Pinball Wizard

By Suma L

Published on Oct 10, 2001


I'm just chillin. Just... sitting here... Listening to Vertical Horizon -- Best I Ever Had & Jay Z -- Can I Get A Fuck You. Okay, I know, weird combo. I absolutely love the song for On The Line (Watched making the video) & Britney's new song -- Slave 4 U. Videos cool, although one scene makes her look like she's having an orgasm. Am I the only one that noticed this? Provocative Brit. Cool.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

I'd just like to ask this: Would the writers of the following stories update before I have a panic attack? And if the stories over, let me know so I don't cry myself to sleep worrying about it! --- -- Stories -- Cosmic Companions/Journey -- Holy heck, people! You want me to cry!? Jamies Romance - snaps fingers Josh & Just -- So large but far between. A girl can only wait so long! Portal -- Is your story thru, hon? Cuz I can't take the curiosity! Turn Around -- Anyday now. I pray, anyday now. UPDATE! Intimate Stranger -- Okay, I'm SERIOUSLY gonna bawl my eyes out. N SYNC -- Lance and JC -- You STARTED to update again, then ya quit. WHY? That's all I can think of right now, but beware, I'll think of more!

In other news...

I'm sick. Again. I've been sick for the past 3 weeks. I can't get rid of this 'thing' that I have. It sucks big time. I'm starting to flunk classes. NOT good! Pray that I get well. PUH-LEASE!

Looking to make a good investment? Purchase any of the band Travis's c/ds. Travis is one of the most awesome bands ever. The first time I listened to Travis -- The Man Who, I bawled my eyes out the whole C/D. It was THAT good! I now own Travis -- The Invisible Band as well. I'm hoping to get their very first c/d, and they come to my area in concert this month! Woohoo!

Back to writing!

Scott & Paul, my precious cheerleaders, you're helping me out with this chapter and the next few whether you realize it or not. Your relationship is like a fairytale in my opinion. "Boy meets Boy. Boy loves Boy. Boy oh boy!" (Get Real Movie Cover - LUV that movie. Own it. & Trick. Tricks Fab!) I'm happy for you two, and think you two are awesome. Much love! SMOOCHES!

Okay, I'm tired, and I need to write this chapter before Raakheli murders me for never puttin out another chapter. Sorry! Look, here, story, read, you like? GOODY!

Okay. Writing--Writing--Writing! I KNOW I KNOW! I'M WRITING, LOOK! Type..type.. type.. Now this, children, is what we call PROGRESS!

--Um, it's been awhile since I've written on this. My precious kitty, Cosmo Creepers, passed away early this morning. He was the sweetest cat, and so soft and sweet to his mommy. :) He was born May 2000 and died October 2001. He was young and vibrant. He will be forever missed.

"The day that we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity"



I love feedback. Give it to me baby! Uh Huh! Uh huh! Bookmark me * winks *


This story isn't supposed to imply anything about the members of Nsync or anyone else involved in the story. This is all made up. In better English, IT'S NOT REAL! If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then you may want to leave as well.

Chapter 7

I never thought being with Joey could be so fantastic. He's just... he's just... he's just... NOT JC. JC would NEVER let me go walk around town without him. He even wanted to get me a seeing eye dog. I'm NOT helpless.

JC would NEVER let me eat in the music room. JC would NEVER have sex with me on the kitchen counter. JC would NEVER take me to the movies. You know, I'm not DEAF! If the plot lines good enough, and the actors and actresses are verbal, I can pretty much get the story.

And JC had NEVER suggested looking into experimental eye surgery that could potentially make it so I could see again.

Joey found it when reading the newspaper. At first, I just kind of sighed and rubbed against him. That was my 'I'm horny' hint.

"Joey, Joey, pleeeease..." I purred in his ear, and ran my fingers from his bottom lip to his crotch.

"Lance, you've got to do this."


"Why not?"

"I'm happy the way I am. God made me this way. Who am I to change it?"

"No, sweetheart, a sickness made you that way."

"God made me sick."

"Well, you know what, Lance? God makes ME sick, so, ANYWAY. You should do this. I'm gonna sign you up."

"Don't play with me, Joey. I'm not doing it."

"Why? Give me one damn good reason why."

"Because JC would get mad."

"Well, Lance... I got news for you. You're CHEATING on JC right now. Think he'll be mad? Damn right he will!"

"OH! Don't EVEN put all the blame on me! You're dick went into MY body above all, so, I don't even want to hear it!"

"We're even." Joey sighed.

"What ARE we going to say to him?"

"Well, what do you want?"

"Huh?" There I go. Being oblivious to the obvious again.

"Do you want me or JC? You can't have both, Lance. You can't. You're going to have to choose. And if you want me, then you are going to have to tell JC eventually. I THINK he might notice."

"Damnit." I was confused and lost again. "How about joint custody?"

"Ha...ha... NOT!"

"Okay.." I sighed. It was going to be a long afternoon.

Tonight. Tonight JC was coming home. I didn't know.. wasn't sure.. OH GOD, I'm scared shitless! What the hell am I gonna do? I want JC, I want Joey. Joey was cooking dinner. Even HE didn't know my decision yet. That's right. That's right, because I haven't even MADE one yet.

I laid down on the couch to think about my problems.. What in the hell am I gonna do!?

"Lance, I'm home!"

"Oh, JC!" I scurry over to JC and kiss him. "Welcome home, dear! I've been cheating on you with Joey the whole time you were gone!"

"That's great! Sex good?"

"Fantastic, never been better! Wanna try?"


I lay down on the bed, and Joey and JC come to me naked, and turn me just right, meanwhile pressing both their dicks together. "Huh? What? This isn't what I meant! NO! NO, DOUBLE PENETRATION! NOOOO!"

"Lance?" Shake, shake. "Lance? Baby? I'm home!"

"Huh?" I yawned and rolled over.

"Lance, it's me. JC. I'm home, sweetheart!"

"JC?!" I almost fell off the couch in fright. "Um, hi! I didn't know you, I didn't hear the door, I mean, yeah."

"You were dead asleep, babe. I missed you so much." He kissed my lips gently, and immediately, I realized that I kind of missed him.

"I missed you too, JC. Um.. Joey cooked dinner."

"I know. We already ate. You've been out for a LONG time. You must have been very sleepy."

"I was." I sighed and sat up.

"You know what?" JC whispered in my ear.


"The only thing I wanna do right now is carry you upstairs and fuck you til you scream..."

My pants tightened. I felt it. My dick just jumped at the thought. Then I started feeling horribly guilty. Joey and I fucked on that bed. JC and I's bed!

"That could be... good."

"Okay. Let's do that, then."

"But... but... where's Joey?"

"He went home. He said he figured that you and I needed to talk."

"Oh. Okay, WHOA!" JC lifted me off the couch and trekked upstairs. He softly laid me down on the bed. His clothes made swishing noises as he undressed himself. His fingers tugged roughly on my zipper, yanking my pants down around my ankles in 3.5 seconds, I swear!

"Condom or none?"

"Straight to sex? My, my, JC!" I said, excitedly.

"Oh, yeah, baby." He rubbed my dick a little with his fingertips which didn't help my current situation.

"Condom." I hoped he wouldn't ask why. I didn't know all about Joey's sexual past. I had to be SOMEWHAT carefull, here!

A drawer opened, and then immediately shut. "Lance, there aren't any IN the drawer..."

"Did we use the last one?"

"No... I bought a box two days before I left."

"Hmm. Did you maybe put it in another drawer? You know, Joey entertained some 'guests' while he was here..." I was nervous. Scared. Caught. Trapped. The game was over sooner than it started.

"Lance, there are dirty condom wrappers in the trashcan, and an emptied container of lube. The same tube that I was close to tossing, but you wanted to save, so I put it in your drawer under your blue socks and bought me a new tube. Lance, only you... would have known... where it..." JC jumped off the bed faster than you could yell 'hallelujiah' although at that time, that would have been the worst word to yell, I do believe.

"You didn't!? OH GOD, Lance, you didn't. PLEASE tell me you didn't."

"I... um... Oh, GOD, JC, I... I couldn't... I needed to.." Okay, plan B. The blame game. "You TOLD him to take good care of me! I BEGGED you not to go to that thing! I NEEDED somebody!"

"Don't even TRY to blame this all on me! What happened? You trip? Fall on his dick?"

"No! It wasn't like that at all!"

"Oh, so he romanced you? HOW LONG HAS THIS ALL BEEN GOING ON?!"

"Since the day you left! But that's it! That's all! I swear!"

"And so you two just FUCKED LIKE BUNNIES til I came BACK!?"

"NO, JC! It wasn't like that, I..." Angry footsteps thudded out of the room. "JC?" I paused. Nothing. "JC?"

Still nothing.

"Oh, shit! JCCCC!" I screamed through the house. No reply except for the front door slamming.

I, Lance Bass, had just made the biggest mistake of my entire life. And that was was cheating on JC. More than once. Okay, make that 'mistakes.' Whatever. Still.. I was in a horrible predicament.

My head hurt. I felt around on the bed beside me. No, Josh. It wasn't a dream. He was gone.

It had to be three friggin o' clock in the morning. I went down the stairs, and into the kitchen to get some breakfast. There was snoring coming from the living room. I tiptoed in, and reached for the origin of the snore. Curly hair. It was Justin.

I shook him awake.


"Justin, why are you at my house?"

"JC sent me over to look after you."

"Why couldn't he come back here himself?"

"Lance, I heard what happened, and I don't think you should really be asking me that question..."


"I can't believe you and Joey... I mean... Behind JC's back like that... How could you? How could you both!?"

"I was caught up in the moment. It felt so good, but then I started to feel bad. But then it felt good again and so on."

He sighed, and pulled my down to sit next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me cheek. "You're just going to have to wait this one out, I think. He'll come back when he's ready. Then you two can talk. You do want to stay together, right?"

"I don't know! I... can't decide. I want JC, but I kind of want Joey too."

"You've got to make up your mind."

"You don't think I KNOW that?"

"Okay, sorry..."

I heard him stand up, and pace for awhile. "Why don't you call Joey?"

"What for?"

"You need to talk to him. See what he wants."

"I'm too scared too."

"Lance, you can't be scared. You sure as hell weren't scared to sleep with him."

"Maybe Josh talked to him. And yelled a lot."

"Honestly, Lance, Josh doesn't seem like the yelling type."

"I know... He's not..."

The doorbell rang just then of all times. Okay, so it wasn't three am. I try.

"Hey, JC. Come in." I gasped. Nononono, too soon.

"Hi, Justin." His voice seemed scratchy. Had he been drinking? Or smoking? Oh, no! Bad sign!

"Why don't we all sit down and talk." Justin seemed overly cheerful.

"Lance, I want to know WHY?" Straight to the point, aren't we?

"I can't answer that, Josh. I don't know if I can."

"That's bullshit, Lance, and you know it. WHY?"

I'd had enough. So soon? Damn, right! "Fine! You wanna know WHY? I'll tell you! You treat me like a baby! We don't even have any spark, any FUN anymore! I can't stand it! Joey came here. Joey was a breath of fresh fuckin air!"

"Oh, yes! Blame it ALL on me!"

"I will if I goddamn want to, seeing as it is YOUR fault!" Okay, partially true. Partially true.

"You just can't take the blame for your own mistakes! For your own problems! Wanna be that way? Good. Then you can LIVE ALONE from now on!" I heard quick thudding feet, and then another set as Justin chased after him. A door slammed. Then the two sets of feet came running back, Justin shouting, "Josh, wait!" Then the front door slammed. It shook the entire house. I got a chill.

"He's gone, Lance."

"Hurrah." I said, with no feeling.

"Is that what you wanted?"

"I suppose so."

"You're alone now, Lance."

"I can handle myself."

"If that's the way you want it then..." The front door opened, and then softly shut.

I was all alone. I wasn't sure what this meant. But what I was sure of was Joey's number.

------------------------< ---@

Next: Chapter 10

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