, MMmmm mmmm mmm?" Brock said. I laughed and said, "You goof ball." and then did exactly what he told me. His member went from semi to full in a couple of licks. It was smooth hard big and I had it in my mouth. I was moving it up and down listening to slurping and feeling him stroke me with his hand. I think he might have been looking and examining it but my mouth was full.

"Thanks Dan. I meant to say, you got your lips on my shaft. I love it. I love you. Are you sure you're not gay?" Brock asked.

"Mmm mmmm mmmm" I said and we both laughed till our sides hurt. I caught my breath and finally said, "Brock. I came to a conclusion last night. I might or might not be gay, but I love you more than life itself. I want you to be part of my life, like forever. What do you say Brock?"


The end

Copyright 2013 Craig Smith

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Notes from the author: Thanks for reading and for sending feed back to me also. Part of this story was fun to write, some of it was really hard and it was all a learning process for me. I hope you enjoyed it and forgive my terrible spelling and grammar. Be kind to everyone. One day, one of those people might be me.


No part of this publication may be reproduced,distributed,or transmitted in any form or any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system without the express prior written permission of the author.

Characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

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