
By D D

Published on Oct 20, 2007


It's here! Another instalment of Pizza! People have tried to copy it but there is only ONE pizza worth eating and it is not "naked"!

Usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended... blah blah blah.

Any similarities with actual events are purely coincidental however cool it may be!

Pizza 4 -- Harry's triumphant return!

"Come in." Darren heard Jack say to the person at the doorway. He hoped it wasn't Harry, not just when he and Jack were starting to get to know each other a little better.

Jack came back into the room followed by a boy about the same height. He had short brown hair and had tanned skin.

"Darren...this is Harry. Harry...Darren," explained Harry, gesturing to each person when their names were spoken.

Darren did not need Jack to tell him this. This boy fit the description that Jack had provided during their date.

"Nice to meet you, Darren," said Harry holding out a hand.

"Likewise," replied Darren, shaking Harry's hand.

A heavy silence descended on the room as Harry and Darren looked at each other.

This is the person who disappeared a year ago without a trace leaving Jack and Mel's family heartbroken.' Thought Darren, Now he comes back and just expects Jack to forgive him! Boy is he in for a shock. Jack's not that stupid, he'll never take him back.'

"Shall I make us some drinks?" asked Jack awkwardly trying to cut through the silence.

"Oh yes please, Jack." Replied Harry, "A nice cup of tea should do the trick."

Without stopping to ask Darren, Jack disappeared into the kitchen.

"Too warm, are we?" Harry asked Darren in a cold tone as soon as the kitchen door had closed; taking note of the fact that Darren was yet to put his shirt back on.

"I am a bit warm as a matter of fact," replied Darren in an equally cold tone.

"Oh how nice," came the mocking reply. "Well I have just come across town in the cold night air to be with the one I love on the eve of my disappearance only to find that some bastard has jump into bed with him."

"Is that so?" Darren's voice was rising, "Did it never occur to you during your year long absence that Jack needed someone to comfort him for his loss? Or are you perhaps too selfish to think about anyone but yourself!"

"Don't you dare go there!" Harry was advancing on Darren, threateningly, "You have no idea why I had to leave, none at all!"

"Oh but I can guess! Things were going too fast for you and so you decided to run for it!"


Harry had punched Darren across the face, causing Darren to fall back into the armchair. Quick to respond, Darren jumped up and pushed Harry back, who fell into the window ledge knocking the china teacups off that, probably, belonged to Jack's mother. Harry scooped up the only surviving teacup and hurled it across the room. Darren ducked out of the way of the flying object as he ran towards Harry.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Jack had obviously heard the commotion from the next room and returned just in time to see Darren punch Harry again. "DARREN, GET OUT!"

Darren froze still holding Harry's collar. Harry had a look of fear on his face as though he was petrified of Darren. Darren was confused. A moment ago this boy was full of rage and now he was cowering in fear.

"Get off him!" cried Jack, grabbing Darren around the waist. Darren did not resist, as Jack handed him his shirt and lead him out of the door.

Darren felt guilty. He had started a fight with someone who clearly was not a fighter; otherwise he would not be cowering like this. He would have to apologise even if he was sure he would not accept it. When Darren turned to look at Harry however, he saw that the look of fear had gone. Instead, Harry, who was stood behind Jack, was wearing a smug grin. If it was not for the fact that he was respecting Jack's wish of leaving the house, Darren would have commenced fighting all over again. As it was, he just apologised to Jack and left without a fuss.

"Sorry about that." Jack apologised to Harry once the door was closed.

"Don't worry yourself about it." Harry replied with a smile.

"Oh...your hand is bleeding," Jack pointed at the hand which was dripping blood.

"It's just a cut off of those bloody teacups," Harry replied in a friendly tone. "It's fine."

"No, no it's not. It needs cleaning," with that, Jack rushed back into the kitchen.

"I've missed you fussing over me. It's been a long time since someone cared so much." Harry called after him.

Jack did not reply. He did, however, smile broadly as he filled a bowl up with water. Sure Jack wanted to know where Harry had been and why he had not got in touch for a year, but there was something he wanted more -- to have Harry hold him again like he used to.

"Sit down. Let me have a look." Jack said when he returned.

Harry sat and held out his hand.

"This might sting a little," said Jack, dipping a cloth into the water before dabbing it onto Harry's hand. It felt so good to touch Harry again -- to feel his rough palm of his hand. Without Jack really noticing, the dabbing slowly turned into stroking as he looked up at Harry. Harry was staring directly into his, Jack's, eyes.

"I've really missed you," said Harry quietly.

Jack placed the bowl and cloth on the floor before looking back at Harry. "I've really missed you."

Without warning, Harry kissed Jack passionately on the lips -- something that he had longed to do for a year. They stood up together and felt each others body pressing against them.

Harry quickly unzipped Jack's jeans and yanked them down. Harry went down on his knees in front of his friend and bent forward. He put his hands around Jack's ass and slowly kissed the top of the lump in Jacks boxers. It got larger instantly. He moved closer and shoved his face in Jack's groin, moving his mouth around the cock. Jack groaned and moaned as the tension in his balls got almost unbearable. He could think of nothing else.

"Oh, yeah." Jack groaned.

He looked down at Harry's head in his crotch. The feeling of the hot lips licking his hard dick through his boxers made him quiver. And it made his balls ache. This was too much. He desperately needed to release the pressure. Without thinking he bent over and took them off.

The cock slapped Harry in the face. Harry gazed at it with amazement and delight. The cock was throbbing wildly with every anxious beat of Jack's heart. Harry didn't hesitate. He had wanted to do this for a year and now he had the chance. He gently put his lips over the fat purple knob.

"Oh yeah! Suck it Harry!"

Harry licked the piss-slit that tasted of sweet pre-cum. He lapped the big shaft like the hungry puppy he was. Then he opened his mouth as wide as he could and went down for the kill. He could feel the head deep in his throat.

"Oh yeah! That's it! Suck me!"

Jack grabbed Harry's head and pulled it closer to his abdomen. More of his cock entered. It made Harry choke. With wild gestures David started to face-fuck him, ramming his pole all the way down his sore throat.

"Oh God, yeah! Take it all! Yeah!"

He fucked Harry's mouth faster and faster. Then he felt his body stiffen. Two more thrusts and then he exploded.

"YEAH!! OH YEAH! Oh my God!"

A fountain of cream squirted up Harry's throat. Jack pulled his cock out and jerked it with both hands. More cum splashed into Harry's face.


All the tension ebbed from Jack's body. His knees felt wobbly. He tried to regain his breath, looking down on the man who had given him so much pleasure. Who had serviced him like a pro. Who had made him feel so exhausted and so good. He reached down, grabbed Harry under his armpits and lifted him up. Jack pressed his lips against Harry's mouth, still covered with semen. He pushed his tongue inside, tasting his own cum. They kissed and licked while their hands felt each other's back.

"Oh Jack, I love you so much."

They broke away. Jack pulled up his trousers and took a seat but Harry remained standing. He was close too. And he wanted to put on a show for his mate. Slowly he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the tanned, smooth chest that had Jack turned on so many times. Then he took off his shoes. Jack, still leg-weary, followed his moves with interest. Lastly Harry dropped his pants and there he stood, stark naked, sporting an erection.

He started to jack off with two hands as Jack smiled at him.

All the lovemaking had made him horny as hell, so it only took a few jerks for Harry to reach his climax. He yanked one last time, with Jack audibly encouraging him.

"That's it! Shoot it, Ryan. Shoot your load!"

"Aaaahhh! Sweet Jesus!"

He shot an immense bow of cum all over the carpet. To Harry it felt as if it would never stop. As if it came all the way from his spine. As if his whole body was coming. More jets of cum shot into the air.

Harry felt awesome. He wanted to cry out his delight, but he was too exhausted. All he could do was walk to the couch and plump down next to his beaming friend. He put his tired head on Jack's shoulder. It felt so good...


The next day, Jack was woken by a knock at the door. The TV was still on and Harry had fallen asleep without his top on -- his smooth body a perfect treat for a morning. Jack did not have time to admire the sight for long, however, as there was another knock.

Yawning and stretching, Jack made his way to answer the door. It was Darren.

"Hi. I'm just calling before I go to work to see how you are."

"I'm fine, thank you. Although I'm not so sure about Harry after you had finished with him." Replied Jack coldly.

Darren felt as though someone had just kicked him in the stomach. Seeing Jack take such a cold tone hurt him deeply. He took a gulp before continuing, "Is he still here?"

For a moment, Jack did not answer as he though of what was best to say. He decided that saying "No" would be the best option.

"Look, Jack...there's something about Harry that I don't trust-"

"'Don't trust?' Can you blame him for acting a little strange after the welcome you gave him,"

"Well just look at what he's doing. He's only been here five minuets and already he's poisoned you against me."

"I am not being manipulated!" Jack's voice was starting to rise, echoing in the quite morning air, "Just go to work Darren, you never cared about me before and just because I've found an interest in someone else instead of pining over you, you suddenly think that you can be a knight in shining armour!"

Everything Jack was saying was hurting Darren deeply, but he had not come to argue -- he could hardly believe it himself but he was actually starting to create some feelings for him. Jack was closing the door in Darren's face but Darren held out a hand to stop it. "What if I could prove that Harry was using you?"

"Then that would not make him very different from you, would it? The only time you come round here is when you're feeling horny. You've got no feeling for me; if you had you would not be shagging Carrie on the side."

Now Jack had hit a nerve, Darren could not help but shout now, "Fuck you Jack! The difference between you and Carrie is that I love her and just feel sorry for you! She has got nothing to do with any of this so leave her out of it!" With that, he stormed down the garden path and out of sight.

Jack could not help but feel as though a part of him had left with Darren as he closed the door.

When he went back into the front room, he saw that Harry was awake, sitting in the couch and listening.

"Boyfriend trouble?" asked Harry, holding out a hand for Jack to take. Jack accepted the offer and cuddled up to Harry placing his face on his hot chest.

"He's not my boyfriend. But I thought I knew him pretty well," Jack sighed, "you showed me what he's really like though, thank you," Jack looked up. He and Harry kissed each other.

"He will try to break us up, you know." Harry said while stroking his arm. Anybody would have guessed that what Harry was trying to do was manipulate Jack to think what he, Harry, wanted him, Jack, to think but Jack was too in love to realise this. "In fact, just about everyone will try and break us up. They will all say that I don't deserve you because I disappeared for a year."

There was a silence as Harry stoked Jacks arm. Jack was staring down at Harry's crotch, not because he was horny, he was just merely remembering the beautiful package that was hidden away and wondering if he dared risk it all for the question he wanted answering. He decided that it was either now or never. "Where did you go, Harry?"

Another long silence followed this. "Do you remember the last conversation we had about my dad and my family? Well, I was going to leave with my dad but to tell you the truth I could not bear to spend the rest of my childhood with him, so I faked my death, and disappeared for a while. I wanted to make sure you were the last thing I saw though, Jack. I think so much of you."

The truthfulness of Harry's account of what happen would have been questioned by an outsider and Jack did for a moment think there was more to the story than Harry was letting on but, for fear of losing Harry again, he did not push for more.

"I'm glad your back, Harry."

"Me too." Harry was no longer staring at Jack. He had spotted a picture on that had fallen off of the mantel piece during his and Darren fight. It was a picture of Jack and Mel, Harry's younger sister, at some amusement park.

Later, Jack got up to o to the toilet but not before telling Harry Mel now worked at the supermarket café and would probably be in there today.

When Jack returned from the toilet, Harry was gone...


At 12 noon, Darren decided to get a quick toilet break. He knew that as pizza would be on the menu today, the chances of him getting a lunch break before 3pm were pretty slim.

The male staff toilets were on the opposite side of the entrance to the male changing rooms and when Darren returned to the changing rooms after going to the toilet, he saw Harry standing in the other doorway.

"How the hell did you get passed security?" Darren asked in amazement.

"I've eluded the police for twelve months; I can get passed some crappy supermarket security." Harry replied smugly, "There are loads of people wondering about back here with no uniform or name-badge so I'm hardly going to stand out."

"Ok," said Darren, "Why are you here?" Darren felt he already knew the answer to that.

"We need to talk about Jack, don't we?" He closed the door so that no noise could be heard from the passers-by in the corridor outside. "I've come to say that because I am back there will be no need for you to see Jack anymore. We're happy. We're going to go into the woods later on and just be together."

Darren glared. "So, do you just expect me to stay away?"

"No" replied Harry in an eerily calm tone, "I think you need a warning."

In an instant, Harry mood changed from calm to anger as he grabbed Darren by the throat and pinned him against the lockers. Harry's face was so close to Darren's that he, Darren, could feel Harry's warm breath on his nose.

"You get one warning. If you come near Jack, I'll finish you," Harry growled through clenched teeth.

Darren did not reply but just watched as Harry let go and causally walked out of the changing rooms.

He, Darren, decided, as he headed back to work, that he would tell Mel about Harry's return during their break -- that was assuming she had not heard about it before.


Two hours after Harry disappearing, he return at Jack's house to find Jack reeked with worry.

"Where have you been!?" Jack shouted as he leapt to his feet off of the sofa when he saw Harry walk in.

"To get some milk." Harry lied holding up a carton of milk that he had bought on his way back from the supermarket.

"And it took you two hours to buy-!?"

"What's the matter, Jack? Don't you trust me?" Harry interrupted.

Jack was a little taken aback. "Of course I trust you. It's's that I thought you might have had to go away again. I was so worried."

Harry was not even listening to Jack. He was too busy staring out of the front room window. "You know, it's such a nice day. Should we go for a walk? It's been so long since I was at Sheer Drop. I would love to have a look at it again for old time sake."

"Yeah, ok. Anything you want."


As Darren had predicted, it was nearly 3 pm before his boss offered him and Mel a break which they gladly took. It had been such a busy afternoon. They went into the staffroom in the back of the supermarket where they took a table on its own.

"Look Mel," began Darren, "there's something you need to know. I know about you and Jack. I know about Harry. I know he is your brother and that he's been on the run from the police but...he's back Mel. He's back."

Mel's face seemed to go greyer with every word Darren said.

"I need to know," Darren continued, "Is Jack in any danger?"

"There something you need to know about Harry but you can't tell anyone. Not even Carrie. Harry was never on the run from the police. He's been living with his dad."

"Living with his dad?" Darren was shocked. He did not know how many more revelations he could take.

"Oh come on, Darren. Did you really think that a teenager could outrun the law? But there's more. My dad used to be really violent and Harry used to take it upon himself to protect me and my mum anyway he could. Only one day, the day my dad was moving out and the day that he supposedly disappeared, he tried to kill me and my mum."

"He tried to kill you!? Why?"

"It was the only way he could think of to get us three away from my bastard dad. Harry was not brutal. He did not try and kill us with a knife or something; he just turned the gas fire on without lighting it. I and Harry fell asleep and it was only when my mum started getting drowsy that she realised what had happen. She kicked Harry out of the house and made him live with my dad. I guess the reason why he faked his death was because he could not bear to tell Jack the truth. I haven't seen Harry since that day. I was in hospital for a few days and did not get to see him go. I wish I could have though. I wanted to tell him that I understood why he did what he did and that I forgive him."

"So he tried to kill you as a last resort." Darren brain was in full motion -- which was rare. "That means that if he feels his relationship with Jack is under threat-"

"Oh my god! He's going to kill him!" Mel interrupted.

With that, they sprang from the table and bolted out of the staff room.


Across town, Harry and Jack were sitting on the exact same ledge that they had sat on before Harry had left.

Jack had a mixed look of horror and empathy as Harry had just told Jack what really happened that day he left - about the attempted murder.

"But you see Jack," pleaded Harry, on his knees in front of Jack. "I only did for them. I never thought there would be another way out of it. I was only 15, I was not thinking straight."


Back at the supermarket, Mel and Darren were arguing with their boss about giving them a lift to the Sheer Drop. After much objection, their boss agreed to take one of them as long as the other stayed to work in the café.


"Ok, Harry. I understand." Jack replied rather quietly.

Harry smiled with relief.


By now, Darren and his boss were in the car speeding along the side streets to avoid all the traffic on the main roads.


"Do you think we should be heading back?" asked Harry looking at his watch.

Jack nodded quietly. What had he done? He had abandoned the one that truly loved him, Darren, for this maniac. Jack only hoped that he would live long enough so that he could get home and ring Darren for help.

They got up and started to make their way across the narrow path when Jack heard something that made him feel safe and relieved.

"JACK!" it was Darren. He was getting out of a car that was parked in the field below the Sheer Drop.

Jack did not shout back, but merely smiled at his knight in shining armour. Although this thought did not last long as Harry grabbed hold of Jack and pushed them both off the edge.

"JACK! NO!" Darren screamed in horror as he watched the only boy he had ever loved tumble to the ground.

There you go! Another pizza bites the dust! Sorry it took so long to get this one out guys.

Final part next time, when everything ends!

If you want to e-mail me, feel free:

Next: Chapter 5

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