Phoenix Fire

By Andy Darko

Published on Apr 5, 2007


I am not affiliate with Marvel or any of its subsidiaries. I just wrote the story because I love the X-Men.

This is a homosexual story that does involve sex between men. If that offends you, leave.

Phoenix Fire Pt. 2 by Andy Darko (Dedicated to Kenny B. and Bobby Drake) X---------------------------------------------------------------X

I was awakened by a shrill alarm ringing to my right. I felt Scott's weight leave my body and the alarm was promptly cut off. He sighed deeply, muttering something under his breath before sliding out from under the covers. I opened my eyes to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, head hung. When I touched his back, he jumped slightly before turning around. His eyes were closed seeing as his glasses were sitting on the bedside table. I picked them up and gently slid them onto his face. There was a brief flash of light around the lenses as he opened his eyes.

"Morning," he said, voice deepened and cracking from hours of sleep. "No nightmares I assume?"

I shook my head, smiling sleepily. "What time is it?"

"Seven thirty," he grunted. "But, you go back to sleep. I have to help Ororo, Hank and Logan set up the welcoming wagon for the new kids. You're not really required to be there until eleven when we start the lunch. So, I'll set the alarm for ten, okay?"


He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "You're the most beautiful man in the world."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Yeah, okay. You must still be asleep."

Scott stood and streched his body out, muscles rippling. "Hey, a guy like you could have any man he wanted." I grunted, making Scott laugh. "Well, I'll leave you to sleep. Don't forget. Eleven,"

I rolled over and drifted back into a light sleep. I was looking forward to greeting some new students, but I wasn't really sure what to expect. The last wave, a year prior had been nothing but a bunch of pre-teens; over hormonal kids with little to no control over their powers. Needless to say, it had been quite a couple of months. Hopefully, this batch would be a little more mature.

At ten fifty-five, I found myself greeted by a large group of people gathered in the back lawn. Even though it was mostly students I already new, there were a decent amount of new faces. I noticed one in particular, as he was standing by himself. He was about the same height as me with finely done blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He had a sharp, angular face that contrasted his obviously uncomfortable body language. He was wearing a large brown trenchcoat and seemed quite keen on keeping it on. He was watching the other students move about in a rather bird-like fashion.


Scott was standing next to the large grill, apron over his clothes with a tray full of burgers and hot dogs. He beckoned me over with the spatula in his hand. As I approached, he passed me the tray, reaching over several students. "Can you put this on the table for me? And, keep them away from Jamie!"

As I turned, wondering what he meant, I found myself surrounded by several dark-haired teens. When I looked closer, I realized... they were all the same kid. "Uh... you've got to be Multiple Man."

"Yup!" one on my right answered enthusiastically.

"Hey, can I have another hot dog?" another asked reaching for the tray. I raised it out of his grasp. "How many have you had so far?"

"I only had one!"

"ALL of you,"

The ten boys huddled together whispering very suspisciously. When they separated, they were all smiling. "All together, we've only had ten. One apiece,"

I raised a skeptical eyebrow and was not surprised to hear Scott call over my shoulder, "Don't listen to him... them! They've eaten nearly thirty already! I don't know how they're still hungry!"

"I figured as much. Get out of here,"

I gave (one of) him a gentle nudge and, much to my surprise and discontent, another one seemed to... pop out of him. "Scott?"


"Have we figured out how to reverse this?" I asked staring down at eleven sets of mischevious faces. Scott laughed. "Yeah. Call his mom and let her know how he's been acting,"

The eleven promptly became one. "No! I swear I..." He grabbed his stomach and his face promptly became a nasty shade of green. "Bathroom!"

I smiled as he took off through the crowd, looking as if he might burst open at any moment. When I set the tray down on the table I found myself standing across from the blonde loner. He looked up at me curiously and then gave a polite smile. "Hello," he said quietly. So quietly, as a matter of fact, I almost didn't hear him. "Hi. You're new here,"

He nodded and held out his hand. "Warren Worthington the Third,"

"Gene Grey,"

He shuffled awkwardly, eyes anywhere but on mine. "So, how long have you been a student here?" I chuckled slightly, taking a hot dog for myself. "I'm not a student," I replied. "I'm pretty much the nanny. Or, residential advisor if you want to get technical,"

"Oh. So, you're not a mutant?"

I paused momentarily. 'Yes, I am a mutant,' would be the correct answer. However, actively, I was not a mutant. I was saved either way as Scott walked up behind me, placing another tray on the table and pulling off the apron. "Finally done now that Jamie's gone," he smiled, placing a hand on the small of my back. I noticed Warren's eyes linger over the contact for a split second before meeting mine. Then, he looked away under the pretense of grabbing a plate. I removed Scott's hand, adding, "Not in front of the kids." Then, aloud, "Scott, this is Warren. Warren, this is Scott. He'll be one of your teachers,"

They shook hands, Warren looking a tad apprehensive about Scott's presence. "Scott, could you grab some more paper plates from inside?" I asked. "They're in the pantry,"

"Yeah. No problem,"

He disappeared through the throng of bodies, which made me remember something. "And check on Jamie, will you?"

"Sure thing!"

I turned back to Warren who looked mildly red in the cheeks. "So, Scott... he's your... boyfriend?"

I shook my head. "No, we're not together. We're just... close." I decided not to linger on the topic of Scott and began walking around the lawn, Warren in tow. "So, what made you decide to come here?"

He tilted his head in an 'I-don't-know' gesture. "I guess I just wanted to be somewhere where I wasn't a total freak of nature,"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I have a physical mutation," he explained, not really explaining. "I can't exactly go anywhere I want,"

I looked him over, even making him turn around completely. "I don't see any reason why you can't,"

"I hide it well," he said with a smirk. There was something that I liked about Warren, but I couldn't quite identify it. Maybe it was his naiveity or his innocence. Even as I thought that, I could see a certain knowledge behind those eyes. He had known pain, I knew that much. I wanted to continue talking to him, perhaps see if I could figure him out a little more, but I was interrupted by the Professor wheeling out on the patio. "If I could have all of the new students follow me please. Teachers as well." Then, as he turned, <<You, too, Gene.>>

<<What do you need me for?>>

<<Warren finds your presence comforting,>> he replied smoothly. <<And, as of right now, you're the only person he is comfortable talking around.>>

<<How do you know that?>>

<<He's telling me right now,>>

I peeked into the mansion and saw the Professor idly chatting with Warren who was, of course, oblivious to our mental conversation. I felt a surge of happiness, something that I hadn't felt in a long time, and headed inside. I passed by Warren who blushed as I smiled at him, joining the others in the Professor's study, complete with windows. I hung back, perching on one of the smaller bookcases. Warren sidled in the room quietly, followed by Scott and Jamie who was still looking a little green.

"Welcome," the Professor greeted warmly. "I am quite glad to have such a diverse group of students attending this year. But, as I do not know you all yet, I think you should introduce yourselves. And, if you are comfortable with it, let us know what your powers are as well,"

He looked to the nearest student, a young Asian male who smiled. "My name is Shiro Yoshida. I am from Japan and... well, I can project solar fire."

The next to introduce themselves were two girls, obviously twins. "My name is Claudette..."

"And, I'm Nicole..."

"We can become one, we can fly, we have night vision and some telepathic powers,"

Another girl followed her, dark hair and blue eyes. "I'm Jubilee. I can... well, it ain't as impressive as solar fire or night vision, but I can make fireworks."

The kids all 'oohed' and 'aahed' at that one, making Jubilee giggle slightly. We made our way around the room, some kids deciding not to divulge what their particular powers were. Others, such as Jamie, were more than glad to demonstrate their powers in front of the others. When it came to Warren, he suddenly became silent. The Professor looked at me, inclining his head slightly. I placed my hand on Warren's back, reassuring him. I felt something strange under his coat, but I didn't think anything of it.

"I... I'm Warren. Warren Worthington the Third."

There was no objection to him leaving it at that. The last student to introduce himself was a rather handsome guy, maybe about my age, with short cropped brown hair, green-blue eyes and an athletic build. "I'm Owen Clayboulde. I think I have some form of telekinesis, but I can't really move things. I kind of make... walls and boundaries. Mental blockades if you will." The Professor clapped his hands together. "Now that we have met you, it's time for you to meet us. My name is Professor Charles Xavier and I am a telepathic,"

"Does that mean you're going to read our minds?" Jamie asked excitedly. The Professor smiled. "Only if I have to and only with your permission,"


"I'm Scott Summers. I shoot concussive beams from my eyes,"

"Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!" Jamie yelled, making some students jump. I couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. The introductions moved on. "My name is Ororo Munroe and I can control atmospheric conditions. In essence, I control the weather."

This time it was Jubilee who became animated. "Ooh, can you show us?"

Ororo, a statuesque African woman who I adored dearly, nodded and closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were completely white and her gaze focused. Outside, the sky became darkened, almost pitch black. Thunderbolts streaked across the clouds and a number of tornadoes appeared, none of them touching the ground. She sighed and everything disappeared as quickly as it had come. There was a roar of applause.

"My name is Henry McCoy and what you see is pretty much what you get." Our blue, furry scientist said this all from the ceiling, of course, his large feet clasped around a banister of wood. I was so fixated on him dangling from the roof that I didn't realize everyone was staring at me. I shook my head, locks of auburn hair falling into my face. I brushed them away, forcing a smile. "Oh... um, I'm Gene Grey and..." The faces gazing at me waited expectantly, but I couldn't finish the sentence. There was a lump in my throat that wouldn't go away and I felt like all breath had been sucked from my chest.

The Professor cleared his throat, diverting all attention away from me. Well, not all. I could sense Warren's eyes on me, but I didn't turn to meet his stare. "Now that you know us, it's time that I explain our goals here at the Academy." I tuned out as he explained about the combination of schooling and mutant training that made our school so unique. It was a speech that I had heard plenty of times and I was in no rush to hear it again. I rested my head on the wall behind me, closing my eyes and relaxing. I could almost feel my mind sighing.

That's when it happened. My mind was overwhelmed by a memory that wasn't mine. I was standing in a lush marble bathroom with large mirrors and ornate decorations everywhere. I whipped around, trying to figure a way out of this. Instead, I came upon a small boy, no older than twelve or thirteen. He was standing in front of the mirror, tears rolling down his face. His hands were covered in blood and... feathers. I could see a box of tools on the counter, a bloody saw on top. My stomach churned. What could he possibly be doing? Then, he turned and I saw the stumps sticking out of his back.

The vision hit me so hard I yelled, clutching my forehead. I was vaguely aware of the silence in the room, but I couldn't care less. I jumped off of the bookcase and burst through the office door, staggering into the living room. I was reeling. I had never felt such pain from a telepathic encounter before. Not even the incident had been that bad. The boy's physical agony and emotional anguish had hit me like a bullet to the temple. My vision was blurred and there was a high whine in my ears. I fell to my knees, gritting my teeth.

"Gene? Gene!"

I heard Scott's voice and felt his arms around me, but he might as well have been light years away. The room was swirling and I was sure that it wasn't just in my head. Things were clattering around, a veritable maelstrom of household items. Just as I thought I would crack under the pain, a voice gently spoke in my head. <<Gene, you've got to concentrate. Remember when we first met and you couldn't block out the cacophany of voices you met daily. Remember how I told you to build a wall. Block out the vision, Gene. Don't let it overpower you.>>

<<I can't, Professor! It's so much pain!>> I replied, tears streaming freely. My body was reclining now, my head resting on Scott's leg. He was touching my face, but I could barely feel it. I was torn between the real world and the memory. Neither side wanted to let go. <>

I struggled, mentally casting off the chains of the memory. The more bonds I broke, the more pulled me back. I felt the crushing weight of disappointing my father by being a mutant. I winced at the feeling of the saw on my back. The sight of the blood on my hands made me nauseous. It was all too much. "Scott, move away!"

"But, he needs-"



As the words escaped my mouth, everything snapped. The memory dissipated and I was mentally vaulted back into the real world in the most violent manner possible. My telekinesis erupted. The room exploded as if an invisible bubble had suddenly pushed everything outward. The floor sunk, the walls bulged, the ceiling dented upwards and the wall facing outside flat-out detonated. Planks of wood and plaster scattered over the lawn where we had previously been eating. As the wreckage landed, the living room streaming with light from the newly opened wall, I heard feet approach me.

The Professor's voice broke the silence. "Scott, wait."

"Wait?! For what?!"

The feet continued approaching, settling next to me. I was curled up in the fetal position, shaking from the psychic experience. A voice whispered my name, but it wasn't Scott. I didn't dare to move or respond. He repeated my name a little louder. "Gene." There was a pained waiver that I couldn't ignore. I turned my head very slightly and saw something that filled me with emotion.

Warren was kneeling above me, a mixture of sadness and concern drawn across his face. But, that wasn't the most amazing part. He had discarded his trenchcoat and shirt revealing a pair of gigantic, beautiful white wings. They were filling up the room, white feathers as far as I could see. He was lit from behind by the sunlight making him look like something out of a biblical passage. Warren reached down, softly brushing his hand over my face. "It was me," he

whispered. "You saw me... as a kid,"

"I'm sorry," I sniffed. "I didn't mean to-,"

He shook his head. "It's okay,"

I don't know how long I stared at him before I heard the Professor's voice. "Scott, can you take the kids to their rooms? Hank, check on the other students for me. I'm sure they're wondering what has happened. Be discreet. Ororo, call the contractor for me. I'll be along in a second." They took to their orders immediately. Scott glanced at me worriedly before ushering the new students away. <<Will you be all right, Gene?>>

<<Yes. I... I want to start training tomorrow.>>

<<Perhaps the day after,>> he chuckled. <>

He disappeared after the others, leaving me alone with Warren who was studying me intently. I forced myself to sit up, although I refused to look him in the eye. I had probably unearthed one of the most painful memories of his life and I felt horrible for it. "Gene, I..."

I didn't want him to finish. So, I did the only thing I could think to do. I kissed him.

It wasn't like Scott and I. It wasn't a tender peck. This was a fevered, emotional tongue-lashing. He was shocked at first, that much I could feel, but he accepted my embrace and wrapped his toned arms around my shoulders. I hooked my arms under his, my hands landing on the base of his wings. He bristled at the contact, but relaxed almost immediately. The only sound in the room was our mingled

breathing and the quiet whisper of the wind moving through his feathers. I felt the muscles in his back shift and opened my eyes to see the large wings curve forward, forming a wall around us.

<<A guy could fall for an angel like you,>> I said to him. He tightened his grip on me. <<I hope so,>>


Hey hey hey! Thanks for the feedback so far. I'm glad you guys are enjoying my little tale. Part three will be coming up soon. Just have to work out some kinks. E-mail me if you have some ideas you want to see:

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