
By D D

Published on Aug 22, 2023


Here it is! The 10th instalment of Pizza. Yes, it is 10 already and boy is this a good part. It's got a party, a posh car, plenty of fit guys and I've even managed to squeeze in a bit of sex!

So read on loyal reader...

Pizza 10

"Twas the night before Christmas, when everyone slept, Two men advanced Into the house, we crept.

"If Dean was here, Then our duo would be three, While we broke into the house, And stole the presents from the Christmas Tree."

"That is really bad, Lewis" Alex commented as he and his older brother stood on the corner of Richmond Avenue, staring at the house the intended to invade.

"Shut the fuck up. It's not important. What is important is the lighters in that house," replied Lewis.

"Don't you think this is a little drastic. I mean, we could just buy some. They don't cost that much and mum would never know."

"Shut up, I'm the brains, so I decide what we do."

"Well I think it's just cruel."

"Well, I think you should just shut the fuck up and follow me."

Defeated, Alex followed his brother across the road and down the moonlit street. Dressed in black, both he and Lewis blended in well. They stopped behind a tree.

"So," said Lewis, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. "We go in. The room is on the left and we go straight for the presents and take them. Then we leave. We don't stop to feel guilty. We don't stop to stoke the fucking dog or anything like that. Do you understand?"

"That is Ian's house. What happens when Ian, who is supposed to be your friend, finds out?"

"Then...I'll just threaten him to tell everyone the secret I know about him."

"And what's that?"

"That he's a dirty fucking queer," with that, Lewis walked away. Alex, felt as though he had been shot in the groin. Had Lewis just randomly picked this house? Or had he chosen this because of the sexuality of one of the people who lived there? As he followed his brother down the garden path to the front door, he hoped that it was just a random house.

They stood outside the front door and stared at each other. Alex felt a little hatred towards Lewis, something that he had never felt before.

Lewis mouthed a countdown starting at three.

At zero, Lewis opened the front door and raced in. Alex followed, and raced in after him. The first problem arose when they arrived at the Tree.

"Alright, Einstein!" Alex whispered. "How are we supposed to know which presents have lighters inside?"

Obviously, this was a problem that Lewis had not thought of as he stared under the Tree, looking dumfounded. "Oh just take the fucking lot."

"I'm not taking all the presents! That's cruel!" Alex whispered back.

"Just take them!" They were interrupted by the sound of the toilet, flushing. "Quick! Get out!" Without stopping to think, they both pick up an arm full of presents and ran from the house stopping only to close the front door gently.

"Hold on a minuet!" said Alex panting as they ran with their arms full. "How did you know that the front door would be unlocked?"

"It's Christmas Eve. Ian's parents will be out which means that when Ian went to bed tonight, he will have left the door open so that they could get back in. Simple." Lewis answered back, panting also.


The next day, Christmas Day, was actually quite warm and sunny. There were only a few wisps of clouds in the sky meaning that there was little chance of snow. Darren awoke to an empty house once again and, across the town Mel still tried to act normally towards Carrie even though she was now changing rapidly.


Christmas morning at the Lates house was a noisy affair with plenty of swearing coming from mum, dad, and Lewis. As the money in the Lates house had to stretch between three children, they receive less presents than most of their friends but they were still grateful for what they got. Due to mum having plenty of lighters to sell, she had arranged a large Christmas party for family and friends. Alex used to feel really guilty whenever they did jobs like they had done the night before but he had quickly learned that if he wanted to live a quiet life, it was best if he did not say anything. It was Alex who was first to leave the house that morning because there was only one person that he wanted to check was ok.


"You look a little better than the last time I saw you," Alex commented, smiling, as they sat in Darren's front room.

"Yeah," was all Darren replied, too busy thinking about how quickly he had just lost his boyfriend, Jack, due to his, Darren's, stupid antics.

There was a moments silence as Alex contemplated asking the question about Darren's parents but he figured that as it was Christmas, he would wait a while before he asked again.


Darren did not need much persuading to join Alex at his house for Christmas. Although Darren was quiet initially, he did eventually settle in and even managed to strike a reasonable conversation with Alex's mum. Everyone was there: Mum, dad, Alex, Lewis, Dean, Kelly and a few other family members and family friends. Alex thought that Lewis inviting Ian along was perhaps playing with fire a little but as it was Christmas he was not going to object.

It was about 10:30 in the evening when Alex was leaving the bathroom after a quick visit that it happened. He accidentally bumped into Ian who must have been heading to where Alex had just been.

"Sorry," Alex mumbled as he stared into Ian's deep brown eyes. He had never noticed before but Ian was really tall. He must have been about six and half feet tall.

"It's ok," Ian replied softly, before heading into the bathroom.

Alex was not sure why, but he waited just outside the bathroom as he heard Ian piss. As the toilet flushed, Alex felt a rush of excitement as the door slowly opened. Ian walked out and stood, facing Alex. Both stood still for a moment. Both knew that they were thinking the same thing but none dared to move. It was Alex who moved first. He lunged forward and kiss Ian hard on the lips. Ian responded by rubbing his hands up and down Alex's back. Alex pushed Ian back through his bedroom door. Once they were in Alex's bedroom, Alex closed the door behind him and put the latch on. Turning back around, Alex quickly took off his top. Ian copied revealing a beautifully toned body underneath. Alex resumed kissing Ian again as they fell back onto the bed. Alex could feel Ian's hard cock through his trousers as they rubbed their crotches together. He shoved a hand down the front of Ian pants and grabbed his throbbing cock that was leaking pre-cum. Alex broke away from his kissing and moved down, unzipping Ian's pants and pulling them off. He quickly pulled down Ian's boxers and put his cock in his mouth. The pre-cum tasted so good! Bobbing his head up and down fast made Ian groan with pleasure and just as Ian's was really close, he pulled Alex's head away.

"Lie down on your back," Ian whispered, grinning. Alex obeyed giving Ian the opportunity to take off Alex's pants and boxers. He lifted Alex's legs above his shoulders so that he had good access to Alex's hole. Ian went down and rimmed Alex making Alex breath deep. With Alex's ass and Ian's cock now lubed with spit, Ian did not hesitate to plunge deep inside Alex causing Alex to let out a scream of pleasure – it was a mercy that the music was playing so loud down stairs!

"Do me hard," Alex panted.

Ian began ramming his cock deep inside Alex making them both groan loudly.

"Harder!" Alex pleaded.

Ian grabbed hold of the headboard so that he could plough harder and deeper inside Alex. Ian grabbed hold of Alex's throbbing cock and began to wank him fast. It was not long before Alex was groaning even louder and he shot steam after stream of hot sticky cum – most of it hitting Ian's chest and face. With cum and sweat on Ian's face, Alex thought that he looked really hot as Ian groaned louder and louder as his orgasm neared. With a loud scream, Ian shot his load deep inside Alex. Alex could feel Ian's cock pulsing with every shot that lined his insides. Panting heavily, Ian collapsed on top of Alex and rested his head on Alex's right shoulder, his cock still pulsing inside Alex.

After a couple of minuets, Ian withdrew from Alex, causing Alex to let out one last whimper of pleasure. They both laid side by side, too weak to move.

It was a knock at the bedroom door that made them both jump.

"Alex?" It was Dean. "It's Chris. He's here."

With a fresh rush of excitement, Alex leapt from the bed and began dressing quickly.

"Sorry," Alex said to Ian "but he's my brother and I've not seen him in ages."

"Don't worry about it. I had fun anyway," Ian replied, getting dressed also.

Alex charged downstairs to find a six foot tall, slim man with long brown hair standing in the hallway.

"Hello, Alex. Merry Christmas," Chris said, smiling.

"Oh, Merry Christmas, Chris," Alex replied before running forward and hugging his tall eldest brother.

He could not quite explain why, but Alex idolised Chris. Maybe it was the fact that he had a high flying job that took him all over the country for months at a time, maybe it was the fact that Chris had defended Alex so many times when he used to live here or maybe it was just that Chris was his eldest brother.


"You have another new car then, son?" Alex's dad commented, indicating the new car through the window, once they had all sat back in the front room.

"Yeah I have. The old one never felt right to me so I changed it."

"That's what you said about the car before that one," replied Lewis glaring slightly.

"Can I sit in it?" Alex asked excitedly.

"Oh! You want to see if you and Kelly look good in it do you?" Chris asked chuckling. Alex's smile faulted slightly as he caught the car keys thrown to him by Chris. "Don't you go joyriding," Chris said playfully

"Yeah," Alex replied in a tone he hoped sounded truthful. "Come on, babe. Do you wanna come and join me?" He added, smiling his fake smile at Kelly. As Kelly followed him from the room, Alex caught sight of Ian looking slightly confused. Obviously, he had no idea about Alex and Kelly's "relationship".

"Don't call me "babe". That really annoys me," Kelly complained as they walked towards the car.

"Trust me, I don't enjoy it," Alex replied miserably as he unlocked the car. "Let's sit in it and talk about The Simpsons or something for a bit then get out."

They got in and sat in silence. The yellow glow from the street lamp was the only light source as Kelly spoke first.

"Actually, there is something I need to tell you," she said. "I've been trying to get you alone all night but you have been too busy flirting with Darren and then disappeared upstairs with Ian."

Alex felt like there was a little bit of that sentence that was having a go at him. "What is it?"

There was another pause as Kelly looked down at the grown looking a little ashamed.

"Kelly? What's wrong?" Alex asked again, this time looking concerned.

Eventually, Kelly managed to whisper "I'm pregnant."

Alex froze. He felt his entire body go cold and felt as though he was being repeatedly stabbed with icicles.

Back in the house, Dean was standing by the front room window, watching Alex and Kelly in the car as he drank from a bottle of beer. It was him that saw it first as Kelly threw a punch at Alex and began to repeatedly punch him in the chest. Dean quickly threw his beer down on the coffee table before running outside. He ran to the car and pulled open the passenger side door and, with considerable difficulty, managed to extract a very distraught Kelly.

"Kelly! Calm down!" Dean yelled. By this time, the Lates's house had emptied and everyone was stood on the lawn watching the commotion. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean yelled as Kelly kicked and screamed to break free.

"ME? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?" Kelly replied at the top of her voice. "IT'S YOUR INSENSATIVE BROTHER!" She pointed sharply at Alex, who had only just dared to exit the car. "I TELL HIM I'M PREGNANT AND DO YOU KNOW THE FIRST THING HE SAID? HE SAID: "WHY DON'T YOU JUST HAVE AN ABORTION"!"

For the second time that night, Alex froze again as he turned around to see everyone. Standing there was Lewis; with a sinful grin on his face, Ian; still with a confused look on his face and everyone else who were just standing there and looking.


Eventually, Kelly calmed down enough to agree to talk about it in one of the bedrooms away from the audience.

"Are you sure it's defiantly Dean's?" Alex asked pacing up and down in front of Kelley who was sat on the bed. Dean was sat waiting anxiously at the bottom of the stairs in order not to raise suspicion about Alex and Kelly's fake relationship.

"Well it's not yours is it?" Kelly replied aggressively but this time without the same volume.

"No that's not what I was trying to say."

"I'm not a slut, Alex!"

"Sorry, it's just all too much to take in," Alex stopped his pacing and sat down next to Kelly. "So you are gonna keep it, are you?"

"Oh, don't start this again. Of course, I'm going to keep it. Anyway, it's not your decision because it's not your baby!"

Defeated, Alex stopped talking.

They descended the stairs in silence as they headed for the front room to break the "good" news. Alex glared at Dean as they passed but Dean did not comment. He merely followed on behind them.

"Er...excuse me everyone!" Alex called out in a loud excitable tone although due to the excessive amount of shaking in his voice, it was not that convincing. "We've talked about it long and hard and we have decided to er...keep the baby. I'm gonna be a daddy." Alex forced on a smile. His act had fooled the family who erupted and cheered as each one in turn rushed forward to give Alex there congratulations.

"Well done son. This will be the making of you!" his dad said, cheerfully.

"My baby's finally growing up!" his mum said before kissing him on both cheeks.

"Nice one! I didn't think you had it in you!" Lewis said before patting his brother hard on the back.

In the doorway, Dean made a sigh of relief. He was going to be a dad and he welcomed it. It was such a shame he could not tell anyone...


That night, Alex was first to bed after having his worst Christmas ever. What could be worse than this? As he laid on his bed listening to the people talking excitedly downstairs, he began to sob as he thought about how long his secret about his sexuality was safe. He could not possibly have that long left now that Kelly was pregnant with Dean's baby and knew that as soon as his family found out he would no longer be considered a Lates.

How's that for a bombshell? What will happen to Alex when the Lates family finally find out who the father of the baby really is? Why is Darren hardly in this part? Is there anymore to learn about all the new people that are appearing? Keep reading to find out more!

I'll try and get the next instalment out as soon as I can but it can be difficult to find time. Rest assured, I'll not stop writing until the story is concluded.

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